Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO40 Task3


Explain how the example in the lecture illustrates agonistic behavior.


Agonistic Behavior Within certain animal species, conflicts sometimes arise over resources such as territory or food. To resolve these conflicts, two animals of the same species may engage in agonistic behavior. With this type of aggressive behavior, the animals participate in a physical competition that demonstrates which animal is more powerful. While each animal attempts to prove its strength in the competition, it typically does so without harming the other animal. Once the winner is established, that animal gains access to the desired resources, while the weaker animal surrenders and leaves the area.


Narrator: Now listen to part of a lecture in a Biology class. Professor: I know some scientists who were observing snakes in the wild, and they witnessed an encounter of this sort between two rattlesnakes. Ah, as you may know, rattlesnakes eat various kinds of small animals, small animals that live underground in burrows, in little holes in the ground. And what these scientists saw was these two rattlesnakes had found the same hole, and both wanted to eat whatever food was in that hole. So, what happened was the two rattlesnakes faced each other, and then they lifted their bodies into an upright position and made themselves as tall as possible. And then they started pushing each other, kind of wrestling with one another. Each snake tried to gain control of the other snake. And what’s interesting is that during all this pushing and shoving and maneuvering, neither snake ever tried to bite the other snake, neither snake ever tried to injure the other snake. So then, after this went on for a while, one of the snakes finally gained control of the other snake, pushed it to the ground and held it there. At this point, the snake that was on top, could have easily bitten the other snake, but it didn’t. Instead, it just released the other snake. Just let it go. The snake that had lost just slithered away, and the snake that had won went down into the hole to look for food.


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And In the same species, two same, two animals, lecture, the same species, they compete to get a resource of food, but they won't harm others. Scientists gave professor discussed an example of a rare-eared snake. This is a really small animal that lives agonistic behavior observed in little holes under the ground. Scientists find two rattlesnakes. These snakes were competing for food found in the same hole there are two snakes, underground. Instead of resorting to violence, they engaged in a physical competition by pushing and they face each other, and they push each other and try trying to control each other. Surprisingly, neither snake attempted to harm the other during this interaction. Eventually, one snake gained control over the other, but instead of attacking, it simply released the defeated snake. But one thing surprised The loser then retreated, allowing the professor is neither of them try winner to beat others, and after one control, he win another talk, but he release access the others, he don't kill them, and food in the others go away. And this winner get to the hole and find food.hole.


The anorexic Agonistic behavior occurs when animals compete for resources and territories without harming causing harm to each other. And the The example illustrated provided by the professor is involves rattlesnakes, which is the animal living live underground and have limited territories to live. There was territories. In this encounter, two rattlesnakes encounter together and compete competed for this territory. And they was the same territory by trying to make themselves appear as tall as much as possible and pushing each other but other, all without bite each other. Eventually, attempting to bite. Ultimately, one of them gained the territory snake emerged victorious and released allowed the weaker snake.snake to retreat.


The lecture discusses conflicts between animals, where they engage in fights to determine a winner who gains access to resources and territory. An example of this is about seen in rattlesnakes, where two snakes compete for food in the two animals' conflicts. same hole. They start a fight push and wrestle without causing harm, with the winner will get other animals' resources controlling the situation and land. Some kinds of animals also can control them allowing the loser to look leave and search for food. For example, rattlesnake. Rattlesnake, maybe some snake have same hole and they face each other. They start to push each other and fight. The winner can control other snakes and maybe they can let them to go out and look for food


The lecture was talk about the anguinous discussed agonistic behavior, this behavior is when which involves competition within the same species try to compete something, they will not injure each others, and the speaker take without causing harm. The example of snakes. Then there are provided involved two snakes find encountering each other at the same hole in hole, both vying for the same location, resources within. They stood tall, pushed and they all want wrestled without biting, and one eventually gained control without injuring the other. The victorious snake then released the other, allowing it to occupy it, and then they face to face each other, and let themselves as tall as possible, and they try to control each others, but people surprise is that they never try to bite or injure others, and when the competition end, they just release and let each other go.slither away peacefully.


Well, "In the agnostic lecture, the example of agonistic behavior is that maybe sometimes animals may face some conflicts. To resolve these conflicts, was illustrated through the animals encounter between two rattlesnakes. These snakes were competing for food in the same species will engage in agnostic behavior. And for example, hole, showcasing a form of conflict resolution within the rattlesnake in the lecture zero of small animals. And one day, the scientists found that the two small snakes found a hole and they both want the food in the hole. So then they started to push each other and same species. Despite their physical competition, neither snake take part in attempted to harm the conflict. And when other. Ultimately, one snake control another snake and gained control, but instead of attacking, it was on the top, interestingly, it just simply released the other snake and then snake. This behavior highlights the other snake just go away. And the one snake just go to the hole and get the food.concept of agonistic behavior in animals."



