TPO69 Task4
Using points and examples from the lecture, explain how mammals such asthe lemur and the orangutan are able to live primarily in the tree tops.
In the rain forest, many animals live mainly in the canopy in the tree tops, this allows these animals to avoid predators that live on the rain forest floor. However, animals can’t just stay in one tree all the time, there wouldn’t be enough food there. They have to move in between the trees to find food. But moving between trees, which maybe far apart from each other, isn’t an easy task for some mammals, mammals thatcan’t fly. But some mammals have developed special ways of traveling through the trees, without descending to the ground. So some mammals have developed special physical features that allowed them to move between trees. While they can’t fly, they do have a sort of wing like appendages that help them to glide, so they can jump, and stay aloft in the air for a little while, long enough to get from one tree to another, and avoid predators on the ground. For example, there is a small mammal, a type of lemur that has flaps of skin in between its front and back legs, which look kind of like a bird’s wings. So when a lemur jumps and stretches out its legs, these flaps of skin catch the air and help carry it to the next tree. But not every mammal that lives in the trees has these special features. So some mammals rely on physical force to travel between trees and find food. They take advantage of their own body weight to move or bend the trees closer together. So that they can move from one tree to another. There is a large species of ape, the orangutan that does this. If an orangutan sees some fruit in a nearby tree, that it can’t quite reach. Well, the orangutan wraps self around the trunk of the tree it’s in, and starts to sway back and forth. This movement bends the tree over, so that the orangutan can just reach to the branch of the other tree, and pull itself across.
New Word | Pronunciation | Part of Speech | English Explanation | Chinese Explanation | Example Sentence |
Aloft | ► | Adverb | In the air; at a height above the ground. | 在空中;高高地。 | "The bird soared aloft, enjoying the warm breeze as it glided between the trees." |
Apart | ► | Adverb | At a distance from one another; separated. | 分开地;相隔地。 | "The two houses are set far apart, making it a long walk between them." |
Ape | ► | Noun | A large primate that lacks a tail and is closely related to humans, such as gorillas and orangutans. | 猿;大猿。 | "The zoo has a new exhibit featuring a family of apes, including a playful orangutan." |
Appendage | ► | Noun | A part that is joined to something larger; in this context, a limb or extension that aids in movement. | 附属物;附肢。 | "The insect's long appendages helped it balance as it walked along the narrow branch." |
Avoid | ► | Verb | To keep away from or prevent something from happening. | 避免;躲避。 | "I always try to avoid traffic by taking back roads during rush hour." |
Bend | ► | Verb | To shape or force something straight into a curve or angle. | 弯曲;折弯。 | "I had to bend the metal rod to fit it into the frame of the project." |
Branch | ► | Noun | A part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or a main stem. | 树枝。 | "She climbed up the branch to get a better view of the park below." |
Canopy | ► | Noun | The upper layer of a forest formed by the tops of trees, providing shelter to animals. | 森林的树冠层。 | "The canopy was so thick that very little sunlight reached the forest floor." |
Descend | ► | Verb | To move downward from a higher to a lower place. | 下降;下去。 | "After climbing to the top of the hill, we had to descend carefully to avoid slipping." |
Feature | ► | Noun | A distinctive attribute or aspect of something. | 特征;特点。 | "The new smartphone has several innovative features that set it apart from older models." |
Flap | ► | Noun | A flap refers to a piece of material that is attached on one side and can be lifted or moved, often resembling a wing. | 翼膜。 | "The little lemur has flaps of skin that help it glide between the trees." |
Force | ► | Noun | Force refers to physical power or strength that is applied to move or impact something. | 力量。 | "To swing from branch to branch, some mammals use their physical force to propel themselves." |
Glide | ► | Verb | To glide means to move smoothly and effortlessly through the air. | 滑翔。 | "The flying squirrel can glide through the trees, making it easier to escape from danger." |
Lecture | ► | Noun | A lecture is an educational talk or presentation given to an audience, often in a formal setting. | 讲座。 | "During the lecture, we learned about how certain mammals adapt to living in trees." |
Mammal | ► | Noun | A mammal is a type of animal that has hair or fur and usually gives birth to live young and feeds them with milk. | 哺乳动物。 | "Monkeys and lemurs are examples of mammals that thrive in the treetops." |
Physical | ► | Adjective | Physical relates to the body or to material things, often referring to tangible attributes or characteristics. | 物理的。 | "These physical adaptations help mammals move easily through the forest canopy." |
Predator | ► | Noun | A predator is an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food. | 捕食者。 | "Staying high in the trees helps them avoid predators like snakes and big cats." |
