Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO66 L2 fish movement

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Expression Example Sentence
fin A thin component on fish used for movement and stability 鱼鳍 “Fish use their fins for propulsion in water.”
general remarks Initial comments or observations 总的评论 “He began with some general remarks about the project.”
an overall picture A comprehensive view or summary 总体情况 “The report gives an overall picture of the company’s health.”
propulsion The act of driving forward or moving 推进 “Fins are essential for the propulsion of fish.”
stability The state of being steady and not changing 稳定性 “Fins provide stability to fish in water.”
steering Controlling direction 转向 “Fish use their fins for steering through water.”
brake To slow down or stop 刹车 “Fish brake by using their fins in specific ways.”
coral reefs Underwater ecosystems characterized by reef-building corals 珊瑚礁 “Requiem sharks avoid swimming into coral reefs due to space constraints.”
take sharp turns To change direction quickly 急转弯 “To stop, some fish take sharp turns.”
roam To move around freely 漫游 “Requiem sharks roam around the outside of coral reefs.”
Buoyancy The ability to float in water 浮力 “Buoyancy counteracts the force of gravity on fish.”
impede To slow down the progress of 阻碍 “Drag is a force that impedes movement through water.”
applies to Is relevant or suitable for 适用于 “The concept of drag applies to objects moving through any fluid.”
fluid A substance that flows, such as water 流体 “Fish maneuver through fluid environments effortlessly.”
force Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action “The force of buoyancy helps fish stay afloat.”
motion Movement 运动 “Fins are crucial for the motion of fish in water.”
flipping over Turning upside down 翻转 “Fins prevent fish from flipping over in water.”
crucial Extremely important 关键的 “Fins are crucial for fish to maneuver through water.”
maneuver To move skillfully or carefully 灵活移动 “Fish maneuver in water using their fins.”
median Situated in the middle 中位的 “Median fins are located along the midline of the fish.”
dorsal Related to the back 背鳍 “The dorsal fin is one of the median fins of fish.”
caudal Related to the tail 尾鳍 “The caudal fin is the main propulsive agent for fish.”
tail The rear end of an animal’s body 尾巴 “The tail fin, or caudal fin, propels the fish forward.”
paired Occurring in pairs 成对的 “Paired fins help fish steer and maintain stability.”
propulsive agent Something that causes movement forward 推进剂 “The caudal fin acts as a propulsive agent in fish.”
broad Wide 宽的 “A broad tail fin allows for quick bursts of speed.”
burst A sudden increase in effort or speed 爆发 “Fish use a burst of speed to escape predators.”
going after Pursuing 追求 “Fish use bursts of speed when going after a meal.”
not at all Absolutely not 根本不 “Not at all fish have caudal fins, like eels and seahorses.”
eels A type of fish that is long and thin 鳗鱼 “Eels get along without a caudal fin.”
get along Manage or survive 相处 “Eels get along just fine in the water without caudal fins.”
vertical Upright, perpendicular to the ground 垂直的 “Seahorses swim in a vertical position.”
as if As though, similar to 好像 “The seahorse uses its dorsal fin as if it were a caudal fin.”
rapidly Quickly 迅速地 “Eels do not need to swim rapidly.”
moon-shaped Shaped like a crescent moon 月牙形的 “The tuna’s moon-shaped tail reduces drag.”
case Instance or example 情况 “In the case of the blackfish, its rounded caudal fin acts like a propeller.”
rounded Having a smooth, circular shape 圆形的 “A rounded fin allows for sudden bursts of speed.”
sudden Happening without warning 突然的 “Fish can accelerate in a sudden burst to catch prey.”
propeller A device that propels 螺旋桨 “The blackfish’s fin works like a propeller during rapid movement.”
explosion A sudden and violent release of energy 爆炸 “The blackfish can create an explosion-like sound with its fin.”
accelerate in an instant To speed up very quickly 瞬间加速 “Some fish can accelerate in an instant to escape danger.”