The agonistic behavior is a behavior between depicted in the lecture involves two rattlesnakes vying for access to the same species of different individuals. In food source in a shared burrow. Rather than resorting to biting or causing harm, the example, there is snakes engage in a red-eared physical competition by pushing and wrestling with each other. Eventually, one snake which has lived underground, and gains control over the scientists have saw that there is the same hole, and there are two snakes, one is looking for food, and they face each other, and what's going next? They push each other, but in this way, they haven't bite or doing any aggressive notions, they just pushing each other, and in instead of attacking, it simply lets the end, the winner defeated snake push the loser to the ground and just release it away, and one snake have going to the hole to looking for the food.go. This example highlights how agonistic behavior can be resolved without causing serious harm.


The professors gave professor provided an example, snake. He thinks snake is a very unbelievable animal in the nature. For example, example involving snakes to illustrate agonistic behavior. In this scenario, two snakes compete with one food. Two snakes will face were competing for the same food source. They faced each other and raised their bodies to make the body possible be taller. And they will appear taller, then proceeded to push each other in a competition for the food. Interestingly, despite the physical competition, neither snake attempted to harm the other. This behavior showcases the controlled abilities of snakes and their tendency to compete the food. During the pushing times, they have a very interesting thing. The taller snake will don't beat with for resources without causing harm. This reluctance to harm each other. It means the snake have the controlled abilities. Why do snakes don't beat with each other? Because the snake, they are the same type of animals in the nature. So just other can be attributed to their shared species identity, where competition for food to compete, but don't hurt each other, just let it go.takes precedence over aggression towards one another.


The article is talking about the organismic behavior. It means that two lecture discusses agonistic behavior, where animals of the same species may enjoy this behavior. engage in competitive interactions. The professor gave shared an example. The example involving two small snakes will help each other rattlesnakes competing for food in a burrow. Despite the physical struggle, neither snake attempted to live. One snake is just harm the other. This behavior demonstrates the concept of agonistic behavior in the hole to see if the other snake will go out to find the food. That's the organism.animal kingdom.


This week is talking about some animals and maybe some animals if they can get The lecture discussed how two rattlesnakes engaged in agonistic behavior over a shared food and they will get more better. In this topic, in source. Despite their physical competition, neither snake attempted to harm the last part, the scientists find two snakes and other. Eventually, one snake is more better than the other one but the other one is away from the group gained control and the weaker one snake is at the top of the group.retreated.


This lecture is talking about In the lecture, the professor discusses agonistic behavior and it means when the behavior, which refers to conflicts among animals have conflicts, they are rosing over resources such as like territory or food. And To resolve these conflicts, animals engage in aggressive behavior, demonstrating their strength. The stronger animal gains control of the resources, while the weaker one retreats. The example of the rattlesnakes in the lecture illustrates this behavior, as they competed for the same hole without causing harm to resolve it, the aggressive-behaved animals, they will demonstrate with animal-prey food. And the strong animals will establish its buildings and the weak animals will leave. And the professor says that animals are forcing some whole happens and it is possible. They push each other and fight with each other. For example, If one snake loses, it simply leaves the snakes, if one loses, they will leave the center to release it.area.


The example of agonistic behavior is about discussed in the lecture involves two snakes of the same species of animal in order competing for food. The snakes encountered a situation where they both wanted to fight for the food. And the professor gave evidence of the two snakes. Both then found access the same hole containing food. Rather than immediately resorting to biting or harming each other, the snakes engaged in a physical competition by pushing and want wrestling to get establish dominance. Eventually, one snake gained control over the food in other without causing harm, allowing the hole. And then first get a fight and push each other in order loser to get the food. And control another snake. And at the final time, they start to bite each other. And retreat while the winner just let claimed the loser


The example in the lecture illustrates agonistic behavior is that within counter-animal species, through the competition between two rattlesnakes over food. Despite both snakes wanting to eat from the same hole, they always compete engaged in competitive behaviors without causing harm to complete each other. Eventually, one snake gained control and the other retreated, allowing the victorious snake to access the food when some times are win, so in the others will get away. So there is an example for the snake, they communicate with the food, so they compete with the competitive behaviors, but the one side was full that they will get away and the others feed inside to get the food, so this hole. This behavior is called the exemplifies agonistic behavior.behavior within animal species.