Primarily | ► | Adverb | Primarily means mainly or for the most part; it indicates the main focus or purpose of something. | 主要。 | "These animals live primarily in the treetops to escape from ground threats." |
Rely | ► | Verb | To rely means to depend on someone or something for support or assistance. | 依赖。 | "Some animals rely on their ability to glide to find food between trees." |
Self | ► | Pronoun | Self refers to a person's own being, often used to emphasize individuality or personal actions. | 自己。 | "The orangutan wraps itself around the tree trunk to maintain balance while climbing." |
Skin | ► | Noun | The outer covering of a living organism, especially in animals, which protects the body and helps regulate temperature. | 皮肤。 | "The lemur's skin flaps help it glide from tree to tree." |
Sort | ► | Noun | A type or kind of something; a category that shares common characteristics. | 一种。 | "They have a sort of wing-like structure that allows them to glide." |
Stretch | ► | Verb | To extend or reach out to a greater length or width, often involving the muscles or limbs. | 伸展。 | "When the lemur jumps, it stretches its legs to catch the air." |
Sway | ► | Verb | To move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side. | 摇摆。 | "The orangutan sways gently as it holds onto the tree." |
Trunk | ► | Noun | The main stem of a tree, which supports branches and leaves. | 树干。 | "The orangutan wraps around the trunk of the tree to keep steady." |
Wing | ► | Noun | A limb or appendage used for flying or gliding, typically found in birds and some other animals. | 翅膀。 | "The lemur has wing-like flaps that help it glide through the air." |
Wrap | ► | Verb | To cover or enclose something by folding or winding something around it. | 包裹。 | "The orangutan wraps its arms around the tree to balance while moving." |
As animals lean live in the forest, they need to avoid predators, so they need to stay untries. in the trees. However, they can't stay untries, as in one tree for too long because there is not food for them, isn't enough food, so they need to travel. travel between trees. It's not easy for them to travel without getting going to the ground, so they mainly have two physical features. Firstly, they may have something like wings, give them the ability, not fly, but also glide. Take the lemur as example, they have developed two main physical features to help them. Firstly, some animals, like lemurs, have skin flaps that act like wings. These flaps allow them to glide from one tree to another, helping them avoid predators on the flap skin, so they could use ground. For example, when a lemur jumps and stretches out its legs, the skin to glide on the air, to catch catches the air and helps them move through the trees. Secondly, some apes, like orangutans, use their body weight to another tree, avoid from getting to sway the ground. The second physical is trees closer together. If an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't reach, it wraps itself around the forest, some ape could sway trunk of its tree and sways back and forth.forth. This bending motion allows it to reach the branches of the other tree and pull itself across to get the food.
Some mammal mammals living in rainforests have some special physical features that help them move between trees. For example, lemurs have a wing-like structure that helps them glide from one tree to another. They can jump from a tree and catch the air to travel a distance to reach another tree. On the other hand, some mammals, like orangutans, use their body weight to help them moving between trees. First, some mammal have move. If an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't reach, it wraps itself around the physical structure which is like wings trunk of its tree and sways back and forth. This movement bends the tree closer, allowing the orangutan to help them keep catch up reach the air. These mammals jump branch of the other tree and travel for quite distance to get another tree. For example, the lemur can take off from one tree, then catch the air and arrive at another tree. First, second, some mammal have some force. For example, some mammals can lose weight which is written. They can't get a tree.pull itself across.
The professor talked about two special physical features that the help animals that can't fly in rainforests that allow them to get access to food resources. food. The first kind of physical feature developed by the Le Mans lemurs is that they have wing-like predators that grow at flaps of skin between their front and back legs and when those limmers legs. When lemurs stretch out their legs, these flaps catch the skin expands so they can keep in the air for a longer time. air, allowing them to glide from tree to tree. The second feature is the Oregon can how orangutans use their force strength to pull trees closer together. When an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't reach, it wraps itself around the trees together trunk of its tree and punch sways back and forth. This bending helps the orangutan reach the branches of the other tree over in front of get the food.
