Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO69 Task2


The woman expresses her opinion about the plan described in theannouncement. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about theplan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Graduate Study Lounge Now Open to All Students

The university has decided to change its policy about Perkins Lounge. Previously, this study space was reserved for graduate students, but the university will now allow undergraduates to use Perkins Lounge as well. The Dean of Students explained: “The space is underutilized right now—there aren’t a lot of graduate students making use of it—so there’s room to allow additional students.” She also noted that the university has a problem with insufficient study space for undergraduates, since undergraduate enrollment at the university has increased in the last few years.


Male student: Hey did you see this? Female student: Yeah, I was a little disappointed. Male student: Well, it’s true that there really aren’t a lot of grads students in there. Female student: I know, but I just don’t see why that’s a bad thing, I think it’s perfect the way it is now. Male student: Oh, why is that? Female student: Well, I mean the fact that it’s never packed. That’s exactly why we like it, it’s a quiet space to sit and think, and it really nice to have a place to spread out our books on the table. Especially when we are working on research projects. Male student: That’s true, yeah. Female student: And since we have a lot of work as graduate students, it’s really nice for us to have a space that isn’t noisy and crowded. Male student: Yeah, and if they do this, it won’t be that way anymore. In all fairness though, the undergrads do need somewhere to go, right. Especially since they are more of them now than there used to be. Female student: I know I just feel like to really address that problem, the university should designate extra places for them specifically. Male student: Like where? Female student: Well, I know they’re building a new dormitory, so maybe they could add a study space for them there and that way they can leave this one just for us. Male student: Hey, that’s a pretty good idea.

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Additional Adjective Referring to something that is extra or supplementary beyond what is already available. 额外的。 "Since the study area is not being used much, they can definitely accommodate additional students."
Address Verb To deal with or discuss a particular issue or problem. 解决。 "To really address the issue of overcrowding, we need to create more study spaces."
Dean Noun An official in a university or college who is responsible for a specific area or department. 院长。 "The dean said that they are looking for ways to improve student facilities."
Designate Verb To officially assign a particular role or purpose to something. 指定。 "The university plans to designate certain areas specifically for quiet study."
Dormitory Noun A building that provides living accommodations for students, often with shared facilities. 宿舍。 "The new dormitory will include a lounge where students can relax and study."
Female Adjective Relating to the sex that can produce eggs or bear offspring, typically used to describe women and girls. 女性的。 "The female student raised an interesting point during the discussion."
Insufficient Adjective Not enough; inadequate to meet a particular need or requirement. 不足的。 "The report highlighted that there is insufficient study space for all the undergraduates."
Lounge Noun A comfortable area in which people can relax or socialize. 休息室。 "The new lounge is a great place for students to unwind between classes."
Male Adjective Relating to the sex that produces sperm, typically used to describe men and boys. 男性的。 "The male student shared his thoughts on the new policy during the meeting."
Perfect Adjective Having all the required or desirable elements; flawless or ideal. 完美的。 "I think the current setup is perfect for our study needs."
Policy Noun A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual. 政策。 "The university's new policy allows all students to use the lounge, not just graduates."
Project Noun A planned piece of work or an activity that is designed to achieve a particular aim. 计划。 "We're collaborating on a research project about climate change this semester."
Reserve Verb To keep something for a particular purpose or for a particular person. 保留。 "They used to reserve the lounge for graduates, but now undergraduates can use it too."
Specifically Adverb In a way that is clear and exact; for a particular purpose or person. 特别地。 "She suggested that the university should specifically create more spaces for female students."
Spread Verb To open out something so that it covers a larger area. 展开。 "I love this study area because I can spread my books out on the table without feeling cramped."
Undergraduate Noun A student at a college or university who has not yet earned a degree. 本科生。 "Undergraduates can now enjoy the lounge that was once only for graduate students."


Previously, the lunch is lounge was only open for to graduate students, but now the university plans to open the lunch for it to all students students, both graduate and undergraduate. However, the OOMA lecture failed woman is concerned about this upon with the announcement. First, OOMA change. She believes that now the lunch lounge is very perfect as it is because it's it’s a quiet space and the student where graduate students can spread out their books in the desk, books, especially when they are doing working on group researches. However, research projects. She worries that if the undergraduate student join in, undergraduates join, the space will become noisy and crowded. First, To address the issue of undergraduates needing study space, she thinks the university should create additional areas specifically for the problem that some undergraduate students need some space, the OOMA believes that this policy will not address this problem.them.


