Real Exam 2024/12/01 Task1
Some students prefer to receive a grade for a class that is based on many short assignments. Others prefer to receive a grade that is based on one or two long assignments. Which do you think is better and why?
1. Four Distinct Perspectives for Answering the Question
Each perspective is followed by its argument, example, and two useful phrases with example sentences.
Perspective 1: Short Assignments Improve Consistency and Engagement
观点 1:短作业有助于保持一致性和参与度
- Argument(论点): Frequent(频繁的), shorter assignments help students stay engaged(保持投入), receive regular feedback(定期反馈), and improve their understanding(提升理解) over time.
- Example(示例): “Short assignments encourage students to study regularly and stay engaged with the material(学习内容).”
- Useful Phrases(实用短语):
- “Keep track of progress(跟踪进度)”
- Example: “Having multiple short assignments allows students to keep track of their progress throughout the semester(整个学期).”
- “Stay engaged with the material(保持对学习内容的投入)”
- Example: “Frequent assignments help students stay engaged with the material and retain(保持) information more effectively.”
- “Keep track of progress(跟踪进度)”
Perspective 2: Long Assignments Allow for Deeper Learning
观点 2:长作业有助于深入学习
- Argument(论点): Longer assignments give students time to explore topics in depth(深入探讨主题), improving critical thinking(批判性思维) and research skills(研究能力).
- Example(示例): “With longer assignments, students can develop a deeper understanding and produce higher-quality(更高质量的) work.”
- Useful Phrases(实用短语):
- “Explore the topic in depth(深入探讨主题)”
- Example: “With long assignments, students have the opportunity(机会) to explore the topic in depth and develop critical thinking skills.”
- “Produce higher-quality work(产出更高质量的作业)”
- Example: “Given enough time(在有足够时间的情况下), students can produce higher-quality work that reflects(反映) their true understanding.”
- “Explore the topic in depth(深入探讨主题)”
Perspective 3: Short Assignments Reduce Exam Cramming and Stress
观点 3:短作业减少考前突击和压力
- Argument(论点): With multiple short assignments, students are less likely to cram(临时抱佛脚) before an exam and can distribute(分配) their workload(学习负担) more effectively.
- Example(示例): “Short assignments help students absorb knowledge(吸收知识) gradually instead of cramming before a final test(期末考试).”
- Useful Phrases(实用短语):
- “Absorb knowledge gradually(逐步吸收知识)”
- Example: “Completing multiple short assignments allows students to absorb knowledge gradually rather than memorizing everything at the last minute(最后一刻).”
- “Distribute workload effectively(有效分配学习负担)”
- Example: “Short assignments distribute the workload effectively, preventing(防止) students from feeling overwhelmed(不堪重负).”
- “Absorb knowledge gradually(逐步吸收知识)”
Perspective 4: Long Assignments Build Time Management and Discipline
观点 4:长作业培养时间管理能力和自律性
- Argument(论点): Completing long assignments requires strong time management(时间管理) and self-discipline(自律), which are valuable academic skills(学术技能).
- Example(示例): “Long assignments teach students how to manage their time efficiently(高效地) and work independently(独立完成).”
- Useful Phrases(实用短语):
- “Develop time management skills(培养时间管理能力)”
- Example: “Working on long assignments helps students develop time management skills, which are useful for future studies(未来的学习) and careers(职业).”
- “Work independently and efficiently(独立高效地工作)”
- Example: “Since long assignments require independent work(独立完成作业), students learn to work efficiently without relying too much on external help(外部帮助).”
- “Develop time management skills(培养时间管理能力)”
Sample from Mr. Mou
Here is a sample response for reference.
I prefer being graded on one or two long assignments rather than multiple short ones.
First, long assignments allow for a deeper understanding of the subject. For example, a semester-long research paper requires extensive hands-on experience and sometimes market research or lab work, depending on the topic.
Moreover, they improve time management. Students must plan ahead and stay disciplined; otherwise, missing the deadline will hurt their grade. This process teaches valuable real-world skills, as meeting long-term deadlines is essential in both academic and professional settings.
For these reasons, I believe long assignments are a better way to assess students.
