Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO61 Task2


The letter writer points out a problem with the math building and suggests an improvement. Briefly describe the improvement and explain the reasons why the woman agrees or disagrees with the letter writer’s suggestion.


Cafeteria for Math Building Students who are majoring in math spend a lot of time in the math building. I think it would be more convenient for math students if the university turned the large empty room on the first floor of the math building into a small cafeteria. Having a cafeteria in the math building would give students a place where they could get something to eat in between classes. Additionally, the university could add a number of electrical outlets to the room so students could recharge their laptops there. Sincerely, Justin Ruben


Now listen to two students discussing the letter . Did you see this letter of Justin in the paper today ? I like his idea . Yeah , I did see that . I think it’s good . It would be a real convenience , because right now the closest place to get something to eat is at the student center , which is all the way across campus . You know you’re right about that . There just isn’t enough time to leave the math building . Make the long walk to the student center and get back in time for your next class . I know what you mean . So it will be a great place to just have something to eat . Spend time with friends and slow down a little in between classes . And what about his suggestion about the computers ? Oh I really like it because most students bring their laptops to classes , especially math classes , and they need to recharge their laptops when they’re not in class . Yeah , and there are absolutely no places to do that in the math building because it’s so old . Right . So , like if you have a couple of math classes in a row , and sometime in between them , it would be a good place to sit down and recharge your laptop and maybe get some work done at the same time .

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Absolutely Adverb Used to emphasize that something is completely true. 绝对地,完全地,用于强调某事完全正确或真实。 "I absolutely love your new haircut, it suits you so well."
Cafeteria Noun A restaurant in a workplace or an educational establishment where food is served, often to be eaten in a communal area. 自助餐厅,工作场所或教育机构的餐厅,食物在那里被供应,通常在公共区域内食用。 "The cafeteria at our school serves a variety of healthy meals."
Campus Noun The grounds and buildings of a university or college. 校园,大学或学院的土地和建筑物。 "The campus is beautiful in the fall when the leaves change color."
Convenience Noun The state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or difficulty. 方便,能够以较小的努力或困难进行某事的状态。 "Online shopping provides a lot of convenience for busy people."
Convenient Adjective Fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans. 方便的,符合一个人的需求、活动和计划的。 "The hotel's location is very convenient for both shopping and sightseeing."
Electrical Adjective Operating by or producing electricity. 电的,由电操作或产生电的。 "We need to call an electrical engineer to fix the wiring in our house."
Improvement Noun The action of improving or being improved. 改进,提高或被提高的行为。 "The company has made significant improvements in its manufacturing process."
Outlet Noun An electrical socket that provides power for devices. 电源插座。 "I always sit by the outlet in class so I can keep my laptop plugged in."


The letter suggests that the college to should add a number of more electrical outlets to the rooms math building so that students could can recharge their laptops there, and the laptops. The woman thinks the letter's agrees with this suggestion is good because first it's it would be more convenient for math students who learn math to have a place where they can eat and spend time in there and it's more convenient for them with friends learning there and it's friends. Additionally, having a good place to recharge.recharge their laptops would help students who have back-to-back math classes.


First, I'll talk about explain why the woman agrees or disagrees with the letter writer's suggestion first. This place is where you can suggestion. She thinks that having a cafeteria in the math building would be really helpful because it would allow students to get some food and learn relax with your classmates or friends. And second, friends between classes. She also agrees because the math building is old and doesn't have enough places for students to recharge their place is old.laptops. So, having a cafeteria would not only provide food but also a comfortable space for students to work and socialize.


The improvement of suggested for the mass math building is making the mass building become larger and more convenient for the students. It has to turn a large empty room into a cafeteria and adds some number of add electrical outlets for students to recharge. recharge their laptops. The woman totally agrees with this idea. She thinks idea because she believes that the current setup in the math building doesn't give students enough time to grab a bite to eat or relax between classes. Having a cafeteria would allow them to eat and spend time with friends without the long walk to the student center. Additionally, the old mass math building provides little time lacks places for students to do researches and then they will go recharge their laptops, which is essential for the next class. These new buildings can give them more free time to do themselves, such as eating or spending time with their friends. And the old mass building is too old to recharge for the students need to do the homework for a long time.those who have back-to-back classes.


