Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO39 Task3


Explain how the example used in the lecture illustrates the concept of signaling.


Signaling Customers are often willing to pay higher prices for high-quality products, however, without specialized knowledge, it can be difficult to evaluate whether certain items are highly quality. When customers are unsure whether an item is high quality, ad worth the prize, they are less likely to purchase it. This problem can be solved through signaling. The seller of a product finds a way to signal, or demonstrate, to the buyer that the product is high quality. One common signaling strategy is to have a person or company that is not involved in the sale provide an objective, unbiased judgment about the quality of a product.


Now listen to part of a lecture in a business class . So okay. Here’s a good example . A friend of mine owns a small jewelry store where she sells jewelry . And the jewelry she sells , watches , rings, necklaces is very expensive , thousands of dollars , because it’s all real gold , real diamonds and other precious gemstones . So , of course , when customers come into her store , well , if they are considering spending that much money on a piece of jewelry , they wanna make sure it’s authentic , that the gold is real , that the gemstones are real and not just pieces of glass . But most customers don’t actually know how to tell the difference on their own . So in order to reassure her customers , what my friend did is she had a jewelry expert come in and look at all the jewelry in her store . This expert had like 20 years of experience examining jewelry , so he knew a lot about it . And the expert examined all the precious gemstones and certified that they were authentic real . And then my friend put up a sign in the store saying that all the jewelry in the store had been certified as authentic by a leading expert . So her customers would see this sign and know that all the jewelry in the store was real . And since the expert didn’t work for my friend’s store , it didn’t matter to him if the jewelry got sold or not . So customers were likely to trust his opinion . The expert was therefore able to provide evidence that the jewelry was worth the high prices .

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Ad Noun A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy. 在公共媒体上宣传产品、服务、活动或公布职位空缺的通知或公告。 "I saw an ad for a new restaurant in the local newspaper."
Authentic Adjective Of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine. 来源无可争议的,不是复制品;真正的。 "The painting was confirmed to be an authentic Van Gogh."
Certify Verb Attest or confirm in a formal statement. 在正式声明中证明或确认。 "The teacher will certify your language proficiency after you pass the course."
Concept Noun An abstract idea; a general notion. 抽象的想法;一般的概念。 "The concept of freedom is different for everyone."
Consider Verb Think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision. 仔细考虑(某事),通常在做决定之前。 "You should consider all the options before choosing a college."
Demonstrate Verb Clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence. 通过提供证据或证明清楚地显示(某事物)的存在或真实性。 "She demonstrated her cooking skills in the competition."
Diamond Noun A precious stone consisting of a clear and typically colorless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance. 一种宝石,由纯碳的透明且通常无色的晶体形式组成,是自然界中最硬的物质。 "He proposed to her with a beautiful diamond ring."
Evaluate Verb Form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess. 形成对数量、数目或价值的概念;评估。 "The teacher will evaluate your performance at the end of the semester."
Evidence Noun The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. 可用的事实或信息集合,用以指示信念或命题是否真实或有效。 "The police found evidence of the crime at the scene."
Gemstone Noun A precious or semiprecious stone, especially one cut, polished, and used in a piece of jewelry. 宝石或半宝石,尤其是切割、抛光并用于饰品的石头。 "The necklace was adorned with various colorful gemstones."
Illustrate Verb To make something clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc. 通过使用例子,图表,图片等使某事清晰。 "Can you illustrate your point with an example?"
Involve Verb To include or affect someone or something. 包括或影响某人或某事。 "The project involves designing and building a robot."
Item Noun A single thing in a set or on a list. 在一组或列表中的单一事物。 "Please check off each item on the list as you complete it."
Judgment Noun An opinion or decision that is based on careful thought. 基于仔细思考的意见或决定。 "In my judgment, we should accept the offer."
Lecture Noun A talk or speech given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject. 向一群人发表的讲话或演讲,以教授他们关于特定主题的知识。 "I attended a lecture on environmental conservation."
Objective Adjective Based on facts rather than feelings or opinions. 基于事实而非感情或观点。 "We need someone who can provide an objective analysis of the situation."
Precious Adjective Of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly. 非常有价值的;不应该被浪费或粗心对待的。 "Water is a precious resource that we need to conserve."
Product Noun Something that is made or grown to be sold or used. 制造或生产出来供销售或使用的东西。 "The company's newest product is selling well."
Purchase Verb To buy something. 购买某物。 "I need to purchase some groceries on my way home."
Quality Noun How good or bad something is. 某物的好坏。 "The quality of their products has improved significantly."
Reassure Verb To say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone. 说或做某事以消除某人的疑虑和恐惧。 "Seeing the doctor's calm demeanor helped to reassure her that the surgery would go well."
Signal Noun A gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions. 用于传达信息或指示的手势、行动或声音。 "He gave a thumbs up as a signal that everything was okay."
Solve Verb To find a solution, explanation, or answer for a problem or question. 找到问题或疑问的解决方案、解释或答案。 "The detective was determined to solve the mystery of the missing jewels."
Strategy Noun A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim. 为实现长期或总体目标而设计的行动计划。 "The company's strategy for growth included expanding their product line."
Unbiased Adjective Showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial. 对某事没有偏见;公正无私。 "The judge was unbiased, treating both sides equally in the court."
Willing Adjective Ready, eager, or prepared to do something. 准备好的,热切的或准备做某事的。 "He was willing to work overtime to finish the project on time."


And the concept of signaling. This signaling is a good illustrated well in this example. One A friend of the friend of this professor have owns a jewelry shop. The shop where the jewelry in this shop is very expensive because they are it consists of real gold and diamond. But when the customer go to diamonds. When customers visit the shop and want to buy things, consider buying something, they want to make sure it's well ensure that it’s authentic and worth that the price. But they don't However, most customers don’t know the difference how to differentiate between the real and fake and the true one. So there comes jewelry. This is where a jewelry expert. expert comes in. The expert know a lot has extensive knowledge about the true authentic jewelry and the fake. So he will show this is can identify the real one. So this pieces. He examined the jewelry is and certified that it was genuine. My friend then displayed a sign in the shop stating that all the jewelry had been certified by a leading expert. So the customer will This way, customers are likely to trust them. So they will buy this. So the expert's opinion and feel more confident in their purchase. This is how signaling works in this is the signaling.context.


