Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO61 Task3


Explain how the example from the lecture illustrates the concept of a diffusion effect.


Diffusion Effect in Health Studies When health education experts want to test the effectiveness of a program designed to improve a particular health condition, they often do a study with two groups of people. One group participates in the program, while the other does not, and the researchers compare the two groups to see if the program was effective in improving health. However, if the groups come into contact during the study, a diffusion effect may occur. Members of the group participating in the program may mistakenly share information about it with members of the other group. This often leads to the results of the study being useless.


Now , listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a psychology class . So , okay , let’s look at an example . A researcher wanted to study ways to prevent office workers from getting stiff and tired sitting all day at their desks . So he came up with a simple program of exercises , special stretches and things . And he wanted to know if this exercise program would keep people from getting so tired during the work day . So he did a study . He divided the workers in an office building into 2 groups , group A and group B . The researcher had group A do this new exercise program , these special exercises and stretches every day while group B they were told just to work as usual and group A was told not to tell group b about the exercises they were doing . The study went on for a couple weeks . And what happened was one day some people from group A were talking about how the exercises they were doing were making them feel great that they weren’t becoming so stiff and tired during the work day . And some people from group B were sitting nearby and overheard them . So these people in group B decided to start doing the exercises too . So of course , the researcher wasn’t able to tell how well the exercises actually worked , because people from both groups were doing them .

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Concept Noun An abstract idea; a general notion. 概念;一个抽象的想法或一般的观念。 "The concept of freedom is different for everyone."
Condition Noun The state of something with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order. 状况;关于外观、质量或工作状态的某种事物的状态。 "The condition of the old house was poor, so it needed a lot of repairs."
Diffusion Noun The spreading of something more widely. 扩散;使某物更广泛地传播。 "The diffusion of information on the internet is incredibly fast."
Effect Noun A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause. 效果;由行动或其他原因产生的结果或后果。 "The effect of the new policy was immediate and significant."
Effective Adjective Successful in producing a desired or intended result. 有效的;成功产生预期或意图结果的。 "The new marketing strategy was very effective, leading to a significant increase in sales."
Illustrate Verb To make something clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc. 说明;通过使用例子、图表、图片等来阐明某事。 "She used a graph to illustrate the company's growth over the past year."
Lecture Noun An educational talk to an audience, especially to students in a university or college. 讲座;向听众,特别是大学或学院的学生,进行的教育性演讲。 "The professor's lecture on quantum physics was fascinating."
Occur Verb To happen; to take place. 发生;发生。 "The accident occurred at the intersection of Main and Elm streets."
Overhear Verb To hear (someone or something) without the intention of hearing, or without being noticed or intended that you hear. 偶然听到;无意间或未被注意或未被预期你会听到的听(某人或某事)。 "I overheard my parents talking about a surprise party for my birthday."
Participate Verb To take part in or become involved in an activity. 参与;参加或参与某项活动。 "She decided to participate in the charity run to raise money for cancer research."
Particular Adjective Used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class. 用于指定一个特定的群体或类别的个体成员。 "She has a particular interest in vintage fashion."
Psychology Noun The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context. 对人类心灵及其功能的科学研究,尤其是在特定环境中影响行为的那些功能。 "She's studying psychology at university because she's interested in understanding human behavior."
Stiff Adjective Not easily bent or changed in shape; rigid. 不容易弯曲或改变形状;刚硬。 "After a long day of hiking, my legs feel stiff and sore."
Stretch Noun An act of stretching one's limbs or body. 伸展肢体或身体的行为。 "Doing a quick stretch in the morning can help wake up your body."


The professor divides divided the office building people workers into two groups, groups: group A and group B. Group A do did the exercise program every day and day, while group B just do exercise usually. And the continued to work as usual. The professor tell instructed group A don't not to talk about the exercises with group B. They feel tired in working day. They just tell However, some members of group A started sharing how great they felt after doing the exercises. People from group B they feel good. And overheard them and decided to try the exercises too. This situation shows the diffusion effect, where information about the program spread from one group B are considering to do exercise every day. So another, making it hard for the researcher to determine how effective the exercise play an important role in our daily life.program really was.


discussed In the lecture, the example shows how the diffusion effect works in health studies. The health education expert wants wanted to test the effect effects of pills an exercise program to improve a particular health convenience. So help people who sit at desks all day. They divided the workers into two groups: Group A did the new exercises every day, while Group B continued their usual routine without knowing about the exercises. One day, some members of Group A were talking about how great they do a research felt after doing the exercises, and some people from Group B overheard them. This led Group B to prevent start doing the exercises too, which made it hard for the researcher to see if the exercise if exercise is hard. They divide program was really effective, because now both groups were doing the people into groups A and B. The A do new exercise every day and B do exercise but they didn't know what it is. As a result, the people in group A feel great and a little tired. The people in group B didn't say that because they didn't hear something about that.exercises.