I'm here for the receiver I prefer receiving a grade based on one or two long assignments. I think if you have this one or two long believe that with these assignments, you can have more time to think about some of good ideas and to make this better. And if you just have short assignments, you may be cannot come out with many good ideas at a very short time. Instead, if improve your work. When you have many short assignments, it can be hard to come up with strong ideas in such a short time. Plus, having too many short assignments can make you will feel very busy. And maybe overwhelmed, and you cannot might not be able to do this short assignment very them well, that's which seems like a waste of time. So So, I prefer...really think that long assignments are better.
I think a student students should receive a grade for a class that has based on many short assignments because firstly this assignment could because, first, these assignments can be done completed in a short time, just short shorter amount of then the time compared to long assignments and in this assignments. This way, a student could students can do more work and improve their skills more in the shorter time, in the short period and secondly, use quickly. Secondly, having many short assignments could make the helps ensure that grades understand it reflect students' understanding more accurately, allowing for sure that students more accurate and in this way, students may have a more better improvement.improvement overall.
Emission points I prefer to have the one or two long assignments to review the great and my instead of many short ones. My reason is that I can have take more time to review the song great because the long assignment is can divide many lots of the details that can make the work. Long assignments allow me to include more details, which makes my work more exactly and it can make me accurate. I also feel more wants motivated to finish it also it them because I can be focus on doing a good job. Overall, I think long assignments are more efficient and make me excitedexcited to learn.
To my agreement, I prefer to receive a grid grade based on the Manning Short Assignment, many short assignments because I think that with Manning Short Assignment, multiple short assignments, we can find see more details to decide about our grid. And if understanding and skills. If there is just only one or two long Assignment, assignments, it cannot probably tell students' might not accurately reflect a student's abilities or how they can adapt to face the change different challenges in the study their studies. Short assignments can provide a clearer picture of a student's progress and the by-controller rates. The Manning Short Assignment can reflect students' ability clearly.strengths.
I prefer to receive a great forecast that is best of grade based on many short segments assignments because the short segments it often involves many noises, but the long segments. they allow for more consistent feedback and learning. Short assignments can help students stay engaged and manage their time better. Some students don't have good schedule plans struggle with planning their schedules, so they cannot plan their management time well. And having shorter tasks can make it easier for them to keep up with the two long segments will be with their work without feeling overwhelmed. Plus, short assignments can fit better into our energy so I prefer levels, making it easier to short.stay focused and do well.
I work think many short assignments are better for students because they allow us to get regular feedback. With shorter tasks, we can learn and improve gradually. Sometimes, with some students to receive the courage for a class and they make it on the many one big assignment, we might not know how we’re doing until it’s too late. Plus, shorter assignments because we didn't really enough to do prepare help us manage our daughter's law assignment time better and maybe put in the professor's side and they want to ask them what they want and ask them to study more or to know enough as notary jails but we need to save time to do something else it's good for ourselvesbalance our other responsibilities.
In my opinion, I prefer believe that students need to should receive a great forecast that is grades based on many short assignments because in a one-of-a-four human's life, it will not rather than just have one or two things, long ones. This approach is better because life is not just about completing one or two things. So the tasks; it involves many different experiences. Short assignments help students need to prepare for to make a lot of assignments. They need, so they can learn a lot and learn many short assignments, can help them to make friends and also foster friendships, as they often work together on these tasks. Plus, I find that long assignments can make the warming this world. And the law assignments are very be quite boring if they choose there are only one or two.two to focus on.
I prefer to receive a grid as grade based on one or two long assignments. Because I think that if I have two long assignments such as the military assignments, like a midterm or final exams, exam, I will have so many more time to prepare for it. And as then them. This way, I will can really acknowledge it. But however, understand the material better. On the other hand, if my grid grade is based on many short assignments, I will might forget to review when everything by the end of the semester. So in when it comes time for the end, when I did this big exam, I will may forget the knowledge a lot of what I learned before. So That's why I prefer to take a long assignment.assignments.
I prefer to receive a grid grade for a car service class based on many shorter short assignments because I think a grid grade based on one or two long assignments is very unfair for students. For example, there is might be a student voice did a good job who does well in long-time study, their long-term studies, but in if they only have one or two long assignments he did and did assignments, they might not perform as well on those. This could lead to an unfair grade. On the other hand, a very well. Finally, he may get unfair grid. But the grid grading system based on many short assignments may be more fair equitable for the all students.
