Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO64 Task2


The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. Describe her opinion and her reasons for holding that opinion.


Cafe to be Built in Library

The university has decided to build a cafe in the basement of the library.The reason given for this new development is that university officials believe students will enjoy the convenience of being able to eat without having to leave the library. Students have often complained that their studies are disrupted because they must leave the library whenever they want to eat. Officials also believe that it will help make library study more productive if students have the opportunity to take short breaks in the cafe while they’re working. Sincerely, Justin Ruben


Now listen to two students discussing the article in the newspaper. Female student: I don’t like the university’s plan. Male student: Really? Why not? Female student: Well, even though we won’t have to leave the library, that’s just the problem. Nobody’s gonna feel like walking all the way over to the cafeteria, especially when the weather’s bad. They’ll just run down to the basement to eat. Male student: I don’t understand. Isn’t that a good thing? Female student: No, because in the library, they’re just gonna serve a bunch of unhealthy snacks, sandwiches, sweets, and soda. So students will just eat junk. At least the cafeteria has some healthy food. Male student: Okay, I see what you mean. Yeah, I probably wouldn’t walk over to the cafeteria either. Female student: And I think they’re wrong about another thing. If I’m in the library and I know my friends are down in the basement chatting, I’m gonna be tempted to go down there and hang out with them. You know what I mean? I’m sure I’m not the only one who would be tempted to go down there and chat. How’s anybody gonna concentrate on doing actual work? Male student: Yeah. Good point. This whole thing might backfire.

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Actual Adjective Referring to something that is real or existing in fact, rather than being imagined or supposed. 真实的。 "It’s hard to focus when there are so many distractions instead of doing actual work."
Basement Noun The lowest floor of a building, typically below ground level. 地下室。 "We always keep our extra food in the basement where it’s cool and dark."
Bunch Noun A large number or quantity of something, often used informally to refer to a group. 一堆。 "In the library, they’re just going to have a bunch of snacks that aren’t good for you."
Cafe Noun A small restaurant or coffeehouse where light meals and drinks are served. 咖啡馆。 "I love meeting my friends at the cafe for a quick coffee before class."
Cafeteria Noun A dining area where people serve themselves from a variety of dishes, typically found in schools or workplaces. 自助餐厅。 "The cafeteria is always crowded during lunch, especially on rainy days."
Chat Verb To talk in a friendly and informal way. 聊天。 "I’d rather chat with my friends than study alone in the library."
Concentrate Verb To focus one's attention or mental effort on a particular task or subject. 集中注意力。 "It’s hard to concentrate on my homework with all the noise around me."
Convenience Noun The state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or difficulty; ease. 便利。 "Having a cafe in the library is such a convenience for students who want to grab a quick bite."
Development Noun The process of developing or being developed, such as in a project or plan. 发展。 "The development of the new cafe will make the library a more inviting place to study."
Disrupt Verb To interrupt the normal progress or activity of something. 打扰。 "Loud noises can disrupt my studying, so I prefer to work in a quiet place."
Female Adjective Relating to or denoting the sex that produces eggs or ovum, typically associated with women and girls. 女性的。 "The female student raised her hand to ask a question about the new policy."
Junk Noun Food that is unhealthy or of poor nutritional value, often highly processed and high in sugars or fats. 垃圾食品。 "After a long day at school, I just want to grab some junk and relax."
Male Adjective Relating to or denoting the sex that produces sperm, typically associated with men and boys. 男性的。 "The male student shared his thoughts on the university's new policy during the discussion."
Official Noun A person holding a position of authority in an organization or government. 官员。 "The official announced the new plans for the library at the student meeting."
Opportunity Noun A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something; a chance to do something. 机会。 "This internship is a great opportunity for me to gain experience in my field."
Productive Adjective Achieving or producing a significant amount or result; effective in bringing about desired outcomes. 高效的。 "I find that taking short breaks makes my study sessions much more productive."
Soda Noun A sweet, carbonated beverage, often flavored and served cold. 苏打水。 "I usually grab a soda when I'm hanging out with friends at the cafe."
Tempt Verb To entice someone to do something, often something they might find appealing but shouldn't do. 诱惑。 "The smell of fresh cookies can really tempt me to take a break from studying."