There are In the wild, two rattlesnakes in the wild and they found encountered the same hole with food inside. They faced each other, vying to be taller, and both of them want engaged in pushing without causing harm. The victor then graciously released the other snake, allowing it to find the food in the hole. So they face to each other and they compete who is taller and they push each other and during the pushing, neither of them try to injure each other. And finally, the winner will let the loser go but not hurt the loser and the loser just leave the space.depart unharmed.


In "In the biology class, the professor introduced the discussed agonistic behaviors. This is behaviors, where two animals of one species. They may the same species engage in agonistic behaviors. They will have a competitive. It can have many benefits. First competitive behavior. This competition serves to demonstrate which animal is make the animal more powerful. And it can let powerful and allows the loser go. One to retreat without harm. An example is a provided was that of rhino slug. This slug is a slugs, small animal and it will animals that live in a hole. And if holes. When two slugs find encounter the same hole, they will have a competition. They will face each other and push each other other, push, and try to control others. And finally, a one another. The winner slug can live gains access to the hole while the loser retreats. This behavior exemplifies agonistic behavior in the hole and the loser will let it go. So this is called agonistic behavior.animal kingdom."


The concept of agnostic agonistic behavior is that two different involves individuals in one of the same species will fight competing for one a single thing that they all want. And desired resource. The victor claims the winner can get resource while the thing and enjoy defeated individual retreats. In the thing. And the loser has to just go away secretly and not show up. So lecture, the professor gives discusses an example in the lecture which is about instance of this behavior between two snakes, two small animals that live underground snakes seeking access to a shared burrow. Both snakes stood tall and they are fighting for pushed each other without attempting to harm one hole. And they all want to put their foot in. And so they act as tall as possible and push each other. And the another. The snake that successfully pushed another snake down will be the winner. And the winner can get the hole to put the foot in and the other will go away.down claimed the burrow, while the defeated snake retreated.


Logos Agonistic behavior is mean that refers to when animals of the same type of animals fight each other and species engage in conflicts to fight establish dominance or access to resources. The lecture example discussed two rattlesnakes competing for something. In this thing, the professor gave an example is snake, the Rotom snake. It's a weak snake so it just can live in the hole. One day, the two same type snakes find the hole in the same time. And they fight. The fight with is that they want others hole to look like they are more higher find food. Despite their aggressive behavior of pushing and more tall. And they want wrestling, neither snake attempted to bite others. And then harm the other. Eventually, one snake gained control without causing harm, allowing the loser to retreat and the winner snake get the hole but to the inner surprise, the winning snake doesn't kill the weak snake and the lose snake to find the other for food elsewhere.


The agonistic "Agonistic behavior means the involves animals participate engaging in a physical competition that to demonstrate with the animals. their strength. The professor gives illustrates this concept with an example about involving snakes. These snakes to prove it. The snakes live in shared a hole and wanted the same hole and they also eat food at the same hole. food. They face faced each other, they push each other pushed and they grow up each other. Then they found wrestled without harming one another. Eventually, one snake gained control but didn't harm the things that a snake can control another snake, but they just let them go because they have other, showing the need to protect their food. So maybe this is the resources. This example effectively showcases agonistic behavior.behavior."


In the reading passage, the writer talked about the central author discussed how conflicts can arise among animal spices arise species over territory or food, leading to agonistic behavior. The professor in the lecture provided an example of this with two snakes competing for food to resolve these conflicts. Some spices may energy in a genetic behavior. And in the listening, the professor mentioned an example for this. There are two snakes, hole. They faced each other, pushed and the snake is a kind small animal. The snake has some hole. And one day, two snakes face each other. And they push each other and want tried to control them. And they want to spite each other. Energy other snakes. And finally, one another without biting. Eventually, one snake control gained control, but instead of harming the other snake. And on the top of day 8, maybe we think other, it will spite the other snake. But he didn't do that. He just simply let the other snake go go.


In the reading, we can know the agnostic learn that agonistic behavior is a type of aggressive behavior to participate involves animals engaging in physical competition that domestics to determine the more powerful one. The lecture provided an example with animals think is more powerful. And in the lessoning, the professor gave an example, it's about two small snakes. They put them rattlesnakes competing for food in the same hole and hole. Despite their attempts to gain control, neither snake harmed the fish is upset. They want to have the food and the fish is upset, want to contradict about it. But they never be successful. In the end, the two snakes, other. Eventually, one snake controls another's body and managed to dominate the beast other but chose not to harm it, allowing the defeated snake to retreat. This demonstrates how agonistic behavior can kill them, but it did not. They leave the snakes to go and snakes take the weight in here. And another beast did not kill the resolved without causing harm.