In the ring forest some rainforest, many animals living live in the top canopy at the tops of the tree top trees, but they can can't stay on the in one tree all the time because they need to move between trees to find food. Especially for some mammals. So these Some mammals develop some have developed special physical features that can help them move between trees. First some some some mammals develop some kind of wings For example, lemurs have skin flaps between their front and back legs that act like lemma. They have a skin that like blood wings so wings. When they jump and stretch out their legs, these skins can flaps catch the air to and help them fly glide to other another tree. Other mammals, like orangutans, use their strength to move between trees. Some other mammals have strong force so they can depend on their wings If an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't reach, it wraps itself around the trunk of its tree and sways back and forth. This bending motion allows the orangutan to put trees together like some orange gutan. They will sway and put reach the branches to all of the trees so they can go through all the trees.other tree and pull itself across.
The professor talked about two features. Then some memos will able to features that help mammals like the lemur and the orangutan live primarily in the three tree tops. And the The first feature is their physical adaptations. For example, lemurs have special flaps of skin between their front and back legs. When they jump, these flaps catch the physical features. Some memos can win such as the lemma. They can jump air, allowing them to glide and stay in the air for a long while. Therefore, they can enough to avoid the ground predators. And they have some features that they are skin in the back leg. And when they jump, they can flap the off-scar and catch the air. Then stay in the air for a long while. And the The second feature is they will that some mammals rely on their body weight and physical force to move between trees. A good example of this is the physical force. Some, for example, such as orangutan. When it sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't quite reach, it wraps its body weight. And they use around the example is organ, organ, good. When they say the footed air bites, they will run trunk of its tree and sways back and forth. You saw their weight and force. And then they will This movement bends the tree closer to the other tree, allowing the orangutan to reach the foot.fruit.
Many animals in the rainforest live under in the tree tops so that they can to avoid predators, predators on the ground, but they cannot can't always stay in one tree because they have need to find food. But it's not easy for mammals to move Moving from one tree to another one tree. But can be challenging for mammals. However, some of mammals have developed special features. The first example is lemur. This skin has special skin. It's loose like a bird's wing. And it can catch air features to help them. For example, lemurs have flaps of skin between their legs that act like wings. These flaps catch the air when they jump, allowing them to jump glide from one tree to two another. And some animals will loose On the other hand, orangutans use their body weight to help them move. If they see fruit in a nearby tree, they wrap themselves around the trunk of the tree they're in and sway back and forth. This movement bends the tree closer to move, like ring attend. They decrease their velocity to help the other one, making it easier for them to move to another tree more easily.reach the branches and get the food.
Animals will move trees from tree to trees tree in order to avoid predators. The mammal can hardly do this since However, mammals cannot fly, so they can fly. There are have developed two special features that can to help them. The first feature is that they some mammals, like lemurs, have something in flaps of skin between their skin which can help limbs that allow them to stay a while in the air. There's an example about a limb. The limb have a special skin which can help them to stay in glide through the air for a while which can let short time when they jump. This helps them easier to jump to reach another tree. tree more easily. The second feature is that they can some mammals, like orangutans, use their own body weight to one's weight, the trees, to get the bend trees closer which is easier for them together. For example, if an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't quite reach, it wraps itself around the trunk of its tree and sways back and forth to jump bend the tree over, allowing it to another tree. There's an example about grab the organ, branch of the tata. This animal, they use their own body weight. There are a lot of strong cells which are better with this weight or trees to get closer.other tree and pull itself across.
So spaces of many animals that you get to live in the tree stops, you get tops of the resource and rainforest to avoid predators on the factors but forest floor. However, they can’t stay in just one tree because there wouldn’t be enough food. They have to move between trees to find food. Some mammals, like lemurs, have developed special features that help them glide between trees. For example, lemurs have flaps of skin between their legs that act like wings, allowing them to jump and glide to another tree. Other mammals, like orangutans, use their strength to swing between trees. They can bend branches closer together to reach fruit in nearby trees. This way, they can stay at one tree because it's now full there so this can claim far behind in the trees but it's far treetops and this should travel it. So there's a kind of species animal because mammals has no bird of wings so they just have strong muscles to jump and stand along to avoid the factors and they can catch the areas to research the tree's top and their second example is the blue bear has strong force and they keep the bodies waste to use it to get behind the crystal.find food while avoiding danger.