The university plans to build a cafe in the basement of library. It is very the library, which seems convenient for students because they won’t have to eat without leaving the library. But leave to eat. However, the woman in the lecture didn't like discussion disagrees with this policy, because it is true plan. She argues that students don't want are unlikely to walk over to the cafeteria cafeteria, especially in bad weather, and will instead rush to the cafe in the bad weather. But the basement. The problem is that the cafe only provides junk food such as sandwich will mostly serve unhealthy options like sandwiches and soda, which is unhealthy isn’t good for students. Another question is, Additionally, if students know their friends are cheating hanging out in the basement, they are might be tempted to hang out and chat with his friends. It is difficult join them instead of focusing on their studies. This could make it harder for students to concentrate and do some researches.their research.


The woman in the conversation doesn't does not like the university's plan that decided by to build a cafe in the university that built cave in a school's library. First, she claimed believes that even though while it doesn't feel good may be convenient not to walk through the cafeteria and the library. But leave the library just provides for food, the cafe will only junk food for serve unhealthy snacks, unlike the cafeteria, which offers healthier options. Second, she thinks that having a cafe in the basement could distract students which is not as healthy as what cafeteria provides. Third second reason is that even though there's basement provided to students have breaks, it also can distract her from studying in a library which is a bad idea.because they might be tempted to go down and socialize with friends instead of focusing on their work.


The woman seen thinks the university's plan is on the necessary. And unnecessary. She has two main reasons for this. First, she seen the university's roundabout two things. And the third thing is she would not like doesn't want to go to the cafeteria because they only offer some unhealthy food like sandwiches and so on. So she won't go to snacks. She believes that if the cafeteria. And cafe is in the second thing basement, students will just grab junk food instead of healthy options. Second, she thinks the university's round is. They don't want to do extra work so that if she knows her friend is friends are down in the basement and basement, she would like will be tempted to go to the basement and hang out with them. So the woman seen them instead of focusing on her studies. So, she believes this plan will not help students concentrate and is really unuseful and unuseable. That's her opinion.not useful.


The university wants plans to open a cafe in the library’s basement, thinking that students will appreciate the convenience of eating without leaving the library. In addition, students can take short breaks there. However, the woman in the conversation strongly disagrees with this idea. She argues that even though students won’t have to go to the cafeteria when the weather is bad, it still isn’t a good idea. Students may end up eating She believes that students will eat unhealthy food, such as sandwiches or soda. and soda, instead of healthier options available in the cafeteria. Her second point is that the new cafe will distract students. If students see their friends hanging out there, they will be tempted to join them, and this will make making it hard for them to focus on their studies.


and that you know, you could do that. And given that, you know, you know, that, that, that area, that, that, you know, you could see them from The woman does not support the snack or some snack, like, and university's plan to build a template for other junk work, and you could see them from the food, and that, I, of course, you know, that, well, they're, you know, what wouldn't go out, and the food, and that, uh, 10 to 10 today, and I feel like, you know, the junk work, and that, that, if you don't count, again, I feel like, when I'm told, that this thing is, my, her friend, you know, has to do, and she goes out, sounds fair to find her, uh, friend cafe in the house, that's why, library. She believes that even though it will be convenient, it will lead to unhealthy eating habits. She points out that students will likely choose to eat junk food like snacks and nobody else would sweets instead of healthy options available in the cafeteria. Additionally, she worries that if students know their friends are hanging out in the cafe, they will be talking about the value of this.tempted to leave their study areas, which could disrupt their focus and productivity.


you youThe woman disagrees with the university's plan to build a cafe in the library. She believes that even though it would be convenient, it would lead to unhealthy eating habits, as the cafe would likely serve junk food instead of healthier options available in the cafeteria. She also worries that the presence of friends in the cafe would distract students from focusing on their studies.


