Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO69 Task3


Explain brand revival and how the example from the professor’s lectureillustrates it.


Brand Revival

Sometimes consumers begin to feel nostalgic about certain products from long ago. People become attracted to the products’ old-fashioned or retro features. In a strategy called brand revival, companies decide to revive and market products that were discontinued years earlier. Brand revival usually involves redesigning products, with a combination of the old features that made them popular, and updated features that are more relevant and meet the standards of consumers today.


So, here’s an example of how this actually worked in the United States and Europe. Now you are a little too young to remember this brand. But many years ago, a car company became really popular because of these very small cars, these vehicles were cute and really sporty. In fact, lots of people drove them. After a number of years, however car style changed and cars became larger. Eventually, the company stopped making the small cars. Well about ten years ago, the company decided to produce this type of car again. The company thought that the sporty look and itssmall size would be attractive to lots of people today, especially people living in cities. See this car drives through crowded city streets, easily and can be parked in pretty tight spaces. But the little cars from the past also used a lot of gasoline. Nowadays most consumers prefer cars with engines that are fuel efficient, right? So the company recognized this trend and redesigned the cars to have more efficient engines. The cars have the same cute sporty look, but this version uses less fuel. And in fact, they’ve become really popular with today’s model selling quite well.

New Word Pronunciation Part of Speech English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
Attractive Adjective Pleasing or appealing to the senses or to the mind; likely to draw interest or admiration. 吸引人的。 "I think that new café has an attractive vibe that draws in a lot of customers."
Brand Noun A name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes one seller's product from those of others. 品牌。 "I always choose that brand because I trust their quality."
Combination Noun The act of joining two or more things together to form a single unit; a mixture. 组合。 "The combination of chocolate and peanut butter is my favorite treat."
Consumer Noun A person who purchases goods and services for personal use. 消费者。 "As a consumer, I always read reviews before buying a new product."
Crowded Adjective Filled with too many people or things; congested. 拥挤的。 "The subway was so crowded this morning that I could barely move."
Efficient Adjective Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. 高效的。 "This new software is really efficient; it saves me so much time on my tasks."
Engine Noun A machine that converts energy into mechanical motion; typically found in vehicles. 引擎。 "The engine of my car needs to be serviced to improve its performance."
Eventually Adverb In the end, especially after a long delay or a series of problems. 最终。 "Eventually, we found a solution to the issue that had been bothering us."
Feature Noun A distinctive attribute or aspect of something, often highlighting its function or purpose. 特征。 "One of the best features of this phone is its incredible camera."
Fuel Noun A material that is burned or consumed to produce energy, especially for engines and vehicles. 燃料。 "Gasoline is the most common fuel used in cars today."
Gasoline Noun A liquid fuel used in internal combustion engines, primarily derived from petroleum. 汽油。 "I need to stop by the gas station to fill up my car with gasoline before our road trip."
Involve Verb To include or engage as a necessary part or consequence. 涉及。 "Planning the event will involve coordinating with several different teams to make sure everything runs smoothly."
Nowadays Adverb At the present time; in the current period. 现在。 "Nowadays, it's common for people to work from home instead of going to the office every day."
Product Noun An item that is manufactured or refined for sale. 产品。 "The new product line has received great feedback from customers who remember the original versions."
Relevant Adjective Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered. 相关的。 "It's important to include only the most relevant information in your presentation to keep the audience engaged."
Revival Noun An improvement in the condition or strength of something, or the act of bringing something back into use or popularity. 复兴。 "The revival of interest in vintage fashion has led to many thrift stores becoming popular again."
Revive Verb To bring something back to life, consciousness, or use. 复兴。 "The company hopes to revive its classic brand by reintroducing it to the market with a modern twist."
Standard Noun A level of quality or attainment used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations. 标准。 "The new regulations set a higher standard for safety in all consumer products."
Strategy Noun A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim. 策略。 "Their marketing strategy focuses on social media to reach younger consumers effectively."
Style Noun A particular procedure by which something is done; a manner or way of doing something. 风格。 "Her style of writing is very engaging and keeps readers interested from beginning to end."
Tight Adjective Having little or no space between objects; being compact or narrow. 紧凑的。 "I can park my car in that tight spot between the two other cars without any trouble."
Trend Noun A general direction in which something is developing or changing; a current style or preference. 趋势。 "The latest trend in fashion is all about sustainable materials and eco-friendly designs."
Update Noun A change or addition that improves something or makes it more current. 更新。 "I just got the latest update for my phone, and it has some really cool new features."
Vehicle Noun A machine, typically one with wheels, used for transporting people or goods. 车辆。 "In the city, you can see all kinds of vehicles, from buses to bicycles."
Version Noun A particular form or variant of something, often differing in certain aspects from another form. 版本。 "I prefer the latest version of the software because it has so many new features."