Signaling is a good an effective way to make assure customers sure that the product products in the store sells is are authentic. A The professor illustrated this concept by giving with an example about his friends a friend who run owns a jewelry store selling watch, rings that sells watches, rings, and necklaces, which is necklaces made of real gold and diamond. diamonds. When a customer comes to customers visit the store, the expert employed by the friend could certify that they want to prove the items were real. Although the expert leaves the store, the signalling could also ensure that the items are real so genuine. To help with this, my friend brought in an expert who could certify that the jewelry was authentic. Even though the expert doesn’t work in the store, his certification reassures customers will that the items are real, which builds their trust it and buy it.encourages them to make a purchase.


The professor was talking about both of a jewelry store. When he meet some customer is customers are not sure about if the jewelry is real or not, he will let the store owner brings in a jewelry expert to judge his jewelry is real or not. And evaluate the pieces. This expert has 20 years old experience. He know of experience, so he knows a lot and about jewelry. Since the expert is independent and not belong to his store. It's a free people to judge jewelry. So affiliated with the customer store, customers can trust his judgment. This is an example of signaling because it shows that the provides assurance about the quality of the jewelry, helping customers feel more confident about their purchase.


In the rating, what if If a customer wants to buy an expensive product, product but finds the price is too high for them to afford, high, they were wondering might wonder if this the product is true or it is authentic and worth the price. And this strategy tells us they can hire another company that cost. This is not Himes and to tell them the customer it is real. So the where signaling comes in. The professor gave us an example about a friend of his friends. His friends used to want to sell jewelry, and their who sells jewelry is all the made of real gold and real diamond. But diamonds. Since the price prices are very high, customers are unsure if the jewelry is also so high, genuine. To help with this, his friend hired an expert who has a lot of experience in examining jewelry. This expert certified that the jewelry was real, and my friend put up a sign in the customer don't know if store saying it is true. So was certified by this expert. Because the expert was independent and not working for the store, customers felt they could trust his friends hire a knowledging old experiment, and opinion. This way, signaling helped reassure customers that the experiment tells expensive jewelry was worth the customer it is true, and the customers trust him and buy the products. So after that, the experiment left their company, but the customer still want to buy his products like the diamond and the real gold.price.


Signaling is a strategy when people want used by sellers to sell demonstrate the quality of a high-quality product when customers might not be able to assess its value themselves. In the customers cannot evaluate the value of the product well, and lecture, the professor in the lecture used shared an example to explain this. Many years ago, his friends had of a friend who owned a high-quality jewelry store, and his friends store. To help customers feel confident about their purchases, she hired a leading jewelry expert in this field to give some evidence examine her pieces and reliable information to his jewelry so certify their authenticity. This way, customers could trust that the customers can purchase jewelry was real and worth the products.high prices.


Signaling is a technique which that sellers apply in order use to find a way to signal demonstrate that certain products is in are of high quality. The professor offers gives an instance example about his friend. He has a friend who works in owns a jewelry store which that sells expensive items like watches and necklaces. They Customers want to ensure that these items are really expensive. However, they are all authentic and made from real gems and precious materials. So the customers want to make sure that all the sold goods are authentic. And what the To help with this, my friend does is that she asks has an expert come in to certify that all the products are authentic. Because genuine. Since the expert doesn't work in for her store, so customers tend to trust her and they finally buy his opinion, which encourages them to make their purchases. This example illustrates how signaling works through the goods. This is endorsement of an illustration of the technique of signaling by some objective forces.third party.


That's the example of the jewelry store. The balls have jewelry has real materials, which makes the real material product so the price will prices very high. Customers can't be very expensive. The consumer cannot make sure if the material is real materials are real, so they cannot make the deal hesitate to buy the jewelries. So in that ways the balls have jewelry. To solve this, my friend hired an idea to employ the expert to looking for the jewelries and which have more than with over 20 years of experience to examine the jewelry and after the distinguished confirm that the materials are real. The balls have authentic. After the expert certified the jewelry, my friend put up the signs out in the store to say stating that the material is real and also everything had been verified by a leading expert. Since the expert shows he's not working for wasn't affiliated with the store. In that way the store, customers will believe in it were more likely to trust his opinion. This way, customers felt reassured and so that really makes sense were more willing to consumers in that way.make a purchase.


Maybe the professors give The professor gave us one an example about his friends, maybe a friend who owns a jewelry store. In this case, the salesperson, and one customer. The customer doesn't know how to say tell the difference between real and fake jewelry. To help customers feel confident in their purchase, my friend invited a jewelry expert to examine the two different products. And then pieces in her store. This expert, who has 20 years of experience, certified that the customer will show something about jewelry was authentic. Then, my friend put up a sign in her store to let customers know that the status of jewelry was certified by a trusted expert. This way, customers could feel assured that they were buying high-quality items, and it helped justify the different products. And then maybe the customer knows that, and he can price more expensive and more higher. And the customer and the salesman, they're all very happy about that.higher prices.


The lecture is talking discusses how consumers can feel uncertain about when purchasing high-priced items. When customers are unsure about the quality of a consumer is unsure if he has high-priced with the price. There product, they are less people like likely to purchase the products and this action buy it. This issue can be solved by the scientists. And the addressed through signaling. The professor gives an example about of his friend. His friend is selling jewelry. It's very who owns a jewelry store that sells expensive because it's pieces made of real gold. And once gold and precious gemstones. Customers want to make sure that the jewelry is authentic before spending a customer comes lot of money. To help with this, my friend brought in a jewelry expert who examined the pieces and wants to buy it. But certified their authenticity. She then displayed a sign in her store stating that the customer is not willing to spend much money on this piece of jewelry. And he wants to know if it's real and tell jewelry had been certified by a leading expert. This way, customers could trust that the difference. So he calls the professor to export it. And the professor demonstrates the value. And the customer can say he will be jewelry was real, making them more willing to buy this product.purchase it.


