Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO57 Task1


When giving a lecture to a small class, some professors prefer to wait until the end of class to answer student questions. Other professors will stop at different points during the lecture to answer questions. Which style do you think is best for learning? Explain why.

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Lecture Noun A formal talk given to an audience, especially for the purpose of education. 讲座。 "The professor's lecture on climate change was really informative and engaging."
Style Noun A particular procedure by which something is done; a manner or way of doing something. 风格。 "I think a hands-on style is the best for learning because it makes the material more relatable."


In my opinion, stop stopping at different points during the lecture to answer questions is the best of approach for learning. First, we can think, when students have questions during class, it's important to address them right away. If they have to wait until the students don't know something in the class, it can no and answer the question at the time. And the student forgets end, they might forget what question they want you wanted to ask. Second, is Mark answering questions in the moment makes it more convenient for students to get understand the answer to material, and it keeps them engaged in the question and therefore are you interested in first question and what question?lecture.


In my opinion, I prefer to have when the professor with waits until the end of class to answer students' questions. Because first, it is First, it's more convenient for the students who ask questions to ask, and which means that because they can ask in one turn their questions all at once rather than asking one by one at a time. Additionally, it can also not bring one. Also, this approach helps maintain the class that may influence others listening to flow of the class. And lecture, which is important for those who are listening. For example, if somebody always asks one student keeps asking questions, it might prevent the professor cannot finish from finishing the lecture at all.on time.


I think that professors will who stop at different points during the lecture to answer questions. It's questions create the best way to learn. learning environment. First, in this way, student hat approach allows for more interaction between students and teachers. When students ask questions, teachers can have more interaction. If students asking a question, teachers can answer the question respond immediately, not just that students listen to the teachers, which will make making the class be more engaging and interesting. Second, it helps students receive feedback quickly. When teachers answer questions right away, it reinforces understanding and let's student more engaging. Second, I think, student can get fit back quickly. Teachers answer keeps students involved in the question immediately. It can...lesson.


For me, I think that waiting until the end of class to answer the student question questions is better for learning. The first One reason is that some professor, when they have the class they own, they usually professors often have their own speed. So maybe pace when teaching. If they was stopped they may be not clearly what they were teaching. So stop frequently to answer questions, it is bad might disrupt their flow and make it harder for the professors and second them to explain things clearly. Another reason is that because some student will if students ask too many questions during the question, lecture, it may.We maybe be maybe spend can take up a lot of time. So our children will time, and then students might not listen pay attention to the class carefully. So ask class rest of the class. So, answering questions at the end of class maybe be can help save times.time and keep everyone focused.


I agree that the professor will think it's better for professors to stop at different points during the lecture to answer the question. The reason for that questions. This is because when students have a question, asking it right away helps them connect with the question, if they ask topic better and understand the teacher in time, they can connect to the problem closer and make sure they know the details of the question. Instead of that, if the students, after all questions in details. If students wait until the end of the class, class to ask their questions, they may lose some might forget important details and know little about the original question and miss out on understanding their original ideas.


From my perspective, I think the professor will stop. I think it's better for professors to stop during their lecture when students have any questions and they can explain. First, to answer questions. This way, students can ask questions which they don't know on time. And have right away, and the professor will give can explain the explain and then the answers immediately. First, when students ask questions as they come up, they can take notes and they will not forget these questions. And second, on the explanations right away, which helps them remember better. Second, if the professor answers waits until the questions after end of the lecture to answer questions, students might forget what they ending wanted to ask, which can be harmful to their learning and understanding of the lecture, the students may forget their questions and it is harmful for their study and their knowledge.material.


I prefer when professors answer students' questions during the professor's job and answering lecture. First, stopping to answer questions can quickly resolve misunderstandings. This way, students won't forget their questions by the student's end of class. If they ask questions more. First, stop answering student's question is a fast way to solve the problems on time. So, it's well let the student's non-forgotten question if it's a class end. The student may not forget it. And second, it right away, they can solve the problems on time and help remember them better. Second, addressing questions as they come up helps students understand more. They can have enough the material more thoroughly. It gives them time to think about what the question is their questions and the how the question to solve it. And it can answer a lot of them. Plus, this approach allows the professor to address multiple students' questions in the class and questions, not just the one student's ask in at the end of the class.


