Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO40 Task4


Using points and examples from the lecture, explain two strategies salespeople use to address customer concerns.


Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture from a Business class. Professor: All right, so, um, a good salesperson needs to know how to talk to customers effectively. Sometimes customers looking to buy products will raise concerns, things that may be keeping them from buying the product. And salespeople stand a much better chance of selling their products, if they can effectively address these concerns. Let’s look at a couple of strategies they use to address customers’ concerns. OK, now one strategy is to point out something special about the product, something that outweighs the customers’ concern, like a special feature. Like, say, a customer’s in an electronics store, and a salesperson’s showing her a portable laptop computer. The customer expresses a concern, saying the computer’s expensive. Well, that’s true, but the salesperson can provide information to outweigh the concern about the price, by pointing out how fast the computer is, how much work it can get done in a short time. This special feature may outweigh the customers’ concern, convince her that it’s worth the price, so she’s more likely to buy it. Now another strategy is to demonstrate something about the product, actually use the product in front of the customer in response to a concern. Going back to the electronics store example, say the customer raises concerns about whether the laptop is portable enough, that it looks like it would be difficult to pack up and carry. Well, the salesperson could address this concern by unplugging the computer, putting it into its carrying case and slinging it over his shoulder, right in front of the customer. That is, he can demonstrate how easy it is to transport. This demonstration may help eliminate the customers’ concerns about buying the computer.


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The professor says, tell the students discusses how to be an effective salesperson and retain customers. He highlights two strategies used by salespeople. Firstly, when selling a computer, which can be expensive, a good salesperson. The salesperson focuses on the product's special features, such as its speed and efficiency, rather than solely on the price. This helps to convince customers will buy your products, so of the product's value. Secondly, when addressing concerns about portability, a salesperson can demonstrate how to keep them there to buy your products? He gives two examples. One easy it is to sell a computer. Computers are expensive enough. But good sellers will address their products. For example, he will say how fast carry the computer is. And the computer will save you how much time in your life. And he will not talk about price. And the second example, he says, the computer is very big by showcasing its slim design and is not convenient to carry out. He will say the computer is thin. Putting it in your home is very big.ease of transport.


It's an economical example In the lecture, the professor discusses two strategies that the salesperson will talk salespeople use to the consumer and keep them from buying and there's a address customer concerns. One strategy and the customer will point involves pointing out special features of a product and there's two features. In that outweigh the customer's concerns. For example, it's in an electronic device store and they're buying electronics store, if a computer. If the consumer says it's customer finds a laptop expensive, the salesperson will point out can highlight its speed and efficiency to justify the advantages price. Another strategy is to convince demonstrate the price product to the customer. For instance, if a customer is worried about the portability of a laptop, the computer salesperson can show how easy it is very valuable. And the second feature, if the consumer says that it's difficult to transport, the salesman will easily demonstrate carry by putting it in a carrying case and show it's easy.slinging it over their shoulder. These strategies help salespeople address customer concerns effectively.


A good seller "A skilled salesperson can effectively communicate engage with their customers, and there are customers by utilizing two common strategies they usually use. key strategies. The first one is to point out something special. For example, they can point out special approach involves highlighting unique features of the product and outweigh the concern. to address customer concerns. For example, the instance, if a customer is concerned expresses worry about the computer's price, he thinks high price of a computer, the computer is too expensive. salesperson can emphasize its speed and efficiency in completing tasks swiftly. The seller can point out how fast the computer is and how many works this computer can finish in a short time. And the second strategy entails demonstrating the product in action. In the case of portability concerns, the salesperson can showcase how easy it is to demonstrate something. For example, if pack and carry the customer is concerned about laptop by putting it in its case and slinging it over their shoulder, providing a tangible solution to the portable, the sellers can point out the case they may be a mate.customer's worries."


A single person good salesperson needs to know how to talk effectively communicate with customers. In the lecture, two strategies were discussed. The first strategy involves highlighting special features of the product. For instance, emphasizing the speed and efficiency of a computer can help justify its price to the customer. The second strategy is to allow the customer to physically interact with the customer. There are two points from the lecture. The first one is to point out some special features about your product. For example, how fast is this computer? How much work can the computer work? You can figure out and give the customer a price to buy it. The next one is you can let the customer use the product after use. And you can analyze By demonstrating how easy it is to transport.transport, for example, the salesperson can address concerns about portability.


In general, customers are always having concern about whether they should buy the product "Customers often have concerns when considering a purchase, and it's crucial for a good skilled salesperson need to outweigh their concern and sell the product. The first of the technique address these concerns effectively. One strategy is stress to highlight the product's benefit. In the example being provided benefits. For instance, in an electronic shop, electronics store, if a customer is hesitant about the price of a laptop, the salesperson can emphasize how quickly the laptop operates, showcasing its efficiency. Another approach is being introduced to physically demonstrate the customer. Although it is expensive, the good seller can outweigh the concern by showing how fast the laptop works in a short time. The second one is demonstrate by product, such as showing how portable it is by showing easily carrying it in front of the customer, putting the shoulder and...alleviating any worries about its transportability."


