Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

APCSA Class Rules

Class Rules for APCSA

Click to reveal APCSA Class Rules

1. Be Prepared

  • Come Prepared: Always come prepared for the class with all necessary materials.
  • Stay in Class: You cannot leave to fetch forgotten items like pens or papers during class time.

2. Punctuality

  • Arrive on Time: Be on time for the start of the class.
  • Finish on Time: Be ready to finish the class as scheduled.

3. Technology Requirements

  • Bring Your Computers: Always bring your computer, either Mac or Windows, fully charged. iPads may be used alongside, but not as a replacement for computers.
  • Charged Devices: A computer not charged is considered as not being prepared.

4. Classroom Behavior

  • No Distractions: No games, streaming, WeChat, or unrelated internet browsing during class.
  • Focus on Class: Only activities related to the class are allowed.
  • Enforcement: If you are found engaging in unrelated activities like gaming or using WeChat more than three times in one class:
    • Warnings: The first two occurrences will result in verbal warnings.
    • Reflective Board: On the third occurrence, you must write your name on the reflective board.

5. Internet Connectivity

  • Check Your Connection: Always ensure you are connected to room 419’s network.
  • Turn Off VPN: turn off any personal VPN.

6. Classroom Maintenance

  • Keep It Clean: Keep the classroom clean and do not leave trash in the drawer.
  • Power Needs: If you require a power strip, please bring your own.

7. Accountability

  • Reflective Board: Breaking a class rule requires you to sign your name on the reflective board.
  • Detention: Accumulating three signatures within a month results in detention.
  • Monthly Refresh: The board is refreshed monthly. If you have fewer than three signatures by the end of the month, you will not receive detention.