The University university's plan to build a cafeteria café in the library's basement and the officer thinks that because the cafeteria student can is meant to help students eat inside and not leave without leaving the library. And also, we'll Officials believe this will make them study time more efficiency. But the room and efficient. However, I think it's it’s not a good suggestion with idea for two reasons. First, having that, and shifting that. And it will a café in the library might distract the student. When students. If they know their friend is friends are eating there, they may be tempted to go down and chat instead of studying. Second, the café will likely serve mostly junk food, which isn’t healthy for students. It would be better to have healthier options like in the cafeteria, so they will tell with it in the cafeteria second is about. And it will just only prepare some junk food and accentuate or so that they will not be healthy for the students.cafeteria.


Hello University of Anche I retired her coffee shop since London because she think it's time for its children who want that kid and with her football injury on her study and Hello, the university's plan to build a cafe in the next year's he ghoboyangi show library is wearing antennae decision for not a good idea. The woman believes this because the first day things cafe will only serve unhealthy snacks and junk food, which can harm students' health. She thinks that having a cafe in Germany the library will distract students from studying, especially if their friends are more tuned here and also the food hanging out there. Overall, she feels that the coffee shop provides. It just the junk food, it is fed from our students' health. So it's cafe will not help students focus on things you can do. And also to be able to get some food. So I'm very in the coffee shop. You may be everyone in church yourself. It's very non-believer.their work.


The university alone stands they will plans to build a coffee café in the library because they are too believe it will benefit first students. They are think that students often get disturbed when they have to leave the library to eat. Also, they believe that having a café will make students are in more productive because they can take short breaks without leaving the library. They started will be disturbed because they will leave when they want to eat something secondly If they always are coffee, they are started will be more productive Because they have opportunities to go to coffee But However, the female student in the conversation disagrees. She thinks that people won’t want to walk to the girl did so good it's because they think nobody cafeteria, especially in bad weather, and will walk around just go to the basement to eat. She is worried that the café will only serve unhealthy snacks and junk food, while the cafeteria offers healthier options. Additionally, she points out that if her friends are hanging out in the cafeteria Especially in the bad weather However, they café, she will sell the unhealthy food. It's students are just it's junk What more? cafeteria will sell good food Moreover, if there are friends in the cafe, they will want be tempted to join them instead of studying. This could make it hard for students to have chat Therefore, it can disturb their study and then I can't focus on studying so she did so good with ittheir work.


Roaming The woman doesn't like the group of space seed was across in some certain situation, like Edward Sound! A student with 350 Bryce or hybrid and into basement class, there's a lot left university's plan for a lonely providing health support like cafe in the module. One of library basement. She thinks that even though students won't have to leave the reasons library to eat, it will lead to unhealthy eating habits. She believes that if students found see their friends are in the basement, they may have fed might be tempted to go down and hang out instead of studying. This could make it hard for them like, thanks for hanging out, hanging around with your friend, what not, a great inner library, or do some work that they need to do.concentrate on their work.


The woman expresses her opinion is that an university decided the university's decision to build a cafe café in the basement of the library for is not a good idea. She believes that even though students that they don't need won't have to live leave the library whenever they want to live eat, it will create problems. First, she argues that the café will mostly serve unhealthy snacks and they can still take shopperks in junk food, while the cafe. And the women disagree with this opinion. Here, two women's, cafeteria offers healthier options. Second, she get the first to really miss. The cafeteria will only serve some healthy snacks instead of healthy food and thinks that if students will only get junk food in the cafeteria. And the second reason is if somebody's know their friends are chatting hanging out in the basement, so definitely the students they will go be tempted to the basement leave their study areas to have a lunch join them instead of sitting in the cafe in the library. And because they don't need focusing on their work. Overall, she feels this plan might actually make it harder for students to do actual work.concentrate.


In The university plans to build a cafe in the reading, library, but the university wants woman has a negative opinion about it. She believes that even though students won't have to have leave the library to eat, it will actually encourage them to eat unhealthy food. The cafe will mainly serve snacks and sandwiches, which she considers junk food, unlike the healthier options available in the cafeteria. She also thinks that having a coffee shop. I have two reasons. The first is if you are coming in, that means students need to go out of the university. They can eat things in their library. It can well not disrupt the study of students. The second reason is that they can relax cafe in the library so that it is a good way will distract students from studying because they'll be tempted to improve the efficiency. But in the last news, we know that the girl thinks it's very bad. The first reason she thinks that is in the library is coffee shop. There are always some snacks and sandwiches. It's junk food. It's not good for healthy. You prefer to go to the restaurant you see. And see if you can read it. This place is where we are now.hang out with friends instead of focusing on their work.