The university just has announced that the parking lot is going Perkins Lounge will now be open to become a study region that allows all the students to get access to. students, not just graduate students. The woman in the conversation strongly disagree disagrees with this idea. change. She thinks that it is good believes it's important for graduate students to have such a quiet and uncrowded place to prepare focus on their academics studies and research. It is good to have sufficient room for them She emphasizes that having enough space to spread out their heavy piles materials is essential for their work. To address the issue of research papers and study materials. She finally space for undergraduates, she suggests that the university to instead turn the dormitory into the extra learning could create an additional study area in addition.the new dormitory they are building, keeping the Perkins Lounge exclusively for graduate students.


The Universities' play university's plan is just a play that to open the Perkins Lounge, which was previously only for the graduate students, but the university noticed there's no much to all students because there aren't many graduate students in it, so they decided to open it to all the graduate students. using it. The woman is kind of feels disappointed about this change because she thinks this the lounge is perfect now because they need as it is now. She appreciates that it’s a quiet space to where graduate students can sit and sink. When they want to do some think, especially when working on research and work, they can have a space to spread their books. This is a place that's projects. She likes that it’s not noisy and not or crowded. She thinks this is good. Because of the increased number of the graduate students, she thinks believes that if they really need a space, the university can add a wants to address the need for more study space.spaces for students, they could build additional spaces, like in the new dormitory they are constructing, instead of changing this one.


about the The university make the has changed its policy changed as they allowed the to allow undergraduate students to use Perkins Lounge for studying. This space was previously only for graduate students. The Dean of Students mentioned that the percane log launch lounge is underutilized, as there aren't many graduate students using it, and use there is a need for more study spaces for undergraduates due to their study increasing numbers. The female student in the conversation feels that the lounge is perfect as the school it is the university. Notice there's in sufficient study place for those students and for the discussion by two students they think know it's very perfect because students do like it’s quiet and uncrowded not crowded, which helps graduate students focus on their research projects. However, she also acknowledges that undergraduates need a place to work on their a research project but also study and suggests that the university should create additional study spaces specifically for them, perhaps in the fairness and those students need somewhere to go as the girl says and the girl thing new dormitory they do need some extra space for example like this group has making a new geometry and this would be a better place to go.are building.


Speaking, I want The university has decided to disappoint you open Perkins Lounge, which was previously only for graduate students, to have undergraduates as well. The woman is disappointed by this decision because she values the sheer point quiet and less crowded environment of the program lounge, which is perfect for studying and working on research projects. She believes that allowing undergraduates in will make it noisy and crowded, which is not ideal for graduate students who need a peaceful place to study. She suggests that the university should create new study spaces specifically for undergraduates, like in the print case the launch and the dimensions to the reasons why. And my first reason is new dormitory being built, so that because of, if there are also lots of underground students, the laboratories and some resource is difficult to spread out. And also it will have the noise environment, it's not been invented Perkins Lounge can remain a quiet space for all the students to study. And the signal reason is that because the service is noisy and clouded, there is the other place like the new tombs, to have the extra points to study.graduate students.


The university plans to let a large open the graduate study launch now opens lounge to all students. So, undergrad students can students, allowing undergraduates to use it as a study space due to the lack of room for them. The woman feels disappointed about this change because of she appreciates that the insufficient room. And in the destiny, the romantic experience of statement was lounge is usually quiet and a serious, serious, very disappointed. great place for graduate students to concentrate without noise. She thinks it is a very quiet space and the students can do reasons of just there's no noise. But worries that if the policy opens this space to all students, undergraduates start using it, it will become crowded and noisy. So, To solve the issue of study space for undergraduates, she suggests that the university could create additional study areas in order to address this problem, we can use extra spaces like the new dormitories they are building, so students the lounge can study there. So, the woman is so good.remain a quiet space for graduate students.


