Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO40 Task2


The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


University to Create a Lounge for Commuter Students Many students at our university do not live in dormitories. These students live in town or in the suburbs and travel to campus every day The university has decided to provide these commuter students with a special lounge in the student center - with couches, chairs, and a television. University officials hope that this lounge - a place to socialize and relax - will give commuter students some of the same advantages that dormitory residents now have. An important additional feature of the lounge will be a bulletin board on the wall for posting and sharing information that may be especially useful to commuter students and their particular needs.


Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the article. Woman: Hey, it’s nice that they’re gonna do this. Man: It’s not a bad idea, but do you think it will accomplish what they’re hoping? Woman: Sure, I mean, the dormitories all have their own lounges, and think about how much time students spent there and how many people they meet. Man: Yeah, I got to know a lot of people in my dorm during my first semester, just watching TV and taking study breaks in the lounge. Woman: Right. Those dorm lounges are really central to student life. and I met people there that really helped me with my schoolwork, too. Students who live off campus don’t have anything like that. Man: That’s true. Woman: Plus, I like the idea of posting stuff. You know, things like notices from students who want to get together with other students to share car rides to campus. Man: Yeah, ride share information could be helpful. Woman: Absolutely. If students knew about ride shares, they could save money getting to campus, ‘cause a few of them could travel in one car.


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The university has decided to provide create a special lunch to lounge for students who do not live in the campus on campus, and the women totally agree woman fully supports this decision. At first, she thinks She believes that it the lounge will provide offer students a lot of opportunities chance to students to communicate socialize and relax, and she also takes an example of herself. At unwind, drawing from her own experience. During her first semester, there are a lot of students just watch she found that spending time watching TV and relax taking study breaks in their dorm, the dorm lounge helped her connect with others and even improve her schoolwork. Additionally, she highlights the second reason is it is beneficial potential for students' schoolwork. Students can get together and talk about homework, and they can students to save some money by driving one car.carpooling to campus, showcasing the practical benefits of the lounge.


The school plan university is planning to provide create a place lounge for commuter students to relax and, for example, relax, watch TV, study together together, and share their information with each other. information. The girl woman agrees with this statement. She thinks they plan because she believes it will facilitate sharing important information, such as ride share options, which can share the right information, the right information is helpful and they can help students save their money to get a compass and travel by car.on transportation.


The university's plan is about building involves creating lounges for students that who live out of the campus in order for them off-campus to do their schoolwork study and relaxing. relax. The woman thinks it's a good idea believes this is beneficial because the man said that the dormitory lounges serve as central place places for students living in dormitories are mainly for relaxing to socialize and do schoolwork and the woman thinks the post is also good because students in the lounge can build up a relationship study, fostering relationships that can share car ride, prevent from driving car individually lead to carpooling and save money.cost-saving opportunities.


The university is planning to give create a lounge for students living around campus a place to have who live off-campus, offering chairs, televisions televisions, and a wall to post their things. bulletin board for posting information. The girl thing is really nice and a really good idea because there are many students who spend a lot of time watching television and doing their things together. She thinks woman in the conversation believes this is a really good place positive and beneficial idea because it will provide a good way space for students to solve this problem. socialize and relax, similar to dormitory residents. She also says mentions how important lounges are for meeting people and getting academic help, emphasizing the wall is really good because they don't need for off-campus students to have a place to post their things. This similar space. Additionally, she highlights the bulletin board as a valuable resource for sharing information like ride shares, which can also help students save money because the students can travel in one car.on transportation.



Well, the The university started and has decided to create a lounge for commuter students because it can give the same to provide them with similar advantages that dormitory residents now have and it's really useful. And the women have. The woman in the conversation think it's finds this plan nice because dormitory now have many students and they lounges are essential to students' life. And secondly, student life, where students can socialize and relax. Additionally, she really likes appreciates the idea of posting stuff because if information, such as ride-sharing opportunities, which can help students know save money on transportation to share the car ride to the campus, they can save a lot of money and they can just go to the campus and share by only one ride.campus.


She thinks this believes the university's plan is not very bad, and bad at all; in fact, she thinks it's finds it to be a nice idea, because this idea. The plan helps aims to assist students save in saving money on transportation to school, as cars can be quite costly. Additionally, she views it as beneficial since it provides a space for transfer students to schools. You know, cars are very expensive. And she thinks it's a good idea, because she thinks CAPSOS gives a place that can develop the students' foster relationships and can make the students more helpful. It can centralize people's lives, you know, have some offer assistance to one another. This centralized location, equipped with televisions and give some funding place to make students relax. comfortable seating, serves as a relaxation spot. She thinks it's perceives it as a very personal idea, but students think CAPSOS needs to think personalized concept, emphasizing the importance of the spend spending time and meeting new people they can CAPSOS.


