Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO39 Task4


Using the examples of the mountain goat and bighorn sheep, explain two special features that help animals move around in a mountainous environment.


Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class . There are certain animals that live high in the mountains at altitudes of above the tree line where trees don’t grow . And moving around in this mountainous environment can be challenging , because the mountain slopes can be very steep and rocky . Besides that , there’s often ice or snow making these rocky slopes slippery and dangerous . So animals that live at high altitudes have special features that help them move around in this difficult , mountainous environment . So for one thing , many mountain animals have strong muscles that help them climb up and down the steep slopes . As they’re moving around , looking for food , they have to climb up these really steep mountain sides at a dramatic incline and get down again , too . For many animals , this would be a real problem requiring great strength and balance. Um mountain goats , which live high up in the mountains in parts of North America . Mountain goats have a large well muscled chest and front leg area . And these big developed muscles in this area help them pull themselves up these near vertical slopes , and balance in tight positions when climbing down . Also , mountain animals often have specially adapted feet that help them keep from slipping when they’re walking over ice or rocks . High altitude mountain slopes can be very slippery , especially when there’s snow or ice on them . And it’s a long way down if they fall . So mountain animals need to have a safe, sure footing . Take the big horn sheep , for instance , these sheep have special toes that move independently . So they can dig into the rock and ice . And the back parts of their feet have special round , rubbery pads that help them grip the surface of the rock or ice to prevent sliding as they move around .

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Adapt Verb Make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify. 使(某物)适应新的用途或目的;修改。 "The restaurant had to adapt its menu to cater for vegan customers."
Altitude Noun The height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level. 对象或点相对于海平面或地面的高度。 "The airplane is flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet."
Balance Noun An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. 使人或物保持直立和稳定的重量分布均匀。 "The gymnast showed incredible balance on the beam."
Chest Noun The front surface of a person's or animal's body between the neck and the abdomen. 人或动物的身体在颈部和腹部之间的前表面。 "He was panting, his chest rising and falling rapidly."
Dramatic Adjective Sudden and striking. 突然的和引人注目的。 "The sunset tonight was particularly dramatic with vibrant colors."
Fall Verb Move from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control. 从较高的位置向较低的位置移动,通常是迅速且无法控制的。 "Be careful not to fall down the stairs."
Feature Noun A distinctive attribute or aspect of something. 某物的独特属性或方面。 "One of the best features of this software is its user-friendly interface."
Grip Verb Take and keep a firm hold of; grasp tightly. 紧紧抓住并保持;紧握。 "Grip the steering wheel firmly when you drive."
Horn Noun A hard permanent outgrowth, often curved and pointed, found in pairs on the heads of cattle, sheep, goats, giraffes, etc. 在牛、羊、山羊、长颈鹿等头上发现的硬质永久性突出物,通常是曲折和尖锐的,成对出现。 "The bull charged at the matador with its horns."
Incline Noun A slope or slant. 倾斜或斜坡。 "The road has a steep incline, so be careful when driving."
Instance Noun An example or single occurrence of something. 某事的例子或单一事件。 "Could you give me an instance of what you mean?"
Lecture Noun An educational talk to an audience, especially one that is given in a university. 向听众(尤指在大学中)进行的教育性讲话。 "I have to attend a lecture on economics this afternoon."
Mountain Noun A large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill. 地球表面突然从周围平地升起的大自然高地;大陡峭的山丘。 "I love hiking up the mountain on weekends."
Mountainous Adjective Having many mountains. 有许多山的。 "The mountainous region is breathtakingly beautiful."
Muscle Noun A band or bundle of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to contract, producing movement in or maintaining the position of parts of the body. 人或动物体内能够收缩,产生运动或保持身体部位位置的纤维状组织束或带。 "You need to build up your muscles if you want to lift heavier weights."
Pad Noun A thick piece of soft material, typically used to protect or shape something, or to absorb something. 一块厚厚的软物,通常用来保护或塑造某物,或吸收某物。 "The cat's paws have pads to protect them."
Position Noun The location where someone or something is during a particular moment. 某人或某物在特定时刻的位置。 "The position of the sun in the sky tells us what time of day it is."
Require Verb Need for a particular purpose. 为特定目的所需要。 "This recipe requires three eggs and a cup of sugar."
Rocky Adjective Consisting of rock or rocks; having a rough, uneven surface. 由岩石或岩石组成的;表面粗糙不平。 "The rocky terrain made it difficult to walk."
Slide Verb Move smoothly along a surface while maintaining continuous contact with it. 在保持与其连续接触的同时,沿着表面平滑地移动。 "Be careful not to slide on the icy sidewalk."
Slip Verb To slide unintentionally for a short distance, typically losing one's balance or footing. 滑,意外滑动一段短距离,通常是失去平衡或立足点。 "Be careful not to slip on the wet floor."
Slippery Adjective (Of a surface or object) Smooth, wet, icy, or slimy to the point of causing sliding or losing one's grip. (指表面或物体)滑,湿,冰凉或黏滑到导致滑动或失去抓力的程度。 "The road is slippery after the rain, so drive carefully."
Slope Noun A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface. 一个表面的一端或一侧比另一侧的水平线高;上升或下降的表面。 "The kids love to sled down the slope in winter."
Strength Noun The quality or state of being physically strong. 身体强壮的品质或状态。 "He was surprised by her physical strength, as she easily lifted the heavy box."
Surface Noun The outside part or uppermost layer of something. 某物的外部部分或最上层。 "He carefully examined the surface of the painting for any signs of damage."
Tight Adjective Fixed or fastened firmly in place; not easily moved or loosened. 牢固地固定或紧固在位;不易移动或松动。 "Make sure the lid is tight on the jar to keep the food fresh."
Toe Noun Any of the five digits at the end of the human foot. 人脚的末端的任何一只手指。 "She stubbed her toe on the corner of the bed."
Vertical Adjective At right angles to a horizontal plane; in a direction, or having an alignment, such that the top is directly above the bottom. 与水平面成直角;在一个方向上,或有一个对齐方式,使得顶部直接在底部之上。 "The climber had to navigate the vertical face of the mountain."