In my opinion, I think that grade that is grades based on one or two loan long assignments is are better than grades based on many short assignments assignments. This is because loan assignments can show long assignments, like projects or presentations, allow students to develop their creativity and skills more thoroughly. For example, when students work on a build creative ability for instance. Why would project, they have loan assignments like presentations or projects the chance to focus deeply on a topic and they need to spend a lot of time on that and to do it better and better. And I think maybe it improve their understanding over time. This process can really show how dedicated a student's focus.student is and how well they can concentrate on a single task.
From my perspective, it receives receiving a grid for class. It's grade based on many short assignments is a good better choice. That because we can make sure This approach helps ensure that we stay on track with our work. With long assignments, it can keep all the good behavior in long assignment. So that is very loose. If they make some mistakes, we may fall the assignment. But feel overwhelming, and if we receive the grid for class, make mistakes, it could really hurt our overall grade. However, with short assignments, we are making sure that we can finish it good. And by the time the short assignment is more, so have more opportunities to show our grid is where we increase.understanding and improve our grades over time.
I prefer to receive a grade that is based on one or two long assessment assessments because the they can provide more detailed information about my understanding. With long assessment can offer some assessments, I feel more information confident in my writing, and I believe I can more confidence achieve higher grades. In contrast, with many short assessments, I worry that my grades might be lower because I find it harder to write express my grade and the short assessment maybe I can't imagine more and maybe the grades will be low so I like to receive thoughts fully in a grade is based on one or two long assessment limited format. Overall, I think my grades will be very high after I based on this long assessmentassessments give me a better chance to show what I've learned.
Well, from me, personally, I prefer to receive a grid that is grade based on one or two law long assignments. For reason that, I think that if students are really interested in the students want to take this class or the student like this class, maybe most of them will have the law assignment because they will take this class put in more time and effort on those assignments. This way, the teacher can discover really see how well the students understand the material over a longer period. It also gives students a chance to show what they’ve learned without the stress of many short assignments. Overall, I believe that long assignments can provide a better picture of a student's slide class or they want to give up this class. So they can see the assignment from the time to discover that.performance.
I prefer to receive a grade that is based on one or two long assignments, because first, it can, if we only have two assignments. First, having just a couple of long assignments, so that assignments means we can prepare really well in the future. And also, it can for them. It also reduces pressure on students. For example, when students have less pressure for students. So there is an example for that. Our students, all the thing that they have so too many of the assignments to do, so many of the shorter short assignments, they often don’t have not enough time to review all the assignments. Also, they may feel pressure about all the kind everything thoroughly. This can create a lot of short assignments. So stress. So, I believe that have having long assignments can be a long assignment can have better way for students to review study and how to trade it.manage their time effectively.
I prefer to receive a grid grade for a class that based on many short assignments. The first riddle that is, First, many short assignments can test different sides in aspects of your study life. That understanding. This means it will have a different there are various ways to test you. And the second riddle is that the assess your knowledge. Second, short assignment assignments can save the time, because the long assignment will cause assignments can be overwhelming and require a lot of minds to let mental effort. With short assignments, you think about it. The short assignment can let keep your mind come jumping that you won't get so tired to get it ridd.engaged without getting too tired.
From my standpoint, I will argue that preferred prefer to receive a grade for a class that is based on many short assignments. And the The first reason is that people always will make some mistakes. And everyone makes mistakes, and if we just use a the grade just is based on just one or two long assignments, maybe they will a student might make some a big mistake that could really hurt their overall grade. That seems unfair because mistakes or small mistakes in these two assignments. And it's unfair to them because people will all make mistakes. And the are a part of learning. The second reason is that many short assignments can help students to build confidence. When they complete more assignments, they have more confidence opportunities to do this because when they do practice and improve their skills. So, in my opinion, having many assignments, people can have more opportunity to do that. So that's all.short assignments is a better approach.
I believe I prefer to receive a great ZS grade based on one word to learn or two long assignments. I believe think that one word to learn long assignments can provide allow us more time for us to give more include details and demonstrate our understanding of the class material. For example, in our assignments to the teachers and show how we understand our classwork for assignments. For instance, our school has my academic English and class, my teacher gives us assigns one long assignment project about my hero-assie. a hero. I write wrote about Winston Churchill. Because I have done many research because I have had a lot of time time, I was able to do extensive research and I gave much include many details then I showed in my assignment, which helped me show my understanding of the assignment.topic.
