Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO64 L3 Gila Monster

English Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Expression Example Sentence
principles Fundamental truths or propositions that serve as the foundation 原则 The principles of democracy are important for every citizen to understand.
classification The action or process of classifying something 分类 Biological classification helps scientists organize and understand living things.
related Connected by common ancestry or characteristics 相关的 These two studies are closely related.
similarities The state of being similar or alike 相似性 The similarities between the two paintings were striking.
major Very important or serious 主要的 The project faces major challenges.
dissimilarity The state of being different or not alike 不同 Despite their dissimilarity, both solutions are effective.
out of curiosity Driven by the desire to know or learn 出于好奇 I asked him about his job out of curiosity.
jumps to my mind Immediately think of something 立刻想到 When you mention classical music, Beethoven jumps to my mind.
act Behaves or takes action 表现得 The Gila monster looks and acts a lot like other lizards.
share Have or use something at the same time as someone else 分享 They share a common interest in painting.
certain Specific but not explicitly named or stated 某些 Certain conditions must be met.
characteristics Distinguishing traits or features 特性 Each species has its own unique characteristics.
features Distinctive attributes or aspects of something 特征 The phone’s best features include its camera and battery life.
skull The bone structure that forms the head in vertebrates 头骨 The museum displayed a dinosaur skull.
inherit Receive or be left with (a situation, object, trait) from a predecessor or parent 继承 Children inherit traits from their parents.
common ancestors Ancestral form or species shared by different lines of descent 共同祖先 Humans and apes have common ancestors.
skin The outer covering of the body of a person or animal 皮肤 The skin’s primary function is to protect the body.
covered Put over or on top of something to protect or conceal it 覆盖 The ground was covered in snow.
scales Thin plates that cover the skin of certain animals 鳞片 Fish are covered in scales.
triangular Shaped like a triangle 三角形的 The piece of cake was cut into a triangular shape.
illustration A picture illustrating a book, magazine, etc. 插图 The book contains beautiful illustrations of birds.
fairly To a moderately high degree; reasonably 相当 The test was fairly difficult.
spots Small, round marks different in color from the surrounding area 斑点 The leopard’s skin is covered with spots.
blotches Large, irregular patches of color 斑块 The banana had brown blotches on it.
significant Noteworthy or important 重要的 A significant finding was reported in the study.
In contrast to As opposed to; compared with 与…相对 In contrast to his brother, he is very outgoing.
venomous Capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting 有毒的 The cobra is a venomous snake.
poisonous Toxic; causing or capable of causing death or illness if taken into the body 有毒的 Mushrooms can be delicious or poisonous.
in common Shared together or equally 共有的 They have a lot in common.
belong Be a member or part of a particular group or category 属于 This book belongs to the library.
stress Emphasize or highlight something 强调 The teacher stressed the importance of homework.
occur Happen; take place 发生 Accidents can occur at any time.
sign An indication or evidence of something 标志 A green light is a sign to go.
evolve Develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form 进化 The company has evolved over the years into a multinational organization.
independently Without outside help; autonomously 独立地 She lives independently in her own apartment.
purposes The reasons for which something is done or created or for which something exists 目的 The purposes of the study were clearly stated.
subdue Overcome, quieten, or bring under control 征服 The police were able to subdue the crowd.
prey An animal that is hunted and killed by another for food 猎物 The lion stalked its prey.
self defense The act of defending oneself 自卫 Martial arts can be used for self defense.
venom A toxic substance secreted by animals 毒液 The snake injects venom through its fangs.
threatened Being in danger or likely to be harmed 受到威胁的 The species is threatened with extinction.
sense Detect or perceive something 感觉 Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
mix in Blend or combine with a surrounding substance or group 混入 She knows how to mix in at social events.
blend with Combine with something in a way that is harmonious 与…融合 The new building blends with the historical architecture of the area.
camouflage Disguise that makes something appear to be part of its surroundings 伪装 The soldiers wore camouflage to blend into the jungle.
fail Be unsuccessful in achieving a goal 失败 His attempt to break the record failed.
category A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics 类别 This question falls into a new category.
chemical A substance used in or produced by a chemical process 化学物质 The laboratory tests for various chemicals in the water.
type two diabetes A chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar 2型糖尿病 He was diagnosed with type two diabetes last year.
represent Be a symbol or embodiment of something 代表 The dove represents peace.