The letter main discuss that discusses how students spending spend a lot of time with mass building, there in the math building and suggests turning an empty room into a small cafeteria. There are two reasons. main reasons for this suggestion. First, it's it would be convenient for mass student math students to live in. have a place to eat right in the building. Second, it gives would allow students to recharge their laptops while they take a place where they could get something to eat, so it's very convenient for students. break. The woman agree agrees with the letter that if they spend time with mass building, it's very convenient because because, right now, the city, the closest place they live to eat is too far away from the school, so it can away, which wastes time. She thinks having a cafeteria would help students save time. Second, they can get something time and also give them a chance to eat relax and spend time hang out with friends. Also, they can get their computer to use.friends in between classes.


The woman in the conversation disagrees agrees with the letter writer, Justine Robben. Justin Ruben. She mentions that it's having a cafeteria in the math building would be very convenient for students over class and just not cross because they wouldn't have to walk all the street way to the student center to buy the foods and they'll be food, which could make them late for the class and they'll be very class. She also points out that students often feel tired after making that long walk. Additionally, having a cafeteria would provide students with a place to doing that and it's convenient for recharge their laptops between classes, which is important since many students bring their laptops to getting some electricity for their computers of math class and even she describes classes. She explains that they even can do the smart could also use that time to work on homework or do some problems in their old buildings but not even just now and they can buy food to develop they can buy food conveniently and even in the rest of the class they can develop their students relationships and talk spend while spending time with their friends in the spare times.a more relaxed environment.


I think students can spend a lot of time in the math building. Because building because they often have multiple math classes in a row. It would be really helpful if the university turned the large empty room on the first floor into a cafeteria. This way, students could grab something to eat between classes without having to walk all the way to the student center. The woman agrees with this idea because it would make things more convenient for students, especially since there are no places to recharge laptops in the math class can ask we have more classes. It can help with student computer class building. Having a cafeteria would not only provide food but also a place to relax and another class. But I think it would be more conversation for math students if university turned to language input room on first floor of two math building. The better suggestion is so important but it only can help we do


The woman agreed with the later writing letter writer's suggestions because because, in the math building, they students often don't have enough time to eat or do what they want between classes. They have to do. And walk all the way to the student center, which wastes their time. Most students also need to eat at other places instead of math buildings. And they need to get back to the next class. And they just waste students' time. And most students need computers to have class. But this building is so old that students can't do a lot of things there. And if use their laptops for class, but the math building can be improved is old and students can doesn’t have good... enough places to recharge them. If the math building had a cafeteria, it will would be a good great place to sit down and for students don't need to eat at other places. And it can and recharge their laptops, helping them save their time. And students can do many time and get some work done during their free time.breaks.


The latest letter writer pointed out that it takes too much time for students to move from mass the math building from to their classroom. So they plan to turn next class. He suggested turning a large empty room onto on the first floor for mass of the math building into a small cafeteria. And He also they plan to improve electronic order for them to mentioned adding more electrical outlets so students can recharge some their laptops. And the The girl agreed with that this idea because it's it would really save much time for students and give them and gives them much time a chance to free. And also relax. Plus, they can would be able to charge at mass building freely.their laptops easily in the math building.


The school is considering using turning the empty rooms and room on the first floor into a small cafeteria for students to have grab coffee and have break. take breaks. The woman agreed the agrees with this improvement. She thinks that that, firstly, the school is mainly focused should focus on students. Build these rooms can students' needs. Having this cafeteria would give them enough time to prepare for the their next class class, allowing them to eat and they can have a break and eat some food or pay some spend time for their with friends. And secondly, Secondly, for math class, classes, most of students need to take computer. Their laptop use their laptops, which often need to recharge. These rooms can help be recharged. A cafeteria would provide a place for them to recharge. It is recharge their laptops. This change would be more convenient and it is also good beneficial for their study. So studies. So, she agreed with supports the improvement for school to build idea of creating a coffee room and on the first floor.


From my perspective, you may spend a lot of time in the math building. I think it would be more really convenient for math students if the university turned the large empty room on the first floor of the math building into a small cafeteria. So I agree This would give students a place to grab a quick bite between classes. The woman agrees with this idea because it would save time for students who currently have to walk all the woman because it's pretty convenient way to the student center for food. Plus, having a place to relax and it's very easy to play with. It's very convenient recharge their laptops would be a huge benefit for math students and they can spend a lot of time those spending long hours in the math building and play with friends. So I agree with that.building.