The test study is about to prevent professors preventing office workers from feeling stiff and tired from sitting all day in the room and is to test the day. It tests a new exercise program is too tired or not. to see if it helps. The test divides researcher divided the people in the building workers into two groups. The group A is using groups: Group A, who did the exercise program program, and the group B just study normally Group B, who continued working as in the past they do. usual. After one a week, the people in group Group A think they feel felt great and want wanted to continue do this exercise program. But keep doing the exercises. However, some people in the group B, Group B overheard them talking about how good they have negative feelings felt and want decided to join in on the exercise program. exercises too. This test situation illustrates the diffusion effect because it shows how good information about the exercise program is.spread from Group A to Group B, making it hard for the researcher to determine how effective the program really was.


In group A, they work about were doing a new exercise program every day, while group B continued working as usual. However, one day, some members of group B overheard group A talking about how the exercises were helping them feel great and not get stiff during the workday. Because of this, some people in group B, they work as usual, but one day, they are heard that they are doing new exercise. The B decided to try the exercises too. This shows the diffusion effect because the information about the exercise program spread from group A is good to work about group B, which made it hard for the exercise.researcher to determine how effective the program really was.


Our researchers want The researcher wanted to find Kim help office workers who were getting tired from tired or work days and he made a sitting all day. He created two groups: group A and group B. Group A was did an exercise program and program, while group B was just work worked as usual. After a couple of weeks, group A felt great but still felt and less tired. However, some kind of tired. After people from group B listened this, overheard group A talking about how good the exercises were, so they decided to do exercise 2. And start doing them too. This is an example of the result is that exercise actually diffusion effect because it shows how the information shared by group A affected group B, making it hard for the researcher to see if the exercises really worked.


One person's long legs In the lecture, the example shows how the diffusion effect can help them run more quickly, and two persons's long legs can develop physical adaptation long after happen when group A participants accidentally share their experiences about the children chill, and then exercise program with group B. This means that group B might start doing the exercises too, which makes it doesn't show it's so great that it can run faster and help them be great in hard for the world.researcher to know if the program really worked, since both groups are now doing the exercises.


The article is mainly talk talks about in the experiments there's an experiment with two groups and divide them into two groups and one of people. One group has participated in a program, while the people to join in and one other group are not the studyers and as a result did not. Because the group which has that was participating shared information about the studyers in with no results and group with the people not in there has exercises they were doing, it affected the results of the study. The people in the first group felt great after doing the exercises, and some members of the final of second group overheard them talking. They decided to start doing the final project Just in exercises too, which made it hard for the one researcher to see how effective the program really was. The second group there have was just going about their normal day and didn't know about the people studies in they'll tell each other we are having exercises, so their results were different from the experiments and the result of the experiment is not really true and not directly Result and For the another group They don't know everything and they just do things as the normal days and seeming be tired And that's a true result of the experimentfirst group.


The example shows illustrates the importance of diffusion effect by showing how the exercise. An expert researcher divided people office workers into two groups, groups: group A, who did an exercise program, and group B, who continued their usual work. Group A was told not to share their exercise routine with group B. However, some members of group A ended up talking about how great they felt after exercising, and members of group B. For B overheard them. This led group A, he told them B to exercise start doing the exercises too, which made it difficult for the researcher to determine how effective the program was. This situation shows how information can spread between groups and affect the results of a lot of time. And for group B, he asked them usually work. After several days, he asked for two groups of people. Group A people feel happy and relaxed, and they want to work. But the next group of people feel tired and hate their work. So it is important for people to have


Bon Appetit.As the student's response does not address the prompt, a revised version cannot be provided. A suitable response would need to explain how the example from the lecture demonstrates the diffusion effect, perhaps by stating that the sharing of information about the exercise program between groups A and B led to an inaccurate assessment of the program's effectiveness.