The lecture has given In the examples of lecture, we learned about the mountain goat and big horn bighorn sheep, which have the special feature of living on the mountain. As we all know, the mountain slope will be very rocky and steep. These creatures have the feature which has the dramatic incline on the mountain, so the are specially adapted to live in mountainous environments. For example, mountain goats have involved their strong muscles so they that help them climb steep and rocky slopes. These muscles allow them to navigate the dramatic inclines of the mountains with ease. On the other hand, bighorn sheep have adapted feet that help them grip the rocky surfaces. Their special toes can run as they want on move independently, allowing them to dig into the mountain. And in North America, rock and maintain their balance, especially when the sheep, the big horn sheep got adapted food so they ground is slippery due to ice or snow. These adaptations are crucial because falling from such heights can walk on the rock. And because we all know if they fall down from the mountain, it will be very dangerous. So the involving features of the food can dig to the earth and grab on the surface of the ice.dangerous.


Animals living that live in high mountains really requires need special features to help them move around on steep slopes and in icy conditions. The first feature is strong muscles. For example, mountain goats have powerful muscles that allow them to have special features in order to move around in the climb steep hills or in ice and snow. The first strategy is that some animals have evolved strong muscles. So, take the keyboards in US as an example, they always pull up in the hills because they have special muscles maintain their balance, which is very strong and it supports prevents them to keep their balance and prevent falling away. from falling. The second strategy feature is that some animals have special their specially adapted feet. The feet are really safe and can help them prevent falling around. For example, some instance, bighorn sheep in high mountains have rubbery pads spreading from on their back to feet that help them grip the rocky surfaces and prevent slipping, keeping them from participating in some as they navigate the mountains.


A In high altitude area areas, it can be very dangerous challenging for animals to survive, so the animals which those that live in this area always there have some special features to help them survive. them. The first feature is that they always have strong muscles. These strong muscles can muscles, which help them keep maintain balance and search for food. For example, mountain goats in America, they North America have strong powerful muscles to help that assist them in climbing up and down for some food source. And the steep slopes to find food. The second feature is that these animals often have special their specially adapted feet. These special feet can help them walking walk on ice and rocky surfaces. For instance, bighorn sheep have unique toes that can grip the ice. For example, rocks, allowing them to navigate the sheep, they always have a very big trough to help them go up the rock.slippery terrain safely.