The lecturer explained that the customer is customers are willing to pay the high-quantity product, a higher price for high-quality products, but without the special specialized knowledge, they can't see that determine the worth price by themselves. At this time, they need signaling, and the value on their own. This is where signaling comes in. The example given is about a jewellery producer jewelry store owner who wants to sell his jewellery. At this time, her jewelry. Customers can't easily tell if the customer can't explain that it jewelry is truly a gold, real gold or just a fake glass, so they need a leading trusted expert. If at this time they have By bringing in a leading expert, expert to certify that the jewelry is authentic, the store owner provides evidence that reassures customers. This way, customers can trust the expert's opinion and feel confident that they can provide the evidence of the jewellery, so the customer will also believe the expert.are making a worthwhile purchase.


In the lecture, he suggested the speaker explained that an opinion that it is hard for the customer customers often struggle to evaluate high the quality of products, especially when some high-quality items are priced lower. This creates confusion because some production has salespeople might not always provide objective opinions about the products. For example, my friend owns a high quality but has a low price causes problems jewelry store where customers need to know if the jewelry is authentic. To help with this, she invited an expert to examine her jewelry and certify its quality. This way, customers can trust the sign that says the jewelry is real, knowing it was verified by someone not trying to sell it to them. This illustrates the concept of signaling because the salespeople involved in expert's certification reassures customers about the same price are objective. So there is an example for quality of the salespeople to sell something real but he doesn't tell the difference between the sign language. So the customer thinks it has no difference from the others but in others salespeople to tell the customer some features like the real sign language not like the glass to mention the product.expensive jewelry.


Gambling customers will Customers are often willing to pay more for high-quality products, but if they don't have without specialized knowledge, it's very difficult hard for them to know if it's what they're buying is real. There is an For example, the speaker's print is running in speaker mentioned a jewelry store, and all of them are store where everything is very expensive, need costing thousands of dollars. If When customers want to buy this jewelry, they need to check if they ensure that the gold and gemstones are real, authentic, but it's very difficult for most of them because they don't have specialized knowledge. the expertise to tell the difference. To help with this, the store owner brought in a jewelry expert who certified that all the pieces were real. This one provides some advice about this jewelry, so certification acts as a signal to customers, reassuring them that customers they can make sure and buy this the jewelry without any worries.with confidence.


The second law concept of signaling is about how customers can determine the quality of expensive products, especially when customer will use high price they don't have the knowledge to buy high quality products and there are no specific technologies they will not buy. And do so. In the second law is a way to solve these problems. And the way is the seller found a way to second law or demonstrate and prove the product is high quality and the best way is let other people, not just the company's man, to suggest the product to other ones. And lecture, the professor gave shared an example about her friend. His friend has who owns a jewelry store and his store. Her jewelry is very expensive, worth costing thousands of dollars dollars, and when customer customers want to buy, they will want to make sure these ensure that the gold and gemstones are real and authentic, not just pieces of glass. And his To help with this, her friend uses signals had a jewelry expert come in to tell examine all the difference.pieces. This expert, who had over 20 years of experience, certified that the jewelry was real. My friend then put up a sign in her store stating that all the jewelry had been certified by this expert. This way, customers could trust the quality of the jewelry, knowing it was validated by someone independent of the store.


Signaling is when customers will are willing to pay more money in order to get a high-quality product. And product, but they will concern often worry about it, whether the money price is worth to the product. And one it. One effective strategy is to have a person bring in someone who is not involved in the sale. And of course, this person is unbiased. Here is sale to provide an example. Here is unbiased opinion. For example, the lecturer mentioned a friend who owns a jewelry store that sells very expensive items. To reassure her customers about the authenticity of the lecturer who is selling jewelry. And the jewelry is very expensive. So his friend finds jewelry, she invited an expert who has with 20 years of experience in examining the jewelry. And after After the expert examines confirmed that all the jewelry and makes sure they are all pieces were real, the owner of the jewelry she put up a sign in her store will post it. And to let the customers know that all their everything was certified as authentic. This way, customers could trust that the jewelry are real and all jewelry worthy for was worth the high price.prices.


So let me try to introduce Siglin. Siglin explain signaling. Signaling is a strategy that a seller uses to show the salesman wants to sell something valuable to buyer that a product is valuable, especially if the consumer that the consumer buyer thinks it may might be too expensive or other. So they may expensive. They want some evidence to let them trust the salesman. And the seller. The professor gave an example in of a jewelry store. In a jewelry this store, the customer wants customers want to buy the real dinosaur gold or real gold. So they need to spend a lot of money. And both of authentic jewelry, which can be very costly. To help reassure customers, the jewelry store have experts. And has experts who can certify that the jewelry is a genuine. This expert provides strong evidence that let helps the consumer to customers trust him. So each the store. So, having an expert is a key part of the signaling strategy in the jewelry store have a nice firing


People like are often willing to pay higher prices because for high-quality products. This issue can be addressed through signaling. For instance, in the example from the lecture, the speaker's friend owns a jewelry store where the items are quite expensive. Customers want to ensure that the jewelry is authentic, such as being made of real gold or genuine gemstones. However, many customers are unsure how to verify this themselves. To help with this, the seller can invite an expert to examine the jewelry. The expert, who has many years of experience, can certify whether the items are real. After the examination, the store can display a sign indicating that the jewelry has been certified as authentic by a reputable expert. This way, customers can feel confident that the jewelry is worth the high quality products. This kind of problem can be solved by the signaling. For example, in this speaker's friend's store, there is a jewel, but it is so expensive. But the customer maybe really wants to know if it is real, God, silver, or demonstrated. So prices they maybe have a doubt with that. But how can the seller person solve that? First is to show the jewels. They invite some of the experts to find out if it is a real God or demonstrated or not. Then put it in the store so they can know if it is true or not. And also the customer will know if it is true or not. At this long time, the customers are likely to trust them. They will wear this to the high price.paying.