The writer researcher divides the class with office workers into two groups. One group does Group A participates in the exercise program, the other group does it not. while Group B continues their usual routine. The writer researcher compares the two groups, finds that groups to see how effective the program is. However, one group has mistaken it. The writer divides day, some people from Group A start talking about how great they feel after doing the group into two groups. One group does exercises. Some members of Group B overhear this and decide to try the new exercises as well. Because of this, the researcher can’t accurately determine how well the exercise every day, but the B group only does the easier exercise. One day, one group talks about the exercise, which feels great in the time, but the B group thinks it's very hard, and the last time, the writer explains they do program works since both groups are now doing the same exercise.exercises.


The lecturers talk lecturer talks about an example of that illustrates the concept of the diffusion effect and they do through an experiment. They divide some staffs divided the staff into two groups, group A and group B. They tell group Group A was instructed to do some exercise exercises every day and day, while group B just continued their usual work like what they used to do. Before several routine. After a few days, someone from group A said that they feel mentioned feeling great after exercise for several days. doing the exercises. When group B know overheard this, they decided to start doing the experiment, they also start to do some exercise.exercises too. This situation shows how the diffusion effect can interfere with the results of the study, as both groups ended up doing the exercises.


The researcher comes up with designed a simple science. exercise program to help office workers avoid getting stiff and tired from sitting all day. He divides divided the workers into two groups: Group A, who did the exercises every day, and Group B, who continued working as usual. The problem arose when some members of Group A talked about how great they felt after doing the exercises, and B. When a healthy education experts want members of Group B overheard them. This sharing of information caused Group B to test also start doing the effectiveness of exercises, which means the researcher couldn't accurately measure how effective the program designed to improve a particular health condition, they often do a study with two groups of people. One group is to exercise was for Group A is alone. This situation illustrates the diffusion effect because the information spread from one group to exercise every day.the other, affecting the study's results.


The article states explains that it is effective when researchers want to test a health program, they usually have two groups: one that participates in different ways. the program and another that doesn't. The first group is participating in grammar in another program, but another group is not participating involved in the program. They found program, while the participating program is more efficient. second group continues their usual activities. In the lecture, they have the example shows a researcher who divided office workers into two groups. One group is doing Group A did a new exercise program every day, program, while Group B just worked as normal. Group A felt more energetic and another group less stiff, but then some members of Group B overheard them talking about how great they felt and decided to do the exercises too. This is work as usual. They find group A feel good in very tired work, and group B heard them and also doing new exercise. So it's good for with new.a clear example of the diffusion effect because it shows how information sharing between groups can affect the study's results.


The lecture demonstrated illustrated the notion concept of the diffusion effect by giving through an example. It gave us the studies. example involving office workers. The people workers in the official office building was were divided into two groups. The group Group A just learned the exercise, it is participated in a new exercise program every day. While the group day, while Group B were not told the exercise, they just worked as the usual. continued their usual work without any exercises. After a week, group some time, Group A found noticed that the exercise did help them. They did not exercises helped them feel tired any longer. When group less tired. However, some members of Group B members heard that, they started overheard Group A talking about the benefits of the exercises and decided to study try them as well. This situation created a diffusion effect because the information about the exercises spread from Group A to Group B, making it impossible for the researcher to determine how effective the exercise too. Just like program was since both groups ended up doing the group A used the new exercise every day. Actually, the exercise did not work. This also explains what is the diffusion effect.exercises.


The university explains example from the lecture shows the diffusion effect by explaining how two groups of office workers were involved in a study. Group A was doing a special exercise program, while Group B was not. However, some members of Group A talked about how great they felt after doing the exercises, and members of Group B overheard them. This led Group B to more and more people in two groups. The group A is discussions on health studies. The discussion is how start doing the exercises too, which made it hard for the researcher to be healthy and what needs to be ate and how to longer it. The group B aims to build nearby homes which can make our health better.determine if the program was effective since both groups ended up doing the exercises.


The people all In the example from the lecture, the researcher divided some students office workers into two teams, groups: Team A, who did the exercise program, and Team B, who did not. Team A and was told not to share their exercises with Team B. However, some Team B members overheard Team A studied very hard and talking about how great they felt after doing the exercises. This led Team B studied at normal. Then he had an examination. Team A got a few better grades, but they were always tired in work days. They studied together, but Team B didn' start doing the exercises too. This situation illustrates the diffusion effect because the information about the exercise program spread from one group to another, making it hard for the researcher to determine how effective the program really was.