I prefer that the students should receive a grade for class as it's grades based on many short assignments. The first assignments rather than one or two long ones. One reason is that I think we should having multiple short assignments allows us to use the our time more effectively. Instead of cramming everything into a single long period to finish this, not just in the short time to regard for the quiz. So I think we should have a long time to start it and second, based on many short assignments, this can make us have the deep re-seeking with this. And assignment, we can review for every time.spread out our work and really focus on each topic. This approach encourages us to engage more deeply with the material. Plus, reviewing our work regularly helps reinforce our understanding, making it easier to remember what we've learned.
In my opinion, I prefer to achieve a great full of classes receiving grades based on many short assessments because it can really help assignments. This approach helps teachers know what understand how well students are about time-consuming doing over time and allows them to see our self-study ability, also how they hard skills and work in the common time. Those ability ethic. These abilities are very really important in their past time.for our overall learning experience.
Although finished management, the healbox learned more knowledge, in In my opinion, receive receiving a grade that is based on one or two long assignments is better. Because just based This is because focusing on one or two long fewer assignments can, because have allows us to develop a deep understanding, we can learn this unit more deeper. Just like deeper understanding of the material. For example, in the project we did, completed, we always did projects for spent a lot of time on one unit, so this one unit we can get which helped us learn more thoroughly and achieve a high higher grade.
I prefer to agree with my receive grades based on many different short assignments. This is because I think it's it’s hard for you to change your grade when if you only have some one or two big assignment assignments because as they carry a proportion, the standing or GPA or grades is really high. So if you do one lot of the assignment bad, weight in your total grades were low. And so many short assignments. overall GPA. If you do a bad work, poorly on one of those big assignments, it can really lower your total grade. However, with many short assignments, if you can don’t do well on one, you have more opportunities to improve your GPA in with the next ones. This way, you can demonstrate your understanding over time and next next time.rather than relying on just one or two major tasks.
Hi, P1st2 I prefer to receive a grade that is based on one or two long assignments. First, please, I think it helps me focus better on just those assignments. This way, I can make me more focused on develop a deeper understanding of the only two assignments. And this will make me more, have more deep understanding for one subject. And it also can improve my academic abilities. For example, when I use only one assignment in the worked on a math project. And I'm not a lot from it because it's only project, I have spent a lot of time on just one sentence. So you can click.assignment, and I learned a lot from it. Focusing on fewer assignments allows me to dive deeper into the material and improve my academic skills.
Actually, I actually prefer to receive a grant grade for a class set based on many short assignments. For some reasons, firstly, too There are a couple of reasons for this. First, having many short assignments will become diversity apartments allows for a variety of topics and diversity knowledge for students. helps students learn more diverse knowledge. It could make them to learn or to know more part of knowledge and encourages us to study more, learn more than different areas instead of just focusing on one or two big assignments. Second, it could develop the sense of achievements from the do completing these different homework tasks gives a sense of achievement, which can motivate students to keep learning and assignments.doing well.
email pin you, I totally complete prefer to receive a graysack is basically grade based on one or two long assessments. assignments. Firstly, in with long assignments assignments, you have more time to study and prepare, which can have a good studies for long times in that you lead to better grades. You can prepare more times really focus on the material and get a good grades. understand it deeply. Secondly, if you on only have short times, maybe assignments, you don't might not have enough time to prepare.prepare properly, which can make it harder to do well.
In my opinion, I prefer to receive a grid grade for class studies based on man many short assignments. Here are my reddens. reasons. First of all, I think received that short assignments can let give me know a clear understanding of my clear situation about progress in my study. I can know studies. They help me identify my problem about these assignments problems with the material, and then I can figure out some ways to solve these problems. those issues. For instance, if I have some mass problem on major problems with these assignments, I can, if I can receive a feedback, I can easily know receiving feedback would help me understand what is my problem issues are and how I can figure outimprove.
I prefer the first statements classes that students, that's a great have many short assignments. I think this is better for the class that based on the managed short assessment. I have students for a couple of solutions to explain it and the first reason is that I think there are convenience for reasons. First, with short assignments, students to see all the short assessments. Because if you have the borrowed assessment, you have no pension to look at. So, rather than if you have the short assessment, they can see it's work their progress more clearly. And also for students, If there is just one big assignment, it can be hard to know how well you're doing until the end. But with short assignments, you get feedback regularly, which helps you improve that your study ability. Because if they see this managed short assessment, they want to see skills. This way, students can learn how to write a study well, then to effectively and understand it also can make the material better. Overall, short assignments help keep students all come read, engaged and they are great.aware of their learning.