I think the best style for learning is smoke class. First, in smoke class, some words table have when professors stop during the questions lecture to answer questions. In smaller classes, students can ask the teacher. The teacher questions more easily, which helps clarify things right away. In larger classes, it can ask them, but in the big class, new be difficult for students have the questions. The teacher can't ask them to speak up because have there are so many people, and they might feel shy or lost. This can lead to confusion, and students may leave the teacher can't ask any people's, any questions. So, there is, in the big class, students can't ask him to finish his class with unanswered questions. So, I think that.believe that stopping for questions during the lecture is better for learning.


I prefer to when professors wait until the end of the class to answer students student questions. It's the best I believe this approach is better for learning and I have because it allows students to read to support my idea. Firstly, focus on the performers only answer lecture without being distracted by questions. When questions are answered at the student questions and the end. So it end, students can help students listen carefully to and absorb the class. They can't think about other things. information being presented. This is the second one. Answer student questions and help students method also helps them to summarize this class in what they've learned at the knowledge.end of the class, reinforcing their understanding of the material.


My opinion is I prefer believe that professors to should wait until the end of class to answer students' questions because you questions. This approach can save a lot of time and during the lecture, allowing professors don't want to stop at the class and cover more material without interruptions. When professors explain concepts thoroughly before taking questions, it can save a lot of time and just the class maybe professors can explain more clearly and the student maybe can understand deeper, have lead to a deeper understanding and it for the students. Additionally, having all questions answered at the end can make create a more organized learning experience, helping students have a good study experience if they answer students' questions after classfeel more engaged with the material.


In my opinion, I prefer when the professor to wait waits until the end of class and to answer student questions, because, for questions. For example, if the professor always stop stops at different point and points to answer some student questions, it will can waste the time for other student time students. This is because maybe there are too many students might want to ask the same questions, or some might ask questions or there are a lot of that aren't really relevant. Often, the questions students want to ask some.useless questions. So, and the usually some students, the question they want to ask have can be solved addressed during the classes. So lecture itself. So, if the professor ask that question after class.waits until the end, it might be more efficient.


I perform the stuff think it's better for professors to answer questions at a different point points during the day. I perform two with until the end of class events, due to the questions, because first it can give lecture. This way, students have more time to consider think about their own questions questions, and it helps clarify any misunderstandings right away. For example, if a student is confused about something, they can ask immediately, which makes the funny learning process smoother. Additionally, it allows everyone to stay engaged and helps avoid any mistakes also can refine it. So it can give all of the students, girls that find the mistake. Second, it can give the least price for students. They don't do MSI set their answer to the wrong questions.might come up later on.


I think it is the best way for Nelling a professor to let the professor teach is to stop at different points during the lecture to answer questions. On top of that, because if If the professor is still keeps talking about the knowledge without stopping a minute pausing to answer students' questions, the students will might feel very questioned, will feel very unknowable, confused and they may do unsure about the information being presented. In this case, even though not understand what information the professor will pose next. In that case, although the professor do not answer students' questions, that will answering questions might save time, but it can lead to misunderstandings about the student cannot understand the last logic.material.


I think the other professional will that professors who stop at different points during the lecture to ask answers question because they can answer questions are better for the end of class learning. This approach allows students to answer student question to the student can more clarify their doubts right away, which helps them understand the lecture question material better. It gives students time to think about their questions and they can have times to remind encourages engagement throughout the questionlecture.


I prefer to sing with that professors wait until the end of the class to answer student questions because I think it is better for learning. First, this approach can help maintain the student question is pace of the best for class. For example, if students ask questions during the learning. I have a reason to explain it. The first reason is that lecture, it can increase take up a lot of time. If professors answer questions at the class speed, for example, if you have the question on end, they can cover more material during the class. Second, waiting until the end allows students to think about their questions more deeply. If the professor answered your question, it will speed more time. You can use this time to teach the more lawful and jade and you can get the mode, different language in your class. The second reason is that you can sing about the mode type, for example, if you have some a student has a simple question but you don't sing doesn't ask it right away, they might realize later that it was more complex than they thought. So, by the mode, maybe you think it is so difficult for you, but in class 40 minutes, you end of the class, they can sing about more this question ask their questions and answer questions after get a better understanding of the class.topic.


From my perspective, I will prefer, prefer to wait until the end of class to answer questions. If I will never stop at different points, no action to answer points during the question, because you are after class lecture, students might get distracted by their questions and lose focus on what I'm teaching. They may be eager to ask their questions, but I think it’s better for them to wait until the question, end so they may be located towards the question, they want to ask. The other hand students always focus can concentrate fully on the question, lecture. This way, they want to ask, they will maybe distract, will distract by it, so it is difficult to focus on can think about the next question and the next professor to ask the question, to thinking and thinking for another question.material as a whole before asking their questions.


