Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO39 Task4


Using the examples of the mountain goat and bighorn sheep, explain two special features that help animals move around in a mountainous environment.

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TPO39 Task3


Explain how the example used in the lecture illustrates the concept of signaling.

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TPO39 Task2


The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

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TPO39 Task1


If you were given the choice of a school or work assignment, would you prefer to write a long report or give a speech in front of a large group of people? Use details and examples to explain your choice.

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TPO61 Task4


Using points and examples from the lecture, explain two adaptations that allow animals to run at high speeds.

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TPO61 Task3


Explain how the example from the lecture illustrates the concept of a diffusion effect.

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TPO61 Task2


The letter writer points out a problem with the math building and suggests an improvement. Briefly describe the improvement and explain the reasons why the woman agrees or disagrees with the letter writer’s suggestion.

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TPO61 Task1


Imagine that you must decide between two homes to live in. One place is very large and is brand new; but it is very far from your place of work or university. The second place is very small and is very old, but you would be able to get to work or university in less than five minutes. Which place would you prefer to live in? Explain why.

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Teach children how to behave


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior.Use details and examples to support your opinion.

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TPO40 Task4


Using points and examples from the lecture, explain two strategies salespeople use to address customer concerns.


Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture from a Business class. Professor: All right, so, um, a good salesperson needs to know how to talk to customers effectively. Sometimes customers looking to buy products will raise concerns, things that may be keeping them from buying the product. And salespeople stand a much better chance of selling their products, if they can effectively address these concerns. Let’s look at a couple of strategies they use to address customers’ concerns. OK, now one strategy is to point out something special about the product, something that outweighs the customers’ concern, like a special feature. Like, say, a customer’s in an electronics store, and a salesperson’s showing her a portable laptop computer. The customer expresses a concern, saying the computer’s expensive. Well, that’s true, but the salesperson can provide information to outweigh the concern about the price, by pointing out how fast the computer is, how much work it can get done in a short time. This special feature may outweigh the customers’ concern, convince her that it’s worth the price, so she’s more likely to buy it. Now another strategy is to demonstrate something about the product, actually use the product in front of the customer in response to a concern. Going back to the electronics store example, say the customer raises concerns about whether the laptop is portable enough, that it looks like it would be difficult to pack up and carry. Well, the salesperson could address this concern by unplugging the computer, putting it into its carrying case and slinging it over his shoulder, right in front of the customer. That is, he can demonstrate how easy it is to transport. This demonstration may help eliminate the customers’ concerns about buying the computer.


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TPO40 Task3


Explain how the example in the lecture illustrates agonistic behavior.


Agonistic Behavior Within certain animal species, conflicts sometimes arise over resources such as territory or food. To resolve these conflicts, two animals of the same species may engage in agonistic behavior. With this type of aggressive behavior, the animals participate in a physical competition that demonstrates which animal is more powerful. While each animal attempts to prove its strength in the competition, it typically does so without harming the other animal. Once the winner is established, that animal gains access to the desired resources, while the weaker animal surrenders and leaves the area.

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TPO40 Task2


The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


University to Create a Lounge for Commuter Students Many students at our university do not live in dormitories. These students live in town or in the suburbs and travel to campus every day The university has decided to provide these commuter students with a special lounge in the student center - with couches, chairs, and a television. University officials hope that this lounge - a place to socialize and relax - will give commuter students some of the same advantages that dormitory residents now have. An important additional feature of the lounge will be a bulletin board on the wall for posting and sharing information that may be especially useful to commuter students and their particular needs.

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TPO47 L3 Things coaches should know

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APCSA Class Rules

Class Rules for APCSA

Click to reveal APCSA Class Rules

1. Be Prepared

  • Come Prepared: Always come prepared for the class with all necessary materials.
  • Stay in Class: You cannot leave to fetch forgotten items like pens or papers during class time.

2. Punctuality

  • Arrive on Time: Be on time for the start of the class.
  • Finish on Time: Be ready to finish the class as scheduled.

3. Technology Requirements

  • Bring Your Computers: Always bring your computer, either Mac or Windows, fully charged. iPads may be used alongside, but not as a replacement for computers.
  • Charged Devices: A computer not charged is considered as not being prepared.

4. Classroom Behavior

  • No Distractions: No games, streaming, WeChat, or unrelated internet browsing during class.
  • Focus on Class: Only activities related to the class are allowed.
  • Enforcement: If you are found engaging in unrelated activities like gaming or using WeChat more than three times in one class:
    • Warnings: The first two occurrences will result in verbal warnings.
    • Reflective Board: On the third occurrence, you must write your name on the reflective board.

5. Internet Connectivity

  • Check Your Connection: Always ensure you are connected to room 419’s network.
  • Turn Off VPN: turn off any personal VPN.

6. Classroom Maintenance

  • Keep It Clean: Keep the classroom clean and do not leave trash in the drawer.
  • Power Needs: If you require a power strip, please bring your own.

7. Accountability

  • Reflective Board: Breaking a class rule requires you to sign your name on the reflective board.
  • Detention: Accumulating three signatures within a month results in detention.
  • Monthly Refresh: The board is refreshed monthly. If you have fewer than three signatures by the end of the month, you will not receive detention.
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TPO58 L2 Business Assumptions

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TPO26 L1 Green Marketing

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2024 JavaScript App Showcase

How to Upload Your Project Screenshot to Padlet

  1. Take a Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of your app while it is running, highlighting the key features.
  2. Edit the Screenshot: Use a picture editing tool to add a QR code to your screenshot. If you don’t have a tool, you can use this recommended tool. Use this QR code generator to create the QR code link to your project.
  3. Upload to Padlet:
    • Click the plus sign (+) at the bottom right corner.
    • Title your artwork with your name, followed by a colon.
    • Add a one or two-sentence bilingual description of your project.
  4. Submit: Once you have added the title and description, click submit.
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Academic performance and well organized habits

Task 1

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits.

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Student's name Original Text Revised Text
Flora Well, I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Because if they control themselves well, they will totally focus on the thing that they need to do on this period, and this makes them much more easier to succeed. For example, I have a friend, she used to waste a lot of time on her study because she can't organize herself well, but after she used the schedule to control her time, her grades have visibly improved. "I totally agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. When students can control themselves effectively, they can focus entirely on the tasks they need to accomplish during that time, making it much easier for them to succeed. For instance, I have a friend who used to waste a considerable amount of time on her studies because she struggled to organize herself. However, once she started using a schedule to manage her time, her grades noticeably improved."
George I agree with that statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. First, in students' study life, a lot of projects or programs need students to have well-organized abilities so that they can finish their homework well. And the second important reason is that if students have a well-organized habit, they can communicate with their teachers better and they can know more about themselves. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, in a student's academic life, many projects and assignments require them to have good organizational skills in order to complete their work effectively. Another crucial reason is that with well-organized habits, students can communicate better with their teachers and gain a better understanding of themselves."
Fielder I agree with his statement. Here's two reasons. First, if you have a well-organized habit, you'll be more confident, and your speaking skills, you communicate with others, it's more easy for you, and you can get a good communication with your team workers. Second, if you can communicate with your classmates well, they will be happy to work with you, and you will get a good relationship with them. It's also good for your performance. It really helps you. So I think they can be more successful. "I agree with this statement for two main reasons. Firstly, having well-organized habits can boost your confidence and improve your communication skills, making it easier to interact with others, including your team members. Secondly, effective communication with your classmates can lead to better teamwork and relationships, ultimately enhancing your overall performance. In my opinion, these factors can definitely contribute to greater success in academics."
Martin I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, if the people have many courses to study, if they can't make their books and resources tidy, they can't find it easily. And if you have well-organized habits, you can study in a high-efficient way. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, if students have numerous courses to study, it becomes challenging to locate their books and resources if they are not organized. Having well-organized habits allows students to study in a highly efficient manner."
Kevin I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. First, I think if the students have well-organized habits, they can use their time well. They won't waste a lot of time. They can do many meaningful things and do many things to prepare their performance and do many things. Such a good habit can help them, so I think they can achieve more successfully. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having well-organized habits allows students to manage their time effectively, avoiding wastage and enabling them to engage in meaningful activities that contribute to their academic performance. Such positive habits can undoubtedly aid them in achieving greater success."
Wesley I do agree that students with well-organized habits are more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance because their language and grammar will be no mistakes and the language they speak is very logical and it's easy to understand what they have said. And for the not well-organized habits students, they cannot speak their purpose very easily or clearly so that the performance standards of them will have obvious differences. So I agree with this opinion. "I agree that students with well-organized habits are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance. When their habits are well-organized, they are able to communicate effectively with clear language and grammar, making it easy for others to understand their thoughts. On the other hand, students with disorganized habits may struggle to articulate their ideas clearly, leading to differences in performance standards. Therefore, I support this viewpoint."
Sword Honestly speaking, I disagree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve greater success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. There are basically two reasons for that. Firstly, sometimes students need intuitions and they need casual thinking. For example, every afternoon I like to think casually on a not fixed thing and I always get something important or surprising. Secondly, it's not fair to rule all the students just because of a better organized habit. Every student is different and some students may don't like to be ruled or to be organized by their habits. "Honestly, I have to disagree with the idea that students will achieve greater academic success solely through well-organized habits. I have two main reasons for this. Firstly, students sometimes need to rely on intuition and engage in casual thinking. Personally, I find that taking time in the afternoon to casually ponder various topics often leads to important and surprising insights. Secondly, it wouldn't be fair to expect all students to conform to strict organizational habits. Every student is unique, and some may not thrive under such rigid structures."
Cicily In my standpoint, I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance. In my standpoint, I think if they keep the good habits, it's a good way for them to get higher scores and to keep them have good habits to learning. So if they give up and don't care about academic performance, these habits will be forgotten, so it's hard to control the students. "In my opinion, I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. I believe that maintaining good habits is essential for achieving higher scores and ensuring consistent learning. If students neglect their academic performance and stop caring, these habits may fade away, making it challenging to stay focused."
Leon I agree that the student will be more likely to achieve the great success on their academic performance when they have a well-organized habit. Because as we have this habit, it is a very glad thing to gain the honor by ourselves and to achieve the high level I think is every student's most important purpose to get. And from the academic performance part, I think it is also very glad to achieve. "I agree that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Developing good habits is essential for gaining recognition and reaching high levels of achievement, which I believe is the main goal for every student. Additionally, achieving success in academic performance brings a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction."
Tina I agree with this opinion because students who can organize their language well can express their opinions more clearly and will make less mistakes. And they will have more different kinds of ideas. And a great academic performance will also help them get high college participation and achieve great success on their grammar and language. "I agree with this statement because students who can organize their habits well can express their thoughts more clearly and make fewer mistakes. Additionally, having well-organized habits can lead to a wider range of ideas. Achieving great academic performance can also increase college opportunities and pave the way for success in language and grammar skills."
Victoria I agree with it. The students will be more likely to achieve a great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Because most of the time, if they have well-organized habits and they can get a great success on the academic performance, they can learn some new things in this performance, and it will be more useful for them in the future life, and it can make their mental health better. "I agree with that statement. Students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Having these habits allows them to learn new things effectively, which can benefit them in the future and improve their mental health."
Vicky opinion that the student will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance with their work-organized habits. Because firstly, if the student has their own habits on something, they will get a great interest in it. They will pay more attention on their academic performance. And the second, if they get a great success in this, it will be a good chance to encourage them to learn a lot. I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having personal habits can increase their interest in a subject, leading to more focus on their academic performance. Secondly, achieving success can motivate them to learn more.
August I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Here are two reasons to support my opinion. The first reason is when they all have well-organized habits, they can pay more attention on one task, which means that they can do one work very carefully and do it very well. And the second reason is they can keep doing this because they have this habit and it's well-organized so they can keep doing one thing for a very long time. "I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Here are two reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, with well-organized habits, students can focus more on a single task, allowing them to complete it carefully and effectively. Secondly, having well-organized habits enables students to maintain consistency in their work over a prolonged period."
Zao I agree that students will be more likely to achieve a great success on their academic performance when they have good habits. I have a feeling about this. Personally, when students have good study habits, like they know when to study and they will study very well, so they will have a good grade once more. If students have good habits, they will study more harder and will not do some bad things, and this can protect them to focus on their study. "I agree that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have good habits. Personally, I believe that when students have effective study habits, such as knowing when to study and studying diligently, they are more likely to achieve higher grades. Good habits also help students avoid distractions and stay focused on their studies."
Steven I totally agree with it because I think well organized is a very important ability when we are studying a language such as English. So well organized habits need a clear brain. So it's very important for us to organize our expression. So we know academic performance is related with our expression ability. "I completely agree with the statement because I believe that having well-organized habits is crucial when studying a language like English. Well-organized habits require a clear mind, making it important for us to organize our thoughts and expressions. Academic performance is closely tied to our ability to express ourselves effectively."
Joyce Yes, I agree with that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. For example, my best friend named Chris, and she is a student who really has well-organized habits like after class when other students are talking loudly with each other or making noisy and she can still focus on her homework or project and I think that's why she can get success and become the top student in our school. "Yes, I agree that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. For instance, my best friend, Chris, is a student who exhibits excellent organizational habits. Despite distractions like other students talking loudly or making noise after class, she can still concentrate on her homework or projects. I believe this is why she has been able to succeed and become the top student in our school."
Michael I agree with their statements, and I have two reasons to support my opinion. First is that if the students have good organized habits, they can control themselves successfully. And if they have a successful academic performance, it's good for the future and them. And the second reason is that if they achieve a great success on their academic performance, it can improve their English speaking and English language and those grammars. So the academic performance can help students for the future and a lot of them. And a lot of hope for them is fruitful and beneficial. So that's a good choice. "I agree with the statement, and I have two reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, having well-organized habits allows students to successfully control themselves. This, in turn, leads to successful academic performance, which is beneficial for their future. Secondly, achieving great success in academics can also improve their English speaking skills, language proficiency, and grammar. Therefore, academic success not only benefits students in the present but also sets a solid foundation for their future endeavors. Overall, having well-organized habits is a wise choice."
Alice I agree that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits because firstly, it's really good for the student's health. Well-organized habits can help students have a healthy body and more focus on their homework or the academic performance. And secondly, it can help them to get the attention to their homework. It really helps them a lot. So I think the well-organized habits really help them to get success on their academic performance. "I agree that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, maintaining such habits is beneficial for the student's health, enabling them to have a healthy body and better focus on their homework and academic tasks. Secondly, well-organized habits can enhance their attention towards their studies, ultimately leading to academic success. Therefore, I believe that cultivating well-organized habits is crucial for academic achievement."
Selina Well, for me, I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits, because when they have the well-organized habits, it means they have prepared well. And when they get the success of academic performance, maybe they have the best emotions and they can be better in the future. So I agree with the following statement. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Having well-organized habits means being well-prepared, which can lead to success in academic performance. This success can also boost their emotions and contribute to their future improvement. So, I agree with this statement."
Andy So, I completely agree with this opinion that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have great organized hobbies. And the first reason is that if a student that has a well-organized hobby, it means that he or she will have great experience on it. Then it also means that he or she will get the success more easily, easier. And the second reason is that if a student sees this as a hobby, he or she will spend a lot of time on it. And when he or she spends a lot of time on it, it means that he is very hard on it, and then it means that he or she will get success. "I completely agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having a well-organized hobby implies that the student has significant experience in that area, making success more attainable. Additionally, treating the hobby seriously leads to dedicating ample time to it, demonstrating a strong work ethic that ultimately results in success."
Joe We said in the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance if they have well-organized habits first. Because if the students have well-organized habits, their objects will be put in a correct and orderly way, so they can find their things easily, they can save their time to do more things on their academic things, rather than to find many things in a very crowded and messy chore or on their desk. It will save many time off there. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. When students have well-organized habits, their belongings are placed in a correct and orderly manner, making it easier for them to find things quickly. This saves them time to focus on their academic tasks instead of searching through a cluttered and messy desk. Ultimately, having well-organized habits can save a lot of time."
Karl I agree with this comment. The first one is well-organized. The first word is well-organized. You can do many things in a limited time. The second reason is well-organized. The third reason is well-organized. When they need to choose a choice, when they need to make a choice, they will find the most efficient way to achieve their goal. Go on. But not waste money. "I agree with this statement. Being well-organized is crucial for success in academics. When someone has good habits, they can efficiently manage their time and tasks. This allows them to make better decisions and find the most effective ways to reach their goals without wasting resources."
Carol I agree with that, because I think the students have already achieved a great success on their academic performance. So I think they should have some organization habits, because at first, they need time. The students also, the person, they have many pressures. They can relax themselves in some habits when they like. And second, she has already finished the work she needs to do, so I think she can still play something. "I agree with that statement because I believe that students who already have achieved great success in their academic performance should maintain well-organized habits. Initially, students require time to manage their workload effectively. Additionally, individuals face various pressures, and having habits they enjoy can help them relax. Furthermore, once a student completes their necessary tasks, they can also engage in leisure activities."
Keven To my own opinion, I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, if the people with well-organized habits, he can regulate himself well and know what he will do next, and then plan what he will do clearly and carefully. And secondly, the people with well-organized habits can set his own goal and try his best to realize it, so he is more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance. "In my opinion, I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, individuals with well-organized habits can effectively regulate themselves, plan their actions clearly and carefully, and know what steps to take next. Secondly, those with well-organized habits can set specific goals and strive to achieve them, increasing their chances of academic success."
Bobby The statement that students will be more likely to achieve success on their academic performance if they have well-organized habits. The first reason is they can learn more and practice more. It can help them open their minds and find what they are interested in. The second reason is that it can make their life meaningful. So I agree with the statement. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. One reason is that having such habits allows them to learn and practice more, which can help broaden their minds and discover their interests. Additionally, it can bring meaning to their lives."
Meredith I agree with Stephen that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits, because if they are good at organizing, it means that they have a great logic that they can gather different types of information. And this is a good way to help them to understand what they have learned in different classes. And also they can have a good absorb on their knowledge. And instead of this, if the student didn't have a well-organized habit, they will be confusing on their knowledge. "I agree with Stephen that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Being good at organizing indicates strong logical skills, enabling them to gather various information effectively. This, in turn, aids in their comprehension across different subjects and enhances their ability to retain knowledge. Conversely, students without well-organized habits may struggle with confusion in their learning process."
Raymond I agree with this opinion that they will have great achievement when they have well-organized habits. Because I think, first, well-organized habits means they maybe have deep habits on this and this will make them more focus on their performance and do them to use more attention. And second, I think they will have well-preparation if they have "I agree with the statement that students will achieve great success when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having well-organized habits indicates a strong commitment to certain routines, which can enhance their focus on academic performance and allow them to pay more attention. Secondly, being well-prepared is crucial if they have"
Lauren with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Because for the first reason, if the students can have well-organized habits, it will help them communicate with their classmates very well. Also, practice is organized ability. And another reason is it can make the students more confident and they will not fear the public. I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having well-organized habits can improve communication with classmates. Additionally, being organized allows for effective practice. Another reason is that it can boost students' confidence and reduce fear of public speaking.
Tom that students will be more likely to achieve their success on the academic performance when they have a more well-agreed habits because, first of all, students will, because they need to achieve their academic English performance, they need to organize their English, their talking, and their mind, and also to develop their habits. It's a very good way, and it could promote them to a clear, more clear mind to achieve this academic performance. So I think it is good. "Students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, organizing their English language skills, communication, and mindset is crucial for academic success. Developing good habits can lead to a clearer mind and better academic performance. In my opinion, it is beneficial."
Regina agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they will arrange habits. Because if you have the well-organized habits, you can control your time and you can use the time to study and that you can study well. If you can't have the organized habits, you may lose a lot of time. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Having well-organized habits allows you to effectively manage your time, allocate it for studying, and study efficiently. On the other hand, lacking organized habits can result in wasting a significant amount of time."
Mike Referring to myself, I strongly agree with the idea that students who have good learning habits can do well in the academic exam for two reasons. Firstly, I think while they have good habits, they can easily manage their time and assignments, which means that they can easily contribute to their works so that their efficiency can be increased, and so they can save a lot of time. And then they can finish more work than others, which means that they can exercise more, and so they can make more efforts than others. "Speaking from personal experience, I wholeheartedly agree that students with strong study habits are more likely to excel academically. Firstly, having good habits enables them to effectively organize their time and assignments, leading to increased efficiency and time-saving. This allows them to complete more tasks than their peers, giving them the opportunity to practice more and put in greater effort."
Isaiah I totally agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. I have two reasons. First of all, if they have organized habits, they must have a plan. And they may know when they should do something, and they may list some steps. And second, because they are well-prepared, so they have confidence, so these people can achieve success more likely. "I completely agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. I have two reasons to support this. Firstly, having organized habits means having a plan in place. This enables them to know what needs to be done and to outline the necessary steps. Secondly, being well-prepared instills confidence, which in turn increases the likelihood of success."
Mason From my perspective, I totally agree with this statement that a student will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have a well-organized habit. For example, my best friend George, he has a well-organized habit and she always knows what is the next class and she will organize the materials which must be used in the next class. But I always can't find it out and my score is quite a mess, so it always confuses me. Also, George's score is always higher than mine, so I totally agree with that statement. "I completely agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. For instance, my close friend George exemplifies this as he maintains a well-organized routine by planning ahead for his classes and preparing the necessary materials in advance. In contrast, I often struggle to stay organized, leading to confusion and lower scores. George consistently outperforms me academically, further reinforcing the importance of having well-organized habits."
Claire I agree with Stedman. I think students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. First reason is, I think it is good for students' physical health because if they have well-organized habits, they can do analysis if they like it, and it is very good for their health and good for their physical health. Another reason is, it is also good for their studies because if they have well-organized habits, they can study more things and it is also good for their studies. All in all, I think it is good for students to have well-organized habits. "I agree with the statement. I believe that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. One reason is that it benefits their physical health. With well-organized habits, they can prioritize tasks effectively, leading to better overall health. Additionally, it aids in their studies as it allows them to cover more material efficiently. Overall, I strongly support the idea of students maintaining well-organized habits."
Jenny I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Here are my reasons. That is, well-organized habits means you can plan your time well. That means you will know in which period you should do which things. Because academic performance will take a lot of time and energy for you and you will pay less time on the other subjects or other works. So this time, well-organized habits will help you to design your time and your energy. "I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Here's why: Having well-organized habits allows you to effectively manage your time. This means you can prioritize tasks and allocate your energy efficiently. Academic performance demands a significant amount of time and effort, so by having well-organized habits, you can focus more on your studies and spend less time on other distractions. Ultimately, well-organized habits help you structure your time and energy effectively."
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TPO61 L3 Green Building

