Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO47 L3 Things coaches should know

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
career An occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training 职业 Many students are interested in pursuing a career as a coach.
coach A person who trains and instructs athletes in sports 教练 A coach needs to manage both the athletic and personal development of their players.
survey A method of gathering information from a group of people 调查 The survey of high school head coaches identified several key challenges.
identify To recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing 识别 The survey helped identify areas where new coaches need more preparation.
indicate To show or point out 表明 79% of the coaches indicated they would handle relationships differently.
administration The management of any office, business, or organization 管理 Effective administration includes managing budgets and delegating tasks.
budget An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time 预算 Coaches need to manage their budgets effectively.
delegate To assign responsibility or authority to another person 委托 Good coaches delegate responsibilities to their assistant coaches.
minor Lesser in importance, seriousness, or significance 次要的 Even minor tasks like organizing pre-game meals are important for team success.
nutrition The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health 营养 Good nutrition is crucial for athletes’ performance.
emphasize To give special importance or prominence to something 强调 Coaches should emphasize life skills along with game strategies.
strategy A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim 战略 Knowing the rules and strategies of the sport is essential for a coach.
undertake To commit oneself to and begin 承担 Coaches undertake various roles, including mentor and administrator.
physical Relating to the body 身体的 Physical education courses provide essential knowledge for coaching.
gymnastics Exercises developing or displaying physical agility and coordination 体操 Kenny will be coaching gymnastics at a high school.
enthusiasm Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval 热情 A coach’s enthusiasm can motivate the team members.
box in To restrict or confine someone 束缚 Too many rules can box in a coach and limit their leadership effectiveness.
ground A basis for belief, action, or argument 基础 Setting basic ground rules for behavior is important for team discipline.
stick to it To continue doing something despite difficulties 坚持 Once a coach sets a rule, they should stick to it consistently.