A good proficient salesperson knows how to address customer's concern understands the importance of addressing customer concerns when the customer is considering to buy the things. making a purchase decision. One way to address effective strategy is to pull out the special things about highlight unique aspects of the product, like special features like how fast the computer such as its speed and efficiency in completing tasks. Another approach is and how much work it can do in a short time. The second is you can use to physically demonstrate the product in front of him. So in to the electronic shop, the customer says maybe it's difficult to carry, so you can carry it and show customer, like showcasing how easy it is to carry a laptop in an electronics store. By showcasing these features, salespeople can alleviate customer concerns and maybe he will buy it.increase the likelihood of a purchase.



Well, we all know that good sellers need to talk to the consumers efficiently, so there are two strategies "Well, as mentioned in the lecture that lecture, salespeople use utilize two strategies to address consumer concerns. customer concerns effectively. Firstly, to they can point out something special. special about the product, such as a unique feature that outweighs the customer's concern. For instance, in the electronics store scenario, if a customer finds a laptop expensive, the salesperson can highlight its speed and convenience to justify the price, making the customer more inclined to purchase it. Secondly, salespeople can demonstrate the product in response to a concern. For example, in if a customer questions the electronic store in portability of a laptop, the lecture, maybe the consumer may think that oh, the laptop salesperson can physically show how easy it is too expensive, so the sellers may outweigh the concern by saying that oh, it's so fast and it's really convenient, so the consumer will be more likely to buy it. Secondly, to demonstrate the concern. Maybe the consumer may think, consider if it's portable enough, so the salespeople may swing it through the shoulder to show it's really easy to transport by slinging it over their shoulder. This demonstration can alleviate the customer's worries and encourage them to make the consumer will be more likely to buy it.purchase."


From "In the business class, class lecture, the professor talked discussed how salespeople handle customer concerns by employing two key strategies. The first approach involves highlighting special features of the product. For instance, in the case of electronic devices like laptops, if a customer expresses concern about the consumers' confusions price, the salesperson can emphasize the speed and he explained two strategies that salespeople use efficiency of the computer to address customers' concerns. showcase its value. The first second strategy revolves around addressing specific issues. If a customer doubts the portability of a product, such as a laptop, the salesperson can demonstrate its ease of transport by physically showcasing how convenient it is to point out some special features. He gave examples such as electronic devices. If carry. By implementing these strategies, salespeople want to sell can effectively alleviate customer concerns and increase the likelihood of a laptop and if customers think it's expensive and they have a concern of price, so the salespeople should tell more information like how fast the computer is and it will work very fast. And the second strategy is to address problems. If the customers maybe think it's not properly enough, so the salespeople should avoid it.successful sale."


How many good sellers can affect you "A crucial skill for effective salespeople is the ability to talk communicate with consumers? There are customers. In the lecture, two strategies. strategies were discussed. The first strategy is to point out something special of products, just like involves highlighting special features of a product to express concern about. Some consumers will express concern about price, and some of them will concern address customer concerns. For instance, if a customer is worried about the performance price of computer. And a laptop, the salesperson can emphasize its speed and efficiency to show its value. The second strategy is to respond consumers' concern. A salesperson will use guarantee case demonstrate the product in response to let consumer know concerns. By showcasing how easy it is to transport, so they are more likely to buy transport the concern product. Thank you.laptop, the salesperson can alleviate the customer's worries and increase the likelihood of a purchase. These strategies play a key role in successful sales interactions."


It's "It's true that some customers are concerned have concerns about whether keeping one stuff to keep or buying one stuff. And what the sellers buy certain items. Salespeople can do, they can make employ two different strategies. strategies to address these concerns. The first strategy is point out the special point of the stuff. Like you can point involves highlighting the special features of the stuff. When the customers are concerned product. For instance, if a customer feels that the laptops are a laptop is too expensive, you the salesperson can talk to her or him about how fast it is. And how can it work effectively emphasize its speed and efficiency in a short time. And it can limit their completing tasks quickly, thus alleviating the price concern. And the The second strategy is to demonstrate the advantage product's advantages. For example, if a customer questions the portability of a laptop, the stuff. Like the customers are asking the sellers whether it is portable. You salesperson can just put easily pack it into a bag to showcase its transportability. This demonstration effectively addresses the bag and to show the customers how it is portable. And it can also limit the concerns from customers.customer's concerns."


This project tells us The lecture discusses two different ways how the strategies that salespeople can sell their products. They gave us some use to address customer concerns, focusing on examples about related to computers. Maybe these computers are too expensive, but the salespeople, at In the first way, they strategy, salespeople can show that this highlight the speed and power of the computer to outweigh concerns about its price. They can also physically demonstrate how easy it is more quickly and more powerful. And maybe they to transport the computer, addressing any worries about its portability. These strategies can use this way help convince customers to show this computer. But if these computers have another way, because they can use some way to show, like these computers, they can take away. And it's very easy to take out, to lose. So, it's...make a purchase.


Let's talk about "Let's discuss sales strategies for addressing customer concerns. One effective approach is highlighting the business sale, like how to talk to consumers, and unique features of a product. For instance, if the consumer wants to buy the products, the seller needs some way to make the consumer buy it. There are two good ways. First, to point out the special of this product, like the product's special feature. If the consumer says a customer mentions that the a computer is too expensive, the seller needs salesperson can shift the focus to avoid the price its speed and take to the computer quickly. And second productivity. Another strategy is to mention something about demonstrating the product, like how easy to translate.showing its ease of use. By showcasing these aspects, salespeople can alleviate customer concerns and increase the likelihood of a purchase."


