Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO57 Task4


Using the two examples from the talk, explain how a business can increase sales by creating a second interest.


FEMALE PROFESSOR: So, we’ve been talking about strategies stores use to increase sales of their merchandise … to sell more of their items. What I wanna talk about now is one particular strategy, which is using what’s called a second interest. A business wants to sell one product, so they offer a second product, or service—the second interest—for free if you buy the first one. Basically, the store gets customers to buy stuff by offering them something else that interests them as a bonus. OK, so a second interest can lead to immediate sales of the first product, or it can be used to help retain customers … to keep them coming back to the store to buy additional merchandise. So let’s see how a second interest helps immediate sales. Offering a free bonus helps convince people who may be undecided about whether they wanna purchase an item. So, for instance, a store that sells computers may use this strategy by offering a deal—if you buy their newest model of computer, you get a free video game you can play on the computer. The customer who isn’t quite sure whether they wanna buy the computer will be more likely to buy it because the free video game also interests them. Now, a second interest can also be used to increase sales by helping a business retain customers … keep them coming back, so they’ll continue to buy merchandise from you in the future. For instance, the computer store could offer free computer lessons to its customers on a regular basis. Maybe once a month, customers can come into the store for a lesson. Free lessons keep customers coming back in … so the store maintains contact with its customers. As a result, since they’re in the store often anyway, whenever they need something computer-related—like a printer or ink cartridge—they’re more likely to buy it from that store.

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Additional Adjective Referring to something that is extra or supplementary to what is already present or known. 额外的。 "If you buy the phone, you can get an additional discount on accessories."
Anyway Adverb Used to indicate that something is true or will happen regardless of other factors; in any case. 无论如何。 "I wasn't sure if I wanted to go, but I decided to join them anyway."
Basically Adverb In the most essential or fundamental way; fundamentally. 基本上。 "Basically, if you follow the instructions, you should have no problems with the project."
Basis Noun The underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process. 基础。 "The team meets on a weekly basis to discuss their progress."
Bonus Noun Something extra given as a reward or incentive, often in addition to what is expected. 奖金。 "She received a bonus for her hard work during the busy season."
Convince Verb To persuade someone to do or believe something. 说服。 "I tried to convince my friend to join the gym with me."
Female Adjective Relating to the sex that can produce eggs or bear offspring; typically associated with women and girls. 女性的。 "The female athlete set a new record in the marathon."
Immediate Adjective Occurring or done at once; instant or prompt. 立即的。 "We need immediate action to address the problem before it gets worse."
Instance Noun An example or single occurrence of something. 例子。 "In this instance, we should follow the guidelines closely."
Item Noun A single article or unit, especially one that is part of a list or collection. 项目。 "I need to pick up a few items from the grocery store on my way home."
Maintain Verb To continue to have or keep something in a specified state or condition. 维持。 "The gym offers free classes to maintain a good relationship with its members."
Merchandise Noun Goods that are bought and sold in a store. 商品。 "The store has a wide variety of merchandise, from clothes to electronics."
Particular Adjective Specific or distinct from others; relating to one specific item or detail. 特定的。 "I want to focus on one particular aspect of marketing that can really boost sales."
Printer Noun A machine that produces text or images on paper from a computer. 打印机。 "I need to buy a new printer because my old one stopped working."
Product Noun An item that is manufactured or refined for sale. 产品。 "The company just launched a new product that everyone is excited about."
Purchase Verb To buy something; to acquire something by paying for it. 购买。 "I decided to purchase the new phone after reading all the positive reviews."
Regular Adjective Occurring at fixed intervals; habitual or customary. 定期的。 "I go to the gym on a regular basis to stay fit and healthy."
Relate Verb To show or establish a connection between two or more things. 关联。 "It's important to relate your ideas to the audience's interests to keep them engaged."
Retain Verb To keep possession of; to continue to have something. 保留。 "The company aims to retain its customers by offering excellent service."
Service Noun An action or work done to help or benefit someone, often in exchange for payment. 服务。 "The restaurant is known for its quick and friendly service."
Strategy Noun A plan or method for achieving a particular goal, especially in business or competitive contexts. 策略。 "We need to come up with a new strategy to attract more customers this year."
Stuff Noun A general term for various things or items, often used when the specific details are not important or are unknown. 东西。 "I need to get my stuff together before the trip this weekend."