In the lecture, the professor talks about some memos mammals that develop have developed special features to have help them move between traits. trees. The first example is the lemur, which has flaps of skin between its front and back legs that they have physical features. The memos can jump for a little while. For example, the lemma, they are looking look like birds, but they can jump cause their skin to bird wings. These flaps catch the air. And this can help air when the lemur jumps, allowing it to glide from one tree to another. This helps them to live in training. And avoid predators on the ground. The second example is the physical forms. For example, they can culture their orangutan, which uses its body weight to swing between trees. When it sees fruit in a nearby tree, it wraps itself around the trunk of its current tree and help them to move. For example, the rank you can then swing sways back and forth. So they can move between traits very quickly. So these This bending of the tree helps the orangutan reach the branch of the other tree and pull itself across. These are some ways that these animals will have them fight for, and prevent.adapt to living in the treetops.
I'm listening to how manuals such as Mammals like the limer lemur and the oil and the new tin orangutan are able to deprimer really live primarily in the tree tops it can help them to avoid the be-or-track to buy other animals predators and you can also help them to easier to get food because their food is on the tree and they can easier to get the food also leaving access food. Being in the tree tops can help helps them stay safe from animals that might hunt them on the ground. For example, lemurs have special features that allow them to avoid another animalsglide between trees, which helps them reach food without coming down. They have flaps of skin between their legs that act like wings when they jump, allowing them to glide from one tree to another. Orangutans, on the other hand, use their strength to bend trees closer together. If they see fruit on a nearby tree, they can sway back and forth to bring the tree closer so they can reach the fruit. This way, both lemurs and orangutans can find food and stay safe in the canopy.
In the rainforests, many mammals avoid the ground to get the floor of the rainforest to avoid escape predators. However, if they want to get some find food, they need to get travel from one train tree to another train. another. Some animals develop some feature. The first point is that some animals have some physical feature developed special features to travel in help them move between trains. trees. For example, some leaners lemurs have some skin, flaps of skin between their legs, and when they jump, they can just climb these flaps act like wings, allowing them to glide from one tree to another train to get the find food. The second point Another example is that some animals can force the trains to orangutans, which use their body weight to get bend branches closer together. When they see fruit in a nearby tree that they can't quite reach, they wrap their arms around the food. For instance, trunk of their tree and sway back and forth. This movement bends the organ and tree down so they can swing reach the train branch of the other tree and to get another train's grab the food.
Reinforced animals Mammals live in the tree tops mainly to avoid predators on the forest floor. But the However, there isn't enough food is not enough in the tree tops, just one tree, so the sun these mammals evolve some have evolved special ability abilities to move through the trees and avoid without going to get into the ground. First, For example, some animals animals, like the lemur, have physical features that help them glide between trees. Lemurs have flaps of skin between their front and back legs that act like fly The professor gives us examples of lemur. Lemur have a back leg that allows wings. When they jump and stretch their legs out, these flaps catch the air and allow them to slide through the trees. So they will open their back legs to catch air and they can slide glide to another tree to find food. And On the other types is that the oregon tent have some physical force. Their hand, orangutans use their body weight is very special which allows to help them move between trees. If an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't reach, it wraps itself around the trunk of its tree and sways back and forth. This movement bends the tree closer to move through the trees other tree, allowing the orangutan to reach the branch and avoid them. When this is foodpull itself across. Both of these adaptations help these mammals thrive in the tree tops.
