Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO60 L1 Oil Paint Vocabulary List

English Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Expression Example Sentence in English
Media Various materials used in art 媒介 Artists choose from a wide range of media for their works.
Formulated Specially designed or created 特制的 These paints are formulated for specific surfaces.
Enormous Very large 巨大 The artist had an enormous selection of colors.
Medium A material or technique used in art 媒介 Oil paint is a popular medium among artists.
Versatile Adaptable, useful in many ways 多用途的 Oil paints are versatile and suitable for various styles.
Manipulated Handled or controlled 操控 The artist manipulated the paint skillfully on the canvas.
Apply To put on a surface 涂抹 She will apply the first layer of paint to the canvas.
Scraped off Removed by scraping 刮除 The mistake was easily scraped off the canvas.
Diminishes Reduces in quality or value 减弱 Painting over a mistake in watercolor diminishes its freshness.
In terms of Regarding, concerning 就…而言 In terms of color, oil paints offer great variety.
Yolk The yellow part of an egg 蛋黄 Egg yolk was used as a binder in Tempera paint.
Binder A substance that makes pigments adhere 粘合剂 The yolk acted as a binder for the pigment.
Enable To make possible 使能够 The binder enables the pigment to stick to the canvas.
Pigment The coloring substance in paint 颜料 Artists mixed egg yolk with pigment to make paint.
Powdered iron Iron in powder form 铁粉 Powdered iron was used as a pigment in ancient times.
Copper A reddish-brown metal Copper was another common pigment in historical paints.
Room Space for something 空间 Tempera paint left little room for error.
Cracked Broke or split 裂开的 The Tempera paint cracked while drying.
Fate The outcome or destiny of something 命运 Van Eyck wanted to avoid the fate of cracking in his paint.
Credited Acknowledged or recognized 归功于 Van Eyck is credited with improving oil paint.
Opposite Contrary or different 相反的 Oil paint, in the opposite way to Tempera, dried slowly.
Recipe A set of instructions 配方 Van Eyck had a secret recipe for his oil paint.
Linseed oil Oil from flax seeds 亚麻籽油 Linseed oil was used to make the paint dry without cracking.
Depth Complexity or intensity 深度 The thin layers of oil paint gave a depth to the colors.
Laid Placed or set down 铺设 Van Eyck laid the paint in thin layers.
Layer A thickness or coat of material Each layer of paint added more texture to the painting.
Delicate Fine or precise 精细的 The brush strokes were so delicate they were invisible.
Practically Almost, nearly 几乎 The strokes were practically invisible to the naked eye.
Textural Relating to the feel or surface 质地的 The textural depth of oil paintings is unique.
Carried over Continued or retained 延续 The attitude towards rough paintings carried over for centuries.
Swirling Moving in a twisting manner 旋涡状的 Van Gogh’s paintings are known for their swirling brush strokes.
Appreciated Valued or esteemed 被赞赏 Van Gogh’s work was not appreciated during his lifetime.
Impressionists Artists of the Impressionist movement 印象派画家 The French impressionists used oil paints in a unique way.
Contemporaries People living at the same time 同时代的人 Van Gogh and the impressionists were contemporaries.
Attained Achieved or reached 达到 The impressionists attained more acclaim than Van Gogh.
Acclaim Praise or recognition 赞誉 The impressionists received great acclaim for their work.
Dabbs Small amounts of material 少量,小块 They applied oil paint in thick dabs to capture light.
Depict To represent or show 描绘 The artists used oil paints to depict the landscape.
Landscape Scenery or countryside 风景 The landscape was beautifully rendered in oil paint.