In the lecture, the professor explains how the mountain animals can survive in the deep slope of the mountain on steep slopes and to be sure they will not be avoid slipping. The professor gave us two examples. The first example is the mountain goat. The mountain goat Mountain goats have their strong muscles and these muscles can that help them to stay balanced and keep not be prevent slipping. And They also they have special feet. Their feet can help them to hold that grip the ground deeply and will not be slipping. well, which is important for walking on rocky terrain. The second example is the bighorn sheep. The bighorn Bighorn sheep is also living live in high-altitude areas with steep slopes. They have special hooves that are designed to dig into the high quality of the mountain rock and also a deep shape. These bighorn sheep have a special tooth. Their tooth is sharp ice, which helps them maintain their footing and their tooth is also strong and can help them to hold the ground and not be slipping away.avoid slipping.


The professor was talking talked about two special features of that help animals to face challenges. cope with challenges in mountainous environments. Firstly, the many mountain goats have strong muscles. For example, mountain goats, their strong muscles can muscles, which help them remain balanced maintain their balance while climbing steep slopes. This strength allows them to navigate their rocky habitats effectively. Secondly, bighorn sheep have specially adapted feet. Their feet can grip the rocky and climbing up. So they can live icy surfaces, which helps them avoid slipping and falling. These adaptations are crucial for their survival in a slow place. Secondly is special feet. For example, big horse shape, they have special feet to drop a hole and live in an icy and slow world. They can live independently.such challenging conditions.


Animals that live in high mountains are required to have some need special features to help them to climb up and down in such ricky and slippery area. So the professor gave example about the mountain goat which has strength and balance to help them climb up and down in rocky and slippery areas. For example, the professor mentioned the mountain goat, which has strong muscles in its chest and front legs that help it pull its body up steep slopes by their arm and chest muscle area to help them pull up the body. And the maintain balance while climbing. The bighorn sheep have strong short footing has adapted feet with special toes that their toes can help grabbing their body upon grip the, allowing them to navigate safely over slippery surfaces.


Some animals live high in the mountain, but mountains, and the environment can be very challenging, challenging because there are many snows is often snow and ice on the mountain. So this kind of animal has some ice. These animals have special features, like features that help them move around. For example, mountain goats have strong muscles that can help allow them to climb on the mountain steep slopes and help them to get down. And they also need a very strong ability to be balanced. First example is a mountain goat. They have a special feat that helps them pull out the snow. They have a special feat that can keep them from sleeping, because if they fall, they will die. The second example is a big horned sheep. maintain their balance. They also have a special feat specially adapted feet that can prevent them from slipping on the icy surfaces. Another example is the bighorn sheep. They have unique hooves that help them grip the rocky terrain and dig into the to stay stable while moving around.


From The professor from the biology lecture, the professor tells lecture explained that many animals will live in high mountains, which cause a challenge can be quite challenging for them. These environments are often rocky and slippery, making it dangerous. However, these animals to live. And have special features that help them navigate these environments really have rocky and slow, which are very dangerous. But animals have some features to move around in this mountain. He gave two examples. Firstly, it's a mountain goat. The mountains. For example, the mountain goat really has strong muscles. This can support them muscles that allow it to climb the mountain. And because they have strong muscles, they can stand up at the slope much more. The professor tells a big horned sheep. steep slopes effectively. This sheep can support strength helps them to maintain balance while moving up and down the high mountains and find food, because mountain. Another example is the bighorn sheep, which has special toes that move independently. These toes help them grip the rocky surfaces, preventing them from slipping as they have special for food.


Certain animals live in high mountains, so and the environment is not friendly can be quite challenging for them. Moving around this mountain is a big challenge for them. Most of them They have special features because they have to walk even though slow on the rope. help them move around. For example, mountain goats. They goats have strong muscles, like special feet. It can muscles that allow them to climb steep slopes. They also have specially adapted feet that help them to walk off grip the ice or climb rocky surfaces and prevent slipping on ice. Bighorn sheep, on the mountain or climb down and other hand, have unique toes that can move independently, which helps them dig into ice rock.the rocks and maintain their balance. These adaptations are crucial for their survival in such a tough environment.


