Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

5th June Dragon homework

Dragon 🐲

“成都分校6.01托福口语5月月考” Task1 Task3 逐字稿


# Name

# Task1 

# Task3


Student-Nancy-Sun: # Nancy


I think some people who go to other another country to study choose to live on their own or with a few of their friends friends, which is a better way. Since all my friends are the same age, they will communicate with each other more and won’t feel lonely or distant.When distant. When they are in trouble, they can also turn to them for help. But studying abroad to stay with a family already living in the country will make you uncomfortable because it will embarrass you and you will not feel very comfortable because they are your elders.When elders. When you are with your peers, you can share your stories without worry, and you can face difficulties together without feeling helpless, so go helpless. So, going to another country to study choose and choosing to live on their your own or with A a few of their your friends Other students is a good way to do it it.


The behavior of one particular species of ant is a case in point. They have underground nests in the forest. If there are young ants in an ant colony, but there is not enough food in their old place, they will go elsewhere to find food. So So, once the food supply runs out, they move again to another location to make sure they have a constant supply of fresh food. This goes on until the little ants grow up and no longer need as much food. When this happens, community activities can eventually stop moving from place to place and find a new underground den in the forest for the group to stay and live in.

Tan-Taylor: # Taylor

Task 1

I think it is better for students who go to study in another country to choose to live on their own or with a few friends. Because independence is an important skill. If you choose to live on your own or live with a few friends, that will help you learn to be independent. However, living with family will be slower or harder to learn to be independent. This independence is very useful when you are working, so I prefer to choose to live on my own or with a few friends.

Task 3

The nomadic phase is a concept that means that certain insects spend time in both extended periods of settlement and extended periods of travel. During a period of travel, the entire group will continually move from one place to another. The professor gave an example, example: ants. Ants live underground, and baby ants need enough food to grow. So So, when the food supply runs out in one place, the ants move on to live somewhere else, and they keep moving until the baby ants grow up.This up. This phenomenon is called the nomadic phase.

huzoeyi: # Zoe


I think it’s better for students to live with a few of their friends to study.And study. And because first firstly, they have a team working and teach each other and to improve together and to get successful.The second to become successful. Secondly, someone may think living on their own or study studying by their self themselves is boring boring, so they can live and study with others to feel interested in the study studying hard.


They are talking about the insect,spend insects that spend time to travel traveling with their baby to found babies to find an area near the nest.And the food,for example,the nest. For example, the professor has mentioned an ant live that lives together and underground and that underground. Their baby ants live together, and their baby ants live together and their food is come food comes from other strong and ants that bring them food.And the food. The strong ants will carry the baby ants to a new place to find food at every night.And night. And the baby ants want to go eat so much food from the place to place and under the ground. underground.

jiangtingxi: # Daniel


I think it’s better for students to live on their own or with a few of their friends. Because it will make students become more imdependent. independent. If students live with their family, they won’t become more independent. So I think it’s better for students to live on their own or with a few of their friends.


The example from the professor’s lecture illustrates the nomadic plase phase by pointing out that a nomadic plase phase may begin because a group of inserts insects has a temporary need for additional resourses resources that can’t be found in the area near the nest. So the group must travel in search of these countries. resources.

talentboywonder: # Paul


Living on their own or with a few friends and staying with a host family are both viable options for students who study abroad. Living independently can provide students with a sense of freedom and the opportunity to develop essential life skills, such as budgeting and cooking. Living with friends can also foster a sense of community and support. On the other hand, staying with a host family can provide a more immersive cultural experience, allowing students to learn the language and customs more quickly and form close relationships with the host family. Host families can also offer practical support and guidance.


Nomadic The nomadic phase means that the entire group of certain insects will continually move from one place to another during a period of travel.

The professor used a particular kind of ant as an example. These ants live together in colonies or and communities underground. They have underground nests in the forest forest, and much of their life is made up of collecting food, finding food near the nest and bring nest, and bringing it back to the colony.

Now Now, when there are baby ants in the colony, the food will not be not enough in that one location. Baby ants require a lot of nutrition, more food than can be found by just searching around near the underground nest. This means the colony needs to do something about this to make sure the baby ants have enough food to grow. What they will do is that the entire colony will leave the nest. They will pick up the baby ants and carry them along to a new location to find a new food supply. And once that food supply runs out, they move again to another location to ensure they have a continual fresh food supply. They often move every night to satisfy the demanding nutritional needs of the baby ants. And this goes on until eventually the baby ants grow and no longer needs need so much food. When this happens, the community events can finally stop moving from place to place and find a spot in the forest to make a new underground nest for the group to stay in and live.

Shelia-Wen: # Shelia

Task 1

I prefer the to stay with my family. I don’t consider the money for the house and some other things. And I don’t consider to fit fitting in the new environment and to get making new friends. if If I face some problem, problems, I can call my family or friend to help me. Because me because they’re not so far away to from me. It’s a more convenience to convenient for me.

