TPO69 Task1
Some people like to take a lot of photographs at family gatherings ormeetings with friends in order to remember these special occasions. Othersprefer not to take photographs when they see their family and friends forspecial occasions. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
New Word | Pronunciation | Part of Speech | English Explanation | Chinese Explanation | Example Sentence |
Gathering | ► | Noun | A gathering is a meeting or assembly of people for a particular purpose, often for socializing or celebrating. | 聚会,指为了某种特定目的而聚集在一起的人们,通常是社交或庆祝。 | "We had a family gathering last weekend, and it was great to catch up with everyone." |
Occasion | ► | Noun | An occasion is a particular time or instance of an event, often significant or noteworthy. | 场合,指某个特定的时间或事件,通常是重要或值得注意的。 | "Her birthday is a special occasion, and we always celebrate it with a big party." |
In my opinion, I prefer to take some photographs when we have during special occasions. First, I think these photographs can be a way to let help us catch capture and remember the special moments, remember the moments and feelings, and it can become a creating good memory in memories for the future. Second, taking some photographs is can also can be serve as a social tourist, for way to connect with others. For example, when you have take a photograph photo with others. It is friends or family, it gives you a chance to chat and talk bond with them.
I'd like I prefer to take photographs at family gatherings or when family gathering or meeting with friends for two main reasons. First, I think believe that photographs we take can remind of help us remember good memories and think about reflect on how the scenario is important those moments are to us. Another reason is that it taking pictures can be interesting. a lot of fun. For example, when I was I’m playing with my friends, I can like to take photos with them them, and their picture we can be added into mint pictures. So I can send it and make fun of them, which is where we're from.have a good laugh looking back at those pictures later.
I prefer to take photographs when I see when I have the family gathering gatherings or meeting meet with friends. I first First, I think that when you are far away from your friends and your families, family, you can take out look at these photos and when you see these photos, then you will memorize your friends and your family members. And second, I think remember them better. Secondly, if you keep these photos in for the future future, when you have kids or you became the grandfather, become a grandparent, you can show them these pictures and share those memories with your son and your daughter these photos about youror daughter.
So from my perspective, I think people like to take taking a lot of photographs that are at family gathering gatherings or meetings with friends in order to remember this special occasion is very valuable. As taking a photograph valuable because it helps us remember these special occasions. Taking photographs is a way to record capture good memories. This week can show how nice the relationships is. And for For example, Amy, a professor in at the university, she could can look through photographs to remember the photographs in order to memory about the story between her and stories she shared with her students in 10 from ten years ago.
In my standpoint, opinion, I felt very guilty feel that taking photographs at family gatherings is important because they help us remember special moments. For example, I have a lot picture of the photographs when they see the familiar on-fronts in four specializations and many reasons and I think this picture is the kind of valuable memories if we can see these pictures whenever we forget it. So there are examples. One day I see the picture that my bro in the hotel brother and my mom arguing with me. This day from a family trip where they were playfully arguing. Looking at that picture reminds me of the fun we had together and how I just are in fact but I can see what appearance thing with my mom and my parents was when I was a These memories are valuable, and I love being able to look back at them whenever I want.
In my opinion, I prefer to take photographs of family, get a meeting at family gatherings and when I meet with friends in order to remember the these special occasions. Because first, it First, taking photos can help your good strengthen our relationships. Because when When we say this to each other, look back at these pictures, we may imagine that time is very can remember the happy and brings us many happiness. And second, it can times we shared together. Second, photographs help us feel safe time. Because when capture memories. When we record memory, take pictures, we can just look at the pictures and record very quickly. So easily revisit those moments without having to rely on our memories alone. This way, we don't need to record can hold onto those many times.special times forever.
I prefer to take a lot of photographs and at family gathering gatherings or meetings with friends in order to remember these special occasions. The first written is, it's First, it’s not only the a way to remember the moments, it's capture moments but also a way to remember people. The matter is the people in our family, lives. As our family members get older, they get the older may pass away, so they pass the way we it's important to have to remember them, and also the students that's graduated. The second written is, those memories. Also, photographs that we took can be seen serve as a sample of literacy. Our record for our children to see the best moments we shared during special occasions. They can see look back at these photos and remember what the parents are best moments in their special occasions, and our next students will also’s important milestones.
I prefer to take a lot of photographs at family gathering gatherings or when meeting with friends in order to because it helps me remember these specializations. special occasions. I have two main reasons for this. Firstly, I think to take a photograph believe taking photographs helps me capture memories that I can help me to get look back on in the battery in my mind. And if many years ago future. For example, when I would not look at these old photos, I will remember can easily recall the faces and moments we shared. Secondly, sharing these people. Secondly, I can find photos with my friends gives us a great topic to waste talk about. We can reminisce about the fun times we had together. So, taking photographs not only helps me remember, but it also strengthens my friends because connections with friends. Overall, I can share these photos to them and talk with about them. So take photographs cannot only increase my memory, but also can increase my social abilities. So in all, I will definitely prefer to take a lot lots of photos.