As we all know that know, there are many animals that live high in the mountains mountains, and here are I’d like to explain two special features that help animals them move around the in this mountainous environment. So the The first feature is to have a strong muscle. The strong muscle can muscles. Strong muscles help them these animals climb to the mountain up and get down to the mountain. And this steep slopes, which definitely needs requires both strength and balance. Here is an example For example, mountain goats have well-developed muscles in their chests and legs, which is about a goat. The goat has a strong muscle on the chest and many parts so they can definitely help them pull in themselves up the mountain. And the steep mountain sides. The second example feature is they need to have a special specially adapted feet. And the big horn Bighorn sheep have very big unique feet and it can help that allow them to dig into the snow when it's and grip the winter. And rocky surfaces, preventing them from slipping. These adaptations are crucial for their safety as they also have this special piece which can let them do not get hurt by navigate the slipping ground.slippery terrain.


In this paragraph, it talks about two different animals. One is a animals: the mountain goat, goat and one is a mountain the bighorn sheep. And two Both of these animals, they are living animals live in high mountains where the high mountain. And terrain is steep and often covered in the mountain, they have many snakes snow and roe, and all of the area is snow. So maybe ice. To survive in this place, the animals environment, they need to move in the future. They need to have strong muscles and very special specially adapted feet. And they For example, mountain goats have some problems about the story. And the mountain powerful muscles that help them climb steep slopes, while bighorn sheep have the type of their unique feet with special feet, and it's very slippery. And so they came toes that can dig into rocky surfaces to dig the rocket in the prevent slipping. This adaptation helps them move safely over slippery ice and can keep themselves more safety. And I think there's


In the lecture is mentioned to animal, mountain, lecture, the mountain goat and the bihawk sheep. bighorn sheep were mentioned as examples of animals that live in high-altitude environments. They have the same feature like special features that help them survive in these challenging conditions. For example, mountain goats have the strong muscle and have the great eyes. Because they live in the higher mountain so they should have the high attitude to live. They should be impotent and there are lots of dangers. They should have the strong muscles for that allow them to climb steep slopes easily. Because of the snow This strength is dangerous so essential because they should need to navigate rocky terrain and maintain balance. Additionally, bighorn sheep have the stronger specially adapted feet to climb the rock with toes that move independently, which helps them grip onto rocks and to have the great eyes to see the This adaptation is crucial for preventing slips and falls in their slippery mountainous habitat.


Some animals are hardly find it really hard to travel in the mountain road enrollment. At this time, mountains because of the slope steep slopes and the hardened rock, they cannot probably independently move. But rocky terrain. However, some animals have the special features. Like the features that help them. For example, mountain goat, they goats have a special muscle strong muscles that can allow them to climb steep slopes easily. Their powerful legs help them walk pull themselves up and maintain balance. Another example is the bighorn sheep, which have special feet with toes that move independently. This helps them grip the very biggest slope with their muscles. And rocky surfaces and prevents them from slipping as they navigate the feet can help them move into the rocket. And the next one is about the big horse sheep. Because of their special eyes, they can probably see the things clearly in the white and the dark.mountains.


The lecture is talking talks about how animals that the animals live in higher high places have some special features. features to help them survive. The first thing feature is that they have strong muscles. When they are muscles, which allow them to climb steep slopes more easily while looking for food, they can climb more easily. Many food. This strength is crucial because many other animals don't struggle to maintain their balance on such inclines. For example, mountain goats have this ability, so this well-developed muscles that help them pull themselves up and stay balanced. The second feature is a problem their specially adapted feet. These adaptations help prevent slipping on rocky or icy surfaces. Bighorn sheep, for them because they can't keep balance. And the professor gave an example about the mongoose. They develop muscles so they can be easier to survive in the wild. And the second is instance, have unique toes that they have special feet. When they are walking, these special features can protect them, can prevent them from falling. And they also have special toes so they can move independently independently, allowing them to dig into the rocks and it also can prevent maintain grip, which helps them sliding on the mountain.avoid falling.