In the lecture, the professor is talking about non-stake behavior, discusses agonistic behavior and he gives provides an example about ratiosnacks involving rattlesnakes and which small animals live in the underground, and like there are living underground. When two snacks find snakes found the same hole, and then the snacks will face they faced each other and stand to see which one is taller, or stood tall, pushing each other, what's interesting, they will try other without trying to bite other snacks, however the bite. The winner didn't push eventually pushed the other one on snake to the ground, ground but chose not to harm it, simply letting it just released it, and just let them go, and this is a non-stake behavior.go. This behavior exemplifies non-aggressive interactions in animal conflicts.


We implement In the analytic behavior, lecture, the professor discusses how two rattlesnakes engaged in agonistic behavior over a hole with food. They didn't harm each other but pushed and wrestled to establish dominance. The winning snake didn't bite the other but let it says, the stronger animal will beat with the smaller animal. They will fight and the winner will establish its own living, and the beakers will live away. The listening, the professors talk about a kind of snakes, and they will beat and they will fight for a hole, and when they face each other, they will beat each other.go, showing how agonistic behavior determines access to resources.


In the reading passages, the writer claims passage, it is mentioned that there is a conflict between different conflicts can arise among animals because of the land, due to factors like territory, food, terrorists, and other elements. In the lecture, the professor proclaims resources. The lecture provides an example of rhino snakes. involving rattlesnakes. These small snakes are small live underground and live underground. When when they face their encounter a predator or another snake, they will face stand tall and push each other and make their body become tall. Then they will use their body to push each other. In general, without causing harm. Usually, the winning snake pushes the other animals which won the competition will push it underground, but interestingly, it lets the defeated snake will let it go and resist him.without harm.


In this the lecture, we talk about isolated geologist behaviors and its fine the professor discusses agonistic behavior in animals, where conflicts arise over territory or food. These taste some Two animals engage in competition, with the stronger one gaining access to the resources while the weaker one surrenders and leaves. The example given involves two snakes fighting over a hole, pushing and wrestling without causing harm. The stronger snake gains control of the species that hole, while the energies will get the space in this for the behavior. Two animals participate commutation, and the more powerful will get it, and the weak animals surrounding and leave the sea. For the story, a professor talks about snakes. They say two snakes find the same hole, and they both want to have the hole, so they fight with each other and push each other. The strongest snakes get the hole, and the weak snakes get out, and they just kill.weaker one retreats without being harmed.


The professor's example the professor gave us is that involved two small snakes, the rattlesnakes and a very small snake on the ground. So in the winter they live competing for food in the same hole and they have during winter. They both needed to eat the same food, but the limited food is limited. So the two snakes will stand as high as available, so they are possible. Then they push stood tall and pushed each other and injure each other. And finally, without causing harm. Eventually, one snake will gained control other snakes. So without biting the top snakes will have some advantages. And they are just other. The victor then let the defeated snake go, allowing it to release other snakes, but not to fight others. So the lost will run away and not eat and the winner will have retreat while it searched for food.


The lecture example showcases agonistic behavior through the interaction between two rattlesnakes. These snakes, both seeking the same resource in a hole, engage in a competition where they push and wrestle with each other to establish dominance. Despite the lecture is snakes. Agonistic behavior is two kinds of two animals in one kind compete intense physical interaction, neither snake attempts to have one resource. The example is snake, two rattlesnakes, small snakes, two find one hole. When two snakes find one hole, they are having a competition. Two snakes face each other, pushing each harm the other. These snakes try Ultimately, the victorious snake simply releases the defeated one, allowing it to bite another. And at last, retreat while it claims the rattlesnake on the top release other snakes. Not to kill other snakes.sought-after food.


So, In the lecture, the professor discusses agonistic behavior is the behavior between animals when they want to get exhibited by two rattlesnakes competing for food in the same resource, hole. Despite both snakes wanting the animals will compete, and usually it's resources, they engaged in physical compete with competition without attempting to harm each other and the winner will get the resource. In the example, the professor leads the example other. The winning snake eventually gained control of the snake, which is very small and live on the ground, and when two snakes, they find the same hole and want to get the food and live in the hole, they will compete with each other and they will face to face and then push each other when somebody can't control themself, they control them, so if one snake is winning, he control another snake, the snake will kill another snake, and the snake will just let the other snake go, so that's all.but chose not to injure it, allowing the loser to retreat.


The example is about the involves two rattlesnakes, they face each other, and the two snakes start pushing rattlesnakes facing each other and try engaging in pushing and wrestling to against. And after a while, establish dominance. Eventually, one snake win, and one snake fall, and emerges victorious, while the one is control another snake, and another snake which are fall, they leave the place. And this is other retreats, showcasing agonistic behavior. And this kind This behavior entails competition between animals of behavior is the two, the same animal, they compete species for resources, with the resource. And winner gaining access without causing harm to the harm other animal, and loser. In this case, the winner, they get resource. And winning snake simply released the faller, they will leave. And defeated one, allowing it just release the faller, and not harm another leave unharmed.