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App Lab Scoring guideline

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TPO56_L4_Coastal Environment

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long report or speech

Task 1

If you were given the choice of a school or work assignment, would you prefer to write a long report or give a speech in front of a large group of people? Use details and examples to explain your choice.

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Student's name Language Use Topic Development Overall Score Original Text Revised Text
Mason 2.0 2.0 2.0 A little bit myself, I think I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people because I think write a long report is a waste of time and also my my grammar is not really good, so there must have so many grammar mistakes and because and if If I have a speech in front of large groups so I can have more time I guess I can learn more other things about this major whatever what so I think I must give a speech Personally, I prefer giving a speech in front of a large group of people rather than writing a long report. I find writing a lengthy report to be time-consuming, especially since my grammar skills are not very strong, leading to potential mistakes. Additionally, presenting a speech allows me more opportunities to learn about my field of study and engage with others, so I believe giving a speech is the better choice for me.
Flora 2.5 3.5 3.0 Well, if I'm given the choice of a school or work assignment, I would prefer to giving the speech in front of a large group of people because if I give the speech in front of a large group of people, maybe I can become more confident and this can help me to develop the speaking skills. For example, I have a friend, she used to be really shy and she even not dare to speak to the strangers, so she tried to give speech in front of people, then she gradually become more confident and now her speaking skill has improved a lot. Well, if I were given the choice between a school or work assignment, I would prefer giving a speech in front of a large group of people. I believe that by doing so, I can become more confident and improve my speaking skills. For instance, I have a friend who was extremely shy and hesitated to speak to strangers. However, she decided to give speeches in front of people, which gradually boosted her confidence and significantly enhanced her speaking abilities.
Michael 2.5 3.5 3.0 I prefer to write a long report because if I write a long report, Isabel can make more mistakes and to check them. But if I give a speech in front of a large group of people, I normally can't make a mistake. I just can't be the one. So if I write a long report, I can be more prepared and it will make others clearly understand what I mean. It also saves time and it's easier than the speech in front of a large group of people. I prefer writing a long report because it allows me to review and correct any mistakes. When giving a speech in front of a large group, there's more pressure to not make mistakes. By writing a report, I can better prepare and ensure that others understand my ideas clearly. Additionally, it saves time and is less daunting than speaking in front of a large audience.
Joyce 2.5 3.5 3.0 I prefer to write a long report. First of all, for me, giving a speech in front of a large group of people is too nervous. Like, I will feel very nervous and maybe I will forget a lot of details or good ideas about my speech. But for writing a long report, I can check the details again and again. And also, I can add some good ideas about the report even I didn't come up with the first time. I would prefer to write a long report. Firstly, speaking in front of a large group makes me very nervous. I worry that I might forget important details or ideas during the speech. However, when writing a long report, I have the opportunity to review and revise the content multiple times. Additionally, I can incorporate new ideas into the report, even if they didn't initially occur to me.
Camilia 2.5 3.5 3.0 to write a long report about that because first if we write it down and we can have more time to think about it and also we can have deeper expression about that and second we can have a review about our what we wrote before and also we can have more communicate about while we work about this assignment so according to that we can know that if we have a speech we will not have a this kind of ability to repeat what we learned or what we worry about so i prefer to choose a long report I would prefer to write a long report because when we write things down, we have more time to think and express our ideas deeply. Additionally, we can review our work and communicate more effectively with others. This allows us to reinforce our learning and understanding compared to giving a speech where we may not have the opportunity to repeat or elaborate on our thoughts. So, my choice would be to write a long report.
Zao 2.5 3.5 3.0 I prefer to write a long report because I have a few reasons for it. First of all, if you want to give a speech in front of a large group, you also need to write long essays and you need to prepare to give a presentation for people. But if you only need to write a long report, you don't need to think about this. What's more, giving a speech to a large group of people is very embarrassing. I don't have the courage to do that, so I think I will choose to write a long report. I prefer writing a long report for a few reasons. Firstly, when giving a speech to a large group, one must also write lengthy essays and prepare a presentation. However, with just a long report, there is less stress. Additionally, speaking in front of a large audience can be quite daunting and embarrassing. Personally, I lack the courage for such a task, so I would opt for writing a detailed report instead.
Mike 2.5 3.5 3.0 In my view, I prefer to write a long report in order to show the school's assignment situation for two reasons. Firstly, I think the long report shows more information about the worknet division because the long report with a lot of words can contain many information about one case and it shows overall aspects of the problem. Also, I think the report is more formula compared with the speech. Personally, I would choose to write a long report for a school assignment. I believe that a detailed report provides a comprehensive overview of the topic. It allows for a thorough analysis of the issue at hand and presents a more structured and in-depth examination compared to a speech in front of a large audience.
Eric 2.5 3.0 2.75 I will prefer give a speech in front of a large group of people. The first reason is if you're in a large group of people, you can learn more details about the work assignment, so you can learn others' ideas and provide yourself thinking. And the second reason is if you give a speech in front of a large group of people, you can find some wrong things in your ideas, and you can change it to get a better goal for your work. I would prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. The main reason is that being in a large group allows for more insight into the work assignment, enabling you to gather different perspectives and enhance your own thinking. Additionally, presenting a speech to a large audience helps identify any flaws in your ideas, allowing you to make necessary adjustments to achieve better outcomes in your work.
Meredith 2.5 2.5 2.5 I would prefer to write a long report of the schoolwork assignment. First, sometimes people will feel stressful to face a lot of people and to do the speech. And also, sometimes your logic will be disturbed by others' ideas. And also, that will be more clean with your mind when you just write a long report because it can do by yourself and you can manage your time of your writing and thinking. I would prefer to choose writing a long report for a school or work assignment. Firstly, giving a speech in front of a large group of people can be stressful and may disrupt your logical thinking due to others' ideas. Additionally, writing a report allows for a clearer mind as you can work independently and manage your time effectively for both writing and thinking.
George 2.5 2.5 2.5 In my opinion, I like to write a long report because I think writing a long report can have a great preparation for the project and can give the entire things that the students prepare. Second, writing a long report can prove that the students do a good job, but if students give a speech, they can use a short time to prepare. Personally, I prefer writing a long report. I believe that writing a comprehensive report allows for thorough preparation for the project and ensures that all necessary information is included. Additionally, a well-written report can demonstrate the student's effort and dedication. On the other hand, giving a speech may require less preparation time, but it may not provide as much depth and detail as a written report.
Richard 2.5 3.5 3.0 I prefer to write a long report to the school, although the speech in front of a large group can make them emotional, moved, but in the long run, in the long time to write a report can let me detect more specifically to make sure there's no mistakes. And secondly, to those people who are shy like me, they are not good at giving a speech to the public, so it is a safe way to express our opinion. I prefer writing a long report for school. Although giving a speech in front of a large group can be emotional and moving, in the long run, writing a report allows for more specific detection of mistakes. Additionally, for individuals who are shy like myself, giving a speech in public may not be their strong suit, making writing a report a safer way to express our opinions.
Karl 2.5 3.5 3.0 I prefer to write long reports than give a speech in front of a large group of people. The first reason is that giving a speech also takes a long time to prepare, and you must try your best to avoid some situations that happen that affect badly. But writing a long report can give you time to revise your report and deal with your problems. So from time and dealing problems, I choose to write long reports. I prefer writing long reports over giving a speech in front of a large group of people. One reason is that preparing for a speech takes a considerable amount of time, and you must make an effort to avoid situations that can negatively impact your presentation. On the other hand, writing a long report allows you the opportunity to revise and address any issues that may arise. Considering time management and problem-solving, I opt for writing long reports.
Joe 2.5 2.0 2.25 to write a long report rather than give speeches in front of a large group of people. First, if I try to write a long report, so I can't write everything I want and consider it carefully, instead of give a speech in front of a large group of people. For example, when I give speeches in front of a large group of people, I will feel nervous and I will forget some words and I won't say everything I want to say than give a report. I would prefer to write a long report rather than give speeches in front of a large group of people. If I write a long report, I can carefully consider everything I want to say. For instance, when I give speeches in front of a large group of people, I feel nervous and tend to forget some words, which prevents me from expressing all my thoughts effectively.
Kevin 2.5 2.5 2.5 I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. First, if you give a speech, you need to first write a long report. You can both write a report and give a speech. This is the first reason. The second is, if you give a speech in front of a large group of people, you can practice your speaking and practice you to speak in front of these people and not be shy. So that's why I choose to give a speech. I would prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. Firstly, when giving a speech, it is necessary to prepare a detailed report beforehand. This allows for the opportunity to both write a report and deliver a speech. Secondly, presenting in front of a large audience provides a chance to enhance public speaking skills and overcome any shyness. Therefore, I opt for giving a speech.
Lauren 2.5 2.5 2.5 I prefer to give a speech in front of a larger group of people because, for the first reason, I think giving a speech in front of a large group of people can exercise myself and also it can improve myself a lot. It can improve my speaking and also the confidence. And another reason why I give a speech in front of a large group of people is because I think this way can promote the relationship between my friend and me. My friend will be proud of me and also our relationship will become better. I prefer giving a speech in front of a larger group of people because, firstly, I believe that doing so can help me develop and enhance my speaking skills and boost my confidence. Additionally, I feel that delivering a speech in front of a large audience can strengthen the bond between my friends and me. They would feel proud of me, and our relationship would improve as a result.
Andy 2.5 3.0 2.75 So, I would prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people, because for myself, I think I'm more good at giving a speech, because I'm outgoing, so my speech is not really bad. Instead of that, my writing is quite bad, so I will choose to give a speech. And the second reason is that if you need to write a long report to the people, I think if you write something, you will consider more than speaking, because speaking, you just need to speak, but if you're writing, you have so many resources, and think about the grammar, so that's all. I would prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. I believe I am better at speaking because I am outgoing, so my speeches are usually well-received. On the other hand, my writing skills are not as strong, so I tend to struggle with long reports. Additionally, when you speak, you can express your ideas more freely without worrying too much about grammar or structure, unlike when you write where you have to consider various factors like grammar and resources.
Jenny 2.5 3.5 3.0 If I were given a choice of a school work or work assignment, I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. Here's my reason. That's because I think my spoken English is greater than writing a long report because my vocabulary of the specific words that are locked. So I think if I am brave enough and I have confidence to speak in front of a large group of people, I will certainly choose to give a speech in front of a large group of people. That will also increase my spoken English. If I had to choose between a school or work assignment, I would prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. The reason for this is that I believe my spoken English is stronger than my writing skills, as I have a more extensive vocabulary when speaking. Therefore, if I feel confident and courageous enough to address a large audience, I would definitely opt to deliver a speech. This experience would also help me improve my spoken English skills even further.
Keven 2.5 2.5 2.5 If I were given the choice of a school or work assignment compared with write a long report, I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, if I give a speech in front of a large group of people, I can express myself greatly because via my speech more people can know more about me and I can become more popular via this speech and can show my personifications. If given the option between a school or work assignment, I would prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people rather than writing a long report. There are several reasons for this preference. Firstly, giving a speech allows me to express myself effectively, as it enables more people to get to know me better. Additionally, I can increase my popularity through the speech and showcase my personality.
Isaiah 2.5 2.5 2.5 Well, I prefer to write a long report. I have two reasons. First of all, I think a long report can let me know more about or realize the main idea of the school or work assignment. I can know more details. Second is I can practice the writing skills. I would prefer to write a long report. I have two reasons for this preference. Firstly, I believe that a lengthy report allows me to gain a deeper understanding of the main idea behind the school or work assignment, as it provides more detailed information. Secondly, it also gives me the opportunity to enhance my writing skills through practice.
Raymond 2.5 2.0 2.25 I would prefer to write a long report because sometimes I'm afraid to show myself when there is many people under the site, so I will choose to work in the back side of the group. And also I have some advantages in writing, such as I can write many different ideas from other groups and create some ideas. I would prefer to write a long report because I sometimes feel nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. I prefer working behind the scenes. Additionally, I have an advantage in writing as I can incorporate various ideas from different sources and create new concepts.
August 2.0 2.5 2.25 I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. There are two reasons to support my opinion. The first reason is you can make yourself feel more confident when you give a speech instead of write a long report at home and you did nothing about your personality. You only write. And the second reason is most of them can make you know more analogy but at the same time when you give a speech you can get the confidence and at the time you can get a more clear structure. I prefer giving a speech in front of a large group of people. There are two reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, giving a speech can boost your confidence compared to simply writing a report at home where you don't actively engage. Secondly, presenting in front of an audience allows for more interaction and the opportunity to improve your communication skills, leading to a clearer and more structured presentation.
Selina 2.0 2.0 2.0 Well, for me, I prefer to write a long report for reasons that I think a long report can avoid me to get nervous and if I give a speech in front of a large group, maybe my opinion will change quickly and so I want to suggest my opinion in the report. Personally, I would choose to write a long report over giving a speech in front of a large group. I believe that writing a report helps me avoid feeling nervous, and it allows me to express my opinion more effectively without the pressure of changing my thoughts quickly during a speech.
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TPO65 L2 Resilience

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Audio Transcription with WebAssembly

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TPO60 L4 Psychological Development

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TPO67 L2 Emotional Connection

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TPO64 L3 Gila Monster

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TPO65 L1 dinosaurs are warm-blooded

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Task1 Revision Should Old People Take Risks

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TPO69 L3 fiddler crab

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TPO70 L1 Evolutionary Advantage

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TPO66 L2 fish movement

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TPO66 L1 sleep

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TPO59 L3 Mass Wasting


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S1 2024 Winter Break Homework


听力练习 ➡️ 场景练习 ➡️ 校园生活 ➡️ 图书馆与书店

TPO1 - TPO40 共13 篇对话


口语练习 ➡️ 场景练习 ➡️ 独立口语 ➡️ 教育学习

TPO2 - TPO39 共19 篇独立口语


分别于 2月4日 2月18日 上传两次 我的练习 ➡️ 托福练习 截图。截图需要截全屏(能看到名字,近百日学习数据等) 上传时,Subject写英文名, Write something 写 第几次上传。

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TPO60 L2 Building Design Vocabulary List

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
budget The allocated amount of money for a project 预算 The team had to work within a tight budget for the building project.
constraints Limitations or restrictions 约束 The engineers faced several constraints, including time and resources.
face Confront or deal with a situation 面对 Engineers often face unexpected challenges during construction.
go on Continue speaking or doing something 继续 The professor encouraged the student to go on with his explanation.
heat High temperature, especially as it affects surroundings The heat in the desert impacts the material choice for buildings.
affect To have an influence on or make a change in 影响 Weather conditions can significantly affect the design of a structure.
figure out Solve a problem or understand something 弄清楚 The engineers had to figure out how to build the bridge in harsh conditions.
deal with To take action to solve a problem 处理 Engineers need to deal with environmental and budgetary challenges.
winding Twisting and turning 蜿蜒 The winding bridge spans a wide river.
spanning Extending across something 横跨 The bridge is spanning a width of 8 miles.
body A large and distinct unit of something The bridge crosses a large body of water.
strait A narrow passage of water connecting two seas or large areas of water 海峡 The Northumberland Strait has harsh weather conditions.
harshest Most severe or extreme in nature 最严酷的 The harshest weather conditions challenge the bridge’s design.
ferry A boat that regularly carries passengers and vehicles across an area of water 渡轮 Before the bridge, people used a ferry to cross the strait.
long lines Extended queues of people or vehicles 长队 There were always long lines waiting for the ferry.
ride A journey made on a vehicle or mode of transportation 乘坐 The ferry ride across the strait was often delayed by bad weather.
schedule A plan for carrying out a process or procedure, listing the times when specific tasks should be performed 时间表 The ferry’s schedule was unreliable due to weather conditions.
and all Used for emphasizing everything or everyone in a particular group 等等 They had to consider the cold, the ice, the wind, and all in their design.
stretch An extended area or length of something 一段 The bridge covers a long stretch of freezing water.
masses Large quantities or amounts 大量 Huge masses of ice float down the strait in winter.
supported Held up or carried 支撑 The bridge is supported by specially designed piers.
pier A structure used to support a bridge or dock 码头 The piers of the bridge had to withstand ice impact.
span The full extent of something 跨度 The span of the bridge is impressive.
column A vertical structure used to support a building or structure 柱子 The bridge’s piers are like large columns in the water.
cylinder A solid geometric figure with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross section 圆柱 The piers had a cylinder shape to withstand the ice.
compress Squeeze or press together 压缩 The ice sheets compress against the bridge piers in winter.
ice chunks Large pieces of frozen water 冰块 The ice chunks can cause damage to the bridge structure.
form To come into existence or take shape 形成 Ice chunks form when large sheets of ice break up.
block To obstruct or impede 阻塞 The ice can block the passage under the bridge.
passage A way through something 通道 The passage under the bridge is crucial for ship navigation.
analyze Examine in detail to understand their nature or to determine their essential features 分析 Engineers analyze environmental factors before building.
come up with To think of or suggest an idea or plan 提出 The engineers came up with a unique design for the bridge.
comes into play Becomes important or relevant 发挥作用 Innovation comes into play in solving complex engineering challenges.
shields Protective devices or structures 盾牌 The engineers designed shields for the bridge piers.
inverted Turned upside down or inside out 倒置的 The inverted cone shape was key to the pier design.
critical Extremely important or essential 关键的 The pier design was critical to the bridge’s success.
in contact with Touching or meeting 接触 The base of the pier is in contact with the water and ice.
close up A detailed view or photograph 特写 A close up of the pier base shows the unique design.
approaches Moves towards or near to something 接近 As the ice approaches, it slides up the sloping base.
horizontal Parallel to the ground or to the bottom or top edge of something 水平的 The ice moves from a horizontal direction to an upward angle.
diagonal A line connecting two opposite corners of a shape 对角线 The engineer designed the bridge with diagonal support beams for extra stability.
build up To gradually accumulate or increase 积累 Over time, there was a significant build up of ice around the bridge’s supports.
unobstructed Free from obstacles or blockages 无阻碍的 The bridge offered an unobstructed view of the surrounding landscape.
wind tunnel A tunnel-like structure for testing the effects of air movement 风洞 The design of the bridge was tested in a wind tunnel to ensure its stability.
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OpenAI Whisper 语音转文字