So, The university has decided to open the graduate study lounge for to all students. There are two students, firstly, there are a lot of all Currently, not many graduate students who are using study place, but more, there is the lounge, so there’s an inspiration study space for undergraduate students. And since this year, there are more enrollment for undergraduate students. And in opportunity to allow undergraduates to use it too. In the conversation, the two students feel disappointed express disappointment about it. Because this graduate study lounge are change. They enjoy the quiet because there are only fewer people in there. And it's like to spirit their bulk out to do atmosphere of the lounge, which helps them focus on their research project. And if they have projects. If too many undergraduate students, they will undergraduates start using the space, it may become very noisy. And they think noisy and crowded. They believe the university should give extra places like building near create additional study spaces specifically for undergraduates, perhaps by adding one to the dorm, to give the undergraduate students to dormitory that’s being built.


The user later says that even university has decided to allow undergraduate students have a right to use Perkins Lounge, which was previously reserved for graduate students. The woman in the conversation agrees with this change, but she expresses concern that space. And it might make the university has lounge crowded and noisy. She appreciates that it's currently a quiet place where graduate students can study and work on projects without distractions. To solve the problem issue of space management. And this woman agrees with for undergraduates, she suggests that student because she thinks that it's really a nice place to read books or do the project because that place is not noisy and not crowded. And she says the university should provide extra place create additional study areas specifically for undergraduate students. And like them, perhaps in the new military, it could be the new place for undergraduate students.dormitory that is being built.


The plan is to open the graduate study lunch with open lounge to all students, not only graduated students, just graduate students but also undergraduates. The woman disagrees with this plan for a couple of reasons. First, she believes that if too many undergraduate students as well. And since there's not start using the lounge, it will no longer be a lot of graduate students and there's not enough space for undergraduate students and the women disagree with this plan. Here are two reasons she gave. The first reason is if there are too many students, if the undergraduate students come to that lunch, the lunch wouldn't be quiet and not crowded anymore since there are more students in that space. So the more undergraduate students may study environments peaceful place for graduate students would become worse. The second reason is to study. Second, she thinks that to really address solve the problem that there's of not having enough study space for undergraduate students undergraduates, the university should create additional study areas specifically for them in a different building, like the new dormitory they can choose another building to study.are constructing.


In the reading passage, the students such as the university should has decided to open the graduate study large lounge to undergraduate students because of students. The first reason is that in the university there are not a lot of aren't many graduate students who sit using it, and say that the university is there's a sufficient need for more study space for ungraduated students. undergraduates. The Dean of Students mentioned that the lounge is underutilized. In the listening, we know the girl totally disagree female student expresses her disagreement with this idea. The first plan. She believes that having fewer people in the lounge is actually a good thing she thinks is that the bad is because there are less people, so the graduate space is it makes it a quiet place to study. They can do She enjoys the project or calm atmosphere for working on projects and reading. The second reason She also suggests that the girl university should create additional study spaces specifically for undergraduates, perhaps by adding one in the band is new dormitory they are building, so that they have another place named Doi Ritori, can be the place for ungraduated students to study or not to use the graduate place.lounge can remain a quiet area for graduate students.


The university will change the is changing its policy about the parking is large. And Perkins Lounge, allowing undergraduates to use it as well. The woman in the conversation, the Oman conversation disagrees with this idea. First, she thinks plan. She feels that it will bat for this student. For instance, she mentions that it's the lounge is a perfect place, space for graduate students because it's really it is quiet, especially which is important for sometimes like students need to do some doing research project. And because it's a nice place for them to do such project. And what is more, she projects. She also thinks suggests that the university should create another study area for undergraduates, perhaps in the new dormitory they are building, so that Perkins Lounge can choose another remain a quiet place like the dorminate.for graduate students.


In the reading, the university allows has decided to allow undergraduate students to use the pay-in-longs Perkins Lounge as well. And in order This change is intended to create a more study space for the undergraduate students, but undergraduates. However, in the lecture, the woman is a point expresses her disagreement with this suggestion, and she thinks plan. She believes it's a bad thing that idea because the graduate students before can have previously enjoyed a quiet space to study and to put the books and separates the books and researchers some information. And now, there are lots of undergraduate students. It well lets this space be more noise and the crowd eat. It's not good things for some undergraduate students to study. And there will be spread out their books. With more undergraduate students than before. So, if this coming in, she worries that the lounge will become noisy and crowded, which isn't good for studying. She suggests that the university only addresses problems they need should find other ways to some actual...address the space issue without taking away the quiet environment that graduate students need.