The Renfurus, the memos lemurs and orangutans living in Kalampi, wants the rainforest need to avoid predators on the treasuries in the forest, ground, so they need to move between three trees to find food. The first feature One way they do this is that they develop a through special physical feature that lets them fly. The wings use the wing to glide, such as the lemur. They will features. For example, lemurs have a flaps of skin between the their front leg and the back legs when that act like wings. When they are flighting, so jump, these flaps catch the wing catches air and help them glide from one tree to another. Another mammal, the air, so they can glide. The second is to use physical force, or can turn. Oran, Gutan, they use their wings orangutan, uses its strength to bend trees closer together. If it sees fruit on a nearby tree, it wraps its arms around the tree, trunk of its tree and they say a food on another tree, they will start sways back and forth to waning and bend make the tree over bend. This way, it can reach the branches of the other tree to get to the other tree's branch to climb to other
In this biology class, it's we learned about how some mammals across live in the trees to avoid predators. They can't stay in one tree for too long because they will avoid need food, and sometimes the predators, so trees are far apart. To move between trees, these mammals have developed different features. For example, lemurs can glide between trees because they can't live have flaps of skin between their legs that act like wings, catching the tree in a long time. They will need a food, but the tree between the online tree have a far way, so air when they need some different features to move the trees. The first one is that they can jump enough on another. They will remain the flesh. They can get the flesh like the skin in the bird, then they also catch the ear to get another one. But jump. On the other one is that some animals will make hand, orangutans use their bodies wait, then body weight to bend branches closer together. When they see fruit in another tree, they wrap themselves around their current tree and sway back and forth to reach the branch of the other tree. This way, they can move to another tree. They have an example for find food without going down to the original. When the tree is not...ground.
In the next new window, rain forest, there are two main ways to that mammals can move in the ring forest. Because between trees. Since many animals live in the trees, so they need the special ways to move. And the travel. The first way is similar to use something like the using wings to use glide through the air. For example, lemurs have flaps of skin between their legs that act like wings. When they jump, these flaps catch the air to move the tree to trees. The first animal is lemur. Lemur has that thing on the legs. So when they found some city ones, they will jump and use the air to move help them glide to another tree. And The second way is how orangutans move. They use their body weight to swing from tree to tree. If an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree, it wraps itself around the trunk of its tree and sways back and forth, bending the tree closer so it can reach the branches of the other tree. This way, both lemurs and orangutans can find food and avoid predators while living high up in the second mammals, the orangutan has special features. They can use the slide to swing the trees and so that they can get through the ones. And the first animal is lemur.trees.
The Professor professor explains two reasons that why mammals are able to live primarily in the three tree tops. The first reason is that because some mammals have special features, like the lemur, which has flaps of some special features like wing, for instance, there's a lemur, there's a lemur animal that it has wings skin that look like birds and it can wings. These flaps help them the lemur glide from one tree to carry next tree. And the next another. The second reason is that some animal have special mammals, like the orangutan, use their body weight, for instance the ape, weight to help them move between trees. For example, if an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree, it can see the foot and swim swing back and forth and to bend the tree closer, allowing it to reach the foot between two.fruit.
The lecture discusses the animals which how some mammals, like lemurs and orangutans, can fly travel between trees to get food find food. First, lemurs have special physical features, like flaps of skin between their trees. And the first is they have some physical, special physical features legs, which act like the lembre, they have the special wings which can support wings. These flaps help them in glide through the air when they jump from tree to the earth. And the wings can't fly when they jump and it can support them to stay in the sky. And the second is they have a special force to travel between trees. They tree. Second, orangutans use their own body weight to move or bend trees closer together. When they want to reach fruit in another tree, they swing back and forth to bend the trees close by swinging backs tree over so they can grab the branches of the other tree and the fourth seek can get the destination tree.pull themselves across.
In the lecture, the professor mentioned that some mammals are able to live in primarily in the train tops. treetops. She mentioned explained that in some rainforest, rainforests, many mammals live on in the trees, but sometimes they can't stay in one place for a long time. too long. They must need to move between these trees to find food. Some mammals have developed special ways to travel through the trees. And some mammals develop the traveling trip. They sometimes For example, they can jump in into the air for a second so moment to quickly reach another tree. The professor also talked about small mammals that they can move to the other trees very quickly. And she also mentioned an example for the small mammals. They looked look like a bird and when birds. When they want to go another trees, they were strategies his leg and jumped move to another trees. And also tree, they can let stretch out their legs and jump, using flaps of skin between their legs to glide. Additionally, some mammals, like orangutans, use their body weight to bend trees closer together. If an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't quite reach, it wraps itself around the trunk and let sways back and forth to bend the train close together.tree, allowing it to reach the branch of the other tree and pull itself across.
