Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO39 Task2


The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Start a Ride-sharing Program Students who live off-campus often get to campus by car. I propose that the university create a student ride-sharing program, where students who live in the same area would form groups of four with each group driving to campus together in one car. The ride-sharing program would benefit students as well as the environment. For the students, they would save money by driving to campus in groups instead of separately. And since there would be fewer cars going and coming from campus, there would be a positive impact on the environment. Sincerely, Jim Sears


Now listen to two students discussing the letter . Ellen , you drive to campus , right ? Did you see this letter in the paper today ? Yeah , I did I think it makes a lot of sense , so it would be great if the university starts something like that . Okay. Well now I drive to campus all by myself and buy gas now and then it isn’t much each time I fill the tank , but it adds up , I’m sure . So a program like that would really help students . They’d spend less on gas and it’s not just gas either . It’s also the wear and tear on the car . I mean the more you use a car going back and forth all the time , the more you have to do maintenance and repairs . Right ? But do you think the program would have that other benefit ? I do , because there have been a lot more people coming into the city , so there’s much more traffic now than before . And all the carbon dioxide that comes from all those cars on the road is polluting the environment more and more . So with this program , there would be less carbon dioxide pouring out into the air . And this would reduce environmental pollution and the air quality would certainly improve .



The student in the lecture proposed that the university should set start a rights-sharing ride-sharing program, which is benefits for saving money would benefit both students and the environment. The woman in the conversation thinks that this program makes a lot of sense. He She believes that this program it will let help students spend less save money on gas, and it which is very good great for their financial conditions. For the second reason, the woman finances. Additionally, she thinks that if more students take participate in this program, there will be less traffic in the on campus, and it will less leading to reduced carbon dioxide to the air, improve the emissions and improved air quality.


In the reading, the campus university is planning proposing a ride-sharing program where students can share rides in groups of four to hold a riding sharing program. get to campus. This program is observing to sharing their cars with four groups in the students to go to the campus. The universities in this program can help the students save money and is also it's good beneficial for the environment. The girl is completely agree agrees with this opinion. She thinks this program proposal and believes it has much even more benefits than mentioned in the letter said. letter. First, it is good for the gains in the program. It can save a lot of money for the students and second, besides that, there's a lot of students. Second, she points out that there are many tourists in the city city, and too much many cars will can cause a traffic jam and this will definitely decrease much more population in jams. This would not only reduce the number of cars on campus and but also good for help improve the environment in the city.


About the idea of schools' ride-sharing, the The woman thinks it's the ride-sharing program is a very nice opinion. Firstly, she thinks a lot of people are living in the city, great idea. She believes that many students live far from campus, and the school is far distanced from the city. If the students can if they share their car, the more students can get cars, it will make commuting more convenient and for everyone. This program would help reduce the car number of campus. The cars on campus, which would ease traffic will be convenient and it can reduce lower environmental pollution. And it's also an idea to Additionally, it would save more money.students money on gas and maintenance costs.


The proposal suggests creating a ride-sharing program on campus rights sharing program mainly about dividing where students in group as sharing can form groups to share one car and to car, which would help cut the cost costs for students those who drive and lower the impact in environment. reduce environmental impact. In the conversation, the woman thinks that believes the suggestion proposal makes a lot of sense because she herself drives a gas car to campus all the time regularly. She thinks this program would help lower gasoline expenses and reduce wear and tear on cars. Additionally, she thinks points out that it will help could lead to lower the gasoline cost and lower the repairs for cars. Another benefit, also it could cause less traffic and lower carbon dioxide emissions, which would improve air condition.quality.


The proposal is about starting a ride-sharing program because there are many for students who live off-campus, so they will go as many of them currently drive to the school campus separately. The girl, she drives to the campus herself, so she woman thinks this idea makes a lot of sense. Because, first, she thinks sense because it can really helps the students. First, it helps them to spend less help students save money on gas. She also mentions other benefits, like reducing traffic since more students will be sharing rides. With fewer cars on the gas, and road, there are also some other benefits. Because there are lots of people coming to the city, so the traffic will be heavier and heavier. So the less pollution, which could improve air quality will be polluted because there are many cars. So she thinks this can also have less pollution and the air quality will be better. quality. That's her opinion.opinion on the proposal.