1. 加载模型

js: Running...
loadRemote: storage quota: 2580729931 bytes
loadRemote: storage usage: 0 bytes
loadRemote: created IndexedDB version 1
loadRemote: "" is not in the IndexedDB
fetchRemote: downloading with fetch()...
fetchRemote: fetching 0% ...
fetchRemote: fetching 10% ...
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fetchRemote: fetching 80% ...
fetchRemote: fetching 90% ...
fetchRemote: fetching 100% ...
loadRemote: "" stored in the IndexedDB
storeFS: stored model: whisper.bin size: 77704715

2. 选择输入方式

3. 上传或录制音频

js: loading audio: TPO60_L1.mp3, size: 4570948 bytes
js: please wait ...
js: audio loaded, size: 4569600

4. 设置语言和线程

5. 开始转录

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TPO60 L1 Oil Paint Vocabulary List

English Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Expression Example Sentence in English
Media Various materials used in art 媒介 Artists choose from a wide range of media for their works.
Formulated Specially designed or created 特制的 These paints are formulated for specific surfaces.
Enormous Very large 巨大 The artist had an enormous selection of colors.
Medium A material or technique used in art 媒介 Oil paint is a popular medium among artists.
Versatile Adaptable, useful in many ways 多用途的 Oil paints are versatile and suitable for various styles.
Manipulated Handled or controlled 操控 The artist manipulated the paint skillfully on the canvas.
Apply To put on a surface 涂抹 She will apply the first layer of paint to the canvas.
Scraped off Removed by scraping 刮除 The mistake was easily scraped off the canvas.
Diminishes Reduces in quality or value 减弱 Painting over a mistake in watercolor diminishes its freshness.
In terms of Regarding, concerning 就…而言 In terms of color, oil paints offer great variety.
Yolk The yellow part of an egg 蛋黄 Egg yolk was used as a binder in Tempera paint.
Binder A substance that makes pigments adhere 粘合剂 The yolk acted as a binder for the pigment.
Enable To make possible 使能够 The binder enables the pigment to stick to the canvas.
Pigment The coloring substance in paint 颜料 Artists mixed egg yolk with pigment to make paint.
Powdered iron Iron in powder form 铁粉 Powdered iron was used as a pigment in ancient times.
Copper A reddish-brown metal Copper was another common pigment in historical paints.
Room Space for something 空间 Tempera paint left little room for error.
Cracked Broke or split 裂开的 The Tempera paint cracked while drying.
Fate The outcome or destiny of something 命运 Van Eyck wanted to avoid the fate of cracking in his paint.
Credited Acknowledged or recognized 归功于 Van Eyck is credited with improving oil paint.
Opposite Contrary or different 相反的 Oil paint, in the opposite way to Tempera, dried slowly.
Recipe A set of instructions 配方 Van Eyck had a secret recipe for his oil paint.
Linseed oil Oil from flax seeds 亚麻籽油 Linseed oil was used to make the paint dry without cracking.
Depth Complexity or intensity 深度 The thin layers of oil paint gave a depth to the colors.
Laid Placed or set down 铺设 Van Eyck laid the paint in thin layers.
Layer A thickness or coat of material Each layer of paint added more texture to the painting.
Delicate Fine or precise 精细的 The brush strokes were so delicate they were invisible.
Practically Almost, nearly 几乎 The strokes were practically invisible to the naked eye.
Textural Relating to the feel or surface 质地的 The textural depth of oil paintings is unique.
Carried over Continued or retained 延续 The attitude towards rough paintings carried over for centuries.
Swirling Moving in a twisting manner 旋涡状的 Van Gogh’s paintings are known for their swirling brush strokes.
Appreciated Valued or esteemed 被赞赏 Van Gogh’s work was not appreciated during his lifetime.
Impressionists Artists of the Impressionist movement 印象派画家 The French impressionists used oil paints in a unique way.
Contemporaries People living at the same time 同时代的人 Van Gogh and the impressionists were contemporaries.
Attained Achieved or reached 达到 The impressionists attained more acclaim than Van Gogh.
Acclaim Praise or recognition 赞誉 The impressionists received great acclaim for their work.
Dabbs Small amounts of material 少量,小块 They applied oil paint in thick dabs to capture light.
Depict To represent or show 描绘 The artists used oil paints to depict the landscape.
Landscape Scenery or countryside 风景 The landscape was beautifully rendered in oil paint.
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Rosefinch & Kylin Poster Competition

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  1. 听力反思(共30分)
    • 难以掌握的讲座主题分析(10分)
    • 常犯错误的题型分析(10分)
    • 针对问题的改进计划(10分)
  2. 口语反思(共40分)
    • 语言运用的分析(13分)
    • 表达能力的反思(13分)
    • 话题发展的评估(14分)
  3. 听说目标和策略(共30分)
    • 明确的目标设定(10分)
    • 实际可行的学习策略和计划(20分)


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  1. 听力反思(共30分)
    • 难以掌握的讲座主题分析(10分)
    • 常犯错误的题型分析(10分)
    • 针对问题的改进计划(10分)
  2. 口语反思(共40分)
    • 语言运用的分析(13分)
    • 表达能力的反思(13分)
    • 话题发展的评估(14分)
  3. 听说目标和策略(共30分)
    • 明确的目标设定(10分)
    • 实际可行的学习策略和计划(20分)



我计划周一到周五晚自习7:30 - 8:00 练习听力,跟读并写笔记。

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Poster 评分标准

Scoring Standards

  Excellent (95+) Good (85+) Fair (75+) Poor (65+)
Content Accuracy Information is accurate, detailed, and relevant to the chosen topic. Mostly accurate and relevant, with minor inaccuracies or omissions. Some accurate information, but several inaccuracies or irrelevant details. Many inaccuracies, irrelevant or missing significant content related to the topic.
Design and Creativity Exceptionally creative and visually appealing; excellent use of space, color, and fonts. Attractive with good creativity; well-organized, with effective use of color and fonts. Fairly organized but lacks creativity; some issues with color choice or font readability. Poor layout and design; ineffective use of space, color, or fonts.
Clarity and Organization Information is presented in a logical, clear, and concise manner. Mostly clear and logical, but may have one or two areas of confusion. Some organization, but several areas are hard to follow or disorganized. Disorganized, lacking clarity, with information presented haphazardly.
Research and Sources Extensive research evident; sources are reputable and correctly cited. Adequate research and mostly correct citations. Limited research; some sources may not be credible or properly cited. Minimal or no research; sources missing or improperly cited.
Use of Graphics/Images High-quality, relevant graphics/images enhancing the content. Good quality and relevance; graphics/images contribute to content. Graphics/images used, but quality or relevance is inconsistent. Poor quality or irrelevant graphics/images, or lack thereof.
Language and Grammar No grammatical or spelling errors; language is clear and precise. Few grammatical or spelling errors that do not impede understanding. Several grammatical or spelling errors; some impact on readability. Numerous errors in grammar and spelling; significantly affects readability.



大家好,在此收集计算机个人项目 Poster 有效期截止到2024年1月6日12:49 链接: 来自:_MrMou

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Nintendo DS Nostalgia

Game Boy Advance (GBA) Classics
GBA 经典游戏

Game ROMs and Resources

Nintendo Switch NSP Files
Nintendo Switch NSP文件

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TPO61 task1 revision

Imagine that you must decide between two homes to live in. One place is very large and is brand new; but it is very far from your place of work or university. The second place is very small and is very old, but you would be able to get to work or university in less than five minutes. Which place would you prefer to live in? Explain why.

Task 1 答题结构

  1. opinion
  2. reason 1
  3. development
  4. development
  5. reason 2
  6. development
  7. development
  8. conclusion (if there’s time)
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打开 Chrome 的开发者工具(Developer Console)的方法如下:

  1. 使用鼠标
    • 在网页上右键点击,选择“检查”(Inspect)。
  2. 使用键盘快捷键
    • Windows/Linux:Ctrl + Shift + I
    • Mac:Cmd + Option + I
  3. 通过菜单
    • 在 Chrome 浏览器的右上角点击三个垂直的点(菜单按钮)。
    • 选择“更多工具”(More tools)。
    • 点击“开发者工具”(Developer tools)。

在开发者工具窗口中,点击“Console”选项卡即可进入 Console 界面。

// Select all <audio> elements with a "src" attribute that ends with ".wav"
// This is done using the CSS selector 'audio[src$=".wav"]'
const audioElements = [...document.querySelectorAll('audio[src$=".wav"]')];

// Loop through each of these audio elements
audioElements.forEach(audio => {
    // Get the "src" attribute of the current <audio> tag, which is the URL of the .wav file
    const src = audio.src;

    // Log (print) the URL to the console

    // Create a new <a> (link) element
    const a = document.createElement('a');

    // Set the href (URL) of the link to the .wav file's URL
    a.href = src;

    // Extract the name of the .wav file from its URL (everything after the last '/')
    // and set it as the default name when downloading the file = src.split('/').pop();

    // Set the visible text of the link to "Download" followed by the file's name
    a.innerText = 'Download ' +;

    // Append the link to the page, making it clickable by the user

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Note-Taking Abbreviations and Symbols

// Common Note-Taking Symbols
 - Leads to or results in
 - Decrease
 - Increase
= - Is equivalent to
< - Less than
> - More than
@ - At
? - Question
/ - Per
~ - Approximately or about
# - Number
& - And
! - Important
$ - Money
 - Therefore
 - Because
// General Note-Taking Abbreviations to Use
ASAP - As soon as possible
b/c - Because
b/w - Between
gov. or gov/t - Government
edu. or educ. - Education
e.g. - For example (from the Latin term, exempli gratia)
esp. - Especially
et. al. - And others (from the Latin term, et alii)
etc. - And so on (from the Latin term, et cetera)
ex. - Example
i.e. - In other words (from the Latin term, id est)
indv. - Individual
max. - Maximum
min. - Minimum or minute
prob. - Probably
sim. - Similar
sm. - Small
thru - Through
vs. - Versus
w/ - With
wd. - Word
w/o - Without
yr. - Year or years
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Introduction to JavaScript

The analogy of programming languages to kitchen tools

控制台 Console

打开 Chrome 的开发者工具(Developer Console)的方法如下:

  1. 使用鼠标
    • 在网页上右键点击,选择“检查”(Inspect)。
  2. 使用键盘快捷键
    • Windows/Linux:Ctrl + Shift + I
    • Mac:Cmd + Option + I
  3. 通过菜单
    • 在 Chrome 浏览器的右上角点击三个垂直的点(菜单按钮)。
    • 选择“更多工具”(More tools)。
    • 点击“开发者工具”(Developer tools)。

在开发者工具窗口中,点击“Console”选项卡即可进入 Console 界面。

Try some JavaScript code

Beginner 网页元素

// Displays Hello, World! in the console
// 在控制台显示 Hello, World!
console.log("Hello, World!");
// Displays the current browser information in an alert box
// 检测当前浏览器信息
alert("You are using " + navigator.userAgent);
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new semester's resolution lion

Leave your new semester’s resolution here – Lion 🦁️



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new semester's resolution dragon

Leave your new semester’s resolution here –Dragon 🐲



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new semester's resolution rosefinch

Leave your new semester’s resolution here –Rosefinch



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new semester's resolution kylin

Leave your new semester’s resolution here –Kylin



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Day11 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch


``` 12th August Rosefinch Agendas 课堂内容:

summer class final quiz 15

homework checking 15

Theme 主题: 托福口语总结

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Day11 ESL S/L -- Kylin


``` 12th August Rosefinch Agendas 课堂内容:

summer class final quiz 15

homework checking 15

Theme 主题: 托福口语总结

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Day10 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch


``` 11th August Rosefinch Agendas 课堂内容:

TPO55 L1 notes checking 10

TPO55 L1 生词 quiz 10

TPO 55 L1 Lecture 15

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Day10 ESL S/L -- Kylin


``` 11th August Kylin Agendas 课堂内容:

TPO55 L1 notes checking 10

TPO55 L1 生词 quiz 10

TPO 55 L1 Lecture 15

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Day9 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch


``` 10th August Rosefinch Agendas 课堂内容:

TPO55 C1 shadowing practice 10

TPO55 C1 生词 quiz 15

Speaking task 2 practice. 10



TPO55 Lecture 1 TPO 56 Task1 Task2

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Day9 ESL S/L -- Kylin


``` 10th August Kylin Agendas 课堂内容:

TPO55 C1 shadowing practice 10

TPO55 C1 生词 quiz 15

Speaking task 2 practice. 10

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Day8 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch

TPO55 Task2 quiz

TPO55 Conversation 1 中英文本字幕,点此下载




``` 9th August Rosefinch Agendas 课堂内容:

TPO56 Task 2 生词 quiz 15

Speaking task 1 practice. 20

some students study for classes individually, other study in groups. which method of studying do you think is better and why? 单人学习 VS 集体学习


熟记对话生词 明天Quiz

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Day8 ESL S/L -- Kylin

TPO55 Task2 quiz

TPO55 Conversation 1 中英文本字幕,点此下载




``` 9th August Rosefinch Agendas 课堂内容:

TPO56 Task 2 生词 quiz 15

Speaking task 1 practice. 20

some students study for classes individually, other study in groups. which method of studying do you think is better and why? 单人学习 VS 集体学习


熟记对话生词 明天Quiz

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Day7 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch



8th August Rosefinch Agendas 课堂内容:

TPO56 Task2 笔记检查 10


round trip 往返 / single trip

I’m all for it! 我赞成


Task 1 practice 20

Theme 主题: 口语评分标准与口语能力图30



###作业:10 TPO55 C1

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Day7 ESL S/L -- Kylin


``` 8th August Kylin Agendas 课堂内容:

TPO56 Task2 笔记检查 10



make sense


Maintain ###

Task 1 practice 20




Theme 主题: 口语评分标准与口语能力图30

###作业:10 TPO55 C1

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Day6 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch

Homework feedback:

ZhangqiaoyiJoy: Joyce

I agree that music education is important. I think that l learning to play musical instruments can not only enhance our personal abilities in our daily life, life but also make our lives more diverse and colorful.What’s colorful. What’s more, according to research, it is said that learning to play musical instruments can also improve cognitive abilities and make the brain more active.

wesley529: wesley529: Wesley

Music is an a very uesful useful part in of our life.

I think that playing music is a good way to relax myself and also for others to enjoy it. So I very much like to listen to music. I think music education is important. It’s a very useful part of our daily life. And I can say that listening to music is an activity. I am even trying to play the guitar now! It’s important, isn’t it?

camilia1123: Cmilia ¶ I belive Camilia

I believe that learn a kind of musical instruments is nessesary. In the on hand learning a musical instrument is necessary. On one hand, it can show your talent and have help you better understanding of the things understand the world around you. In On the other hand hand, it’s a good way to relax also can leave and can help alleviate your stress out. stress. In fact fact, music is an improtant important part in of our daily life. It can be a way to have socialty socialize with the others. Also to join Joining some of the club can clubs can help improve yourself.

Podewei: Revision1.1.0:

I prefer to play music. Because I think learning to play music can improve yourself and can help you to strengthen your friendship. friendships. And it can give us some good education. Every time I play music music, I feel really excited and gratifying. gratified. Also, this can make it easier for you to express yourself at events.

eric2381: Eric

I think we need to learn an instrument. We can learn the stories of musicians by learning an instrument. ¶ And learning Learning music can give us a nice experience, and I think learning an instrument can be a great hobby, and having hobby. Having a hobby is good for later learning, such as in the same, having a hobby can better find college. Also, we can share our emotions with the instrument.

coolMike666: Mike

I think music education is essential because it’s a good way to relax ourselves and release pressure. As for me, every time I feel bad, I will listen to some music. Then, I become better. Even some crazy people with severe mental health issues can be treat treated by it. Also, it’s a good beautiful art form. We can get the colorful picture from it. Many upscale restaurants also use music to increase it’s its beauty.

Tom-Liu-SuxydsCaptain: Tom

Musical education not only helps detending the stress of modern life, but also enriches our lives with artistic expression. By learning music, we can gain a deeper understanding of its history and development, allowing us to appreciate it more fully. Moreover, musical Musical education imporve not only helps defend against the stress of modern life, but also enriches our lives with artistic expression. By learning music, we can gain a deeper understanding of its history and development, allowing us to appreciate it more fully. Moreover, musical education improves comprehension and emotional growth, leading to improved health and better empathy towards others. Therefore, put music into our educational system can provide benefits that extend beyond the and emotional growth, leading to improved health and better empathy towards others. Therefore, integrating music into our educational system can provide benefits that extend beyond the classroom.

Martin1111m: Martin

I think music education is very important. Music is an indispensable part of our life. Music can make people relax in tense situations, we can hear music in many places. If you can play some musical instruments, you can impress others. So it’s important.

august0930: August

I think it’s necessary to learn to play play musical instruments. There’re 2 reasons to support my opinion. First, playing music is a way to express one’s feelings, like many famous pianist, pianists, when they feel bad, the they prefer play to play the piano to make themselves become energetic. Second, learning to play musical instruments can improve your artistic skills, such as feeling the same way as the producer composer of a song.

JoeChenliverpool: Joe

I strongly agree that learning a musical instrument is of great importance. It not only helps us cultivate patience in our daily lives but also enhances our mental faculties. Mastering an instrument provides us with an additional avenue and numerous advantages for university admission. For example, when I was young. young, I chose the piano.Playing piano. Playing it helps has helped me a lot. Improve lot, it improved my patience.


I agree that learning to play a musical instrument is significant because it can help release our pressure. We have a lot of work everyday every day and we feel tired after hard work. Research shows that playing a musical instrument can relax us efficiently. What is more, we can develop in an all-round way through learning to play an instrument. Only study studying major subjects can not cannot cultivate true truly talented person. individuals.

Zao6666: Zao

I believe it’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Music education can not only release pressure but also can stimulates stimulate creativity. What’s more more, learning to play a musical instrument promotes brain development, concentration concentration, and memory, and if you can play musical instruments, then when you play with other people, you can also play musical instruments for your friends. All in all, learn learning to play musical instruments have has many advantages.

jinchengyou: Kevin

I think it’s essential to learn to play a musical instrument. First, I think it can develop your knowledge and taste of art.Second, art. Second, I think playing a musical instrument is a good way to relax ourselves when we feel stressed, nervous or down. Music can influence ouremotions. our emotions. We’ll be happy and relaxed if we listen to music. Although different people have different opinion opinions about music. But I think it’s really importent important for everyone.

Richard6666666: Richard

I agree with the view that music education is important. Because listening to good music could improve our taste of the for beautiful things in life. And it also influence on influences our emotions. For example, when we are down, listening to a sad song may make us feel better. So it is a good way to deal with our different emotions, too. Besides, classic classical music could tell a local story or even a country’s culture, so we can also know the world by learning from music.


