TPO64 Task3
Explain what is meant by the paradox of choice, using the example mentioned by the professor.
Paradox of Choice
The freedom to make choices and decisions makes people happy because it gives them a sense of being in control of their lives.However, the fact that having some choice is good does not mean that having more choice is necessarily better, since having too many choices can cause anxiety and dissatisfaction.The main reason for this is that as the number of options available to us increases, the effort required to make a good decision increases as well. This phenomenon has been termed the paradox of choice:we like having choices and think that having more choices should please us, but instead, it causes us distress.
Now listen to a lecture on this topic in a psychology class. Okay, here’s an example. Last week I went shopping for a pair of jeans. I hadn’t bought jeans in years, and boy, was I in for a surprise. You see, all I wanted was regular jeans. But when I told this to the salesperson, he looked at me as though I were from Mars. He explained that I could choose between five different styles—straight, baggy, and I don’t know what else—and a dozen colors. And on top of that, did I want buttons or a zipper?
Now, it used to be there were only a couple of jean types, and it was easy for me to decide what I wanted. Now, with all these different possibilities, shopping was hard. I went back and forth. This pair was really comfortable, but this other one was the most fashionable. And there were at least four different colors that looked really good.
Finally, I did settle on one. But what used to take five minutes had turned into a two-hour project. Before, the choice was basically dark blue or light blue, period. Maybe the fit wasn’t perfect, but deciding was easy. But now, I had a complex and time-consuming problem on my hands. Plus, all the back and forth actually gave me a headache. Was I making the right decision? How could I be sure? It was only a pair of jeans, but I left the store anxious rather than satisfied with my purchase.
New Word | Pronunciation | Part of Speech | English Explanation | Chinese Explanation | Example Sentence |
Anxiety | ► | Noun | A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. | 焦虑,一种对不确定结果的担忧或不安的感觉。 | "I felt a wave of anxiety before my job interview, wondering if I was prepared enough." |
Anxious | ► | Adjective | Experiencing worry or unease; feeling nervous about something. | 焦虑的,感到担忧或不安的。 | "She was anxious about how her friends would react to her news." |
Available | ► | Adjective | Able to be used or obtained; accessible. | 可用的,能够使用或获得的。 | "I checked to see if the new phone was available at the store." |
Basically | ► | Adverb | In the most essential respects; fundamentally. | 基本上,从最基本的方面来看。 | "Basically, we just need to finish this project by the end of the week." |
Complex | ► | Adjective | Consisting of many different and connected parts; complicated. | 复杂的,由许多不同且相互关联的部分组成。 | "The math problem was so complex that I had to ask for help." |
Consume | ► | Verb | To use up a resource or to eat or drink something. | 消耗,使用资源或吃喝某物。 | "I try to consume less sugar to maintain a healthy diet." |
Control | ► | Noun | The power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events. | 控制,影响或引导人们行为或事件发展的能力。 | "He felt like he was losing control over his schedule with all the new commitments." |
Distress | ► | Noun | Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. | 痛苦,极度的焦虑、悲伤或痛苦。 | "She was in distress after hearing the bad news about her friend." |
Effort | ► | Noun | A vigorous or determined attempt; the exertion of physical or mental energy. | 努力,积极的尝试或身体或心理能量的付出。 | "It took a lot of effort to organize the event, but it was worth it." |
Fashionable | ► | Adjective | Characteristic of, influenced by, or representing a current popular trend or style. | 时尚的,具有或受当前流行趋势或风格影响的。 | "She always wears the most fashionable outfits to parties." |
Freedom | ► | Noun | The state of being free; the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. | 自由;不受限制的状态或权利。 | "Having the freedom to choose my own path in life makes me feel empowered." |
Instead | ► | Adverb | As an alternative or substitute; in place of something else. | 作为替代;而不是。 | "I decided to have a salad instead of fries with my burger." |
Lecture | ► | Noun | An educational talk to an audience, especially to students in a classroom. | 讲座;特别是在课堂上对学生的教育性演讲。 | "I really enjoyed the lecture on human behavior in my psychology class." |
Necessarily | ► | Adverb | As a necessary result; unavoidably. | 必然地;不可避免地。 | "Just because he has a lot of options doesn't necessarily mean he's going to be happier." |
Paradox | ► | Noun | A statement that seems contradictory or absurd but may actually be true. | 悖论;看似矛盾但可能真实的陈述。 | "The paradox of choice shows that having too many options can lead to stress rather than happiness." |
Perfect | ► | Adjective | Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. | 完美的;具备所有理想特征的。 | "The dress wasn't perfect, but I loved how it made me feel." |
Period | ► | Noun | end of discussion | 就这样。 | "For a long time, the only choices were just two colors, blue or light blue, period." |