In the passage, it's mentioned that the graduate study allows lounge is now open to our all students because many in-substance there aren't enough study plays spaces for undergraduate students, it's good for them to study. undergraduates. However, in the conversation, the girl disagreed woman disagrees with this idea. She mentioned believes that it's opening the lounge to undergraduates is not a very good idea because it will become noisy and there are many crowded, which is something graduate students and it will make very moist and crowded. And also, she mentioned want to avoid. She suggests that instead, the university should create more study spaces specifically for undergraduates, perhaps by adding a good way to solve this question. Some study area in the new dormitory they are building. This way, graduate students needed can continue to somewhere have a quiet place to study and she mentioned that they can go to the dormitory and this is the very good place so every graduate student can start here so it can avoid some noise and avoid some crowded. So the girl disagreed with this


The university announced that the graduate study launch lounge is now opened open to all students to give the undergraduate students a study room for them students, allowing undergraduates to use and make the space, which aims to address the need for more study place more sufficient. But areas. However, the woman disagree disagrees with this policy. Because policy because she thought values the study launch is acquired space and the lounge as a quiet place where graduate students can spread out the books on the table. But their books. She worries that if the undergraduate students undergraduates join in, maybe the launch lounge will be become noisy and crowded. And She suggests that to really solve the woman gives a plan to make give problem of study space for undergraduates, the extra place for the undergraduate university should create additional study areas, like in the new dormant hurry is a good place for them. So now the dormitory they are building. This way, both undergraduate and the graduate students all can have the good suitable study place for them to study. Maybe it is very helpful for them.places.


you youThe plan is to open Perkins Lounge, which was previously reserved for graduate students, to undergraduates as well. The woman expresses her opinion that this change is not a good idea because she values the quiet atmosphere of the lounge, which is currently a great space for graduate students to study and work on research projects without distractions. She suggests that the university should create separate study spaces for undergraduates instead.


The university announced that the parking lot was just Perkins Lounge is now open to the undergraduate students because graduate students doesn't don’t use that place as euro, as their expats, it much, and the undergraduate students' number will increase. of undergraduates has increased. However, the graduate student doesn't agree disagrees with that suggestion. The first point is this plan. She points out that graduate students like that place the lounge because it's it’s quiet, so they can just allowing them to spread out their books in on the table, especially do some research, but if it's open table and work on research projects. If the lounge is opened up to undergraduate students, they undergraduates, she worries it will be become noisy and grouted. The second point is crowded. She suggests that if the university really wants to solve that question, address the university issue of space for undergraduates, they should just give some extra place to their undergraduate students. It just likes create additional study areas specifically for them, like adding a study space in the new dorm, the dorm, it's a good place to undergraduate students.dormitory that is being built.


In the last turn, the The university wanted has decided to open the Perkins Lounge to undergraduate students because it is currently underutilized by graduate students along because one reason is students. The female student expresses her disappointment about this language is not used frequently. Second, on the graduate students studied in sufficient. And in the conversation, the graduate students, women students are disappointed because before the policy they have applied place and they change, as she appreciates having a quiet space where she can spread out her books on and work without distractions. She believes that the table and also are nice to sync scenes to syncing and not be disturbed. And also, the women students give a proposal that university should add extra create additional study places not to occupy graduated students places. And she thinks that new spaces for undergraduates, perhaps by adding study places should set areas in the new dormitory and it's more convenient to they are building, so that the students live here.Perkins Lounge can remain a quiet place for graduate students.


The announcement is about the parking sludge is allowed for the allowing undergraduate students to provide a sufficient study place use Perkins Lounge, which was previously reserved for them. But the graduate students. The woman was is disappointed with this announcement. First, she thinks change. She believes it's not a good idea because the parking lounge Perkins Lounge is a very quiet place space for graduate students to study and put spread out their books, especially when working on research projects. She worries that if undergraduates are allowed in, the space will become noisy and crowded. Instead, she thinks the university should create a new study space for undergraduates in the new dormitory they are doing researchers. And if the undergraduate are allowed to get into the parking sludge, they will make the space very noise and crowded. And this woman thinks the best way to solve this problem is to change building, so that Perkins Lounge can remain a new dorm-tory room into a study place quiet area for undergraduate graduate students.