This kind In certain situations, two animals of series is that in some place, two the same kinds of animals want species may compete for resources without causing harm to get some resources and they will have a complication, but they will not hurt each other. And The example discussed in the example from the professor is that a kind of snake called rital snakes. They lecture involves rattlesnakes, which are small and underground animals, and they animals that live in a hole. And if burrows. When two rital snakes find rattlesnakes come across the same hole, hole containing food, they will face engage in a physical competition by pushing each other and start pushing each other, and one without attempting to bite or injure. The winner eventually gains control of them will try the other snake but chooses not to injure another snake. And when harm it, allowing the defeated snake to retreat while it won, it will just release the snake and go and don't hurt it.searches for food.


The agnostic "Agnostic behavior means that involves two animals of the same species may engage engaging in this situation. The professor gives a snake's example, conflict, as illustrated in the absorber snake and lecture with the random snake. They found example of two rattlesnakes. These snakes encountered the same hole with food inside, leading to a physical competition where they pushed and the hole is with a lot of food. They face each other and change the position, and they start pushing each other. They all want tried to control each other, but they don't want to truly harass each other. They just want the other snake to go away, and finally the without causing harm. Eventually, one snake controls the other snake successfully gained control and the other snake just go away and look for retreated to find another hole. source of food. This demonstrates how agonistic behavior is an example of agnostic behavior.used to resolve conflicts over resources."


Agonistic behavior means that involves competition among animals of the same species of animals that they want for resources, often leading to compete conflicts without causing harm. The lecture example showcases two rattlesnakes vying for the food and they might have a conflict and result and damage others. And the example in lecture is about a renal snake and there are two, the same species snake in the same hole and they want hole. They engage in a physical competition, demonstrating their strength without resorting to have food. So they are compete with each other but they face each other and you see who is more tolerant and they have conflict but they don't bite each other. And finally the biting. Eventually, one snake are win and it just release gains control, allows the other snake to leave this hole unharmed, and without hurting them. And the snake want to have claims the food in the hole by itself. That's it.for itself.


The same species of animals, they will have the annoyistic behavior in order to get food and other things. The professor gave an example that is the snake discussed in the wild that is called the rattlesnake near small and they all live underground. And two lecture illustrates agonistic behavior seen in animals of the same species. Specifically, the rattlesnakes will share one whole bowl and they will find bowls they want encountered by the scientists were competing for food in a shared burrow. Rather than resorting to eat. And then they will start biting or harming each other, the snakes engaged in physical competition by pushing and controlling. One snake wants to fight with other snakes that they want to get the whole for themselves. But they bite together and finally controlling each other. Eventually, one snake will win another snake emerged as the victor and they will release allowed the other snakes. So one one will get the whole to retreat. This behavior demonstrates how animals establish dominance and another one will get access to the ground and go resources without causing harm to another where to find food.each other.


The professor gave us shared an example about involving two snakes. The snake is a very These small animal on the ground. And one day, one snake went to find food. And in their find food, animals were searching for food when they meet another snake. They also find both stumbled upon the same food. And also, in the same heart, face to face, source. As they always want to eat this food. And faced each other, they want attempted to make them themselves taller in order to make them possible to eat this access the food. And they will begin to fight. And they push Subsequently, a physical altercation ensued, with each snake pushing the other on the ground. And they want ground to control the other snake, other snails. And they will have the energy to control these snakes. And finally, the establish dominance. Eventually, one snake will be injured and win this fight. But they didn't eat this snake. They just released. They just let emerged victorious without causing harm to the other. Rather than consuming its defeated counterpart, the winning snake go. So their behavior is very kind.simply released it, displaying a unique form of behavior.


Okay, "In the agonistic, it means that lecture, the animal always have the conflict with professor talks about agonistic behavior, which involves conflicts over resources like food or territory. And territory among animals. The stronger animal usually emerges as the winner always means it is more powerful and winner, while the weaker will live one retreats. The example given is about two rattlesnakes competing for the same hole. They engage in a surrounding place. And the professor gives us an example, is the rattlesnake. And there are two rattlesnakes, they want the same hole for their home. And they face each other and they begin physical competition without causing harm to pushing each other. And during this battle, no After one want snake gains control and pushes the other down, it doesn't bite other. And it was quite strange. And after one of but simply lets the rattlesnakes win this battle, it just release other snakes. And it is the example of agnostic behavior.defeated snake go. This behavior illustrates how animals establish dominance without resorting to violence."


