Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO57 Task2


The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Extending Study Period

The university now schedules one study day at the end of every semester for students to prepare for final exams. I suggest that the university consider extending this study period to three days. Most students have exams in several classes. Having only one study day between the end of classes and the beginning of the final exam period is not enough time to prepare for all of the exams. Additionally, having a three-day study period will give students extra time to consult with their professors if they need help or advice before the exam period begins. Sincerely, Robert Steele


MALE STUDENT: So, what do you think of Robert’s letter? FEMALE STUDENT:Well, I don’t know how helpful his idea would be. MALE STUDENT: Really? FEMALE STUDENT: Yeah. Students should be studying all throughout the semester… not waiting until a few days before exams. MALE STUDENT: So you don’t think we need this? FEMALE STUDENT: Right. It’s just gonna encourage students to wait and do all of their studying at the end of the semester. You just can’t learn it all in a few days. MALE STUDENT: Okay. But what about the other point he mentioned? FEMALE STUDENT: Oh, that? I don’t think that’s the best time to be asking professors questions about the courses. MALE STUDENT: Why not? FEMALE STUDENT: Well, professors are really busy during that period with grading homework assignments and preparing the exams. They might not have time to answer students’ questions. It’d be pretty hard to make appointments with professors at that time, don’t you think? MALE STUDENT: Yeah, they might just not have enough time.

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Appointment Noun An arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place. 约会。 "I have an appointment with my advisor later this week to discuss my course schedule."
Beginning Noun The point in time or space at which something starts. 开始。 "At the beginning of the semester, I always set my goals for what I want to achieve."
Consider Verb To think about something carefully, especially in order to make a decision. 考虑。 "Before making a final decision, I need to consider all my options."
Consult Verb To seek information or advice from someone, especially an expert. 咨询。 "If you're struggling with the material, you should consult your professor for guidance."
Extend Verb To increase the length of time that something lasts. 延长。 "The university decided to extend the deadline for submitting final projects."
Female Adjective Relating to the sex that produces eggs or ovules in species that reproduce sexually. 女性的。 "The female students in our class are very engaged and participate actively."
Male Adjective Relating to the sex that produces sperm in species that reproduce sexually. 男性的。 "The male students in the group are working on their presentation together."
Period Noun A length or portion of time during which something occurs. 时期。 "During the exam period, I usually study late into the night."
Proposal Noun A plan or suggestion put forward for consideration or discussion by others. 提议。 "I think the proposal for a new study space on campus is a great idea."
Schedule Noun A plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times. 日程安排。 "I need to check my schedule to see when I can meet with you."
Semester Noun A half-year term in a school or college, typically lasting around 15 to 18 weeks, during which a specific set of courses is taught. 学期。 "I plan to take two science classes this semester to fulfill my major requirements."


In this letter, the students think student proposes that the university should give students some a day to ask questions to their professors during the question to study period before exams. However, in the professor when they have the rest day of the exam. But in this conversation, the girl woman disagrees with this opinion. First, she think idea. She believes it is not so very helpful because students shouldn't puts all should not wait until the schoolwork last minute to study. Instead, they should be studying throughout the semester. Additionally, she points out that at the rest of day. And they should study at a very long term and second one is that at.The end of the term, the professor may be professors are very busy. They maybe have busy on their preparing exams because they should prepare the exam and for their housework for the students. grading assignments, so it may might be not good difficult for them to meet with students. Therefore, she disagrees with the professors, because they are very busy. so proposal in the girl disagree with opinion in this letter.


In the reading, the writer says states that the university now wants to currently provides one study day at the land end of every each semester for students to prepare for their final exam. The writer exams. He suggests that the university considers extending this study period to three days, but days. However, in the lecture, the woman thinks is don't have enough time and disagrees with this idea. She believes that having extra study days is not needed necessary because it might encourage students to do this. It is not needed to do this for procrastinate and wait until the last minute to study. She also mentions that professors are busy during this time with grading and not preparing exams, which makes it difficult for students to love the time to have it.ask questions.


In the reading passage, Robert states a proposal proposes that the university should extend the study period for the final exams, because exams to three days, arguing that students don't have enough time to prepare after studying all the courses. And the classes end. He believes that this extra time for can help would also allow students to ask questions. But questions if they need help. However, in the conversation, the woman disagreed disagrees with his Robert's proposal. He seems that She thinks students should study all be studying throughout the semester, not semester rather than just prepare for the exam at the end of the semester. Also, for cramming before exams. Regarding asking the questions, she mentioned mentions that it's not the study period isn't the best time to do it, for that because the professors are really usually busy to... grading assignments and preparing for exams, which makes it difficult for them to make some appointments or grading the courses and getting some... and having the exams. So, they don't have time to answer the questions for the meet with students.


