Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO39 Task1


If you were given the choice of a school or work assignment, would you prefer to write a long report or give a speech in front of a large group of people? Use details and examples to explain your choice.



From In my standpoint, opinion, I will believe that the Write-Along Report think writing a long report is a better choice. For First, I believe that a written report can show how well students are studying, and it gives teachers a better understanding of their students' levels. On the first reason, I think Write-Along Report can reflect students' study condition better, and the Ringdon professor knows the students' study level better. In contrast, give other hand, giving a speech in front of a large group of people is can be unfair for the students to those who are not good at presentation, aren’t confident in their presentation skills, and it cannot doesn’t really reflect the real condition of the students' well students are doing in their studies.


At In this situation, I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. Here's There are two main advantages. First, for the speaker himself, it's speaker, it’s a good chance for him great opportunity to practice his communication skills on communicating with others, and he will be become more outgoing. Second, for the audience themselves, giving audience, a speech to them can be more engaging than a long report. If the speech is more interesting and not so boring as a non-report. If they are giving an interesting speech, they will be interesting, the audience is more likely to receive them pay attention and stand in their point.connect with the speaker's message.


I prefer to give giving a speech in front of a large group of people. Firstly, people for several reasons. First, I don't like find writing a lot of words. Secondly, long reports tedious and not very enjoyable. Speaking allows me to share my thoughts more dynamically. I can express more things in more detail using use my body language. Thirdly, maybe some teachers, some language to emphasize points and connect with the audience better. Also, I believe that many teachers and classmates prefer to see somebody to talk about something. And lastly, enjoy seeing someone present, as it makes the topic more engaging. Lastly, I think it giving a speech can get more inspiration for inspire both students and teachers.teachers, encouraging them to participate in discussions and share their ideas.


I prefer to write a long report for my work assignment. Firstly, Personally, I don’t feel comfortable speaking in personal, front of large groups, especially since I don't like some admire people who have good public speecher who's got good speech speaking skills. Secondly, Writing a report could let you have a long allows me to take my time to modify it revise and have some advice get feedback from others. But if others, which is really helpful. On the other hand, when you give a speech, it is no you don’t get a chance for you to correct make corrections once you give out the’ve started.


If I'm given the choice of a school or work assignment, I prefer to give a speech. First, because I think giving a speech is more direct, as direct because you can face all the listeners audience and tell them what's share your opinion. Second, if opinion with them. Plus, delivering a speech helps you give a speech, you can prepare develop your speech speaking skills and be more confident. Instead of writing gain confidence. In contrast, when you write a long report, you just write put your ideas on paper, and you can't train yourself miss out on the opportunity to give a speech practice speaking in front of many people.a large group.


I think that giving a speech in front of a large group of people is better than have writing a long report because at first the report. First, a speech can be very quick, quicker than the reports and also not only the a report. While a report can give the detail but also the speech could do it and also give the provides details, a speech can be very also effectively you can speak up convey information and express your opinions in a little time but not the reports and also shorter amount of time. Additionally, giving the a speech can help build your self-confidence and also that's create a way strong impression on the audience. This way, people can get to make impression for the group of people know you better and they can know well about you maybe earlier and you can develop your relationship by that way so it's relationships more easily. So, I believe giving a speech is very effectivelyeffective.


Personally speaking, Personally, I would like prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people in order to convey share my opinions. I have two main reasons for that. Firstly, this. First, if the people around me have some inquiries questions about my topic, I can address their confusions in time by them directly responding to their questions. Secondly, and clear up any confusion right away. Second, I prefer to speak rather feel more confident speaking than write writing because I manage better have good speaking skills. I know how to convey my opinions through some techniques. For example, I know how to emphasize some keywords, key points when I talk, but if when I just write, I cannot emphasize the keywords just through’s harder to highlight those important words.


