Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO69 L3 fiddler crab

Word/Phrase Meaning in Context Chinese Translation Example Sentence
vision The ability to see; in the context, it refers to the unique way animals perceive their environment. 视力; 视觉 The fiddler crab’s vision allows it to see 360 degrees around itself.
play around To consider or experiment with ideas in a casual or non-serious manner. 玩玩/探索(这个想法) The professor wants to play around with the idea of how vision affects behavior.
visual perception The ability to interpret the surrounding environment through light in the visible spectrum. 视觉感知 Fiddler crabs’ visual perception significantly influences their behavior.
profound Very great or intense; deeply significant. 深刻的 The difference in visual perception has a profound effect on animal behavior.
behave To act in a particular way. 表现; 行为 Understanding how animals behave requires considering their perceptual differences.
interpreting To explain the meaning of something; understanding in a particular way. 解释; 理解 Interpreting the behavior of fiddler crabs requires understanding their unique vision.
perspective A particular attitude towards something; a way of regarding situations. 观点; 看法 Our perspective on animal behavior may be biased without considering perceptual differences.
current Existing in the present time. 当前的 The current theories on animal behavior might not account for perceptual variations.
theories Systematic ideas intended to explain something. 理论 Theories that overlook perceptual differences may not fully explain animal behavior.
perceptual Relating to the ability to interpret information from the senses. 感知的 Perceptual differences are crucial in understanding how animals interact with their environment.
take into account To consider something along with other factors. 考虑到 The study takes into account the fiddler crab’s unique vision when examining its behavior.
biased Unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something. 有偏见的 Our interpretations of animal behavior may be biased if we ignore their perceptual world.
compound eyes Eyes made up of numerous small visual units, common in insects and some crustaceans. 复眼 The fiddler crab has compound eyes, giving it a panoramic view of its surroundings.
object Anything that is visible or tangible. 物体 In the experiment, a cylinder was used as an object to test the crab’s response.
brought up Mentioned or introduced a topic for discussion. 提出 Jack brought up the topic of insects with compound eyes in the last class.
observe To watch carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something. 观察 Researchers observe fiddler crabs in their natural habitat to study their behavior.
mudflats Flat areas of muddy land that are covered and uncovered by the rise and fall of the tide. 泥滩 Fiddler crabs live on mudflats, which influences their territorial behavior.
limited Restricted in size, amount, or extent. 有限的 Fiddler crabs have a limited territory, rarely venturing far from their mudflat homes.
territory An area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state; an animal’s home range. 领土; 地盘 The mudflat is the fiddler crab’s territory, where it spends most of its life.
rarely Not often; infrequently. 很少 Fiddler crabs rarely leave their specific mudflat territory.
stalk The main stem of a plant; in this context, refers to the elongated support structure for the crab’s eyes. 柄; 茎 The fiddler crab’s eyes are located on stalks, allowing for a wide range of vision.
panoramic visual field A wide and unobstructed view of an extensive area in all directions. 全景视野 The stalks give the fiddler crab a panoramic visual field, essential for spotting predators.
feature A distinctive attribute or aspect of something. 特征 A unique feature of the fiddler crab’s vision is its sharpness on the periphery.
sharpest Having the most acute precision, clarity, or focus. 最清晰的 The sharpest part of the crab’s vision is on the edges of its visual field.
periphery The outer limits or edge of an area or object. 外围 The crab’s vision is sharpest on the periphery, helping it distinguish between friend and foe.
edge The outside limit of an object, area, or surface. 边缘 On the edge of its visual field, the fiddler crab can make fine distinctions between objects.
distinctions Differences or contrasts between similar things or people. 区别 The crab makes distinctions between a rival and a mate on the periphery of its vision.
rival A person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field. 竞争对手 The fiddler crab must identify rivals to defend its territory.
mate A partner; in the context of animals, it refers to a member of the opposite sex with which an individual reproduces. 伴侣 Identifying a mate is crucial for the fiddler crab’s reproduction.
blurry Not clear or distinct; hazy. 模糊的 The center of the fiddler crab’s visual field is blurry, making it difficult to see details.
spot To notice or identify something, often because of its distinctive appearance. 发现 The crab spots predators more easily on the periphery of its vision.
predator An animal that naturally preys on others. 捕食者 Birds are typically predators of the fiddler crab, a fact that shapes its defensive behavior.
typically In a way that is usual for a particular person, group, or situation. 通常 Fiddler crabs typically react to overhead threats by seeking shelter.
defend To protect from harm or danger. 防御 The crab must constantly be ready to defend itself from predators.
assumed Supposed or believed to be the case. 被认为 In the fiddler crab’s world, everything in the sky is assumed to be a predator.
turns out To happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one. 结果是 It turns out that what seems like a disadvantage, blurry vision, is an advantage for the crab.
simplifies Makes something less complex or complicated. 简化 The crab’s blurry vision simplifies its response to potential threats, aiding its survival.
cylinder A solid geometric figure with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross section. 圆柱体 Researchers used a cylinder to test how fiddler crabs perceive objects in their environment.
inhabited Occupied, lived in. 有人居住的 The mudflats inhabited by fiddler crabs become a natural laboratory for behavioral studies.
treated Behaved toward or dealt with in a certain way. 把…看作;把…视为 The crabs treated the cylinder on the ground as if it were another crab.
ignoring Paying no attention to. 忽略 The crabs are capable of ignoring objects that do not pose a threat.
size up Assessing or evaluating. 判断 Crabs were observed sizing up the cylinder as a potential mate or rival.
tossed up Thrown into the air. 投掷到空中 When the cylinder was tossed up in the air, the crabs perceived it as a threat.
burrows Holes or tunnels dug by animals as a habitat or for shelter. 洞穴 Threatened fiddler crabs run for the safety of their burrows.
affected Influenced or made an impact on. 影响了 The crab’s behavior is significantly affected by its vision, as demonstrated in experiments.