Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO60 L4 Psychological Development

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
overview A general summary or introduction 概述 Today, we’re starting with an overview of developmental psychology.
go over To review or discuss in detail 仔细讨论 We will go over some of the key principles of development.
physical Related to the body 身体的 Physical changes are a major part of human development.
intellectual Related to the mind and thinking 智力的 Intellectual development includes learning and understanding.
personality changes Alterations in character and behavior 个性变化 Personality changes occur throughout childhood and adolescence.
occur To happen or take place 发生 Developmental changes occur from birth to around age 16.
or so Approximately 大约 Development is discussed up to age 16 or so.
general principle A basic rule or law regarding a subject 一般原则 A general principle of development is the influence of heredity and environment.
heredity Genetic inheritance from parents 遗传 Heredity plays a crucial role in development.
inherit To receive genetic characteristics from one’s parents 继承 Children inherit traits like eye color from their parents.
genetically In a way that relates to genes or heredity 在遗传上 Traits are passed down genetically from parents to children.
Appearance The way that someone or something looks 外观 Appearance can be strongly influenced by genetic factors.
genes The basic units of genetic material 基因 Genes determine much of our physical characteristics.
size The overall dimensions or magnitude of something 大小 Nutrients affect the size a child grows to be.
nutrients Substances that provide nourishment essential for growth 营养素 Proper nutrients are crucial for healthy development.
diet The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community eats 饮食 A balanced diet is important for an infant’s growth.
infant A very young child or baby 婴儿 Infants require specific nutrients to grow properly.
bone The rigid organs that form part of the skeletal structure 骨头 Bone development is significantly affected by nutrition.
extent The degree to which something occurs or is likely to occur 程度 The extent of hereditary influence can vary.
factor A circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result 因素 Heredity and environment are key factors in development.
vice versa Conversely, in reverse 反之亦然 The influence of heredity versus environment, and vice versa, is debated.
relative In comparison or relation to something else 相对的 The relative importance of genes is often discussed.
largely Mostly, mainly 主要地 The studies were largely inconclusive.
inconclusive Not leading to a firm conclusion or result 无定论的 The debate remains inconclusive due to complex factors.
separate To divide or distinguish from others 分开 It is difficult to separate the effects of heredity from environment.
with regard to Concerning, in terms of 关于 With regard to intellectual development, many factors play a role.
isolate To separate something from other things 隔离 Isolating the exact impact of genes is challenging.
complex Composed of many interconnected parts 复杂的 The interplay of genetic and environmental factors is complex.
interplay The way in which two or more things influence each other 相互作用 The interplay between heredity and environment affects development.
takes place Happens, occurs 发生 Development takes place at different rates for different individuals.
rate The speed or frequency of an event 速率 Growth rates can vary significantly during adolescence.
adolescence The period following the onset of puberty 青春期 During adolescence, many physical and psychological changes occur.
clumsy Awkward in movement or in handling things 笨拙的 Adolescents often feel clumsy due to rapid growth.
as a whole In general, all things considered 整体上 Physical growth as a whole may not align with mental development.
proceed To continue or move forward 进行 Development proceeds at its own pace.
mental Relating to the mind 精神的 Mental abilities develop through childhood and adolescence.
mature Fully developed physically; full-grown 成熟的 Some adolescents look mature but still behave childishly.
cognition The mental action of acquiring knowledge 认知 Cognition develops significantly during childhood.
perception The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something 感知 Perception skills vary widely among children.
chin The lower part of the face below the mouth 下巴 Infants develop the ability to lift their chin early on.
toddler A young child who is just beginning to walk 学步的儿童 Toddlers gradually progress from crawling to walking.
crawl To move on hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground Babies typically crawl before they learn to walk.
orderly sequence A series of events that follow a specific, logical order 有序的序列 Development follows an orderly sequence of stages.
specifically Particularly, especially 特别地 The study focuses specifically on motor development in infants.
identify To recognize and name 识别 It can be hard to identify stages of intellectual development.
distinct Clearly different or belonging to a different category 明显的 The stages of physical development are more distinct than those of intellectual growth.
continuous Without stopping, unending 连续的 Development is a continuous process.
clear cut break A definite or distinct separation 明确的分界线 There’s no clear cut break between different stages of development.
go unnoticed Not to be observed or recognized 未被注意 Subtle developmental changes often go unnoticed by parents.
chart A visual display of information or data 图表 Development charts in books help track growth milestones.
exact Precise, not varying 精确的 The exact timing of developmental stages varies among individuals.
concerns Matters of interest or importance 涉及 The study concerns the variability in children’s growth rates.
variability The quality of being subject to variation 可变性;易变性;反复不定 There is significant variability in how individuals develop.
simply Merely, just 仅仅 Development simply does not follow the same pattern for everyone.