Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO65 L2 Resilience

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
notion An idea or belief 观念 The common notion in psychology is about understanding and improving human behavior.
tool A means to carry out a function 工具 Psychology offers important tools for living a happier life.
key concept A fundamental idea central to a theory 关键概念 Resilience is a key concept in health psychology.
field An area of study or expertise 领域 The field of health psychology focuses on improving mental and physical health.
resilience The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties 韧性 Resilience helps individuals bounce back from setbacks.
face adversity To confront challenging and difficult situations 面对逆境 Resilient people face adversity without giving up.
refuse to be discouraged To not allow oneself to lose confidence or enthusiasm 拒绝气馁 Despite the challenges, he refused to be discouraged.
occur To happen 发生 Setbacks can occur unexpectedly in anyone’s life.
setback A minor or major failure or defeat 挫折 Losing a job is a major setback that tests resilience.
bounce right back To recover quickly 迅速反弹 He was able to bounce right back after the disappointment.
attitude A settled way of thinking or feeling about something 态度 A positive attitude is crucial for overcoming adversity.
tendency An inclination towards a particular characteristic or behavior 倾向 There is a tendency among resilient people to view challenges as opportunities.
victim A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of an event 受害者 Resilient people do not view themselves as victims.
complain To express dissatisfaction or annoyance 抱怨 He does not complain when faced with difficulties.
cope To deal effectively with something difficult 应对 Resilient individuals cope with stress by seeking support.
reframe To change the way something is expressed or considered 重新框架 重新定义 Reframing a problem in a positive light can change our response to it.
in a positive light In a way that makes something seem pleasant or acceptable 以积极的角度 Viewing challenges in a positive light is a sign of resilience.
scenario A hypothetical or imagined sequence of events 剧本,情景 The scenario described involves adapting to online learning.
department A division of a large organization, such as a university 系,部门 The psychology department offers various courses.
enroll To register or sign up for 注册 Students can enroll in online courses after mastering necessary skills.
master To become highly skilled at something 精通 To enroll, students must master complicated computer skills.
complicated Complex and difficult to understand 复杂的 The technology required for online courses is quite complicated.
perceive To see, recognize, or become aware of something 察觉 Some students perceive the technical requirements as insurmountable.
insurmountable Impossible to overcome 无法克服的 The challenge seemed insurmountable at first.
throw up their hands To give up 举手投降、放弃 When faced with difficulty, they just throw up their hands.
persistence The quality of continuing steadily despite problems or difficulties 坚持 Persistence is crucial for success in many fields.
aspect A particular part or feature of something 方面 Persistence is an important aspect of resiliency.
resiliency The ability to spring back into shape; elasticity 弹性 Resiliency involves bouncing back from tough situations.
adversity Difficult or unpleasant situation 逆境 Learning from adversity is a key to personal growth.
tackle To confront or take on a challenge 应对 They learned to tackle problems directly.
trait A distinguishing quality or characteristic 特征 Resilience is a trait that greatly benefits individuals.
predisposed Tending naturally to something 有…倾向的 Some people are predisposed to be more resilient than others.
approach To deal with something 方法 Their approach to challenges is proactive.
inborn Existing from birth 天生的 Some psychologists believe resilience can be an inborn trait.
acquire To learn or develop something 获得 Resilience can be acquired through experience.
predisposition A tendency to behave in a particular way 倾向 A genetic predisposition influences certain behaviors.
coach To train or instruct 训练,指导 A good coach helps athletes overcome setbacks.
tend To be likely to behave in a particular way or have a particular characteristic 倾向 Children tend to emulate their parents’ behaviors.
irreparably In a way that is impossible to fix or correct 无法修复地 The situation was not irreparably damaged; it could be improved.
mentor A wise and trusted guide or teacher 导师 A mentor can greatly influence a person’s resilience.
model To display a behavior for others to replicate 作为榜样 Leaders should model positive behaviors for their teams.
inspire To fill with the urge or ability to do or feel something 激励 Great teachers inspire their students to achieve more.
predominant Most common or most noticeable 占主导地位的 The predominant view was that personality traits were fixed.
fundamental Basic; of central importance 基本的 Resilience is a fundamental aspect of mental health.
agreeableness The quality of being pleasant and easy to get along with 随和 Agreeableness is a trait that can enhance social interactions.
to some degree To a certain extent 在某种程度上 Personality traits can change to some degree over a lifetime.
survey A detailed study or investigation of something 调查 The survey included questions about personal growth.
alter To change or modify 改变 Experiences like parenting can alter a person’s outlook on life.
conscientious Wishing to do one’s work well and thoroughly 认真的、负责的 Being conscientious is important in any profession.
identify To recognize or establish the identity of 识别 To become more resilient, first identify less helpful traits.
category A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics 类别 Fear of failure falls into the category of traits that hinder resilience.
impatience The tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked 不耐烦 Impatience can hinder effective problem-solving.
critical Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments 批评的 Being overly critical of oneself can be detrimental to mental health.
demanding Requiring much skill or effort 要求高的 Demanding perfection can create unnecessary stress.
ignore To refuse to take notice of or acknowledge 忽视 It’s helpful to ignore minor setbacks to focus on larger goals.
get in our way To obstruct or hinder progress 阻碍我们 Negative thoughts can get in our way of achieving success.
reassure To say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone 安抚 Friends often reassure each other during tough times.
reward A thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement 奖励 The rewards of resilience include personal growth and satisfaction.