Phenomenon | ► | Noun | A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. | 现象;被观察到的事实或情况,尤其是其原因或解释值得探讨的。 | "The phenomenon of people feeling overwhelmed by too many choices is interesting to study." |
Possibility | ► | Noun | A thing that may happen or be the case; a potential event or situation. | 可能性;可能发生或存在的事物。 | "There’s a possibility that we might go hiking this weekend if the weather is nice." |
Project | ► | Noun | A planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations. | 项目;在特定时间内计划执行的一系列相关任务。 | "What started as a simple task turned into a big project that took hours to complete." |
Psychology | ► | Noun | The scientific study of the mind and behavior, exploring how individuals think, feel, and act. | 心理学。 | "I find psychology fascinating because it helps us understand why we behave the way we do." |
Purchase | ► | Noun | The act of buying something; the item that has been bought. | 购买。 | "Even though it was just a small purchase, I felt guilty for spending money I didn't have." |
Regular | ► | Adjective | Normal or usual; not special or different in any way. | 普通的。 | "I just wanted a regular cup of coffee, nothing fancy." |
Require | ► | Verb | To need something for a particular purpose; to make something necessary. | 需要。 | "This project will require a lot of time and effort to complete." |
Settle | ► | Verb | To make a decision or reach an agreement after consideration. | 决定。 | "After thinking it over for a while, I finally settled on the blue shirt." |
Style | ► | Noun | A particular design or way of doing something; a distinctive appearance. | 风格。 | "I love how every designer has their own unique style that sets them apart." |
Zipper | ► | Noun | A fastening device consisting of two strips of fabric with interlocking metal or plastic teeth and a sliding mechanism. | 拉链。 | "I prefer pants with a zipper instead of buttons because they are easier to use." |
The paradox of choice is when there are two refers to the idea that having too many choices options can make it difficult for people it will be. It will be difficult for him to make the choice. The example is when man, he just wants decisions. For example, a man goes to a store wanting to buy a normal change in simple pair of jeans. In the store but when he arrives the store past, there are many types and many styles and colors. So it's very difficult for him to choose which genes he really wants to take. There are were only one or two styles in to choose from, and it would take him just five minutes to decide. However, when he arrives at the past store now, he finds many different styles, colors, and in the past options, which makes it only takes five minutes. Now much harder for him to choose. Instead of feeling satisfied, he needs to spend ends up spending two hours trying to choose decide which genes he wants. So this is jeans to buy. This illustrates the pattern.paradox of choice, where more options lead to more anxiety rather than happiness.
The paradox of choice refers to the phenomenon idea that the effort while having some choices can make us happy, having too many choices can actually increase our anxiety and make it harder to make choices well would increase as the choice of a variety increase. decide. The professor illustrate the illustrated this concept by giving with his own example of experience shopping jeans in a store. At the beginning for jeans. Initially, he just decided wanted to buy a single regular pair of jeans. But However, when he talked to the salesperson tells salesperson, he learned that there are were five types of jeans that he can different styles and many colors to choose from. As he comes This overwhelming variety turned what used to be a quick five-minute decision into a two-hour ordeal. He ended up feeling stressed and as the professor came back and forth he found out that there are various types unsure about his choice, which shows how too many options can lead to dissatisfaction instead of jeans that cost him from five minutes to two hours which cost his headache and excite.happiness.
The paradox of choice means refers to the idea that when people are making decision if there are have too many options available, people may get stressful to choose from, it can lead to stress and not dissatisfaction with their decisions. For example, the professor mentioned going shopping for jeans. In the past, there were only a couple of styles to choose from, which made deciding easy. However, this time, the professor faced five different styles and many colors, which turned a simple decision into a complicated and time-consuming process. What used to take just five minutes ended up taking two hours, which shows how overwhelming too many choices can be. Instead of feeling satisfied with their choice. An example is when professor, when shopping last week for Jin, the purchase, the professor was told that there are five styles of Jin, and it is easy to make decision in left the past because there are only couple of Jin, for professor to choice, but making decision becomes hard now. And a five minutes project can be two hours, so it is more complex for people to make decisions when there are too many feeling anxious.