The researcher wants wanted to know find out if they are tired after the exercising. They want to know the efficient effort. Researchers divide people exercise program helped reduce tiredness in office workers. He divided them into two groups, groups: group A and group B. The did the exercises, while group B do continued their usual work without doing the exercises. However, during the study, some members of group A talked about how great the exercises made them feel, and some people from group B overheard them. Because of this, group B started doing the exercises too. This is an example of the diffusion effect, where information shared between groups can affect the results of the study, making it hard to tell how effective the exercise after they work, and the group A do nothing. And the group A, after they exercising, they think it's fun and it makes them relax. But the group B still makes them tired.program really was.


People study a day is too tired, so they should have a good exercise. So The example from the scientists have a lecture shows how the diffusion effect can happen when people from different groups share information. In this case, the researcher divided office workers into two groups: group A and group B. Group A is did the exercise program every day and day, while group B is exercise in continued to work as usual. However, some members of group A talked about how great they felt after doing the weekend. One month later, the exercises, and some members of group B is better than overheard them. As a result, group A. So they think students should B started doing the exercises too, which made it hard for the researcher to determine if the exercise in the weekend for one hour.program was effective.


In order students know to understand the importance of the health education, they have researchers conducted a research, both for group study with two groups, Group A and group B. And they have the same people Group B, under similar conditions. Group A participated in the same conditions for them. But the people who are in group A are keep exercises an exercise program for a week. Besides, the people who are in group week, while Group B are not have it. And did not. After a week, the people in the group A, after the exercise for a week, they feel great. And they think Group A felt great and believed the exercises can cover their tired. But group B, they are helped them avoid tiredness. However, Group B was just working all day and felt very tired. Eventually, some people from Group B overheard Group A talking about the day. They will feel very tired exercises and not feeling good. So they are both exercise. After that, decided to try them too. This situation illustrates the students know diffusion effect because it shows how information about the exercises spread from Group A to Group B, making it difficult for the researchers to determine how effective the exercise for the health education for other health.program really was.


The professors professor conducted a study the participants before the classroom, so they make with two groups of people participants. Group A was instructed to study it. And do exercises, while group B continued their regular work without exercising. Over the weeks, group A is often to exercise reported feeling less tired and another more energetic during their workday. However, some members of group B is not allowed overheard them talking about the exercises and decided to exercise, so they often work and continue to work. And after try them too. This situation illustrates the week, group A's work does not have qualities diffusion effect because they are very tired all it shows how information shared between the days and also they want to sleep during groups can impact the working time. And another group, group B, are still continuing to work, so it's important to study's results. The researcher couldn't accurately assess how effective the exercise every day.program was because both groups ended up doing the exercises.


In the listening lecture, the professor explained that he divided the participants into two groups. One group named Group A, they have exercise after class. One group named Group B, and they just study after class. After few of weeks, Group A think exercise is a great way to relax, and it can solve the problem of one-day pressure. did exercises after class, while Group B just listening continued their usual activities. After a few weeks, members of Group A started to feel great from the exercises and talked about them. Some people from Group B overheard this and decided they wanted to try the exercises too. This shows the diffusion effect because the information about the exercise program spread from Group A to Group A. So Group B want B, which made it hard for the researcher to go to exercise. That tells us determine how effective the health taking problem is more important, so students need more exercise after class.program was, since both groups ended up doing the exercises.


In the reading material, the professor talked about explained the definition concept of division affecting the diffusion effect in health studies, that which occurs when one group of people who participated participating in the an experiment wrongly shared shares information with a another group who didn't, will that isn’t involved. This sharing can lead to the result useless. unreliable results. To illustrate this, the professor provided research as an example. example involving a study on office workers. In the research, this study, the researcher divided people the workers into two groups to find out see if this a special exercise program would help prevent them from getting tired and stiff during the special strategies worked. The first group of people were supposed workday. Group A was instructed to do the exercise exercises every day, while the second group just worked as a normal day. But Group B continued their usual work routine. However, one day, when two some members of one group talked about Group A were discussing how great they felt after doing the exercise, it was heard by exercises, and a member of Group B overheard them. As a result, some people from Group B decided to try the second group. So exercises too. This sharing of information made it impossible for the second group started researcher to do accurately determine how effective the exercise program was, as both groups ended up doing the first group, so the result is useless.exercises.


A health education expert wants to have conducts a test for the students. The experiment divides out the study by dividing students into two groups. One group participates in an exercise program, while the other group does not. The problem arises when members of the first group of start talking about how the exercises help them feel less tired. Some students is more outgoing and from the second group is different. They all keep students tired, but overhear this and decide to try the result for these two exercises too. This sharing of information between the groups is completely different.creates a diffusion effect, making it hard to determine how effective the program really was.