Our school will build university plans to create a luggage lounge for the community commuter students to have a relaxed time at the campus relax on campus, equipped with chairs and televisions. The students believe this initiative is beneficial as it will have chairs provide a space for socializing and televisions relaxation, similar to what dormitory residents enjoy. Additionally, the lounge will feature a bulletin board for students. Students think the plan is very nice because they have realized sharing information relevant to commuter students' needs. The students feel that many students in college spend many time watching TV this lounge will foster a sense of community among commuters, offering opportunities for carpooling and it will be very crowded. And if the school builds a new luggage for the students to share the resources, it will maybe be more free. And also the campus needs that and the two students think it will be very helpful because the luggage can make the students travel in one car instead of going to a place that with only one people and it will save money.cost-saving measures.


The woman in the speaking, she is great with the pen to make the canvas. And first, some students, they like to go together and to talk conversation expresses her opinion about the studies. And at next, university's plan to create a lounge for commuter students. She believes that this lounge, equipped with couches, chairs, and a television, will provide a space for students to socialize and relax, similar to the university make advantages dormitory residents have. Additionally, she mentions the canvas, some importance of a bulletin board for sharing information relevant to commuter students, they can share the cards and they can such as organizing carpooling to save some money and they can use the save money to buy some car. And it's a good way for them.on transportation.


The university wants plans to create knowledge a lounge for the commuter students, and which the woman agrees with that opinion. supports. She thinks believes it will be another advantage rather than now. First, the student can provide additional benefits. Firstly, students will have a large place spacious area to study or to learn something else, engage in other activities, improving their academic and personal lives. Secondly, she feels it will be better offer convenience for their life and course. Second, the woman thinks it will be convenient for the student students to go to another place.access different facilities.


The university university's plan aims to create a lounge for commuter students, providing them with a space to relax, socialize, and share information. The woman supports this plan for three main reasons. Firstly, she believes that creates knowledge for community students and the women have three reasons to support. And the first reason is that it's a good place to relax for the students commuter students, who are do not leaving the campus or farm in town. So they should have live on campus, deserve a place to rest. And rest and unwind. Secondly, she sees the second reason is that it has good opportunities lounge as a great opportunity for students to get together collaborate on projects or study together. Lastly, she mentions the potential cost-saving benefits of carpooling to work or do some projects. And the last reason is that it campus, which can help students save the money. So they can take the cars, take the one cars, also can save the money, also waste the time to waste the and time.


The university's plan to make create a luncheon so lounge for commuter students aims to provide them with similar advantages to dormitory residents. The woman agrees with this plan, citing two reasons. Firstly, she believes that the lounge will allow students who live in to collaborate and seek help when facing academic challenges. Secondly, she points out that sharing rides to campus can have the same advantage as humanitarian help students have, and the woman thinks the opinion is totally right, and gave two reasons. First, he thinks that the students who use the luncheon can work together and ask each other if they have some problems they don't understand, and second, they can save money because they will share the chair to each


The university plans to provide commute students with create special lounge centres areas for commuter students, equipped with couches, chairs chairs, and televisions, televisions. This initiative aims to promote socialization and relaxation among students, catering to their specific needs. I believe this decision can make the students be more socialised and relaxing and be more useful when they are cruising. And what I think is a nice positive idea because this school has it can enhance the overall student experience and provide a lot of people space for off-campus students to unwind and this connect with others. Additionally, the bulletin board feature can control students' lives and the students on campus, if they don't have anything to recreate, they will feel boring and this decision will also facilitate important information sharing, such as ride-sharing opportunities, which can help the students save money and they can use this learning to do engage in more valuable things, for example, like travelling or tutoring.meaningful activities.


The announcement says that the university will plans to create a lounge for commuter students. They have two benefits. First is, it can give commuter students all social and relaxed opportunities. What's more, it can give commuter students an advantage that same with dorm students. And from the conversation of boy and girl, agree with this, they think the dorm lounge, they are only watching TV, and if open specifically for commuter students, they can study offering them a space to socialize and work. And relax, similar to what dormitory residents currently have. The woman in the good thing is posting stuff, conversation agrees with this idea, highlighting the importance of such communal spaces in fostering student connections and they can academic support. She also appreciates the opportunity for commuter students to share in their car rides, so that all students can use one car, and it can information, such as organizing carpooling to save money and save time on commuting to go anywhere in the universities. Thank you.campus.