i ordered Campus label has policy using their links, The paradox of choice means that meets with hardly any testing standards such as content development while having some options can make us happy, having too many choices can actually lead to anxiety and processing training, be it utilitarian sessions? Yeah, there dissatisfaction. For example, when I heard went shopping for jeans, I was overwhelmed by all the different styles and colors available. Instead of making a little about this workshop quick decision, I found myself confused and stressed out, spending two hours trying to choose the right pair instead of just five minutes like before. This shows that is devoted to resources, when we believe that have five sometimes, more States and Dizzling Polys could choices can make it work. If you are confused about. Which harder for us to decide, which is whether you are right or the Deaf group and you are a five minute project to reach your 말씀ation in a high treatment. It is your message. at essence of the confiscator.paradox of choice.
The next term talks about the paradox of choice. It means people overthink something, or choices is placed choice refers to the idea that having too many options can lead to stress and anxiety rather than happiness. For example, the professor shared a story about going shopping for them. But it says, you may feel stressful. In jeans. He wanted regular jeans, but when he got to the next means, your professor gives a number of options. He went to a shop and went to buy some things. And store, he had many styles. He had used found there were five different styles and many colors. So colors to choose from. This made it is difficult hard for him to make decisions to decide because he kept thinking about which one was the best option. What used to take just a few minutes turned into a long process, and instead of feeling satisfied with his purchase, he should choose. So he thinks for a very long time. And he earns a buy-self, buy left the dream-bucket, and study spare feeling anxious. This shows how having too many choices can actually make decision-making more difficult.
As a The paradox of choice, it choice means that with having too many choices options can actually make it will cost a lot of effort harder to make a good decisions. So it will not always necessarily be correct if we have much more choice and as a decision. For example, the professor give an example. talked about going shopping for jeans. He goes initially planned to just buy a jinx and at first he just planned to buy a pair of it simple pair, but when the soundman tells salesperson told him he can could choose from five types, different styles and many colors, it will be difficult for him became overwhelming. He found it hard to choose decide because different jinx have different advantages each style had its own benefits, like being comfortable or much more pretty.looking fashionable. What used to take him just a few minutes ended up taking two hours, and instead of feeling happy with his choice, he left feeling anxious.
you youI think the paradox of choice means that while having options is good, having too many can actually make us feel overwhelmed and anxious. For example, when I went shopping for jeans, I was faced with so many styles and colors that it took me two hours to decide, instead of just a few minutes like before. This made me feel stressed rather than happy about my purchase.
The book is an example. You are paradox of choice refers to the idea that while having some choices makes us happy, having too many options can actually make us feel anxious and dissatisfied. For example, when the professor talked about shopping in for jeans, the queue for person had a while. You are one of the three regions. And what he told the salesman, the salesman, told him that he can choose five for the stocks. And he found it quite difficult hard time deciding because there were so many styles and colors to choose because one from. Initially, shopping was quick and easy, but now, with so many options, it took a long time to decide. They felt overwhelmed by the choices, trying to figure out which jeans were fashionable versus which were comfortable. In the end, what used to take just a few minutes turned into a complicated process that left them feeling stressed instead of them is fashionable and one of them is comfortable. Because there are four colors that he thinks is good. Finally, he had two choices between the two. And like you know, he had a complex problem and it gave steam headache.satisfied.
Power dogs The paradox of choice, excellence, and choice refers to the idea that while having the freedom to make decisions choices can make people feel in control and happy. But however, happy, having too much choice many options can actually lead to actually anxiety and dissatisfactions, and the dissatisfaction. The professor gave an shared a personal example about himself. We want to buy the jeans, and he got the surprising. Because first, he just want shopping for jeans. He wanted to buy a regular pair of jeans, but this was surprised to find that the store sells offered five different styles jeans. At first, if and many colors. In the past, choosing jeans was easy because there are were only a couple of jeans, it's easy to choice, but now he's options—dark blue or light blue. However, with so many choices available now, shopping become very hard because there are at least four colors. Although became a complicated process that took him two hours instead of just five minutes. Even though he got had more choice, but options, he didn't feel very happy, because only left the budget only take five minutes, become two hours. At first, there are only night and dark blue become complicated colors. Hard to choice, and make clear anxiety, and feeling anxious rather than satisfied with his purchase.