The professor, many professor talks about some memos are how many mammals do not only just stay on in one tree to find food or avoid the predators. They predators; they often travel through the trees because they have the of their special physical features. The first example is the limer lemur, which has special skin flaps that act like wings. When they jump, these flaps help them glide through the special skins and it is kind of the wings. So when they fly, the flying will have air, allowing them glide. Also, they will jump to move from one tree to another so they can catch air to the next tree. another. The second example is the regutant orangutan, which have the special features about the swing has a unique way of swinging back and forth. So they take all They use their body weight to move from bend the trees. So when this weight trees closer together. When they sway back and forth, they can reach the other branches of nearby trees to move across to find food and avoid the predators.
Some animals live in the trees to avoid predators that predators, but they can’t stay in trees, but they can't stay in trees one place all the time, time because they need to find some food, because they need to find some food, because they need to find some food, because they need to find some food, they have some special features that they have to train into trees and down the road. So they food. For example, lemurs have special physical features. features that help them move between trees. They can glide from one tree to another using flaps of skin between their legs, which act like wings. This helps them jump onto and stay in the air long enough to reach the next tree. On the other ditch. The first one is named hand, orangutans use their body weight to help them move between trees. If they see fruit in a nearby tree, they wrap their arms around the animal, named trunk of their tree and sway back and forth. This bending motion brings the predators, breakily. They need to avoid predators. They have very long tail, like the ghost ways, branches closer together so they can carry them reach the fruit and move safely without going to the next trees. And other features, they have very special physical force to use them to go to the other tree, so they can jump to the other side and avoid predators.ground.
The mammals in the rainforest were using use different methods to prevent avoid predators by crossing the while moving between trees. Like in photo numbers, because they have enough food in the trees, they would For example, lemurs have special arms flaps of skin between their legs that help them glide from one tree to another. They can jump and they would glide and jump. They would stretch out their legs, allowing these flaps to catch trees and then catch the air and then they would glide carry them safely to the next tree. On the other hand, orangutans use their strength to move between trees. But not all. And mammals have similar skills. And animals have physical force If they see fruit in a nearby tree that they can't reach, they wrap their bodies around the trunk of their current tree and sway back and forth. This bending motion helps them reach the branch of the other tree, allowing them to pull themselves across. Both of these adaptations help them find food such as organs, rectal, and they would ramp the trees to swim, to cross the trees. So it is an atrocious for the example.while staying safe from predators.
According to the lecture, here there are a lot of several strategies for the that animals use to travel through the trees, trees without in the winds allowed them to fly. And the rainforest. The first strategy is the involves physical features. This means that, like the example is that For example, the lemur, which is a small mammal in the rainforest, they have has flaps of skin between its legs that act like wings. These flaps help them glide through the snap skin, which is just like the winds, which can carry the airs in order to allow air, allowing them to keep in air for a long time. And that's why they can jump in the air for a long time from tree to tree without dropping on falling to the ground. The second strategy is about the involves using physical force. For example, instance, orangutans, which are large mammals, can reach another tree by swaying their body to bend the organ, tree they are big mammals. And when in closer to the other tree. This way, they want to reach can grab the trees, another tree still will sway branches and use their big force.pull themselves across.
In the lecture, the professor said mentioned that some animals live in the canopy and in at the top tops of the tree in order trees to avoid predators on the predators in the floors, but animals can forest floor. However, they can't just stay in one tree because there isn't enough food food. Moving from one tree to another can be challenging for them, but it is not easy for animals that can't fly. For example, lemurs have special features that help them move between trees. They have flaps of skin between their front and back legs that act like wings, allowing them to move for another tree because they can't fly, and some animals have some special features to have them move in another tree like the lemur. The lemur has some something on their back so they can fly, it just likes the wings on the birds and they can jump and they can stay in the air glide for a while, short distance when they jump, which helps them reach other trees and the second avoid ground predators. Another example is the organ turn, they can...orangutan, which uses its body weight to help it move between trees. If it sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't reach, it wraps itself around the trunk of its tree and sways back and forth to bend the tree closer, making it easier to reach the fruit.