``` 7th August Rosefinch Agendas 课堂内容:

Listening practice 10

Homework checking 20






证据/。 观点 VS 事实

I think music education is essential because it’s a good way to relax ourselves and release pressures. pressure. If there isn’t wasn’t any music in the world, our mind may be hurt by the big large amount of stress. Also, it can be a good hobby. If you love music, it’s a good dream for you to achieve it. It’s cool.



Theme 主题: 30

Task1 到底考察考生什么能力?





###作业:10 继续改写 TPO12 Task1

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Day6 ESL S/L -- Kylin

Homework feedback:

Steven9248: I believe it’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument.Today instrument. Today, you can listen to music in many place, places. In my opinion, the meaning of music education is teaching students how to play music and be positive in life, and it’s life. It’s important for students who live in a stressful life lives.

Isaiah342: I think the music education is important. After listening to and learning music it, music, you can appreciate its beauty. And I think learning music education can make I think music education can help you express youselves yourselves better because if you can sing in public, public, you will not be shy when you are talking. Of course course, it can also reduce your academic academic pressure. So l So, I believe it’s important.

Claire995: I agree with the music education is important. that music education is important. Nowadays, we have face a lot of stressors like performing poorly in exams, underperforming at work, and dealing with life’s challenges. These things can bring us down. But in my opinion, play playing music always can bring joy and relaxation to us, such as we can make making new friends. Also, I think music can help for with our exam. ¶ Leon117711: exams.

Leon117711: Leon

I agree with the first viewpoint. And l I think music education is important and necessary for us students. students. We need to develop in all aspects and can improve ourselves while accepting through them. And scientific Scientific research shows that music education can improve our learning efficency efficiency and promote intellecyual intellectual development. Also, learing learning a musical instrument can be seen as one of our strengths to earn more points in the future.

SelinaTSZ: I think music education is important. Because music Music can lead me from sad to happy. And I think music can make sadness to happiness. It can also help me relax. Besides, music education can let allows me learning the to learn about famous musician musicians and the background of music. That is That’s a kind of knowledge. I like music very much! Sometimes love music! Sometimes, I can’t leave be without it for one seconds. So a second. So, learning music education is helpful and meaningful for me. And I think if I have If I receive music education, maybe I will I’ll be more crazy passionate about music.

Wendyguoguo: Wendy

I believe music education is very important .Music an important. Music can help students relax and convey the beauty of life.In the end,playing music is great life. In the end, playing music is a wonderful experience the beauty of life.In the end ,playing music is wonderful and and it can make others like you more and maybe you can have more. Perhaps, you can even make new friends.

VickyZhang888: Vicky

I believe music education is important. Music education can play a decompression decompressive role in life, after life. After learning and actively practicing the piano, I always have a relaxed and pleasant feeling. Music education can also creative encourage our all-round development, it helps helping us to have develop critical thinking, thinking and emotional development. growth. Sukhomlinsky once said that music education is not to train musicians, but to train people first, first. I think music education cultivates us with higher moral character and higher sentiment. So, music education is very important.

Michael13408656133: Michael

I believe that music education is very important. Music education is an indispensable part of our life. In fact Music fact, music education is an important way to implement quality education, which is of great significance to the comprehensive and coordinated development of students students’ morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, beauty, and labor. It’s crucial for the improvement of the quality of the whole nation and the construction of socialist civilization. Also Also, I think learning music can make us physically and mentally happy.

Seanaaaaa: Seanna

I believe music education is extremely important. Music can aid children’s development development in multiple ways, making the classroom less boring and enabling them to gain to gain more knowledgeIt might also  knowledge. It might also be beneficial for future career  future career choices. Mastering an instrument is very important, as it may serve as a hobby or become a career in the future. So I think we should pay more attention to music education.

jason080915: Jason

I think we can not cannot ignore the education about musical instruments. we We all know that we should not only focus on grades but also learn from all experiences. When I was 4 years old, I starting started playing the piano, It is useful of course. And which has proven to be useful. I took part in a piano competition in middle school, I school and eventually won the first prize lastly. It is prize. This was a useful prize. achievement. Also, learning to play the piano can make us be quite, it quiet, which is good to for our phyical physical and mental health. If you play the piano, you can put down relieve pressure and feel much relax.more relaxed.


``` 7th August Kylin Agendas 课堂内容:

Listening practice 10

Homework checking 20





观点,理由。 观点 VS 事实


Theme 主题: 30

Task1 到底考察考生什么能力?






###作业:10 继续改写 TPO12 Task1

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Day5 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch

Homework feedback:

ZhangqiaoyiJoy: Joyce

修改后:I agree that music education is important. I think that learn learning to play musical instruments can not only enhance our personal abilities in our daily life, but also makes make our lives more diverse and colorful.

courir11: Meredith:

修改后:I agree with develop developing music instrument class classes in school.First,because school. First, because of the large number of studies, music can make students’ psychology relax. Also, it can help students to discover their interesting on interest in it.

sword008625: Sword:

2.I think it is essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. It can give us relief after a whole day’s work. leaning Learning to play a musical instrument is a kind form of education and it can improve our personal quality.

Tom-Liu-SuxydsCaptain: Tom :

修改后:Musical education can help reduce the pressure of life and add art to our lives. It allows us to relax and improve our comprehension of music. Additionally, it provides knowledge about the history of music music.

august0930: August

I agree with the view which does’ doesn’t believe music education is important. First, you should pay more attention to your grades, if you focus on musical instrument studying, studying musical instruments, you might couldn’t not get a satisfying grades. Second, if you choose not to learn to play a musical instrument, the time you spare can be used to do many other things like hanging out with friends. Lastly, don’t make yourself so that busy, relax relaxing is important. So So, I think there’s no need to learn to play a musical instrument.

jiangzihan0401: Jenny

In my opinion, learn learning to play a musical instrument well is an important thing. Because when I was young, I learned to play the piano and now I’m learning to play the recorder. I find that there are a lot of time times I need to use the instrument. Just like in my middle school sometimes there will have the Art Festival so I can join in the art festival and show my abilities. and I think it can increase my confidence.

eric2381: Eric

修改后: I think we need music education. We can learn the stories of musicians by taking music lessons.

And learn learning music can give us a nice experience, and I think learning an instrument can be a great hobby. Also Also, we can share our emotions with the instrument.

Zao6666: Zao

  1. I think it is necessary for schools to have musical instrument lessons, Because Instruments are not only interesting but also can release our pressure, and learning to play an instrument can inspire our creativity and express individuality individuality.

Andy330523: Andy

改:I agree that play playing a musical instrument is useful, because if a person can play a musical instrument, he or she can play it when meet nervous, playing feeling nervous. Playing a musical instrument can let make people be happy. Also, a musical instrument is a way to score extra points on exams.

wesley529: Wesley

修改版:I think that playing music is a good way to relax myself and also for others to enjoy it. So I very much like to listen to music. I think music education is important. It’s a very useful part of our daliy daily life. And I can say that listen to music listening to music is an activity. I am even trying to play the guitar now! It’s important, isn’t it?

Martin1111m: Martin:

2.修改后:We all know that music education is important. Music has a soul, and if we have some musical skills, we can get more attention.So attention. So it’s important.

coolMike666: Mike

改:I think music education is essential because it’s a good way to relax ourselves and release pressures. pressure. If there isn’t wasn’t any music in the world, our mind may be hurt by the big large amount of stress. Also, it can be a good hobby. If you love music, it’s a good dream for you to achieve it. It’s cool.

Podewei: Raymond:

Revision: I prefer to play music. Because I think learn learning to play music can improve yourself and can help you to strengthen your friendship. And it also can give us some good education. Everytimes I play music I will Every time I play music I feel really excited and gratifying. Also gratified. Also, this can makes make it easier for me to express myself at events,like events, like my friends’ birthday party.

LiiYanLyy: Luren

2.修改后:I don’t think it’s essential for people to learn it. Because music is not a basic ability for most of people. If someone like likes music, maybe music is important for him. However, not everybody like likes music, is their life meaningless? The answer is no, it’s it only depend depends on yourself. So I don’t think it is very important.

Richard6666666: Richard

后:I agree with the view that music education is important. Because listening to good music could improve our taste of the for beautiful things in life. And it also influence on influences our emotions. For example, when we are down then take down, listening to a sad song may make us feel better. So it obviously is a good way to deal with our different emotions. Besides, a classic music could tell the local story or even a country’s culture. So, we can know the world by learning from musics. music.

jinchengyou: Kevin

改:Different people have differet different ideas. But I prefer believe that music education is important.I important. I think it’s essential because it’s a good way to relax ourselves and release pressures. pressure. It can also influence our emotions. When you’re tired, stressed, nervous or down, a music can make you feel better. Music can also teach us many things. It’s really importent. important.

KarlChen013: Karl Chen

revisionary version:Music version: Music is a very important subject, it can be students’ a useful skill. skill for students. Some students can play the piano, some of them can play clarionet. the clarinet. It’s a useful way to relax and playing instruments is healthier than playing computer games.

Tina15756231491: Name:Tina

修改:I think learn learning to play a musical instrument is necessary. Because the music songs is very peaceful and it can help teach you how to plan time.It your time. It can also help relax yourself.Such as you relax. For example, with the piano, you need to plan your time well. You need to spend at least two hours a day to practice it. you well get improved You will improve with it!

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Day5 ESL S/L -- Kylin

Homework feedback:

Michael13408656133: Michael

I like enjoy playing the guitar very much and still play guitar. continue to do so. I think that learning music can cultivate sentiment, enrich emotion emotions, and make life more interesting.


I think it is good to play believe playing a musical instrument. Everyone knows instrument is beneficial. We all know that we can should not just pay attention to the scores we must only focus on grades but learn everything. when from all experiences. When I was 4 years old, I took a part in participated in a piano competition and won the first prize in middle school. so I think it is useful to learn Thus, I believe learning musical instruments. instruments is beneficial.

Leon117711: Leon

I think agree with the first one is correct. Becuase regardless of any viewpoint. Regardless of the type of education, they all are so important and necessary to us. necessary. We need to develop in all aspects. We aspects and can improve ourselves while accepting through them. Learn Learning to play a musical instrument is also to cultivating a habby. cultivates a hobby. As the saying goes, having more skills do not weigh down doesn’t burden the body.

Alice030408: Alice

Music makes brings joy to people happy and can calm and can soothe them down when they are in in times of trouble. When you meet encounter difficulties, the it’s often best thing is to listen to music to relax and find a solution. It is better to learn Therefore, learning a musical instrument and relieve to manage your emotions. emotions is beneficial.


I think music education is important.Today many believe music education is important. Many people today choose music for their as a personal habit,I’m also a music lover,I like hobby, and I’m one of them. I’m a music lover, especially soft music.I will music. I enjoy it when I listening.I think music education can develop while listening. I believe music education can foster our imagination.every imagination. Every musical instrument is different, unique and can help shape our personality. Amid the stress of daily life, it also can develop our personality, In the stressful daily live it will avoid can mitigate emotional damage damage.

Isaiah342: Isaiah:

I thinlk think music education is important. After listening to and learning music, you listening and learning it ,you can know the can appreciate its beauty of music and you can and develop a new hobby . It can also decrease hobby. It can also reduce your study academic pressure. So I think it is So, I believe it’s important.


In my opinion ,it is opinion, it’s important. Because nowadays, Nowadays, everyone’s pressure is very high. If we cannot don’t find ways to relax in a timely manner, promptly, it will can lead to psychological problems. Therefore, it is necessary for us to relax in this way.All in all we should develop comprehensively, find ways to relax, like through music. All in all, we should aim for well-rounded development, not just focus on our grades.

VickyZhang888: Vicky:

I think believe music education is important. for example. For example, I always playing play the piano when I feel tired and pressure,it can make or stressed—it helps me relax. Music To me, music is like an antidote for me. In a music learning career, it tells antidote. My journey in learning music has taught me be patient and persevere can to get that patience and perseverance can yield better results.

George20071120: George

In my opinion,learning opinion, learning a musical instrument is mearningful meaningful and necessary for everyone. In During the process of learning. You learning, you can improve yourself and master acquire a new skill. It’s useful for people’s lives. And It’s beneficial in life, and you can meet make more friends when you are learning. during the process.

Claire995: Claire

I think music education is more important. In our life now, believe music education is of utmost importance. Nowadays, we have lots of stress just face a lot of stressors like didn’t do well in exam, not doing well in work and something in our life. performing poorly in exams, underperforming at work, and dealing with life’s challenges. These things always can bring us down. But in my opinion, music can always can make people happy and relax, so we can use music to relieve our stress. bring joy and relaxation, making it a great stress-reliever.



In my opinion opinion, some people can through music learning to change use music learning to overcome their character shortcomings flaws, but learning music music learning isn’t for everyone. Some people don’t change improve by learning music; they do the opposite. Music learning is a good thing, but While music learning is beneficial, it must has to be suitable to better play its role. role effectively. That’s all I have to say. What do you think?

Regina0106: Regina

In my opinion ,Music education is most important .In opinion, music education is of utmost importance. In our school ,we will school, we have more numerous activities and we will join a music club .This show a music club, indicating the importance of music education .If we learn music ,you education. By learning music, you can make more friends .Music education not friends. Music education doesn’t only improve enhance our temperament ,but but also help us enter a opens new area .It’s avenues. That’s my opinion . view.

Seanaaaaa: seanna ¶ I think music education is very importan. Because music can help children develop Seanna

I believe music education is extremely important. Music can aid children’s development in multiple ways, making the classroom less boring and enabling them to learn gain more knowledge, it may knowledge. It might also be helpful in beneficial for future career choices in the future. choices.

Wendyguoguo: Wendy:

I think believe music education is very important .Music important. Music can help students relax and convey the beauty of life.In the end,piaying music is great experience the beauty of life. In the end, playing music is wonderful and can make other others like you more.

Lynne2008: Lynne

I think believe it’s essential for a person’s person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Because .On party, At parties, many people have a very good strong point. showcase their talents. I think music education is a plus for everyone party. SoI think everyone’s personality. So, I believe it’s essential for a person’s person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument.


4th August Kylin
Agendas 课堂内容: 

# Homework checking 计划检查25
## 做计划的时候最重要的事情?
### 具体,清晰; doable 可执行;
### 下一步是什么? 实施,计划内容太多,调整计划。

# Theme 主题: 35
## methodology牛人方法论 
### Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition 斯蒂芬-克拉申谈语言习得
#### sense?
### 吴军谈英语学习

## 托福口语概况
### Task1   需要总结信息吗?

改写 入学测试Task1


TPO12 Task1

Some people believe it’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Others don’t believe music education is important. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
今晚 8:30PM 前完成,不能完成提前在留言区告诉我。



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Day4 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch


``` 3rd August Rosefinch Agendas 课堂内容:

Homework checking 作业检查25


OCD 强迫症,标点符号,写作惯例, 标准。

回答问题的格式: 所有人先写名字,回车,然后写回答。

语法参考书 ,完成时态。English grammar in use.