The woman thinks this finds the university's plan is to create a lounge for commuter students very nice because appealing. She believes that students residing in dormitories spend an excessive amount of time in their lounges and feels that having a similar space for commuter students would be beneficial. Additionally, she thinks appreciates the students have spent too much time at the dormitory lounge and plus she likes idea of posting stuff, she thinks students can share something there and it's information on a bulletin board as a way for students to share resources and potentially save students' through activities like ride-sharing.


The university's plan is to create a lodge lounge for commuter students to provide them with a similar experience to dormitory residents. The lounge will offer a comfortable environment for socializing and relaxing, equipped with couches, chairs, and a television. Additionally, there will be a bulletin board for students to share useful information tailored to commuter needs. The woman supports this plan for two main reasons. Firstly, she highlights the disparity in living arrangements between dormitory and commuter students, while they can be like emphasizing the need for fairness. Secondly, she appreciates the opportunity for students living in dormitories. They have a pretty good lodge, like they can play together and have a really good environment. Also the schools want to post stuff that students can share and post something. And the woman agreed with this plan, and here are two reasons she gave. The first reason is many students live in suburbs, not close information, such as organizing carpooling to schools, can't have a great lodge like the students living in dormitories, so it is fair for the students living in the countryside or suburbs. And the second reason is the posting stuff is pretty good. The students can post and share, and it can also save money if the students tell them they can't travel in one car.on transportation costs.


The university suggested that they want is planning to establish create a park lounge for commuter students to let the students relax and share resources. And The woman fully supports this idea because it provides a space for students who don't live in dormitories to connect and potentially share car rides. This lounge can offer a relaxing environment and facilitate the woman was totally agree with that because it's very nice and just like some sharing of transportation, allowing students not living in the dormitories but living in another town. It can let the students have car rides just like share with other students. And even they can have a good relaxing and they can create a public car transportation and students can pay it to get a money on commuting.


The university is going planning to create a lounge for contemporary commuter students, and the woman agrees, totally agrees with fully supports this idea, idea. She mentions how dormitory lounges are essential for socializing and first meeting new people, which commuter students currently lack. Additionally, she said that about highlights the dorm room. Actually there's not so many students always there, and even sometimes there's some students but they just like watching importance of the TV, and it's useless. And what's more, the woman is really like the posting stuff, that she thinks that it's a good place bulletin board for sharing useful information, such as organizing carpooling to share information or get some other information, and also it can help students save their on transportation costs.


In the readings, reading, the school keeps university plans to create a plan and provides the special lounge for commuter students with special lunch in the student center. It can let center to provide them take with a relax. But place to relax and socialize. The woman in the lessons, the woman listening agrees with his opinion. And he thinks, and he has this plan for two main reasons. First is Firstly, she notes that the schools commuter students have never been their place. And had a designated space like this place to share information and study together, similar to dormitory residents. Secondly, she mentions that commuting back and forth from home can let be time-consuming and costly, so having a lounge on campus would allow students share their information. And it's good for their study work. And they can watch TV and have communication there. And the second reason is that students need to go relax without having to their homes and to have a relax. Or another place. It will take a long time and spend more money. Spend much money. And if their place has, students can stay here to have a relax. And either save the extra money to travel another place into the capital.on transportation.


the policy that they will The university plans to create a cart lounge for commuter students because it can give commuter students large to provide them with a space to socialize, relax, and some advantages and they can share information that relevant to their needs. The woman in the commuter student and their particle needs and the girl in this conversation totally agree supports this idea because firstly she believes it will allow students need to meet many people new people, create study groups, and some people just stay save money through carpooling. She highlights the the room and watch tv or talk together and they central they miss importance of such communal spaces in central student life is kind of too much people and secondly she liked this idea because many students want the benefits it can bring to get together and share the campus they can make friends or talk something and they also can save money because they can get in one caroff-campus students.


The school university has decided to provide these create a lounge for commuter students with special lunch in the student center center, equipped with some tours. couches, chairs, and a television. The woman agreed with that in the conversation supports this idea because she thought watch believes that watching TV is really helpful and there's also some engaging in activities is helpful in the lounge can be beneficial for themselves and students. Additionally, she likes appreciates the opportunity to post their own things up and share information, such as organizing carpool rides, as it can help students save money and foster a sense of community. Overall, she agrees with each other. And she said that if they know how to get the rights share, they can grow up plan and share more things and it's so helpful for themselves. So the woman agreed with that and she thinks it's finds it helpful.