The signaling Signaling refers to the ways that it sellers can be easy to help customers evaluate whether sales items are highly quality. The the quality of their products. In the lecture, the professor gives an example. In the example of a jewelry store, there are many store that sells expensive items made from real materials in the drawer, and when the customer comes to materials. When customers enter the store, they always spend much money. Maybe it will let the customer don't want to come to the store again. Then the salesperson invents the jewelry expert, and the expert justifies the jewelry and sees the sign of the jewelry. Since the expert didn't work, the customer will show be sure that the jewelry is authentic and worth the high prices. However, many customers don't know how to tell if the jewelry is real or not. To solve this problem, the store owner brought in a real thing jewelry expert who examined all the pieces. This expert had a lot of experience, so his opinion was trustworthy. After he certified that the jewelry was authentic, the store put up a sign to let customers know that the jewelry had been verified by an expert. Because the expert was independent and it is valuable. So the customer likes to try and they want to pay didn't work for the expensive jewelry. So this is what the professor gives the, customers were more likely to trust his assessment. This example illustrates how signaling can reassure customers and encourage them to make a purchase.


In the passage, it said says that customers are often willing to pay higher price prices for high quality product and high-quality products, but they don't know how to make sure ensure that a product is real or not. They are willing to believe trust the professor said. And in the conversation, in information provided. In the lecture, the professor mentioned gave an example for this. His friends are selling jewelry and it's very about a friend who sells expensive because it's jewelry, which is made of real gold and real diamond and many, many diamonds. Many customers wants want to buy it because they believe it is authentic. However, most people don’t know it's sure gold how to tell the difference between real and diamond. But many people don't know what's different between it and fake. And he blessed fake jewelry. So, the professor which know professor's friend brought in a jewelry expert who has 20 years of experience to examine the pieces. This expert certified that the jewelry for 20 years was real, and know it's real. And he make this my friend put outside, make others say about what this professor says.up a sign in the store stating that all the jewelry had been certified by a leading expert. This way, customers could trust that the jewelry was worth the high prices.


The snaggling Signaling refers that to when the sales people salespeople want to sell their products, they will make sure need to ensure that the sales product is real. And in listening, authentic. In the lecture, the professor gave us an example of a jewelry seller. And the The jewelry is very expensive expensive, and if the a customer wants to buy the jewelry, it, they need to make know that it is real. To build trust with customers, the seller brought in an expert in jewelry. This expert could confirm that the gold and gemstones were authentic. When customers see that the jewelry has been certified by an expert, they feel more confident in their purchase. This way, customers are more likely to trust that the jewelry is real. And how to make, how to create worth the trust of the customer, there is one way. His friend is the expert of the jewelry and she can make sure that this gold and this jewelry is true. And the customer will, when the customer buy this jewelry, they will see this gold and trust the customer. And then...high price.


Signaling is a way to solve the problem when customers are unsure whether the products if a product is worth the its high price. Just like the example given by the professor about his friend who sells jewelry, it's which is really expensive because it was it's made of real gold and precious materials. So sometimes the customer wants Sometimes customers want to know if the jewelry is real, but authentic and not just made of glass. And what his What my friend did is she invited was invite an expert coming who knows a lot about the jewel. And after jewelry to come and examine it. After that, she pointed out these jewels were put up a sign saying that the jewelry had been checked by a leading expert. And then the customer will This way, customers would trust his point opinion and think it's believe that the jewelry is worth the high price.


In the lecture, it shows discusses a problem about consumer welding and cheap pay, high price for products. It's not, especially, without that consumers face when buying expensive products, like jewelry. Without specialized knowledge, it's difficult for them to evaluate whether consumer also worries about the price. The way quality of these products. To solve this problem, my friend, who owns a jewelry store, used signaling. She had an expert come in to solve certify that her jewelry was authentic. This way, customers could trust that the problem is to sell high prices they were paying were worth it, knowing that the lighting. In the reading, it talks about how to solve the, the way to solve the problem. Consumer also worrying about is the product is really real, but in that way, it can make sure it's had been verified by someone independent and knowledgeable.


In the reading passage, the writer claims that some people would like customers are willing to buy something pay more expensive than for high-quality products to ensure they are authentic. However, without the normal one, in order right knowledge, it can be hard for them to make sure it is real. But Hou evaluates whether items are highly quality, evaluate the writer recommends that advertise. And in quality of items. In the lecture, the professor illustrates this with gives an example that of his friend who owns a jewelry store that sells jewels, which is very expensive, but expensive pieces made of from real material. But some customers will confuse whether materials. Customers often wonder if the gold is real. So in order to get the and gemstones are genuine. To build trust from the with her customers, he hands out a sign, which written by my friend invited an expert says to examine the jewelry. This expert, with 20 years of experience, certified that the jewel pieces were authentic. She then displayed a sign in her store stating that all jewelry had been certified by this expert. This way, customers could feel confident that the store is truly jewelry was real, and then he gets which helped justify the trust from the customers.high prices.


The second thing is to talk about is that if the consumer consumers don't have enough knowledge, they will didn't may not trust something that is very expensive. And the The professor explained for us that there's a strategy to have a strategy, let's talk about he friends have a story help with this. For example, my friend's jewelry store sells very expensive items, and consumers might doubt their authenticity. They might be afraid that to sell the jewelry is just fake glass. To reassure customers, my friend brought in an expert who examined the jewelry and it's very expensive, certified that consumer most don't think that's it was real. This way, when customers see a sign saying the truth. Afraid that if this glasses, then the salesperson have the soft ways that to give the glory that everyone can see. And then to cite the insights and where to buy this, buy this in something export, then to make the customer jewelry is certified by an expert, they are more likely to believe it. And that's a strategy explain it's authentic. So, this expert provides the necessary evidence that justifies the second netting, that's all.high prices.


The proposal's main topic is about Sanoi, signaling, which is a way to helps solve the problems of customers' worries about the worthiness of the quality of the capitals. expensive products. For instance, example, the professor gives us daily examples of his friends. His friends have discusses a watch friend who owns a jewelry store that sells expensive items like watches and ring shop. The capital in his shop is very expensive. It's rings made of real gold and diamond. The customers diamonds. Customers want to make sure the gold, the reality of ensure that the gold and diamonds and such as materials, but because they are very expensive, authentic, but they often don't know how to recognize it. So tell the difference. To help with this, my friend brought in a jewelry expert with many years of experience. This expert examined all the jewelry experts are very, have many experience. So they provide evidence and to certified that it was genuine. Then, my friend put up a sign in the customer, so the customers will trust the evidence. So store stating that the jewelry experts...had been certified by a leading expert. This way, customers could trust that the jewelry was real, which made them more likely to buy it.