A good sale nurse has some skilled salesperson employs various strategies to sell enhance product sales efficiently. One such strategy involves outweighing the products more quickly. So disadvantages. For instance, when a customer is interested in purchasing a computer, the first salesperson can highlight the product's advantages to counter any concerns the customer may have. Additionally, another strategy is that to outweigh the disadvantage. So for example, educate the customer wants on using the computer effectively to buy garner a computer, so the sale nurse always outweighs the disadvantage also, only to tell the customer the strategy. And the first positive response. An example of this is demonstrating how easy it is to teach transport the customer how to use the computers and has the higher response. So there is also an example, they teach the customer how to transport at ease to show the machine is easy to work.machine, showcasing its user-friendly nature.


There "There are two strategies that the good sell people salespeople use to address customer concerns and persuade them to buy their product. products. The first strategy is about to point out involves highlighting the advantages of their product have. They may then point product. For instance, they can emphasize a special feature, such as the special feature so that just like even the computer have speed of a high price but they will point that their computer is very fast. computer, to justify a higher price. The second strategy is about to demonstrate each product just like carrying the product to the buyer's home.customer, like showing how easy it is to carry the laptop to address concerns about portability."


If "In the consumers don't know what they want lecture, the professor discusses two strategies that salespeople use to buy and the good sales, they will suggest them to buy them and they have two strategies. Strategy one, they will point address customer concerns. The first strategy involves pointing out something special about the product to attract customers. For instance, if a customer finds a laptop expensive, the consumers. salesperson can highlight its fast performance to justify the price. This special feature can persuade the customer to make the purchase. The second strategy involves demonstrating the product to alleviate customer concerns. For example, if a customer doubts the portability of a laptop, they will concern them and if they think it's expensive and the sales will give them some sales to outweigh the consumers' concern. Second, when the consumers demonstrate something, for example, also laptop and the consumers, it's difficult to make decision. Uploading computer and the good sales, they will demonstrate salesperson can show how easy it is to transport so by putting it in a carrying case. This demonstration can help the consumers will willing to pay for customer feel more confident about buying the laptop.product."


In the lecture, you talk about how the professor discusses strategies that salespeople use to make the consumer buy and produce a product. The meaning address customer concerns. One approach is about you can show highlighting the positive aspects of the product and make to outweigh any concerns the consumer surprised or happy and they will buy it. customer may have. For example, you can show instance, showcasing how easy it is to transport. This transport a laptop can demonstrate its convenience, potentially convincing the customer to make a purchase. Another strategy involves actually demonstrating the product to address specific concerns, such as showing how portable the laptop is the positive by packing it up in front of the product customer. These strategies aim to alleviate customer doubts and increase the consumer will know it and also buy it.likelihood of a successful sale.


Salespeople need to control some employ various strategies to let people encourage customers to buy the purchase a product. So, one One such strategy is that pulling the involves highlighting special pieces features of the product, like in such as showcasing the electronic store, there's an expensive laptop, speed and the salesperson will give the special feature, like how many works it could do, how fast it is. And then the buyer will forget the emotion efficiency of a laptop computer to justify its higher price. By emphasizing these unique aspects, customers may overlook concerns about cost and think it's the worst price. And another be more inclined to make a purchase. Another effective strategy is to physically demonstrate the product, product to address customer concerns, like showing how easily a portable laptop can be carried compared to compare with a heavy laptop heavier model. These demonstrations help alleviate doubts and show this laptop is how easy reassure customers about the user can carry. So, that's all.product's usability.


The professor gave us discussed two strategies of cell people used that salespeople use to address customers' customer concerns. First is that the cell people Firstly, salespeople can talk to the customers and show highlight the special features of their laptops. First, laptops to customers. For instance, if a customer is hesitant due to the customers are looking for expensive laptops, you high price of a laptop, the salesperson can tell them emphasize how fast the computers can run computer operates and how much work efficiently it can this computer do efficiently, and they will consider buying it. The second handle tasks, which may persuade the customer to make a purchase. Secondly, another strategy is to demonstrate involves demonstrating the product in front of the customers. First, customer. In the customers may think this computer case of concerns about portability, the salesperson can physically show how easy it is not very capable and think the weight to carry. So you can use your body language to show them. You can carry the computers or laptops laptop by putting it in front of them a carrying case and show that slinging it over their shoulder. This demonstration can alleviate the computer or customer's worries about the laptops are capable and it's not a worry.product.


In the lecture, the lecturer points out professor discusses two points of salespeople's selling strategy. strategies that salespeople use to address customer concerns. The first is point strategy involves highlighting special thing, like special feature. As an example is features of the product to outweigh any concerns customers may have. For instance, if a customer says mentions that a computer is too expensive. The salespeople need to say expensive, the salesperson can emphasize how fast is this the computer operates to minimize the concern of customers. show its value. The second way strategy is to physically demonstrate products that customers use the product to diminish their concern. Like customers think laptop alleviate customer concerns. For example, if a customer doubts the portability of a laptop, the salesperson can showcase how easy it is portable. The salespeople unplugging the computer put to pack up and carry by actually putting it in the bag to show how portable is the laptop.a bag.


