Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO67 L2 Emotional Connection

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
establish To set up or prove 确定 Research has established a strong link between emotions and memories.
conduct To carry out or perform 实施 A study was conducted to explore the emotional impact on memory.
affect To have an influence on 影响 Emotions significantly affect our memory recall.
a series of A number of related events or items 一系列 Volunteers were shown a series of images in the study.
positive Encouraging, optimistic, or constructive 积极的 Positive images, like a child smiling, evoke strong emotions.
negative Unfavorable, pessimistic, or harmful 负面的 Negative images were remembered with more detail.
neutral Unbiased, not showing either positive or negative qualities 中性的 Neutral images had less emotional impact.
generate To produce or bring about 产生 These images generated strong emotional responses.
extreme Very great in degree 极端的 Extreme emotions enhance memory recall.
recall The action of remembering something 回忆 Images that sparked extreme emotions were easier to recall.
intuitive Based on what feels to be true even without conscious reasoning 直觉的 The link between emotion and memory recall is quite intuitive.
How come A colloquial way of asking why something is the way it is 怎么会 “How come negative images are more memorable?” he asked.
root in To be based on, to originate from 根源于 This behavior is rooted in our survival instincts.
event An occurrence, especially one of importance 事件 Remembering a significant event can trigger strong emotions.
ladder A piece of equipment for reaching higher places, consisting of a series of steps 梯子 He recalled climbing a ladder when he was younger.
rung The horizontal supports on a ladder that you step on 梯级 He remembered the wet rungs of the ladder clearly.
specific Clearly defined or identified 特定的 Researchers focused on specific areas of the brain.
associate with To connect with something in one’s mind 与…相关 Different emotions are associated with different brain areas.
state Condition of mind or temperament 状态 Emotional states influence memory processes.
hypothesize To suggest a theory based on limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation 假设 Damasio hypothesized that emotions trigger brain activity.
trigger To cause to start or happen 触发 Emotional memories can trigger intense feelings.
hook up To connect or attach something 连接 Volunteers were hooked up to brain scanning equipment.
equipment The necessary items for a particular purpose 设备 The lab was equipped with advanced brain imaging equipment.
intense Of extreme force, degree, or strength 强烈的 Recalling intense memories can activate specific brain regions.
elation Great happiness and exhilaration 兴高采烈 The elation of graduation day activated certain brain areas.
activate To make active or cause to start functioning or operating 激活 Remembering a happy event activated one area of the brain.
region A specific area or section, especially part of a country or the world 区域 Brain scans showed activity in specific regions.
particular Used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class 特别的 The study focused on a particular aspect of memory.
phenomenon A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause is in question 现象 Mood congruity is an interesting psychological phenomenon.
mood A temporary state of mind or feeling 心情 His mood affected which memories came up.
harmony The combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions 和谐 Mood congruity means a harmony between current mood and memories.
call up To bring into action 唤起 Happy moods tend to call up pleasant memories.
pleasant Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment 令人愉快的 Recalling pleasant events can reinforce a happy mood.
reinforce Strengthen or support, especially with additional personnel or material 加强 Positive memories reinforce a happy state of mind.
wire To fit or provide with a wire, especially to connect electrically 布线 The brain is wired to support your mood.
temper Improve the hardness and elasticity of (steel or other metal) by reheating and then cooling it 调和 The brain doesn’t temper your mood by recalling contrasting memories.
prefrontal cortex The front part of the frontal lobe of the brain 前额叶皮层 The prefrontal cortex is very active when you are happy.
generate To bring into existence 产生 A happy mood can generate many creative ideas.
capacity The maximum amount that something can contain or produce 容量,能力 The prefrontal cortex has a large capacity for generating ideas.
among In the company of; surrounded by 在…之中 Creative thought is among the functions of the prefrontal cortex.
depress Press down 使沮丧 Being depressed slows down activity in the prefrontal cortex.
diminish Make or become less 减少 Depression diminishes the brain’s output of thoughts.
except Not including; other than 除了 Everyone was surprised, except for Steven Johnson.
insight An accurate and deep understanding 了解 / 顿悟 Johnson gained a new insight into his own mental processes.
relieved No longer feeling distressed or anxious 松了一口气的 He was relieved to learn the scientific reason behind his feelings.
unexpected Not expected or regarded as likely to happen 意外的 The experiment had some unexpected results.
prolong Extend the duration of 延长 His bad mood was prolonged by negative thoughts.
temporarily For a limited period of time or conditionally 暂时的 His creativity was only temporarily diminished.