The brand Brand revival is how the a strategy where companies bring back old factions attract more than people. products that consumers feel nostalgic about. The profession professor mentioned a car company in the United States. In States that used to make small, cute cars that were very popular. However, as car styles changed and larger cars became the past, it produced small cars because these cars are cute, so many people only buy it. But when the cars become larger, trend, the company stopped to produce making these small cars. But 10 About ten years ago, the company thinks these old cars will attract more than people. So they produce these cars again. And decided to bring back these small cars, thinking that their retro style would appeal to many people today, especially those living in cities. These small cars are great for navigating crowded streets and can go through be parked easily. However, one issue with the crowded roads easily. But this is old models was that they used a problem because these old cars they use lots lot of gasoline. So to deal with this problem, To address this, the company produced redesigned the cars to have more efficient engine. And fuel-efficient engines. Now, these old updated small cars keep the same cute sporty look but are more appealing to modern consumers, and they've become really popular.quite popular again.


There Brand revival is a certain type of nostalgia strategy where companies bring back old-fashioned products that make old-fashioned product prevalent again, called brand revival. And the consumers feel nostalgic about. The professor gives gave an example to illustrate this. There's of a certain type of small car, which are small, sporty one and get car that was very popular in early USA. And as the year went by, U.S. many years ago. Over time, larger cars became the old cars are replaced by new style ones. So trend, and the company, companies start to start company stopped making these small cars. However, about ten years ago, they decided to produce that this type of car again because they thought it would appeal to city dwellers. They redesigned the car to keep its cute and then come up with sporty look but also made it more fuel-efficient, which is what modern consumers prefer. This combination of old and new area. The consumer like our consumer especially in city are more preferred features helped the old ones. So the company combine with new feature and old-fashioned look into this become popular again.


Brand revival is a business strategy that some companies use to combine old feature and features with modern feature features to one product to make the product better. improve a product. The professor took provided an example of a car company as example. Many that many years ago the current company produced very small car which is very cars that were quite cute. However, the treat is that the over time, car become larger styles changed, and larger and cars became larger, leading the company stopped to produce it. However, nowadays stop making the small cars. Nowadays, the company starts has decided to produce a small car again because the many people now like prefer small car cars, especially for convenience in city driving. They have also incorporated modern features, such as more fuel-efficient engines, which is very convenient. Also the company combine some modern feature. The company uses more efficiency engine.align with current consumer preferences.


The brand rival revival means that some companies would like want to produce some product products with the old features combined with old product which can new ones that meet the standard of today's consumer today standards to attract them. For example, the there was a car company that previously produced small cars, which has produced the small cars before and those cars are were very cute and sporty. However, the cars become over time, car preferences changed, and people started to prefer larger with the people's preference. However, 10 vehicles. About ten years ago, this company tried decided to produce the small cars again as because they think thought they could attract people living in which live in the city. However, the little cars before also cities. The older small cars, however, used much a lot of gasoline. So So, they redesigned the engine which can to be more efficient fuel-efficient and use less engine to be moregas, while still keeping that cute sporty look. This new version has become quite popular with today’s consumers.


The professor talks about the brand revival in that revival, which is when companies redesign products to redesign the products, to let the combine old features be two updates, with new features and the tractor updates that attract consumers. In the last name, For example, the professor gives example about the mentions a car brand that produce cars. It is was very popular many years ago because it has very smooth made cute and very cute cars, but sporty small cars. Over time, car styles changed, and the time it changes. They start to produce large company started producing larger cars and stop eventually stopped making the small ones. However, about ten years ago, they decided to produce more cars. But they produce again bring back the small cars because they sing thought people living in cities would find them appealing. The old small cars used a lot of gasoline, which is considered outdated now. So, they redesigned the small cars, they are attracted cars to people that live in city. And have more fuel-efficient engines while keeping the parts, the little cars, they use more gasoline, is very old fashioned. So they change, it rises, use more efficient agents. And you can use less fluid so it can be same cute sporty look. This new version has become very popular now.and sells well today.


