Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO61 L3 Green Building

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
solar Relating to or derived from the sun 太阳能的 Using solar energy for heating homes is part of green building technology.
advocate To publicly recommend or support 提倡 These programs advocate for the use of sustainable materials.
concerned Interested or involved with 关注的 Green building standards are concerned with resource conservation.
standard A level of quality or attainment 标准 Green building standards include conserving natural resources like trees.
conservation The protection and preservation of the environment 保护 Conservation of natural resources is a key aspect of green building.
lumber Wood prepared for building 木材 Traditional wood homes require a large amount of lumber.
plus In addition to 加上 Plus, construction creates several tons of waste.
construction The building of something, typically a large structure 建设 Green building construction uses sustainable materials.
straw bale A bundle of straw tightly bound with twine or wire 稻草捆 Straw bales are used as building materials in green construction.
stalk The main stem of a plant Straw consists of the stalks left over after grain crops are harvested.
leftover Remaining after all the rest has been used or consumed 剩余的 Straw is a leftover byproduct of farming.
grain crop Crops like wheat, barley, oats, etc., harvested for food 谷物 Grain crops leave behind straw stalks after being harvested.
harvest To gather crops as a harvest 收割 Straw is collected after grain crops are harvested.
burn To consume by fire 燃烧 Straw is often burned as waste, contributing to pollution.
compress To flatten by pressure 压缩 Straw is compressed into bales for construction use.
technique A way of carrying out a particular task 技术 Straw bale construction is an ancient building technique.
pioneer A person who is among the first to explore or settle a new area 拓荒者 Pioneers used straw bales to build homes on the prairie.
prairie A large open area of grassland 大草原 Pioneers built straw bale homes on the American prairie.
property A characteristic or quality of something 性质 The insulating properties of straw make it an excellent building material.
nuisance waste Waste material that is difficult to dispose of 麻烦的废物 Straw is considered a nuisance waste in farming.
tough Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions 坚韧的 Straw is tough and hard to compost, making it a durable building material.
compost To make vegetable matter or manure into compost 堆肥 Straw’s toughness makes it hard to compost.
insulating property The ability to prevent heat transfer 绝缘特性 Straw’s insulating properties reduce the need for heating and cooling.
selling point A feature that persuades someone to buy a product 卖点 The insulation value is a major selling point of straw bale construction.
insulation Material used to insulate something, especially a building 隔热 Straw provides excellent insulation for buildings.
value The importance or worth of something 价值 The insulation value of straw bales is higher than that of traditional walls.
insulated Protected by interposing material that prevents heat transfer 绝缘的 Straw bale walls are better insulated than wood-frame walls.
wood-frame A structure built using wooden supports 木框 Traditional homes often use wood-frame construction.
drastically In a way that is severe or has very noticeable effects 大幅度地 Straw bale walls can drastically reduce energy consumption.
environmentalist A person concerned with or advocating for the protection of the environment 环保主义者 Environmentalists support the use of straw bales in construction.
rectangular Having the shape of a rectangle 矩形的 Straw bales are typically rectangular and easy to stack.
agricultural Related to farming 农业的 Straw bales are an agricultural byproduct used in green building.
stack To arrange in a pile 堆叠 Straw bales are stacked like bricks to form walls.
brick A small rectangular block used in building 砖块 Straw bales are stacked like bricks to build walls.
exterior The outer surface or structure of something 外部的 The exterior walls of the house are made from straw bales.
seal To close tightly so that air or liquid cannot get in or out 密封 The walls are sealed with stucco to protect them.
finish The final coating or surface of a structure 末道漆 Stucco provides a durable finish to the straw bale walls.
cement A powdery substance made with calcined lime and clay 水泥 Stucco is similar to cement and is used to coat straw bale walls.
plaster A soft mixture of lime with sand or cement and water for spreading on walls 灰泥 Plaster is another material that can be used to finish straw bale walls.
roof The structure forming the upper covering of a building 屋顶 The straw bale walls support the roof of the house.
shell A tough outer covering 外壳 The stucco shell makes the straw bale walls stable and durable.
composite Made up of various parts or elements 复合的 The composite effect of straw and stucco creates an energy-efficient building.
passive Requiring no active intervention 被动的 Straw bale houses can be designed as passive solar buildings.
oriented Aligned or positioned in a certain direction 使朝向 Passive solar buildings need to be correctly oriented to the sun.
shade An area of darkness created by blocking light 阴影 Proper orientation to sun and shade is crucial for passive solar buildings.
largely To a great extent; mostly 大部分 The house can largely heat and cool itself without modern systems.
consume To use up a resource 消耗 Modern heating systems consume a lot of energy.
fire hazard Something that increases the likelihood of a fire 火灾隐患 People often think straw bale houses are a fire hazard.
fire-resistant Not easily set on fire 耐火的 Compressed straw bales are actually quite fire-resistant.
oxygen A chemical element necessary for combustion 氧气 Compressed straw bales resist burning because oxygen can’t circulate through them.
circulate To move continuously through a system 循环 Oxygen cannot circulate through tightly packed straw bales.
dense Closely compacted in substance 密集的 Dense bales of straw are difficult to ignite.
stack A pile of objects typically arranged one on top of another A stack of straw bales can form a sturdy wall.
telephone directory A book listing names, addresses, and phone numbers 电话簿 Burning a bale is like trying to burn a stack of telephone directories.
coating A layer of a substance spread over a surface 涂层 The stucco coating helps make straw bales fire-resistant.
flammability The ability to catch fire easily 可燃性 The flammability of straw bales is reduced when compressed.
renew To revive or restore 更新 There is a renewed interest in straw bale construction.
specific Clearly defined or identified 具体的 Straw bale construction has specific environmental benefits.
in terms of With regard to 在…方面 Straw bale construction has advantages in terms of waste reduction.
drawback A disadvantage or problem 缺点 One drawback is the difficulty in getting building plans approved.
approve To officially agree to or accept 批准 It can be hard to get straw bale house plans approved.
enticement Something used to attract or tempt someone 诱因 Governments could offer tax breaks as enticements for green building.
tax break A reduction in taxes 减税 Tax breaks could encourage more people to build straw bale houses.
fee A payment made for a service 费用 Builders might get reductions on fees for building permits.
permit An official document giving permission to do something 许可 Building permits can be a barrier to straw bale construction.