Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

20th June Dragon homework

Dragon 🐉

“成都分校6.15托福听力口语作业” Task1 逐字稿

TPO7 Task 1

State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation. Learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting.


# Name

Put your modification here.

Deadline: 23rd, 周五晚12点

Well done:



Tan-Taylor: # Taylor

I disagree with the idea that learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting. Because we We often don’t have good self-control, self-control; when students are studying online courses, online, they may use electronic devices to chat or play games. And it’s It’s also difficult for students to concentrate as much as when they learn in a traditional classroom setting. Last, Lastly, learning in the traditional classroom setting can communicate allows for immediate communication with the teacher in time to make teacher, making learning more efficient. So So, I disagree with this idea.

jiangtingxi: # Daniel

I agree with that learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting. Because This is because through the online courses, we can serach search for the information we want to know, and it can let gives us have more freedom. So So, I think the online courses is are better.

Student-Nancy-Sun: # Nancy

I think learning in traditional classroom is better. a traditional classroom is better. The reason why I think so is that there are more convenient in is that traditional classrooms than in online courses. offer more convenience than online courses. Students will can have discussions and they also can discussion with each other face to face. interact face-to-face. This is a good way for students to take make friends with other. When the students be in others. In online courses, students don’t know their classmates, so they will miss a the chance of making friends with some people . friends. Also, when in in a traditional class, if some students doesn’t a student doesn’t understand the teacher’s teaching content, they can quickly raise their hand to ask the teacher quickly . teacher. Students in traditional classrooms not only learn the knowledge ,they but also can get interest in there. cultivate interests.

student-yuna-wu: # Yuna

I agree with learn that learning things through an online course is more effective than learn acquiring knowledge in the a traditional classroom setting. Firstly, it’s convenient. People can take an online course everywhere anywhere at anytime. any time. They do not need to find a suitable location to study; they can learn things anywhere they want. Secondly, it can help people save more money. This is because most of the time, online courses are cheaper than traditional lessons. People do not need to find a suitable location to study, they can learn things everywhere if they want. ¶ Secondly, it can help people to save more money. This is because most of the price the online course is cheaper than the traditional lesson. People do not need to pay a lot of money, meanwhile they can but they can still learn the same things which they can they would learn at the in a traditional class.

huzoeyi: # Zoe

I’m a great student to learning I believe that learning through online courses is better for students learning in than learning in a classroom. First students study First, students studying online can have a more free time to ask a professor question questions, and the professor can answer the question easily too and the these questions easily. Moreover, students can find the answer answers online too. And the second Second, students learning online can have a more break time because they didn’t don’t need to change the book and change the classroom to studyand, uh, books or classrooms to study; they have a time to break rest and do other things.

Dia2005: # Dia

From my point, leaning perspective, learning online is much less effective than leaning in learning in a traditional classroom, and here there are two main reasons for this. First, sitting in classroom could a classroom can efficiently help students concern focus on what they’re learning, like creating a sort of studying atmosphere of studying together with their classmates. Second, when students are taking lessons off line, offline, it would also be is easier for teachers to control the teaching speed by observing students face students’ faces and body acting. So as language. So, all in all, learning in a traditional class is better.

talentboywonder: # Paul

I agree with that the point that student leaning online is more effective than leaning in traditional classroom,there’s students learning online is more effective than learning in a traditional classroom. There are a couple of reasons. reasons for this. The first reason is learning online is more convenient,because that learning online is more convenient; you don’t need to get up early and can relax for a long longer time. the The second reason is search that searching for information is more effective than learning in the a traditional classroom. So So, that’s way i why I think student leaning online is more effective than leaning in learning online is more effective than learning in a traditional classroom.