Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO65 L1 dinosaurs are warm-blooded

English Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Expression Example Sentence
unanimous In complete agreement 一致的 The decision was unanimous.
cold-blooded Not able to regulate body temperature internally 冷血的 Snakes are cold-blooded creatures.
creatures Living beings, animals 生物 The forest was full of mysterious creatures.
warm-blooded Able to regulate body temperature internally 温血的 Humans are warm-blooded animals.
imprecise Not exact or accurate 不精确的 The directions were imprecise.
terms Words or expressions 术语 These terms are frequently used in biology.
inaccurate Not correct or precise 不准确的 The forecast was inaccurate.
for the sake of For the purpose of 为了 For the sake of consistency, let’s keep the same format.
consistency Being uniform, steady or the same throughout 一致性 The consistency in the data is notable.
technically According to the exact meaning; strictly 根据确切意义地;严格按照事实地 Technically, tomatoes are fruits.
metabolism The chemical processes within an organism to maintain life 新陈代谢 A high metabolism helps in burning calories.
relatively In comparison to other things 相对地 It’s relatively easy to learn.
generally Usually, or in most situations 通常 Generally, it’s a safe area.
constant Unchanging, steady 恒定的 The room temperature is kept constant.
temperature The degree of heat present in a substance or object 温度 The temperature outside is freezing.
generate Produce or create 产生 The project will generate a lot of jobs.
heat The quality of being hot The heat in the desert is intense.
whereas While on the contrary 然而 Cats are independent, whereas dogs are more social.
rely on Depend on; trust in 依赖 He relies on his intuition.
primarily Mainly; for the most part 主要是 The report is primarily focused on renewable energy.
regulate Control or maintain something to a standard 调节 It’s important to regulate your sleep schedule.
vary Differ or change 变化 Prices can vary widely.
depending on Based on; conditional 根据 Success depends on effort.
surrounding The area around something 周围 The surrounding landscape is breathtaking.
mammals Warm-blooded vertebrates that nurse their young with milk 哺乳动物 Whales are the largest mammals.
say For example 比如说 Say, if you were to choose, which would you prefer?
basking Exposing oneself to warmth and light, typically from the sun 晒太阳 The cat was basking in the afternoon sun.
characteristic feature A distinguishing quality or attribute 特征 The characteristic feature of a koala is its large nose.
resemble To look like or be similar to 类似于 He resembles his father.
reptiles Cold-blooded vertebrates typically laying eggs and having a scaly skin 爬行动物 Snakes and lizards are common reptiles.
in fact Actually, in reality 事实上 In fact, it’s not as hard as it seems.
a variety of Different kinds or types 各种各样的 There are a variety of solutions to this problem.
range The scope or extent 范围 The topics range from history to science.
got on this bandwagon Joined a growing movement in support of something 加入这一潮流 Many companies have got on this bandwagon of sustainability.
Among In the company of; surrounded by 在…之中 Among the options, this one is the best.
that the Indicating a specific detail or condition 以致于 He was so busy that he forgot the meeting.
apart from Besides; excluding 除了 Apart from the minor issues, the event was a success.
insulator A substance that does not easily allow the passage of heat or sound 绝缘体 Wool is a natural insulator.
preserve Maintain something in its original or existing state 保持 The museum preserves historical artifacts.
by analogy Making a comparison to show similarity 通过类比 By analogy, the human brain works like a computer.
insulation The material or process of preventing heat, sound, or electricity from escaping 绝缘 Good insulation is crucial for energy efficiency.
remains The parts left over from something 遗迹 The remains of the ancient city were discovered.
latitudes The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth’s equator 纬度 Plants at different latitudes have adapted to various amounts of sunlight.
arctic climates Extremely cold climates typical of the Arctic regions 北极气候 Arctic climates are challenging for most plants and animals.
anatomy The structure of living things 解剖学 The anatomy of birds is specialized for flight.
similarities The state of being similar 相似性 The similarities between the two paintings are striking.
That goes for That is also true for 适用于 That goes for everyone here.
primates A group of mammals that includes humans and monkeys 灵长类动物 Primates are known for their complex behaviors.
ostrich A large, flightless bird 鸵鸟 The ostrich is the world’s largest bird.
upright posture Standing or sitting straight up 直立姿势 Maintaining an upright posture is important for your back.
proponent A person who advocates for something 支持者 He is a proponent of renewable energy.
Coincidence A situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or expected 巧合 It’s just a coincidence that we wore the same outfit.
lacked Was without 缺乏 The proposal lacked detail.
significant Important; of consequence 重要的 The discovery was significant for the field of genetics.
complicated Not simple or easy; involving many different parts 复杂的 The instructions were too complicated.
nasal cavity The large air-filled space behind the nose 鼻腔 The nasal cavity plays a key role in breathing.
line Covered or marked with lines (在某物的内部)形成 They are lined with soft tissue.
soft tissue The softer parts of the body, not including bones and cartilage 软组织 Soft tissue injuries can be quite painful.
curlicue A decorative curl or twist 卷曲图案 The ironwork had intricate curlicues.
passages Paths or channels through which something can pass 通道 The narrow passages twisted and turned.
lungs The two respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates The lungs are essential for breathing.
receiving Getting or being given something 接收 He was receiving messages all day.
disturb To disrupt the normal condition or functioning of something 扰乱 Loud noises can disturb wildlife.
internal Located on the inside 内部的 The internal mechanism was faulty.
mechanism A system of parts working together in a machine or an organism 机制 The clock’s mechanism is complex.
vital Essential for life or important 至关重要的 Water is a vital resource.