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Day4 ESL S/L -- Kylin


``` 3rd August Kylin Agendas 课堂内容:

Homework checking 作业检查25


OCD 强迫症,标点符号,写作惯例, 标准。

github 账号名 格式太混乱,

回答问题的格式: 所有人先写名字,回车,然后写回答。n

语法参考书 ,完成时态。English grammar in use.

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Day3 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch

Homework feedback:

LiiYanLyy: Luaren : I Luaren: I will answer the question 5 .yesterday 5. Yesterday, I ate hotpot with my friend ,and friend, and then we were going to went to a coffee house together , together. I finished my homework there . I’m there. I had a happy that time ,then time. Afterward, I went home by subway , subway. I watched movies a movie named joker Joker with my sister ,we sister; we had a good time ,then time. Then I took a shower and went to sleep sleep.

sword008625: Sword:I Sword: I participate in the Metaphysics Club. It is a club set up by Liu god and Chen Immortal.They God and Chen Immortal. They are good at meditating and supernatural skills.there skills. There are a large amount number of activities held in the organization.And organization, and each member enjoys the process of of mind purification as well as the exploration of spirits. After studying metaphysics with the club proprieters proprietors for several weeks,I got weeks, I gained a new perspective to inspect things happening in my life. What is more,I Moreover, I eventually realized the theory that man is an integral part of nature.Naturally,I nature. Naturally, I fell in love with the club club.

jiangzihan0401: Jenny: For the 15th question, question 15, I didn’t do a lot of things last weekend. Because I finished all my work not long ago, so I had a lot of free time. I went to the Chengdu world university game. World University Game. I found that watching them battle compete was really interesting interesting, and I cheered for our team. On Sunday, I went to the library and reading read quietly. Then I went back home and cooked baked some cookies. Of course, before I went to bed bed, I watched a TV show called Running Man. It lasted for approximately 2 hours long. hours. I really enjoy this kind of life!

eric2381: Eric Question5: eric2381: Eric: Question 5:

Yesterday, after school, school, I took the subway to home, at this home. At that time, the subway is was not as crowded as in the morning. when I get it is in the morning. When I got home, I did my homework for a while. About Around six o’clock, I had a dinner, dinner while eating, I watched the watching the day’s news of the day on TV. About half an hour passed after dinner, I started writing doing my homework again. There was supposed to be a tennis lesson yesterday, but it was canceled because of the rain. After I finished my homework, I played games with my friends for a while. And next, Next, I went to the bathroom to wash up, up. After that, I went to sleep, Looking looking forward to tomorrow’s class. ¶ classes. That’s what I experienced after school yesterday and hopefully I hope every day can be as happy joyful as yesterday.

coolMike666: Mike question Mike: Question 15:

Lost week,I Last week, I played basketball with my friends.It’s friends. It’s not easy to enjoy time together after the graduation ceremony. Although our skills were so bad that we almost never won any competitions against anyone,I anyone, I still got felt a strong feeling sense of satisfaction. We had fun for the whole afternoon.When we got out of the stadium,the afternoon. When we left the stadium, the light of the dropping setting sun went shone through the leaves,just the leaves, just like the stars on the sky.We in the sky. We laughed at the stars,imagining stars, imagining our future.Although future. Although we will be separated like these light,our heart rays of light, our hearts will still be connected by this golden sun. ¶ Now,every Now, every time when I see the sun,it sun, it always remains reminds me of the our deep friendship of us. friendship.

ZhangqiaoyiJoy: Joyce:I’m Joyce: I’m going to answer the question 13.I 13. I have a pet dog, which is belongs to the breed named Schnauzer.Her Schnauzer. Her name is Zhang Xiaoqi, because she was born in July.She July. She is cute and docile, but sometimes a little bit “crazy”when we bought “crazy” when we buy a new toy for her.I her. I love my puppy dog.However, puppy. However, to be honest,I honest, I still would like to have my own pet cat in the future.

Unique3123: Fielder : I Fielder: I will answer the question 12. I like Chinese Ancientry Music. Especially the Theatrical tune. Because I ¶ think Ancient Music, especially the Theatrical Tune, because I find it is charming. My favorite artist is Van Gogh. I have seen his movie and documentray. So documentary. So, I admire him of his story and his tenacious spirit.

Tom-Liu-SuxydsCaptain: ### My English name is Tom

In the last weedkend. weekend.

I Learned learned some new things such as the <span style="color:red;font-weight:700;text-decoration:line-through;">book of changes and I finish </span>Book of Changes`, and I finished my network-security project.

By the way,I have way, I finished my Vocabulary Book in 3 days And prepare to TOFEL test and am preparing for the TOEFL test.

And I issued posted a new vodeo of video on network-security in on Bilibili.

august0930: 6. What is your favorite TV show or YouTube channel? Why do you like it?

My favorite TV show is Shameless .It Shameless. It tells a story of a family which live living in southern Chicago. Life at that place there is full of drugs wine and cigarettes .The drugs, wine, and cigarettes. The father of this family has 6 children. But six children, but he never take takes care of them, just drink drinking at bars all day. So So, his biggest child—Fiona oldest child, Fiona, takes his place to take care of for all the kids. The reason I love this TV show is because of Fiona’s responsibility , she doesn’t responsibility. She didn’t need to do this, but she afford bore all the things. So I guess that’s burdens. That might be why she even doesn’t have a boyfriend at the ending . And the other reason is that in the end. Additionally, Shameless also shows how a poor family how to make makes money to support them to stay alive. survive. They often steal other families’ washing machine machines to exchange for money. Although it is it’s not a good way to get earn money, but that’s the truth , reality just like this. it’s the harsh reality.

Andy330523: My favorite YouTube channel is Pongfinity. It’s a channel about some interesting ping-pong skill. skills. The content of this channel is produced by several Finnish ping-pong players. In this channel you You can see many incredible shots, serving styles, trajectories, and many exciting races. Also have races on this channel, along with some amusing performs. performances. I like this channel because I love ping-pong, and undisputed, ping-pong and the program is really interesting. But also, Also, I want this sport to be known for the world. I also worldwide. I hope this channel can attract more and more people to join this sport and then and enjoy it. the sport. There are many stories from table tennis, tennis; people can find them discover and be moved by them.

podelve: Raymond:

Yeah…I Yes, I have a pet cat. He’s a an American Shorthair. And Shorthair, and his name is whiskey. Whiskey. Such a really funny name. Why I called did I call him this name. Actually,I forget…maybe name? Actually, I forgot… maybe I just can’t couldn’t think of another good name. I’m a person who always come comes up with a boring name names for animals and objects (laughlaughs). My cat is a fat cat. That because he always “sell moe” “acts cute” to us and ask asks for “Guan Guan“(cans). He is canned food. He’s also a lazy cat. Other cats may might interact with you while you tease him. them. But my cat……unless cat…unless he want wants to eat something, he never response responds to me.

JoeChenliverpool: Joe: I will answer question 9. I love a England an English football team which called Liverpool. I have loved it for 5 years. Liverpool is quite different to from other clubs. Liverpool have has a strong championship heritag.In heritage. In the past 4 years years, we won a lot of champions. championships. Last year we we didn’t do a good job. So we need say “ good bye “ well, so we said “goodbye” to many old players include including our legendary captain and another legendary player. This is one of a reason the reasons why I love our club. Every fans and players respect fan and player respects every players player who has played for Liverpool. No Liverpool, no matter how long he has been there.But the two there. But the main reasons is not that.Many I love Liverpool are different. Many of my friends,relatives asked friends and relatives ask why I love Liverpool? Because It’s because Liverpool is like us, sometimes life, the us. Sometimes life and work pressure of work makes make us feel powerless, and the troubles of life make us confused. Maybe we were not We weren’t born into such a wealthy family as like Real Madrid, and we may not have nobles like Mansour and Abu to help us halfway. But you we can only keep fighting, even fighting. Even if you we are pressed to the ground and rubbed, you ground, we can only get up once and continue to work hard, so that you we can see hope! We’ve missed a lot of champions over Over the last twenty years. years, we’ve missed many championships. We always miss our chances at the last step and fall in front of the low-hanging fruit championship. Races, like life, is are always full of regrets. But we can only know the future if we move forward.And forward. And your friends,family friends and family may leave you.It’s you. It’s like the team song: you’ll “you’ll never walk alone, with hope in your heart. heart.” This lyric has become my life motto.We motto. We never give gave up then we won the 2005 Champions League and 2019 Champions League.At League. At that time,we time, we were all lost losing by 3 goals at in the first game.But game. But we overtook the score in the second game game, so we beat Barcelona and LeoMessi. Leo Messi.

Zao6666: Zao : I choose the question10 , question 10. I like winter best . best. Winter is the end of the year , winter symbols year, symbolizing that you have study studied hard all of the year. In winter , winter, there are many festivals I like, for example,Spring festival , Christmas , Halloween, example, Spring Festival, Christmas, Halloween; they are very interesting . interesting. What’s more , more, there are no mosquitoes in winter. winter. And the low temperature is very low in winter, it in winter makes me feel good. Winter is the perfect season for various ice and snow activities like skiing……All skiing…All in all, winter is a great season.

camilia1123: I will answer question 4: A classmate from junior high’s classmate it’s high school is my best friend. When I have coversiation a conversation with her. her, I feel relax relaxed, and we always walk around the school. We are not just friend even kown friends but also understand each other as ourself. as ourselves. Every time I meet some of the terrible things. She encounter something terrible, she always help helps me and encourage encourages me. Also Likewise, I deal wih the problem with problems she can’t do. handle. When I have fever. She was sick, she was always is the first classmate who care cared about me. And we We share our daily life with each other even though we are gruaduate have graduated from the junior high. I believe that we our friendship will be friend for last a long time.

jinchengyou: Kevin: My favorite season is spring. Spring is a beautiful,colorful,lively beautiful, colorful, lively season. The weather in spring is really comfortable. Compere with Compared to other seasons in a year, summer is too hot, and autumn and winter are too cold. ¶ But cold, but spring is warm. Spring brings vitality to the world. Spring is very It’s beautiful because flowers are all blooming. They make the world beautiful and colorful.

Lynne2008: Lynne:I Lynne: I have participated in the training of the sea motor boats and driven the boat and driven the boat by the with an instructor four times. I think believe we can do some engage in meaningful activities to release our pressure when we are under great pressure. stress. The speed and excitement of the motor boat can make help us feel the ease of the release experience the relief of pressure.

Richard6666666: Richard: I answer to am answering question 4.My 4. My best friend is one of my classmates from junior high school’s classmates. In my eyes, he school. He is a positive person who is always comfort comforts and cheers me and cheer me invisibly. up. When we were at junior high school, I can we could talk to him each other about everything I want and so does he. When it is anything. During free time, we would play basketball and table tennis together. He is was the PE representative of our class, so the winner is he always him. And we won. We also appreciate enjoyed music together together, and the band we loved the most love is Queen. is Queen. I want to quote a piece of the lyrics from a song named Friends Will Be Friends produced by Queen: “Friends will be friends, right till the end. “ end.” I wish our friendship will continue forever.


2nd August Rosefinch 
Agendas 课堂内容: 

# Rules 课堂规则 
# Tools 工具 

# Theme: 
## 课前准备 
## 课前热身

# Pronunciation workshop 发音练习20
## as if 好像
## th in English 
## face 面对
# 注意事项:10
## 称谓
### doctor 
### professor 
## 微信 低效率 
## 作业
### 格式  不要使用 #
### 提交时间 早点交作业:   最晚:9PM
### 惯例,逗号,点号之后有空格

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Day3 ESL S/L -- Kylin

Homework feedback:

KarlChen013: Question14:

1.Minecraft. 1. Minecraft. I like building structures in this game. When you buy it,you it, you need to pay money,but money, but when you play it,you it, you will find that it’s valuable to pay for this game. Both children or and old people can play this game. It’s famous around the earth.

2.War thunder. 2. War Thunder. In this war game,I game, I can drive airplanes or tanks airplanes, tanks, even battleships. Also it’s It’s very famous. famous too. The most important thing,it thing is, it doesn’t takes cost money to donload download it.

3.Battlefield one. 3. Battlefield One. It’s a game which use uses WW1 as its background. In this game,the game, the real gun sound and graph graphics will bring you to the old time.

4.X-plane.It’s 4. X-plane. It’s a really professional simulator. When I am playing this game,I game, I feel I like a real pilot.I’m very pilot. I thoroughly enjoy the feeling I’m of flying in the sky.

Evelyn831: Q6:My Q6: My favorite TV show is Mingzhentanxueyuan.It Mingzhentanxueyuan. It consists of several senior students from domestic and foreign universities. There are master’s students from Tsinghua University and Peking University, as well as from Johns Hopkins University. They engage in friendly matches and games together. You can learn some knowledge about Mathematical physics Physics in the program. They transformed from strangers to good friends, supported each other, and made progress together. I like this program not only because it allows me to learn a lot, but also because I can learn more from excellent seniors. Finally, I wish the seniors a lasting friendship, and I also wish Mingzhentanxueyuan have has a better and better future.

HowardXiao0846: Question 6:

My favorite YouTube channel is Dream. Dream is a Minecraft content creator, he think out thought up a new mode to let turn the peaceful Minecraft into an exciting hunting game. There will be some Some of his friends to hunt him down, and he only has one life.The life. The only way he wins, is that wins is if he beat the gamebeats the game (kill the Enderdragon, kills the Ender Dragon, the final boss of the game) ). He brings the internet hit on the Minecraft again, internet’s attention back to Minecraft, and

he has a high technology on skills in PVP and speed run.Also he run. He also always has a good attitude and bring brings me positive energy.That’s energy. That’s why I like him best.

Alice030408: I like to listen HipHop ,R&B and carry pop.They to Hip Hop, R&B and K-Pop. They’re just like oxygen, I can’t leave live without them. My favorite singer is Jisoo.

I ate Glutinous Rice Ball in the morning ,because Balls in the morning, because my mom loves it. them. And I only ate 3, because I got up late.

Yesterday I ate hotpot with my friend. It is was yummy.

I have two pet cats cats; their names are Ruyi and coffee. Coffee. I also have a dog called Dudu.

My favorite game called is Eggy Party, the eggs in this game are cute.

Michael13408656133: Question 14 :

My favorite mobile game is arena of valor , Arena of Valor because I can feel the joy of teamwork in this game. Game for Peace is also my favorite game , because because in this game I can feel the joy and of winning in the end. My world World is also a very good game , game, in which we can experience the joy of living freely and the sense of achievement. Among these games , games, my favorite is Arena of Valor ,which Valor, which is also the most popular, because this game is very confrontational.

Mason-zhuoxiran: Question12:

My favorate favorite type of music is Rock music,It influence my a lot.When the bass,drum,and music. It influences me a lot. When the bass, drum, and electronic guitar linked link together and the beautiful lyrical lyrics express the depth meaning,I’ll fell:Oh, I’m free now. deep meaning, I feel free.

My favorate favorite artist is SakamotoSakamoto (BanBenLongYi). In my realze,He is a really artist aren’t realization, he is a real artist, not just a pianist.

When somebody toke talks about Sakamoto’s songs,maybe songs, maybe you’ll think it realy sad,but actually,when they’re really sad, but actually, when he was young, he made a lot of cheerful music,and music, and some interesting comunicate commentary about palitics. and he politics. He also wrote a fantastic book names《Music is freeden》,It talk named《Music is Freedom》, which talks a lot of about his polical political stand and what is music. ¶ music is. He is always the greatest artist in my heart.

326ATATO000: Victoria:

My favorite Bilibili channel is Old Tomato. I think its video is videos are very funny,and funny, and I also love to get involved by Posting posting a comment.

Why do I like it? Because I think its creator is very talented. And his videos are all positive,for positive, for example, it’s they’re about protecting the environment and cultural inheritance.

This is all about my favorite channel, how about you you, what is you your favorite channel?^-^

George20071120: Question 1:

In today’s This morning I chose a cup of coffee and a sandwich as for my breakfast. I bought them in downstairs. It’s convenient to get them.I them. I have a habit is of drinking coffee in every morning because it can keep a clear mind.And my mind clear. And ice drinks can let help me enter get into a state of learning.Sandwich learning. A sandwich is also a good choice as breakfast,there for breakfast; there are some breads,vegetables,eggs bread, vegetables, eggs, and a piece of chicken in the sandwich. Including pretein,vitamin It includes protein, vitamins and so on. It’s nutrient nutritious for my body.

Isaiah342: Question14:

One of my favorite games is csgo. CS:GO. It is a First-person shooting game. In the game game, you should beat your enemy,then enemy, then your team will win the game. But you can not can’t do it by yourselves. yourself. You should fighting fight with your teammates. So it also lets me know how important the teamwork is. The another Another game is gta5. GTA 5. In the real life life, maybe I can not can’t buy a ferrari. Ferrari. But in this game game, I can achieve my dream. I can experience a wonderful life through playing it. Those These are my favorite games.

Claire995: Summer is my favorite season. Although summer is really hot and someone some people don’t like it, but I think summer is the most beautiful. In summer, summer, the sun rise rises early but set late sets late, and I have more time to study and play. play. There are also many kinds of flowers in summer, just like lotus. And there are many kinds of fruit, fruit, like watermelon.That’s watermelon. That’s why l I like summer.

Leon117711: Question 15.

I and my friend went to play PS5 last week. It’s It was so much fun that we all immersed ourselves in it. It also made me feel novel that we must work together or we may lost the game. lose the game. Although it was very difficult, we ended up failing. It helped us improve our relationship and we all enjoy in lt. enjoyed it.

Wendyguoguo: Question5:

When I get home after class class, I often walk my dog at first,and first, and help my mom to feed our cats.I aways cats. I always finish my homework after dinner if dinner. If I finish it quikly quickly, then I can get more time to relax.Before I sleep relax. Before I sleep, I like to read book books by my favorite Japanese writer”YiYi”.Terrifying writer, “YiYi”. Terrifying books always interest me!It’s me! It’s possible that I might suddenly become hungry before going to bed and I will eat some cookies.Oh!I cookies. Oh! I forgot to say ,yesterday say, yesterday after school ,my school, my good friend and I took the subway home together .We together. We dressed ourselves up as two “bananas”that is “bananas” which was too funny.

Seanaaaaa: question 12:

My favorite type of music is hip-hop,Hiphop hip-hop. Hip-hop has brought me strength and also made me more outgoing. I like hiphop, hip-hop; it makes me feel free.

My favorite artist is @XiaoJingLing real , @XiaoJingLingReal. He’s a good rapper. He is also my rapper and also a close friend . friend. I have been listening to his music since the sixth grade of primary school. school. Although others will say: might say his music is really unpleasant! But unpleasant, I think his music is unique, the most beautiful music in the world!He world! He is very sincere and always comforts and encourages me. me. So far, he and I have taken eight photos together. Our story is unfinished unfinished, and we hope he can make better music. I hope one day, people all over the world can hear his songs! songs!

Regina0106: Question 9 : 9:

My favorite sport is playing basketball. My father is a basketball .My father is a basketball player .He player. He taught me to play basketball when I was a child .Then I grow up quickly.I child. As I grew up, I found I fall that I fell in love with this sport .I sport. I often go to watch basketball games with my father .Because father. Because I love this sport .So sport, I joined the basketball club in junior high school .playing school. Playing basketball is a good way to make friends .After all ,we friends, as we have common interests .Besides ,I interests. Besides, I can have a healthy body by playing basketball .I basketball. I hope I can learn this sport well.I hope to well and continue this sport in high school ! school!

VickyZhang888: Question 4:

I’d like to introduce you to two of my best friends, their name names are Janna and Jerry.

I make friend have been friends with Janna for nine years, years; she is a kind funny kind, funny, and pretty girl.She girl. She is good at English, so she alway share always shares English study skills for with me. Janna is a light in my life, although life. Although we didn’t don’t study in the same school, even we have free time, we like to play together and make relax. relax in our free time.

Jerry is a different boy ,at beginning boy. At the beginning, we were just middle school classmate, classmates, but 1 years a year ago, he go went to Los Angeles for to study. This These days he study is studying in San Diego. He always gives me good advice when I fight with my mother, and encourage encourages me to challenge myself .We myself. We also share our daily life to lives with each other, it’s which is funny.

jason080915: Question14 Question 14:

I usually play the best NBA game. It game, which is also my favorite game. In this game, you can control the players you have and follow the rules of basketball games. You can have the truthful a realistic experience in this game. Also, It it is good to play this sports game sometimes. I would like to use Leborn LeBron James in game, the game because my favorite basketball star is him. I think he is very self-discipline disciplined so that he is also a person everyone is afraid of although of, even though he is thirty eight thirty-eight years old. we We can learn from him.


# 注意事项:
## 称谓 title
### 小朋友
### doctor 
### professor 
## 微信 低效率  教授不用微信
## 作业
### 格式  不要使用 #
### 提交时间 早点交作业 9PM
### 惯例,逗号,点号之后有空格

# Pronunciation workshop 发音练习
## 短语
## 发音 略读
## coming out 出柜
## bisexual 双性恋
## homosexual 同性恋 
## Guy gay
## mean to 打算
## as if 好像
## My time has come. 大限已至
## send shivers down my spine 让我不寒而栗/ 脊背发凉
## truth 咬舌头

All the names from your class

英文名 KK音标 中文译名 名字起源(英) 名字起源(中)
Jason ˈdʒeɪsən 杰森 Greek, meaning “healer” 希腊,意为”治愈者”
Steven ˈstiːvən 史蒂文 Greek, variant of Stephen, meaning “crown” 希腊,斯蒂芬的变体,意为”皇冠”
George dʒɔːrdʒ 乔治 Greek, meaning “farmer” 希腊,意为”农民”
Isaiah aɪˈzaɪə 赛亚 Hebrew, meaning “Yahweh is salvation” 希伯来,意为”耶和华是救赎”
Leon liːɒn 利昂 Greek, meaning “lion” 希腊,意为”狮子”
Seanna ʃɑːnə 肖安娜 Irish, female form of Sean, meaning “God is gracious” 爱尔兰,肖恩的女性形式,意为”上帝是慈悲的”
Bobby ˈbɒbi 鲍比 English, diminutive of Robert, meaning “fame-bright” 英语,罗伯特的昵称,意为”光明的名声”