To be frank, for me, Honestly, I would prefer to write a long report to finish for my work assignment. I have two reasons, and my first reason is that main reasons for this. First, I was built on the two thinking, because I'm consider myself a quiet person. If I stay When I'm in a noisy environment, I'm always afraid of people I feel anxious and don't pay all the attention in the study. My second reason is that if find it hard to concentrate on my studies. Second, when I stay work alone in a quiet environment, space, I always pay all the attention in the study can focus better and make me work more efficiently.efficiently. Overall, I find that writing allows me to express my thoughts clearly without the pressure of speaking in front of a large group.


I argue to use the first way would prefer to write a long report, because report rather than give a speech. I think if you give giving a speech, it speech is a big challenge for you to challenge your because it requires strong speaking ability, skills, and it makes can make you feel very really nervous to speak in front of lots of people. So I think if you just report, by contrast, you can have a better time to prepare and just check the words on the internet, but do not just quickly give a speech in front of a person.large audience. On the other hand, when you write a report, you have more time to prepare. You can research and find the right words online, which makes it less stressful than speaking on the spot.


I prefer to write a long report because if we give this giving a speech in front of the people, most of the a large group can make people will feel nervous nervous, and they will that might lead to mistakes. Some people might struggle with anxiety or other mental health issues, which can make some mistakes because they have some mental health, a mental problem and if speaking in public even harder. When we choose to write a report, we can have the chance to revise and edit our work, helping us avoid making some grammar mistakes and we can also modify our essays and we also can according to modify our essays to express our ideas more clearly and also it clearly. Plus, a written report is easy easier for them others to read on theand understand.


Maybe I will would probably choose to write a long report, to give a report for the professor instead of the school, because I think I'm worried about giving a speech in front of a large group of people. group. I'm worried about speaking in public, and I feel more comfortable expressing my ideas in writing. Writing a report allows me to organize my thoughts clearly and share my opinions in a way that I think it's not a good way for me, because most of the time is more effective. Plus, I think I'm good at writing a long report. It often find that I can make me to write all of communicate my ideas or opinions, and better on paper than I can talk all of the things very great or better than I get to have a speech.when speaking out loud.


I prefer to write a long report if I am when given the choice of between a schoolwork school or work assignment. Here There are two main reasons for this. First, writing allows me to support my opinion. The first reason is I can know more dive deeper into the details about what I'm doing when I'm writing, so that I can of the topic, which helps me understand more things about the assignment instead of better than if I were just speaking. And the second reason is I may ignore something Second, when I'm giving a speech, I might forget to mention some important points, but I wouldn't ignore anything when I'm writing, which means that I can definitely give make sure to include everything. This means I can submit a more complete and better assignment assignment, which could lead to the teacher, which I can get a higher score, so score. So, overall, I definitely prefer writing.


Personally Personally, I prefer to write a long report. I have report for a few reasons for this. Firstly, even though reasons. First, while giving a speech can show showcase your talent to everyone in your class, but I think believe writing a long report can have allows for more time to prepare your assignments and preparation time. This means you can have a huge time to ask your professor to answer your questions. What's more, questions and ensure you understand the material better. Additionally, if you choose to give a speech, you need not only have to write a long report, you also need to remember the report that you write and speak but also memorize it out to many people. So present it to a large audience. So, I think writing a long report is a the better choice to do for completing assignments.


I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people, people because I know I will be shy. So it's it helps me overcome my shyness. It's a chance great opportunity for me to practice organizing my ability of a language organisation, thoughts and also a way to practice improving my English ability. And skills. I think feel that speaking in front of a large group of people, it crowd can encourage me to be more brave braver, especially when I have a speech face larger audiences in front of more people.the future.


I prefer to write a long report because it's good for me. it suits me better. For example, I want once had to give my own example. Once upon a time, I gave a speech in my classroom. However, classroom, and I felt so really nervous and so shy. Actually, finally, In the end, I didn't do the speech very well. However, next time perform well at all. But when I wrote a long report later, I was able to include all my ideas and details, which made me feel much more confident. Because of that, I can show all of my details and ideas in the report. Finally, I got ended up getting a good result.grade.