From In the lesson material, lecture, the professor discusses agonistic behavior, which involves conflicts between animals over territory or food. When such conflicts arise, animals engage in physical competition to establish dominance. The example of two rattlesnakes fighting over a hole illustrates this behavior. Despite their aggressive behavior, the snakes did not attempt to harm each other. After one snake gained control, it introduces a definition called agonistic behavior. It means sometimes two animals arise a conflict because let the other snake go, demonstrating the resolution of the territory or the foods. At this time, they usually choose physical competition. If someone loses the competition, they will leave these areas. In the lesson material, the professor used two snakes as the examples. One day, two snakes find a hole and they all want to eat the food within the hole. So they have a fight. One snake starts to push the other snakes and they want to control the snakes and injure them.conflict without injury.


Ergonostic Agonistic behavior is a type of behavior that helps seen in animals to participate where they engage in physical competition more powerfully. to establish dominance. In the lecture, there is an example of a retail snake which is two rattlesnakes, small and lives underground. According to the researchers, they found and discovered two snakes living in animals that live underground, competing for the same hole. When they meet, The snakes try to assert dominance by pushing and wrestling with each other, without causing harm. Eventually, one snake tries to dominate the high place gains control and beats another snake. After a long time of fighting, the snake on the top position beats another. That's another snake to go away but not kill the other snake.surrenders, allowing the victor to access the resources without causing harm to the loser.


The example illustrates agonistic behaviors is behavior where two animals of the same species may engage in agonistic behaviors, and it's a physical competition. The example is about In the small animals, lecture, the snake. The two snakes face rattlesnakes faced each other and they want to push each other and gain control other snakes. And after without causing harm. The victor snake ultimately gains access to the final competition, the victor animals will have the desired resources, showcasing animal power.


"In the lecture, the professor discusses an example of agonistic behavior observed in snakes. When two rattlesnakes encountered each other over a shared food source, they engaged in a physical competition without causing harm to one another. Despite trying to gain control through pushing and maneuvering, neither snake attempted to bite or injure the other. Eventually, one snake emerged as the victor and the other retreated. This academic term, archeologist behavior, is to resolve the conflict with two behavior exemplifies how animals of the same species. That means these two animals may engage into this behavior. This means they will take a physical competition or demonstrate to show one of these are more powerful and more abilities. In the listening material, this shows a snack example. The professor says one snack and another snack compete. But at the end of the competition, one snack is the top and one snack is lost. This shows this term. This means the same species in the small animals in the burrows. This is the term meaning.compete for resources without causing serious harm."


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The reading passage introduced a the concept named of agonistic behavior metaset. This is an behavior, which involves aggressive behavior in physical competition to determine the physical competition, so more powerful animal who gains access to decide which animal is powerful and resources. In the winner can access the source. And in the lecture, lecture example, the professor gives an example talks about slugs. So two little slugs found the same home, so the two slugs will face that encountered a similar situation. Both slugs faced each other and against each other. So they try attempted to make assert dominance by making themselves as tall as possible, possible. Interestingly, neither slug attempted to harm the other. Eventually, one slug gained control, but neither instead of their slugs try injuring the other, it simply let it go. The defeated slug then retreated, while the victor went on to bite others or injure others. And so finally the slug is controlling the other slug, and they didn't kill the other slug, but just released him, and the lost slug just ran away and found another for food.


Agnostic behavior is a concept which Agonistic behavior, as mentioned in the articles, means the lecture, refers to conflicts between animals will conflict with others to arise over the resources like such as territories. The professor in the lecture talks about, makes provides an example of involving two rattlesnakes competing for the two rattlesnakes, that they all want one place to live, that they will fight together, that they will same living space. In this scenario, the snakes face each other, raise their bodies tall, and engage in pushing and wrestling without attempting to harm each other. Eventually, one snake gains control and lets the other and make their body more highest, and they start to push each others, and they will try to bite each others, and finally their white snakes fail. But the white snakes don't bite the snakes and let them go, but the feral snakes will leave.illustrating how agonistic behavior resolves conflicts among animals.


In The example in the negative, it illustrates lecture demonstrates agonistic behavior through the interaction between two snakes competing for food in the same hole. Despite both snakes being small and living underground, they engage in a godistic behavior physical competition by pointing out that there are two animals, snakes lifting their bodies upright and pushing each other without causing harm. Eventually, one snake gains control of the other without biting it, leading to the loser slithering away and the whale, and they are all small and they are all living in winner going into the ground, and they have the same form, and they feed each other hole to make them both become tall, and then they push each other, and finally they will bite each other, so that they will release other for food.