Well, in my view, I consider think it's better to stop at the different points during the lecture to answer the questions as I give the questions. First, this approach because first It can offer offers students a spontaneous feedback feedback, which can optimize the efficiency, concert time and energies. The second is that their learning efficiency. Second, it can provide gives students a good chance for other students to learn from the other ways the other people other students ways of thinking how to solve problems each other's perspectives and learn from different apps of the their others thinking problem-solving methods, which can benefit their personal girls since they are growth. By being exposed to the different diverse perspective from others. So it viewpoints, they can enhance their understanding and learning experience. So, I believe this method is a great way for studyingto study.


I prefer professor when professors stop at different points during lectures. lectures to answer questions. I have a couple of reasons for this. First, it can answer the student question immediately and it also allows students to get their questions answered immediately, which helps students them understand the knowledge material more deeply. For example, when I just have a question at one a certain point, I don't even know. But if might not fully grasp the concept until it's addressed. If the professor just answered me after waits until the end of the lecture, I will maybe might forget my question or not be able to connect it to the whole class rest of the class. So, I believe it's better for professors to answer questions as well thinking about this point. So I prefer professor to give answer immediately.they come up.


Yeah.Personally, Personally, I think stop stopping at different point points during the lecture to answer the question, this questions is the best style of learning and for learning. I have two reasons for this and first, stop at different point during lecture to answer question this. First, addressing questions immediately can give students a deeper understanding. For example, if a student a deep understanding, for example, there's has a question from the student and if the professor can address his problem.Imediately, he it right away, the student can get deep deeper understanding, not wait for the, the, the, the, the, the, gain a better grasp of the end material. Second, this approach helps students concentrate throughout the entire class and also, it can student, they can concentrate through the whole classes and keep engaged so it will be keeps them engaged, which ultimately leads to a better.better learning experience.


I think it's better to ask a question questions at the end of the class is better. class. First, it's a good way to this approach helps students practice students their learning ability such as their abilities, like memory ability and their conclusion concludes ability because after making conclusions. After finishing the finished video, lecture, they can memory remember all the key points to answer the question. And questions. Also, it gives them a chance to make summarize the content. Second, it and conclusion about the contents and the second, it's a good way for them allows students to prepare and think about what they want to practice their good.ask, which can lead to a more productive discussion.


I think I prefer we will when professors stop at different points during the lecture to answer questions is better because it allows students to ask questions right when they have questions on time. As a them. This way, the teacher can answer them on time if clarify any confusion immediately, which helps students remember the material better. If questions are only answered at the end, students might forget what they are after class wanted to know it is easier for them to forget it and ask or not think carefully. The other way about it deeply enough. Stopping to answer questions also shows the professor is to teach a teacher to show engaged with the students and cares about their questions and they can know what was their worst in their class.understanding.


I would prefer to wait until the end of the class to answer student questions because first, each can teach for a couple of reasons. First, this approach allows students how to think critically and try to solve the questions by themselves. And when themselves during the end of lecture. By waiting until the time, each end, they can give develop their problem-solving skills. Second, if questions are answered at the end, it gives students more time for to engage with the material without interruptions. This way, they can focus on learning and retain more information. Overall, I believe this method helps students to sing by themselves. And the students will have become more skills to solve these kinds of problems. And the second reason is that the students will...independent learners.


So I like prefer to stop at different points during lectures to answer the questions because in this way approach helps students understand the student material better. If we wait until the end to address their questions, they might get confused and lose focus while listening. By answering questions as they come up, we can have a better understanding about the point if we don't tell the student clarify any misunderstandings right away and don't solve the problem they will also think about what is the things about so they may not focus on the listening so I prefer to stop at different points during the lectureskeep everyone engaged.


For my opinion, I think it is believe that it's best that for the professor answers to answer students' questions during at the end of the class. This approach helps avoid interruptions during the lecture, allowing the class to answer students' questions because first of all, it can avoid to influence class's process and it can improve process flow better. It also ensures that it can more, essentially for all students and also it's more fairly for other students that they can focus on class clearly without other students bother them. So it is more better for the professor distractions from questions. This way, everyone gets a fair chance to choose this.learn without being bothered by interruptions.