I prefer to write a long report in the for a work assignment, and I have two reasons to support for my opinion. First is when I write choice. First, writing a long report, it can develop report helps me improve my writing skills, and also it can let gives me have more time to prepare. May This way, I will can make less fewer mistakes. And second reason is in the Second, with a long report, we I can check our sentence review my sentences and other the words we I use. It can let This makes the work assignment be more efficient, efficient and let allows me to use my time be fruitful. So productively. So, I would choose a good long report for my work assignment to write a long report.assignment.


I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people because firstly give it helps me improve my speaking skills. For instance, if I make mistakes while speaking, I can practice and try again until I get it right. Also, giving a speech boosts my confidence. When I speak in front of a large group of people can improve others, I feel encouraged by my speech skills, speaking skills. For example, if I have some speaking mistakes in this speech and I will try again and again until I finish these mistakes and secondly give a speech also can make me more confident. Give a speech in front of people I can have more encouragement from my parents or friends and this can make family, which really helps me feel more confident.self-assured.


Well, for me, I prefer to write a long report for the reason that because I think the paper can help it helps me to write less mistakes make fewer mistakes, and I can spread present information more clearly information to the audience and audience. This way, I think believe the audience can better understand the meaning. message. If I had to give a speech in front of a large group of people, maybe group, I will might feel very nervous and I can't tell struggle to convey the important information very clearly. So overall, I think writing a long report is better.a better option for me.


In my opinion, I prefer to write a long report, because first, report. First, if we can have the enough time to make work on the report, we can have express our thoughts more opinion thoroughly and have write more time to write about it. And also, the topic. Additionally, we can ask our professors for our professor for help. Maybe help, and they can give might provide us some of the opinion with valuable insights and things we need. At the same time, if we always write information. I also think that writing a long report to make an assignment, maybe that's more clear can be clearer than only give giving a speech from in front of a large group of people. So So, I believe that writing a long report is a better way approach for the schoolwork assignments.


I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. The first One reason is that if when I give a speech, I can answer questions right away. This way, we can share information and have a speech, if somebody has a question, I can give him my answer quickly and we can exchange our information conversation, which makes it easier for everyone to let my information to get more comfortable and easy to trace it. The second understand. Another reason is that if I have during a speech, everyone I can know showcase my knowledge at right from the first time, start, so nobody will the audience gets to know about something else.what I know immediately.


So, I would prefer to give a long speech in front of a larger large group of people. And the first One reason is that I'm an outgoing people, person, which means I will have gives me more confidence when I speak something. So it will help speak. This confidence helps me to give deliver a speech more wonderful engaging and more completely. The second complete speech. Another reason is that that, compared to writing a passage, a speaker will have this mistake because the speaker don't need to very wonderful task and report, speaking allows for more spontaneity. I feel that I can express my ideas more freely without worrying too much about perfect grammar. So This makes it will let easier for me to give me more confidence connect with the audience and have the speech more easily.share my thoughts.


I would prefer to write a long report rather than give instead of giving a speech in front of a large group of people to work for my assignment and schoolwork. I believe that writing schoolwork or assignments. Writing a long report can give allows me to include more details rather than give and present my ideas clearly. For example, when I write, I can take my time to think about what I want to say, which helps me avoid the nervousness that comes with speaking in public. Personally, I find giving a short speech very challenging because I'm quite shy. The thought of standing in front of a large group of people. For instance, writing a long report also can avoid many problems like somebody's shyness. For instance, I'm very shy people makes me anxious, and I worry that I might make mistakes or forget what I wanted to give a speech in front of a large group of people. I will be very nervous about that and may make some mistakes.say.