In my opinion, I think I prefer to receive the read that is a grade based on one or two long assignment. assignments. First, I think that...believe that long assignments allow for a deeper understanding of the material because they give you more time to explore the topics in detail. Additionally, having fewer assignments can reduce stress, as you can focus more on doing well on those instead of juggling many short ones.
In my opinion, I agree believe that students should receive a grade grades based on many short assignments. Because the This approach allows students through the short assignments, the students can to focus on each assignment in their daily studies and studies, which can lead to better performance overall. When students have shorter tasks, they can, and they will, did great. Very good and they will more focus on works on their studies. If there is too long assignments, the students may try are less likely to cram before exams and more likely to learn new concepts thoroughly. On the exams other hand, if there are only one or two long assignments, students might not assignments so that they will not learn engage with the new things material as deeply, which can hinder their understanding of this study field so that they can't sing it as a course as well.the subject.
I prefer to receive a grid that is grade based on one or two long assignments. There are two reasons. main reasons for this. First, I think if the grid grade is based on many short assignment, student may study for assignments, students might focus on just getting the grid, not study for themselves, grade rather than truly understanding the material, which is not right for defeats the meaning purpose of the study. studying. Second, I think if I receive believe that receiving a grid grade based on the long assignment, I think it's not the right answer. assignments is more beneficial. It can allows me to develop my ability to study skills and critical thinking. Because after the After completing a long assignment, I can learn a lot from them and help the process, which helps me to study after the assignment.improve my studying for future tasks.
I think it is really important to receive the grid that is a grade based on one or two long Assainment and because the assignments. The first reason is that if when I study Bicchis focus on just one or two long assignment it means that I Really Nerds the knowledge and I could never forget it. So assignments, I can use it really study the material deeply. This means I truly understand the knowledge, and I’m more likely to remember it. I can then apply that knowledge in other ways and In areas of my life, whether in my studies or in the life so or study or work, but workplace. The second reason is that if with many short assignments, I study in a short assignment each find that I like the Korean I will tend to forget the knowledge Quickly, so information quickly. This makes it is bad less useful for or study and it is uselessmy learning in the long run.
Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.I think receiving a grade based on many short assignments is better because it allows students to demonstrate their understanding more frequently. This way, if someone struggles with a particular topic, they have multiple opportunities to improve their grade. On the other hand, long assignments can be stressful, and if a student performs poorly on one, it could significantly impact their overall grade. So, I prefer short assignments for their flexibility and frequent feedback.
For my perspective, I prefer to receive a grade for a class. Then it's based on many short assignments. First, This way, I can know keep track of my grade on high. And grades and see where I can know which area I still need to learn. And which knowledge I'm not sure. And improve. It helps me identify the areas I’m unsure about, and I can ask the teacher on time because teacher is for help right away since they are in class. This allows me to make changes and do better in the class. And then next class or test. I can change myself. And next class, next text, I can develop more. This way believe this approach can help me develop my skills and become a better person. If...student.
I agree a opinion believe that the score depends grades should be based on the short assignments. First, the school schools should judge the evaluate students with based on their daily lives, work and behaviors, and not just on the part a couple of the long assignments. Second, the short assignments can give the school a more directly, reflect on their studies or on their behaviors. And they immediate reflection of students' understanding and performance. They allow teachers to see how students are doing regularly, which can examine in the final as the most real results.lead to better support for learning.
I think many students prefer to receive a grade 4 class that is the best grades based on money short assessment is better. For them, if that, assignments because it allows them more flexibility. With many smaller tasks, they can manage their time better and still have the more time to do another scene. They for other activities, like playing games or doing sports. This way, they can enable the play support or play computer. They can think funny.stay engaged and not feel overwhelmed by one big project.
I think it sounds beautiful to resign a grade believe that having grades based on many short assignments is better for a class that is best. students. While I'm not sure a segment which method is the better one. And I have these ideas to suppose my opinion. Firstly, best overall, I think that smaller assignments can help improve a student's study skills. For example, if a student works hard on their assignments, they can learn more and see their progress throughout the student course. So, in my opinion, having multiple assignments is very hard in their test, it will improve their study ability so the grade is not important. And I think the best on the class.more beneficial.
that to receive I think receiving a grid that is basically grade based on one or two long assignments, it's assignments is better than receive getting a grid for a class that is basically grade based on many short assignments. Because the long assignment Long assignments can help you learn more deeply than to this grid. And if just completing several short tasks. If you want to get achieve a good grid, you have to receive, you have to learn grade, focusing on a long assignment instead of allows you to explore the topic in more detail. In my opinion, long assignments provide a better opportunity for learning compared to short assignment. And the long assignment is a bit better than short assignment.ones.
