Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO56_L4_Coastal Environment

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
environmentally In a way that relates to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition 环保地 Building near the ocean doesn’t make sense environmentally.
afford To be able to pay for something 负担得起 We realized that we couldn’t afford any of the houses near the ocean.
coastal Located on or near the coast 沿海的 The coastal environment is often unsuitable for building.
building site A place where construction occurs 建筑工地 The land near the ocean is not a suitable building site.
zones Areas that are divided based on different characteristics 区域 Coastal zones include the beach, dunes, and troughs.
edge The boundary or border of something 边缘 Imagine standing at the water’s edge.
come across To find or encounter something by chance 偶然发现 We come across different coastal zones as we move away from the ocean.
familiar Well known from long or close association 熟悉的 The beach is a coastal zone most people are familiar with.
primary Of chief importance; principal 主要的 The primary dune is the most fragile zone.
fragile Easily broken or damaged 脆弱的 The primary dune is very fragile and cannot support building.
advisable Recommended; wise 明智的 It is not advisable to build houses on the beach.
shoreline The line along which a large body of water meets the land 海岸线 The shoreline is constantly moving and changing.
supportive Providing encouragement or emotional help 支撑的 The sand is not supportive enough for building structures.
tidal Relating to or affected by tides 潮汐的 Daily tidal fluctuations make beach building difficult.
fluctuations Irregular rising and falling in number or amount 波动 Tidal fluctuations affect the stability of beach structures.
shifting Changing or moving 移动 The sands are always shifting, making the shoreline unstable.
peninsula A piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water 半岛 Sandy Peninsula is an example of how coastlines change over time.
inshore Towards or near the shore 近岸的 Coastal zones protect inshore areas from flooding.
flooded Covered or submerged with water 被淹 Coastal zones prevent inland areas from being flooded with salt water.
salt water Water containing a significant amount of salt 盐水 The coastal zones protect against the intrusion of salt water.
damaged Harmed or impaired 受损的 Coastal zones protect inland areas from being damaged during storms.
vegetations Plants in general, especially those found in a particular area 植被 Coastal zones allow vegetations to grow further inland.
inland Situated away from the coast 内陆的 Vegetation grows more inland thanks to coastal protection.
buffer zone An area that serves to separate or protect 缓冲区 Coastal zones act as a buffer zone against wind and salt spray.
spray Liquid that is blown or driven through the air in the form of tiny drops 喷雾浪花 Coastal zones protect inland areas from salt spray.
recreation Activity done for enjoyment when one is not working 娱乐 The beach is suitable for recreation but not for building.
sensitive Easily affected or harmed by something 敏感的 The primary dune is very sensitive and cannot support much activity.
windblown Carried or moved by the wind 被风吹的 Sand dunes are often thought of as just windblown piles of sand.
pile A heap or stack of things Sand dunes are more than just piles of sand; they support vegetation.
take hold To become established 生根 Vegetation first begins to take hold on the primary dune.
disturbed Disrupted or interfered with 被扰乱的 When vegetation is disturbed, sand dunes can migrate inland.
migrate To move from one region or habitat to another 迁移 Sand from the dunes can migrate inland if the vegetation is disturbed.
erosion The process of being worn away by wind, water, or other natural agents 侵蚀 Beach erosion is often caused by the destruction of primary dunes.
shrinking Becoming smaller in size 缩小的 Beaches that used to be wide are now shrinking due to erosion.
tolerant Showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with 容忍的 The trough is tolerant of limited recreational use.
limited Restricted in size, amount, or extent 有限的 The trough allows for limited recreational use and some building.
thicker More dense or compact 较厚的 The vegetation in the trough is thicker, providing more stability.
stable Not likely to give way or overturn; firmly fixed 稳定的 The ground in the trough is more stable than in the dunes.
preserve To maintain something in its original or existing state 保护 It is important to preserve the quality of the ground water in the trough.
in general Usually, mainly 一般来说 In general, it is okay to build in the trough.
defense Protection from harm 防御 The secondary dune serves as a final defense against the sea.
real estate Property consisting of land or buildings 房地产 Coastal real estate is highly valuable but risky to build on.
edge The outer limit of an object, area, or surface 边缘 The water’s edge can change due to tides and storms.
receded Moved back from a previous position 后退 After the storm, the water receded, leaving the house unstable.
unstable Not stable; likely to change or fail 不稳定的 The house became unstable after the sand was washed away.