Michael ˈmaɪkəl 迈克尔 Hebrew, meaning “who is like God?” 希伯来,意为”谁像上帝?”
Regina rɪˈdʒiːnə 丽吉娜 Latin, meaning “queen” 拉丁,意为”女王”
Carol ˈkærəl 卡罗尔 Germanic, meaning “free man” 日耳曼,意为”自由人”
Evelyn ˈɛvəlɪn 伊芙琳 English, meaning “desired” 英语,意为”渴望的”
Vicky ˈvɪki 维基 English, diminutive of Victoria, meaning “victory” 英语,维多利亚的昵称,意为”胜利”
Victoria vɪkˈtɔːriə 维多利亚 Latin, meaning “victory” 拉丁,意为”胜利”
Lynne lɪn 琳恩 English, variant of Lynn, meaning “lake” 英语,琳恩的变体,意为”湖”
Wendy ˈwɛndi 温迪 English, possibly meaning “friend” or “white ring” 英语,可能意为”朋友”或”白环”
Alice ˈælɪs 艾丽丝 Germanic, meaning “noble” 日耳曼,意为”高贵”
Selina səˈliːnə 塞琳娜 Greek, possibly meaning “moon” 希腊,可能意为”月亮”
Evan ˈɛvən 伊凡 Welsh, variant of John, meaning “Yahweh is gracious” 威尔士,约翰的变体,意为”耶和华是慈悲的”
Howard ˈhaʊərd 霍华德 English, meaning “high guard” 英语,意为”高级守卫”
Tina ˈtiːnə 蒂娜 English, short for Christina, meaning “anointed” 英语,克里斯蒂娜的简称,意为”被选中的”
Cicily ˈsɪsɪli 西西莉 English, variant of Cecilia, meaning “blind” 英语,塞西莉亚的变体,意为”盲人”
Mason ˈmeɪsən 马森 English, meaning “stone worker” 英语,意为”石匠”
Claire klɛər 克莱尔 Latin, meaning “clear, bright” 拉丁,意为”明亮,清晰”

Day 3 ESL Homework 任选一个问题回答,至少五句话。 如果你的GitHub账号不是自己的名字就在回答的前面加一个名字和: 如 Tim:

1. What breakfast did you have today? Why did you eat that?

2. How do you typically get to school, and how long does it take?

3. What is your daily morning routine before school?

4. Who is your best friend and what do you like about them?

5. What did you do after school yesterday?

6. What is your favorite TV show or YouTube channel? Why do you like it?

7. What chores do you have to do at home?

8. What do you usually have for lunch at school?

9. Do you participate in any sports or clubs? If yes, which ones and why do you like them?

10. What is your favorite season of the year and why?

11. What was the most interesting thing you learned at school this week?

12. What is your favorite type of music and who is your favorite artist?

13. Do you have any pets? If yes, what are they and what are their names? If no, would you like to have a pet?

14. What is your favorite mobile app or game, and why do you like it?

15. What did you do last weekend? Did you enjoy it?

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about you -- Rosefinch

Homework feedback

august0930: My name is August.It August. It is a really strange name, but I truly love.Because every love it. Every time the August(the month name)of August comes, it’s like I am a star ,every one star. Everyone is calling my name.

My biggest hobby is watching movies, movies. I can learn many things from it.At it. At the same time, it is a really enjoyable process.By process. By the way, my favorite movie is </span>is "Twilight."

My favorite subject is English, English because my English is better than the my other subjects ,especially subjects, especially math.

My favorite singer is Taylor Swift, I hope I can see her one dayday (that is a pretty big dream).

Andy330523: Hello, I’m Zhou Chu di, Di, but you can also call me Andy. My hometown is HangZhou so it’s difficult for me to eat some spicy foods. I have some hobbies, hobbies such as playing ping-pong and photography. It is interesting to think about the spin of the ball while the race is going on, and photo during the match, and photographing different scenery is also very interesting.

So, I like playing ping-pong and photography.

Leon117711: Hello everyone. My name is Leon. My dream is to travel abroad. Because my My favorite uploader,a content creator, a game anchor streamer with 6 million fans in Bilibili. on Bilibili, is studying in the UK. She is studying in the UK and she often introduce introduces the local customs for to us. It makes me very interested in it. So l So, I also want to have a wonderful study abroad trip in three years’ time time.

JoeChenliverpool: Hello,Mr.Mou.My Hello, Mr. Mou. My name is Joe.I’m Joe. I’m 15 years old.I old. I have many hobbies like palying football,basketball and litsen to muisc.My favroite singger is JayChou.To playing football, basketball, and listening to music. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. To be the honset,I honest, I love Leo Messi and Stephen Curry more than other stars.Because stars. Because I admire his their skills and his spirit.He spirit. They never give up so he they really inspire me.In me. In the past three years,I years, I didn’t do a very goo job.But good job. But I try my best and never give up.In the up. In my daily life,I life, I like Chinese ancient pome too.I poems too. I think it’s they’re beautiful and interesting.I interesting. I can learn a lot in the pome.I from the poems. I like Qiji Xing very much.So much. So I want to tell you why I choose chose our school.When I walking school. When I walk in our school school, I feel really different.I different. I enjoy it.After it. After three years,it’s years, it’s time to go abroad.I abroad. I may choose USA.It’s the USA. It’s a specific place.

jiangzihan0401: Hello, Mr. Mou. I’m Jiang Zihan. You can call me by my English name, Jenny. I am from Beijing Beijing, which is the China capital. capital of China. But it’s a pity that I have left Beijing for almost 14 years, so I’d like to see Chengdu as my second hometown. When As I grow up, I find that I gradually become interested in taking risks, such as riding roller coaster, coasters, paragliding. And I’m also good as at high jump, badminton badminton, and dancing. I also have a slight understanding of music because I learned to play the piano and wooden flute. When I’m down, reading quietly is the best way to smooth soothe my emotions.

Keven271: Hello Hello, I’m Keven.Yun Keven. Yun Nan province is my hometown ,for hometown. For higher standard education.I education, I came to ChengDu for study.I’m shy,so answer the question that mentioned to study. I’m shy, so when asked questions by teachers I’ll be teachers, I get very nervous. Most of the time, I like playing basketball,sometimes basketball. Sometimes I play computer games too.My too. My dream is to get admitted to Imperial University of Technology,so l Technology, so I need to make more effort effort.

coolMike666: I’m a Chengdu boy named Mike.It’s Mike. It’s a simple name name, but I think I’m not as simple as my name.I name. I can write programs,play programs, perform magic tricks, and sing rap.I rap. I enjoy doing many cool things.Being things. Being good at English is one of the things.I those things. I hope to go abroad and learn many amazing knowledge.It’s things. That’s also a cool thing in my life.

ZhangqiaoyiJoy: Nice to be here to introduce myself to you.

My name is Zhang Qiaoyi. You can also call me Joyce. I am a 15-year-old student in Zunyi, Guizhou. I live in a happy family with my kind and a little strict parents, my sincere grandmother grandmother, and also my cute puppy dog.I dog. I am a positive, optimistic guy, person, and also kind of diligent. People who do not know me well will may think I am cold at the very beginning, but soon you will find how humorous and bright I am.

There are so many talents for me I have that I can’t choose which one to talk of. about. Well, let me start with my hobby in music. I am strongly interested in playing the violin. When I was in the third year of my primary school, there was going to be an orchestra set up an orchestra in my school in my school, and I wanted to be one of the members. Just because of this this, I accidentally knew about discovered this fantastic instrument. It has been over 6 years since I started to practice it. However, everything is does not always going go on smoothly. During my violin learning, I had trouble in changing the position. It is indeed a great challenge for me. My fingers are not flexible enough that enough, making it is hard for me to do it well at first. In order to overcome it, I practiced day and night night, so much so that I nearly forgot to have meals at times. In spite of this, I still couldn’t play it very well well, and a strong thought of giving up came into my mind. Luckily, with the encouragement of my parents and teachers and also my friends, I eventually did it. succeeded. From then on, this unforgettable experience cheers me up along throughout my lifetime. And in 2019, I had participated in a competition in Hong Kong and I got the third prize.

Besides,I Besides, I love film editing so much. In 2018,one 2018, one of my friends did well excelled in film editing. I thought that’s cool,so that was cool, so I searched for some online courses on the Internet and began to study it by myself. At first, I used an APP app named Video Star on my phone to edit some videos. After two years of learning, I published my videos on Tiktok, which made me appreciated by gained appreciation from a large number of fans, and I became more confident in my editing,I editing skills. I worked harder and harder to practice editing, and also learned from more professional editing teachers. Gradually, I made better achievements in 3D special effects and picture color mixing. When I was in middle school, I often edited videos of school activities for my teachers and classmates. I got a lot of likes from many different kinds of people. I am very pleasant pleased about this. Now, I am trying to use a computer clip APP to make more gorgeous videos. After Effects, I hope that I can get achieve better achievements results in film editing.

This is me.

Zao6666: Hello, Mr.Mou .I’m Zao, Mr. Mou. I’m Zao. I come from a Mianyang, in fact Mianyang. In fact, my English name is influenced by my Chinese name, because my Chinese name is Zihao, if Zihao. If you read faster it faster, it will be Zao. I really don’t like sports ,because sports, because the sweat make makes me fell bad, and i feel bad. I am interested in chemistry ,I chemistry. I think chemistry is an amazing subject, subject. Various chemical reactions are like magic, and I can get a good grade in chemistry , but chemistry. However, I think my English is not good ,especially in good, especially spoken English, and I often make grammar mistakes, so I will study very hard in these the upcoming days.

KarlChen013: I’m Karl.I like Karl. I enjoy playing computer games,also I like travelling.In the past month,I went to Europe for games and travelling. Last month, I spent two weeks.My junior high school is weeks touring Europe. I attended No.7 Yucai middle school Huiyuan campus.I’m happy campus for my junior high school education. I’m thrilled to join into Shishi high school.Nice school. Nice to meet you.

Richard6666666: # Richard

Hello everybody and Mr. Mou Mou, I’m Richard.It’s really a Richard. It’s a real pleasure to study here with all of you mates.My you. My biggest hobby hobbies include playing basketball and listening to music.I music. I used to play the piano and clarinet before clarinet, but with increasing study pressure I gave academic pressure, I gradually stopped playing. I sincerely hope to resume playing them one day. Regarding school work, I admit I was a little lazy at times during junior high, but I promise to do my best to keep up gradually,I truly with it now. Lastly, I hope I could pick them up one day…As for school work,I think I’m a little bit lazy sometimes in junior high but I promise I will try my best to deal with it.Lastly I wish I can to learn from the past and do better in every tomorrow ,I improve with each new day. I also expect to make a look forward to making lots of friends in the days ahead.

Evelyn831: Hello everyone i everyone, I am Evelyn.I Evelyn. I am very glad to meet you here.In here. In my free times,i like time, I enjoy watching variety shows and go shopping.In daily life,i going shopping. I am very outgoing and brave in socializing.And I am also a very when it comes to socializing and generally easy person to get along with.My with. My idol is BaiLu because she is a an outgoing and positive girl.My girl. My goal is to get into a good university so that I can be qualified university, which I believe will enable me to meet the people I want.I want to associate with. Over the next three years, I hope to share the encouragement with all the people here in the next 3 years.of you here.

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about you -- Kylin

Homework feedback:


My name is Howard, I like listen listening to EDM music and play playing music game. games. I’m also an EDM music creator and I am studying J-UK Hardcore now. I also like J-pop music like Yoasobi’s. I am interested in Otaku Culture and ACG Culture. We can easily be friends if u you want.


I like playing badminton so mach. much. In my free time time, I will talk with my friends and go shopping with them. I like to go karting, it’s make my it makes me relax~ Although I didn’t I’m not good at English English, I will try my best in my future study life. studies.


My name evan, is Evan, I am an easygoing and energetic person. I have great passion towards my study studies and life. In my spare time, I like reading books, especially novels. When I’m reading, I will feel really relax. relaxed. Besides, I am also keen on traveling. I have traveled abroad many times. I think traveling can broaden my horizon and let me know about many local customs.


Hello, Mr. Mou. I like playing basketball, dancing dancing, and playing the piano. I join joined the basketball team in middle school. My father is a basketball player, so I often play basketball with him. I study studied Classical dance when I was three years old. I like to show people how I dance. Dancing makes me more confident. In my leisure time, I like playing computer games, such as THE SIMS. Because I like design I like designing my own house. When l playing I play the game, I feel relaxed and interested. I can control my time well. I hope I can expand my hobbies in high school!


Hello everyone. My name is Jason. It is my pleasure to know those who is are the same age as me. I am interested in playing basketball and swimming, also, I am good at it. them. Because when I enjoy it, them, I can put down all the pressure. I also like having a picnic because I think talking with friends happily is the most interesting thing. I hope to learn knowledge I do did not know before in classes.


Basketball should be my favorite entertainment. I’m a person who loves sport and sports and is outgoing. I join joined the school basketball team in junior high school. And my favorite sport sports star is Paul George from NBA. I am called George because of him. I like his spirit of not giving up. Now my goal is to enter a good university. Anyway, I will overcome all difficulties.


My name cicily. is Cicily. I like poetry and music. I have been learnling learning saxophone. I really like philosophy, especially Western philosophy. I like the ACG, I also enjoy cosplay. It makes me excited and enjoyable. I have been to many places such as Russia Japan Singapore Egypt and dubai. Journey Russia, Japan, Singapore, Egypt, and Dubai. The journey is full of surprises. Also, I am afeaid afraid to talk with strangers. I am very friendly, please make friends with me.


Hello everyone i everyone, I am Evelyn. I am very glad to meet you here. In my free times, i I like watching variety shows and go going shopping. In daily life, i I am very brave in socializing. And I am also a very easy person to get along with. My idol is BaiLu because she is a an outgoing and positive girl. My goal is to get into a good university so that I can be qualified to meet the people I want. I hope to share the encouragement with all the people here in the next 3 years.


My name is Isaiah. I like sports very much. My favourte favorite sport is basketball. It is a very interesting and useful sports. sport. I often paly play it with my friends. And my favourte favorite basketball palyer player is Leonard. I also like play playing computer games. I can experience different lives through playing it. them. I hope I can enter my dream university in three years years.


Hello Hello, my name is Michael my Michael. My hobby is playing guitar.In guitar. In sports, football and basketball are my strengths .I strengths. I have traveled to many places,such places, such as the US and Germany. I prefer playing games in my daily life.I life. I am glad to be here .I here. I believe I can continue to work hard and succeed.


Hello everyone everyone, my name is Claire l’m Claire. I’m interested about in some sports and music.My music. My favorite sport is badminton in badminton. In my free time, I always play it with my friends.For friends. For music, I really like K-pop.For me ,I K-pop. For me, I think I’m an outgoing and easygoing girl .So girl. So, please make friends with me if you want!!!want!

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Leave a message here to test things out --Kylin --Rosefinch

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# Name

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Free Research

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S1 Summer Vacation Homework 🦁️

Lion 🦁️班

高一 暑假托福听力作业:


TPO1 - TPO70中心理学相关的讲座都过一遍(做题,跟读,记生词)一共9篇。 住宿餐饮相关对话(做题,跟读,记生词),共12篇。


TPO01 - TPO70 独立口语,“科学技术” 话题都练习一遍,共7篇。 TPO50 - TPO70 “心理学” 话题综合口语,共10篇。


7月25号, 8月15号,8月30号左右在本页面留言。放 网站数据截图,需要能看到账号名称

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S1 Summer Vacation Homework 🐲

Dragon 🐲班

高一 暑假托福听力作业:


TPO1 - TPO70中心理学相关的讲座都过一遍(做题,跟读,记生词)一共9篇。 住宿餐饮相关对话(做题,跟读,记生词),共12篇。


TPO01 - TPO70 独立口语,“科学技术” 话题都练习一遍,共7篇。 TPO50 - TPO70 “心理学” 话题综合口语,共10篇。


7月25号, 8月15号,8月30号左右在本页面留言。放 网站数据截图,需要能看到账号名称

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Pixel Art Challenge


Catagories: A working program Creativity Function Loop
Percentage: 60% 20% 10% 10%
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20th June Lion homework

Lion 🦁

“成都分校6.15托福听力口语作业” Task1 逐字稿

TPO7 Task 1

State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation. Learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting.


# Name

Put your modification here.

Deadline: 23rd, 周五晚12点

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20th June Dragon homework

Dragon 🐉

“成都分校6.15托福听力口语作业” Task1 逐字稿

TPO7 Task 1

State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation. Learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting.


# Name

Put your modification here.

Deadline: 23rd, 周五晚12点

Well done:



Tan-Taylor: # Taylor

I disagree with the idea that learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting. Because we We often don’t have good self-control, self-control; when students are studying online courses, online, they may use electronic devices to chat or play games. And it’s It’s also difficult for students to concentrate as much as when they learn in a traditional classroom setting. Last, Lastly, learning in the traditional classroom setting can communicate allows for immediate communication with the teacher in time to make teacher, making learning more efficient. So So, I disagree with this idea.

jiangtingxi: # Daniel

I agree with that learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting. Because This is because through the online courses, we can serach search for the information we want to know, and it can let gives us have more freedom. So So, I think the online courses is are better.

Student-Nancy-Sun: # Nancy

I think learning in traditional classroom is better. a traditional classroom is better. The reason why I think so is that there are more convenient in is that traditional classrooms than in online courses. offer more convenience than online courses. Students will can have discussions and they also can discussion with each other face to face. interact face-to-face. This is a good way for students to take make friends with other. When the students be in others. In online courses, students don’t know their classmates, so they will miss a the chance of making friends with some people . friends. Also, when in in a traditional class, if some students doesn’t a student doesn’t understand the teacher’s teaching content, they can quickly raise their hand to ask the teacher quickly . teacher. Students in traditional classrooms not only learn the knowledge ,they but also can get interest in there. cultivate interests.

student-yuna-wu: # Yuna

I agree with learn that learning things through an online course is more effective than learn acquiring knowledge in the a traditional classroom setting. Firstly, it’s convenient. People can take an online course everywhere anywhere at anytime. any time. They do not need to find a suitable location to study; they can learn things anywhere they want. Secondly, it can help people save more money. This is because most of the time, online courses are cheaper than traditional lessons. People do not need to find a suitable location to study, they can learn things everywhere if they want. ¶ Secondly, it can help people to save more money. This is because most of the price the online course is cheaper than the traditional lesson. People do not need to pay a lot of money, meanwhile they can but they can still learn the same things which they can they would learn at the in a traditional class.

huzoeyi: # Zoe

I’m a great student to learning I believe that learning through online courses is better for students learning in than learning in a classroom. First students study First, students studying online can have a more free time to ask a professor question questions, and the professor can answer the question easily too and the these questions easily. Moreover, students can find the answer answers online too. And the second Second, students learning online can have a more break time because they didn’t don’t need to change the book and change the classroom to studyand, uh, books or classrooms to study; they have a time to break rest and do other things.

Dia2005: # Dia

From my point, leaning perspective, learning online is much less effective than leaning in learning in a traditional classroom, and here there are two main reasons for this. First, sitting in classroom could a classroom can efficiently help students concern focus on what they’re learning, like creating a sort of studying atmosphere of studying together with their classmates. Second, when students are taking lessons off line, offline, it would also be is easier for teachers to control the teaching speed by observing students face students’ faces and body acting. So as language. So, all in all, learning in a traditional class is better.

talentboywonder: # Paul

I agree with that the point that student leaning online is more effective than leaning in traditional classroom,there’s students learning online is more effective than learning in a traditional classroom. There are a couple of reasons. reasons for this. The first reason is learning online is more convenient,because that learning online is more convenient; you don’t need to get up early and can relax for a long longer time. the The second reason is search that searching for information is more effective than learning in the a traditional classroom. So So, that’s way i why I think student leaning online is more effective than leaning in learning online is more effective than learning in a traditional classroom.

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How to create a google account


This phone number cannot be used for verification


1.使用谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)

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cs demo class recap

Topic: Search and research 搜索和调查—— 学好任何学科的基础

Search Challenge 搜索挑战:


Core Concepts 核心内容:

Concept 概念 Definition 定义 / Usage 使用方法
A browser is application software for accessing the World Wide Web or a local website.
Search Engine
A search engine is a software system designed to carry out web searches.
Different kinds of search tools
text search, image search, and geolocation search
Advanced Search Operators
site: 在某个网站或域名下搜索/站内搜索。 oldest person ever

- 排除减号后面的内容,减号的命令可以多个连续使用。
苍蝇馆 -北京 -上海

”” 完全匹配搜索,返回的页面包含双引号中出现的所有的词
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12th June ESL classwork lion

听力课 一篇对话(TPO11C2),一篇讲座(TPO1L2)

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Hunt for the wilderpeople film review for lion

Lion 🦁️

Choose one aspect to talk about the film:

Screen Shot 2023-06-05 at 8 30 56 AM-min

  1. In “Hunt for the Wilderpeople,” Ricky and Hec develop a complex and deep relationship. How would you compare their relationship at the beginning of the movie to the end? What key moments in the film do you think most significantly shaped their bond?

  2. The film is set in the beautiful and wild New Zealand bush. How do you think the natural setting influences the characters and their development? What role does the wilderness play in the overall narrative?

  3. Taika Waititi, the director, uses humor throughout the film. How do you think the humor adds to the themes and messages of the story? Can you think of an instance where humor was used to address a serious issue?

  4. There are many themes explored in “Hunt for the Wilderpeople,” such as family, survival, and belonging. Choose one theme and describe how it was developed throughout the film.

  5. How does the film portray authority figures, such as the child welfare officer and the police? What messages do you think the film is trying to convey through these characters?

  6. “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” uses the concept of a journey, both literally and metaphorically. How do you see this journey in the characters of Ricky and Hec, and what do they learn from it?

  7. Ricky and Hec are very different characters but find common ground. How do these differences and similarities impact their relationship and the story’s progression?