The professor gives an example of a jewelry shop, as shop where customers don't know how to disorganize often can't tell the difference between real jewelry and the fake pieces, like glass. So To solve this problem, the shop owner have an idea to invite invited an expert to examine the jewelry in his store. The expert have with 20 years of experience in examining experience. Also jewelry to check all the items in the store. This expert have certified that all the jewelry in his shop are real. And the was authentic. The owner assign then displayed this certification to outside the shop. So all the shop so that customers will believe would trust that all the jewelry was real. This way, the expert's unbiased opinion helped customers feel more confident in his shop are real. What a surprise!their purchases.


The lecture is talking talks about thinking, which means that the customer will how customers are willing to pay for products they believe are worth the product which they think is worth this price. And in In the example, the professor's friend, which is selling jewelry, and the professor mentions a friend who sells expensive jewelry is really expensive because he uses made from real gold and real diamond, which costs much money. The customer wants to know that if it's real jewelry, because they diamonds. Customers want to know if it's just instead of the glass. And what he does is just call an expert who has 20 years' experience in jewelry. And the expert will say be sure that the jewelry is real, authentic and then not just made of glass. To help with this, the customer will pay for it because friend called in an expert with 20 years of experience in jewelry. This expert examined the pieces and confirmed that they think were real. When customers see that it is real because the expert says it's real. And jewelry has been certified by a trusted expert, they will think feel more confident that the price is justified with this product, justified, and then they will pay for it. So that are more likely to make a purchase. This is a good example of signaling, where the's opinion reassures customers about the quality of the product.


It's The example is about one a woman who sells jewellery jewelry in one store her store, and this kind these products are very expensive, often costing thousands of product is very expensive and it's almost thousand dollars and the customer go to this store dollars. When customers come into her store, they are always considering the price and are unsure about the quality of the product and always not sure if it has a high quality. Also they jewelry. They don't know how to make sure it has a detail to make sure verify if the product jewelry is very good. So of high quality. To help reassure her customers, the woman put some experts brought in an expert to examine the jewelry and provide evidence for of its authenticity. This way, customers can trust that the product and so the consumer can make sure and know the product has a jewelry is of high quality. So this This is a single know an example of signaling, where the's certification helps customers feel more confident in their purchase.


When people buy something, they are always afraid of often worry about the quantity quality of the products. This is what the signaling talks is about. In the lecture, the example is that about a friend of the professor is who owns a jewelry store seller. And because store. Since all the material of their jewelry is all real, made with real materials, the price prices are very high. Customers might hesitate to buy because they want to be sure the jewelry is really expensive. And the customers are always not buying. So authentic. To help with this, she invited experts that have more than an expert with over 20 years of experience to explain jewelry to show examine the reality of jewelry. The expert confirmed that everything was real, and then my friend put up a sign in the store saying that all the jewelry to the customers.had been certified as authentic. This way, customers could trust that they were getting high-quality products.


The singling Signaling is a kind of strategy that the seller would promise sellers use to indicate high quality and the customer is quality, which makes customers willing to pay a higher price than price. In the seller who purchased lecture, the product. The profession professor gives an example about the jewelry, a customer once went to a jewelry store and spent that much store. A customer who wanted to spend a lot of money on jewelry. The customer jewelry didn't know how to tell if the difference on own jewelry, so pieces were real. To help reassure customers, the store invited experts which have an expert with 20 years of experience up to 20 years. These experts will give their opinions in examining jewelry. This expert evaluated all the pieces and certified that they were authentic. The store then displayed a sign stating that the store will also provide the evidence, so the jewelry had been certified by a leading expert. This way, customers will could trust the experts' opinion and willing expert's opinion, making them more likely to buy this purchase the jewelry.


The signaling Signaling means that the customer prefers customers prefer to buy a high-priced product with a products that are of high quantity, quality, but sometimes they don't know how to evaluate if the a product is worth that price. So To solve this, the seller can make some use signals to demonstrate that the product is worth the high price. An example in from the lecture is about a jewelry store, and store where the seller will use the uses an expert examination to show that all the diamonds and the necklaces she sells are for real, real and not just pieces of glass. She then puts up a piece of glasses. And then she uses the expert examination results to put out of sign in her store that displays the expert's certification to show to reassure customers that the is authentic.


When buying some things, certain products, many buyers, whether it's worth buyers wonder if the high price or not, is justified, and sellers use signals to convey the sellers will use signal to the product, and that is, they can choose the people that aren't in the company to judge about it. Here's an example. One quality of their products. For example, one of the author's friends is selling owns a jewelry store where the jewelry, and one jewelry is really very expensive because he says it's all the it is made of real gold or diamond, but the consumers will not make sure that whether it's a glass or not, but also they and diamonds. However, customers often can't tell the difference between those things, so his real gemstones and fake ones, like glass. To help reassure her customers, my friend invited an expert to look for it, evaluate the jewelry. This expert has a lot of experience and the expert's really knowledgeable, so when knowledge about jewelry. Once the expert says confirmed that it's all real, then the everything was authentic, my friend of him put up a sign, and Then sign in her store stating that all the consumers all know that it's all jewelry was certified as real things, so they will by a leading expert. This way, customers could trust the expert what he says. That's all because expert's judgment, which serves as a signal that the expert provided is worth the high prices.


In the lecture, the professor mentioned that nowadays the consumer wants consumers today want to buy the high quality of high-quality products, and if this they think a product is not the high quality, the consumer will not pay cash. And in the last part, they are talking about the consumer wants less likely to buy the many spend their money on it. The professor gave an example of expensive jewelry, like diamonds and gold, which can cost thousands of dollars, like the diamond or gold, dollars. Customers want to ensure that these items are authentic and they can spend more money to it, and this makes the diamond or gold is real, not a piece just pieces of glass. And However, many customers don’t know how to define them different, tell the difference on their own. To solve this is problem, my friend, who owns a very big problem, and jewelry store, had an expert come in to certify that all the consumer wants to jewelry store and to find them is real gold and real diamond, that's why the cash is very friendly. And all jewelry can make them is real or is not, and the consumer will was real. The expert had many years of experience, so customers were likely to trust his own judgment.opinion. By putting up a sign that said the jewelry was certified, my friend reassured customers that they were buying genuine products.