In this class we talk about lecture, the consumers and first we talk about professor discusses strategies salespeople use to address customer concerns. One strategy involves highlighting a special feature of the effect. Maybe we have an example first. The consumer wants product that outweighs the customer's concern, such as the speed of a laptop computer. By emphasizing the benefits, like how quickly work can be done, the salesperson can convince the customer that the product is worth the price. Another strategy is to buy physically demonstrate the product to address a computer but she thinks concern, like showing how portable the laptop is by putting it is very expensive. Actually it is very expensive but the seller just says look how fast it works and how fast it works down in a short time. So you just don't concern for carrying case and slinging it over the expensive parts, shoulder. This hands-on approach can alleviate the works customer's worries and another. It says make them more likely to purchase the consumer has a laptop and just let's put the laptop behind the computer. So that will make the consumer very happy. That makes the consumer say it is suitable for the computers.product.


In "In the lecture, the professor set discussed how a topic that a good skilled salesperson knows should understand their customers well. And then she provides She presented two ways with her students. First of all, strategies for addressing customer concerns. Firstly, a salesperson can highlight something special about the way is to point out something special. product. For example, the salesperson shows instance, when showing a laptop computer to the customers. Of course, it is kind of expensive. But a customer, despite its high price, the salesperson can show emphasize its unique features and functionalities to capture the special of the computer, like some different functions, and make the customers be interested. And the second customer's interest. Secondly, another approach is to physically demonstrate something from the product. The By showcasing how easily portable the laptop is and elaborating on its special attributes, the salesperson can demonstrate how easy it can transfer engage the customer and introduce more specials in order to attract increase the customers' attention and want to buy it.likelihood of a purchase."


In this the lecture, the professor gave discussed two examples for the strategies that salespeople use to address customers' customer concerns. The first is that strategy involves addressing a student thinks customer's concern about the computer is too expensive, price of a product by highlighting its special features, such as the speed and efficiency of a laptop computer. By emphasizing these qualities, the salespeople not to let salesperson can convince the important things into the price. But the salespeople introduce how fast the computer is, what work it can fit, so it lets the consumer think customer that the computer product is worth the price, so that price. The second strategy involves demonstrating the product to the customer to alleviate their concerns, like showing how easy it can stop some other things, just like he won't want is to buy it. And transport the second example is that laptop. These strategies help salespeople effectively address customer concerns and increase the salespeople lead the consumer to think that things are worth.likelihood of making a sale.


In the lecture, the professor explained discussed two strategies salespeople use employ to address customer concerns. First, the first example is that the Firstly, salespeople maybe to point out the can highlight special features of a product. For instance, if a customer expresses concern about the price of a laptop computer, the salesperson can emphasize its speed and even the customers think that the computer is expensive, but the salespeople point out the computer is faster, it's run faster, and very efficient, and in this way, efficiency, showcasing its value. This can persuade the customer will think that it's worth to see the price, and product's worth. Another strategy is to demonstrate the next example is also product to address specific concerns. For example, if a customer doubts the portability of a laptop, the salesperson can show how easy it is toto pack up and carry, alleviating the customer's worries.


Okay, the next thing, the The professor introduced the sales efficient, discussed how salespeople can effectively address customer concerns by using specific strategies. One strategy involves highlighting special features of a product, like a fast-operating laptop computer, to the sales can be efficient to sell the products. Then they gave two strategies of the company. One is the outweigh concerns about price. Another strategy is to special physically demonstrate the features and product, such as showing how easily portable the laptop is by putting it can, and they gave us an example, the computer. When the sellers sell the computers, they will tell consumers this computer have the efficient, have the operate fast and the work done things can just at times and it's fastly and quickly. And the second strategy is about the, and the second strategy is in a carrying case. These strategies help salespeople convince customers to give enough to pick up and this computer can put into the things, can just domestic transfer the another things into the consumer.make a purchase.


In the listening, lecture, the professor showed discussed strategies for salespeople to address customer concerns. One strategy is to highlight a special feature of the product that how to live outweighs the customer's day. She talked about how to keep, buy concern, such as the products and sell the products. She mentioned that we should appoint something special and special feature for these things. And she mentioned an example for this, the salesperson's speed of a laptop computers. And some customers think this computer is too expensive. And then we should appoint how computer. For example, if a customer finds the computer expensive, the salesperson can emphasize how fast it is and how efficiently it can slow many things. So they want work. Another strategy is to buy this computer. And demonstrate the product in front of the customer, like showing how easy it is to transport the laptop is not enough. We should address consumer's computer by putting it in a carrying case and shoulder easy is slinging it over the shoulder. This hands-on demonstration can alleviate the customer's worries and make them more likely to transport. So they want to buy purchase the computer more willing.product.


The professors list professor discusses two examples strategies that salespeople use to talk about the selling products. address customer concerns. The first example is that to point the strategy involves highlighting something special about the product. In For instance, in an electronics store, if a customer is worried about the electronic stores, price of a laptop computer, the buyers try salesperson can emphasize its speed and efficiency to concern justify the electronic mass by cost. This special feature can persuade the customer to make the purchase. The second strategy is for the salesperson to make out physically demonstrate the product to alleviate customer concerns. For example, if a way and to concern customer questions the buyers. And to buy portability of a laptop, the electronic things. And the second salesperson can show how easy it is to respond pack up and carry, convincing the salesperson to concern the buyers. The salesperson is easy to transport to attract the buyers.customer of its convenience.