The letter is about to set up proposes starting a car-sharing ride-sharing program at school. There will be school where groups of four people students from the same area would drive to campus together in the group, and they will drive one car car. This program aims to school. In that way, the school thinks that will save the students money and also have the positive positively impact for the environment. As a woman's opinion, she The woman thinks that this idea makes a lot of sense because she currently drives to school by herself. alone. She thinks mentions that if there are having more cars, there will be cars means spending more preparation like time on gas and gas. If there are less cars, there will be less preparation. For time, while fewer cars would reduce those costs. Additionally, she points out that with more people driving into the second point, a lot of people will create a lot of transportation. If there are less city, there’s increased traffic and pollution. By having fewer cars in on the situation, it will affect road, the environment positively, just like there will be less program could help lower carbon dioxide polluted into emissions, which would be beneficial for the air, and it's very positive.environment.


According to the student's proposal, the student suggests the they suggest that people who live in the same area to form groups in order to commute to the school. They can simply drive school together in one car. The female speaker agrees with that this idea because she thinks that it makes a lot of sense. There are basically She gives two main reasons. Firstly, take herself as an example, First, she always mentions that she usually drives to the school for herself alone and has to fill her gas tank regularly, which can be expensive. If she must fill the tank in time. So she should pay much bill for this. However, if she drives together were to drive with others, then they will repair the cars she would spend less often on gas and they will use the cars less, they will spend less. The second point is have to do less maintenance on her car. Second, she points out that the pollution to the environment can be lessened if students all drive together because together, it would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide it needs will be less and less. Then released into the environment, which would help improve air condition will certainly improve. quality. Thank you.


In the reading, we can know that the school wants university proposes a ride-sharing program to make the group of help students save some money. But money by driving together to campus instead of individually. However, in the learning model, we can know listening, the woman expresses her opinion that not all the students want to drive use cars to go get to the university, university. She points out that traffic has actually improved in the city, so they don't need to save some money because right now in this city, many students prefer taking the traffic is very, very better than before. So right now, most students will have to take some bus or subway to go to school. So instead. Therefore, she believes that the university’s proposal may not be necessary for all students, as they don't need to go to the university to take some hard programming to help them to save money or to save time.have other options for transportation that may be more convenient.


In the lecture, proposal, the school university suggested to have the programs starting a ride-sharing program to help the students carpool to drive the cars to the campus in one car. And vehicle. The woman agrees with this idea and mentions two main benefits. First, the woman agreed that idea. She mentioned two benefits. The first benefit is that these programs program can waste save students money since they would share the money for the students because there are a lot cost of students. Also, gas instead of driving separately. Second, it can waste the time to drive. And the second benefit is that because there are a lot of cars, if they have these programs, it can help reduce the population. Also, because number of this, there are more people to cars on the road, which would improve traffic there. It's fun for and benefit the environment, so they can have these programs to protect the environment.environment by lowering carbon emissions.


The letter describes suggests that the school can university should create the sharing a ride-sharing program so that the where students who live in the same neighborhood can share together. And the rides to campus. The woman thinks this proposal is a great idea for two main reasons. First, it would help students save money on gas, as driving alone can be quite expensive. By sharing rides, they would spend less on fuel. Second, she mentions that having fewer cars on the opinion is very good and gave two reasons. First is because students can pay less gas because it takes too much money for them road would reduce pollution, as cars contribute significantly to drive a car environmental issues. So, by sharing rides, there would be fewer cars driving to school and pay lots of money. But if they share together, it will not be too expensive for them to pay. And the second reason is about the car campus, which go to school truly make the pollute from the environment. So students who share together can drive less car and there are less car in the way.would help improve air quality.


The university is planning to start proposing a ride-sharing program, so program to help students carpool to campus. This program can save students money on gas and reduce the students can go to school with other students together by driving cars. This action can not only save number of cars on the students money, but also can help protect road, which is better for the environment. The woman thinks agrees with the proposal and believes it could cause would be beneficial for students because it would lower their expenses and reduce traffic. She points out that there are a lot of problems, because cars in the woman drives city, which contributes to school by herself. And she thinks that pollution. By having fewer cars driving to campus, the program will only could help students, because the students can have more time to do more preparations. And the campus has a lot of people every day, cut down on carbon emissions and it will cause some traffic, and it will pollute, and it will cause polluting problems. And this action can help reduce the environmental pollution and also can make the environment more cleaner.improve air quality.