The paradox of choice is refers to the idea that people tend while having choices can make us feel happy and in control, having too many choices can actually lead to get more choice means you can choose more types. But instead, more choice can cause the anxiety and making people feel stressful. And here in the example mentioned by Professor, stress. For example, when the Professor Bill Sharpet wants went shopping for jeans, he expected it to buy chains, but as be a simple task. However, he was overwhelmed by the chains shop, many options available—different styles and colors. Instead of making a quick decision, he got found himself feeling anxious and stressed about choosing the right pair. What used to take him just a lot of choices. They decolor it in the files of the chart few minutes turned into a long, confusing process. This shows how too many choices can complicate decision-making and different styles of the chains. When they have been here since they were ever changed, he can only think about whether for one day or two so that a lot of styles still have, we have to consider many things and to consider more that they have also a sense of this.leave us feeling less satisfied.
The paradox of choice is a phenomenon refers to the idea that we like while having many choices but can seem appealing, it causes can actually lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction. The professor gives shared an example about shopping for jeans. He wanted to buy regular jeans, which used to be a simple decision. However, when he arrived at the gene. The professor like store, the regular gene and it can choose easy but the other men give a salesperson presented him with five different style of the gene styles and it will make the choice very difficult and once the professor goes shopping and he found that the shopping is hard because there are too many choices and bought the full colors and after that the men have to do all the project but they have to choose from. This made the deep or light blue color and decision much harder than it used to be. What used to take him five minutes turned into a two-hour struggle, as he felt overwhelmed by the man got headache.options. In the end, instead of feeling satisfied with his purchase, he left the store feeling anxious, questioning whether he made the right choice.
The paradox of choice refers means that if people have while having some choices, it's options is good does not mean they have more choices in necessary pattern. Since have for people, having too many choices can cause more actually lead to own satisfaction and in the lectures dissatisfaction. For example, the professor gave us an example shared a story about himself, about himself. She by her genes and he wanted to, he shopping for jeans. He wanted to ask buy regular genes jeans, but when he taught this to asked the sex person, the sex person tells he's there are two many kind of genes they can choose but it takes more time salesperson, he was overwhelmed with options. There were different styles, colors, and features to choose one genes but when she lived she finds this genes she's not, she's really wanted from. This made the decision process much harder and took a lot of time. Instead of feeling happy with his choice, he ended up feeling anxious and unsatisfied after spending so much time deciding. So, while choices are nice, too many can make it difficult to have. So that she fails the unsatisfactory facts andbe happy with our decisions.
The paradox of choice is refers to the idea that while people enjoy having options, having too many choices can actually lead to confusion and anxiety. For example, the professor shared a phenomenon story about shopping for jeans. He used to find it easy to choose between just a couple of options. However, when he went shopping recently, he faced so many styles and colors that people like having choice deciding became overwhelming. He felt confused about which jeans to choose because he had to consider comfort and the thing that fashion, turning a simple task into a stressful experience. This shows how having more choices will be more of a choice. Instead, it's because of these terms. And just like the example of a professor, a professor is that a sense of an express cloud last week, we go into it. We're in the same thing. And he told to sell that and the substitute be playing five different choices. And he's very confused that which one he will choose. Like this one is more comfortable, one is fashionable. So in this way.can sometimes make us less satisfied.
The professor illustrates the paradox of choice with through his own experience for shopping for jeans. All the time, He mentions that he usually goes shopping for jeans and he wants a regular jeans and then pair. When he told talks to the sale salesperson about her requirements. The sales show his needs, the salesperson shows him different styles, various styles and colors of jeans. There Some have zippers, while others have buttons, and there are some has a zipper, some has a button and in different color, the professor has many color options available. What used to make a choice to choose which one he wants to buy. And finally, it takes take him just five minutes for him. And in choices, to decide now turns into a complex process. In the end, he always store feels anxious and this will cause rather than satisfied with his purchase, which perfectly demonstrates the paradox of choice.choice—having too many options can lead to stress instead of happiness.