Good seller is know A skilled salesperson knows how to talk effectively communicate with customers by highlighting the consumers, just like they will tell them the product really good on their unique aspects of a product, just like they can point out the special on their product, like the such as its special features. For example, just instance, when selling electronic devices like electronic devices, for example, computers, customers may be hesitant due to the computer, lots of times consumer will not choose high price. However, a good salesperson can emphasize the computer because computer's speed and efficiency to demonstrate its value, ultimately persuading the computer is really expensive, but it is true. But customer to make a purchase. Another strategy involves showcasing the good seller know how product's distinct qualities compared to touch others in the consumers, like use market, influencing the very specialist feature, like to show how fast their computer is, in a short time their computer can use how fast, so it will control the consumer's attention, so it will buy it. And the other point is, it will show the difference from the other product, so it will control the purchase.customer's decision-making process.


Good sellers salespeople always want aim to talk communicate effectively with consumers in order the consumers can buy their product. Here there customers to encourage them to make a purchase. There are two strategies. key strategies discussed in the lecture. The first one is point out strategy involves highlighting the special features. In features of the electric stores, product. For instance, in an electronics store, if a customer is concerned about the consumers want to buy high price of a laptop, the computer but it's expensive. So you salesperson can show them showcase how fast and how fast it can run so efficient the consumers will think it worth the money. computer is, emphasizing its value. The second strategy is you can to physically demonstrate the product in front of the consumers. You can use the product. And there is to address customer concerns. Using the same example in electronics store scenario, if a customer doubts the electric store. If portability of a laptop, the consumer want to buy a laptop and they think it's difficult to carry when they want to use, you salesperson can put easily pack it into the bag a carrying case and then put the whole bag on sling it over their consumer's shoulder to show that it's easy showcase its convenience. These strategies are essential for salespeople to carry. So there are the two strategies the good sellers use to talk effectively engage with the consumers.customers and address their concerns.


As far "Regarding customer concerns, salespeople utilize two key strategies. The first strategy involves addressing concerns raised by customers, such as the customer is concerned, there are two strategies, the first one is the concern. In this example, they are concerned about the price of a product like a laptop computer. By highlighting special features like speed and efficiency, salespeople can convince customers of the computer laptop. This means product's value despite the initial concern about price. The second strategy involves demonstrating the product to the customer. For instance, in the case of a portable laptop, a salesperson can show how easy it is expensive. Secondly, out to transport by putting it in a carrying case and slinging it over their shoulder. This hands-on demonstration can alleviate any worries customers may have about the product. By employing these two strategies effectively, salespeople can increase their chances of this way, to sell. This means they are concerned about how does this laptop work. And the second strategy is to demonstrate. This is very important. And this means the seller demonstrates how easy this laptop selling. This means some people will use different strategies to make different selling. This strategy could eliminate how this computer selling will result. making a successful sale. Thank"


A good seller need "A successful salesperson must be adept at communicating with customers, taking their concerns into consideration. For instance, when selling a computer that a customer perceives as expensive, the salesperson can highlight its speed, potential discounts, and portability to have ability is that how address the customer's worries effectively. It's crucial to talk to customers, that means you need to consider understand and address the customers. For example, if you are a seller, you need to sell the computer, but customers think the computer is more expensive, so you need to talk to him that the computer is fast and how much price you can cut, and it's easy to transportation. You need to consider the customers' meaning.customer's perspective."


There are two main strategies that salespeople use to address customer concerns. Firstly, they can highlight special features of the product that outweigh the customer's concerns. For instance, in an electronics store, a couple of strategies for sellers to keep customers to buy their products, salesperson selling a computer may showcase how fast it operates, which can impress the customer and there are two ways to do it. Firstly, make them see the value despite the price. Another approach is to point out special features out of physically demonstrate the customer's concern. product to the customer. For example, a seller in the electronic same electronics store to sell a computer, which scenario, the salesperson can easily show how portable the laptop is expensive to the customers. But when he is selling the product, he will illustrate how fast the computer is, which is out of the customer's concern, to surprise them. Another way is to demonstrate by putting it in its carrying case and slinging it over their shoulder in front of the customers. Also take electronic store as an instance. The seller carries it very easily to show it is easy to transport.customer. This hands-on demonstration can alleviate any worries the customer may have about the product.


In the lecture, the professor asserts that if salesperson wants emphasizes the importance of salespeople addressing customer concerns to effectively sell their product effectively, they should address the customer's concern. And he used products. He discusses two strategies to explain achieve this. The first strategy is involves highlighting special features of the product to outweigh the customer's concerns, such as its performance and functions. For example, in an electronics store, if a customer expresses worry about the electronic sales. And laptop being expensive, the customer wants salesperson can emphasize its speed and efficiency to buy a laptop. He worries it's too expensive. And justify the customer can address this point and introduce some advantages or disadvantages like the function and the performance is very good. price. The second strategy involves demonstrating the product to address specific concerns, like portability. For instance, if a customer questions the laptop's ease of transport, the salesperson can physically show how portable it is by putting it in a carrying case and slinging it over their shoulder. This hands-on demonstration can alleviate the customer concerns customer's worries about the portable. How big can it afford?product.