Okay, in this lecture, the professor is talking talks about the a selling strategies strategy called signaling. The signaling Signaling means the that a person who is not involved in the sell, provide, and objective. And he sale provides an objective assessment. This person has the a neutral judgment about the object. And the product. The professor gives us an example about of his friend who sells jewelry. And when owns a jewelry store. When customers come into the customer comes to the jewelry store, he can they often can't tell the difference between the real gold and fake gold. So this time, one To help with this, an expert will come with 20 years of experience in and jewelry comes in to certify that the pieces are authentic. Because the expert has the 20 years experiment about jewelry. And he can certify it is real. And the consumer will believe it because he independent and has more experience.experience, customers are likely to trust his judgment and feel more confident in their purchase.


In the reading passage, it introduces the definitions concept of the signal line. It signaling, which means that the seller of a product finds a way to signal or demonstrate it. The the quality of a product. A common signal line signaling strategy is to have a person or a company that someone who is not involved in the sale provide an objective, unbiased judgment about the quality of a product. product's quality. In the lecture, the professor uses a jewelry store as an example. This store sells expensive watches and rings, and customers might doubt whether these items are real. To help with this, my friend had a jewelry expert come in to certify that the pieces were authentic. When the expert confirmed that the jewelry store for example. It sells expensive watch and rings. The customers will doubt the quality of the watch or ring. Is it real? If now an expert says it is was real, then the customers will were more likely to trust his opinion.opinion because he was independent and had a lot of experience.


According to the reading, because the consumers will spend are often willing to pay high price prices for good-produced high-quality products, so that salespeople need to demonstrate the salesperson needs to show the high quality of the goods to evidence show that the product is worth the price. According to In the lecture, the professor has provides an example that of his friend is selling jewellery and it is very expensive, which uses who sells expensive jewelry made from real materials like gold and silver. And diamonds. Customers might doubt the consumers will doubt that it is real, authenticity of the jewelry, so that the professor's friend invites experts invited an expert with 20 years of experience to evidence certify that the products are genuine. This way, consumers can trust that the jewelry is real, so that consumers will trust it.which helps them feel more confident in their purchase.


The example in the lecture is talk about illustrates how to distinguish the real thing or between authentic and fake thing. The lecture give an example, many products. It explains that when people will consider to buy the buying expensive products items like real gold or real diamonds, they think often assume these products are real genuine simply because of their high price. However, they think these may doubt the authenticity of cheaper items. The key takeaway is that not all expensive products are very expensive, but when real, and you can't always assume that a high price guarantees quality. In the case of my friend's jewelry store, she brought in an expert to certify the authenticity of her jewelry, which helped reassure customers that they look at the cheap products, they will doubt these products are fake, but the main talk the issue that is not every expensive things is real, you cannot connect the products match with the price is not better.were making a wise investment.


Harm signaling means that many people might buy a high-priced product, but they can't really evaluate its quality or worth, which can lead to poor purchasing decisions. In the lecture, the professor gave an example about a jewelry store. He mentioned that a friend of his owns this store and sells expensive jewelry. Customers want to make sure the jewelry is authentic before spending a lot of people will buy some high-priced product and money. To help with this, the store brought in this way, some people can't evaluate how quantity and how an expert with 20 years of experience to certify that the jewelry is real. This expert's opinion acts as a signal to customers that the jewelry is worth of this product, so they may get a worse due by this product, maybe the meaningless. And high price, helping them feel more confident in this listening material, this professor gave me an example. He mentioned that there is a jewel of this product and he finally got this jewel, it's not worth its price. And he said it's very expensive and he used a lot of money to buy it. Maybe some professors don't think it's worth a good and high price. And in 20 years, experts destroys its authenticity in this store, but this is not really a matter for this product.their purchase.



The professor said mentioned that he has a friend who has owns a jewelry store of jewelry, and where all the jewelry is real. However, many customers aren't sure how to verify the authenticity of the jewelry. To address this, my friend brought in an expert to evaluate the store are all jewelry and provide a report confirming that it is real. But there are also some This way, customers who don't make sure can trust that the jewelry is real. Both of these stores use a strategy to take an expert involved in this store authentic and are more likely to make a report of this jewelry to make sure the jewelry is real. And the customer is likely to buy it.purchase.


In the reading, it explains what signaling is. Signaling is signaling. Signaling means that a strategy used to solve the customer's address customers' concerns by telling him indicating the quality of his a product. And the The professor gives us an example. He has an old example of a friend who ran owns a company to sell jewelry store. Because the jewelry. Because jewelry is a very high price, because their jewelry is all expensive and made of real gold and real diamond. But the diamonds, customers want to be sure it's authentic. However, most customers don't know how to signify it. So his determine that on their own. To help reassure them, the friend finds hired a very experienced, very old experiment experienced expert to tell evaluate the customer their jewelry and confirm that it is all real, and their real. This way, when customers see that the jewelry has been certified by an expert, they are more likely to buy their that it is worth the high prices and decide to make a purchase.


Signaling refers to is a type of technique that sellers may use in order to reassure the customers that some certain items are worth the their price. The professor provides gives an instance example about this technique. He has a his friend who owns a jewelry store and this store that sells expensive watches, rings, and necklaces. However, Since the prices of all are very high, customers need to be confident that the items are prohibitive, so the seller needs to reassure the customers that these items are worth the price genuine and the raw materials for these items are authentic. So his made from authentic materials. To help with this, my friend invites invited an expert with 20 years of experience to examine all the jewelry and verify that the materials are real. This expert's opinion is trustworthy because he doesn't have a stake in whether the jewelry sells or not. By using this signaling technique, my friend can assure customers that all the items are real and they use real raw materials. Because this expert has 20 years experience and it doesn't matter for him if the items can be sold. So his friend uses this technique to demonstrate that all the items are jewelry in her store is authentic.


