Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO59 L3 Mass Wasting


Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Corrected Chinese Translation Example Sentence
geological term A term used in the study of the Earth’s physical structure and substance. 地质学术语 “Mass wasting is our geological term for movements of land.”
well acquainted with Familiar or knowledgeable about something. 熟悉 “You’re probably well acquainted with mass wasting associated with steep hills.”
associated Connected with something else. 与…有关 “Creep is another type of mass wasting, associated with gentle hills or slopes.”
steep hills Hills with a sharp incline. 陡峭的山丘 “Mass wasting is often associated with steep hills and mountains.”
by a long shot By far; clearly. 表示强调 “Creep is, by a long shot, the more common process of mass wasting.”
slopes Surfaces of land that incline. 斜坡 “There are a lot more gentle slopes where creep happens.”
ultimately In the end; finally. 最终 “Gravity is ultimately responsible for mass wasting.”
affects Has an effect on; makes a difference to. 影响 “Water affects the movement in mass wasting processes.”
downhill Towards the bottom of a slope. 下坡 “The soil moves slowly, only a few centimeters to a meter downhill in a year.”
bedrock The solid rock underlying loose deposits such as soil. 基岩 “When the top layer of soil freezes, it expands away from the bedrock layer beneath it.”
thaw To melt or cause to melt. 解冻 “Then, when the ground thaws in the spring, everything contracts.”
contract To become smaller or shorter. 收缩 “The soil contracts after it thaws, but doesn’t return to its original position.”
Thanks to Because of; due to. 多亏了 “Thanks to gravity, this movement is almost imperceptible.”
imperceptible Not noticeable or visible. 难以察觉的 “This movement is almost imperceptible and not exciting.”
forces Physical power or strength. 力量 “You’ll never see creep on a TV show about the dangerous forces of nature.”
curve To form or cause to form a curve. 弯曲 “Over the years, you may see curve trees as evidence of creep.”
tilted fences Fences that have become inclined or slanted. 倾斜的栅栏 “Tilted fences are another sign of the slow process of creep.”
colder regions Areas with low temperatures. 寒冷地区 “Creep can happen in colder regions, especially regions with permafrost.”
uniformly In a way that is the same in all cases and at all times. 均匀地 “In solifluction, the soil moves uniformly down the slope.”
mass A large body or quantity of something. 团;块;堆 “The soil moves as one large mass, not as individual particles.”
individual particles Separate or distinct small units. 单独的颗粒 “Not as individual particles, but as a unified mass.”
melt To change from a solid to a liquid state usually by heat. 融化 “In summer, the top layer of soil above the permafrost will melt.”
saturated Completely wet. 饱和的 “The active layer is saturated with water and heavier, allowing gravity to do its thing.”
allowing gravity to do its thing Letting gravity cause movement or action. 让重力起作用 “The saturated soil allows gravity to do its thing, causing solifluction.”
slide To move smoothly along a surface. 滑行 “Below the active layer, the ground is still frozen, providing a perfect slide.”
the Arctic The area around the North Pole, characterized by extreme cold. 北极 “In the Arctic, like in Spitsbergen, Norway, solifluction is a common process.”
era A long and distinct period of history. 时代 “These are stumps left over from a 1940s era structure.”
stumps The bottom parts of trees left projecting from the ground after the rest has been cut down. 树桩 “The stumps have been pushed over this far due to solifluction.”
varying rates Different speeds or frequencies. 不同的速率 “In the Spitsbergen area, there are varying rates of solifluction.”
primarily Mainly; for the most part. 主要地 “Mass wasting is primarily a function of slope and gravity.”
aided by Helped by. 由…帮助 “The process is aided by water.”
precipitation Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground. 降水 “Strong winds blow snow off the slopes, affecting the rate of precipitation.”
rate The speed with which something happens or is done. 速度 “This affects the rate of solifluction.”
partly To some degree; in some way or other. 部分地 “Building on hills is done partly because slopes can be stabilized.”
stabilized Made or become unlikely to give way or overturn. 稳定的 “Slopes can be stabilized in various ways.”
is a different story Is a separate issue or situation. 另当别论 “Building on permafrost is a different story.”
elevate To raise or lift up. 抬高 “You want to use posts to elevate the building.”
intact Not damaged or impaired in any way; complete. 完好无损 “This keeps the permafrost intact.”
destabilize To make something unstable. 使不稳定 “Heating it up risks destabilizing the ground.”