The school announcement said that they will start a ride-sharing program, which is where students who live in the same area, area can group together and the group will drive one car to send all students to home or universities. campus. There are two benefits. The first one is main benefits: first, it can save students money, money on gas, and the second one is second, it can help to have benefits the environment by reducing pollution. The girl in the environment, reduce the pollution. And the girl discussion agreed with it. The girl said she's driving the car, this idea. She mentioned that she drives alone and she will spend spends a lot of money on gas, so a ride-sharing program would help her save money. Additionally, it would save time because fewer cars would be on the gas. And if they start this program, they will spend less on gas. What's more, it can save time to prepare a driving car, road, which could reduce traffic and moreover, it can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Overall, this program could help improve air quality and benefit the traffic in the campus loss. This program can help to save the environment and increase the air qualities.environment.


The woman thinks it the proposal makes a lot of sense and feel would be great for students because she is an example. students. She drives by herself to go to school by herself, and she thinks the believes that a ride-sharing program like that can could really help students. And the second reason is students save money. She also mentions that there are more people living in the city. So city now, which means there is much more traffic now traffic, and it's this is not friendly good for the environment. But this She thinks that the program is would be a good way to help protect the environment because there will be less it would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.dioxide in the air.


The proposal is that the school university should set up a ride-sharing program for the students who live off-campus so that off-campus, allowing groups of four students can go campus by car and one group have four people for the students who live in from the same area. area to drive to campus together. There are two benefits. main benefits to this program. The first one is that it would be better for the environment environment, and the second one is that it can definitely would save the money, which is the benefit for students. students money. The woman agreed agrees with this idea and provides two reasons. First, she gave two ratings. The first rating is the guests cost mentions that driving alone can be expensive because gas costs add up, and more use of a lot of money and you're driving for a long time, your car means it needs to be repaired. So more repairs. So, this program can definitely could help students save students money. And Second, she points out that traffic has become worse due to the second rating is the traffic becomes more terrible because increasing number of the more cars. So cars, and this program can could help reduce traffic and, in turn, decrease the traffic in order to decrease polluting.pollution.


Part The proposal is tell us about that starting a ride-sharing program for students, which would allow those living in the sharing program is a good thing. It same area to carpool to campus together. The woman agrees with this idea because she believes it can help students save money at the same time It can have the positive impact of the environment So in a woman's opinion, she also agree with that She make a lot of sense to this because first it can help students If they are use a sharing program, you can have the least gas Less on the gas and more than repaying reduce wear and tear on their cars. She points out that something else There driving alone can add up in costs, and a ride-sharing program would help lower those expenses. Additionally, she mentions that there is a lot of traffic in the traffic city, and if more people participate in carpooling, it would ease congestion on the urban So if people always sharing their traffic, so they can roads. Most importantly, she believes that this program would reduce carbon emissions, which would be less pressure about that road The more part is that there is less carbon by outside and also good for the air quality so all from her opinion, she always believe that Sharing program is better than something else because it's good beneficial for the environment and improve air quality. Overall, she thinks that a ride-sharing program is a great idea because it can Help our clean our airhelps both students and the environment.


The university has proposed a plan. The ride-sharing program where students from the same area can drive to campus together in some areas go to the campuses together, and then they use one car. There are some areas that the This plan aims to help students can save money and have a nice positively impact on the environment. But in In the listening, the girl totally agrees with woman expresses her full support for this idea. She usually drives to campus alone and finds it inconvenient. She believes that this program will reduce the university's plan. Because she always goes to the campuses by herself, she wants to go there in a convenient way. She thinks that it can decrease the movement number of the car, and it will have a nice impact cars on the road, which will help improve the environment. It's good for everybody, and Overall, she thinks it's nice a great solution for her.everyone involved.


The students suggest propose that the university should create a student rights-sharing ride-sharing program, which is would be beneficial to for both students and the environment. And the The woman totally completely agrees with this idea. First, she thinks that it's very helpful for believes it will help students because they will spend less save money on gas. And at Additionally, she mentions that with the same time, they can save their money. What's more, she thinks there are some other benefits, like because there are so many increasing number of people in the city now, and there are so many more cars on the road. So road, this program could also help reduce traffic congestion and lower carbon dioxide emissions, ultimately benefiting the sharing program can help the environment and the traffic problem and will decrease the carbon dioxide.environment.


In Reading, the reading, the university will have proposes a new ride-sharing program, which is right sharing, and this means that women agree with this the woman supports. She gives two main reasons for her opinion. And here are two reasons. First, she always goes usually drives to school by herself campus alone, and by car. And if they go she thinks that sharing rides with classmates could lead to school with their classmates, it can have more talk social interaction and have more communication. And second, it nowadays has Second, she mentions that there is more traffic and nowadays, which contributes to pollution. She believes that if the ride-sharing program is implemented, it will cause more pollution. And if the right sharing program is began, it will help reduce the pollution and keep the positive positively impact of the environment. And also, Additionally, it saves money.would save students money on gas.