They want to tell the people show that healthy health education is very important, so they do conduct a study with two groups. Group A keep practice, exercise when practices exercises while they work, after the work. And group and Group B just work and no exercise. They didn't know each other what to do. For one week group works without doing any exercises. At first, Group A feel feels good because exercise can make the exercises help relieve their pressures leave away, but group stress, while Group B feel feels bad. And group However, Group A tell group ends up telling Group B about the exercises they are doing, which leads everyone to exercise, they all have to exercise.start exercising.



In this article, the lecture, we can know that there is learn about a researcher, he researcher who wants to find a way to let help office workers feel less stiff and tired during their workday. He divides the young people feel relaxed during the work day. And there are workers into two groups, and the researcher let the first group do groups: Group A, who does a new exercise program, and Group B, who continues with their usual routine. The researcher tells Group A not to share information about the exercises with Group B. However, after a few days, Group A starts feeling great and mentions their positive experience to others. Some members of Group B overhear this and decide to try the work, and exercises too. This situation shows the second diffusion effect because the information about the exercise program spreads from one group do nothing. And to the other, making it hard for the researcher told to accurately measure how effective the first group that don't tell the second group about this exercise. And a few days ago, the first group feel very good, and they will not feel so tired in their work days, and when the second group know that, they started to do this exercise.program really was.


The passage is about explains the diffusion effect that if the group effect, which occurs when members of members different groups come into contact, contact and mistakenly share information. This can make the results of a study unreliable. In the lecture, a researcher wanted to see if an exercise program could help office workers feel less tired and stiff. He divided the workers into two groups: group A did the exercises every day, while group B continued their usual work. The diffusion effect may occur that they may mistakenly share happened when some members of group A talked about how great the information with others, which lets exercises were, and people from group B overheard them. As a result, group B started doing the result of exercises too. This made it difficult for the study was useless. The listening talk about that the research want researcher to test determine if the exercise program is useful for keep people from tired and stiff. And was effective since both groups were now doing the research divides the people into two groups, group A and group B. Group A do the exercise every day as group B work as usual. And the diffusion effect may occurs when the group A of people talks how well the exercise was to the group B. And group B people do as the same. So the research can actually save if the exercise work because both of them were doing it.same exercises.


In the reading, the diffusion effect is about refers to how, during the experiment, the group needs to change their lifestyles, groups might unintentionally share their information to with each other, which can make the other group mistakenly, and making the result results of the experiment useless. study unreliable. In the lessoning listening passage, they have there's an example of a study about if whether an exercise program can help office workers feel less stiff and tired. The researcher divided the workers into two groups: Group A, who followed the exercise can make workers relax. They divide the people into two groups. Group A was told to work as the exercise in the program, and group B was told to work Group B, who just worked as usual. However, while when some members of Group A talked about how great they felt after doing the group A is talking about exercises, members of Group B overheard them and decided to try the exercise, exercises too. This sharing of information led to both groups doing the group B heard exercises, making it mistakenly, so that they decide impossible for the researcher to do exercise like them. determine how effective the program was. This makes the result useless, and is situation illustrates the concept ofof a diffusion effect.


From my perspective, what I find understand, the example from the lecture shows that when the researcher expects center is studying the effectiveness of an exercise program, the results during can be affected if the experiment, two groups communicate. In the experiment usually affects lecture, the outcome. researcher divided the workers into two groups: one group did the exercises while the other just worked normally. However, some people from the second group overheard the first group talking about how great the exercises made them feel, which led them to start doing the exercises too. This experiment is called Expirator. In fact, Professor Earl traces this with a monkey experiment that he read about in situation illustrates the experiment. The researcher was given two groups.diffusion effect because it shows how information sharing can impact the study's results, making it hard to know if the program really worked.


A healthy health education expert wanted to test the effectiveness of a group that he wanted program designed to get him help people from getting tired from at work. And she She decided to make conduct a test. He wanted to keep people from work so tired, so he study and divided the participants into two groups. Group A do did the exercise program every day and group day, while Group B do nothing and continued their usual work as usual. And group without any exercises. Group A was instructed not to tell group Group B about the exercise program. But However, one day when group day, members of Group B overheard Group A talking about how great they did felt after they doing the exercises. As a result, Group B decided to start do doing the exercises too. This situation illustrates the diffusion effect because the information shared by Group A influenced the behavior of Group B, making it difficult for the researcher to determine how effective the exercise program and group B hear this and they start to do exercise program too.really was.