There Brand revival is when companies bring back products that were popular in the past. For example, there was a bit in strategy called the bad review since later products from now on goes car company that made cute, small cars that many people become more attracted to the pollution of the fashion world some features things are pollution loved. Over time, car designs changed, and larger cars became popular, so there is examples of the year actually some United States some products because their products is famous by their cute small and also in a number of years the product become the larger and so that parts there is less person to bite and after 10 years the customer and the company stopped making the small ones. About ten years later, they decided to bring back the small cars because they thought people in cities would like them again. They redesigned these cars to look sporty and cute, but they also made them more fuel-efficient, which is to change what consumers want today. This way, the sign then be cute and small again to attract the customers so there will be cute and smaller and this is the computer in the are popular again, showing how brand revival works.


Brand revival means that people are attracted by old fashion to old-fashioned or old features. retro features of products. In the listening professor Giffeng Professor Giffen's example, many years ago ago, there was a car company that produced a small car, and it was really cute. A lot of people drove it. However, over time, car styles changed, and cars became larger. About ten years ago, the company decided to bring back this small car because they thought its sporty look and they are cute. So many people drive it. But then compact size would attract people, especially those living in cities, since it can easily navigate crowded streets and fit into tight parking spaces. In the past, though, these small cars used a lot of gasoline. Nowadays, most consumers prefer cars with fuel-efficient engines, so the company redesigned the car becomes larger and ten years ago there was to have a company. This sort of small size car can really attract people especially people living in the city because they can drive the car easily and the car doesn't need too much space. But in the past although the small car needs much gasoline but they create more efficient engine so that the small car can use it.while keeping its cute sporty look. This new version has become quite popular.


Currently, review Brand revival is a strategy that where companies will review look back at their earlier years older products and combine the old classic features and add some with new features like some new technologies. And therefore, they can technologies to attract people to the old-fashioned products. And consumers. For example, the professor gave an example, he said, mentioned a car in the United States, there is a car. And in States that was once very popular because of its small size and sporty look. Over time, car styles changed, and larger vehicles became the early years, norm, leading the car companies produce company to stop making the small cars. However, about ten years ago, they decided to bring back the small cars and it will become very popular. And a few years ago, their car become very large and they stop to produce the small cars. And after 10 years, the company starts to produce the small cars again because they can attract people in the city. could appeal to city dwellers who need to save parking space. They can save the parking space and it can save gas because they improve also improved the fuel efficiency. So efficiency of these cars, making them more attractive to today’s consumers. This way, they kept the company, the company, the new and old.cute sporty look while meeting modern needs.


Brand revival is when companies bring back products that brand revival and the market products were discontinued years earlier and they will ago. They do this by redesigning the products and combining to combine the old features that made them popular with nowadays what people need and what nowadays really popular. There's an newer features that meet today’s consumer needs. An example in from the lecture is about a company. The car company that used to produce smoke cars make small cars, which is pretty were very cute but it and sporty. However, over time, people started to prefer larger cars, so the company stopped making the small ones. About ten years ago, they decided to bring back this type of car because they thought it because as the time goes would appeal to people become loved living in large cities. These small cars but nowadays they find that it's really attractive since the smoke car can easily cross the navigate crowded streets and can save more spaces but this take up less parking space. However, one disadvantage downside is that it also the old models used a lot of gasoline. So So, the company decided redesigned the small cars to combine have more fuel-efficient engines while keeping their cute and sporty look. This combination has made the smoke cars new models popular with the few efficient gasoline.consumers today.


In the radio, lecture, we know the learned that brand revival is the company's desire when companies try to revive bring back and market products that were discontinued years a long time ago. In the last year, we know the first example of For example, Professor Disgast is there have talked about a car cabinet and he company that used to produce make a cute small car. But now it's not produced and in the last 10 years, After a while, they stopped producing it produced because car styles changed. However, about ten years ago, they decided to make that small car again. And it This attracted a lot of people because it's it’s easier to use drive and can find the park space in tight spaces. Additionally, many consumers today prefer cars with smaller engines that are more easily. And the secret for example is some people want the not big engines and fuel-efficient, so the cabinet used all company updated the engines car to replace have a better engine while keeping its cute sporty look. This strategy has helped the new and it's very useful.model sell really well.