The students suggest proposal suggests that the university should extend the schedule study period from one day, one study day to three days at the end of every semester for to help students to prepare for their final exam. exams. However, the woman didn't agree disagrees with his proposal. this idea. First, she thinks believes that students should not always wait until the end of the semester to study because as that time they can't learn all the things everything in that such a short time. They Instead, she thinks they should learn during study throughout the whole semester and review. review regularly. Second, she thinks argues that it's the end of the semester is not the best time to ask professors questions because per first, as that time, it's they are very busy because they need preparing for exams and grading assignments. This makes it hard for students to get their questions answered promptly. So, she feels that extending the study period might not be ready to be ready for the exam paper. So they can't get the answer immediately. So she thinks it's not a very best time to ask questions and they can't get the answer.beneficial.


The letter discusses a proposal to extend the study period at the university to three days at the end of each semester. The author believes that one day is mainly talked about the man's school to expand the not enough time that the school in every semester gives for students to prepare for their final exams across multiple subjects. In the final exam. He thinks it's not enough for students to review all the classes and the subjects, and they should have extra time. In a discussion, the girl shows two points about woman shares her opinion. opinion on this proposal. First, she doesn't know is skeptical about how effective it works would be because she thinks students should not wait until the students shouldn't wait for end of the last semester to review the knowledge that what they have learned. Because they couldn't She believes that trying to learn them all everything in just a few days. days is not realistic. Second, it's she argues that the study period might not be the best time to find the professor ask professors questions, as they are usually busy grading assignments and preparing exams, which makes it hard for students to ask some questions, because the professor is really busy and they should prepare for exam and to check the grades so they don't have the time to answer the questions.get their attention.


The woman experienced expresses her opening opinion about the pro-presso proposal in the letter. Briefly summarized pro-so, then said her opening about She believes that having only one study day is not enough for students to prepare for their final exams. She argues that students should be studying throughout the pro-so semester rather than waiting until the last minute. Additionally, she thinks that asking professors for help during this busy time may not be effective, as professors are preoccupied with grading and the example of the reason she gave for holding that opening. For first, she said as the university council to stand on the study.preparing exams.


So, who makes Paris The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the later, in the later and before the lecture, the writers and Robert's letter, which suggests that the university has unbelievable schedules should extend the study period for students, have the final exam. They just have exams from one day to prepare, but time is not enough. He think three days. She disagrees with this idea, arguing that students need more time next three or two should be studying consistently throughout the semester instead of waiting until the end. She believes that having extra study days might encourage students to prepare their final exam procrastinate, and they can ask their performance on questions she points out that professors are often too busy during this day. So they can have more that time to prepare and exercise to improve their final exam grade.answer students' questions effectively.


Gantjo's one-step study, they The university has added in a study day at the end of every semester for students to prepare for final exams. And the The writer suggested that he was considering a considerate, suggests extending this study per view period to three times three things. And the days. The woman in the conversation disagrees with this name passage disagreed, idea because she thinks that believes students should study all semester, throughout the semester and not just for field-based. And because wait until the end. She also thinks that professors are really busy, very busy during that time and we call may not be able to help students with their questions, which makes it hard for students to wait, and students can learn too much. And get the professor is really busy, so support they don't have time to answer students' questions.need.


The letter discuss about they discusses the need to give students for more time for students to prepare for the test their tests and extra time to consult with their professor to prepare. professors. The girl disagree woman disagrees with the letter's idea in the letter because in her opinion she believes that studying should happen throughout the studies and the knowledge are at up. So the last day was semester, not just a conclusion of the old knowledge. Students can't learn all the things for only a few days. It's impossible. And also, professors are always busy with students, graduate, or something else in the last term. At few days. She thinks that the last study day should be a time to review what has already been learned, rather than trying to learn everything at once. Additionally, she points out that professors are usually very busy at the end of the term.term with grading and other responsibilities, making it difficult for students to get help from them during that time.


It's a suggestion The proposal suggests that the university should extend the study period. And first, it can This could give students enough time to prepare for their exam. And second, it can give the professor exams and allow professors some time to solve address students' questions. However, the student questions. But during woman in the conversation, conversation disagrees with this idea. She believes that extending the girl didn't agree with the idea. Because first, she thinks this suggest is encouraging study period encourages students to put their all-study task in procrastinate and wait until the end of the semester. It is semester to study, making it hard for them to stay on schedule. Additionally, she mentions that professors are too busy during that time with grading and preparing exams, so it wouldn't be the best time for students to stay at schedule. And second, ask questions. Therefore, she mentioned that the professor are two busy with their job. It thinks this idea is not the best time to ask professors some questions. Professor have their own work and they are two busy all the day. So students can't use this time to ask professor. So she didn't agree with this idea. She thinks it is a useless idea.very useful.