I find some Some students at our university don't live in dormitories, dormitories; they live reside in town or the suburbs. The university plans to create a lounge in the student center for these commuter students, equipped with couches, chairs, and sub-tourist, so they want more students live in dormitories a television. The goal is to provide them with a space to socialize and they support some TV and relax, similar to make more students watch TV. the advantages dormitory residents enjoy. The lounge will also feature a bulletin board for sharing information relevant to commuter students. In the listening, the girl agree with woman supports the idea, she think it's really helpful, believing it can save will be beneficial in saving money and student can work together fostering collaboration among students to finish the complete school work.


So the The university has decided to give many TV, create a lounge for commuter students, equipped with amenities like TVs, chairs, and so on, more. The woman in the discussion supports this project, this object plan, noting how important communal spaces are for students to socialize and relax. She emphasizes the benefits of having a dedicated space for off-campus students to study and connect with others, highlighting the potential for sharing useful information like carpooling arrangements. Overall, she believes that the lounge will be beneficial for commuter students, students and the students were very agree with it, because she mentioned that students, they always spend a lot of time on this, and you can guess how many time and how many people spend on just watching the TV, and she also thinks that it's very helpful to their study, because the students in campus, they don't always have such things, so it can very help them of their study, also the posting staff is very helpful for them if it can use it right, so all the students were agree with it, the university decided.academic experience.


The university's plan is to make involves creating a lounge where all campus students have for commuter students, providing them with a place space to relax and relax, watch TV, have the same right as and socialize, similar to dormitory students. And for the women, her opinion is have their lounge is better. As for dormitory students, she realized watching TV is a central student's life. They spend their time The woman in the lounge conversation supports this plan, emphasizing the importance of having a dedicated space for commuter students to meet others, relax, and talking with others have relaxing time. And another policy is ride share. The women think ride potentially share is a very good way information like ride-sharing opportunities to save money. Because many students get on one car and can save She believes that such a lot of money.lounge would offer valuable benefits similar to those enjoyed by dormitory residents.


Some claim The woman agrees with the university's plan to create a new lounge for commuter students. She believes that the campus need to build current dormitory is overcrowded and that having a new dormitory and have a post-it stuff. First, the women totally agree with these decisions. The women think the old dormitory spend too much time and the people is too crowded as it's a central part of the campus. So have a new dormitory lounge will help reduce the price congestion and possibly lower costs. Additionally, she appreciates the idea of old dormitory. And second, the post-it stuff can have having a ride share, can bulletin board for ride-sharing information, which could save students money. They can money by allowing them to travel in one car, so it will benefit for all of the computer students in our campus, he thinks.together.


In the university, it says, they will "The university plans to create a love of the lounge for commuter for the student. And this is a special large English student center. This space will to make students in the student center, providing a space for socializing and relaxation. The woman in the conversation supports this idea, mentioning that dormitories already have similar lounges where students can meet people and take study breaks. She believes that having a space, have a place communal space like this can help commuter students connect with others and share useful information, such as organizing carpooling to socialize and relax. And it says many students are very busy for their life, so they create this relaxed place. And a girl very agree with this idea. And the first reason is that she thinks English campus is so boring and we have the space to have more activities, it's so nice. And the second, in this spaces, we can share with others.campus."


The school proclaimed that because many university plans to create a lounge for commuter students are who do not living live on campus. The lounge will have couches, chairs, and a television to encourage socializing and relaxation. The woman in the campus, but living outside, they will provide a lounge conversation supports this idea, mentioning the benefits of meeting people and getting help with students, which with coaches, chair, television, schoolwork in order similar lounges in dormitories. She also highlights the importance of posting information, like ride shares, to promote help students socialize and relax. In the conversation, the man is totally agree with this option. He thinks that there were many people watch TV there, and the woman thinks it will be helpful with their schoolwork, and she mostly like posting stuff. This will be very helpful and can save money, because many people can travel in our car, so they can decrease the cost of a on transportation.


This letter talks about "The university is planning to create a room lounge for commuter students. The woman in the speaking think conversation finds this opinion is idea very nice, positive as it would provide a space for students to socialize and it can save relax, similar to dormitory residents. She mentions how dorm lounges are central to student life, offering opportunities to meet people and receive academic support. Additionally, she highlights the students whose time spent, and if they create a room, there are many people there. It also helps her importance of the bulletin board for sharing information, such as organizing ride shares to have a better work. And if the university can do this, can do this, the student can save money and can travel with one car, can share car with each other. It's also very helpful for students, so on commuting. Overall, she thinks believes that this is a very nice idea.initiative would greatly benefit commuter students."