Task 2

The nomadic phase is a behavior during travel, and an insect continues to travel from one kind of insects and ten extend period of on settlement and the some intend period of the insects place to another. The professor gave an example: ants. Ants live together and live in the underground. When ants are babies, mature ants need to collect food to feed the newborn ants to ensure that the little ants have enough food to eat. Adult ants need to go out the settlement to a new place to find the food. That called food for the little ants. In order to feed their next generation, this continuous behavior is also known as the nomadic phase. And if some insects stay the one settlement long time,they cannot find the food in the area near the nest, so they are movement the other places to find the resources. The professor is an example, the an ants of the living in the underground nest, the adult ants will go out the nest to find food for the baby ant have the enough food.

student-yuna-wu: # Yuna

Task 1

I prefer to choose to live on their my own or with a few of their my friends when students want to go to anther another country. Firstly, it can help students to develop their friendship. Students need to consider other feelings other’s feelings, and they can understand others deeply. Secondly, it can help students become more independent. When students face everything on abroad abroad, they need to solve problems by themselves.

Task 3

Nomadic phase is a behavior during a period of travel, travel when a kind of insect will continue to travel from a one place to another place. ¶ another. The professor gives an example for of ants. Ants are live together and live in the underground. When ants are babies, mature ants need to collect food to baby ants. and feed the newborn ants to ensure that the little ants have enough food to eat. In order to make sure baby ants have enough food to eat, mature ants feed their next generation, they need to go to a new location to find food to baby for the little ants. Even, ants will move to a new place to make baby ants have enough food every night. This behavior will continue continues until baby the little ants grow to the mature ants.



I think it’s better to choose a family that already live lives in the country. Because when you arrive in a new country, there are many things you don’t know, such as transportation, food, climate, and so on. If you live alone, you won’t be able to acquire these this knowledge, but if you live in with a family in that country, you can better adapt to life here and learn better.Moreover, better. Moreover, when you live in with a family in that country, the people you come into contact with will also change, so you also can also make more friends friends.


In the lecture, the professor gave the following two examples. Firstly, ants spend most of their life collecting food and bringing it back to their nests. Secondly, when there are small ants among the ants and there is not enough food, they will take the small ants and all the ants away and take them to a new place until the food in that place is also eaten up.

Yancy-demo: # Yancy


I think the students should go aboard abroad, and they prefer to stay at with a family has that already living lives in the country because that is better for the student. students. Because when they feed me face some inconveniences or the things that doesn’t understand they don’t understand, like how to really install this kind of WiFi connection or where they can I call this the delivery. This kind of for delivery, these basic living things they can learn or they can kind of they can ask someone to ask about them being lost it like for help if they are living on themselves with a family or living with the friends who I knew here. are already there.


The reading passage introduces a term called Nomadic Phase, meaning a temporary time period when the entire group of ants continually travel travels from one place to another in search of additional resources. In the biology lecture lecture, the professor used an example of a particular ant to explain this concept. These ants live in underground colonies in the forest and their entire life is like collecting food and bringing the food to their colony. So when together underground. When there are baby ants in the group may not group, the ants need to collect food for them. In order to ensure that the baby ants have enough food the entire ants colony will start this Nomadic Phase. like they may leave their nest and carry to eat, the mature ants need to go to a new location to find food for the baby ants along with them to ants. They even move to a new locations to ensure that place every night to make sure the baby ants can have a continual fresh food supply to grow. And this situation enough food. This behavior continues until the little baby ants grow up and no longer need so much food.

Amy-Gan15: Amy


i think I think living with local families is definitely better because students are able to learn so many thing things in an easier way..It way. It enables them not only to get familiar with the local customs quickly, quickly but also to adapt to the new life life in a comparatively short time. After all, when those students get enrolled, there are many academic tasks to deal with with, and their time is more suitable for spending on academic research.

#task3 # Task3

Nomadic phase refers to a period of travel when certain insects have to move based on the basis of need for additional resources that cannot be found in the area near the nest.such as, nest. For example, when the sources of the new location run out, out.

CameronLawliet: # Cameron


I think we should be closer to the local residents and participate in the study studying abroad in the way of living with them, them so that we can exercise our oral English ability and have an in-depth understanding of the local culture. At the same time, it can save living expenses without worrying about living arrangements and living. arrangements. Being able to adapt to life quickly will be a good way to live in this situation.


The nomadic stage phase is a behavior during travel, and an insect continues to travel from one place to another.The another. The professor gave the example of ants. Ants live in groups underground. When the ants are just born, other ants need to be mothers to collect food and feed the newborn ants to ensure that the little ants have enough food to eat. Adult ants need to go to a new place to find food for the little ants. In order to feed their next generation, such continuous behavior is also known as the nomadic stage.phase.