So we all know that some animal species live in the top tops of the tree trees to avoid predator, predators, but they can can’t just live stay in one tree because there's no there isn’t enough food. So So, they must have to move between trees, but it's not an which isn’t easy task for them, so they diversify a way have developed different ways to move between trees. travel. The first example is about the mammals, lemur, which has flaps of skin between its legs that help it glide from tree to tree. When it jumps and they can fly. They can stay in the air. So the lemur can stretch stretches out his skin, such as the way to its legs, these flaps catch the tree. And air and allow it to travel through the air for a little while. The second example is about the or good tent. orangutan. It can use his legs can’t glide like the lemur, but it uses its strength to sway the tree back and forth forth. This bending brings the branches closer together, so it the orangutan can eventually jump to reach the another tree.fruit in the nearby tree and pull itself across.
In the ring forest, there are some animals, rainforest, there are some animals can that can't just stay in one trees, so tree; they should need to move between the trees to find the food, but it's not easy which can be challenging for some mammals. So, these For example, some small mammals have some ideas that one of these is that develop the developed special physical features. Just These features include flaps of skin that stretch between their legs, which look like some small animals use their skins and if bird wings. When they squish their bodies, it looks like the birds wing, so they jump and the skin can jump, these flaps catch the air and help them glide to move the neck trees. And some mammals are rely on next tree. Other mammals, like the forest. They move orangutan, use their body weight to help them move. If an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't quite reach, it wraps itself around the trunk of its tree and just like some large species, if they can move, they will find ways sways back and forth.forth. This movement bends the tree down, allowing the orangutan to reach the branch of the other tree and pull itself across.
Many animals living live in rainforests and they sleep in the tree tops to avoid predators. But However, they need food, so they need to must move to other trees. However, The trees are often far apart, which can make it challenging for some animals to travel. Some mammals, like lemurs, have developed special adaptations that help them move between the trees are always far apart without going to the ground. For example, lemurs can glide from the others. Of course, animals can fly, so tree to tree using flaps of skin between their legs, which act like wings when they develop some special ways to transport between the trees, such as some special features. One of jump. This helps them is fly. Animals can fly from one to another. The example is about the linear. They jump and they are caught stay in the air and help them down long enough to reach another tree. Another is take advantage of the tree safely. Other mammals, like orangutans, use their body weight to move between trees. The example is about bend the trees closer together. If an orangutan sees fruit in a kind nearby tree, it wraps itself around the trunk of apes.its tree and sways back and forth, bending the tree so it can reach the fruit in the other tree.
Animal in green forest they In the rainforest, animals need to avoid predators in floors. So on the ground, so they have developed special features to avoid help them move to travel to another trace between trees without go going to the ground. The first feature is For example, lemurs have strong legs that allow them to jump from one tree to another. They can stretch out their legs when they jump, and this helps them glide through the air to reach the next tree. On the other hand, some animals they can jump to another trace. For examples the lip limmers they have this kind of animal they have special and strong legs. So in that way they can jump to another trace and catch the airs to next trace. So in some animals they have the physical force and they don't have very and they have a light use their body weight so they to travel between trees. For instance, orangutans can pour themselves sway their bodies to another trace bend the branches of the trees closer together, which allows them to reach fruit in that way. So nearby trees. By using these techniques, both lemurs and orangutans can live safely in that way they can jump to another trace. So in that way they can jump to another trace.the treetops.
The lecture is talking about the two features that discusses how some mammal live mammals living in the rainforest used have special adaptations to help them travel into your treat fine through the treetops to find food. And the The first one is some mammal will have adaptation involves certain mammals having body structures that are very similar to the wing and wings that help them to slide glide or stay for a while in the air and for a short time. An example is about the kind a type of lemur and this level will use your effect on your that has flaps of skin between its legs. These flaps act like wings, allowing the lemur to guide for a while in the air and to get glide from one tree to another tree to find food and eat. And the food. The second one adaptation is about that some mammal will mammals use your physical force their body weight to move the bend trees and get closer together to another tree better body weight. And the reach food. An example in from the lecture is about kind the orangutan. When an orangutan sees fruit in a nearby tree that it can't reach, it wraps itself around the trunk of anab its tree and this anab when they find food on another sways back and forth. This movement bends the tree, allowing the orangutan to reach the branch of the other tree they will swing the trees and get closer to them.pull itself across.