So this conflict, two animals of same species may engage in agonist behavior, and "In the lecture, the professor used discussed agonistic behavior using the example of rattlesnake two rattlesnakes. These snakes encountered a situation where they both wanted to illustrate the agonist behavior. And he found that there's two snakes and find the same hole and eat the same food, but they do not have enough food to eat, so they just stand up and as high as they want, as high as they can, and they're trying to push other. But in this process, there's none of them trying to bite other or trying to make them endure. So after that fight, one is pushing down, and the last one is go away, and the one one can stay and eat the food in the hole same hole. Instead of immediately resorting to violence, they stood tall and pushed each other without attempting to harm one another. Eventually, one snake gained control, but interestingly, it did not attack the other snake. It simply let it go, allowing the defeated snake to slither away. This example showcases how agonistic behavior can live in the hole.involve competition and dominance without causing physical harm."


Diagnostic Agonistic behavior is kind a type of animal behavior that after computation the animal won't bite, won't injure where animals compete but do not harm each other. The professor is professor's example to illustrate that. Imagine of two rattlesnakes illustrates this well. In this scenario, the situation the rattlesnake live in subterranean and they looking for rattlesnakes, living underground, both wanted the same hole. And the two rattlesnakes meet When they met, they raised their bodies and pushed each other without biting or injuring. Eventually, one snake gained control and what will happen? They will lift their body let the other go, showing agonistic behavior in the right position as big as they can and push each other. But during the pushing they won't bite each other or injure each other. And neither of them never try to bite others. And finally after the computation the on the top rattlesnake will get the hose and just leave the loser go. That is a diagnostic behavior.action.


The larger turbot's agnostic example in the lecture demonstrates agonistic behavior between the two snakes competing for food in the same hole underground. They face each other, push, and the animal has limited resources food and they should competition the resources and the powerful one will win and get try to gain control without actually harming each other. The winner gets access to all the food and in while the lecture they talk about example the two snakes they're in the one hole underground and they have all the food on this hole they face each other and they want to push in and bite each other to lead others out of the hole and they can get all of this.loser retreats.


For In this behavior, example of agonistic behavior discussed in the lecture, two animals, in this case, two snakes, are in a situation where they focus on the two animals. They want to find, because with both desire the same location resources, such as food or same food, territory. The stronger animal asserts dominance over the weaker one through physical competition, without causing harm. In the case of the snakes, they faced off by lifting their bodies and the strong animals will get this, and another one will leave. For the professor, they give an example. They have two snakes. The one is a calm and small, and they live in the underground. Another one is more strong or bigger than it. And now they get the same food, and when these two animals to face pushing each other, they want trying to punch each others. And they also need gain control without resorting to control each others. And now biting. Eventually, one snake emerges victorious, allowing the strong one other to bite each other and engage them. The finally, the strong animals to control the others, and finally they didn't to eat them or not the same. They just too lazy to go.retreat without any harm done.


Organistic "Agonistic behavior is a concept which means ways in which animal-species refers to conflicts sometimes that can arise over resources such as charity or food. To resolve these conflicts, choose among animals of the same species made over resources like territory or food. To settle these conflicts, animals engage in charge of these concepts. physical competitions. In the professor given an lecture example, the example is about snacks, little snacks. And if those two snacks find rattlesnakes encountered the same hole, they will fight first hole with potential food inside. They stood upright and use their body pushed each other without attempting to start pushing each other. And neither will try bite. Eventually, one snake gained control, but instead of harming the other, it just let it go. The defeated snake retreated, and the victor went into the hole to bite others. And finally, if the snacks who bring the games will get the hole, but neither one will just leave their for food."


Agonistic behavior is a kind of behavior that involves two animals of the same species use using physical competition to determine dominance. The winner gains access to resources while the loser retreats. In the lecture, two rattlesnakes exhibited agonistic behavior over a physical computation way to show which one is more powerful, and the winner will be established, and the weaker animal surrounding and leave the areas. So the professor used the example of two rotten snakes, and this kind of snake lives shared food source in a small hole, burrow. They stood tall, pushed each other without causing harm, and this time the two rattlesnakes want one eventually gained control without resorting to get in the same hole, want to get food in this hole, and so they try to get an agonistic way to get it, and each of them will make their thing like a totter and push others, but interesting, neither they try to beat others, and at last the winner one can kill the loser, but they don't.violence.


The example discussed in the lecture showcases agonistic behaviors is about the behavior, where two individuals within of the same species want to compete for a same shared resource without exhibiting resorting to harmful behaviors. The lecture uses a rattlesnake example to illustrate actions. In this kind of behaviors. It's about the case, two rattlesnakes face each other and they want to compete were observed vying for the same hole. hole to access food. They exhibit as tall as possible and they want stood tall, attempting to gain control over each assert dominance without causing harm. Eventually, one snake gained control, pushed the other without biting each other. So after one gains the control of the counterpart, they push to the ground and hold it. After that, ground, but chose not to bite. The defeated snake retreated while the winner just release the loser and the loser just leave away from victor proceeded to explore the hole while the winner can enjoy the food inside the hole.for food.


