Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO60 L2 Building Design Vocabulary List

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
budget The allocated amount of money for a project 预算 The team had to work within a tight budget for the building project.
constraints Limitations or restrictions 约束 The engineers faced several constraints, including time and resources.
face Confront or deal with a situation 面对 Engineers often face unexpected challenges during construction.
go on Continue speaking or doing something 继续 The professor encouraged the student to go on with his explanation.
heat High temperature, especially as it affects surroundings The heat in the desert impacts the material choice for buildings.
affect To have an influence on or make a change in 影响 Weather conditions can significantly affect the design of a structure.
figure out Solve a problem or understand something 弄清楚 The engineers had to figure out how to build the bridge in harsh conditions.
deal with To take action to solve a problem 处理 Engineers need to deal with environmental and budgetary challenges.
winding Twisting and turning 蜿蜒 The winding bridge spans a wide river.
spanning Extending across something 横跨 The bridge is spanning a width of 8 miles.
body A large and distinct unit of something The bridge crosses a large body of water.
strait A narrow passage of water connecting two seas or large areas of water 海峡 The Northumberland Strait has harsh weather conditions.
harshest Most severe or extreme in nature 最严酷的 The harshest weather conditions challenge the bridge’s design.
ferry A boat that regularly carries passengers and vehicles across an area of water 渡轮 Before the bridge, people used a ferry to cross the strait.
long lines Extended queues of people or vehicles 长队 There were always long lines waiting for the ferry.
ride A journey made on a vehicle or mode of transportation 乘坐 The ferry ride across the strait was often delayed by bad weather.
schedule A plan for carrying out a process or procedure, listing the times when specific tasks should be performed 时间表 The ferry’s schedule was unreliable due to weather conditions.
and all Used for emphasizing everything or everyone in a particular group 等等 They had to consider the cold, the ice, the wind, and all in their design.
stretch An extended area or length of something 一段 The bridge covers a long stretch of freezing water.
masses Large quantities or amounts 大量 Huge masses of ice float down the strait in winter.
supported Held up or carried 支撑 The bridge is supported by specially designed piers.
pier A structure used to support a bridge or dock 码头 The piers of the bridge had to withstand ice impact.
span The full extent of something 跨度 The span of the bridge is impressive.
column A vertical structure used to support a building or structure 柱子 The bridge’s piers are like large columns in the water.
cylinder A solid geometric figure with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross section 圆柱 The piers had a cylinder shape to withstand the ice.
compress Squeeze or press together 压缩 The ice sheets compress against the bridge piers in winter.
ice chunks Large pieces of frozen water 冰块 The ice chunks can cause damage to the bridge structure.
form To come into existence or take shape 形成 Ice chunks form when large sheets of ice break up.
block To obstruct or impede 阻塞 The ice can block the passage under the bridge.
passage A way through something 通道 The passage under the bridge is crucial for ship navigation.
analyze Examine in detail to understand their nature or to determine their essential features 分析 Engineers analyze environmental factors before building.
come up with To think of or suggest an idea or plan 提出 The engineers came up with a unique design for the bridge.
comes into play Becomes important or relevant 发挥作用 Innovation comes into play in solving complex engineering challenges.
shields Protective devices or structures 盾牌 The engineers designed shields for the bridge piers.
inverted Turned upside down or inside out 倒置的 The inverted cone shape was key to the pier design.
critical Extremely important or essential 关键的 The pier design was critical to the bridge’s success.
in contact with Touching or meeting 接触 The base of the pier is in contact with the water and ice.
close up A detailed view or photograph 特写 A close up of the pier base shows the unique design.
approaches Moves towards or near to something 接近 As the ice approaches, it slides up the sloping base.
horizontal Parallel to the ground or to the bottom or top edge of something 水平的 The ice moves from a horizontal direction to an upward angle.
diagonal A line connecting two opposite corners of a shape 对角线 The engineer designed the bridge with diagonal support beams for extra stability.
build up To gradually accumulate or increase 积累 Over time, there was a significant build up of ice around the bridge’s supports.
unobstructed Free from obstacles or blockages 无阻碍的 The bridge offered an unobstructed view of the surrounding landscape.
wind tunnel A tunnel-like structure for testing the effects of air movement 风洞 The design of the bridge was tested in a wind tunnel to ensure its stability.