The notice talked about article discusses the university's plan to create a launch lounge for commuter students, providing them with a computer for students, space to socialize and relax, similar to what dormitory residents have. The woman in the conversation believes this woman thinks that this suggestion plan will happen be beneficial because she thinks commuter students currently lack such a space and opportunities to meet others. She also mentions the school don't have anything importance of posting information, like this before, and before this, ride shares, which could help students only can do something boring and simple if they don't back save money on transportation to their home, and also, if school create a race error, it will take time for students to drive into school.campus.


This The university's plan is involves creating a special lounge for commuter students in the school center and allowing students to post information there. The woman in the conversation supports this plan. She believes that the lounge will provide a relaxing environment where students special lunch can socialize and help each other. Additionally, she sees the value in school centre and make posting in there. And the woman agrees with information-sharing aspect of the university's plan. Firstly, she thinks lounge, as it can relax and there are help students save money through activities like ride-sharing. Overall, she considers the lounge to be a lot of people that will go there beneficial addition to have fun and many students can help each other when there are many people. So she thinks it's a very good place. And another reason is she thinks if there is a posting there, it can share information. It's very useful for the students and the students can post in there and know each other's needs. And by this way, they can save money. So the woman thinks it's a very good place. So, thank you. campus. Thank you.


The plan is that the university is starting plans to build create a door lounge that has a church or television for the commuter students in the university. And student center, equipped with couches, chairs, and a television. The woman supports this idea because it can help students save money by carpooling to campus. Additionally, the woman agrees with this plan. First, because she thinks that lounge offers a space for students to gather and socialize. She believes it will save money enhance student life and provide more options for the students to get to school and with their friends in one car. And also this can provide lots of spaces for the students if they want to get together and to do something. And also this door lounge can make the students' life more convenient and has lots of choices for their relaxing time like the television and they can use to watch the TV in their relaxed time.relaxation, such as watching TV.


In the lecture, the school university decided to set create a cocage lounge on the campus just like to save some chair, desk, with chairs, desks, and some television in it. televisions for commuter students. The woman, they think it woman believes this will be convenient beneficial for students. And the woman agree with this statement, opinions, and she says it's a nice opinion because nowadays many students will lose time on the road and they will lose who spend a lot of time. So if time commuting. She agrees with the school set this place and will get a lot of students to get more time to do this, just like relax or study something, and they think idea because it will also save their money for the provide students with a place to relax and not use the study, saving them time and money on transportation. She also mentions the car. So importance of sharing information like ride shares to help students save money on commuting. Overall, she also think this is good opinions for supports the plan as it will benefit all the students in the campus just read it.on campus.


First, he thinks they need "The university plans to reduce the TV or some other things create a lounge for commuter students in the demonstrate. And there are less people that live student center with couches, chairs, and a television. The woman in the demonstrate. And conversation supports this idea, mentioning how important lounges are for socializing and meeting people, as seen in dormitories. She also highlights the girls and benefits of having a bulletin board for sharing information, such as organizing carpooling to campus to save money. Overall, both students agree that the boys in the conversation, they think it's really a good idea. It's not a bad idea. Here are their reasons. First, they think there are lots of students watching TV in the demonstrate in the first semester. That lounge is the boy mentioned. And the second is that they are the posting staff. That means they can share cars when they go to school together. That means they will become less expensive, because few of them can travel in the same car. So all of the boys and the girls think it's a good idea that the school need to reduce some TV or some chairs in the demonstrate.for commuter students."


We "The university has decided to let create a lounge in the student center for commuter students who do not live in the dormitory, but dormitories. This lounge will provide a space for socializing and relaxing, similar to move to the students' central. There are two reasons. Firstly, because the what dormitory is too large and too many people, it was so boring. Secondly, it was boring to bond on the wall and passing to share the residents have. Additionally, there will be a bulletin board for sharing useful information. The girl woman in the conversation agreed agrees with this statement. Firstly, she thinks the dormitory has spent too much time and there are plan. She believes that dormitories can be overwhelming with too many people. If this is moving, it people and that having a separate lounge can help students connect better. She also mentions the benefits of sharing information, like organizing carpool rides to know the campus, which can enhance students' words. Secondly, the partying and sharing could make students to travel more in their campus life.experience."


If The university plans to create a lounge in the university make change the dormitories, they student center for commuter students, equipped with couches, chairs, and televisions. The woman believes this initiative will provide a special lounge in student centers with couches, chairs space for students to relax and televisions. University hope these things can make students be relaxed. The women's opinion is that many people socialize, similar to dormitory residents. She highlights the importance of communal spaces in dormitories for meeting people and getting academic support, which commuter students currently lack. Additionally, she sees the benefit of posting information, such as ride-sharing opportunities, to finish their homework, but there don't have any things, and the university provide these things can make them be relaxed. She thinks a good ride chairs can help students save money to do other things like travel, and on transportation costs. Overall, she supports the televisions will make them be relaxed. She thinks university's plan as a positive step in enhancing the universities have a good suggestion.student experience.