The professor may mainly talk talks about this thing that's happened a strategy in the business market. It's about the market called 'second interest.' This means that when you buy one product, you can get a second interest. The second interest is the thing that the second thing is product for free. For XMEMPO, example, if you buy a computer, you might receive a free video game. This strategy helps convince customers who are unsure about their purchase to go ahead and buy the first product, computer because they find the free video game appealing. Additionally, the second product is for free. And it's also used interest can help keep customers coming back. For instance, the computer store could offer free lessons to keep customers every month. This way, customers will return to the customers to continue buying the products. And the professor gives XMEMPO about buying the computer. If the customer is not deciding store regularly, and when they need something else, like a printer or ink, they are more likely to buy what, and they will, the seller will post a sentence it from that is about, if you buy this computer, you will get a video game for free. This will mainly lead the customers to choose or buy this product. That is the meaning that the professor is explaining about the second


When you then feel like if you need businesses want to do about biasness, you can do study many about biasness and knowledge. You can now make a something knowledge. You increase sales, they can use this a strategy called a second interest. For example, if a computer store offers a free video game with the purchase of a new computer, it can entice customers who are unsure about buying the computer. This bonus makes the deal more appealing. Additionally, the store could offer free computer lessons to now have some interesting knowledge. And keep customers coming back. By providing valuable services, the store builds a relationship with customers, making them more likely to study biasness can help you to have the better living to. So you are so grateful so you can see that interesting.return for future purchases.


This lecture is talking about the business class and the writer is using two examples to explain discusses how a business businesses can increase if sales by creating a second interest. The first one is, example shows that many people only want you by the first customers might be interested in a product, but they have, but not the people have some second entity like some people like to play the computer game. So they need by the computer. Because computer contain the some games, so they must need may hesitate to buy it. So some For instance, a computer store might offer a free video game with the purchase of a new computer. This bonus can encourage undecided customers to make the purchase because they are also interesting interested in the game. The second product.example illustrates how a business can retain customers by providing additional value. The computer store could offer free lessons on how to use the computer, which keeps customers coming back. When they frequently visit the store for lessons, they are more likely to buy other products, like printers or ink cartridges, from that store.


The passage is meaning to talk about stair-to-stretch. And there is discusses how businesses can increase sales by using a strategy called 'second interest.' This means that when a customer buys one product, they are offered a second product, product for free as an incentive. For example, a second interest. And the customers, they buy stuff, and the computer store that you have to have customers. They use strategy and get, for example, to get computers and they can play might offer a free video when you buy a new computer. This can encourage customers who are unsure about their purchase to go ahead and buy the computer because they find the free game appealing. Additionally, the store can use this strategy to keep customers coming back. They might offer free computer lessons once a month, which keeps customers engaged with the store. When these customers need something else, like a printer, they are more likely to buy it from the same store because they have built a relationship with it through the free lessons.


Store of increased A store can increase sales by creating a second interest. That can protect the team interest in a couple of people back to buy the same edition, that's increased sales. They are too demovy. It's the first idea is that ways. First, they might offer a computer along with a free video game. Also This can help people who are unsure about buying the computer because the free game makes the offer more appealing. The second example is that if the people don't know if they need a computer, they may buy it because of the video games. Another example of it is they will keep a could provide free computer classes to get the teachers to some buyer. So whenever they come customers. By doing this, customers will keep coming back to the store they will consider if for the lessons, and when they need to buy something related and increase. They will have related, like a printer or ink, they’re more likely to buy the more from that store.


In Business class, the professor used the example to explain explained that there are two main benefits for a store when using the strategy of a second interest. First, when you buy the first product, the store if they use the second interest, interest, marking strategy. If you buy first product, maybe might offer the second product is for free. This is a definition for the second interest. And the first example is about the computer. If For example, if you buy a computer, they will give you might receive a free video game. And because of this This free video game, game can encourage more customers to purchase the more customers, more likely computer because it adds extra value to buy it. And this will their purchase. Second, to keep back to customers coming back, the store and lead some benefits. Second, if they want to keep the customer coming back to the store, they will give some could offer free computer lessons. And the By providing these lessons regularly, customers will back return to the store on certain days.specific days, which increases the chances that they will buy other items, like printers or ink cartridges, when they visit.