The passage talks about discusses two proposals of from a student. The first one suggestion is about to turn some empty classes to a cafe classrooms in the math unit, and the second is about have some math classes on the way of university, and building into a café, which the woman totally agrees with the ideas. For the first one, cafe, she thinks it will with. She believes this would save a lot of time for students between who currently have to walk all the canteen and way to the study unit, because before, they will take student center to get food, which takes a long time to buy something to eat. And the time. The second one, if there suggestion is some for having math classes on located closer to the way of the university, main university path. The woman thinks this would be convenient because students can could easily stop any time by for classes whenever they want, and want. She also mentions that most of students have their own laptops, and they can also charge for bring their laptops any time they class and would appreciate being able to charge them whenever needed.


The writer thinks they should move suggests turning the class large empty room on the first floor because they of the math building into a cafeteria so that students can have a place to get food during breaks. She also thinks it would be helpful to eat in the rest time and she suggests that they can add a number of electric outhouse electrical outlets for students to recharge their laptops. The readers agree woman agrees with him because it looks good and would be very convenient, especially since the nearest place to eat is far away at the student center. Students often don’t have enough time to walk there and back before their next class is too short. Students don't have so many time to prepare and relax. class. If they move to had a cafeteria on the first floor, they can get could relax and eat food. without worrying about being late. In the past, they don't have there hasn’t been a good place for students to read, but if they do, if they suggest it thoroughly, it's good.recharge their laptops or take a break, so this suggestion would really improve their experience.


If we agree his suggestions have two variants. First, it I think the writer's suggestion is a good one. He believes that having a cafeteria in the math building can save the time and many students can use the time time, allowing them to do the studying. Second, study more effectively between classes. The woman agrees because it can go back to quickly. It's would be very convenient for students who currently have to students. Then, he disagrees and has two variants. First, it's no place walk all the way to the student center for food. However, she also mentions a concern: not everyone may find the cafeteria accessible, especially if they live far away or have busy schedules. Overall, the idea of a cafeteria seems beneficial, but there are some people living. Second, it's between the loaded and housed. They can't make an event comfortably issues to do this work.consider.


The university decided to have the create a cafeteria in the math buildings, building because first, it would allow students can have the cafeteria in the math buildings, it means they can to eat between the classes. It's classes, which is really convenient. And also, they can have the Also, it would provide places for them to recharge their laptops. From the woman's perspective, she embraced that, The woman agrees with this idea because first, it is really convenient for the students, and it will take a lot of time saves time; right now, students have to leave the math buildings building and walk all the way to have the lunch. student center for food, which takes too long. If they have the there’s a cafeteria, they can eat and can have to talk chat with the friends. And also, friends without rushing. Additionally, the cafeteria can provide electricity could offer electrical outlets for students' laptops, which is especially important for the math. A lot of math students who often need to use the laptop, and they can have the places for recharging their computers. The old current math buildings are too old to have the place to recharge their laptops.building lacks these facilities because it's quite old.


Analyze is I think the letter writer suggests turning the large empty room in the math building into a teacher suggested building a math articles. They will have a confederacy. It is cafeteria. This would be convenient for math students because they could grab food without having food. And to walk all the way to the student center, which is really far away. The girl in the conversation agrees with this idea. She mentions that it will have takes too long to go to the student center and come back in time for class. Also, having a place cafeteria would give students a chance to eat with their friends and relax a bit between classes. Finally, she likes the idea of having places to charge to give a student charge laptop. And their laptops since there aren't any in the conversation, the girl said totally agree this suggestion. First, she think now the confederacy is across from the math building. And they will get back. So it's not convenient. Secondly, it can eat food with friends. Thirdly, it have a places to laptop.building right now.


The woman agreed with the letter's writer's suggestion. The letter's writer pointed out a problem that students would spend many times on the way a lot of time walking from the math building to the student center. They spend too much time, center, which takes away from their study time. Both the woman and both end point out they can't use computer easily the writer mentioned that there aren't enough places for students to recharge their laptops in the math building, making it difficult for them to stay connected and connectedly. It is very connectedly.productive between classes.