I prefer to take a lot of photographs at a family gathering gatherings or meetings with friends. In order to friends because it helps me remember these special occasions, because right now occasions. Right now, we are young enough and we have a lot of chance many chances to meet our friends or family. We and family, so we can take pictures together. But after a way grew up, However, as we have to grow up and go to the university or go work. At that time start working, we don't might not have a chance as many opportunities to meet our family or friends. So it's meaningful.see them. That's why taking pictures now feels really meaningful to me.
I prefer not to take photographs when I see my family and friends because it is not good for me. helps me enjoy the moment more. For instance, as a busy student, I am just a student who is very busy every day. I need to take different courses, have different, have a lot of courses and exams and returne papers to manage every day. So day, which can be really stressful. When I was very stressful. Actually, going finally get to see my family or friends, for me, would be relaxing activity. So if I take want to relax and focus on spending quality time with them. Taking photographs for them, it will be tax and which world.might make me feel like I'm working instead of enjoying the time together.
I prefer to take a lot of photographs as a family, I guess, in order during family gatherings because they help me remember these special moments. First, photographs allow us to make friends, I want to remember capture memories from the special sessions. And some reasons. First, take photos, can't record the things, what happens in the past and when the future past. When we look at this photo, these photos in the future, we can remember recall the things wonderful times we have happened shared with our family members. And the second is take photos, can't improve Second, taking photos can strengthen our family relationship, because if we have some, the shot, and when relationships. When we see pictures of happy moments, it reminds us of the photographs, joy we will think the happy things we happened and we will...experienced together. Overall, I believe that photographs are a great way to cherish our time with loved ones.
I prefer to take a lot of photos as at family gathering gatherings or meeting meetings with friends in order to remember these special auctions. Because in occasions. In my opinion, I think it's really have some remember photos help create lasting memories. So for For instance, if we have arguments each other, this time disagreements, looking back at these pictures can remind us of the wonderful moments we shared, which might help us feel less angry. Also, if someone has an accident or is no longer with us, we can look at these photo graphs and we can remember this wonderful moment. So maybe we will not so angry like that. And also if someone has some accident, this time we can look his picture their pictures and remember him. So it's them fondly. So, taking photos is very useful.useful for preserving these memories.
Well Well, for me me, I like to take really enjoy taking a lot of photographs at family gatherings or meetings with friends in order to remember these special associations. For redundant, occasions. I think believe these photographs can let help us have create more memories. When I look at them, I can see these photographs to get recall what I feel felt at that time. I have different feelings like moment, whether it was happiness or sadness and so on. sadness. These photographs symbolize different times in our lives, and they are the symbol of the era and it is very important for our growth or and memories.
I prefer to take a lot of photographs at family gatherings or meeting when I meet with friends in order to remember these special occasions. The reason of for this is that is, I think the photos is are a medium that let us great way to remember the happy time to improve the times and strengthen relationships between the with old friends. For example, just last week week, I found some pictures from a holiday, and I took them in holidays and I found saw friends in the pictures those photos that I never had hadn't communicated with him. So after that in a long time. After that, I called him one of them, and he was really surprised! It turns out he is very surprised and I knew him is now living a nice now.
I prefer to take a lot of photographs at family meetings gatherings or when I'm with friends. The first reason is that when we just enjoy the family's a family party or play with friends, take some photographs, you can just record the taking photographs helps us capture those good memory, because it can record the feeling at that situation and a few years later memories. Years later, when we find the photograph, we are very pressured just because it's just let look at those photos, they remind us think of the memory. And the feelings we had in those moments. The second reason is that we can share some these photographs with each other to share express our thinking, to share our happiness to each other. That way we'll be very thoughts and happiness. Sharing these memories makes us feel happy together too.
before I prefer to take a lot of photographs at family gatherings or and meetings with friends in order to because they help us remember these those special occasions. In my own opinion, photographs can help us to keep that memories in our mind. And it was are a special media for us great way to keep our memories, special memories. memories alive. For instance, example, I always take photographs when we have pictures during family meetings or in some occasions, gatherings, like first day was during a special festival in China. In order to that, With photographs, we can take these revisit those memories anytime and anywhere and anytime we want if we have photographs.want.
From a perspective, I think shoot taking photos firstly or first part is about remember. important for remembering special occasions. A photo has a function of remembering. And with photographs, we can photograph helps us remember this event events better. For example, after 10 ten years later, when we saw this photograph, we, our mind is look at a photo, it brings back to that memories of the time we meet spent together. Second Another reason I like taking photos is the relationship. Photographs is a symbol of people's that they symbolize close relationships. For example, many instance, when family members live far apart, seeing those pictures can remind them of their bonds and the good times later, the family separates living. And after they saw this picture, they will remember their relationship before.shared.
In my opinion, I prefer to take a lot of photos, the first photos at family gatherings. One reason is that I think photo like it seems a memory. photos serve as memories. I take photos just for a short time, in the moment, but when you see the photo many I look at them years ago, you also will remember these things. That can make you happy, later, they remind me of those special times, and that brings me happiness and well-being. The secret Another reason is, it is that photos can take your happiness capture joyful moments in motion. Like For example, when you see the photos, you I look at old pictures, I can remember something the fun and laughter we shared that when you, in this year,year.