Well, from From my perspective, I will prefer to receive a great ZXE grade based on one or two long assignment because it can much pretty to assignments. This approach helps me develop the self-studying self-study skills and self-discipline and you can do and you can self-discipline. When I focus on one thing in a long time project for an extended period, I can really dive deep into the material and you can sink in twice or many times so understand it will be a better to based on many short assignments and in better. On the other hand, this short assignment maybe is assignments may not can't give an influence for you.have a significant impact on my learning.
In my opinion, I prefer to receive a great full-class and list grades based on many short assignments. For example, in my study, if I just need to finish assignments rather than one or two long assignments in this time, maybe ones. For example, if I will do only have one or two long assignments, I might not study consistently throughout the term and may not perform as well during the term. If well. However, if I know that I have to be graded in complete many short assignments, I will start the it motivates me to stay on track and work harder.
I agree think it's better to receive a great frog class that is grade based on one or two long assignments. This approach creates a mandatory assignment because first is where I'll provide a good focused environment for studying, allowing students to study. Student will pay more attention on to their health, health and engage in small movement activities and pay attention on the that can help them during class. That way, the environment is a A good environment for benefits both teachers and both classmates. Also, it Additionally, completing fewer assignments can give students lead to a big achievement. That way, because greater sense of achievement for students, as it affects their whole studies overall performance in school. Overall, I believe that this method encourages deeper learning and more. Student will have a great, great, great, and they will have a more big...meaningful educational experience.
I think it's necessary better for students to receive a card for class because I think it's not very necessary. One grid is have no use for grades based on many short assignments rather than just one or two long ones. This approach allows teachers to assess students' understanding over time and helps students and is also trouble to stay engaged with the material. It can be difficult for teachers to calculate grades based on just one assignment, and it might not reflect a student's overall performance accurately. Short assignments can also help students improve gradually and give them a chance to learn from their grades. The teachers should be more focused on students' academic ability.mistakes.
I prefer to choose think it's better to receive a grid for a class that is grade based on Manning Short Assignment many short assignments because that can create students' this approach creates a sense of fairness, which means that we also can meet fairness among students. Some students struggle with larger tasks and may not perform well on big exams, even if they do well throughout the year. For example, a kind of student which is cannot adjust the task usually. We can see that they also get very who usually gets high grades might not do as well on the year. You your exam but when the a single big exam is coming, they do not usually play as you are as they test, which seems unfair to those who consistently work hard on smaller assignments. Therefore, having multiple short assignments can do so that is unfair for them. It's better to choose to give everyone show their understanding and keep things fair.
Some students, the professors, are great for the class, that is students prefer to receive grades based on many students' assessment. And short assignments because it allows them to get feedback more frequently. This way, they can understand their strengths and weaknesses in real-time. On the other hand, some students, once the students think that having just one or two non-assessment, I think the two non-assessment can study students more, can use long assignments is better because it gives them more time to finish this homework. And the focus on a single project and produce higher-quality work. Personally, I believe that a mix of both could be ideal. Short assignments help keep students is good at to finish.engaged, while longer assignments encourage deeper learning.
I'm I prefer to recite the upgrades and it's receive grades based on one or two long assignments because that they can better reflect a student's overall understanding of the material. With many short assignments, it can be easy to get a low grade from just one bad assignment, which might not show how well a student knows the students grade the normal grade. Yes, also can advise students get one one assignment bad that's all bad thatsubject. Long assignments allow for deeper learning and a clearer picture of a student's abilities.
