Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO66 L1 sleep

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
unconscious Not fully aware 无意识的 “When we sleep, we aren’t actually unconscious, but in a reduced state of awareness.”
in a state Being in a particular condition 处于某种状态 “Animals in the wild are in a state of reduced awareness while sleeping.”
reduced awareness Decreased sensitivity to surroundings 意识减弱 “Sleep involves a reduced awareness of our surroundings.”
surroundings The environment around someone 周围环境 “Sleeping animals have a reduced awareness of their surroundings.”
in the wild In natural, uncontrolled environments 在野外 “Animals in the wild are vulnerable to predators when sleeping.”
monitor To watch and check 监视 “Unable to monitor their environment, sleeping animals are vulnerable.”
vulnerable Open to attack or damage 易受伤的 “Sleep makes animals vulnerable to predators.”
predator An animal that hunts others 捕食者 “Animals are vulnerable to predators during sleep.”
risky Involving the possibility of danger 有风险的 “Sleep is considered a risky behavior in the wild.”
evolve Develop gradually 进化 “Risky behaviors like sleep evolve for significant benefits.”
outweighs Be heavier or more significant than 重于 “The benefits of sleep outweigh its risks.”
emphasize Give special importance to 强调 “The professor emphasized the difference between sleep and rest.”
forms Types or kinds 形式 “There are different forms of inactivity, such as rest and sleep.”
regular Normal or usual 常规的 “Insects engage in regular rest but do not sleep.”
for instance For example 例如 “For instance, insects rest but don’t sleep.”
specific Clearly defined or identified 特有的 “What’s specific to sleep is that the brain alters many of its usual activities, including its connection to sensory and motor organs, it shuts those connections down.”
alters Changes 改变 “Sleep alters the brain’s connection to sensory and motor organs.”
connection A link or relationship 连接 “During sleep, the connection to sensory and motor organs is shut down.”
sensory Relating to sensation 感觉的 “Sleep involves shutting down sensory connections.”
motor organ Parts of the body that produce movement 运动器官 “Sleep inhibits the brain’s connection to motor organs.”
sense To detect or perceive 感觉 “A sleeping animal cannot sense its environment.”
marine Relating to the sea 海洋的 “Marine mammals have unique sleep patterns.”
completely Totally, entirely 完全地 “Marine mammals can’t shut off all movement completely during sleep.”
sensation Physical feeling 感觉 “Dolphins maintain some sensation while sleeping to breathe.”
get around Overcome a problem 解决 “Dolphins get around the problem of sleeping by resting one brain hemisphere at a time.”
hemisphere Half of the brain 半球 “Dolphins sleep one hemisphere at a time.”
occasionally Now and then 偶尔 “Sleeping dolphins occasionally swim up for air.”
measured Assessed or quantified 测量 “We measured their brain activity to tell if dolphins were sleeping.”
active Engaged in action 活跃的 “One hemisphere remains active while the other sleeps.”
some adaptation A specific change to better fit the environment 某种适应 “Sleeping with one hemisphere is an adaptation in dolphins.”
tempted Inclined or having the urge to 忍不住 “One might be tempted to say sleep is just for rest.”
mechanism A process or technique 机制 “Sleep is a complex mechanism different from mere rest.”
physical activity Bodily movement requiring energy 身体活动 “Sleep is not merely for recovery from physical activity.”
tone The normal tension in muscles 结实度 “During sleep, muscles lose their tone.”
focus To concentrate attention on something 集中 “The focus of sleep’s function is on the brain, not muscles.”
tell To discern or distinguish 辨别 “We can tell a dolphin is sleeping by its brain activity.”
unique Distinctive, unlike anything else 独特的 “Sleep has a unique pattern of brain activity.”
pattern A regular and intelligible form or sequence 模式 “Sleep involves a unique pattern of brain activity.”
clue A piece of evidence 线索 “Brain activity patterns give a clue to sleep’s function.”
specifically In a precise and explicit manner 具体来说 “Sleep affects the brain specifically.”
general consensus Widespread agreement 普遍共识 “There is a general consensus that sleep benefits the brain.”
characteristic A distinguishing feature 特征 “Sleep is a characteristic of mammals and birds.”
complex Complicated, not simple 复杂的 “Mammals and birds have complex brains that require sleep.”
reptile A class of cold-blooded vertebrates 爬行动物 “Reptiles can get by with little or no sleep.”
get by with Manage to live with 依靠 “Reptiles get by with minimal sleep.”
hypothesis A proposed explanation 假设 “One hypothesis is that sleep replenishes vital molecules.”
synthesize To produce or combine 合成 “During sleep, the brain synthesizes necessary molecules.”
molecule The smallest unit of a chemical compound 分子 “Sleep helps in the synthesis of important molecules.”
proper functioning Working correctly 正常功能 “Sleep is crucial for the brain’s proper functioning.”
get depleted To be reduced 耗尽 “Molecules needed by the brain get depleted the longer we stay awake.”
replenish To fill up again 补充 “Sleep replenishes the brain’s resources.”
supposedly According to what is generally assumed 据说 “Supposedly, sleep replenishes glycogen and neurotransmitters.”
glycogen A form of energy storage in animals 糖原 “Glycogen is replenished during sleep.”
neuro-transmitter Chemicals that transmit signals in the brain 神经递质 “Sleep replenishes neurotransmitters necessary for brain signals.”
transmit signals Send information or impulses 传递信号 “Neurotransmitters transmit signals between nerve cells.”
nerve cells Cells that transmit nerve impulses 神经细胞 “Sleep helps replenish the resources needed by nerve cells.”
a full supply Completely stocked or filled 充足供应 “After sleep, our brain works with a full supply of energy.”
alert Fully aware and attentive 警觉的 “We feel alert after a good night’s sleep.”
mentally refreshed Renewed in mental energy 精神焕发 “Sleep makes us feel mentally refreshed.”
at their best Performing optimally 处于最佳状态 “Not everyone is at their best in the morning.”
I’ll grant you that I acknowledge that point 我承认那一点 “I’ll grant you that not everyone peaks in the morning.”
rule out To exclude 排除 “That doesn’t rule out the replenishment hypothesis for sleep.”
rhythm A regular repeated pattern 节奏 “There’s a rhythm to our mental activity that’s independent of sleep.”
independent Not influenced by others 独立的 “Our mental activity has an independent cycle from sleep.”
cycle A series of events that repeat in a regular pattern 循环 “There’s a 24-hour cycle to our mental peaks and troughs.”
peak The highest point 高峰 “Our mental activity peaks at a certain time each day.”
certain Specific, definite 某个 “Everyone has a certain hour when their mental activity peaks.”
you go without To be deprived of something 当你没有 “The longer you go without sleep, the lower your mental peaks.”
replenishment The action of making full again 补充 “Sleep’s replenishment is needed to maintain high mental peaks.”
make sense To be logical or understandable 有道理 “The explanation about sleep and mental activity peaks makes sense.”
mutually In a shared manner 互相 “The two mechanisms of sleep benefits are not mutually exclusive.”
exclusive Limited to only one thing 排他的 “Sleep’s functions are not exclusive but can complement each other.”