In the passage, one student has a suggestion suggests that the university should create a student-wide sharing ride-sharing program because it really benefits for the environment and it can save time and save money by for students driving to the campus. Also, in In the conversation, the girl totally agreed completely agrees with this idea because firstly, she mentioned idea. She mentions that she always drives her car to the university and it really wastes university, which costs her a lot of money and requires her to spend on maintenance. Additionally, she needs to be points out that with more prepared for people coming into the cars. And secondly, nowadays, many people come to the cities and following the people increase the city, pollution environment more and more. So is increasing. Therefore, she believes it is a great idea that for the university creates to implement a student-wide sharing program. It can decrease the ride-sharing program, as it could help reduce pollution.


The student proposed proposal suggests that the university create a student ride-sharing program to help students save student money and make positive positively impact on the environment. The woman agree agrees with that. this idea. First, she think the ride can thinks that sharing rides would help students spend less gas on gas, and if that more car use, there cars on the road contribute to pollution. Secondly, she mentions that because many people are more pollution in our earth. And secondly, because there are a lot of people coming to the university, so there are many traffic and is a lot of traffic, which leads to more carbon will open to dioxide being released into the air. So So, she believes that using a ride-sharing program would reduce carbon emissions and be better for the ride can use less carbon to release to the air. So the woman think the ride is better than driving a car.environment.


The extra points are some advisements about let the proposal suggests that students living in the same area, they can area should drive together and go to school, this can campus, which would help students them save money and benefit the environment. The woman agrees with this idea and believes it has many advantages. She mentions that it would reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which would help protect the environment. In the listening, the woman agree with the idea, she thinks it has a lot of benefits and it can provide carbon oxide and protect the environment environment, and also save students on gas and car maintenance.


So, the university want wants to make create a project called the student rights sharing project, which ride-sharing program. This means every that off-campus student and also living students who live in the same place area can go carpool to school together and it together. This program is good beneficial for both the environment and save for saving money. Many students money. And the agree with this idea because driving to campus alone can be expensive due to gas costs. By sharing rides, students very agree this project because the students, he drive to the campus and it really spend money to the gas, so this project can really help students save money because they can get less spend of the on gas and also more reduce wear and tear on their cars. Additionally, with more people going to coming into the city and city, there are many is increasing traffic on the road because there are more car, so this project can really roads. This ride-sharing program could help to reduce the public that traffic and, as a result, lower pollution levels. Fewer cars on the road and the street. Also less car means they will have less pollution, so it is also good for environment and it's very good for would lead to better air quality, so all in all making this is project a good project to the great initiative for university students.


The woman thinks this proposal is very helpful for university students who study in the university because she usually drives to school by herself. But without She believes that by carpooling, students can save a student's helping, she will save much gasoline lot of gas and to reduce the repaired car's time. Because of wear and tear on their cars. Since more people move are moving to the city, traffic has increased significantly. Carpooling can help ease this city, so now it has much traffic. Also, many traffic congestion. Additionally, from an environmental perspective, having more students get in one car can de-recession this traffic. And also for environmental aspects, this share rides will cause less reduce carbon dioxide pollution. emissions and improve air quality. Thank you.


gave us The proposal is about a new ride-sharing program of at the university which called ride-sharing. It's going university. It aims to save students money and good change the environment help reduce pollution of in the cities. The woman gives, the woman stand as a foresight of agrees with this statement. He suggests that proposal because she drive car to university currently drives to campus now alone and she spend spends a lot of money on the gas, which adds up over time. She also feels lonely during her drives. The program would help students save money on gas and she's very lonely. So this program can reduce the spends wear and tear on the cars. The cars will have some problems their cars, which means fewer repairs. Additionally, she mentions that all the woman need to repair the cars. The second reason she agree with this statement there is that about the traffic. Now the cities are more, there are more people travel traffic in the cities now due to the increasing number of people, and the this leads to more carbon dioxide problem is a very serious. So this emissions. Therefore, the ride-sharing program can reduce thecould help lower pollution levels and improve air quality.