I choose would prefer to speak give a speech in front of a group of people, although at people because I enjoy sharing my ideas and engaging with others. However, I sometimes feel nervous when speaking in public, which can make it challenging. On the time, it's almost a waste of time. If I speak in front of a group of people, I will feel unconscious, so I prefer to write other hand, writing a long report, so that report allows me to focus and express my thoughts clearly without the pressure of an audience. I can be concentrated without disturbing others. think both have their pros and cons, but I lean towards speaking because I like the interaction it brings. Thank you.


I prefer to give the professor write a report. The first report instead of giving a speech. One reason is that I think professors in the campus are very busy. Now we should give him busy, and a report allows them to review my work at their convenience. By submitting a report, I can ask questions and include three times. Maybe he can important points for them to check my homework or answer my questions. The second later. Another reason is that when I think give a speech, I might make mistakes while speaking. Writing a report gives me the chance to do research on the internet, which helps me reduce errors. Plus, I can include more details in the report, if I give making it clearer for the speech, maybe I will make some mistakes. Then write a report. I can do some research on the internet. That will decrease my mistakes. And you will make some more details to the professor to beprofessor.


In my own opinion, I'd like I would prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. There are two main reasons for this. First, giving a speech allows me to support my viewpoint. First of all, challenge myself. Since I often feel nervous about speaking in public, this would be a great opportunity for personal growth. Second, if I give a speech perform well during the speech, I believe I can earn the respect of my professors and fellow students. Doing well in front of a large group of people, I can challenge myself. Especially when I'm afraid of giving a speech, then it's a good chance to challenge myself. And the second reason is that I can get the trust from others. If I do well in the speech, the professors an audience could really boost my confidence and even the students will respect more about me. And I can get more respect from help me build stronger connections with others.


In my opinion, I prefer to write a long report because I think it can help helps me improve myself, my skills and solve problems. Writing allows me to organize my thoughts better, and I can take my time to express my ideas clearly. On the problems, ability, and give other hand, giving a speech in front of a large group of people, it can also can help me improve my group work ability, teamwork skills, but I think the self believe that developing my writing ability is more important.important for my personal growth.


I prefer to choose to write a long report instead of to rather than give a speech in front of a large group of people. Firstly, I think First of all, giving a speech in front of can make someone feel really nervous, which might affect how well they present their ideas. Plus, when you give a large group of people will sometimes make a person feel nervous. It probably will influence the quantity of the speech and also it has speech, you only get one chance to give a speech and instead of this, if do it right. On the other hand, when you choose to write a long report, you will have long plenty of time to prepare for it, to search for the information and to check prepare, gather information, and make sure your report more well-organized and polished.


I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. The first One reason is that if you give a speech speaking in front of an audience gives you a large group great opportunity to practice your public speaking skills. The more you practice, the more confident you become, and eventually, you won't feel as afraid of people, you will get a good chance to practice. And if you have this chance, you can practice more and be not afraid anymore to speak speaking in the audience. And the second public. Another reason is that if you give giving a speech in front of allows for face-to-face communication, similar to a large group of people, you can communicate face-to-face, just like the group discussion. If When you face-to-face, you will have a good role, but if not, you may think it's not efficient.interact directly with people, it feels more engaging and effective, whereas written reports can sometimes feel distant and less personal.


I would choose prefer to write a long report than give instead of giving a speech in front of a large group of people people. I really don't enjoy speaking in public because I think I don't really like to speak in front of public. I think if get nervous. If I make some mistakes, it will make me I feel really embarrassed and embarrassed. Plus, I would need to practice many times a lot to prepare for my speech when I talk to a speech, which takes up a lot of people. It will cause my time. In contrast, writing a report allows me to waste a lot take my time to think through my ideas and express them clearly without the pressure of time and a long report will no longer have audience.


I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. For example, if instance, I can share my study experience for experiences with my classmates, classmates. I think the giving a speech is a better way for me is to give a speech for the classmates, because it can boost boosts my confidence, motivate confidence and motivates me to continue keep doing well. Also, I think it's also good Plus, it’s great for my mental well-being. The speech can Speaking in front of others helps me practice me and develop my speaking skills, make making me more better, so a better communicator overall. That’s why I prefer to give giving a speech.