So, I'm going to say that the first thing I decided want to do was take mention is that the measurement of library and woman expresses her concern about the university's plan to build a cafe in this way, then don't need the library. She believes that while it might be convenient not to leave the library whatever they want to get. And we'll have an opportunity to take a short break. However, I mean, these are ways with this idea. First, she thinks that for food, the table may interest offers some healthiest next cafe will mainly offer unhealthy options like soda or sandwich. And actually, it's not and sandwiches, which aren't good for health problems. And what is more, students' health. Additionally, she thinks worries that other if students will know their friends are chatting in the cafe, they might be calcantrate because they need tempted to work around join them instead of focusing on their studies. This could lead to a lack of concentration and chat with others and they will make a bad fire.productivity while they're trying to work.


The university has decided to build a coffee-dins cafe in the basement of a the library, and it allows which is meant to give students more convenience by allowing them to eat and start here, it makes students like more convenience. But without leaving the library. However, the woman in the lectures, the woman dislikes these plants, and she says discussion disagrees with this plan. She argues that the students will be more preferred likely to the ground down go to the basement for food instead of walking to eat. And because the cafeteria, especially in bad weather. She points out that is in the library, they just have some cafe will likely serve unhealthy snacks and junk food, and the students can't, and while the cafeteria has some healthy food to students to eat. And the thing is offers healthier options. Additionally, she mentions that most of students, they will not eat having friends nearby in the library because in might distract students, making it harder for them to focus on their studies. Overall, she believes that the library they have their friends, and they can't control themselves to chat with them. So, students in the library, so the coffee basement cafe in the library is not a good place.idea.


The university announced that they want to build a cafe in the basement of the library to make the help students enjoy the companies of each their time and they can be more production during productive while studying. However, the library study. But the women disagree woman disagrees with this policy. plan. First, she thinks most of the believes that many students don't won't want to walk all the way to the cafeteria, especially in bad weather, so they'll just grab unhealthy snacks from the cafe instead. The cafeteria offers healthier food options, which she thinks is important. Second, she worries that having a cafe in the library will distract students. If they know their friends are hanging out in the basement, they might be tempted to go down and the students want to eat snacks. But the cafeteria just has the healthy food. Maybe the students don't want to get there to eat the food. The second, the student motor chat instead of the student have the extra work. And they want to focus during the library. But if they are labors studying more production.focusing on their work.


The students suggest female student expresses her opinion against the university's library plan to build a cafeteria underground, because cafe in the library. She believes that while it might be convenient for students are really affected because they have bad effect because they need not to go leave the library, it could lead to unhealthy eating habits. She points out that many students will choose to eat something. And junk food available in the university seems cafe instead of walking to the cafeteria, which offers healthier options. Additionally, she worries that if the student has a break, it can improve students know their effect. However, the students friends are disagreeable with such opinions. The students say that the students won't work out of the library, even also in the workout to the library also because the weather is bad, because the student eats junk food in the library, so they won't go to the cafeteria to eat some healthy food. Also, if the student has a friend that just hand hanging out in the library, cafe, they will come and might be tempted to go there instead of focusing on their studies. This could make it harder for them to concentrate in on their


The suggestion is to suggest that build a cafe in the school library they need to have a small shop that offers students snacks. But in snacks to students. However, the conversation, female student thinks this is a bad idea for a couple of reasons. First, she believes the women students think that it's not good because it's a few healthy snacks. Nobody wants to get there and cafe will only serve unhealthy snacks, while the cafeteria serves healthy provides healthier options. She thinks that students will be more likely to grab junk food and instead of making the students can effort to walk to the second reason is, once the cafeteria. Second, she mentions that if students in the library know that their friends are chatting with hanging out in the basement, it can let they might be tempted to join them instead of studying. This could hurt their concentration and productivity. Overall, she feels that this proposal could have negative effects on students' ability to be more wisdomful to get down to the basement and chatting with focus on their friends. So it's not a positive effect for students concentration in the study. So this one is doing things. It's not a good proposal.studies.