The proposal is about suggests that the university should extend the study day period during the final finals week from one day to three days days. This is because some many students have a many subject several subjects to exam so they don't have prepare for, and one day is not enough time to prepare and in that case, student can study for all their exams. Additionally, a longer study period would allow students to ask professors for more help in the listening, before exams. However, the woman totally disagree disagrees with this idea for idea. She believes that students should be studying consistently throughout the first reading its students and have to study hard during the.Laster, not only to wait in the exam semester instead of waiting until finals week. And the, the Her second reason is that at that time, during the final week, the professor will be really busy, so.They finals, professors are very busy with grading and preparing exams, so they may not have the time to answer student students' questions and if you want to have some advice from them, maybe they can give you the exact advice for you.or provide advice.


School need to Robert suggests that the school extend the study per year or two or period to three days because so that students need have more time to prepare the exam. Second, for their exams. He also mentions that this extra time could help students can use this time to ask consult with their professor professors if they need help or advice assistance before the exam. The women disagree because she thinks exams. However, the woman disagrees with this idea. She believes that students need to use should be studying throughout the semester instead of waiting until the last minute. She also points out that professors are very busy during this time to learn with grading and get more pressure to the professor. The professor is preparing exams, so busy on this time so they need to also to prepare the exam so it's not it wouldn’t be the best time for students to ask the professor at this time.questions.


So The university provide a proposal that will has proposed to extend the study period from one day to three days for students to study, but in robot opinion, he suggested prepare for their final exams. Robert suggests that the institution turn the one day into three days because the one day do is not have enough time for the students to prepare get ready for all the tasks. Additionally, their exams, and having three days can give students an would allow them extra time for them to consult about the exam and with professors if they have some help for the professor. need help. In the lesson, conversation, the girl first agree woman agrees that having extra study time could be beneficial, but she disagrees with the idea Robert's second point. She believes that the university will have some extra time because end of the student that will encourage the student to not act the exam in days and it will be really useful. And the girl disagree with the second point that in the letter because it's semester is not the best time for the student students to ask professors for help because professors are usually busy grading assignments and preparing exams, making it hard for students to get the professor in that period of time, professor have some other works to do, it's very they need.


In reading parts, The proposal suggests that the professors such as universities have university extend the story date study period to three days at the end of the semester to help students prepare for their final exam. It can have exams. The woman disagrees with this idea, saying that students should be studying throughout the people who could prepare this exam more time semester instead of waiting until just a few days before exams. She believes that having a longer study period might encourage procrastination, and maybe you can get the grid code in your exam. Second is the final date you can ask the she also points out that professors on help and guess on advice, but amazingly, the two girls disagree with his opinions. For example, first, the things give you a story more date is a note where we have for you to study. If you want to study, you can have some free day and you can't save the time to study, not only the story date, but the second reason is to ask the professor to help his notes in a good way because the professor is are usually very busy on the final exam date because they need during that time with grading and preparing exams, making it difficult for students to prepare the exam and maybe they have the song, be at least, walks to do it.get help.


From the women woman's perspective, she disagrees with the women are disagree with such ideas. The robot they want idea of extending the study period to have in three days study, we will give students days. She thinks that having this extra time would allow students to cancel consult with their professor professors if they have questions. And the woman However, she gives two reasons to disagree with that. for her disagreement. The first reason is that students are not waiting for shouldn’t wait until the exam. They can learn last minute to study; they should be learning throughout the semester instead of trying to cram everything in a few days easily. And the days. The second reason is that the study period may not our, that are not be the best time to ask professor professors questions because the professor is they are usually very busy grading assignments and they are preparing exam. So they are pretty for exams. This makes it hard for students to ask a question for the professor. And professor also, he doesn't have enough time to answer your questions.get their questions answered.


And the latter, the The student proposed that to extend the time of preparing study period for final exams because the exam, in the final exam, because currently the current time is too short for students to vote to prepare and also it can have effectively. He believes that having more chance for time would allow students to ask consult with their professors for guidance during this preparation period. However, the wise form of professors woman doubts this idea. She argues that students should be studying throughout the semester rather than cramming in the period last few days. Additionally, she points out that the end of the preparation, this week's Dix Morris. And the Lumen semester is doubt it is a good idea because first, the student should learn in the whole entire semester instead of just study in this few days. They are not supposed to do that. And the second, the Lumen also mentioned that it's not a good time to, it's not a perfect, a proper eight an ideal time to ask professors since questions, as they are busy with grading and preparing the exam and upgrading the assignments, it's really exams, making it hard for students to make appointment.get appointments.