According to the notice, announcement, the university has decided to create a lodge lounge for computer commuter students for two main reasons. Firstly, it can relax aims to provide a space for relaxation for the students. On the other hand, Additionally, it can offer opportunity will serve as a platform for students to share important information. And according to In the conversation, the students strongly agree with the express strong support for this idea for two various reasons. On the one hand, they think They believe that it can give will allow them a time to relax when people sit together unwind by socializing and watching TV. And it also TV together, as well as potentially aiding in their academic pursuits. Moreover, the students feel that the lounge can help with their schoolwork. Furthermore, the girls think with such opportunity, students can share the car ride, which can save them a lot of money.facilitate carpooling among students, leading to cost savings for those commuting to campus.


Well, from Based on the raising material, we can know reading, the university announced that they will provide the plans to create a lounge for commuter students with a special place in the student center. In that place, they have center, equipped with amenities like television, all things like the dormitories. And additional advantages is in that place, they have couches, chairs, and a television. Additionally, there will be a bulletin board, and this is board for posting their personal needs, and in information relevant to commuter students' needs. In the lesson material, conversation, the two students all appreciate these ideas because support this idea as they think they can believe it will help students save some money and just like improve the increase efficiency.


Okay, the planner says there are "The university is planning to create a lot of lounge for commuter students who do not living live in dormitories. This lounge will provide a space for students to socialize, relax, and share information, such as organizing carpooling to campus. The woman in the dormitories So it's really good conversation agrees with this plan, stating that it will be beneficial for commuter students to have a central place for the students who have not living in a dormitory to share information or work together or Transport connect and go to school in the same car. Okay, then the woman totally agreed with this plan. She thinks it can the student who not in the dormitory can enjoy this and This is really convenient and you will not waste a lot of save time and waste a lot of money because the student can take commuters by sharing rides to school by one car so she thinks it's a really good plan for all students who not live in a dormitoryschool."


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The university has announced that they will plans to create a lounge specifically for commuters. So commuter students. The woman in the conversation expresses her positive opinion about this plan for a couple of reasons. Firstly, she mentions that the first reason, lounge will provide a space for socializing and relaxation. Additionally, she said it's highlights the presence of a good place to socialize and relax. And second reason is there is a blinding bulletin board and they where students can share important information, such as organizing carpool rides to campus. Both speakers agree on the information. And in benefits of this idea, emphasizing the conversation, they both agree potential for students to connect with this idea because, firstly, there others, collaborate on schoolwork, and save money through ride-sharing opportunities. Overall, the woman believes that the lounge will be a lot of people on the lounges. So the woman says that it will be a very good place to have a school work by talking with others and asking other questions. And also the woman likes the bloating boards because they can post some information like share car rides. So then valuable addition for many students who will ride the cars, they will save much more money. So the woman says this idea is very good.commuter students.


The university will build plans to create a lounge for the commuter students who do not live in the palm oil store area so on campus but travel daily. The woman supports this idea. She believes that they will travel to school every day, and the woman agrees with this plan. Firstly, she thinks that if the having a lounge where students are in there, they can relax, watch TV, do anything they like, and if they know this place, maybe they socialize will do nothing. Secondly, encourage them to spend more time there. Additionally, she thinks that it's very helpful for students to save money, so for mentions the importance of saving money through activities like ride-sharing, which could benefit students. For these reasons reasons, the woman agrees with the plan that the university should university's decision to provide a lounge for commuter students.


He is going The university plans to create a launch lounge for commuter students, that there are students who do not live on campus. This lounge will be equipped with chairs, couches, a lot of TV, and a bulletin board for students leaving out of the school. First, the university will provide the chairs, the couch, and TV in the student center that provide them to relax and posting the stuff that they can write together. share information. The woman in the conversation agree agrees with that this idea, that she thinks that believing it will centralize the off-campus students' social life as they currently lack such amenities. She also appreciates the idea of the off-campus students, that the off-campus students don't have time or things sharing information, like carpooling to enjoy this stuff. And second, she thinks that this posting stuff is great, and they can share together, they can write together, that can save money, and they can write together to travel, it's a good on travel expenses.


