Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

5th June Lion homework

Lion 🦁️

“成都分校6.01托福口语5月月考” Task1 Task4 逐字稿


# Name

# Task1 

# Task4

OliviaTeng: # Olivia


I prefer to stay with a family already living in the country. Firstly, the family can help know me understand the country well. For example, they can tell you what’s me about the nearest stores and restaurants. They can even help you something about your study me with my studies since they know the country well. Secondly, the family can give you offer help if there are some accidental things. unexpected incidents. For example, if one day you I feel uncomfortable and fell unwell and fall down at your room. If your live alone, in my room, no one can help you. me if I live alone. However, if you I live in with a family, some of the people may stay be at home, so they can find you and send you me and take me to the hospital.


The paradox of technology means that although many people think technology makes our life better, sometimes it may let us have lead to some problems. The professor illustrates the idea by bringing up some examples: the first one is about electronic devices. Something Devices like DVD and TV DVDs and TVs make our life better. However, if you want to control both of them, you need to use a universal machine. remote. And you need to spend a lot of time watching reading instructions and learning how to use the machine remote well! But in that case, your life becomes harder. The second one is about cell phone. phones. Now cell phones are getting smaller and smaller, so it’s portable easier for us to bring carry them. However, because the keys can be tiny as the phones get smaller, you may have problems using your finger to control something. For example, you can’t type number numbers easily.

Jerrydacongming: # Jerry


I prefer to live on their my own or with a few of my friends. Firstly, it can develop us my independence ability, we as I must do many things by ourselves, myself, instead of helping being helped by other. others. For example, if you are I am alone, you I must clean your my house and cook by yourselves. myself. Secondly, it is better for us to study, if you my studies, if I study alone or with your my friends, you I can have a quite quiet environment or can discuss with your friend. things with my friends. By contrast, if you I live with family, they will might influence you and just me and ask your me to do many things.


Although, Although technology can make people’s life lives easier, it also make makes people’s life lives difficult. First, simplify simplifying life actually has the opposite effect. For example, the with an electronic device, there is no need for you to get up from your set seat to change the TV channel or change adjust the volume. But when you program yourself, it yourself, you should spend hours reading a manual, manual and figuring out the directions. Also Also, you should remember buttons, so it’s also which can make life complicated.Another complicated. Another example is mobile phone and cell phones, they phones. They are being made smaller and smaller now, although and while it’s convenient for people to take, carry them, it’s easily easy for people to type number wrong, and also numbers incorrectly due to the small keys, making it difficult for your finger fingers to control something.

adolf-hitter: # Ivan


In my opinion, I prefer to live in an apartment by myself. First of all, living alone can provide sufficient privacy, such as not being disturbed in the studio study and so on. Second, I can become more independent as a scholar. Being alone meant means being self-reliant in order to satisfy my own purposes, needs, so I forced force myself to get exercise in all aspects. Finally, living alone can help us plan our time better. I can decide when and what to do without caring about considering other people’s feelings, and my day will be more productive. On the contrary, if I live with other people, I need to take into account consider their schedules, such as the trouble inconvenience caused by the difference differences in bedtime and night. routine.


Paradox The paradox of technology means that technologies that are supposed to make life easier actually make life more difficult in a variety of ways.

The first one is about electronic devices such as DVD players and TV stereo. stereos. These different devices have their own remote controls. Now the remote control is convenient, you don’t need to get up from your seat to change TV channels or turn down adjust the volume of the stereo. Everyone loves them. However, if your DVD player is connected to a TV, you may need a remote control to watch movies to and get rid of the need for multiple remote controls, and the controls. The universal remote control was invented. invented for this purpose. A universal remote control can be programmed to operate all your electronic devices. However, you have to program it yourself. This means that you need to spend hours reading the instructions to find figure out how to use them. it. After you’ve programmed it, you want to use it. But you have to remember which button does what. If you forget, you’ll have to read the instruction manual again. The universal remote control was supposed to make life easier. But on the contrary, it makes life more complicated. The second issue is about smaller and smaller phones or cell phones. phones that are getting smaller and smaller. Today, they are lightweight, easy to carry, and can even fit in your pocket. That’s great. But as phones get smaller, so do the keys. Many people find that with these tiny phones, they cannot operate those tiny buttons accurately or easily. People often accidentally dial the wrong phone number because the keys are too small for their fingers to touch.