Okay, in this "In the lecture, the professor is talking about discusses how to settle the concern from customers and give us salespeople can address customer concerns effectively, giving an example in an electronic electronics store. A For instance, if a customer wants to buy finds a computer expensive, the salesperson can highlight its speed and it is quite expensive and functionality to justify the seller can explain something, outweigh the price such as how fast the computer is and how beautiful. This is one of the strategy and the other strategy is to demonstrate the response such as price, convincing the customer says of its value. Another strategy involves physically demonstrating the computer is too heavy and it is difficult to carry. And the seller can just put the computer on his shoulder to show product, like showing how easy it is to carry. It is the carry a supposedly heavy laptop. These two strategies.strategies help salespeople overcome customer concerns and make successful sales."


This message tells The lecture discusses strategies that salespeople use to address customer concerns. One strategy is highlighting a student how to become a good salesperson, it means that how to talk to customers, sell special feature of the product successfully, just that outweighs the customer's concern, such as the speed and efficiency of a laptop computer. By emphasizing these benefits, the salesperson can convince the customer that the product is worth the price. Another strategy involves demonstrating the product to address specific concerns, like the laptop, it have a special feature, and the customers will concern showing how easy it is so expensive, but to transport the laptop. These strategies help salespeople effectively address customer concerns and increase the likelihood of a good salesperson will says how fast it will be, and in a certain time, how work it can done, so it worth this price, and the customers will more likely to buy, and the second the laptop pretty old, and the customers will concern this feature, but a good salesperson can say they can take it everywhere, so the customers will like to buy.successful sale.


The first One strategy salespeople use to address customer concerns is to highlight a special feature of the product that outweighs the customer's concern. For example, if a customer thinks a laptop is expensive, the salesperson can emphasize how fast and efficient the computer is, convincing the customer of its value. Another strategy is to show your customers something special, some special point, like your products what's really good demonstrate the product in action, showing its portability or ease of use. This hands-on approach can alleviate the customer's concerns and don't show them it's something not good, and another is to avoid some key point increase the likelihood of your products, like you want to sell a computer and maybe your customers will say your computer is so expensive, but you will not worry about the point of expensive, you will convince them the perfect ability of this computer and convince


This One strategy is involves a customer in an electronics store expressing concern about an electric store the expensive laptop computer. The salesperson addresses this by highlighting the computer's speed and it has one customer who expresses his interest for the computer but he thinks it is too expensive and the seller points how fast the computer is and makes the consumer more likely to buy it. So this is the first strategy that makes efficiency, convincing the customer feel more comfortable. And another of its value. Another strategy is occurs in the dress store and in this store the a clothing store, where a customer also thinks feels the clothes are too expensive and the seller makes pricey. The salesperson reassures the customer feel he is responsible and tries emphasizes their responsibility, aiming to make the customer them feel ease.


In the lecture, there are two strategies that salespeople use to address consumers' concerns. First concerns were discussed. The first strategy is to point out something involves highlighting a special feature of the product. And For instance, in an electronics store, a salesperson can showcase the example is in the electronic store. And the salespeople shows the laptops how fast it is speed and how fast can it go down the works. So it makes efficiency of a laptop to demonstrate its value, convincing the customer think that it is worth the price. And the The second strategy is to respond for directly address the customers' concerns. And the example For example, if a customer is also in the electronic store. And if the customers are worried about the laptop hard to carry and transport, portability of a laptop, the salespeople salesperson can show physically demonstrate how the laptops are easy it is to transport in the data.device.


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This lecture talk about discusses strategies that salespeople use to effectively sell products. Two key strategies are highlighted. The first strategy involves emphasizing the salesperson on how to sell special features of the product well. They use two strategies. The first is to print the product specials, special in the future. outweigh any concerns customers may have. For example, like lab instance, if a laptop computer is very expensive, the salesperson can focus on the good thing, for example, how fast highlight its speed and how much work they can do, so the people are likely efficiency to buy it. And the show its value. The second strategy involves demonstrating the product to address customer concerns directly. For example, if a customer is how worried about the portability of a laptop, the salesperson can compare the dress show how easy it is to the product.carry by packing it up in front of them.


It is very important for sales "Salespeople play a crucial role in addressing customer concerns effectively. When customers express hesitations about purchasing a product, salespeople can employ two key strategies. Firstly, they can highlight a unique feature of the product that outweighs the customer's concern. For instance, in an electronics store, if a customer finds a laptop expensive, the salesperson can emphasize the speed and efficiency of the laptop in completing tasks quickly. This special feature can convince the customer of the product's value, making them more likely to talk with customers. Consumers will raise their concerns make a purchase. Secondly, salespeople can physically demonstrate the product in buying goods. So how can sales sell goods effectively? There are two kinds of strategies. First is about, we can point out something special. response to a customer's concern. For example, if a customer doubts the portability of a laptop, the salesperson can showcase how easy it is to pack and carry by putting it in electronic stores, when a consumer wants carrying case and slinging it over their shoulder. This hands-on demonstration can alleviate the customer's worries and encourage them to buy a laptop, it is very expensive. That is true. But we can have to provide how fast it is and how much work can be done in a short time. And second strategy is, the sales have demonstrated and respond to the consumer's concern directly. And if a consumer wants to ask, it is very difficult to carry, we have to, we can put in a carry case to show how it is, and it is very easy to carry.product."