The university will plans to create a large number of lounge for commuter students, because those students are who do not living live on campus but travel there daily. This lounge will offer a space for socializing, relaxing, and sharing information. The woman in the university, they live in the town, and so if they go to the campus it's a waste of time, and the students will need to have a socialized and relaxed place, and in conversation finds this place they can share the information. The women think it's very nice, and it's a waste of time, people don't drive in the car in there, and the women think idea positive as it can help commuter students connect with others, save time and money, and potentially improve their score and posting the card, and also it will sell the money.academic performance.


The university has decided to provide this create a lounge for commuter student with a special lungi students in the student center, and it is used for where they can socialize and relax. In The students in the conversation, the girls and the boys think that is conversation believe it's a good idea, idea because they have experienced the benefits of having a lounge in the first semester, he meets many dorms, where they met people, watched TV, and took study breaks. They also mention the advantage of being able to post information on a bulletin board, such as ride-sharing opportunities, which can help students in his dormitory, and most of save money on daily travel expenses. Overall, they feel the students spend the time at lungi watching TV and talking, studying, break, studying stuff. And also, there is a benefit for students is they can post stuff on the wall. If they post some right here, they can save the money for traveling around the school every day. So that lounge will be a good idea. I hope it has an accomplishment.beneficial for commuter students.


The lecture is a minute about university created has decided to create a lounge for the computer students, because there's commuter students who do not live on campus, providing them with a lot of students are not living space to socialize and relax. The woman in the campus. And in conversation expresses her approval of this plan, highlighting the conversation, the girl totally liked this idea. First, she thinks importance of such a lounge is like a central school life, in student life. She mentions how dormitory lounges have been beneficial for meeting people and getting academic help, emphasizing the convenience it offers. Additionally, she can find a lot appreciates the idea of people who sharing car rides to campus, which can help her in her own project, and it provides students save money on transportation. Overall, she believes the lounge will be a huge convenience. For the second reason, the girl likes it, is they can share the car ride if they live together. In that case, it saves money valuable addition for the transportation. So, like it's a really good idea for creating a lounge. Yeah.commuter students.


The women think woman believes that the United States university's plan is nice and because in a positive one. She appreciates the past they have too much people in there but now they build creation of a new place lounge for students, it's not as it provides a less crowded like before and also space compared to the place past. Additionally, she mentions that the lounge can help the aid students to do in their schoolwork and the students also can allow them to share their funny or interesting things with other students and it's also helpful and in this place they also can save the money because in the past maybe they go to school and need more cards but now they also need one card to go to school So for the women, she thinks the United States plan their peers. The bulletin board feature is best for students and also helpful highlighted as a way for students to live theresave money through carpooling. Overall, she views the plan as beneficial and conducive to student life.


The university announced that the university will plans to create a lounge for commuter students to provide a space for socializing, relaxing, and sharing useful information. The female student agrees with this idea because they think she believes that it can help having a lounge will allow students to socialize and relax, and second that students can share some useful information there, and the female students agree with this idea. This one is that because if there is no lounge, students just watch TV, and if there is lounge, they can communicate interact with others, and maybe others can potentially receiving help their own school work. And second that, sometimes with schoolwork. Additionally, she mentions the benefit of students want being able to share their own opinion, but they don't have the planned fare, so if there is a lounge, they can share their own opinion, and they can also ride information to save some money to get one card.on transportation.


In the proposal, the The university decided plans to create a lounge for the commuter students for two main reasons. Firstly, it aims to provide similar advantages to those living in on-campus dormitories. Additionally, the lounge will feature a bulletin board to share essential information tailored to the needs of commuter students. The first point for that is, it is beneficial for them since it has the same advantages as the students who live in the dormitory on campus. And secondly, it provides a blue-toned board which shares information and it is useful to satisfy students' needs. And the students in the lecture, it is really agree with discussion support this proposal. Firstly, he suggests that it One student highlights the potential for socializing and relaxation in the lounge, similar to dormitory lounges where they can share the times and numbers of the dormitories as it can provide the watch TV and take study breaks. The other student emphasizes the breaks during the leisure time. And secondly, the posting, it is very beneficial since it could be very helpful for the importance of posting information, such as ride-sharing opportunities, to help students to know their rights and money on transportation.


So the The university wants plans to build create a lounge for commuter students who don't live on campus, providing a space with couches, chairs, and a television, as well as a bulletin board for sharing information. The woman believes this is a beneficial idea as it will offer commuter students a place to socialize and relax, similar to dormitory residents. She also sees the students that do not live value in the campus dormitory and provide a great environment bulletin board for them to sit, some poster stuff and others. And the woman thinks it's a really good idea and it will be useful for those students. So she thinks it's really useful because the sharing important information, like ride-sharing opportunities, which can help students will use a lot of time for their campus and in the dormitory and it's essential for their life. And she also thinks the poster stuff is a great idea because sharing some information during their university time is really possible and it's important for students to get some information and they can also save their money because they can use one card.on transportation.