Friend Brand revival is a strategy where companies redesign and market products that we designed in have old features to attract customers. This helps keep the product to make the product which have the old features attract customers. So the product can keep popular until now. today. The professor gives gave an example of the car company. In the ancient times, the a car company produced that used to make small, cute cars that many people loved. However, over time, car styles changed, and larger cars became more common, so the company stopped making the small cars. About ten years ago, they decided to bring back the small cars because they thought people in cities would like them. They made sure the car is very cute. So it attract new version had a lot sporty look but also included fuel-efficient engines since most consumers prefer cars that use less gas now. This combination of people. But from old and new features has helped the time the car came larger, but the company still make the smaller cars. So it also attract more people. But now most of cars use the gasoline to produce. But the company think they have the fuel efficient, so they have to change the engine and use the less fuel to make the car popular until now.sell well today.


The Brand-Battle, Brand revival is when companies bring back products that were popular in the past but were discontinued. They redesign these products by combining the old features that people loved with new updates that meet today's standards. For example, the professor talked about a small car that was very popular many years ago. Over time, car styles changed, and the company stopped making those small cars. However, about ten years ago, they decided to bring back this small car because it would appeal to people living in cities who need a car that can easily navigate crowded streets and fit into tight parking spaces. They also updated the car to be more fuel-efficient, which means is important to consumers today. This way, the in no-vose redesigning product with a combination new version of the old features. Also in the lecture, the professor mentioned car keeps its cute and example sporty look while being more practical for this. He mentioned the very popular object and however it will change very larger. However, 10 years ago it will become a small size and many people today can easily pass the use days very efficient. And they can read the card in some cute computer quiet.modern drivers.


The brand Brand revival refers that the to when a company involves redesigned the redesigns its products with the combination by combining the old features that made them popular and update with updated features relevant to this customer meet. And the that meet current consumer needs. The professor gave us provided an example of a car company from about ten years ago that decided to bring back a small, sporty car that was very popular in the lecture that the cart companies in the 10 years ago, they create a past. These small cart which is popular cars were great for people city driving because they are small and they can have a small size, they can create more space in cities and they can have trust easily. But today, but today, this company still made small cars, but could easily fit into tight parking spaces. However, the customers, but this small cars needs to use old models used a lot of guys gasoline, which is not what most consumers want today. So, the company redesigned these small cars to include more fuel-efficient engines while keeping the cute sporty look. This way, they appeal to today's customers do not want to use because they want to be more filled with the efficiency. So this company changed this cart for the filled efficiency.who prefer cars that save on fuel.


When a company uses a revival strategy is missed, that company decided strategy, they decide to revive bring back a market product that was discontinued years earlier. Just like the example of Yenbao's professor, there's For example, there was a car company which that produced a small car and that became popular because of that. really popular. However, after the as car style styles changed, much more company were going many companies started to design a large car. The larger cars, and eventually, this company stopped producing this kind of making the small car. However, now it Recently, though, this small car became popular again because it can attract attracts people, especially people those living in city because of cities, due to its small compact size. The company also resigned redesigned the engine, engine to make it more fuel-efficient, which can make the more effectively.appeals to modern consumers.


In the reading part, he talks Brand revival is when companies bring back old products that they stopped making because consumers feel nostalgic about the civil cost them. The professor gave an example of the economic strategy. In the lesson a small car that was very popular in the professor's talks past. Although the car was cute and sporty, it was eventually discontinued because car styles changed. However, about ten years ago, the way that company decided to solve bring back this small car. They redesigned it to have the cost and they have a free cheap. The professor has a, for example, a, for the, for same sporty look but made it more fuel-efficient to meet today's consumers' needs. This way, the doctor and creative use less force, the energy. And it can, of course, force, can still be attractive to people, especially those living in cities, while also being more environmentally friendly.


This nature Brand revival is talk about the brand Riveny. It is said when companies bring back old products that people remember fondly. For example, in the past, have some center products, there was a car company known for making very small, cute cars that were popular. However, as car styles changed, the company stopped making those small cars. Recently, they decided to bring back this type of car because many people in cities want smaller vehicles that are easier to park. They updated the design to keep the sporty look but it is from a large also made the cars more fuel-efficient to meet today’s standards. This combination of years ago for people. And then it becomes nostalgia with modern features has made the attack for people, some old flash, something with more features. And the lecture professor have an example of that. In the past years ago, they have the very famous products. They sell very cute cards. And in the last year, it is very popular. But now, this car becomes large. So the quantity of this car decreases. Then they also sell cute cards. That's get popular. And then it can get more information. And it becomes more popular. It gets some different features.revived cars popular again.