The differentiation benefit is that only diffusion effect happens when information from one person happens or known group accidentally spreads to another group. In the example from the lecture, group A was doing an exercise program, and they were told not to share details with group B. However, some members of group A talked about something. However, how great they felt after being asked or constructed by other, so other people doing the exercises, and members of group B overheard them. This led to group B also know about this prevent mental things. This is doing the exercises, which made it hard for the researcher to see if the program really worked for group A alone. So, the diffusion effect can mess up the results of a differentiation benefit. It's a bad


In a last year, the professor shared the conclusion that by using that example first, the professor could talk about the instability of the electrical computer technology, and for the experiment first, he wanted to participate in the program, and that was the cause. As time went on, the group reached a consensus that the program had to talk about some information about the experiment to show that it was accurate, and the board members of the group particularly shared strong information to each other, and this action also made the result of the program to be useful. That's how lecture, the professor explained the effects diffusion effect using an example of an exercise program for office workers. The researcher divided the workers into two groups: Group A did the exercises, while Group B continued their usual work. Even though Group A was told not to share details about the exercises, some members talked about how great they felt. This led some people in Group B to start doing the exercises as well. This situation illustrates the diffusion effect because the information about the program spread from one group to the other, making it hard for the researcher to determine the true effectiveness of the combination.exercise program.


In order to know understand people's healthy condition, health conditions, an expert do conducts an experiment about the exercise. He divide divides people into two groups, groups: group A and group B. People in group Group A are is told that they can do some exercise, but people in exercises, while group B is told that they can only work as usual. And people in group Group A is told that they cannot instructed not to tell group B what they do every about their exercises. However, one day, but one day some people in from group A told talk about how great they feel after doing the exercises, and some people from group B they do exercise every day, and overhear them. As a result, group B do exercise as group A too, so they decides to start doing the exercises too. This means the researcher can't know is determine if the exercise exercises really worked or not. because now both groups are doing them. This is an example of the diffusion effect.


is the The experts do conduct a project in study with two groups, and where one group participates in the a health program. But However, if the two groups come into conflict contact during the study, this a diffusion effect may occur. And the example is that might happen. For example, a researcher wanted to do create a program, so he divides people program to help office workers avoid getting stiff and tired from sitting all day. He divided the workers into group A and group B, and one B. Group A did the exercise program, while group B continued their usual work. The researcher instructed group A not to share details about the exercises with group B. But eventually, some members of them participates. At group B overheard group A talking about how great they felt after doing the beginning, exercises. This led group B to start doing the A is more exercises too, which made it impossible for the researcher to determine how effective in the work, but after the B hears the program from A, and was, since both groups were doing the B does the exercise as A, so the result is useless.exercises.


The scientist turns researcher divided the office workers into two group, groups: group A and group B. Group A do participated in the exercise program every day day, and the scientist tells researcher instructed them don't not to talk to the group B about the exercises because they will show you the mistake information that could lead to misinformation and they will make the experience become useful. The group study's results unreliable. Group B just do continued their usual work without the office usual. exercises. One day day, some members of group A talk about were discussing how great they felt after doing the exercise make them feel great. A exercises, and a person from group B hold them and decide overheard them. As a result, some people from group B decided to do start doing the exercises as well. This sharing of information between the groups created a diffusion effect, making it hard for the researcher to determine how effective the exercise too. The scientist also told them the exercise.program really was.


Diffusion The diffusion effect is about happens when the two groups of people have a come into contact during the study, so that will lead to which can make the result of the study being useless. results unreliable. For example, in the study, there are were two groups of people, groups: group A and group B. The group A are telling to exercise A, who did exercises every day, and the group B, who just worked normally. One day, some members of group B just work as usual. One day, overheard group A talking about how the exercises helped them feel better. Because of this, some people from group B overheard decided to start doing the members of group A were talking about exercises too. This situation makes it hard for the researchers to know if the exercise they were program actually had an impact on health since both groups ended up doing now, so people from group B start to exercise like group A everything. So that leads the researchers cannot make sure whether or not the program have influence on their health.exercises.