In the lesson, lecture, the professor talks about explains how animals walk mountain animals, like mountain goats and bighorn sheep, have special features that help them move in a strange line. Sometimes it will be changed because steep and slippery environments. For example, mountain goats have strong muscles in their chest and legs, which help them climb steep slopes. They also have specially adapted feet that prevent them from slipping on ice and rocks. Bighorn sheep have unique toes that can move independently, allowing them to grip rocky surfaces better. These features are really important for finding food and staying safe in the mountain, they are around the snow and have some rockets, and animals are difficult to walk on it, and animals need to find some food that is important for them, even though in North America, have some, have a kind of animals, it can walk on the mountain, use his feet, it can help his feet.mountains.


So the lecture is talking talks about several features that help animals move around in the mountain's environment. And the mountainous environments. The first example is that many mountain animals develop strong muscles to help them climb up and down. And because they down steep slopes. They need to find food to climb up, so they need these strong muscles to search for food, which requires climbing up and vice versa when they climb down. And in this example, down these challenging terrains. For instance, mountain goats have well-developed muscles that help them navigate the gourd, which has well muscle to develop the strategy to climb slopes of mountains. So it really helps it to get food. And the steep mountainsides effectively. The second feature is that they need have special adaptations in their feet to ensure safe footing. For example, bighorn sheep have some special feature of their foot to let toes that can move independently, allowing them footing safely. And the example is the sheep, which need to use their foot to dig into the soil and also pants rocky surfaces and grip to the mountains. And it really well, which helps it to safe climbing.them climb safely.


The professor gave us two examples of high mountain species and their special features to that help them move around in the mountain mountainous environment which is above a timber line and which place without the tree line, where there are no plants and it's full with of ice and snow. First the professor gives us instance of The first example is the mountain sheep. The mountain sheep has goat. Mountain goats have strong muscles, toes muscles in their legs and adapt food. It helps adapted feet that help them move climb up and down on the mountains steep slopes and to get find food more easily. The second example is about the bighorn sheep. Sheep has Bighorn sheep have separate toes which that can move individually. It can help independently, which helps them dig into the snow for keep rocky surfaces and maintain their balance and very thick on slippery snow and ice


The There are two special features that help animals walk move around in mountainous environments other than above the treeline. The experts use the two examples of goats and the big horse sheep. The First, mountain goats have strong muscles, these muscles can help that give them the strength they need to climb steep slopes and maintain their balance. If they slip, it could be dangerous for them. Second, bighorn sheep have specially adapted feet that allow them to have enough strength and to make them balance on the mountain, because if they have a mistake, they will all fall over the mountain. And another example is about the big horse sheep. These sheep have adapted their feet, these feet can dig into the ice so they can and rocks, which helps prevent them to fall over from slipping and falling while they navigate the mountain.rocky terrain.


In this biology lesson, it talks we learn about some animals living hide that live high in the mountains. And she shows two specific features. The first is that they most have the muscles. It can Two special features help them to dip high or low. And it can make move around in this environment. First, many mountain animals have strong muscles, which help them walk on the rock climb steep slopes and avoid them walking on the air to slip it. And it helps maintain balance. For example, mountain goats have well-developed muscles in their chest and legs that allow them to climb. The second is pull themselves up and navigate rocky areas. Second, these animals have specially adapted feet. For instance, bighorn sheep have unique toes that can move independently, helping them grip the rocks and ice so they have the... For example, it's a mountain goat. He have this and he will walk on the ice and the rock. And second is that they most have the short foot. And it can make them sliding on the moment.don’t slip while walking.


During the lecture, the professor mentioned a phenomenon that seldom certain animals live high on in the mountain because of the mountains, where conditions can be icy road and the snow and some bad environments. So the snowy. These animals which live high on the mountain will have special features. features that help them thrive in such environments. The first of the feature is they mostly that many of them have strong muscles. They will spray the food easily by that. For instance, mountain goat, they will goats can pull themselves up steep slopes and prevent themselves dropping down on the mountain by maintain their strong muscles. And the balance while climbing down. The second feature is safe shower footing. And some animals will use this to dig rock their specially adapted feet. These help them grip the rocky and ice in order to protect themselves.icy surfaces, preventing them from slipping as they move around.