In the reading, students Robert suggested to extend extending the final exam review times period to three days. And he have He has a few reasons for this. First, now, it has students have many classes to prepare. So the prepare for, and one that day is not in love, second, extra enough time. Second, having extra time can give would allow students to ask professors some questions. And in a questions before the exams. In the conversation, the woman thinks it's this proposal is not helpful. She also have has a couple of reasons. reasons for her opinion. First, she believes that students should be studying throughout the semester rather than waiting until the last minute. Second, she thinks that the review field period is in love. And second, she thinks it's not the best time to ask professors some questions because in this period, the professor is really they are very busy to prepare some exam. So professors don't preparing exams and grading assignments, so they may not have time to answer in the student question.questions.


The lecture is talked about to extend proposal suggests extending the class time study period to three days, and it will have days to give students more time to prepare for their exams. The woman disagrees with this idea, stating that students should be studying throughout the exam. And if you don't have some questions, you don't know, you can buy semester rather than waiting until the exposure to help and advice, and the women disagree to extend the classes, because they don't need it, and last few days. She also believes it's not the best time to ask professors questions because they are busy grading and preparing for exams, which makes it hard for students to get the professor, and it will be busy in that time, and don't have enough time to answer the students' they need.


The reading material is presents a proposal suggesting that the university expanding extend the study period from one day to three days through that it can days. This would give students enough more time to prepare for their final exams and consult with professors. However, the woman in the listening material disagrees with this proposal for two main reasons. First, she believes that students should be studying throughout the entire semester instead of cramming in the last few days. She argues that two extra study days won't really help if students haven't been keeping up with their studies. Second, she points out that professors are very busy during the final exam period, as they have to grade assignments and enough time prepare the exams. Therefore, it would be difficult for students to consult schedule appointments with the professors, but in the listening material, the girl completely agree with the proposal in two detailed reasons First, students should study.Through the hostma instead of learning adjusting a few days, so more two more days actually dot work work work them during that more. The second reason is that the professor through through the final exam period is it's really busy they need to prepare for the examination and dealing with some assignments So it's terrible to put some appointment for the professor.time.


The letters suggest letter suggests that the university should extend the study period to exist in three days at the students period into three days, there end of the semester. There are two main benefits about to this idea. First, if having only have few days for students as the last of the semester one study day between classes and the beginning of the exam, they finals may not have give students enough time to prepare for all their final exam. exams. Second, as it's time, if it's with an extended into three days, they may three-day period, students would have enough more time to come meet with their professors for help or advice before the exams. However, the woman in the lecture disagrees with the idea of meeting professors during this time. She believes that extending the study period might encourage students to procrastinate and wait until the wheelchair professor last minute to study, which could negatively affect their grades. Additionally, she notes that professors are very busy during this period with grading and preparing exams, making it hard for students to get help or advice. And then, in the lecture, the woman agreed with the first idea, because she thinks that this way can encourage students as the last time for them to prepare for the exam to get a good grades. But she didn't agree with the second idea, because as the professor would be very busy, so it's not a good time for them to get.their questions answered.


The woman disagree disagrees with the proposal because she believes that because in her opinion, students are too busy during the student in that home is too busy. And she exam period. She thinks that if someone is professors have a professor, lot of work to do at that time, such as grading assignments and preparing for exams, so they may not too good have enough time for help students with their questions.


Someone said The proposal suggests that the university should relay exams time later about extend the study period to three days before final exams. This is because the student didn't students often have enough multiple exams and need more time to prepare prepare. Additionally, it would give students the exam because opportunity to ask their professors for help if they have several exam during their classes and also later about three days questions. However, the students can answer to ask the professors if there are some trouble in their study and the women totally disagree woman disagrees with this idea because first of all she thinks it's idea. She believes that having only a few days when for studying encourages students want to study procrastinate instead of studying throughout the exam and semester. She also the professor was points out that professors are usually very busy in their day-to-day during this time they always busy with grading assignments homework and exams preparing for exams, so they don't may not have time to answer the students questionsstudents' questions.


The proposals suggested proposal suggests that the university should extend the study period before and exams to three days instead of just one. However, the semester test, they need woman disagrees with this idea. She believes that having more day to prepare for the exam. But a woman disagree with that because she think it's not study days isn't really helpful because they study a whole semester. But if students should be studying throughout the people try to use three day semester, not just cramming at the end. She thinks it's impossible to understand all the knowledge, it's impossible. And material in just three days. Additionally, she points out that it's not a the best choice. And also, it's not a best way time to ask professors questions because professors questions, as they are very busy. They try to make the test busy preparing exams and give the student scores. So the professor didn't grading assignments, so they may not have the time to solve the problem with the students then.