The university is planned plans to open a coffee cafe in the basement of the library because they believe soon students will enjoy the convenience of the eating without leaving the library. ¶ And the student Students can take a short break here. ¶ breaks there while studying. However, though the girl disagree female student disagrees with this. this plan. First, she thinks and that also when the weather is bad, students don't need won't want to go walk to the coffee to eat cafeteria to eat exactly when the water is bad and everything is chunk. ¶ They must they might cafeteria; instead, they'll just grab some chunk food, unhealthy snacks like sandwich sandwiches, sodas, and soda and coffee, which is rare unhealthy. ¶ sweets from the cafe. She believes this will lead to students eating junk food instead of healthier options available in the cafeteria. Her second reason is that the new coffee is gonna be distinguished. ¶ She still distracting the two students. ¶ If if students know her friend and know their chatting, they friends are like to complete chatting in the basement, they'll be tempted to join them. ¶ Yes. ¶ And so, yes yes.them, which could distract them from their studies. So, she thinks this plan might actually make it harder for students to concentrate on their work.


In the school paper, the school proclaims that we'll start The university has announced plans to work on build a coffee shop in the basement of the library. There are two reasons. First, The idea is to satisfy the student's requirements. Some students, compels that they meet students' needs since many have to leave the library when they have lunch or dinner then it will always time. The second is to provide better places, provides students with better places. And however, for meals, which takes time away from studying. However, the woman in the conversation is then agreed disagrees with this work. plan for a couple of reasons. First, she thinks believes the coffee shops shop will sell only housey mainly serve unhealthy snacks like some fast food and so food, which could be bad for students’ health. Second, she worries that having friends nearby in the basement will distract her from studying, as she might be tempted to hang out with them instead of focusing on that we'll be harmful to her house. In the second, it will be disturbed by her friends. Just if there is a shop on the basement, they will hide out


The lecture says that woman expresses her opinion about the university is going university’s plan to work build a cafe in the library because library, and she is not in favor of it. She believes that while it’s convenient not to leave the library, it could lead to problems. First, she thinks that students who enjoy the students' work are very small. Because the students can take a short break here will be tempted to eat unhealthy snacks and they will not go to junk food instead of healthier options available in the cafeteria. Because the lesson is amazing because the students don't need to go to the cafeteria to eat. And the second reason is This could negatively affect their health and focus. Second, she worries that the new cafeteria is where they take the students. The if students know their friends are hanging out in the cafe, they might be distracted and tempted to join them instead of studying. Overall, she feels that this plan could actually make it harder for students and want to chat with the students. So it's a good place for them to visit here and have a good chat.concentrate on their work.


The University Plans university plans to build a cafeteria cafe in the library basement. But basement of the library, but the female students think student thinks this is not a good idea. First, she's in Snowman where I'll take her break by working in she believes that the cafeteria. The cafeteria cafe will serve unhealthy foods, like some snakes snacks and drinks. Most sugary drinks, which means students will choose healthier food options. So they might miss out these on healthier food options available in the cafeteria. Second, she worries that if students know their friends or children's cafeteria, are in the cafe, they might be tempted to leave their work and have a lesson. This will make to hang out with them, making it harder for them to focus concentrate on their studies.


The plan is the university is prepared plans to build a cave café in the library and so that students can eat without having to leave. The woman disagrees with this plan for a couple of reasons. First, she is concerned about the food options. She believes that the café will only serve unhealthy snacks and fast food, which is not good for students' health. Second, she thinks that having a café in the library can eat at will make it harder for students to concentrate. If they know their friends are hanging out in the library café, they might be tempted to go down and without going out. And also they can do socialize instead of focusing on their work at take a break when they are working. The woman is a bridge with the university's plan. Firstly she is seeing the food, the cave's serve is not healthy and they will only provide the snakes and other fast food. So it's bad for the students' health. And another reason she thinks it will... The student can concentrate if it has a cave. She will think she will hand out with his friends and not