The proposal shows suggests that the campus want to have the riding-sharing program and they have some good university should start a ride-sharing program, which has several benefits. The first reason benefit is that it can be good for help the environment and decrease the by reducing air pollution. The second reason benefit is that it can save the students money from the students. on gas. The girls agree woman agrees with their opinions and the first reason she thinks is this proposal, stating that this it would help students because sharing rides means they wouldn't need to spend as much on gas, which can help the students and it can lessen the gas because the cars cost is very much. The second reason is be quite expensive. She also mentions that in there are more people coming into the city the person is increased so makes the traffic increase. So if they do that it is now, which increases traffic. Therefore, implementing this program would be very good beneficial for the environment.


The school claims that it will establish proposes to start a student rate-sharing ride-sharing program. The This program will bring would have two benefits. The one is that main benefits: it will benefit the would help students as well as save money and it would be better for the environment. And the second is it can save money, and the With fewer cars going to and coming in the from campus, it will be, it will provide would create a more safety, a more safe safer environment with your for students. And the The girl in the conversation is totally agree completely agrees with this program. She thinks believes that they can it would help students spend less on gas, and she also points out that the higher frequency of car using, more you use a car, the more you have to repair it. Additionally, she thinks this program would greatly benefit the car. And also, it will bring great benefits on the environment. So she totally agree with this program.environment by reducing pollution.


The announcement in from the university says that the university they will start side-sharing. The most of university a ride-sharing program. Most students drive to campus by car, and this program will go school by cars and driving allow them to share rides in one car. Side-sharing The ride-sharing program can benefit students and it's is also good for the environment. It can also help students to save money and because they will be driving in groups instead of separately, which means there will be few fewer cars in the on campus. The speaker thinks it this idea makes a lot of sense and this is a good idea. It will be less unguess and the more one. With fewer cars, there will be more in some less wear and tear on individual vehicles, which means students will spend less on repairs. And also start side-sharing, Additionally, by starting this ride-sharing program, there will be lots of fewer people help to driving, which helps reduce the pollution and there will be less lowers carbon dioxide. It dioxide emissions. Overall, it benefits the environment, so it's a good great announcement.


The notice suggests that to let students have should start a ride-sharing project that program where four students use share one car when they go to school. And the get to campus. The student in the listening thinks this is a really great idea that made makes a lot of sense. She thinks schools should use believes that this notice because program would help students save money on gas since they would not be driving separately. Additionally, she drives by herself mentions that fewer cars on the road would lead to school every day and this really helps students when they go to school. And this will waste less gas than if they drive by themselves. Also this carbon dioxide will pool to being released into the air, which would help improve air that can quality and reduce the amount of air traffic.traffic congestion.


The proposal is about the school plans to make creating a ride-sharing program to the for students and the students so they can drive into school to campus together. Firstly, The woman in the conversation agrees with this proposal because she believes it is environmentally friendly and also it can will help students save the money. The woman in the conversation agreed money on gas. She mentions that driving alone uses a lot of gas, and with the school's this program, she would spend less. Additionally, she points out that traffic is a growing problem, and this proposal because firstly she thinks she can drive before she is driving by herself and it will spend much more gas. After this proposal, it can make her spend less gas. Also the traffic problem also can be solved because this proposal, the environment will more and more bad because of the traffic problem, but because of this proposal, the could help reduce it, which would improve air quality and other environmental problems will be solved.issues.


The letter is talking talks about the university should set setting up a student rights sharing ride-sharing program and to help the student to students save their money and also helping to protect the environment and the environment. The woman agree agrees with this. And firstly, this proposal. She mentions that she drive drives to school every day and she spent spends a lot of money on the gas and gas. The more she drives, the more time you drive, the maintenance her car needs, which adds to her expenses. Additionally, she points out that there is more things traffic now, with many cars on the car you need to repair. And the second is about the traffic now is more and more and every day have lots of car on the roads and this will cause a lot of pollution to the environment. And road causing pollution. She believes that if there are fewer cars driving, less car drive on gas will be released into the roads, so there won't be lots of gas are released in the air and to air, which would help reduce the environmental pollution.


