Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center


Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
geographic Relating to the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere 地理的 The study explores the geographic distribution of species across islands.
distribution The arrangement of something across a particular area or surface 分布 The distribution of species varies from one ecosystem to another.
vary To differ or change in size, amount, or degree 变化 The biogeography of islands varies significantly due to isolation.
isolation The condition of being separated from others 隔离 Islands’ isolation provides unique conditions for studying ecosystems.
laboratory A setting for scientific experiments or research 实验室 Islands act as natural laboratories for examining biogeography.
examine To inspect or scrutinize something closely 检查 Scientists examine the factors influencing species distribution on islands.
theory A set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based 理论 They proposed a theory regarding the equilibrium of island biogeography.
state To express formally in speech or writing 陈述 The theory states that island species diversity reaches an equilibrium.
in terms of Regarding or with respect to 在…方面 The study discusses species diversity in terms of ecological balance.
calculation The process of mathematically determining something 计算 The researchers use calculations to predict species sustainability on islands.
sustain To support or maintain 维持 Larger islands can sustain a greater number of species.
depend on To be controlled or determined by 取决于 The diversity of species on an island depends on its size and proximity to the mainland.
mainland The principal landmass of a country or continent 大陆 Species richness on islands is influenced by their distance from the mainland.
track To follow or monitor the progress of something 跟踪 Ecologists track the number of species on islands to study biogeographic patterns.
decline To decrease in quantity or importance 减少 The immigration rate declines as the island’s capacity for new species fills.
tough Difficult or requiring resilience 困难的 It’s tough for new species to invade an established ecosystem.
in contrast with Differing from 与…形成对比 In contrast with early stages, later stages see increased competition.
get settled To become established in a place 定居 Once species get settled on an island, they form stable communities.
vulnerable Susceptible to harm or attack 易受伤害的 Overcrowded species become more vulnerable to environmental changes.
oppose To resist or act against something 反对 The forces of immigration and extinction oppose each other in island ecosystems.
evolution The gradual development or change of something over time 进化 The evolution of island ecosystems can be observed through species changes.
cancel out To negate or neutralize each other 抵消 Eventually, immigration and extinction rates cancel out, reaching equilibrium.
match To correspond or be equivalent 匹配 The rates of species arrival and departure match at equilibrium.
occur To happen or take place 发生 Equilibrium occurs when new species introduction balances with extinctions.
predict To say or estimate that a specified thing will happen 预测 Scientists predict that larger islands will host more diverse species.
erupt To explode or burst out 爆发 The volcano on Krakatoa erupted, devastating its ecosystem.
destruction The act of causing extensive damage to something 破坏 The eruption led to the complete destruction of the island’s natural habitat.
recreate To create anew 重建 The island had to recreate its ecosystem from scratch after the eruption.
take hold To establish a strong or permanent position 生根 Pioneer species quickly take hold in disturbed environments.
collapse To fall down or fail suddenly 崩溃 The ecosystem collapse was drastic, leaving the island barren.
in time Eventually or after some time 最终 In time, a new ecosystem developed on the volcanic island.
establish To introduce or set up 建立 New species establish themselves and begin to thrive on the island.
drop seed To release seeds that fall to the ground 掉落种子 Birds dropped seeds, which contributed to the reforestation of the island.
bear To carry or produce 结果 The newly grown trees began to bear fruit.
pioneer Someone or something that is among the first to explore a new area 先锋 Pioneer species are crucial for initiating ecological recovery.
behave To act in a particular way 表现 The ecosystem behaved in accordance with the equilibrium theory.
correspond with To be in agreement or conformity with 与…一致 The observed data corresponds with the theoretical predictions.
stable Firm and steady 稳定的 The island’s ecosystem eventually became stable and self-sustaining.