The letter is talking about discusses the university decided university's plan to build a cafeteria cafe in the basement of the regular. And the woman's children are disagreeing library. The woman disagrees with us. this plan for a couple of reasons. First, he mentioned she mentions that the food available in the library is always valid. It just offers some will be mostly unhealthy snacks, like junk food and some simple sandwich. And the teacher and the student will eat junk food. So it's sandwiches. She believes it would be better for students to let the student do go to the cafeteria and have where there are healthier meal options. Secondly, she thinks that having a meal. And the second is about when there's a basement cafeteria cafe in the library. Sometimes the student library will attract by the noise or be distracting. If students know their friends are chatting on hanging out in the library. So basement, they will also turn might be tempted to join the chat. Instead them instead of giving some words or focus focusing on your study, so their studies. This could make it is another group.harder for students to concentrate on their work.


So, mental is so good with The woman has a negative opinion about the university's plans that she can sing the capi plan to build a cafe in the library, so necessary library. She believes that while it might be convenient for all students, it will actually lead to unhealthy eating habits. She points out that the cafe will mostly serve junk food like snacks, sweets, and soda, which is not as healthy as the options available in the cafeteria. Additionally, she worries that if students know their friends are in the cafe, they might be tempted to leave their study areas and socialize instead of focusing on their work. Overall, she thinks having a cafe in the library could distract students and the shaker must have a reason lead to explain it. And first of all, she sings also food in the laboratory are unhealthy because they are all near all the snack or some sweet soda, so it's unhealthy for all the students. If you go out and you go to the cafeteria and you can use a lot of the food and they says healthy for all the students, so choosing that it's in the cafeteria is better than it in the laboratory. And the second reason is choosing that if we know there are some friends in there and they want to help with them and it's not too long on things, so they don't sing. It's all you know, she don't sing the lampering, the capi is necessary for all the students and she want to have this.choices.


He said, she talked The woman expresses her opinion about the university's plan to build a store or cafe shop in library because students want to eat in library. It would be very easy to start study. And this woman, this woman, she think the library is a coffee shop or snake in the library. It is a junk food, She believes that while it is not may seem convenient for students to eat there, it actually creates problems. She thinks that the cafe will mostly serve unhealthy snacks, which isn't good for their students' health. And you stay high out Instead of going to restaurant, the cafeteria, especially in bad weather, students might just grab junk food from the cafe. Moreover, she worries that if her friends are down in the basement chatting, she might be tempted to go join them, making it hard to make friends concentrate on studying. Overall, she disagrees with the plan because she thinks it will distract students and lead to go with my friends, to go with your friends, to go make their friends relationship with someone. So she is a group with this plan.unhealthy eating habits.


According to The article discusses the later, the university decided university's plan to build a cafeteria cafe in the library for two main reasons. Firstly, First, it can offer some aims to provide convenience for students to so they can eat without leaving the library. Secondly, Second, it can is believed that having a cafe will help students be more productive by allowing them to be efficient when they take some little risk. And according to short breaks. However, the conversation, female student in the girls conversation strongly disagree disagrees with the idea this plan for two reasons. Firstly, First, she mentions points out that although while students can go to the underground cafeteria to eat when the weather is bad, but the quickly grab food in it is very the basement, the options will be unhealthy snacks and junk food, which many students do not like dislike. Second, she argues that if students see their friends hanging out in the food in it. Secondly, she mentions that especially for the students whose friends are chatting and adding the cafeteria, cafe, it will distract them from studying and make it harder to concentrate on their work. Overall, she feels that the cafe could actually disrupt the students from their study.students' studies rather than help them.


In a really mature The university plans to build a cave cafe in the basement of the library library, and thanks it can while they think this will help students to work more effectively. However, in lecture, effectively, many students disagree. They believe that the cafe will only serve unhealthy snacks and junk food like sandwiches and sweets. Additionally, students entirely against this plan, worry that if they think the cave know their friends are in the library only serves junk foods like sandwich cafe, they will be tempted to go down and healthy snacks. But also, the students can't concentrate chat instead of studying. This could really distract them and make it hard to focus on their study because they were chatting with their friends and they may just to help with their friends. So the students can't concentrate on their study