This passage is talking about discusses the paradox of the choice choice, which refers to the phenomenon where as a number of having too many options available to individual growth. ¶ And so does the effect need can actually make it harder to make a sound decision? ¶ decision. In the lecture, the professor have shared an example about shopping for that, and last week jeans. He wanted to buy a simple pair, but when he went to the shopping for a new pair store, he was surprised by the number of gins. That he wanted to buy something standard the stos as once. ¶ And however, the sale person will presenting him too with a phenomon of choice. ¶ choices available. There were different styles like straight and baggy, as well as many colors to choose from. This overwhelming variety made it difficult for him to decide, and what used to take just a very cold style and few minutes ended up taking him two hours. Instead of feeling satisfied with his purchase, he left the colors too for him, and store feeling anxious about whether he finally made her choice, and he soon realized that it took him a significant longer time to resort to a decision.the right choice.
The paradox of choice means that also having less choice, having choice some choices can make you us comfortable, but having too much is many choices can have negative effect. As a effects. The professor giving an example of himself, shared his own experience when he goes to your shop by jeans, before now went shopping for jeans. In the past, there were only a few options, which made it has only several options. Also it's not fit, that's perfect about it, it's very easy to select, but choose what he wanted. However, now he goes to the shop and so stop talking, there are several new many styles and once colors to consider. What used to take him just five minutes turned into a two-hour ordeal, and he said he could take five minutes, he came two hours, now ended up feeling anxious instead of satisfied. This situation illustrates the paradox of choice because, although he had a headache to get sure which one is perfect for him, so he looks right at paradox of choice.many options, it made the decision-making process much harder.
The paradox of choice is a phenomenon which describes refers to the idea that while having the public they were very happy because they have a freedom to decide something. However, make choices makes people were also stressed for their suffer from to have happy, having too many decisions options can actually lead to decide. stress and anxiety. In the professor's example, he went shopping for jeans after a long time and was surprised by the professor's one's go to the shopping market to buy many choices available. Instead of just a child and couple of styles, he asks the salesperson, salesman to have a jeans. However, the salesman gave her faced five different kinds of childhood jeans and different various colors to choose from. This made his shopping experience difficult and it is time-consuming; what used to take him five minutes turned into a deeper or not. And then two-hour ordeal. Ultimately, he left the professor felt that the shopping is hard because he need to design so much choice, decide too many choices. So he finally get a choice. However, it takes him two hours, store feeling anxious rather than five minutes.satisfied with his purchase.
The clothes is about the last week, Professor went to a clothes shop and the clothes shop has manning toys for the clothes, then before. So the professor, he feels stressful because he has too much choice. So he needs to, for example, he needs to choose bright blue or the light blue. So he, he feel is difficult for him to make choice. So he finally, he choose, choose clothes and finally, he feels stressful. And this is a paradox of choice refers to the idea that while having some choices can make us happy, having too many choices can actually lead to stress and anxiety. For example, last week, the professor went shopping for jeans after a long time. He expected it to be a quick decision, but when he got to the people need store, he found so many options—different styles and colors—that it became overwhelming. Instead of just choosing between dark blue and light blue, he had to think about comfort, fashion, and multiple colors. This made what used to be a simple decision turn into a two-hour ordeal, leaving him feeling anxious rather than satisfied. This illustrates the paradox of choice: too much choice. They will feel stressful many options can make it harder to choose and lead to stress instead of, it's all good for good things for them.of happiness.
The reading talks about discusses the current concept of the choice. It's planning paradox of choice, which suggests that having too many choice options can actually make people unhappy. And in In the lectures, lecture, Professor Giva's Giva gives an example of a person someone shopping for jeans. This person wanted to buy regular jeans, but there were too so many options, such as options to choose from, like different styles, colors colors, and bottoms. whether to have buttons or a zipper. This made the decision higher and too decision-making process much longer and more complicated than expected. In the past, it choosing jeans was easy to choose, simple, with just a couple of options, but now now, with so many choices, the person felt unsure.uncertain and anxious about making the right decision.
The attacks on Chowice is a phenomenal threat, whether I paradox of choice means that while having some choices can win Chowice make us happy, having too many choices can actually lead to stress and Sinks, that every more choice should please us, but instead is also as stressed. Just like dissatisfaction. For example, when the usual Chowpe and professor talked about shopping for jeans, he wants to buy regular things, he comes up with a chain-type and they want to save him a lot of time, a lot of species of jeans, but mentioned how he just wants to buy wanted a simple pair of regular jeans. And if I only But when he got to the store, he found himself faced with many different styles and colors, which made the pair of jeans that are really comfortable and affordable, it's taking decision much harder. What used to take him just five minutes and also is turned into a fixed and perfect one, it's not designed easily for him to choose these kinds two-hour struggle because he felt overwhelmed by all the options. In the end, instead of jeans.feeling satisfied with his choice, he left the store feeling anxious about whether he made the right decision.