The lecture illustrates the notion concept of deficient impacts a diffusion effect through an example involving the official buildings. These office workers. The researchers want wanted to test if an exercise program was effective, so they divided the exercise is useful and they divide people workers in official buildings an office building into two groups. Group A participates participated in the exercise program and does did the exercise exercises every day, while group Group B just works as usual, sometimes won't go, and continued their usual work routine. At first, Group B was not involved in the people in group B really find it is really useful and help them to release themselves, help them feel less tired. And the people in group B exercises, but they overheard the people in group Group A talking about how beneficial the benefit of this exercise, so exercises were and how they decide were feeling less tired. As a result, some people from Group B decided to do this. So it is impossible start doing the exercises too. This created a problem for the researchers to determine if it is effective about this exercise. So this is deficient impact because they share couldn't accurately determine how effective the exercise program was, since both groups were now doing the exercises. This situation illustrates the diffusion effect because the information and they start sharing led to do both groups participating in the same things. There is no comparison.activities, making it impossible to compare the results accurately.


The reading passage is trying to explain to us explains the diffusion effect. The diffusion effect effect, which is that someone may when information is mistakenly turn the information to other one. shared between groups. The listening passage gives provides an example to indicate the reading passage. The of this effect. A researcher wants wanted to help to prevent the staff working office workers avoid becoming stiff and tired from sitting too still during their working time. So long, so he divides the people divided them into two groups. Group A, they let the people to do some exercise A did exercises every day. But in group B, they just let the people to work day, while Group B continued working as usual a couple weeks. usual. Group A told was instructed not to tell Group B about the things that exercises. However, some members of Group B overheard Group A talking about how the exercises helped them feel better. As a result, they were decided to start doing every day can make them benefit. And then group B heard that. So they are going to do the same things as exercises. This shows the diffusion effect because the information about the exercise program spread from one group A. That is indicate to the reading passage.other, making it difficult for the researcher to determine how effective the program really was.


In the reading passage, it explains the diffusion effect. It's about coming effect, which happens when participants from different groups come into contact during a study. This can lead to problems because if one group shares information with each other during the study. The diffusion effect will occur and other, it can make the result of results unreliable. For example, in the study will be useless. In lecture, the lecture giving researcher wanted to see if a new exercise program could help office workers avoid feeling tired. He split the examples, researchers want to test if the exercise can prevent workers' sleep and tiredness. So he divided people workers into two groups. groups: Group A do exercise, but group did the exercises, while Group B does not. continued their usual work. However, group some members of Group A talk with group talked about how great the exercises made them feel, and some people from Group B during overheard this. As a result, Group B started doing the study. So group B follow group A do exercise too.exercises too, which made it impossible for the researcher to determine how effective the program really was.


The discussion is lecture discusses a study conducted in a psychology class about the physiology class. One day the university explained how to everyone prevent office workers from getting tired and they stiff from sitting all day. The researcher divided the people workers into two groups. The first group, they, all people, is groups: Group A, who did a special exercise program, and Group B, who continued working as usual. Group A was told not to share their exercises with Group B. However, some people from Group B overheard Group A talking about how great they felt after doing the work people and they all this exercises. As a result, Group B started doing the exercises too, which made it hard for the researcher to work in determine how effective the computer and experiment. The group A and program was. This situation illustrates the university explained what group A to exercises and don't tell group B what they do. But group B say group A to do it, diffusion effect because the group B following group A to do. This is a deficient attempt.information shared between the two groups affected the study's results.


The science certificate divides students In the lecture, the example shows a diffusion effect because the researcher divided the office workers into two groups, first is groups: group A and second is group B, and give B. Group A did a new exercise program, while group B continued their regular work. However, some members of group B overheard group A a wrong answer talking about how great the exercises were, and this led them to start doing the exercises too. Because of this, the exercise because of researcher couldn't tell if the lecture is ill-trust. The more people in group A use a wrong answer, then they make exercise meaningless.exercises were effective since both groups ended up doing them.


To research explain the diffusion effect, let's look at the researcher divides who divided people into two groups, group A and group B. Group A did the exercises while group B continued their usual work. The important part is that group A do was not supposed to tell group B about the exercises. However, when some members of group A talked about how the exercises were helping them feel more relaxed and less stiff, some people from group B overheard this. Because of that, group B decided to start doing the exercises too. This situation illustrates the diffusion effect because the information about the exercise after working, and the group B still do the work but do nothing. And the program spread from group A cannot tell the exercise things, and when the group A tells the to group B, which made it difficult for the group B hear about researcher to determine how effective the group A's experience that the exercise can make them relax and good, the group B will do the exercise. And this is diffusion effect.program really was.