  8. One of the film’s recurring motifs is Ricky’s haikus. Why do you think the filmmaker chose this as a means of expression for Ricky, and how does it affect your understanding of his character?

  9. “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” addresses societal perceptions of family. How does the film redefine or challenge traditional definitions of what a family can be?

  10. The end of the film sees Ricky and Hec returning to civilization. How do you interpret the final scene, and what do you imagine happens to them after the credits roll?

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Hunt for the wilderpeople film review for dragon

Dragon 🐲

Choose one aspect to talk about the film:

Screen Shot 2023-06-05 at 8 30 56 AM-min

  1. In “Hunt for the Wilderpeople,” Ricky and Hec develop a complex and deep relationship. How would you compare their relationship at the beginning of the movie to the end? What key moments in the film do you think most significantly shaped their bond?

  2. The film is set in the beautiful and wild New Zealand bush. How do you think the natural setting influences the characters and their development? What role does the wilderness play in the overall narrative?

  3. Taika Waititi, the director, uses humor throughout the film. How do you think the humor adds to the themes and messages of the story? Can you think of an instance where humor was used to address a serious issue?

  4. There are many themes explored in “Hunt for the Wilderpeople,” such as family, survival, and belonging. Choose one theme and describe how it was developed throughout the film.

  5. How does the film portray authority figures, such as the child welfare officer and the police? What messages do you think the film is trying to convey through these characters?

  6. “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” uses the concept of a journey, both literally and metaphorically. How do you see this journey in the characters of Ricky and Hec, and what do they learn from it?

  7. Ricky and Hec are very different characters but find common ground. How do these differences and similarities impact their relationship and the story’s progression?

  8. One of the film’s recurring motifs is Ricky’s haikus. Why do you think the filmmaker chose this as a means of expression for Ricky, and how does it affect your understanding of his character?

  9. “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” addresses societal perceptions of family. How does the film redefine or challenge traditional definitions of what a family can be?

  10. The end of the film sees Ricky and Hec returning to civilization. How do you interpret the final scene, and what do you imagine happens to them after the credits roll?

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Hunt for the wilder people

Hunt for the wilder people

Screen Shot 2023-06-05 at 8 30 56 AM-min

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5th June Lion homework

Lion 🦁️

“成都分校6.01托福口语5月月考” Task1 Task4 逐字稿


# Name

# Task1 

# Task4

OliviaTeng: # Olivia


I prefer to stay with a family already living in the country. Firstly, the family can help know me understand the country well. For example, they can tell you what’s me about the nearest stores and restaurants. They can even help you something about your study me with my studies since they know the country well. Secondly, the family can give you offer help if there are some accidental things. unexpected incidents. For example, if one day you I feel uncomfortable and fell unwell and fall down at your room. If your live alone, in my room, no one can help you. me if I live alone. However, if you I live in with a family, some of the people may stay be at home, so they can find you and send you me and take me to the hospital.


The paradox of technology means that although many people think technology makes our life better, sometimes it may let us have lead to some problems. The professor illustrates the idea by bringing up some examples: the first one is about electronic devices. Something Devices like DVD and TV DVDs and TVs make our life better. However, if you want to control both of them, you need to use a universal machine. remote. And you need to spend a lot of time watching reading instructions and learning how to use the machine remote well! But in that case, your life becomes harder. The second one is about cell phone. phones. Now cell phones are getting smaller and smaller, so it’s portable easier for us to bring carry them. However, because the keys can be tiny as the phones get smaller, you may have problems using your finger to control something. For example, you can’t type number numbers easily.

Jerrydacongming: # Jerry


I prefer to live on their my own or with a few of my friends. Firstly, it can develop us my independence ability, we as I must do many things by ourselves, myself, instead of helping being helped by other. others. For example, if you are I am alone, you I must clean your my house and cook by yourselves. myself. Secondly, it is better for us to study, if you my studies, if I study alone or with your my friends, you I can have a quite quiet environment or can discuss with your friend. things with my friends. By contrast, if you I live with family, they will might influence you and just me and ask your me to do many things.


Although, Although technology can make people’s life lives easier, it also make makes people’s life lives difficult. First, simplify simplifying life actually has the opposite effect. For example, the with an electronic device, there is no need for you to get up from your set seat to change the TV channel or change adjust the volume. But when you program yourself, it yourself, you should spend hours reading a manual, manual and figuring out the directions. Also Also, you should remember buttons, so it’s also which can make life complicated.Another complicated. Another example is mobile phone and cell phones, they phones. They are being made smaller and smaller now, although and while it’s convenient for people to take, carry them, it’s easily easy for people to type number wrong, and also numbers incorrectly due to the small keys, making it difficult for your finger fingers to control something.

adolf-hitter: # Ivan


In my opinion, I prefer to live in an apartment by myself. First of all, living alone can provide sufficient privacy, such as not being disturbed in the studio study and so on. Second, I can become more independent as a scholar. Being alone meant means being self-reliant in order to satisfy my own purposes, needs, so I forced force myself to get exercise in all aspects. Finally, living alone can help us plan our time better. I can decide when and what to do without caring about considering other people’s feelings, and my day will be more productive. On the contrary, if I live with other people, I need to take into account consider their schedules, such as the trouble inconvenience caused by the difference differences in bedtime and night. routine.


Paradox The paradox of technology means that technologies that are supposed to make life easier actually make life more difficult in a variety of ways.

The first one is about electronic devices such as DVD players and TV stereo. stereos. These different devices have their own remote controls. Now the remote control is convenient, you don’t need to get up from your seat to change TV channels or turn down adjust the volume of the stereo. Everyone loves them. However, if your DVD player is connected to a TV, you may need a remote control to watch movies to and get rid of the need for multiple remote controls, and the controls. The universal remote control was invented. invented for this purpose. A universal remote control can be programmed to operate all your electronic devices. However, you have to program it yourself. This means that you need to spend hours reading the instructions to find figure out how to use them. it. After you’ve programmed it, you want to use it. But you have to remember which button does what. If you forget, you’ll have to read the instruction manual again. The universal remote control was supposed to make life easier. But on the contrary, it makes life more complicated. The second issue is about smaller and smaller phones or cell phones. phones that are getting smaller and smaller. Today, they are lightweight, easy to carry, and can even fit in your pocket. That’s great. But as phones get smaller, so do the keys. Many people find that with these tiny phones, they cannot operate those tiny buttons accurately or easily. People often accidentally dial the wrong phone number because the keys are too small for their fingers to touch.

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5th June Dragon homework

Dragon 🐲

“成都分校6.01托福口语5月月考” Task1 Task3 逐字稿


# Name

# Task1 

# Task3


Student-Nancy-Sun: # Nancy


I think some people who go to other another country to study choose to live on their own or with a few of their friends friends, which is a better way. Since all my friends are the same age, they will communicate with each other more and won’t feel lonely or distant.When distant. When they are in trouble, they can also turn to them for help. But studying abroad to stay with a family already living in the country will make you uncomfortable because it will embarrass you and you will not feel very comfortable because they are your elders.When elders. When you are with your peers, you can share your stories without worry, and you can face difficulties together without feeling helpless, so go helpless. So, going to another country to study choose and choosing to live on their your own or with A a few of their your friends Other students is a good way to do it it.


The behavior of one particular species of ant is a case in point. They have underground nests in the forest. If there are young ants in an ant colony, but there is not enough food in their old place, they will go elsewhere to find food. So So, once the food supply runs out, they move again to another location to make sure they have a constant supply of fresh food. This goes on until the little ants grow up and no longer need as much food. When this happens, community activities can eventually stop moving from place to place and find a new underground den in the forest for the group to stay and live in.

Tan-Taylor: # Taylor

Task 1

I think it is better for students who go to study in another country to choose to live on their own or with a few friends. Because independence is an important skill. If you choose to live on your own or live with a few friends, that will help you learn to be independent. However, living with family will be slower or harder to learn to be independent. This independence is very useful when you are working, so I prefer to choose to live on my own or with a few friends.

Task 3

The nomadic phase is a concept that means that certain insects spend time in both extended periods of settlement and extended periods of travel. During a period of travel, the entire group will continually move from one place to another. The professor gave an example, example: ants. Ants live underground, and baby ants need enough food to grow. So So, when the food supply runs out in one place, the ants move on to live somewhere else, and they keep moving until the baby ants grow up.This up. This phenomenon is called the nomadic phase.

huzoeyi: # Zoe


I think it’s better for students to live with a few of their friends to study.And study. And because first firstly, they have a team working and teach each other and to improve together and to get successful.The second to become successful. Secondly, someone may think living on their own or study studying by their self themselves is boring boring, so they can live and study with others to feel interested in the study studying hard.


They are talking about the insect,spend insects that spend time to travel traveling with their baby to found babies to find an area near the nest.And the food,for example,the nest. For example, the professor has mentioned an ant live that lives together and underground and that underground. Their baby ants live together, and their baby ants live together and their food is come food comes from other strong and ants that bring them food.And the food. The strong ants will carry the baby ants to a new place to find food at every night.And night. And the baby ants want to go eat so much food from the place to place and under the ground. underground.

jiangtingxi: # Daniel


I think it’s better for students to live on their own or with a few of their friends. Because it will make students become more imdependent. independent. If students live with their family, they won’t become more independent. So I think it’s better for students to live on their own or with a few of their friends.


The example from the professor’s lecture illustrates the nomadic plase phase by pointing out that a nomadic plase phase may begin because a group of inserts insects has a temporary need for additional resourses resources that can’t be found in the area near the nest. So the group must travel in search of these countries. resources.

talentboywonder: # Paul


Living on their own or with a few friends and staying with a host family are both viable options for students who study abroad. Living independently can provide students with a sense of freedom and the opportunity to develop essential life skills, such as budgeting and cooking. Living with friends can also foster a sense of community and support. On the other hand, staying with a host family can provide a more immersive cultural experience, allowing students to learn the language and customs more quickly and form close relationships with the host family. Host families can also offer practical support and guidance.


Nomadic The nomadic phase means that the entire group of certain insects will continually move from one place to another during a period of travel.

The professor used a particular kind of ant as an example. These ants live together in colonies or and communities underground. They have underground nests in the forest forest, and much of their life is made up of collecting food, finding food near the nest and bring nest, and bringing it back to the colony.

Now Now, when there are baby ants in the colony, the food will not be not enough in that one location. Baby ants require a lot of nutrition, more food than can be found by just searching around near the underground nest. This means the colony needs to do something about this to make sure the baby ants have enough food to grow. What they will do is that the entire colony will leave the nest. They will pick up the baby ants and carry them along to a new location to find a new food supply. And once that food supply runs out, they move again to another location to ensure they have a continual fresh food supply. They often move every night to satisfy the demanding nutritional needs of the baby ants. And this goes on until eventually the baby ants grow and no longer needs need so much food. When this happens, the community events can finally stop moving from place to place and find a spot in the forest to make a new underground nest for the group to stay in and live.

Shelia-Wen: # Shelia

Task 1

I prefer the to stay with my family. I don’t consider the money for the house and some other things. And I don’t consider to fit fitting in the new environment and to get making new friends. if If I face some problem, problems, I can call my family or friend to help me. Because me because they’re not so far away to from me. It’s a more convenience to convenient for me.

Task 2

The nomadic phase is a behavior during travel, and an insect continues to travel from one kind of insects and ten extend period of on settlement and the some intend period of the insects place to another. The professor gave an example: ants. Ants live together and live in the underground. When ants are babies, mature ants need to collect food to feed the newborn ants to ensure that the little ants have enough food to eat. Adult ants need to go out the settlement to a new place to find the food. That called food for the little ants. In order to feed their next generation, this continuous behavior is also known as the nomadic phase. And if some insects stay the one settlement long time,they cannot find the food in the area near the nest, so they are movement the other places to find the resources. The professor is an example, the an ants of the living in the underground nest, the adult ants will go out the nest to find food for the baby ant have the enough food.

student-yuna-wu: # Yuna

Task 1

I prefer to choose to live on their my own or with a few of their my friends when students want to go to anther another country. Firstly, it can help students to develop their friendship. Students need to consider other feelings other’s feelings, and they can understand others deeply. Secondly, it can help students become more independent. When students face everything on abroad abroad, they need to solve problems by themselves.

Task 3

Nomadic phase is a behavior during a period of travel, travel when a kind of insect will continue to travel from a one place to another place. ¶ another. The professor gives an example for of ants. Ants are live together and live in the underground. When ants are babies, mature ants need to collect food to baby ants. and feed the newborn ants to ensure that the little ants have enough food to eat. In order to make sure baby ants have enough food to eat, mature ants feed their next generation, they need to go to a new location to find food to baby for the little ants. Even, ants will move to a new place to make baby ants have enough food every night. This behavior will continue continues until baby the little ants grow to the mature ants.



I think it’s better to choose a family that already live lives in the country. Because when you arrive in a new country, there are many things you don’t know, such as transportation, food, climate, and so on. If you live alone, you won’t be able to acquire these this knowledge, but if you live in with a family in that country, you can better adapt to life here and learn better.Moreover, better. Moreover, when you live in with a family in that country, the people you come into contact with will also change, so you also can also make more friends friends.


In the lecture, the professor gave the following two examples. Firstly, ants spend most of their life collecting food and bringing it back to their nests. Secondly, when there are small ants among the ants and there is not enough food, they will take the small ants and all the ants away and take them to a new place until the food in that place is also eaten up.

Yancy-demo: # Yancy


I think the students should go aboard abroad, and they prefer to stay at with a family has that already living lives in the country because that is better for the student. students. Because when they feed me face some inconveniences or the things that doesn’t understand they don’t understand, like how to really install this kind of WiFi connection or where they can I call this the delivery. This kind of for delivery, these basic living things they can learn or they can kind of they can ask someone to ask about them being lost it like for help if they are living on themselves with a family or living with the friends who I knew here. are already there.


The reading passage introduces a term called Nomadic Phase, meaning a temporary time period when the entire group of ants continually travel travels from one place to another in search of additional resources. In the biology lecture lecture, the professor used an example of a particular ant to explain this concept. These ants live in underground colonies in the forest and their entire life is like collecting food and bringing the food to their colony. So when together underground. When there are baby ants in the group may not group, the ants need to collect food for them. In order to ensure that the baby ants have enough food the entire ants colony will start this Nomadic Phase. like they may leave their nest and carry to eat, the mature ants need to go to a new location to find food for the baby ants along with them to ants. They even move to a new locations to ensure that place every night to make sure the baby ants can have a continual fresh food supply to grow. And this situation enough food. This behavior continues until the little baby ants grow up and no longer need so much food.

Amy-Gan15: Amy


i think I think living with local families is definitely better because students are able to learn so many thing things in an easier way..It way. It enables them not only to get familiar with the local customs quickly, quickly but also to adapt to the new life life in a comparatively short time. After all, when those students get enrolled, there are many academic tasks to deal with with, and their time is more suitable for spending on academic research.

#task3 # Task3

Nomadic phase refers to a period of travel when certain insects have to move based on the basis of need for additional resources that cannot be found in the area near the nest.such as, nest. For example, when the sources of the new location run out, out.

CameronLawliet: # Cameron


I think we should be closer to the local residents and participate in the study studying abroad in the way of living with them, them so that we can exercise our oral English ability and have an in-depth understanding of the local culture. At the same time, it can save living expenses without worrying about living arrangements and living. arrangements. Being able to adapt to life quickly will be a good way to live in this situation.


The nomadic stage phase is a behavior during travel, and an insect continues to travel from one place to another.The another. The professor gave the example of ants. Ants live in groups underground. When the ants are just born, other ants need to be mothers to collect food and feed the newborn ants to ensure that the little ants have enough food to eat. Adult ants need to go to a new place to find food for the little ants. In order to feed their next generation, such continuous behavior is also known as the nomadic stage.phase.

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2nd June homework

Dragon 🐲

TPO64 L1 international trade 国际贸易

  1. 画思维导图(电子版), 放在ESL页面。
  2. 收集一个动词短语, 一个生词。
  3. 听力练习,

Lion 🦁️

TPO64 L3 Gila lizard 希拉毒蜥蜴

  1. 画思维导图(电子版),放在ESL页面。
  2. 收集一个动词短语, 一个生词。
  3. 听力练习,

放在一个留言里, 切记不要分成几个留言

周日晚上12:00 前完成

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Let me know your questions



Your questions

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Independent Speaking Rubrics

4 The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following:
Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speech is clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns, which do not affect overall intelligibility.
The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary. It exhibits a fairly high degree of automaticity with good control of basic and complex structures (as appropriate). Some minor (or systematic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning.
Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear (or there is a clear progression of ideas).
3 The response addresses the task appropriately but may fall short of being fully developed. It is generally intelligible and coherent, with some fluidity of expression, though it exhibits some noticeable lapses in the expression of ideas. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Speech is generally clear, with some fluidity of expression, though minor difficulties with pronunciation, intonation, or pacing are noticeable and may require listener effort at times (though overall intelligibility is not significantly affected).
The response demonstrates fairly automatic and effective use of grammar and vocabulary, and fairly coherent expression of relevant ideas. Response may exhibit some imprecise or inaccurate use of vocabulary or grammatical structures or be somewhat limited in the range of structures used. This may affect overall fluency, but it does not seriously interfere with the communication of the message.
Response is mostly coherent and sustained and conveys relevant ideas/information. Overall development is somewhat limited, usually lacks elaboration or specificity. Relationships between ideas may at times not be immediately clear.
2 The response addresses the task, but development of the topic is limited. It contains intelligible speech, although problems with delivery and/ or overall coherence occur; meaning may be obscured in places. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Speech is basically intelligible, though listener effort is needed because of unclear articulation, awkward intonation, or choppy rhythm/pace; meaning may be obscured in places.
The response demonstrates limited range and control of grammar and vocabulary. These limitations often prevent full expression of ideas. For the most part, only basic sentence structures are used successfully and spoken with fluidity. Structures and vocabulary may express mainly simple (short) and/or general propositions, with simple or unclear connections made among them (serial listing, conjunction, juxtaposition).