The girl was happy that the university noticed that point. It's 100% at what she's hoping. There were two reasons. First, there are many students spend their time and self-study woman in the dormitory. It's kind conversation expressed her approval of center the university's plan to create a lounge for commuter students. She believes that this initiative will be beneficial as it will provide a space for students to socialize and relax, similar to the lounges available to dormitory residents. Additionally, she mentioned the importance of student's life. And the second point is, if many students study in this place, it also having a bulletin board for sharing information that could help her academic performance. Also, if they go together, it also could be particularly helpful for commuter students, such as organizing carpooling to campus to save their money because they can rotate in similar car to help their save more money.


The university has decided to provide these computer students with create a special lounge for commuter students in the student centers center, equipped with couches, chairs, and also it is very helpful a television. This initiative aims to provide a space for students to socialize and relax. Because many students do not live in dormitories and also they live in other towns so it spend a lot of time for them relax, similar to travel to school. And the advantages enjoyed by dormitory residents. The woman in the lecture conversation expresses her approval of this plan, highlighting the girls think it is importance of central spaces like lounges in fostering student connections and aiding in academic endeavors. She also mentions the value of a nice decision because she thinks the school centrals can bulletin board for posting information, such as ride shares, which could help students to do their schoolwork and also the post team staff, they can meet a lot of other students and socialize and to make friends. And also it is, it can save a lot of money for them because they can travel to school in one cart together.on transportation.


The university announces that it will has decided to create a special dormitory lounge for commuter students because it can be very useful to satisfy their special in the student center, equipped with couches, chairs, and particular needs. And a television. The woman in the woman totally agrees with discussion supports this plan for two main reasons. First, Firstly, she thinks it believes that the lounge will allow students to socialize and meet new people, similar to the experience dormitory residents have in their lounges. She mentions how she personally benefitted from meeting helpful students in the lounge during her first semester. Secondly, she appreciates the idea of a bulletin board in the lounge where students can really share information, such as organizing carpool rides to campus. This feature could help students to get to know many people in the lounge. And she said that she met students who really helped her with her study a lot, like they met in the lounge. And the second reason is it can really provide a place that helps students because some students want to get together and the lounge really provides a perfect place for them to gather save money on transportation costs by traveling together.


The reading is talking about university plans to have create a break room lounge for students. They can talk commuter students to socialize and relax relax, similar to those available in dormitories. The woman agrees with this idea, mentioning that room because they think some students live in living off-campus lack such spaces for interaction and study breaks. She believes the town or the countryside. So they have spent many time lounge will facilitate connections among students and enable practical benefits like carpooling to get to school so the break room can help them to have time to break. And in the lesson the woman agreed with that. She is saying because people have many time and they need to talk with others so they have a place to help them. And second is they can make students get together and such as they can share their car and they can go into school in one money on transportation.


In the plan, it says that the The university will plans to create a lodge lounge for commuter students to who do not live out of the on campus. And also, in the lodge, it This lounge will provide some have chairs, some televisions, and also some couches for socializing and relaxing. What's more, the equipment is also the same as the equipment at the dormitory. And what's more, relaxing, similar to dormitory lounges. Additionally, there will be some volunteering bulletin boards on the wall for posting and sharing information for students. And it's a conversation we might also think useful information. The woman believes this is a good idea because she off-campus students currently lack a central place to socialize and meet others like dormitory residents do. She also mentions that the students out benefits of the campus don't have the time sharing ride information to share with students, to watch TV in the lodge. And also, the posting board can also allow students to share together with other students instead of spending time traveling save money on the car.transportation.


The school published university has decided to create a lounge for commuter students in the launch student center. This lounge will have couches, chairs, and a television, along with a bulletin board for the sharing important information. The woman believes that this initiative is beneficial as it will provide a place for commuter student and it hopes that the launch can help them students to socialize and relax. And relax, similar to dormitory residents. She also mentions the importance of the lounge in facilitating student interactions and sharing useful information, such as organizing ride shares to campus. She feels that this lounge will enhance the launch they have the bulletin board on the wall to post and share information. And they think it will be useful college experience for the commuter students to their particular needs. And the women think that it was useful to do this. And for the commuter students, it can help them how to spend time with people in the launch and help them to meet together. So it will be very special to our people, their college life. And it can be interesting to their college life and can share some information on the campus to help communicating with each other.students.