Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center


打开 Chrome 的开发者工具(Developer Console)的方法如下:

  1. 使用鼠标
    • 在网页上右键点击,选择“检查”(Inspect)。
  2. 使用键盘快捷键
    • Windows/Linux:Ctrl + Shift + I
    • Mac:Cmd + Option + I
  3. 通过菜单
    • 在 Chrome 浏览器的右上角点击三个垂直的点(菜单按钮)。
    • 选择“更多工具”(More tools)。
    • 点击“开发者工具”(Developer tools)。

在开发者工具窗口中,点击“Console”选项卡即可进入 Console 界面。

// Select all <audio> elements with a "src" attribute that ends with ".wav"
// This is done using the CSS selector 'audio[src$=".wav"]'
const audioElements = [...document.querySelectorAll('audio[src$=".wav"]')];

// Loop through each of these audio elements
audioElements.forEach(audio => {
    // Get the "src" attribute of the current <audio> tag, which is the URL of the .wav file
    const src = audio.src;

    // Log (print) the URL to the console

    // Create a new <a> (link) element
    const a = document.createElement('a');

    // Set the href (URL) of the link to the .wav file's URL
    a.href = src;

    // Extract the name of the .wav file from its URL (everything after the last '/')
    // and set it as the default name when downloading the file = src.split('/').pop();

    // Set the visible text of the link to "Download" followed by the file's name
    a.innerText = 'Download ' +;

    // Append the link to the page, making it clickable by the user