The first "One strategy that salespeople use is to highlight a special feature of the product they are selling. For instance, if a customer is hesitant due to the high price of a laptop, the salesperson can emphasize its fast CPU and efficiency to justify the cost. This can persuade the customer to make the purchase. Another strategy is like point out something special for the prototype they want to sell. The speaker is an example of the computer and the buyer maybe think the price is too high to buy and he thinks it maybe didn't worth it. But if you like show them some advantages like his CPU like something is unique and trying to convince them it's worth the price. So maybe the buyers are more willing to buy. And for the second strategy is like a kind of display physically demonstrate the product you want to sell. As address concerns. For example, if a customer doubts the professor said there's portability of a lot of concern about laptop, the inconvenience. So maybe the seller salesperson can try to show them showcase how convenient easy it is to pack up and easy to transport.carry, reassuring the customer about its convenience."


The professor explains the discusses two strategies for these consumers. that salespeople use to address customer concerns. The first is about to show the strategy involves highlighting a special feature for of the product. And for example, the For instance, when selling computers, exactly even if the customer finds the price expensive, the salesperson can showcase how fast the computer is too expensive, but operates and how efficiently it can complete tasks in a short amount of time. By demonstrating these capabilities, the selling people can show how fast or how quickly for this computer. And to show the short time, how word can be put down in this short time. So when the consumer knows customer may realize that the price for this, it's a surprise, it's too low is actually lower than they think. And the expected. The second strategy is for that to show showcase the advantage for product's advantages to pique the product to make sure the consumer are interested in it.customer's interest.


In the business class, class lecture, the professor talks about discusses two strategies for salespeople to address customer concerns. The first is pointing out strategy involves highlighting the basic features, so like in special features of a product, such as a laptop. For instance, if a customer expresses concern about the price of the laptop, the salesperson can emphasize its speed and efficiency to show its value. This can help alleviate the customer may think why they are so expensive, customer's worries and increase the sales professor will provide some information about how far the laptop is, and this may address other customers' concerns. And the likelihood of a purchase. The second strategy is demonstrating using products in front to physically demonstrate the product to the customer. For example, if a customer questions the portability of customers, so like some people will ask if the laptop is easy to carry, and laptop, the salesperson will perform like pick up this laptop and try can demonstrate how easy it is to put carry by putting it in its case and slinging it over their shoulder. This hands-on demonstration can reassure the case, customer and it's very easy.address their concerns effectively.


The "The lecture mentions discusses two strategies that how a good sales salespeople use to raise people's concern. address customer concerns. The first strategy is point to highlight the special features of the goods. product. For example, instance, in the electronic stores, when the an electronics store, if a customer mentions that a computer is expensive, the salesperson can counter this by emphasizing how a good fast the computer is, but showcasing its value. This can persuade the customer says the computer is too expensive, the sales will auto weigh the price and say how fast it is. That will to make the customers willing to buy. a purchase. The second is demonstrate how convenient it is. strategy involves demonstrating the product's convenience. For example, when showing laptops to customers, salespeople can display how easy it is to transport them, addressing any concerns about portability and encouraging the customer looks at the laptops, they will show how the convenient transport is. That will make the customers willing to buy"


It tells us how to talk to customers efficiently and then it has used two strategies to address customer concerns. The first strategy is to sell products to stress the customers' concerns. And then for this, they can do this by sharing a portable computer to the customer so that they can connect the computer. And the second strategy is that the salespeople use to address customers' concerns to demonstrate the product and they can tell the customer how easy it is to drink water, easy to the other place. So these are two lecture discusses strategies that salespeople use to address customer concerns. One strategy is to highlight special features of a product that outweigh the customers' concerns.concerns. For example, if a customer is worried about the price of a laptop computer, the salesperson can emphasize how fast and efficient the computer is, convincing the customer of its value. Another strategy is to physically demonstrate the product to address concerns. For instance, if a customer is unsure about the portability of a laptop, the salesperson can show how easy it is to pack up and carry. By using these strategies, salespeople can effectively address customer concerns and increase the likelihood of a sale.


The lecture talks about discusses two strategies salesperson that salespeople use to address consumer concerns. The first strategy is to put out some involves highlighting special features of this the product. For example, instance, if a consumer says mentions that the computer is very expensive, then the salesperson will say that the computer is can emphasize how fast it operates and how much work efficiently it can make in short time. complete tasks. The second strategy is to demonstrate something of this product. the product's capabilities. For example, if the a consumer is concerned worried about the laptop is properly live, laptop's portability, the salesperson will say that this computer is can showcase how easy it is to transport by putting it in its carrying case and if slinging it over their shoulder, right in front of the consumer consumer. This demonstration can see it alleviate the consumer's concerns and make them more likely to purchase the consumer can put on her shadows.product.


In this the lecture, the professor points out discusses two business strategies that salespeople use to address how salesmen can't sell their products to consumers. customer concerns. The first way approach is to point out highlight something special. special about the product. For example, instance, in an electronic device electronics store, if a customer is hesitant to purchase a pricey computer, the consumer wants to buy a computer, but this computer is very expensive. Right now, salesmen salesperson can point out some advantages for this computer, such as we showcase its features like the use of 4090Ti or i9Core processors to show consumers demonstrate its speed. The second strategy involves demonstrating the product to address customer concerns. For example, by showing how fast this computer is. And the second way easy it is to demonstrate and to respond to consumers, such as show consumers how to carry this computer and how easy to carry it.the computer, the salesperson can alleviate any worries the customer may have about its portability.


