Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO61 Task4


Using points and examples from the lecture, explain two adaptations that allow animals to run at high speeds.


Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class . All animals need to be able to survive in a particular habitat . Some animal species rely on their speed for survival . Being able to run or fly quickly helps them to hunt , to capture prey . And it also helps them to escape from danger . Why are these animals so fast ? Well , these animals have developed physical adaptations that help them to run at high speeds . Let’s discuss a couple of these adaptations . Some animals have specially adapted feet that allow them to travel fast over rough ground . Extremely fast animals may have feet that are very tough on the bottom . This helps them escape from a predator or capture prey more efficiently , since they can run after them at high speeds over rough ground without hurting their feet . For example , the cheetah , these large cats are among the fastest animals in the world , and many of them live in the African desert , where the ground is rough and also gets very hot . So cheetahs have feet with tough pads on the bottom . These pads protect them from the hot sand and sticks and stones , so they don’t hurt their feet and have to slow down . Another adaptation that allows animals to run at high speeds is specially adapted legs . Animals that have long , powerful legs are generally able to run faster than other animals . Looking again at the cheetah , the cheetah has very muscular back legs . When a cheetah starts to run , it pushes off on one of its powerful back legs , sending the body forward in a matter of seconds . What’s more , the cheetahs legs are very long , allowing them to take huge steps covering a greater distance in less time than if they had shorter legs .

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Adapt Verb To change or adjust to new conditions or environment. 改变或调整以适应新的条件或环境。 "Humans have to adapt to changes in the environment to survive."
Adaptation Noun A change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment. 生物或物种改变或改变过程,使其更适应其环境。 "Camels have several physical adaptations that allow them to survive in the desert."
Capture Verb To take into one's possession or control by force. 通过力量将某物纳入自己的控制或占有之中。 "The lion was able to capture its prey after a long chase."
Generally Adverb In most cases; usually. 在大多数情况下;通常。 "I generally go to bed early during the weekdays."
Habitat Noun The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism. 动物、植物或其他生物的自然家园或环境。 "The panda's natural habitat is in the bamboo forests of China."
Lecture Noun An educational talk to an audience, especially one that is given in a school or university. 向听众(尤指在学校或大学中)进行的教育性讲话。 "The professor's lecture on quantum physics was very informative."
Muscular Adjective Having well-developed muscles. 肌肉发达的。 "The athlete has a very muscular build due to his rigorous training."
Pad Noun A flat mass of soft material, used for protection, stuffing, or comfort. 平坦的软质物,用于保护、填充或舒适。 "The dog's pad is tough and can withstand rough surfaces."
Particular Adjective Used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class. 用于从指定的群体或类别中挑选出个别成员。 "She has a particular interest in ancient history."
Physical Adjective Relating to the body as opposed to the mind. 与身体相关,而不是与心灵相关。 "Regular exercise is important for physical health."
Powerful Adjective Having great power or strength. 有大量的力量或强度。 "He has a powerful voice that can be heard across the room."
Predator Noun An animal that naturally preys on others. 天然以其他动物为食的动物。 "The lion is a predator that hunts other animals for food."
Prey Noun An animal that is hunted and killed by another for food. 被其他动物猎杀以食用的动物。 "The mouse is prey for the cat."
Rely Verb Depend on with full trust or confidence. 完全信任或有信心地依赖。 "I rely on my alarm clock to wake me up every morning."
Survival Noun The state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances. 继续生活或存在的状态或事实,通常是尽管经历了事故,磨难或困难的情况。 "The survival of this species is threatened by deforestation."
Survive Verb Continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship. 继续生活或存在,尤其是尽管有危险或困难。 "Despite the harsh winter, the plants managed to survive."


Corey Smiling talk In a biology class, the professor talked about by a professor how animals survive, particularly focusing on the biology class their speed. Speed is talking about the important for animals survival habits just like the speed the ability of their them the speed one is for to escape from the hunters predators or to hunt the animals it's a physical ability and for food. One adaptation for that helps them and and the abilities is their specially adapted feet. For example, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that protect them from hot ground, allowing them to run fast without hurting themselves. Another adaptation is their powerful legs. Cheetahs have strong back legs that help them to travel from the grass it's a big advantage for for them just like for example cheetah is the most fast animal push off quickly and he has a pass run on the hot land grassland and not afraid them afraid the heat and they can run for the high speeds because their powerful life some of them forward these advantages help take long strides, enabling them to hunt fast cover more distance in less time. These adaptations give them an advantage in the wild, allowing them to be effective hunters and be the king of the grassland and that's the animal survivessurvive in their habitats.