And in this In the lecture, it tells us mentions that there are less fewer animals living in the high mountains because there are no trees, and maybe living there is a challenge for them. At the same time, if there are two can be quite challenging. For example, in high mountains, the there can be a lot more snow will be so much more than in normal places. So that will be dangerous, lower areas, making the environment dangerous and the road will be ground slippery. But still, there are However, some animals that can have adapted to live here. The first one in these conditions. One special feature of mountain animals, like mountain goats, is that the high mountain living animals, they have their strong muscles. These muscles because help them climb up and down steep slopes while searching for food, as they need to find food. And when they are up maintain their balance on such dramatic inclines. Another feature is the unique feet of animals like bighorn sheep. They have special toes that can move independently, allowing them to grip the rocky surfaces and down in the mountains, there will be a balance requirement, and so their muscles can be a good way to help them. And also, they will develop the muscle prevent slipping. This adaptation is crucial for their adaptive sleep. And if safety as they fall down from other places, it can help them to be independent and do not get hurt again. So that's a good way to help them live.navigate the slippery terrain.


In the mountainous environment, they the slopes are always steep and very full of often covered in ice and snow. So, their animals Animals living there need some special features to help them survive there. So, the mammals need some survive. For example, mountain goats have strong muscles that allow them to climb up and down these steep mountains easily. This strength helps them find food. So, their first animal food and navigate the challenging terrain. Another example is the mother golem. In America, they have nice food to let them alive. It can let them sleep in the steep mountains and find food, go up and down. And the second animal bighorn sheep, which has a strong physique. It can physique and special toes that help them grip the rocky surfaces. This adaptation allows them to find food under the snow to let them alive. So, it is and stay safe on slippery slopes. These features are very important for the animals.their survival in such a harsh environment.


In the lecture, the professor explains two special features that help animals move around in a mountainous environment. And for First, the first example, it's about the mountain goat. The mountain goat has very strong muscles that can help them climb up and down. And they also can help down steep slopes and maintain their keep balance. And also help them balance while searching for food. This strength is crucial for living in finding food. So that's why they can live in the mountainous. And the such challenging conditions. The second example is about the big horned bighorn sheep. They will, because they sleep on These sheep have specially adapted toes that allow them to grip onto rocky surfaces, preventing them from slipping. This adaptation helps them stay safe while navigating the mountain, icy and so they need to keep their safe. They always dip into the ice and in the hole.steep terrain.


The animals which that live in the high mountains, they mountains have some basic special features to support his survival. that help them survive in such tough conditions. First, these animals mountain goats have strong muscles that can support him to fight in the deep snow and help him to climb into the mountains or deep swamps. For example, the mountain goats, they have strong muscles and when they climb into another space, it can support his body's weight. And second, it also can keep them climb in the mountains when they are asleep steep slopes and make sure they can navigate through deep snow. These muscles support his body's weight. And it can help their weight, allowing them to move to another place and keep easily in their environment. Second, bighorn sheep have unique feet with special toes that grip the rocky surfaces. This adaptation prevents them survival.from slipping when they walk on ice or rocky terrain. These features are essential for their survival in the mountainous areas.


The professor explained talked about two special features that help animals move around in the mountains environment. She mountainous environments. First, she mentioned that many animals live high and which trees not grow. They don't like ice or snow because it's very dangerous and they move around the environment always climb up and down to get down again too. The mountain goats have wheeled cheeses strong muscles, especially in their chests and maria. The climbing down monkeys say it's short of protein, snow or ice side independently.front legs, which help them climb steep slopes. Second, bighorn sheep have special toes that move independently, allowing them to grip onto rocks and ice, which prevents them from slipping. These adaptations are really important for their survival in such a challenging environment.


The professor mainly talks about the two special features that help the animals move around in a mountain mountainous environment. And he gives two examples. The first is First, the mountain goat, which goat has large muscles, and the muscles can help them that allow it to pull to the climb steep slopes to find food. And they often sleep in These strong muscles help them pull themselves up and maintain balance on rocky surfaces. Second, the ice or rocks, so the mountain animals have to be protected. And the bighorn sheep are the same with the mountain goat. They also have large special adaptations. Their feet have unique toes that move independently, which helps them grip the rocks and strong muscles and help ice, preventing them from slipping while they navigate the difficult terrain. These adaptations are essential for both animals to climb to find the food and to prevent the slight. So these are two examples.thrive in such challenging environments.