I think many students prefer to receive a grateful card set is grades based on ManningShort Assessment. short assignments instead of one or two long ones. For example, if with short assessments, you assume some can get feedback more short assessment, we often, which helps you stay on track and understand what you need to improve. If you only have a long assignment, it can now watch things you are doing on time feel overwhelming, and you might not be as motivated to complete it. Short assessments can use it as short assessment to do some things useful. If keep you choose the long assessment, maybe engaged and help you read it is a so boring learn better because you’re getting regular practice and you don't want to read a lot. So the short assessments can't character to attention and make you perfect and you'll start
In my opinion, give the students the great should be given more space on the with long assignments. It This approach is the best ones because first, the better for a few reasons. First, long term can help the assignments allow students to detect really understand their capabilities, their real capability. We're exactly in capabilities. They provide a more accurate way measure of what students can do because it is a they require deeper knowledge and skills. Second, long term, so it needs the real power and needs more their abilities, their knowledge of the assignment. And second one is about this, can assignments also can test the students' capability of the time management because it takes skills. Since they take a long time. The longer time to complete, students have to deal balance their studies with their daily life or lives and other work, so this is responsibilities. For these reasons, I believe long assignments are the option.
I prefer to receive a grade for class that is based on many short assignments. I have assignments for a few reasons for this. reasons. First, you it allows me to adjust my study strategies quickly if I find something isn't working. This way, I can change your studies strategy quickly. If you... second, you can know your... you can know your... know your editors in this period of time. And you can also know identify what situations you are in I need to improve on right away. Second, having multiple assignments helps me understand my strengths and you can... you can make solutions in this time. The third is... you can have weaknesses better, as I get feedback more frequently. Finally, more short assignments give me the chance to practice about it.skills more often, which I think helps me learn the material better.
they will grade based on one or two assignments better because the long time can show the students long term study in study formation. But if only based on a short, many short assignments, that would make them very tired. And if I think grading based on one or two long assignments is better because it allows students to demonstrate their long-term understanding of the material. When there are many short assignments, it can more make students feel overwhelmed and tired. In contrast, one or two longer assignments can better reflect their academic ability to show for the teacher.abilities and give teachers a clearer picture of their progress.
I think you do that having a grade based on one or two long homework to reset your grade assignments is better because you do it allows students to focus on their work more deeply. Long assignments can help students develop their skills and learn to manage their time effectively. By working on a single project for a longer period, students can really dive into the subject and understand it better. Overall, I believe that long work assignments can make a student ability to do something, to do something carefully in a long time. They can make them to help in their life. The second one is to do a long more beneficial for learning.
I have a junior saying a great for a class think that is based on having many short assignments and is better for students. This way, teachers can see how hard students are working over time. Sometimes, if you based grades depend on just one or two long assignments and teachers cannot detect that students wrote situations is unfair for assignments, it can be unfair. For example, some students which are hardworking in daily life but because some reasons still you cannot have a good grade but might struggle with those big projects for various reasons, even if you based on they work hard every day. With short assignment assignments, students can work hard in the long term and not work hard for a short their effort consistently, which can lead to better grades overall.
I prefer to receive a grade for a class that is based on many short assignments because in this way we can easily to find our mistake mistakes and we can also find an idea come up with ideas to deal with this problem and the other address them. Another reason is that the student camp students can have a better understanding for of the class and so material. So, I agree to receive really believe that receiving a grade for a class this based on many short assignmentsassignments is better.
In my opinion, I prefer to reserve receive a grid that is grade based on one or two long segments. assignments. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, when we have the grid has the having one or two long segments, we can have assignments gives students more time to give the time to prepare and do their best work. Secondly, it can be more motivating for students to prepare to do more better. And second, it's a good way to encourage people because if just have the there are only short assignment. May beat the people's...assignments, it might feel overwhelming. Overall, I think longer assignments allow for better learning and understanding.
I prefer to receive a grade full for the class that is based on many short assignments assignments, and there are I have two reasons First these are to get a grade based on for this. First, having many short assignments means We can we can allows us to monitor our grades along throughout the whole term term, rather than just at two time point the second a reason is that student will easily points. This way, we can see how we're doing and make improvements if needed. Second, with only one or two long assignments, students might feel pressured to cram because of all the two long assignments so information at once, which can be stressful. So, I prefer to receive a grade based on think having many short assignmentsassignments is a better way to grade.
I think based on having many short assayment assignments is alright better because first it gives us more chances to improve our grades. Instead of all we can have more changes to we can have more change to changes our grades instead of have a results at just relying on one or two long assayment and also we can if we finish many short assayment assignments, we can see how we're doing throughout the course. Completing many short assignments also helps us track our improve progress in many phases and it's better different areas, which is beneficial for me to studying.