Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO26 L1 Green Marketing

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
seed The beginning or starting point of an idea or event 种子 The seeds for green marketing were planted during the first Earth Day in 1970.
rally A mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing support 集会 Rallies were organized to protest environmental degradation on Earth Day.
degradation The process of something being damaged or worsened 退化 Environmental degradation was a key issue during the first Earth Day.
some An unspecified amount or number of 大约 Some 20 million demonstrators participated in the first Earth Day.
demonstrator A person who takes part in a public protest 示威者 Demonstrators on Earth Day demanded new environmental laws.
spark To trigger or initiate 引发 Earth Day helped spark the creation of environmental laws.
act A law or formal decision made by a legislature 法案 The Endangered Species Act of 1973 protects imperiled animal species.
imperil To put at risk of being harmed, injured, or destroyed 危及 The Endangered Species Act protects imperiled species from extinction.
extinction The state of a species having no living members 灭绝 The act aims to prevent species from extinction.
passage The process of becoming law 通过 The passage of the Clean Water Act helped protect water resources.
mainstream The ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional 主流 Environmental issues began to enter the mainstream after Earth Day.
ecological Relating to the relationship between living organisms and their environment 生态的 The first workshop on ecological marketing was held in 1975.
tap To make use of a resource or supply 利用 Ads began tapping into people’s environmental concerns.
learn the hard way To learn something by experiencing difficulties 历经挫折才明白[学会](某事) Green marketers learned the hard way that traditional marketing principles still apply.
compact Small and efficiently designed 紧凑的 The eco-light is a compact fluorescent light bulb.
fluorescent Emitting light while being exposed to external radiation 荧光的 Fluorescent light bulbs are more energy-efficient than incandescent bulbs.
regular Usual or normal 普通的 The eco-light cost more than a regular incandescent bulb.
incandescent Emitting light as a result of being heated 白炽的 Incandescent bulbs are less energy-efficient than compact fluorescent bulbs.
attribute A quality or feature regarded as a characteristic 属性 Consumers value traditional product attributes like price and quality.
charm A pleasing or attractive quality 魅力 The new ad campaign worked like a charm.
in addition to As well as 除…之外 In addition to selling green products, the company also conserves energy.
lean Efficient and using minimal resources 精简的 A company that only recycles office paper is considered lean green.
greenness The quality of being environmentally friendly 绿色环保程度 Companies vary in their degree of greenness.
valid Well-founded and effective 有效的 Your green marketing message should be valid on all dimensions.
dimension An aspect or feature of a situation 维度 The company’s environmental impact is evaluated on multiple dimensions.
credit To acknowledge or attribute 归功于 The company is credited for reducing its environmental impact.
violate To break or fail to comply with a rule or formal agreement 违反 Violating the Clean Water Act can damage a company’s reputation.
manufacture To make something on a large scale using machinery 制造 The company manufactures products from recycled materials.