In this lecture, the professor mentioned talked about the mountain goat and the bony bighorn sheep. First is First, the mountain goat. Mountain goat usually stay in the tree and they also face dangerous every time, challenging and dangerous. But if they stay in the tree, they have lots of special features. They have many has strong muscles to support them to that help it climb up and down. And also it has a great speed and it can climb up and down. Second is down steep slopes. They face many challenges in their environment, but their strength allows them to navigate these rocky areas. Second, the bony sheep. It is also an animal. For example, the bony bighorn sheep has very strong specially adapted feet that help them maintain balance on slippery surfaces like ice and to keep rocks. Their feet have unique features that prevent them feel good from slipping, which is crucial for their safety when moving around in the ice to keep them balanced. To keep them balance and not fall down to the ice. And also it can safety their foot. It can make them walk in the ice or walk in the air. It is very good to protect them.mountains.


Animals that live in a high mountain that without the trees so it makes this really dangerous mountains, where there are no trees, face many challenges, especially the with ice and snow make making it more challenging so the animals that live dangerous. They have special features to help them survive in there also always have some special features. this environment. The first one feature is that they have the their strong muscles that can muscles, which help them climb up and down from the steep slopes while keeping their balance. For example, mountain and also help goats have well-developed muscles that allow them keep balance. Here's an example for the mountain goals. They have the muscle on their body so that can keep them balanced and to navigate these challenging terrains without slippery from the ice or snow. slipping. The second feature is their specially adapted feet. Bighorn sheep, for instance, have unique toes that they have the adapted feet can move independently, allowing them to grip onto rocky surfaces and that will keep them from prevent slipping away from the snow on ice or snow. These adaptations are crucial for their safety and the ice. And the second example is that the mountain sheep they have the special feet and the fingers can get into the space between it and make it sliding when around.movement in such a slippery environment.


features of this The mountain goat and bighorn sheep have special features that help them move in the brown horn sheep is that they would adopt the environment of the heights and not good environments like a lot of steeps and rockies and for this mountains. First, mountain goat this is very challenging for him to adopt this environment and they would got goats have strong muscles that allow them to climb steep slopes easily. They need this strength to pull themselves up and a deep of maintain balance on rocky terrain. Second, bighorn sheep have special toes that can move independently, which helps them grip the condition to a dramatic condition to adopt this environment rocks and ice. This adaptation prevents them from slipping when they also have a lot of fats feeds to adopt the eyes or raise the environment it's very walk on slippery surfaces. These features are important for them to adopt and they also have some a lot of safe short foods and render their other animals it is the two meaning and main features and advantages for them to adopt environments um this way this shape of this this way i mean individual to adopt this environment these are two special featuressurvival in such challenging environments.


In this lecture is lecture, I want to talk about the mountain's dangerous animals. These animals can move around and it has strange muscles and so it can looking food very fast and it is a very problems. Another animals have large muscles and it break the balance of how mountain animals, like the mountain goat and it has bighorn sheep, have special feet. features that help them move in their steep, rocky homes. For example, mountain goats have strong muscles in their chest and legs that help them climb steep slopes easily. This can save strength is important for finding food and staying balanced. Bighorn sheep, on the other hand, have unique feet with special toes that help them to solve the finding time.grip onto rocks and ice, preventing them from slipping. These adaptations are crucial for their survival in such a challenging environment.


According to the lecture, the high mountain will offer a lot of mountains present many challenges for animals trying to move, and here move around. Here are two things adaptations that help them cope. First, many mountain animals, like mountain goats, have strong muscles that give them the strength they need to climb steep slopes and maintain their balance when going down. This strength is crucial for their safety. Second, these animals have specially adapted feet that provide traction to prevent slipping. For example, bighorn sheep have toes that can move independently, allowing them to deal with it. The first is that they have strong muscles, which can help provide great strength for them. And take mountain goats as an example, because they have strong muscles, so it can help them pull up as a slope and keep balance when they are going down the mountains, and this can be a security for them. Another thing is that they have special feet to offer friction for them to keep them from sliding. And take the sheep as an example, because they have the toe on their feet, so that they can drag into grip the rock and ice so that they cannot slide.effectively, which helps them avoid sliding.