In this business lecture, it was talk we learned about a marketing strategy called the marketing sculpture. second interest. Some companies will sell the first things, a product and it will give people the offer customers a second things in item for free. It may be. it may This can be helpful for increasing sales. For example, a store that sells computers might give customers a free video game when they buy a new computer. This makes people more likely to purchase the first things. and it's like computer because they are interested in the compliments. why they do it. It just for appealing people. It was decided it was decided in people, because.One free game. Another example is that some.Companies sell the computer, and a computer store could offer free computer lessons to keep customers coming back. This way, when customers need something else, like a printer or ink, they will give the people's a free video game. So are more people will likely to buy these computers just because the free video games. so it will have the big benefits for the companies than others.from that store.


In the lecture, it is we learned about the business class of the strategy of the sales something. It has one particular to about it like the one one piece of things is normal price and one one is free. That is a business strategy I think. But I don't know how called 'second interest,' which helps increase sales. One example is when a store offers a free product with the purchase of another. For instance, if you buy a new computer, you might get a free video game. This encourages customers who are unsure about buying to say go ahead and make the purchase because they find the free game appealing. Another example is offering free computer lessons to customers. This keeps them coming back to the store, and when they need other items, like printers or ink, they are more likely to buy from that because of the relationship built through the lessons.


In the talk, the professor mentioned a marketing strategy that is second interest, called 'second interest,' which offers a second product for as a bonus when you buy the first product as a bonus. They have product. There are two advantages. advantages to this strategy. The first is that it can convince the indecided consumers, for undecided consumers. For example, a store that sells a computer. It may computers might offer a free video game if they you buy a computer. These video games will This free game might interest some people who are unsure about which computer to choose, making them more likely to go for that are not decided by which to buy, and then they will choose this kind of computer. option. Another advantage is that it can get encourages consumers coming to come back. For example, as instance, the computer store could offer free lessons when someone buys a computer store, it will offer a free lesson when they buy it, and the consumers will come computer, which brings customers back for the lesson. And lessons. Then, if they need other devices, they will come are more likely to return to that store to buy it again.them.


Professor, you I want to explain two examples of how a business can increase sales by creating a second interest. First, this strategy allows consumers to expand the strategy that the second interest, which can first make sure the consumer that will buy it and second, it will put the consumer back to buy it. At the first, it's receive a strategy that the people can get second product for free if when they buy the first product. And for example, the For instance, if a customer buys a computer, if the consumer buys the computer, and they will gain the free video game, which can let them play on the computer. If the consumer was not decided by it, this is the might get a free video game they will make to play on it. This free game can encourage customers who are unsure about purchasing the computer to go ahead and buy it. Second, a business can use the second, which can let second interest to keep customers coming back. For example, the consumer back if they have the computer store could offer free computer classes if to customers regularly. This way, customers will return to the store for lessons, and while they are there, they are more likely to buy it.other items they need, like printers or ink cartridges. This strategy not only boosts immediate sales but also helps retain customers in the long run.


Second A second interest is a business strategy that when the where stores want to sell one thing, maybe product, so they will maybe they will send offer something else for free for dancing together and in to encourage sales. In the lecture, the professor explained the how the second interest this strategy influence on the influences sales. The first one for example, and example is for the.immediatemediate sale, for example, immediate sales: if someone are struggling is unsure about to whether if they want buying a computer, the store might offer a free video game with the purchase. This could convince them to buy the computer, but now computer. The second example is about retaining customers: the store could offer free computer store will send you a video game lessons. If customers come back for free on the computer, maybe you will want lessons, they are more likely to buy it. And other items, like printers or ink cartridges, from the second one is they can they can send you the lessons on the about the computer. And the later, if you want to know about the other things about the computer, you will back this store again.later.