Brand revival refers to how consumers sometimes consumers began to feel no-stallic nostalgic about certain products from the local people became products, which makes them attracted to the products, those products' old-fashioned war ritual or retro features. The professor gives us examples an example of an old car company. In the past, the this company always produced small cars, but in after a few years, it they stopped making them to produce small cars in order to produce big focus on larger cars. But in one decade and more years, However, about ten years ago, the car company realized that small cars will be attracted would appeal to the people. Because it will people again, especially because they fit to the city's structure, so well in city environments. So, they redesigned the small cars about their to make the small cars them more feel efficient fuel-efficient, and it becomes now they have become very popular in the market.


Grand Brand revival means to produce bring back a product which is that was discontinued many years earlier again. And the ago. The professor gave an example of a small car company. Before company that used to be popular in the United States and in Europe, Europe. At first, this company made a small car that many people liked. However, as the car market changed, cars became larger, and the company have a popular stopped making the small car. But because the market of cars changes the cars shape, the car becomes larger. So the company just stopped producing that small car. But About ten years ago, they decided to reintroduce the company introduced a small car again because their sizes can grow it was easier to drive in driving the city easily and can park more convenient. But to could be parked conveniently. To redesign this car, they use included a more efficient engine to store on the car. So that uses less fuel. So, this new version of the car have is not only cute and sporty but also more gasoline efficiency, customer more like.fuel-efficient, which customers really appreciate.


Brand revival is a market phenomenon marketing strategy where companies bring back old products that people will be attracted consumers have nostalgic feelings for. This means they redesign these products to combine the product classic features that very old. So the company will just produce the product again to let customers consume. And in the made them popular with new updates that meet today’s standards. For example, in the United States, there is was once a very popular small car in a few years ago that many people loved because it's small, it's cute. People think that it's very cute. But sometimes later, the it was cute and sporty. However, as car just changes and be larger. So styles changed, the company stopped to produce it. However, making these small cars. About ten years ago, the managers think that company decided to bring this car back because they thought people would be interested in it again. They redesigned it to keep the car will be popular again. So they're just redesigned cute look but also made it more fuel-efficient, which is important for modern consumers. As a result, the car because in today, people will attract more, attract by some cars that are cute and have more few efficiency. So they're just redesigned and finally, the car is model has become quite popular!


The professor used provided examples to illustrate the brand revival. And the One example is, in is about a car brand that was very popular many years ago, the brand has a very popular style, it's ago because of its small cars. And in At that time, lots of many people love loved these small cars. However, over the small car. But after many years ago, years, car styles changed, and cars became larger. Recently, the car changed and become bigger. But now, the complaints do company decided to produce the small cars again. But they combine again, combining the classic design with new technologies with the small designs. technology. In the past, the car needs more gas lines, these cars used a lot of gasoline, but now they are in a costless field, make it have more popular. fuel-efficient engines, making them more appealing to today's consumers. This process of bringing back old products with modern updates is called brand revival.


The browns Brand revival is when companies bring back products that customers sell and no-glistic products which have ritual features. The example is about were popular in the past, often updating them to fit modern standards. For example, there was a car company who produce a that used to make very small, cute cars that were really popular. However, as car styles changed, they stopped making those small car. It's cute. And they produce these cars for a few times and has the requirements of large cars to take cars. About ten years later, the company close production of this car. And after 10 years they decided to reduce bring back this small car again. And because they believe thought it would appeal to people again, especially in cities where parking is tight. They redesigned the car will attract people. And it's true to have a more fuel-efficient engine, which is important today since many consumers want cars that it attracts people easily. But it still uses many gasoline. So they change the engine use less gas. This updated version of the car which uses these fossil fuels and then the car becomes popular.has become popular again.


The brand's Brand revival is a strategy that the company is divided where companies decide to revive bring back and market products that were discontinued they stopped selling years earlier. ago. In the lecture, in the lesson, the professor talks about the mentioned a small car companies. In the company. A few years ago, they just produce some huge used to make both big and small cars, but with the systems as trends changed, there are less and less they produced fewer small cars they produce. Instead of the bigger cars, it's and focused more usable. And in the 10 on larger models. However, about ten years ago, they decided to reintroduce the small cars because they thought people would like their sporty look and compact size, especially in busy city areas. The new version of these cars use has more valuable engines. And it makes fuel-efficient engines, making them car become better. So nowadays, there are also popular things.again today.