In my opinion, I prefer to take a lot of photographs that during family members or meetings with family in order to gatherings. It helps me remember this these special moment. Take a photo moments. Taking photos is a good great way to remember those capture memories, and when people see look at the photos, people will remember photos later, they can recall those happenings. And well be happenings.wonderful times together. I think it brings back a lot of joy.
I prefer to take a lot of photograph photographs with my family and friends during special gatherings and meetings. One reason for this is that photographs help us keep good memories, which can strengthen our relationships. Another reason is that people change over time, and photographs allow us to capture those changes in some special meeting and the gatherings. And the reason given for that is first we can use this photograph to keep some good memories with stay with family and friends to build a better relationship with them. And second, the scenes every time the people will change in different age. So we can use this photograph to record our changes about their appearance and the physical changes. And the next time when you see this photograph again you appearance. When I look back at these photos, I can recall some good memories those special moments and stay with them.feel connected to my loved ones.
In my opinion, I prefer to take a lot of photograph photographs at family gathering gatherings or meeting meetings with friends in order to remember these special decisions. occasions. There are two reasons. The first reason is that if you take a lot of photographs, you can have a main reasons for this. First, taking photographs helps create good memory. And just like memories. For example, if you go to Disneyland with friends, but in you might not remember all the details a few years later, later. However, looking at the photographs can help you may not remember about this, but according to recall those fun times. Second, photographs serve as evidence of how much you’ve grown and changed over the photograph, years. They capture real moments that you can have a good memory about these traveling. And also, it will have evidence that you grow. The photograph is true and good.cherish.
I would prefer to take a lot of photographs with my family or and friends. This is because I think take taking photographs is one of the best way ways to record the best special moments I share with the people I care about the most. The time which I say with people who I am most prisoners. I think the time to stay spent with them is the most important treasure to me. So my greatest treasure. I will take photos to let help me remember this these moments for a long time. And although Even though this will can use a lot of storage space, each works photo is worth it.
I pay first prefer to take a photograph as a photographs at family gathering gatherings or meeting meetings with friends in order to remember the these special occasions. Firstly, it can promote taking pictures helps strengthen the relationship bonds between my friends and family. The good Good photographs can show how much love and our family and my friends we have. share. Also, it's good great for us to remember this look back on these memories in many years. the years to come. For example, my mother usually showed often shows me pictures from the picture in the past past, and made it makes me feel...feel nostalgic and connected to those moments.
To I prefer to take a lot of photograph, photographs at family gatherings because they help me remember the special moments we share. For example, when I took a family and I was blender than I was taking for several reasons. For today, I had to record some interesting moments. When I see these photos and look at these photos, my families were referring to what took me it brings back a lot of happiness and reminds me of the sense passed. Second, it could record good times. I also like to capture what we eat and what how we look like before. It would make a difference at these gatherings. It’s interesting to see how things change over time and to compare our past moments with now and past it could say what's the difference and what we're changing.present.
From my perspective, I prefer to take the photo while photos when I'm gathering with my friends and families. The reason is that it can improve our emotions towards family. I believe this helps us capture the activity. Because it reminds us to keep happy about the time moments we have and we enjoy share together. For example, when I have the during a party with my friends and families, family, I like to take a photo. Because love taking pictures because when we are facing face the camera, we will smile to the screen. Which means we have a very good emotion towards the activity can't help but smile. This shows that we are experiencing.enjoying the time together and creating wonderful memories.
I prefer to take a lot of photographs and at family gathering gatherings or meetings with friends in order to because it helps me remember these those special occasions. Here are my readings. First of all, it can record our special occasions. One day, you get older, you can For example, when I look at these pictures in the future, I can recall the fun we had and remember the moments we shared. Taking photos allows me to capture the joy and laughter we experience together. Also, when we have special occasions. For instance, because we are going events, like a broadcast, I think it's a great idea to start your broadcast, so we can take some photos and take it abroad pictures to remember the special occasions.those moments. It’s like creating a visual diary of our lives!
From a perspective, I prefer to take a lot of fruvers, a photographs at family gathering or gatherings and meetings with friends in order to remember the these special occasions. So the first reason is, this First of all, these photos are priceless, it's a priceless; they capture valuable marriage moments in her whole life, and so our lives that you we can capture this moment, only it can once in your whole life. And second is, cherish forever. When we look back at these photos in the future, when you see all this photos again, you we can recall the best memory you memories we shared with our friends and with your friends hand out down side. So it is priceless family. It's like freezing time and stop the time in the future.being able to revisit those moments again.
I prefer to take photographs with me, say our my family and friends. First, I think it's a very good great way to say show our growth. For example, in the one years, after the one years, a year, we can compare these two photographs. And our photographs and see how we've changed, like if we've become more independent. Secondly, I say how believe taking photos helps develop our relationships with friends and family. They capture happy moments we grow up share together, and if we have more independence. And the second, can look back at them to remember those times. So, I think it's a very good way to develop our relationship between the friends and the family. So we can say this is moments we do and see this moment that we are happy or not. So this taking photographs is a good way to develop strengthen our relationship.connections.