Secondly, when When consumers are hesitant to spend money on a product, it's important for them to have assurance about its quality. In the consumer is not so willing lecture, the professor shares an example about his friend who owns a jewelry store selling expensive rings and other items made from real gold and gemstones. To help customers feel confident in their purchases, his friend decided to pay money for bring in an expert with 20 years of experience to examine the product, there will be jewelry. This expert provided certification that all the jewelry was authentic, which was then communicated to customers through a person or company not involved sign in the sales, provide an unbiased judgment for store. This way, customers knew they could trust the quality of the product. In this lecture, the professor talks about an example about his friend. His friend owns a jewelry store which sells expensive rings and so on, because they are made of real gold and gemstones, it's very expensive. And when the consumer is not jewelry, making them more willing to pay it, his friend thinks about the idea to have an expert who has 20 years' experience to examine the jewelry and give the sign to the customers that all the jewelry are real, so the customers will be willing to pay it.higher prices.


The second learning point is about how to surrender to this monstrous or show signal the production have the high quality of a product to make the consumer think the production is consumers perceive it as valuable. So there is an example. There is For example, there's a person to sell the jewelry who sells jewelry, and his their jewelry is real and has the real real, made of genuine gold and precious stones. However, since the real jewelry. But the price is expensive so the customer is prices are high, customers might feel worried and spend about spending a lot of time. And there is some people don't money. Some customers may not be able to tell if the jewelry is real. So we should tell authentic. To address this, the seller needs to clearly communicate that the jewelry is real and has made of genuine materials. This way, customers will feel more confident that the real gold and to make the customer think the production product is valuable.


In the lecture, it's talked about it discusses how customers are willing to pay a high price for high quality product. But high-quality products. However, the problem is that without specialized knowledge, customers don't know often cannot determine if the a product is truly valuable. So there This is where a strategy called signaling. It signaling comes in. Signaling means the that sellers let the people allow an independent person or company company, who is not related involved with the product product, to show the product is valuable. So verify its quality. For example, in the strategy, lecture, a jewelry store owner had an expert examine her jewelry to certify that it was authentic. This way, customers may could trust that the product is jewelry was real and pay worth the high price for it.prices they were paying.


From In the past, we can know see that Ceylonian strategies and sellers use some ways various strategies to let encourage customers to buy some expensive products. And usually Usually, the seller will invite a lot involved an independent party to give provide unbiased and objective judgments. And For instance, the professor gave shared an example, it's example about her friend. Her friend is the owner of the who owns a jewelry store that sells jewelry, which composed to real gold or diamond. So it's really expensive. However, most of people who walk into the store can't define the product's qualities. So the professor's friend invites an expert to give a certificate, it proves that jewelry is items made of real gold and diamonds, which are very expensive. However, most customers who enter the store cannot determine the quality of the products themselves. To help reassure her customers, the professor's friend invited an expert to examine the jewelry and certify that it was made of real and diamonds. This certification serves as a signal to customers that the jewelry is authentic and worth the high prices.


In the structure, we can know that this context, signaling is a way to help the method that helps sellers to gain customer's customers' trust when they want to buy some are considering buying high-value products. And in In the listening, we can know lecture, the professor has talks about a friend and he has who owns a jewelry store. And to let the customer To help customers trust him, choose signal ways, it means have her, she used a signaling strategy by bringing in an expert who has with 20 years of experience of finding in evaluating jewelry. This expert examined all the real jewelry. So straight away, he can gain the customer's trust to sell pieces and certified that they were authentic. By putting up a sign in her store stating that the jewelry nicely. And was certified by a leading expert, customers could feel confident that the items were real, even if it's a lot, it's also okay.they were expensive. This way, the expert's opinion helped reassure customers and encouraged them to make purchases.


In the reading part, reading, it tells us about discusses the concept of signaling, and the signaling which means that when the customer do not know about whether customers are unsure if the price of a product is worth justified, they may need some help to evaluate its quality. One way to solve this kind of product. So we can let the private problem is by involving a third party, like an expert or a company to involve to company, who can provide an unbiased and objective opinion. In the sales because it's without bias and more objective. So for this lecture, it tells us there’s an example about her friend's store, a friend of mine who owns a jewelry store. The jewelry is very expensive because it’s made of real gold and she is the owner of the store. But all the products in her store was so expensive just because all the things real diamonds. Customers often worry about whether these items are real gold, real diamonds, and so the customer will not know is that true or not, whether it's authentic. So she will invite To reassure them, my friend invited an expert with 20 years of experience to examine the products jewelry. After the expert certified that the jewelry was authentic, she put a sign in the store to let customers know that all the pieces had been verified. Since the expert was independent and didn’t work for her store, and since when she give customers trusted his opinion, which showed that the store in this product, she will hand it on jewelry was worth the windows, and the customer will know. Since she not invite the customers, invite the expert, the customer still will believe just because of the evidence.high prices.


Signaling is a way strategy that salespeople can use to demonstrate address customers' concerns about the quality of the product. And the most product quality. A common strategy method is getting suggestions of the quality of the product to get endorsements or evaluations from other people that independent sources who are not involved in the sale. And In the lecture, the professor gives shares an example about his friend who runs owns a jewelry store that sells expensive items like rings and sells some expensive jewelry or watches. And actually some customers are concerned about if Customers often worry whether the high price reflects the actual quality of the product can match with the high price. And what his jewelry. To reassure her customers, my friend did is find brought in an expert who has with years of experience in identifying jewelry evaluation. This expert examined the pieces and certified that they were authentic. She then displayed a sign in her store stating that it's true.all the jewelry had been verified by this leading expert, which helped customers trust that they were buying genuine products.


During the lecture, the professor mentioned a phenomenon that some people would customers are often willing to pay higher prices for high-quality products, and products. However, to solve this problem, the help buyers feel confident about their purchases, sellers used use a signing signaling strategy which to demonstrate to buyers show that the product is high-quality. And in the conversation, the lecture, the their products are high quality. The professor mentioned shared an example to illustrate this phenomenon, that of his friend who owns a jewelry store that sells jewelry, but it's kind expensive pieces made of expensive because of the real resources, gold and some precious gemstones. Many customers are now unsure whether it is real, so his friend put out a sign which said that experts certify aren't sure if the jewelry is totally real, authentic, so to reassure them, his friend had an expert with 20 years of experience examine the jewelry and certify that it attracts many was real. She then put up a sign in her store stating that the jewelry had been certified by this expert, which helped attract customers' attention.attention and build their trust.