I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people, and there are some people for a couple of reasons. Firstly, First, it will helps me improve my speaking abilities, because if skills. When I'm walking standing and talking in front of people, an audience, I will use get to practice my orientation, communication and expression, which really boosts my language, and this will improve language abilities. Second, it builds my language-using and speaking. Secondly, it will make me more confident with my friends, it will build up my relationship with confidence, especially when I'm speaking in front of my friends. It's very This can strengthen my relationships with them, which is really important for our future and interactions, whether with my classmates and even my or team members.


In my opinion, I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group because it feels less scary when I'm not alone. If I think give have a speech alone I will feel scary. So if partner with me, we can encourage each other, which helps us do better. Plus, when speaking in a large group you have your partner and you group, we can give a speech together, it can encourage you to do better and in a large group you will have many share ideas and you can share learn from each other, making the idea with your partner experience more enjoyable and then can let them be better.effective.


In my opinion, I prefer to write a report rather than give a speech for two main reasons. For one thing, I think that if First, when we are giving give a speech, we may might be limited by the time. And for For example, if our teachers will have a class, class to teach, they will always often worry about the time so that time, which means they cannot teach a lot of things. And this can't cover everything they want to teach. This is similar to our in a work assignment. For another thing, setting, where time constraints can restrict what we can say. Second, I think, believe that many people, especially some shy people, will those who are shy, can be really affected by their performance because they may be might feel very nervous speaking in front of the public. All in all, a large audience. Overall, I think giving writing a long report is better.a better option.


In my perspective, opinion, I would prefer to write a long report rather than give a speech in front of a large group of people. My One reason is, first, if for this is that when I can have a long more time to do work on a report, I can have a deep research, I can get conduct in-depth research and gather more detailed things or detailed information. It really helps for information, which ultimately improves the quality of my final results. My second reason is, Additionally, I find that giving a speech in front of a large group is not an efficiency thing.audience can be quite inefficient for me, as it often requires a lot of preparation and can be stressful.


Alright, from my perspective, I'll I would choose to give a speech in front of a large group of people because I think it's only use the last writing a long report is just a waste of time to settle this homework. I think if time. If you want to write a long report, you should have to spend a lot of time to researching a data or literary code or some data. It must waste a lot of time, but sources, which can take forever. But if you want to have give a speech in front of people, speech, you only need to write come up with a main idea and then you can have a freestyle speak freely in front of people. So So, I definitely prefer to have giving a speech in front of people.speech.


I prefer to choose the second one. I think give a speech in front of the a large group is better rather than write a long report. I have some a few reasons to explain it. And the first reason is for this choice. First, I think the believe that a long report can't make the feeling not doesn't convey feelings very clarified well because the written words can't make the feeling more true. But if you give express emotions as effectively. In contrast, giving a speech in front of allows me to connect with the large group, that can make the people understand your feeling audience more and more clearly. And also you personally. I can use some body language or highlight or make language, emphasize important points, and raise my voice to show that something is significant. These elements help the voice audience understand my feelings better, making it a more louder so that people will understand it's very important. So it's better impactful experience than write writing a long report.


I prefer to give a speech in front of a large group of people. Here's Here are my reasons. For example, First, giving a speech allows you to prepare and practice what you want to say, which can really help you feel more confident. Second, it’s a great way to improve your spoken English because you get to practice speaking in front of a large group of people, you should also prepare for the speech and you should write something and repeat it. And second one is that you can have an exercise on your spoken English. That means you will become more confident when you're speaking to others. And third, Lastly, I think find writing a long report may be a little bit boring because you should read since it involves reading a lot of the reading materials and give the main point of something, but summarizing them. In contrast, when you give a speech speech, you can feel free to see what you your ideas more freely and connect with the audience.