Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

2024 JavaScript App Showcase

How to Upload Your Project Screenshot to Padlet

  1. Take a Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of your app while it is running, highlighting the key features.
  2. Edit the Screenshot: Use a picture editing tool to add a QR code to your screenshot. If you don’t have a tool, you can use this recommended tool. Use this QR code generator to create the QR code link to your project.
  3. Upload to Padlet:
    • Click the plus sign (+) at the bottom right corner.
    • Title your artwork with your name, followed by a colon.
    • Add a one or two-sentence bilingual description of your project.
  4. Submit: Once you have added the title and description, click submit.
  1. 截图:在你的应用程序运行时截图,突出显示亮点。
  2. 编辑截图:使用图片编辑工具添加二维码。如果你没有工具,可以使用推荐的工具。使用二维码生成器生成链接到你的项目的二维码。
  3. 上传到Padlet
    • 点击右下角的加号 (+)。
    • 写上你的名字。
    • 添加一到两句双语描述你的项目。
  4. 提交:添加标题和描述后,点击提交。

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