In the letter, the school decides to build proposal suggests creating a ride-sharing station that can make the program to encourage students not drive cars to carpool instead of driving alone to campus. The woman thinks this is a great idea because she often drives to school and it also has a positive impact on the environment. The woman gave her own opinion for us and the first one is she thinks the school building this ride-sharing station is a very good decision because she is driving to school and in this time she lost by herself, which takes a lot of time and it's also bad is not good for the environment. But if the school builds this She believes that a ride-sharing station that can program would help the students ride get to school more easily and less use reduce the number of car time and it's more easier to process and it has a lot of cars on the road, which would decrease carbon dioxide into the environment emissions and it's also bad for the environment but still it's good for the environment.improve air quality.


have the right sharing The proposal is for a ride-sharing program that means the people live where students living in the same area they can drive together to go to the school and that campus. This is good for the environment and also can helps save money and Alan money. Ellen thinks this idea makes sense because now she drive currently drives to the school by herself and if this programs are starting they herself. If the program starts, it can help could help students and have spend less on gas and and that means they can pay less and the second one is gas. She also mentions that there are is a lot more traffic now now, so it can this program could help to reduce the carbon dioxide and also emissions. Fewer cars would lead to less car can make it feel more convenient and it's also good for the pollution and a better environment, which is why Ellen believes the environment so Alan thinks it's a good idea that the campus can university should start a right sharing programride-sharing program.


So it the proposal suggests to start the starting a ride-sharing program about sharing bike. for students. There are some reasons. a couple of reasons why this is a good idea. Firstly, it will would save a lot of money from students. It will reduce a lot of pressure of the money. for students, which would ease their financial burden. Secondly, it was good would be beneficial for the environment. This environment because it would less reduce carbon dioxide. And for dioxide emissions. In the listening material, the woman agrees with this female explained there are some reasons. And she's very agree with this. Firstly, she think this proposal. She explains that it would make lead to less gas consumption from the car. A lot of cars. Many students from otherwise currently drive alone to school would take car. And take car campus, which means you would they produce a lot of carbon dioxide. And dioxide and other gas would pollute this environment. So pollutants. So, this program would help reduce this. And it was very good for those emissions and improve the environment. So she's very agree with Overall, she strongly supports this program.


The campus suggests university proposes the RideShine program. program, which allows students to share rides to campus. This way program is convenient for students. Many because it enables many students can to drive together in one car to campus. It car, which is good for the environment. This way also can help environment as it reduces the number of cars on the road. Additionally, it helps students save many money. The Shine program gives a positive impact for the campus. money on gas and maintenance costs. The woman thinks it this is a good idea. In great idea because, in the past, she always took the car by herself, drove alone, but now she can get it carpool with her friends. It helps students This not only makes getting to get to the school easily, and it has easier but also benefits for the city. Many people go to the city by decreasing traffic and pollution. Overall, the RideShine program. Maybe it can take many program could help students save a lot of money.


According to the notice, the university decided is proposing to start a ride-sharing program for two main reasons. For one thing, First, they think that believe it can help with the environment. For another thing, environment by reducing the number of cars on the road. Second, they think it can save the students' students money of spending on the course. And according to gas and car maintenance. In the conversation, the girls strongly agree woman agrees with the idea proposal for two reasons. Firstly, she thinks that if so, they by sharing rides, students can save money of buying the on gas and repairing the cars, so that they will have more money repairs, allowing them to spend in that money on other aspects. things. Secondly, she thinks points out that nowadays the increasing number of people in the city become more is worsening traffic and more, so that the traffic problem and the environment problem become worse and worse. So environmental issues. Therefore, she believes that if they students share the cars, the problem can be solved.rides, it could help alleviate these problems.


From The proposal is about starting a ride-sharing program for students. This means that students living in the reading passage, the woman wrote same area can share a program named ride-sharing program. It means students can car to go to school in one car. For students, it can campus together. This would help them students save their money. And money on gas and reduce the number of cars driving to campus, which is better for the environment, it can cause less pollution. And environment. The woman in the lecture, the students entirely agree discussion agrees with these ideas. There are this idea. She gives two reasons. First of all, if you use First, using a car many times, it means it's possible more often leads to repair more times. And the second reason is repairs and maintenance costs. Second, there is more increased traffic in the city, so which means more carbon dioxide will pollute is being released into the city. If there...air. This ride-sharing program could help reduce that pollution and improve air quality.


All right, Okay, the proposal says suggests that the campus university should manage a ride-sharing program and the proposal declares that the student where students can go travel to the school campus together in one car and it car. This program would not only benefits benefit the environment but also help students save money. So and the The woman totally agree completely agrees with the statement. She think this idea, stating that it really makes sense. It will help student and more repairs can come together and because nowadays there are a lot of sense. She believes it would help students because, nowadays, there are many more people come coming into the city so city, which leads to more cars on the car will release road releasing a lot of massive carbon dioxide. So and she She thinks this program can could help reduce the effect impact of global warming.