Because in the At high altitudes, the trees will not can't grow, so the ground will become becomes very rocky. And because of the rocky and can be dangerous due to ice and snow, the land will also be very dangerous. So snow. To adapt to these conditions, animals always grow some develop special features to adapt it. Like features. For example, mountain goats will have a strong mass muscles that help them climb steep, vertical slopes. They also have specially adapted feet that prevent them from slipping on the rocks and ice. Similarly, bighorn sheep have unique toes that can move independently, allowing them to move around grip the steep mountains, the dramatic incline and the vertical slopes, the special feet, and the big horn sheep will have some safe toes.rocky surfaces securely.


All right, Okay, in this lecture, the professor are talking talks about the animal who animals that live in a at very high elevation. About elevations, above the tree timberline, there is pretty line, where it's hard to stand up on such as nearly vertical slope. And one animal slopes. One example is the mountain goat. And they They have the really great excellent balance and big muscle strong muscles that help them navigate these steep slopes. Their feet are also specially adapted to help them to keep balance in such a nearly vertical slope. And it has adapted feet to help it to keep balance. And another maintain their grip. Another example is the horned bighorn sheep. He has a They have special toe it toes that can dig into the ice to prevent it ice, which prevents them from sliding from down the mountain.


This biology lecture talk talks about the animals that live in high mountainous animals. The high mountainous environments. These animals will live in the ice or snow environments snowy and icy areas with really steep for the mountainside. So mountainsides. To stay safe, they should live in the high open the mountain. So they should keep themselves safe just like the mountain goats. The have special adaptations. For example, mountain goats have a specially adapted feet. They can make feet that help them walk in the on snow and they have provide safer footing in the mountainous environment. And the big horned sheep. Big horned mountains. Bighorn sheep can have special toes that allow them to move independently because of their special toe. They can walk in on rocks and ice. They can also provide lightening This adaptation helps them grip the surface and move around. It can keep them stay safe and healthy in mountainous while navigating their environment.


Some animals who have that live at high level, high attitudes that always altitudes need to have some special features to challenge, to deal with the challenge from the challenges of their environment. First is First, they always need to have strong muscles to help them climb up and down at high slope areas, such as Mountain Goat steep slopes, like the mountain goat found in North America. Second is These strong muscles allow them to navigate the difficult terrain. Second, these animals always need to often have adept specially adapted feet that help prevent them keep from slipping when they are walking over on ice or rocks, such as this bingo, like the bighorn sheep. Especially they need to walk Their feet help them maintain a good grip, especially when walking on snow or ice, so ensuring they need to have special feet to keep their body stay safe and to let their legs move.can move effectively.


The example is about examples of the mountain goat and the big horn sheep. The first, they always live bighorn sheep show how animals adapt to living in the high, dangerous and high mountains, so they have a big problem for the balance. They need the mountains. One special feature to help them to keep balance. The first feature is their muscles. Their special muscles can help them adapt the high slope of the mountain goat is its strong muscles, which help it climb steep slopes and keep them balanced. Also, their feet can keep them balanced. maintain balance. These muscles are crucial for moving up and down the mountain safely. Another special important feature is their toes. Their toes can help the bighorn sheep's unique toes, which move independently. This allows them to stand more grip the rocky surfaces better and stay stable in the ice and prevent on icy terrain, preventing them from falling down in the high mountain.slipping and falling.


It is hard It's challenging for the animal animals to live in mountainous environments because of the mountain's environment because there are some dangerous weather and also it's very high for them to live and they must have some altitudes. They need special feature features to help them. And the them survive. The first feature is about the strong muscle. And the example is muscles, like those of the mountain goat. They have a strong muscle on well-developed muscles in their chest and this will help that allow them to climb the mountain up steep mountains and down and balance them. And the maintain balance. The second feature is about the feet. And the example is the big horn their feet, particularly in bighorn sheep. And they Their feet have feet special toes that can help them to dig into the snow. And rock and ice, and they also their feet has a pet. And this will have rubbery pads that help them to grip on slippery surfaces. These adaptations are crucial for helping them navigate the ice surface and to help them walk on this.challenging terrain.