Some storm stores sell one product and the offer a second product will be free and they will make the consumer interesting for free, which makes consumers interested in their products and keep encourages them to return to the storm again. He gives example about store. For example, the computer storm. When the consumer buy one computer storm they can also get the store offers a free video game. The game when a customer buys a computer. This deal can attract more customer will come back to their store to buy both the things. Also it will commit those releases for consumers. The buyer will also come back customers to the storm and store. Additionally, the store can provide free computer lessons to keep customers coming back. By maintaining contact with their customers, the store increases the chances that they can maintain their computer. This is since can make the customer more aware to will buy their store.other items, like printers or ink cartridges, when they need them.


In our business class, we discussed marketing strategies, particularly the business class we talk about the marketing standards. They talk about the two interesting. The first is, first interesting is, concept of 'second interest.' One example is when a store offers a free item with a purchase, like if you buy one, maybe I will give a computer, you the same one might get a video game for free. It is, This can increase encourage customers who are unsure about buying the two interesting computer to go ahead and have them make the purchase because the free game is appealing. Another example is offering free computer lessons to customers. This keeps customers coming back to the store, and when they need additional items like printers or ink, they are more likely to buy them from that store because they have built a relationship through the mode. The second interesting is, if you buy the computer, we can give you the video games. And maybe this video game is so interesting. So if you buy the computer, it can inspire you interesting and we can give you some things to give you some gift. The second or the third is computer racing. You can now the computer racing and get it to anywhere to have you and to inspire the Cosmer interesting. So only the second interesting have the different marketing standards and one is for free and one is for you to get it.lessons.


Today's A business can increase sales by increasing creating a second interest.interest in a couple of ways. For example, if a computer store offers a free video game when you buy a new computer, it can encourage customers who are unsure to make a purchase. Additionally, providing free computer lessons can keep customers coming back to the store, making them more likely to buy other items in the future.


Well, the concept of the second interest is a marketing strategy that helps businesses retain customers and increase is one of the market strategies to maintain sales. For example, a consumer and Increase the sell of the merchandise and the consumer computer store might offer a free video game when a customer buys a new computer. This bonus can get additional glucose after for free after per chance in the first ones and the professor Elos for this concept by giving an example in convince people who are unsure about buying the computer store to go ahead and make the purchase. The second way this strategy works is by keeping customers coming back to the store. The computer store once the One consumer per chance of computers. It will get video game for could offer free And it increased the likelihood for the people who don't want to buy Computers and now they turn to become by computers and the second advantage Either way home make sure the consumer will back to their store and purchase their dues They will overconsumer with the computer lessons for free Just like go once a month month. This way, customers will return regularly, and it will increase the possibility that the consumer will when they need other products, like printers or ink cartridges, they are more likely to Per chance the other dues likebuy them from that store.


There A business can increase sales by using a strategy called a second interest. For example, if a store sells computers, they might offer a free video game with the purchase of a new computer. This makes customers who are some marketing strategies to help to help person to sell more items using second interest like first using second interest for free and offering something and then another person to offering something else second it's pretend additional. They have three decided unsure about buying the computer more likely to go ahead and may use strategies make the purchase because they find the free video games and this is quite short so game interesting. Additionally, the store can keep customers coming back by offering free computer lessons regularly. If customers come back for lessons, they are also interesting and then it's more likely to buy other items, like keep coming back it's like regular basis like 3D sends and backs in computer to relay inprinters or ink cartridges, from that store when they need them.


The A business you can increase the building.sales by using a second interest in two ways. First, they can offer a free bonus with a purchase, like giving a free video game when someone buys a computer. This can help convince customers who are unsure about buying. Second, they can provide free lessons, like computer lessons, to keep customers coming back. This way, when they need something else, like a printer, they are more likely to buy it from that store.


