Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO58 L2 Business Assumptions

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
compete To strive against others for an objective or prize 竞争 It’s important to analyze your competitors when planning to compete effectively.
analyze To examine in detail 分析 Companies must analyze their competitors to understand their strategies.
competitor A person or organization against whom one is competing 竞争者 Understanding your competitor’s assumptions is crucial for business strategy.
in particular Especially or particularly 特别是 You need to understand competitors’ assumptions in particular.
assumption Something accepted as true without proof 假设 Companies often operate based on incorrect assumptions about their strengths.
competition The activity or condition of competing 竞争者 Companies must develop strategies to stand out in the competition.
develop To create or formulate 开发 Before developing a business strategy, analyze the competition.
strategy A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term goal 战略 A good business strategy considers the assumptions of competitors.
salesforce A group of employees involved in selling products 销售队伍 Companies may assume they have a strong salesforce when they do not.
innovative Featuring new methods; advanced and original 创新的 Assumptions about having the most innovative technology can be flawed.
available Able to be used or obtained 可获得的 Companies need to know what technologies are available in the market.
advanced Far on or ahead in development or progress 先进的 Competitors may have more advanced technology than assumed.
go about To begin or carry on with 着手 How do you go about identifying competitors’ assumptions?
focus on To concentrate attention or effort 关注 Focus on analyzing competitors’ past and leadership to understand their assumptions.
ignore To deliberately pay no attention to 忽视 Companies often ignore critical factors when assessing competitors.
respond To react to something 响应 Companies respond to current events based on past experiences.
current Belonging to the present time 当前的 Companies react to current events in ways influenced by their history.
against In opposition to 对抗 Companies assume their strategies will work against their competitors.
battle A fight or struggle 战斗 A company may assume it will always win battles against competitors.
predictor Something that can predict future events or outcomes 预示物 Past success is not always a good predictor of future performance.
in depth Thorough and detailed 深入的 Take an in-depth look at the leadership of the company.
play a large role To have a significant effect 发挥重要作用 Leadership experiences play a large role in shaping company assumptions.
establish To set up or create 建立 Past experiences help in establishing a company’s business strategies.
corporation A large company or group of companies 公司 Even large corporations are influenced by the experiences of their leaders.
shape To influence or determine 影响 Managers’ past experiences shape their management assumptions.
promote To raise to a higher position or rank 晋升 Some managers are promoted from within the company.
perspective A particular attitude toward something 视角 New managers bring different perspectives to the company.
neatly In a tidy or orderly manner 恰好地 New perspectives may not fit neatly with existing assumptions.
business sector A part of the economy 商业部门 Managers from different business sectors may bring unique assumptions.
can’t help (doing) something someone is unable to change their behaviour or feelings, or to prevent themselves from doing something 某人忍不住做某事 An executive with a financial background can’t help viewing the world differently from a manager whose training is mostly in production.
operate To function or behave in a specified way 运作 Companies operate under different rules and assumptions depending on their sector.
automobile A car 汽车 Moving from making automobiles to selling insurance involves different assumptions.
insurance Protection against financial loss 保险 Managers from the insurance sector may have different business strategies.
executive A person with senior managerial responsibility 高管 Executives influence company assumptions based on their expertise.
generalist A person with knowledge of many fields 通才 Top executives are expected to be generalists familiar with all aspects of business.
expertise Expert skill or knowledge 专业知识 An executive’s expertise can shape their strategic decisions.
production The process of manufacturing goods 生产 Managers with production expertise view business differently from those in finance.
strategic Relating to long-term plans and strategies 战略的 Strategic assumptions are influenced by executives’ backgrounds.
functional background The area of expertise or experience a person has 专业背景 A team with the same functional background may share similar assumptions.
comprehensive Complete and including everything necessary 全面的 Make a comprehensive list of the competitor’s assumptions.
figure out To understand or solve something 弄清楚 Figure out if the competitor’s assumptions are accurate.
accurate Correct in all details 准确的 Verify if the assumptions are accurate to avoid blind spots.
treat To regard in a certain way 对待 Companies often treat their assumptions as facts.
loyal Giving constant support 忠诚的 Company A assumes it has highly loyal customers.
blind spot An area where a person’s view is obstructed 盲点 Assumptions can create blind spots, obscuring the whole business picture.
picture A situation or set of circumstances 情况 Blind spots prevent companies from seeing the complete picture.
react To respond to something 反应 Companies may react too slowly due to blind spots.
arrogance Having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance 傲慢 Blind spots can result from arrogance in overestimating one’s strengths.
overestimate To estimate too highly 高估 Companies may overestimate their competitive advantages.
shy away To avoid something 回避 Companies may shy away from activities that led to past failures.
error A mistake 错误 Companies avoid repeating the same error.
aggressive Ready to attack or confront 积极的 Moving aggressively can exploit competitors’ blind spots.