Two-leg animal, I think One adaptation that helps animals run at high speeds is having long legs. For example, cheetahs have very long and powerful back legs, which allow them to patients take big strides and cover more distance quickly. Another adaptation is having tough feet. Cheetahs have specially adapted feet with tough pads that a long animal because two animals have a long leg protect them from hot sand and rough ground, so they can run so quick, it's so great for them and to run to high speed can fast without hurting their feet. These adaptations help them the better the better live in the world. It's so great for them. So I think it's so good for themescape from predators and catch prey effectively.


Animals need to be able to survive, and some animals being able to be quickly rely on their speed when running. They have physical agents, and adaptations that help them run quickly. For example, some animals, animals have specially adapted feet that allow them to run fast over rough ground, which helps them escape from danger. If they encounter a predator, their feet run very quickly because they need to keep away from dangers. And if they meet a danger, they speed keeps them safe. Additionally, animals with long, powerful legs can run fast to keep faster than those with shorter legs. Cheetahs, for instance, have very muscular back legs that help them safe. And some animals, their legs are very long, push off quickly and they can run faster, take large strides, covering more fast than other legs, very short.distance in less time.


Firstly, some animals' animals have specially adapted feet that allow them travel fast across the rock without hurt their feet. And also, their legs may be very long, so they may have huge step for them to run fast over rough ground without hurting their feet. For example, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that protect them from hot sand and sharp objects. Secondly, their legs can be very long and powerful, which helps them take huge strides and run at high speeds. Cheetahs, for instance, have strong back legs that help them push off quickly and cover more distance in high speed.less time.


According to the lectures, the example mentioned about cheetah, lecture, the cheetah is one of the fattest animal around fastest animals in the world. It runs can run fast mainly have for two main reasons. Firstly, it has bottle tough pads on their foot. its feet. The environment where the cheetah lives is so hot very hot, and bottle can give them protection these pads protect its feet from the heat of the sand and they can't feel the hot. rough ground. Secondly, its legs is are powerful and long. It supports them to long, which helps it take huge steps and run faster. Some other animals have huge steps. Upside some animal have short legs.shorter legs, which limits their speed.


Animals need to run quickly to hunt for food and escape from dangers because firstly they have physical feet danger. One adaptation that helps them is having tough feet, which allows them to travel fast and with high speed run. Cheetah over rough ground without getting hurt. For example, the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world, can and it has long, powerful legs that help it run very quickly and its long powerful quickly. These legs allow cheetahs to take big strides, covering more distance in less time, which makes it to run very fast and they are very difficult hard for them to slow down.


Here are two adaptations for that help animals to run in a at high speed. First speeds. The first adaptation is the their feet. Some animals, like cheetahs, have specially adapted feet that protect them on rough ground. For example, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that help them run quickly over hot sand and rocky terrain without getting hurt. The animals use the feet in the rough ground, such as cheetah. It lives in the African deserts and it has 12 feet to protect its feet. Another one second adaptation is their legs. The Animals with longer and more powerful legs can make animals move more run faster. Also, as a cheetah, it has long and Cheetahs, for instance, have strong back legs for that help them push off the ground quickly, allowing them to send their body forward cover a lot of distance in just a few seconds. So that they can run fast This combination of tough feet and powerful legs helps them survive in the desert.their desert habitat.


Every animal has a particular body. So some of them unique body that helps it survive. Some animals can run quick and quickly to catch the food and even keep them away or escape from the dangerous. danger. There are two main reasons. adaptations that help them run at high speeds. The first causes is their feet. For example, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that allow them to run at high speed. It's the feet. fast over rough ground without getting hurt. The feet second adaptation is at the top, so they can their legs. Cheetahs have long, powerful legs, which help them take bigger steps and run after. For example, the cheetah can run fast in the forest because his fat is at the top. Second is because his leg. Because his leg is very long, so they can get more steep faster than the animals that's leg is very short. So.with shorter legs. This combination of features allows them to be incredibly fast.


Then I will explain two reasons adaptations that allow help animals to turn run at high speed. speeds. First, because many fast animals, like the cheetah, have long and powerful legs. These strong legs allow them to push off the ground quickly and cover more distance with each stride. This helps them run faster. Second, cheetahs also have specially adapted feet with tough pads. These pads protect their feet from rough terrain and hot ground, allowing them to maintain their speed without getting hurt. Together, these adaptations make cheetahs some of the long legs develop physics adaptation run after such as the cheetah have passed and it doesn't slow down, it can run faster. Because of the physics adaptation, they have top of bottom run after fast fastest animals in the world. They can keep high speed and because of they have powerful legs and so that is faster than short legs


So that So, the lecture is mainly talk talks about two reasons that why some animals can run at a high speed. They have speeds, using the cheetah as an example cheat. example. Firstly, they will have special face which allows specially adapted feet that help them to run fast. And second, quickly over rough ground. These tough pads on their feet protect them from hot sand and sharp stones. Secondly, they also have long and strong legs. For long, With long legs, they can make take huge steps when steps, which allows them to cover more distance quickly. And with strong legs, they are running so that can push off powerfully, giving them the energy they need to run fast. So, that's how some animals, like cheetahs, can run very fast. And for strong, they can send some energy when they are running. So they can run fast and fast. That's why some animals can run very fast.quickly.