The main article is about the discusses methods of the sales people that salespeople can use for the customers to demonstrate their reality and authentic the authenticity of their products. products to customers. The professor gives us shares an instance example about a friend of his friends. His friends own who owns a jewelry store which that sells necklaces, watches, expensive items like necklaces and expensive jewelry. It costs customers much, so the watches. Since these products cost a lot, customers are always often concerned with the reality about whether they are genuine and authentic of the product. So the solution of the professor's friend's gift is that she authentic. To address this concern, my friend invited an experienced jewelry expert to certify the product and authenticity of the products. She then put up the a sign in the indicating that all the jewelry had been certified by this expert. This way, customers could trust that the jewelry was real and worth the high prices.


The example in the lecture which that illustrates the concept of signal signaling is about the professor's friend has who owns a jewellery jewelry shop. All the goods jewelry in the jewellery her shop are is expensive because his friend she uses the real materials to make this jewellery. But the like gold and diamonds. However, customers will think might worry that these goods items are more expensive than those in other shops. So his To address this concern, my friend finds brought in a jewellery jewelry expert to examine whether the jewellery is all the true materials. And the pieces and confirm that they are authentic. The expert certifies certified that all the jewellery are real. And his jewelry is real, and my friend signs on then put up a sign in the wall store stating that all the jewellery are jewelry has been certified by expert.this expert. This way, customers can trust that the jewelry is worth the high prices.


An example of signaling is the consumer is not sure when consumers are unsure how to tell the determine if a product if it has a is of high quality. And most Because of this uncertainty, many of them are less likely to buy the product. And the salesperson solves make a purchase. Salespeople can solve this problem by signaling that their product to show their product has is high quality. And one One effective strategy is to find have an object judgment unbiased expert evaluate the product and provide an objective judgment. In the example from the experts to show the customer has the product has high quality. And the example is about the lecture, a woman who sells the owns a jewelry store and sells very expensive things items like rings and gemstones. And the customer in the Customers entering her store is not sure might doubt the quality of the store. And he found experts to give jewelry. To reassure them, she brought in an objective judgment for them to who examined the jewelry and confirmed that it was authentic. This expert's certification helped customers trust that the high prices were justified.


The concept of signaling is illustrated by how my friend's jewelry store uses an expert to show people how customers that the jewelry is of high quality. Since the jewelry is very expensive, customers need reassurance that the gold and gemstones are real. By having a certified expert examine the jewelry and put up a sign indicating its authenticity, my friend signals to demonstrate customers that they can trust the quality of what they are buying, which justifies the high quality of this product and why it can have this expensive price.prices.


Signaling means that sometimes the customer prefers is when customers are willing to pay the high a higher price for the high-quality products. So To help customers feel confident that the products are worth the price, the salesperson can use some strategy strategies to signal to the customer show that the products they sell items are high-quality and worth that price. Example in high-quality. In the lecture lecture, there is an example about a professor's friend's earn or jewelry store that sells jewels expensive items like rings and some diamonds and gemstones. So necklaces. To make sure customers trust that the jewelry is authentic, she wants to make the customer trust their products are high-quality. So she uses brought in an expert who has a lot of experience in examining jewelry. This expert certified that the gemstones and gold were real. My friend then displayed a sign in her store saying that all the jewelry was certified by this expert. Since the expert was not connected to help them her store, customers were more likely to evaluate the products she sells is high-priced. And other well-seeing experts will trust his words.opinion, which helped them feel confident in spending a lot of money.


Sellers When sellers are buying jewelries selling jewelry or other valuable things, they items, customers often want to know if the item is that worth the price. So This process is known as signaling. For example, the salesperson thinks about how to sell one product and that way is called signaling. Here is an example that is one of the speaker's friends have speaker mentioned a friend who owns a jewelry store and that sells the jewelries and expensive items like the rings and necklaces and they are all made of real diamonds and other precious materials. When customers enter the diamond or some valuable materials. So when store, they want assurance that the customers went in jewelry is authentic and worth the stores they often want to know is that worth so high price. So his friends prices. To help with this, the friend invited an expert with years of experience to come to examine the jewelry. After the expert verified that everything was genuine, my friend put up a sign in the store stating that the jewelry had been certified as authentic by this expert. This way, customers could trust that the jewelry was real, and check for the jewelries, are they all right and are they all valuable. So after the expert, the customer, he sign up a helped them feel more confident about their purchases.


Nowadays, many customers want to pay a high price to the for high-quality products, but if you don't have without specialized knowledge, you can't ensure it can be hard to know if it's really true. For what they're buying is truly high-quality. To address this problem, issue, the seller gave us provided a very good example, it's to judgment, to find great example involving a partner or company without the products to judgment is as well. And the professor gave us the example of her friend. Her friend opened who owns a jewelry store. In this store, customers are looking at expensive items made of real gold and in the jewelry store, precious gemstones. However, many customers sell many gold and some sell like a dinosaur. And these customers, they are unsure if this the jewelry is real, they don't authentic and don’t want to buy end up buying something that’s just a piece of glasses. For fake. To solve this problem, her my friend to, his friend to, involved an expert who could verify the quality of the jewelry. This expert had years of experience and examined the pieces to demonstrate confirm that they were indeed real. Then, my friend put up a sign in the store stating that the jewelry had been certified as authentic by this thing says are real, are really gold, are really dinosaurs. So it can, and find a thing to show expert. This way, customers could trust that they were buying genuine items, which justified the customers it's real. So it's very good.high prices.


Signaling means to involve a person is about having someone who is not isn't directly involved in the trading to sale provide evidence in order to prove proof that the sale a product is real one. And according to genuine. In the lecture, here is an example, the example given was about a friend of the professor is selling the geo stone, and she involves experts to demonstrate who owns a jewelry store. To assure her customers that the product herself jewelry, which includes valuable items like real gold and diamonds, is real. And finally, authentic, she brought in an expert to evaluate it. This expert had significant experience in examining jewelry, which made customers more likely to trust his certification. By putting up a sign that stated the sellers trust her productions, and then her business is was certified by this expert, customers felt confident in making their purchases, knowing that they were buying real products.