A good seller means proficient salesperson needs to talk efficiency. So there communicate effectively with customers. There are two selling strategies. key strategies for salespeople to address customer concerns. The first one strategy involves highlighting the unique aspects of the product, such as special features. For instance, if a customer mentions that a computer is to point out expensive, the special about the product salesperson can emphasize its speed and also point out the special feature. For example, the computers, one customer said it is very expensive, so at this time the seller can point the outward about the product and also how fast, efficiency, showcasing how much work it can the computer work accomplish in a short time. So at this time she period. This demonstration can persuade the customer that the product is more likely to buy it. And worth the price, increasing the likelihood of a purchase. The second strategy is to physically demonstrate something the product to address concerns. By showcasing the product's portability, such as its slim design and ease of transport, the salesperson can alleviate any doubts the customer may have about purchasing the product. So the seller must conserve property of the product. So the seller at this time can talk about the slim and also how easy to transport of the product. So that's the These two strategies of the selling.are essential for successful sales interactions.


In "In the lecture, the professor discussed the two strategies that the salespeople use to address customers' concerns. First, fourth point is about pointing out Firstly, one strategy involves highlighting the specialties unique features of a product. For example, for the electronic stores, there is instance, in an electronics store, if a customer who is willing to buy hesitant about the price of a portable laptop, but he the salesperson can emphasize the computer's speed and efficiency to demonstrate its value. Secondly, another strategy is concerned about to physically demonstrate the price. And benefits of the product seller just provides to the facts and customer. Using the same electronics store scenario, the salesperson can showcase how much work can be done within a short time period for the computers, so to show that the computer is worth its price. And secondly, easy it is about the benefits can be exhibited in the face of the customers. For the same example, the salespeople just show how it is easy to transport the laptops, so this way can eliminate laptop, reassuring the concerns.customer about its portability."


The professor used an example in the electric store. So the seller wants discussed two strategies that salespeople use to address customer concerns. The first strategy involves highlighting special features of the customer's concern. And product to outweigh any concerns raised by the first customer. For instance, if a customer feels a laptop is expensive, the salesperson can emphasize its speed and efficiency to justify the price. This can persuade the customer to make a purchase. The second strategy is to provide out physically demonstrate the special for it's good. So like product in response to point out some special feature for this product. a concern. For example is example, if a customer doubts the laptop. The customer thinks it's expensive for portability of a laptop, the laptop. And the selling people should to figure out that some information to provide that the laptop is worth this price. And to make the customer want to buy it. Like salesperson can show how fast easy it can be or how good it can do. And the second way is to demonstrate like usage carry by putting it in a carrying case and slinging it over their shoulder in front of this customer to address the concern. Like if customer. This demonstration can alleviate the customer thinks it's too heavy to bring. And customer's worries about the selling people can just bring it in front of this customer.product.


The professor are talking about discussed how salespeople use different strategies to encourage consumers to make a purchase. For example, when a customer is hesitant due to the shop high price of a product, the salesperson can highlight the product's special features, like its speed and efficiency, to sell their goods justify the price and they are used to a different way to want persuade the consumer customer to buy this, it. Another strategy involves demonstrating the product to address concerns, such as showing how easy it is to transport a computer and somebody want laptop to buy it but they think they are expensive, but the seller will talk to them to out the price just to talk how fast and how useful of the computer and to make their wanted to buy. Second is if they want to use the information to some things and they were lazy of it and sell to others, such as a computer and they will say that was very good and have some best of it.alleviate worries about its portability.


As "As the professor mentioned, the salesperson talking to the consumer is very important. And here are two strategies effective communication between a salesperson and a customer is crucial. Two strategies that salespeople can use. The first one is to point out utilize, as highlighted in the special point lecture, are as follows. Firstly, they can emphasize the unique features of the product. For example, if instance, when a consumer wants customer expresses concern about the high price of an electronic product, device like a laptop, but he thinks it's expensive. So the salesperson can show to the consumer how fast it is showcase its speed and how many works it can do efficiency in a short time. So that means it's worth completing tasks quickly, illustrating its value for the price. And secondly, Secondly, another approach is to demonstrate. That means use physically demonstrate the product to address customer concerns. Using the example of a laptop in front of an electronics store, the consumer. Take the electronic product as an example. The salesperson can carry easily pack it in the into its carrying case and to show how easy effortlessly it can transport be transported, effectively alleviating any doubts the laptop to demonstrate it.customer may have about its portability."


The professor mentioned about the concern to buy discussed how salespeople address customer concerns by highlighting special features of the product and the selling persons addressed that outweigh the concerns and convince customers to something special that outweighs their concerns to ask them to buy make a purchase. For example, in an electronics store, a salesperson can showcase the product. And the professor gave us an example in the electronic stores speed and there is efficiency of a laptop computer and which to justify its price. Another strategy is expensive but to physically demonstrate the selling persons can provide information that outweighs and shows that product to address specific concerns, such as showing how much easy it is to transport the laptop can do so much works and it can make the consumers want that shows that it's worth the price and ask them to buy it. And second strategy is that it can demonstrate like the shows that if the consumer have the questions that it's hard to bring and pack it and the selling person will show them like they just put by putting it in a carrying case. These strategies help alleviate customer doubts and increase the bag and in the pocket and bring it.likelihood of a sale.