In the our business class, a the professor talks talked about a strategy called a second interest set wheel. It's a interest, which can help increase sales. This strategy that can increase sales and it has two main advantages. The first one is that sellers can attract buyers by offering them something for free when they purchase a product. For example, a computer store might say that if you buy a computer, you will get a free video game. This bonus can encourage buyers who are unsure about purchasing the sealers will tell the buyers if they buy these projects, they will have some things for free. And the buyers will think that they have some bonus. And a computer. The second advantage is that the sellers will tell the buyers they can have change encourage customers to come back return in the future. One example of For instance, the first strategy is that in a computer company, if the buyers buy the computer, they store could offer free lessons to customers every month. This way, customers will send the free games keep coming back to the sellers. And the example of the second advantage is store, and when they need something else, like a printer or ink, they are more likely to buy it from that if the buyers buy the computer, they will send the customers a free lessons. In that case, they can have


The professor mentions explains that some company will use businesses can increase sales by using a strategy that's consumer by called 'second interest,' where they offer a free product or service when a customer buys the first product and product. For example, if someone buys a computer, they can be might get a free when they get second product. The professor gives us two examples to explain this phenomenon. The first one is the computer. When the consumer buy the computer, it will be free when people buy the computer and it can be free when it is video games can be free. The consumer will be game. This makes customers more likely to buy it. the computer because they are interested in the free game. The second one example is about retaining customers. The store can offer free lessons to customers who buy the company will make the consumer computer, encouraging them to come back regularly. This way, when they need other products, like printers or ink cartridges, they are more likely to buy their product such as free lessons when the consumer buy the computer so them from that the consumer will come back to buy it.same store.


About Regarding the concept of a second interest, the people will try to businesses use their second interest this strategy to attract the people, go customers back to the store. It's just like For instance, when you buy one thing and also they will give you another one to you. For example, if the store wants to sell the a computer, they will give people the might offer you a free day. It's very good for the video game. This is especially appealing to young people who really want are excited about getting the game. Additionally, the store might provide free computer lessons to have customers. This encourages them to return to the free video game. And another one is store regularly, making it more likely that they will give them some lesson about the computer. So this will encourage the people to buy their computers.additional items, like printers or ink cartridges, when they need them.


The A business can increase sales by creating a second interest is that, for in a couple of ways. For example, if you want to buy something and a computer, the seller will, store might offer a free video game if you buy this, purchase the seller will give something free and computer. This makes you will want more likely to buy it more. And the second computer because you’re getting something extra that you like. Another example is that, if you buy this wash and that the seller will give you the store could offer free redo game and you will want computer lessons to customers. By coming in for these lessons, customers might also decide to buy it.other items they need, like a printer or ink, because they are already in the store.


No material talks about the definition of the A second interest is a kind of strategy that the sellers will use to offer customers with another else an additional bonus in order to keep the keep the make make, make the customers interesting them interested in the items or bring their products and encourage them back to return to the stores through the free bonus for for store. For example, one a computer.Shop.When if a customer don't know if we want to buy is unsure about buying a computer, he will. He may be interested by the bonus of the video games. Then the store might offer a free video game gonna with the purchase. This bonus can attract the customer and make them man he may more likely to buy the computer. And the, the, by the second type Another example is that if.If offering free computer lessons. If the store offer free computer lessons, that provides these lessons regularly, customers will bring be encouraged to come back frequently, which increases the customer back to the store and limit.chances they will buy other items, like printers or ink cartridges, while they're there.


The lecture introduced the market starry talked about the strategy of a second interest to keep encourage consumers back to purchase. Because if make purchases. When you buy the first thing, item, the second thing would be free. This would be close item is free, which appeals to consumers mental. consumers' interests. There are two examples about from the computer store. The first example is that if you buy a computer. The computer, the store will send give you a free video game for free. And that you can play it on it. This can attract customers to make the computers. That would attract computers to buy it. And the second, purchase. The second example is that if you buy a computer, you can get the receive free lessons back at the store. By attending these lessons, customers are more likely to return to the stores to study. So that at the same time, when you back to study, sales would come into the printer store and buy additional products, like printers or other products for you to buy it. So you can link to use.accessories they might need.


The first example is if you buy something about a computer store that you can give you some analysis such as if offers a free video game when you buy a computer, you can play new computer. This encourages people who are unsure about buying the video games computer to be free and some people think it good so some people only want you to play make the purchase because they are also interested in the free video games so game. The second example is about the store offering free computer lessons to customers. This keeps customers coming back to the store, which increases the chances that they will buy other items, like printers or ink cartridges, in the new computer and the other way is tofuture.