The speaker's thing In the lecture, the speaker talks about how some animals, like the cheetah, have special adaptations that help them run fast. One adaptation is because their feet; cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that protect them from the hot ground, allowing them to run quickly without getting hurt. Another adaptation is their long, powerful legs, which help them take big strides and cover more distance quickly. These features make cheetahs one of the animal's feet. She gives the example of the cheetah, the most faster animal fastest animals in the world. It can run faster because his feet is top store. And she gives the other example about the color glasses. It has special feet that cheetah don't have it. But cheetah's feet was so long so they can run more faster than


In the world of Inferno City, lecture, we search for all animals, learned that some animals have special adaptations that help them run fast. For example, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that protect them from hot sand and they divide into two kinds of animals. First, is a one-quickness animal. They have two ways to be a one-quick. First, is to wipe their ears and have fun with them. Second, is they have a special state. It can help rough ground, allowing them to run quickly without getting hurt. They also have long, powerful legs that help them take big strides, which lets them cover more quickly. Then, we allow those animals to run distance in a different environment. Wiping one-quickness is including just some different environment now.less time. These adaptations are really important for their survival, whether they are chasing prey or escaping from predators.


There are two adaptions adaptations that allow animals to run at high speed, speeds, and these two adaptions are all the adaptations provide them with physical advantages. First of all, special some animals have specially adapted feet. The special feet help them to run fast. For example, cheetah. Cheetah is one of the animals cheetah has tough pads on its feet that can help it run fast over hot sand in the world. For example, in desert without hurting itself. This adaptation helps the desert, the special feet can help them to protect from the hot, high temperature sand. It will not let them to slow down their speed. And another one cheetah maintain its speed while escaping predators or chasing prey. Another important adaptation is their long legs. Cheetah's Cheetahs have powerful, muscular is very powerful. It is one of the back legs that enable them to push off quickly and move forward in just seconds. Their long legs allow them to take huge strides, covering more distance in less time. These adaptations are key reasons why they can run so fast. And also, cheetah has the long legs. It allows them to have the huge step. It is a long distance, so it is very beneficial for them to run it. So it is the reason why they cheetahs can run at a such high speed.speeds.


The lecture is to talk talks about how animals need to survive, the speed, why the animal speed and one important way they do this is so through speed. There are two main physical adaptations that help animals run fast. The first reason adaptation is physical adaptation. They adapt their feet. Some animals have tough pads on the bottom of their feet, which allow them to feet. The run quickly over rough ground, like sand or rocks, without getting hurt. For example, cheetahs have these tough pads that protect their feet are tall from the bottom, and second, it's a leg. The legs are long and colorful. They can make them faster. The professor gives our example. The first example is one kind of animal. The feet are tough on the bottom, so it can stand on the hot desert sand. The second example adaptation is a kind of animal. The their legs. Animals with long and powerful legs can run faster. Cheetahs, for instance, have muscular back legs that help them push off quickly and take large strides, covering more distance in less time. These adaptations are long, so crucial for their survival, whether they run faster.are escaping from predators or chasing after prey.


They Animals can run fast is because they can develop have developed strong physical adrenal tension, like adaptations. For example, they have long and powerful legs, it can allow which help them run quickly and efficiently. This allows them to run fast escape from predators or catch their prey without hit their legs.hurting themselves.


Why the cheetah is Cheetahs can run quickly because they have strong legs and specially adapted feet. Their powerful back legs help them push off quickly, because it has strong endodontic, it which allows them to accelerate fast. Also, their feet have tough pads that protect them from rough ground, so they can have the powerful endodontic, the flocks can produce cheetah food, it is real for ground without getting hurt.


After I listened listening to the listening part, lecture, I heard there are around learned about two points adaptations that talks about the topic why the help animals can move so fast and can run so fast. at high speeds. First, it depends on has to do with their physical functions, features, like if some animal's the structure of their feet. For example, the cheetah has specially adapted feet can move very fast in the re-roofed ground. For instance, there is an animal called cheetah. Cheetah have very strong legs and its legs can move very fast and can provide them from that allow it to run quickly over rough ground without getting hurt. Also, its This is important for escaping predators or catching prey. Second, cheetahs have strong, powerful legs. Their long legs have strong power. Second, it has a heat pack help them take big strides, allowing them to provide themselves.cover more distance quickly. These adaptations work together to make cheetahs some of the fastest animals on Earth.