The letter writer says it's suggests that it would be convenient to rebuild have a cafeteria in the class. And the math building. The woman agrees that because of the building is so old that no, and math lacks places for students cannot place to use their computer. And it computers. She thinks having a cafeteria would also gives the class give students a place to between classes.


The woman agrees with the letter writer's suggestions. First, now the math students do not have enough time because their classroom is very far. But if they return to the large and empty room at the first floor, that will make them more convenient. And they will not currently don’t have enough time to eat get food because the dining hall is far away. If they had a cafeteria in the dining room, so that they will large empty room on the first floor, it would be much more close convenient for them. They wouldn’t have to rush to the dining room, and they can hall, allowing them to spend more time with their classroom classmates or friends in their free eating time. And also, there are during breaks. Additionally, many classes and homework students need to use computers, computers for their classes and homework, but the old buildings do not have Wi-Fi, so the building lacks Wi-Fi. A new buildings are more convenient cafeteria would provide a place for them in to recharge their class.laptops and get some work done between classes.


The woman agreed with the later writing letter writer's suggestion because to turn the empty room in the math building into a cafeteria. She thinks this would be a great improvement because students often have long math classes and need a place to eat in between. Having a cafeteria would allow students to grab a quick bite and recharge their laptops, which is a long class important since there aren’t many places to do that in the university and to with math building and the suggestion improvement is better for children and use a computer. The woman agreed with the student to use a computer and it is better for building. Overall, she believes this change would really help students manage their study.time better.


The woman agrees with the latest letter writer's suggestions. There are some reasons suggestions for this. First of all, in her opinion, he thinks the students have a cafeteria in the math building. It's She believes it would be more convenient. convenient for students. First, having a cafeteria would allow students to grab a quick meal between classes without having to walk all the way to the student center. Second, if the students have it would give them a next class in order class and need something, this will be a good place to the students. Third, relax and recharge, especially after the a math class, so they can have the energy they need more energy for their next class. They can go to the cafeteria to get they need.class.


The reading material is a letter about some improvement of suggesting improvements to the math building, including to build creating a small cafeteria and build an electricity outlet in order adding electrical outlets to offer provide a place for students to recharge their devices and feed them get food conveniently. In the listening material, the girl completely agreed agrees with the letter. Firstly, there is not she points out that students currently don't have enough time for students now to eat something grab a bite between two classes. If there is were a cafeteria, they can could chat with their friends and have some food. And secondly, if there is an electricity outlet, a student can eat something. Secondly, she mentions that having electrical outlets would allow students to recharge their laptops conveniently while they can't do easily, which is not possible now because the building is really quite old.


The problem of with the mass math building is about the that students in mass buildings spend a lot of time to go walking to the student center to buy some food. And the The improvement suggested is to make create a little small cafeteria in the mass buildings. math building. The women totally agree woman agrees with this suggestion because it's rarely too it would save time for students who currently have to walk far to go to the student center to buy some get food. And the second Another reason is that it would provide a good way to stay with friends and it's a good way to save energy space for students to use computer relax and spend time with friends, as well as a place to recharge their laptops, which is important since many students have back-to-back classes in the cafeterias. Because there is a lot of lab class in the mass buildings. So it's a good way to solve it.math building.


The woman was a great really liked the suggestion because firstly, it's because, first of all, it would be very convenient for students to having this have a place to eat food or eat, take breaks or having communication breaks, and socialize with friends. And also, most Also, many students do not don’t have enough time to walk from another classroom their other classes to the math class. And so, this student center, which is far away. This new cafeteria would give students a place can give the students enough spaces to relax and finish their work. And work in between classes. Additionally, the most important is computers in the other classroom's computer is very old. It can't work usually, so classrooms are often old and unreliable. Having a cafeteria in the math building can would allow students to bring their own laptop, so it's very convenient laptops and recharge them, making it much easier for them to finish complete their own works.assignments.


The woman agrees with the letter writer's suggestions because all of the many students spend a lot of time in the math building. If they have had a cafeteria, they can get it would be much easier for them to grab something to eat more easily. And it's convenient because in this time, if they want without having to eat something, they need to go walk far away to buy the food. If the math building has a cafeteria, they can have away. This would give them more time in to study or stay hang out with friends. Plus, having a friend. And they will have a time place to relax and have take a time to break.break in between classes would really help them recharge.