To resolve the conflicts, the two animals of the same species may engage in agonist behaviors, so that can make the animals more powerful. agonistic behaviors to establish dominance. In the lectures, lecture, the professor used an example of two red-eared rattlesnakes. These snakes lived underground and both wanted to explain. eat from the same hole. They faced each other, stood tall, and tried to control each other without biting. Eventually, one snake gained control, but instead of harming the other, it let it go. The two red-eared snakes all live defeated snake slithered away, and the victor searched for food in the underground, and they all find the same host to eat the food. So firstly, they face each other, and also they make themselves as tall as possible. And they all want to control others, but neither of them tries to bite each other. So finally, one snake uncontrols the other snake. But the snake that only relieves are the snakes, and also to get the food.hole.


Agonistic behavioral, illustrating behavior illustrates a kind of phenomenon amongst an animal to competition where animals compete with each other. And in this In the lecture, Professor uses one the professor gives an example between two snakes, which is called mating snakes. This is a small animal which is leaving the hole during the winter. And the interesting is there were involving two snakes from the same hole, and they both want to live in and eat the vying for food in a hole. Despite the hole. So obviously, they have a competition. So they faced with each other and fight with each other, like pushing. So finally, one of competition, the snakes win this competition. But even he gained engage in a physical struggle without causing harm to each other. Eventually, one snake emerges victorious but chooses not to harm the control of another snake, he didn't kill it. Instead, he released this snake and let him go.other, allowing it to retreat.


The agonistic Agonistic behavior is serves as a solution method for the resolving conflicts between two animals. And this can help to demonstrate who is the most powerful animal. And the professor gave an animals and determining dominance. The professor's example about there are of two rattlesnakes and one is safe competing for food in the same hole. And then hole illustrates this behavior. As they turn face faced each other, they raised their bodies to face appear taller and trying engaged in pushing each other without resorting to be pushing up their heads and trying biting. Eventually, one snake emerged victorious, demonstrating dominance without causing harm to be higher than others. And then they start to push each others. And pushes like very hardly but they never bite each other. And one is just a snake who wins this but they will never bite the other snakes.other.


They are talking about The lecture discusses how animals have a competition engage in competitions with other animals. But each other, where some will get lost, but some will win the compete. And they are talking about how the animals solve their energy and solve their home. They are talking about snakes. They are emerge as winners while others lose. It specifically focuses on snakes living underground and competing for food. Despite their aggressive behavior, the snakes do not harm each other but rather display dominance to claim their territory. It is intriguing that they never resort to biting, instead, one snake size was very small. So if asserts control and the other snake come eventually retreats, allowing the victor to their home, they will have a fight with other. But access the interesting is the two snakes will never bite other. They just be angry and to show to other snakes say you must release and you should go away with my home and go without for their food.resources.


Organistic Agonistic behavior is that occurs when two animals fight for the food and they have the engage in physical competition to demonstrate which animal is stronger their strength and to show that they are powerful and prove strength. And power. The lecture example of the professor gave us an example about the snakes, the two rattlesnakes and they are the small animals in the holes and one day two snakes found the same hole and illustrates this behavior, as they both want wanted to eat the food in the hole but they need to have a competition. So two snakes lift the bodies as tall as they can and they started pushing same hole. Without harming each other and during this process they never tried to bite each other and finally one of other, the snakes gained pushed and control the competition. They just released wrestled to gain control, with one eventually winning and the other snakes and don't kill it and have the food in the hole.surrendering. This demonstrates how agonistic behavior allows animals to resolve conflicts without causing serious harm.


In order "When it comes to raise over competing for resources such as like territory or food, two animals of the same species may engage in agnostic exhibit agonistic behavior. And the The professor mentioned shared an example of the observation. It's observation of involving two snakes, two rattlesnakes. The rattlesnakes observed by scientists. These snakes want both wanted to eat the food in the same hole hole, so they stood tall and they just face pushed each other without causing harm. Eventually, one snake gained control and pushed the other to rise up as tall as they can to push each other. But during the pushing, they just don't beat each ground. Interestingly, instead of attacking, the victorious snake simply released the other and won't get in control with went for the other snake. And later, one of it just get in control with another snake and it was pushed on the ground. But a snake which is wind, which is warm, just release a loose snake and let it go. And then it's food in the hole.hole."