This is a biology question, and this is In the lecture, we learned about two different animals. But they all can run and fly. This is about why they can adaptations that help animals run at high speed. Two adaptations. So speeds. The first of all, because they live adaptation is their specially adapted feet, which allow them to run quickly over rough terrain without hurting themselves. For example, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that protect them from hot sand and sharp stones. The second adaptation is their long and powerful legs. Cheetahs have very muscular back legs that help them push off quickly and take large strides, allowing them to cover more distance in different places.less time. These adaptations are crucial for their survival in the wild.


There is are two readings about the adaptations that help animals run down fastly. very fast. First, it's about physical adaptation. Animals' many animals have specially adapted feet can run in the rough ground with high speed. And here reading the feet. Second reading, it's about animals especially use long power of their leg. They can use lots of energy in second minutes to make the legs muscular. And that allow them to run very very fast. There is two adaptations.quickly over rough ground. For example, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that protect them from hot sand and sharp stones, which helps them run without getting hurt. Second, animals often have long and powerful legs. Cheetahs, for instance, have strong back legs that help them push off the ground quickly, allowing them to take big strides and cover more distance in a short amount of time. These adaptations are key for their speed.


In the lecture there lecture, two adaptations that help animals run at high speeds are two adaptations. mentioned. The first adaptation is the their specially adapted feet. The adapted These feet can let the animal help animals avoid hurting injury from the high temperature or hot temperatures and rough places. terrain. For example, the cheetahs from Africa, they can run fast with in Africa have tough pads on their adapted feet, which can allow them to run in some places because their feet have top pads. And quickly without hurting themselves on the hot sand or rocky ground. The second adaptation is their adapted powerful back legs, which are powerful. That makes the animal can run fast. For example, also cheetahs, the pads of the back legs. Cheetahs have strong, muscular legs of them can allow that enable them to run sprint fast. When they run, their long legs help them cover a very long greater distance to hunt quickly, which is essential for hunting or escape.escaping from predators.


Some animals can run fastly quickly in the field or the forest because there's they have two important adaptations to them. adaptations. Firstly, they have big bodies and it can improve the high speed to run the road or they can run out of dangerous quickly. And also, they have some function to powerful legs, which help them to get a high speed. run fast and escape from danger. For example, cheetahs have very muscular back legs that allow them to push off quickly and cover a lot of ground. Secondly, some animals have very powerful legs specially adapted feet that protect them when running on rough terrain. For instance, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that help them run over hot sand and they can run fast by sharp stones without getting hurt. These adaptations are crucial for their legs because the legs can improve some power to them and so that they can have the ability to run fastly and they can get a high speed on the road.survival.


Some animals have special feet which can that allow them to run at high speed, such as speeds, like the cheetah. A cheetah lives Cheetahs live in Africa, where the United States ground can be rough and the United States was hot, so they very hot. They need to run at a high speed. If they don't run with a high speed, they will be slow. But why the cheetah fast to catch their prey and escape from danger. One reason cheetahs can run so fast? Because its leg was fast is that they have powerful and longer long legs. Their strong back legs help them push off quickly, allowing them to cover more distance in less time than other animals.


I think the ability one adaptation that allows animals to run so quickly is their specially adapted feet. For example, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that first one, its feet protect them from rough ground and hot sand, which helps them run faster when escaping danger. Another adaptation is so special their long and when they are in danger, they can run out powerful legs, which allow them to take larger strides and second...cover more distance quickly.


The development of animals Animals have special adaptations that help them run fast. For example, cheetahs have tough pads on their feet that protect them from hot ground, which helps them run quickly without getting hurt. Another adaptation is very quickly their long, powerful legs, which allow them to take big strides and so there are two examples for animals to allow that why they are run at high speed. First they need to feed cover more distance quickly. These adaptations help them many things to eat like every meal they need to eat for a bottom hunt and for the body some animals such as chipmunks have long legs so that they can run very quickly and they eat many of the meals they will be more stronger so that they can run very quickly.escape from predators.


These animals should have catch the food, so they should run too fast. And Animals need to run too fast, fast to catch their food and escape predators. One adaptation that helps them run fast is having strong back legs, like the first one is to... there is two things. And the second one is to... the next should be back. So cheetah. Cheetahs have powerful legs that allow animals them to push off quickly and cover a lot of ground. Another adaptation is their specially designed feet, which have tough pads. This helps them run at high speed.quickly over rough terrain without hurting themselves.