In this lecture, it starts about school design to the university announced that the Perkins Lounge, which was previously reserved for graduate students long students, is now open to all students. They think students, including undergraduates. The Dean of Students mentioned that the first reason lounge is underutilized by graduate students, so they have decided to allow undergraduates to use it as well. The woman expresses her opinion that this change is not a good idea. She believes the lounge is perfect as it is because it is quiet and not crowded, which makes it a great place for graduate students to study and work on research projects. She worries that if undergraduates start using the space, it will become noisy and crowded. Instead, she suggests that the university should create additional study spaces specifically for undergraduates, perhaps in the past it just worked for the graduate student not for the undergraduate students for use. The reason is that they have enough say set to allow the undergraduate students to come in the second reason that new dormitory they are in for the student space for the undergraduate with and enrolls the graduate students last. The goal is to agree with this opinion she said building, so that the space at the past, the space is really Perkins Lounge can remain a quiet and it's a nice space to take a book or study, a self study. The way it comes to the undergraduate students will be crowd and not quiet. And the second opinion she thinks that the school can give the new domain names area for the undergraduate graduate students.


The University university has decided to change its policy regarding the use of the University Perkins Lounge. Previously, this space was only for graduate students, but now undergraduates will change the policy about using these places. In the past, the University has not also be allowed the ungraduated students to use this person. Now it has changed their rules. Also, there are also some problems in efficient study places. it. The woman in the lesson is disappointing. This conversation expresses disappointment about this change. She believes that Perkins Lounge is a quiet and nice place and a nice place. There to study, which is why graduate students appreciate it. It's not noisy and crowded. So or crowded, making it ideal for focusing on their work. She thinks that instead of opening this space to undergraduates, the place is best to use it. In her opinion, it should create additional study areas specifically for them, especially since they have increased in number.


The university noticed that they has decided to open the whole Perkins Lounge to all students, include undergraduate students. And in including undergraduates. In the listening, the woman's singing woman expresses her disappointment about this change. She thinks it's a bad idea because the lounge is really disappointed. It's not perfect as it is now for graduate students. She mentions that it’s a good idea. quiet space where they can spread out their books and work on research projects without distractions. She believes it's perfect now. She announced worries that they graduate students have a phrase to put all things out on the desk. And the space is quite... is quite... And after the whole open to all students, there if undergraduates start using it, it will be become noisy and bad environment. And she crowded. She also says suggests that the university should create some extra plays such as additional study spaces for undergraduates, like adding a study area in the new dormitory, use dormitory they are building, so that the space here.Perkins Lounge can remain a quiet place for graduate students.


The proposal is about the universities prepared to ask the undergraduate student use the longjews which can only the graduate student use in the past. And the first is it can allow more additional students use because there has less less university allowing undergraduate students there. Secondly, it to use Perkins Lounge, which was previously reserved only for graduate students. The Dean of Students mentioned that the lounge is in efficient studies based underutilized, meaning there aren't many graduate students using it, so there's room for undergraduate more students. As a woman in In the conversation, the woman expresses her opinion against this is the way that. Firstly, she think the change. She feels that more people in the longjews, they were more noisy will be make. So lounge would make it noisier, which would disrupt the quiet atmosphere that graduate students appreciate. She also suggests that instead of opening this is well less quiet space to undergraduates, the university should create additional study areas specifically for them, perhaps in the longjews. Secondly, she think it can address the problem and school shoots prepare the extra place for the undergraduate students such dormitory they are building.


The letter announcement is talking about a new decision made by the university and to allow undergraduate students to use the study room that was previously reserved for graduate students. This change is happening because there has been a university decided to let the undergraduate student join significant increase in the self-study room that used to just for the graduate student since the number of undergraduate student are increasing a lot students this year. And the woman The female student was very is upset about this change because she seems believes that the atmosphere in the graduate students self-study students' study room was very quiet is quiet, which helps them focus and this will help them to have work well. She feels that if a good environment to study and work. And seeing this lot of undergraduate students join in, this cannot keep undergraduates join, it any more. And she seems will no longer be a peaceful environment. She suggests that the university should build a new extra room an additional study space specifically for the undergraduate student to have a self-study there instead of using undergraduates, so the graduate student.students can keep their quiet space.