The response is connected to the task, though the number of ideas presented or the development of ideas is limited. Mostly basic ideas are expressed with limited elaboration (details and support). At times relevant substance may be vaguely expressed or repetitious. Connections of ideas may be unclear.
1 The response is very limited in content and/or coherence or is only minimally connected to the task, or speech is largely unintelligible. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Consistent pronunciation, stress and intonation difficulties cause considerable listener effort; delivery is choppy, fragmented, or telegraphic; frequent pauses and hesitations.
Range and control of grammar and vocabulary severely limit or prevent expression of ideas and connections among ideas. Some low-level responses may rely heavily on practiced or formulaic expressions.
Limited relevant content is expressed. The response generally lacks substance beyond expression of very basic ideas. Speaker may be unable to sustain speech to complete the task and may rely heavily on repetition of the prompt.
0 Speaker makes no attempt to respond OR response is unrelated to the topic.

Integrated Speaking Rubrics

4 The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following:
Speech is generally clear, fluid and sustained. It may include minor lapses or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation. Pace may vary at times as the speaker attempts to recall information. Overall intelligibility remains high.
The response demonstrates good control of basic and complex grammatical structures that allow for coherent, efficient (automatic) expression of relevant ideas. Contains generally effective word choice. Though some minor (or systematic) errors or imprecise use may be noticeable, they do not require listener effort (or obscure meaning).
The response presents a clear progression of ideas and conveys the relevant information required by the task. It includes appropriate detail, though it may have minor errors or minor omissions.
3 The response addresses the task appropriately, but may fall short of being fully developed. It is generally intelligible and coherent, with some fluidity of expression, though it exhibits some noticeable lapses in the expression of ideas. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Speech is generally clear, with some fluidity of expression, but it exhibits minor difficulties with pronunciation, intonation, or pacing and may require some listener effort at times. Overall intelligibility remains good, however.
The response demonstrates fairly automatic and effective use of grammar and vocabulary, and fairly coherent expression of relevant ideas. Response may exhibit some imprecise or inaccurate use of vocabulary or grammatical structures or be somewhat limited in the range of structures used. Such limitations do not seriously interfere with the communication of the message.
The response is sustained and conveys relevant information required by the task. However, it exhibits some incompleteness, inaccuracy, lack of specificity with respect to content, or choppiness in the progression of ideas.
2 The response is connected to the task, though it may be missing some relevant information or contain inaccuracies. It contains some intelligible speech, but at times problems with intelligibility and/or overall coherence may obscure meaning. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Speech is clear at times, though it exhibits problems with pronunciation, intonation, or pacing and so may require significant listener effort. Speech may not be sustained at a consistent level throughout. Problems with intelligibility may obscure meaning in places (but not throughout).
The response is limited in the range and control of vocabulary and grammar demonstrated (some complex structures may be used, but typically contain errors). This results in limited or vague expression of relevant ideas and imprecise or inaccurate connections. Automaticity of expression may only be evident at the phrasal level.
The response conveys some relevant information but is clearly incomplete or inaccurate. It is incomplete if it omits key ideas, makes vague reference to key ideas, or demonstrates limited development of important information. An inaccurate response demonstrates misunderstanding of key ideas from the stimulus. Typically, ideas expressed may not be well-connected or cohesive so that familiarity with the stimulus is necessary to follow what is being discussed.
1 The response is very limited in content or coherence or is only minimally connected to the task. Speech may be largely unintelligible. A response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following:
Consistent pronunciation and intonation problems cause considerable listener effort and frequently obscure meaning. Delivery is choppy, fragmented, or telegraphic. Speech contains frequent pauses and hesitations.
Range and control of grammar and vocabulary severely limit (or prevent) expression of ideas and connections among ideas. Some very low-level responses may rely on isolated words or short utterances to communicate ideas.
The response fails to provide much relevant content. Ideas that are expressed are often inaccurate, limited to vague utterances, or repetitions (including repetition of prompt).
0 Speaker makes no attempt to respond OR response is unrelated to the topic.
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Pixel Art Challenge 2023 Dragon

All the codes are Written in Python




























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30th May ESL Classwork

Lion 🦁️

adolf-hitter: # Ivan

# task 3

The student in the letter suggests that the university could display the artwork in the lobby at the entrance to the student center. The However, the woman in the listening part doesn’t doesn’t like this idea because, for one thing, she thinks that the place has millions of people passing by, and it’s but it’s way too crowded. So, it’s So it’s not good for appreciating the artwork since people passing by would block the view, and this is going to be distracting. Secondly, she thinks that the natural light from the glass windows of the student center is actually not good for this artwork. If it’s it’s sunny outside, the light would be way too bright; bright, and if it’s it’s cloudy, it’ll it’ll be way too dark. So, So she thinks that this the artwork needs some controlled light, like the ones in the museum.

LauraAmia: # Laura

# task 3

Entertainment merchandising refers to a form of marketing in which the brand or image from one product is also used to sell another another, and it is often used in TV shows shows, especially those associated with children. The professor uses himself and his daughter as examples. First, the professor uses himself as an example. When he was a kid, he really liked a character called Action Hero Hero, and he often watched the shows of Action Hero on TV and played games with his friends. So, So when he saw the Action Hero toy in the store, he also wanted the toy too. The second example is the professor’s professor’s seven-year-old daughter. She also really likes liked watching TV and she owns owned a cute toy doll. The doll is was her favorite toy. So, So when she found out that there will would be a TV show in which the doll will would be the main character, she felt very excited excited, and the show is was also as popular as the doll.

</span>Jerrydacongming: # Jerry

task 3

Entertainment Merchandising merchandising means a widely used marketing practice in the entertainment industry is entertainment merchandising. Here are industry. It refers to connecting two examples, goods together and sharing their popularity. The professor gives two examples in the lecture. Firstly, when the professor was a kid, Action Hero an action hero was very famous, and the professor and his friend watched this television show with his friend every week, then week. Then they began seeing these small Action Hero figures in all the stores. It was stores, which also interesting to interested them, so they also liked playing with the toy. The second example is about the professor’s daughter, she daughter. She also likes watching television and playing with toys, like a cute little baby doll, her doll. Her friends like it too, so they always talk about this it with each other, then other. Then, some weeks ago, there was a program about this, it, and she and her friends were all happy to watch the show.

KendricknoLamar: # Kendrick

# task3 task 3

The reading introduces a concept called Entertainment Merchandising. The concept is about a kind of marketing where in which the brand or image from one product is used to sell another related good as well. There are 2 two main types of Entertainment Merchandising. One of them is selling toys that look like the character characters in certain movie movies or cartoon. cartoons. For instance, the professor mentions that once there was a movie called Action Hero. The “Action Hero,” and the professor and his friends were interested in this movie. Few A few weeks later, he found out that there was a toy about were toys related to the movie appeared in the store. available in stores. Another one type is making TV shows about popular toys, the toys. The professor introduced his daughter and her friends friends, who have a very lovely toy dog. Almost every girl like of his daughter’s age will would buy one, and one day his daughter said there will would be a TV show about the dog. So So, of course course, his daughter will would choose to watch it since she really likes the toy dog.

OliviaTeng: # Olivia

task 3

Entertainment Merchandising means that a brand or image from one product can also be used to sell another. The professor illustrates this by giving an example: in the past, when he was a little child, he really liked Action Hero. action hero. So, he watched a lot of programs about the heroes and imagined being a person like that. So, Therefore, when the toys about related to the heroes came out, it was it’s natural for him to have the desire to buy the toys. Another example is about his daughter. His daughter really liked a toy–Rosa. And toy named Rosa, and she always played with the toys toy with her friends. So, when the TV programs about Rosa came out, it was also natural for her to watch the programs.

Ivy-666: # Ivy

# task3 task 3

Entertainment merchandising is a marketing practice using that uses the brand or image from one product to sell another. The professor uses two examples to illustrate this practice. The first example is that when he was a kid, his friends and he liked a character named Action Hero Hero, and they always watched the Action Hero program on Television television and played games pretending to be the powerful hero. After a while, some time, they started to see small hero figures in all the stores. They all watched the TV show for so long that it was natural they wanted for them to want to buy the toys. The second example is that his 7-year-old daughter and her friends like liked a cute little baby doll named Rosa. One day day, his daughter told him that a new TV program with Rosa as the main character would be shown air every week. Naturally, she and her friends all started to watch the television show show, which was already popular, became as popular as the toy doll.

Shawnnnn666: # Shawn

# Task3 task 3

The concept of entertainment merchandising is about a plan to sell and connect two goods together and to share their popularity together. popularity. The professor gives the following example examples in the lecture. Firstly, he gives us his self his own experience. When he was young, he liked a hero, and the hero was really popular. There’s There was a program and a game about the hero. They hero, and they were both popular too and they too. They just wanted to imitate the hero’s appearance. And secondly, pretend to be like the hero. Secondly, he gives an example of his daughter. When his daughter was young, she liked a character called Spro, and the character was really popular. There’s There was a TV program related to the character about the character, and it is was popular too.

Jessie0120: # Jessie

# Task3 task 3

The entertainment Merchandising merchandising is a kind of marketing in which that uses the brand or image from one product is also used to sell another, and always it is often connected with movies and shows. For example, in the lecture, the professor loved a hero character and watched the program every week when he was a child. Later, child, and later it became so normal for him to buy the goods of related to the character in stores they saw after he had watched it for a long time. And stores. As for his daughter, she loves loved to play with the a doll and had fun with her friends. Later, a show with the doll’s character of the doll came up, was introduced, so the girl went to watch the show with the her friends very naturally. Also, the show became really popular as popular, just like the toy doll among the children.

YvonneYW: # Yvonne

task 3

Entertainment merchandising is an effective way of marketing in which a brand or an image from one product is used to sell another. And this This is usually used in shows and movies connected with children. For example, when the professor was a kid. He kid, he and his friends really enjoyed a TV character called Action Hero. And Hero, and they played together, pretending to be action heroes. So when action heroes merchandise came out, they all wanted it. Entertainment merchandising markets a new toy with a popular TV show. In another example, The the professor’s daughter loves to play with a cute little baby doll called named Rosa. It’s very popular among little girls. And then Then, when the TV show reported about it. So, featuring Rosa was announced, it had become also became very popular.

plutoxe: # Tony

# Task3 task 3

I disagree with this opinion, opinion that not all children should be required to learn a second language in school, the reason is school because, for most of the people people, they won’t won’t use it anymore after school. First, for most people, they won’t won’t leave the country where they are born from because they can’t go out of their countries due to many reasons. Most people, due to various circumstances, will just stay in the countries where they were born. ¶ So that born in due to various reasons, such as limited means to travel. Most people will simply stay in their home countries. Therefore, it would be a waste our of time. The second reason we have is for the government, it’s another Secondly, from the government’s perspective, it would be an additional economic cost for the government. That will cost cost. It would require more money on it, money, but it helps would only benefit students who want to go to other countries to live. So, it’s won’t Therefore, it won’t happen.

LauraAmia: # Eileen

# Task3 task 3

The passage is talking about entertainment merchandising. The concept of entertainment merchandising is a kind of marketing that where the brand or images are used to sell another product. And it It is often related to shows and movies for children. The professor uses two examples to explain the concept. When the professor was a kid kid, he used to like a character called Action Hero. Since he watched the show for about Action Hero for a long time time, when he saw the Action Hero toy in the shops shops, he also wanted the toy too. toy. The second example is the professor’s daughter and she daughter. She also enjoys watching TV shows. She shows and has a toy doll named Rosa. She really likes the doll doll, so when she saw the TV show that with Rosa as the main character is Rosa character, she feels felt very happy and excited. And the The show is also became very popular.

amber20070628: # Amber

# Task3 task 3

The concept is about a kind of marketing strategy that where the same image or brand is using used on the different products. The professor gives two examples. The first example is about the professor’s childhood. During his childhood, he and his friends liked a TV show called the Action Hero, “Action Hero,” and they watched them it every weekend and played games about based on that TV show. And one day One day, he and his friends found out that the shops in the town were selling toys of related to this TV show, and without a doubt, they all bought the toys. The second example is about his daughter, his daughter. His daughter and her friends own a baby doll called Rosa, and they play with their dolls every day. One day, and one day his daughter saw a TV show about Rosa Rosa, and they are were very excited about

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30th May ESL Quiz

Dragon 🐲


Lion 🦁️


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26th May homework

Dragon 🐲

TPO18 L3 Spices 香料的历史地位

  1. 画思维导图(电子版), 放在ESL页面。
  2. 收集一个动词短语, 一个生词。
  3. 听力练习,

Lion 🦁️

TPO64 L2 continental polar air mass 大陆极地气团

  1. 画思维导图(电子版),放在ESL页面。
  2. 收集一个动词短语, 一个生词。
  3. 听力练习,

放在一个留言里, 切记不要分成几个留言

周一 10:00 前完成

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TPO23 Speaking modification

Task1 and Task2

leave your comments here

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TPO18 Lecture Quiz

Dragon 🐲

TPO18 L2 Copies of Greek Sculptures

Lion 🦁️

TPO18 L1 Sunspots

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19th May homework

Dragon 🐲

TPO18 L2 Copies of Greek Sculptures

  1. 画思维导图(电子版), 放在ESL页面。
  2. 收集一个动词短语, 一个生词。
  3. 一个对话练习,

Lion 🦁️

TPO18 L1 Sunspots

  1. 画思维导图(电子版),放在ESL页面。
  2. 收集一个动词短语, 一个生词。
  3. 一个对话练习,

放在一个留言里, 切记不要分成几个留言

周一 10:00 前完成

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16th May ESL Quiz

TPO63 quiz

Dragon 🐲


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12th May homework

Dragon 🐲

tpo63 L3 阿卡狄亚人 / Arcadians

  1. 画思维导图(电子版), 放在ESL页面,TPO63下面。
  2. 收集一个动词短语, 一个生词。
  3. 一个对话练习,

Lion 🦁️

tpo63 L4 晶状体 / Lens

  1. 画思维导图(电子版),放在ESL页面,TPO63下面。
  2. 收集一个动词短语, 一个生词。
  3. 一个对话练习,

放在一个留言里, 切记不要分成几个留言

周一 10:00 前完成

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TPO4 Task1

Many universities now offer academic courses over the Internet. However, some people still prefer learning in traditional classrooms. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

Leave your comments here:


# name

Task 1 revision 

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Computer Science May Project

Computer Science May Project

A presentation about the movie MISSING. Some ideas:

  1. Themes and Messages: Analyze the themes and messages conveyed by the movie or TV show.

  2. Computer science skills behind the science: Share some knowledge about how to use google.

  3. Personal Opinion: Share your personal opinion of the movie, including what you liked or disliked about it. Discuss whether the movie resonated with you emotionally.

  4. etc……..

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labor day homework

Dragon and Lion 🐲 🦁️


  1. 你的名字
  2. 思维导图(用软件做)
  3. Lion一个动词短语🦁️,Dragon 一个生词🐲。 3条信息一起放在一个留言里, 切记不要分成几个留言


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23th April Classwork For S2

S2 classwork 23rd April

Leave a message in the comment section.

After you watch the film, talk about India in 45 seconds.

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18th April Classwork For Lion


Use your account to post here.

here is an example

# Cameron


| Word | English Explanation | Chinese Explanation | Example Sentence |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| sentimental | having or showing tender, romantic, or nostalgic feelings | 情感细腻的,感伤的 | She became sentimental when she found her childhood toy. |
| interrupt | to stop or hinder by breaking in | 打断,中断 | Please don't interrupt me while I'm speaking. |
| contract | a written or spoken agreement that is intended to be enforceable by law | 合同,契约 | We signed a contract to buy the house. | 
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18th April Classwork For Dragon


Use your account to post here.

here is an example

# Cameron


| Word | English Explanation | Chinese Explanation | Example Sentence |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| sentimental | having or showing tender, romantic, or nostalgic feelings | 情感细腻的,感伤的 | She became sentimental when she found her childhood toy. |
| interrupt | to stop or hinder by breaking in | 打断,中断 | Please don't interrupt me while I'm speaking. |
| contract | a written or spoken agreement that is intended to be enforceable by law | 合同,契约 | We signed a contract to buy the house. | 
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14th April Homework

Dragon 🐲

Lion 🦁️

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14th April Classwork For Lion

Test out your account here

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13th April Classwork For S2

TPO62 L3 Group success

Put your mind map here. Due before Monday class time.

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11th April Cs Warmup


read more

11th April Cs Classwork

Put one audio, one picture here

for example:


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10th April Classwork For Lion

After the class, please hand in both printouts to Mr.Hu

You need to:

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10th April Cs Homework For Dragon

make up work (Finish before next Monday, class time)

April 10th Intro to CS homework (Finish before Wednesday class time ):

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7th April Homework


check on Monday class time:

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4th April Ai Videos

Ai Generated Videos






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4th April Ai Pictures

Ai Generated Pictures


image ——Nancy



Paul's AI creating human



Yuna AI 人像

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3rd April Classwork For Lion

After the class, please hand in both printouts to Mr.Hu

You need to:

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31th March Homework


check on Monday class time:


check on Monday class time:

read more

27th March Classwork For Lion

After the class, please hand in ONLY listening printout to Mr.Hu

You need to:

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24th March Homework


check on Monday class time:


check on Monday class time:

read more

20th March Cs Class Ai

AI Tools

AI visual tools

AI drawing Tool Playgrounai

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Free Online Transcribe

Go to the website

Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 4 33 16 PM

Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 4 33 27 PM

Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 4 33 35 PM

Screen Shot 2023-03-24 at 19 10 30

if you don’t see the page below, open a private tab(隐身模式)

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Connecting To Cs_sharing

How to connect to CS ClassRoom Sharing folder

  1. Make sure you connected to CS_5G or CS . password: helloworld
  2. On mac, open finder, in your network, you’ll see CS.

226540583-eda24225-baaf-4972-8f16-822e51f4760b 226540306-abc12551-d437-4b90-8dc6-cb18a078e1ed 226540318-8f8b4acb-fc20-4b9b-aa8a-f29bbf56637e

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20th March Classwork For Lion

After the class, please hand in both printouts to Mr.Hu

You need to:

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20th March Esl Homework

Dragon & Lion homework:

3月20号前需提交:TPO62 Landscape Architecture 园林建筑学 思维导图。纸质版上课时交给我。电子版提前放到百度网盘。 链接:

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计算机原理 2022 11月学生作品




Olivia Ivan Dornier


luccita Doris ed Kyrie Yeri

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计算机原理 2022 9月学生作品









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2022学生作品 -- 名字手语转换器


by Cathryn


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2022 CSA FRQ 真题


2022 CSA FRQ

read more

2021学生作品1 -- 艺术史quiz

2021 Kalends

by Kalends


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2021学生作品1 -- 记忆游戏

2021 Henry

by Henry


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CSA 新学期教材


主教材 CSAwesome


Username:   [填写账户名字,无法修改]
First Name: [填写你的英文名]
Last Name:  [填写你的中文姓]
Email:      [邮箱无限制]
Password:   [不要忘记]
Confirm Password: 
Course Name:       [CSA_2023_Fall]
I Agree:            I have read and accepted your privacy policy, terms, and conditions. [勾选]
Create Course:     Make course after registering (instructors only) [**不要**勾选这条]

支持 Runestone Academy:[点 sorry, not Today]

完成后,点击 Textbooks ➡️ AP CSAwesome 进入主教材。




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2020学生作品3 -- 小工具合集

2020 Isabella

by Isabella


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2020学生作品2 -- 经济学quiz

2020 James

by James


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2020学生作品1 -- 打飞机游戏

2020 Steven 1 (1)

by Steven


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about Jekyll

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

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Markdown examples

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Curabitur pretium tincidunt lacus. Nulla gravida orci a odio. Nullam varius, turpis et commodo pharetra, est eros bibendum elit, nec luctus magna felis sollicitudin mauris. Integer in mauris eu nibh euismod gravida. Duis ac tellus et risus vulputate vehicula. Donec lobortis risus a elit.

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Advanced examples

Swiss Alps

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