The paradox of replacing choice means that sometimes we usually are increased, this will make persons friends who are effort to think about and make a better decision. And sometimes this will while having some choices can make people feel anxiety. And happy and in control, having too many choices can actually lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction. For example, the example professor in the lecture is about the professor finally new games and usually he just or by the regular things went shopping for jeans after not buying any for years. He expected it to be a simple task, but when he acts as self-president got to the store, he offers faced many options—different styles, colors, and whether to choose buttons or a lot of choices like different style of zipper. What used to take him just five minutes to decide turned into a two-hour process. In the games or the color or the bottom or the and this choice makes the professor spend usually spend the five-pneumness in order to turn into spend the two hours to make a decision and after all, although end, even though he made a decision but choice, he failed a challenge.felt anxious rather than satisfied. This shows how too many choices can complicate decision-making and lead to stress.
Her dad's after The paradox of choice done many times means that people have to find them choice or decisions while having options can make them very happy. But sometimes it's people happy, too many choices can actually lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction. For example, when I went shopping for jeans, I found myself overwhelmed by all the different styles and colors available. It used to be easy to choose between just a couple of options, but we now I had to consider so many factors. This made the decision much harder and turned what should have been a quick trip into a long and stressful experience. In the notice that it's something that end, I left the freedom choice or decisions store feeling anxious rather than satisfied, which shows how too many choices can be the real peace and the first thing I want to tell you about in Southeast. One day she had to go to the store and get a boy and that's very funny. She asked if they all know what to buy the Z-Pro button. So it's difficult to choose. And just for the her dad's after choice, sometimes they do choose to go to the choices that they need the happy birthday for. And outside they have the pain to lose show. That's simply what to do show details. The problem about the paradigm of choice and this is part of the choice.problem.
People are generally feel happy to make when they have some choice choices because that makes people feel some it gives them a sense of control. But control over their lives. However, having too many choice choices can also make people feel with satisfaction as XT because if you want lead to make a good choice, you also need more efforts to intellectual dissatisfaction and anxiety. For example, the professor who is all experienced shared a story about shopping for jeans. He mentioned that he wanted to buy regular jeans, but when he got to the store, he faced too many options—different styles like straight and baggy, as examples. He was buying a jeans but there are two well as many styles, baggy words themselves. There are also many colors so it's hard to, it's colors. This made it hard for him to decide. What used to take him just five minutes turned into a two-hour process. Instead of feeling satisfied with his purchase, he left the professor to feeling anxious. This illustrates the paradox of choice: more options can complicate decision-making rather than make it easier.
According to the article, The paradox of choice refers to the phenomena means that when people have too many options, they can actually feel anxious and overwhelmed instead of happy. For example, the professor talked about shopping for jeans. He just wanted a regular pair, but the salesperson offered him five different styles, like straight and baggy, and many colors to choose from. Because of all these choices, a number of choices that increased, people will feel the professor felt nervous and anxious when they are making choices because they are worrying about once choice is the best. And the professor offers a good example about it. Now, he was talking about genes. First of all, he just wants some wants a regular ones. But the boss of the shop have offered five choices for him, which has aspects of strength or badging, have bottom or sleeper, and the color is also the option. So the professor feels very nervous and uses spent two hours shopping instead of just five minutes. He was worried about making the best choice, which made the experience stressful rather than just five minutes to shop because he cannot make a good choice.enjoyable.
The paradox of choice is a psychological term, means concept that when people are facing multiple choices, it wants necessary better suggests having too many options can actually lead to more anxiety and it would make much distress and excite his footing. In this dissatisfaction. For example, the professor mentions that he is shared his experience shopping for jeans. He just wanted a regular gene pair, but when he went to the store, he was overwhelmed by all the choices—different styles, colors, and this professor, fits. What used to take him just a bit few minutes turned into a two-hour ordeal because he felt stressed about making the right decision. Instead of a guy, should feeling satisfied with his purchase, he be facing multiple left feeling anxious. This shows that while having choices to gain different colors. This way, he does not have time and he needs to care what is light one or dark one. It wants necessary better, represent it to work.good, too many can make decision-making really difficult.