In the reading material, we can know learn that the university decided to has changed its policy regarding Perkins Lounge. Previously, this space was only available for graduate students, but now undergraduates can use it too. The woman disagrees with this change policy or policy about because she values Perkins Lounge as a quiet study space. She mentions that it is not crowded, which makes it ideal for graduate students who need a peaceful environment for their research projects. She feels that if undergraduates are allowed in, it will become noisy and lose its appeal. Instead, she suggests that the Pangle loans. That's in the past, this place is just allowed a graduate student to use, but university should create separate study spaces specifically for undergraduates, possibly in the new policy, we dormitory they are building, so that graduate students can know that the university decided continue to allow the own graduate student to use to. The Oman totalities agree with these opinions, choosing that is very required place when enjoy Perkins Lounge as a lot of ungraduated school come here. It's a good place quiet area for a graduate student to research some information or research some other things to finish their project or do other things to study. But if they allow the ungraduated student to come here, this place is very noisy, not quite the same as before. She is in ungraduated and go to the new place and to find a place to work and study, so she disagrees with opinions in


about The university is changing its policy to change the police allow undergraduates to make some undergraduate to not use these specific locations because there's no not efficient sufficient space Perkins Lounge, which was previously reserved for study and for graduate students. And The woman in the listening material, this woman that speaking is agree material agrees with this segment because he's saying this location change, but she expresses concern that it might make the space noisy and crowded, which is not ideal for graduate students who need a quiet space pass. It is very good place to work on research projects. She suggests that instead of allowing undergraduates to use to work to do some research projects and to work together. But now if this space, the undergraduate come here, it would be noisy and prodded. It wants to make them to take their university should create additional study works efficiently and quietly. So the utilities could address these problems that provide another space areas specifically for them, like in dormitories rather than these locations that it would better address.the new dormitory they are building. This way, graduate students can continue to have a quiet environment for their studies.


According to the reading passage, the The university has decided to open Perkins Lounge, which was previously reserved for graduate students, to undergraduates as well. The Dean of Students mentioned that the lounge is underutilized by graduate students, allowing the university to accommodate more students. However, the female student lab for two reasons. Firstly, it can increase in the utility of it. Secondly, it provides additional space for students to study. But however, according to conversation strongly disagrees with this decision. She points out that the conversation, the girls strongly disagree with the idea for two reasons. For one thing, she mentions that before the operation, the space lounge is very currently a quiet and not crowded, uncrowded space, which means it's a good place is ideal for graduate students to think and work. And it's benefit for them to finish some work on their assignments, especially for the research projects. But however, She fears that allowing undergraduates will disrupt this peaceful environment. Instead of opening Perkins Lounge to everyone, she suggests that the space is broken after university should create additional study spaces specifically for undergraduates, perhaps in the operation. Secondly, she mentions that if new dormitory they are building, to maintain the student wants to solve the problem, they can explore the dorm space quiet atmosphere of Perkins Lounge for students to study.graduate students.


The university announced that not the Perkins Lounge, which was previously only the for graduate students can use the loans, but students, will now also the be open to undergraduate students can also use the loans because students. The Dean mentioned that not many graduate students use the loans lounge, and there is insufficient not enough study space for undergraduate students undergraduates. The female student feels disappointed about this change because she appreciates the quiet atmosphere of the lounge, which allows her to study. In focus on her work. She likes having a space where she can spread out her books while working on research projects. She worries that if undergraduates start using the lesson in materials, the undergraduate students are disappointed because the first students, the loans, are quiet space for them to study. And when she is doing a project, she likes to spread their books in the tables. If the undergraduate students also use the loans, the loans can be very lounge, it will become crowded and noisy, which would affect her study environment. She suggests that the university can give them.should create additional study spaces specifically for undergraduates to solve this problem.


The proposal says states that the University Officer Plan university plans to open the space Perkins Lounge, which previous was previously reserved only for undergraduate students now open graduate students, to all of students. And because The Dean mentioned that the space is under utilized underutilized and it definitely can adomitate accommodate additional students and more students. However, the woman totally disagree disagrees with this plan. She believes that having fewer students in the students. She don't believe it's lounge makes it a great idea. And so when it's the fewer students, she believes she knows that is very quiet and cozy space for our graduate students for study and to study, where they can spread out their books and the books. She also thinks that graduate student students have other place places to go. And go for studying. Additionally, she suggests that the University can plan to use university could create more study spaces for undergraduates, perhaps in the X-RUS spaces. She knows in a new dorm that can be a good place.dormitory being built.