The scientific changes scientist conducts a study with two people in two groups. groups of people. One group do does the exercise exercises after work, while the working, one other group does not. And the scientific The scientist tells group A not to talk about the exercises with group B. However, group B sees that the exercises are very useful because they overhear group A to not talk about to group B. But the discussing how great they feel after doing them. As a result, some members of group B see that this thing is very useful, so they do that. And then start doing the scientific can't know what this exercises too. This makes it difficult for the scientist to determine how effective the exercise is useful. So this is program really is, illustrating the deficient diffusion effect.


In order to find the a way which can to prevent office worker feel workers from feeling stiff and tired, the researcher set up an experiment. There are experiment with two groups, they are groups: group A and group B. The group Group A will participated in the exercise program every day, and the while group B just continued to work as usual. And after some After a few days, group A will feel reported feeling great. And because of the However, since group A and group B are sit were sitting very near close to each other, so that some members of group B is overheard group A talking about the process exercises. This sharing of group A. So that will influence information influenced the result results of the experiment.experiment, making it difficult for the researcher to determine how effective the exercise program really was.


The diffusion effect is that maybe there's happens when two groups are having involved in an experiment, and one group will spread incorrect accidentally shares information to another group's number. The professor gave us an example. He takes an experiment that there's with the other group. In the example given by the professor, there are two groups in experiment, and one group, when they are working, they will do exercise, the study. Group A does an exercise program while Group B continues their regular work without the other does not. They don't talk with exercises. Group A is supposed to keep the other group exercises a secret from Group B. And However, after a couple few weeks, some members of weeks, group Group A are start talking about this, how great they feel because of the exercises. Group B overhears them and decides to try the group B hear that. And they also do exercise, seeing their work, and their quality will improve.exercises too. This sharing of information means that the researcher can't accurately measure how effective the exercise program was, since now both groups are doing the exercises.


In the reading material, the professor talked about the concept of division. In fact, it diffusion. This happens when members of a group of people who participate participating in the research mistakenly accidentally share the information with the other another group. That would This can make the research useless. results unreliable. To illustrate this, the professor provided research as gave an example. The example involving a researcher who divided the people in an official building office workers into two groups of people. The first group of people groups. Group A was told to do special stretches, and another group of people was told to work stretches every day, while Group B continued working as usual. One day, when the first group some members of people talked about the stretches, it was overheard by the second group of people. So they started to do Group A were discussing how the stretches as were helping them feel less stiff and tired. Unfortunately, some people from Group B overheard this conversation and decided to start doing the group A did. That leads to stretches too. As a result, the result useless.researcher couldn't determine how effective the exercise program really was because both groups ended up doing the stretches.


See, Okay, so health education experts want to improve a particular specific health condition, so the experts they divide the officials workers in buildings an office into two groups, Group A and Group B. He tells Group A is told to exercise do exercises every day, and while Group B just works usually. And continues their normal work. They ask Group A doesn't talk about not to share what they do are doing with Group B. But one day, some members of Group A start talking about how good they feel from the exercises, and some people from Group B overhear them. As a result, Group B decides to Group B, and one day they talk about try the exercises too. This makes it hard for the researcher to know how effective the exercise they were doing, and it made them feel good. Group B just listens nearby, and as a result of the research, Group B and Group A all want to do exercise together to let them feel relaxed.program really was, because now both groups are doing it.


From the lecture, he the researcher wanted to know that find out if there is a weakness of a the exercise program designed to improve health could help office workers feel less stiff and conditions. tired. He divided up the workers into two groups. The groups: one group is on participated in the program and exercise program, while the other does not. group continued their usual work routine. However, if the program comes into contact groups interacted during the study, it may mistakenly members from the exercise group might accidentally share the information about it the program with the other group. It often leads This sharing can lead to a diffusion effect, making it difficult for the result researcher to determine the true effectiveness of the study being useless. From exercises. In the lesson list, he divided end, some people from the two groups. One second group overheard the first group talking about how great the exercises every day were, and they started doing them too. As a result, the two researcher couldn't tell how well the program actually worked since both groups work together. Result is that ended up doing the eight groups make the field great and the big groups nearby work harder.exercises.


The researchers found that some workers feel stuff were feeling stiff and tired, so the researchers want they wanted to make conduct a research. study. First, she tell they told group A to do exercise exercises every day and while group B just as usual. In continued their usual routine. After a few days ago, days, group A feel felt great because they are exercise, of the exercises, but group B is also was still just working as usual. And When group A tell this is great and talked about how good they felt, some members of group B is lessened, so overheard them. This led group B started to exercise. start doing the exercises too. This is situation illustrates the diffusion effect.effect, where information about the program spread from group A to group B, making it hard for the researchers to determine how effective the exercises really were.