The brand revives me that sometimes the Brand revival is when a company will decide decides to redesign their and market products that from past years and to the past. They keep the old features that attract you people and loved while also updating some aspects to change some structure of them to let them more fit to the nowadays today's society. An example in from the lecture is about the type of car and this car has a small size and is having a stop to product in past car that was very popular years and nowadays ago but was discontinued when car styles changed. Recently, the company decided to redesign it and to keep it a bring back this car. They kept its small size and size, which helps people save space in crowded cities. However, the nowadays people to save this space and also the car in the past years well waste old version wasted a lot of gasoline, so much on gasoline and it changed they redesigned it to a be more fuel-efficient. This way, the new fill.model has the same cute sporty look but is better for today's consumers who care about fuel efficiency.


In the video material, we can know how to tell the strategy about business company, its name is Brand Arrow. And the professor gave us explains a strategy called brand revival, which businesses use to bring back popular products from the past. He gives an example about the store of a car company that is in many people, it's by each in small town. Because it sells since product is very small used to make small, sporty cars that people loved. However, over time, car styles changed, and cooked. After changing this, small is given, products and small production. It's become more large and they don't make the small things. So after 10 years, this modesty is lots of people and it is to get the new place. So they also use the strategy, its name is Brand Arrow. So it can make the store is more animal popular. So this is the strategy, how the company stopped making those small cars. About ten years later, they decided to do bring back this type of car because they thought it would appeal to people living in cities today. They redesigned the business better than before car to keep its cute and sporty look but also made it more fuel-efficient, which is what most consumers prefer now. This strategy helped the two will go company become popular again by meeting the better, have the more people to want to buy it.needs of modern buyers.


The concept of brand revival as some firms will redesign involves companies redesigning their product products by combining of other old features and then with new ones to make their new product more popular. And the them appealing again. The professor gave us an example about the small cute vehicle firm. And the use of a company that used to produce small car is small, cute cars that were very cute popular. However, over time, consumer preferences changed, and ever popular at that time and many people drove them. But after years they stopped producing making those cars. Recently, the company decided to bring back this type of vehicle. But then vehicle because they are then realized that people living in cities would appreciate its compact size and sporty look. They also updated the car to produce it because be more environmentally friendly, which is important to many consumers today. This new version of the contemporary concept is more environmental friendly and especially. This car is very suitable for people especially living in the city. They are very easy to cross the road so drive in crowded city streets and can be parked in tight spaces, making it becomes very popular right now.


In the original material, it introduced a concept named Brand revival. called brand revival was introduced. It means refers to a company redesigned redesigning their products by combining old-fashioned features with updated elements that combine with old fashionable features and update data features that can meet people's standards today. And in today's consumer standards. In the lecture, the professor used gave an example of a car company as an example. In the early time, company. Originally, this company produced a small small, cute car and that many people drove it for about ten years. But then people However, as time went on, consumers preferred larger cars. Now, small cars are easier to navigate through city streets. So, the larger car. And today company decided to bring back this small car, redesigning it is easier for the small car to go across the streets. So the companies started to reproduce the car now. And this car required require less fuel and gasoline.gasoline, making it more appealing to today's market.


According to the reading passage, brand Brand revival refers to the is a strategy that the company will where companies improve their old-fashioned products in order to feed meet the needs of people nowadays. And according to today’s consumers. In the lecture, the professor gives an example of it. And it's about the old a car company which produced that used to make cute small cars. Over time, cars in became larger, and the past. Nowadays, company stopped making the cars become larger. And about the small-sized cars small ones. However, they realized that many people still attract many people. But the problem is liked those small cars. The issue was that the car is, and will waste older models wasted a lot of gasoline. So So, the company decided to improve bring back the engine to a small cars but redesigned them with more efficient one, but keep engines while keeping the feature of small size. And this cute look. This way, the company can they could appeal to modern consumers and sell more cars than before.


A level Brand revival is a business term that strategy where companies decide to revive bring back and market products that's what that were discontinued years later. And in this example, ago. In the example the professor mentioned mentioned, there was a trend in the Europe, Europe where people decide and like used to the popular, smaller vehicles by the productions, because love small, sporty cars. Over time, however, people think it is very elaborate. And but as time ago, the people decide to larger and direct started preferring larger vehicles. However, But the companies think company believed that smaller ones would cars could still attract people's insightities because it customers, especially in cities where parking is very pleasantities. But because tight. So, they decided to redesign these small cars to make them more fuel-efficient, which is what consumers prefer today. This combination of the design, companies decide to redesign, this is to cause more insufficient, that was caused less fuss. So it would classic sporty look with modern efficiency helped the cars become popular again, so this is the example.again.