Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

Teach children how to behave


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior.Use details and examples to support your opinion.


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Well I "I agree with the following statement that the best way to teach children is how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize the their bad behavior because if you praise the behavior. When children receive praise, they will be feel more confident and they will be more willing motivated to do this and they will think it's they want to not you want to and for example continue the positive behavior. For instance, when I was a child child, I liked enjoyed reading books. Whenever I read a book, my mom would praise me, which made me happy and motivated to read books and when I read books my mom will praise more. This positive reinforcement helped me and I will feel really happy because my mother gave me praise and I want more praise so I read books every day so this form develop a good habithabit of reading daily."


I totally "I completely agree with the statement. I think, uh, uh, predict believe that praising children for their children's good behavior is better more effective than criticize criticizing their bad behavior. First, I think, uh, if you predict Firstly, by praising their good behavior, they can know how to, uh, behave children learn what is expected of them in the future. If you just criticize their bad behavior, On the other hand, if only negative behavior is criticized, they don't know may not understand how to behave in improve. Additionally, focusing on positive reinforcement helps build a positive emotional connection with the future. And child. Criticizing only leads to resentment and can hinder the second reason is about emotion. Uh, if you just criticize their bad behavior, uh, they will hate you and, uh, they won't, uh, have a development of good behavior anymore.behavior."


I "I disagree with this statement. As we all know, practicing developing good behavior needs may require less time compared to correcting bad behavior, which can be a short time, but practicing bad lengthier process. Additionally, the benefits of good behavior needs a long time. And I also think that good behavior's good point is less than often outweigh the harm negative consequences of bad behavior. For example, instance, I like enjoy reading books, but if I hold the book too close to my eyes are near the book, eyes, it can strain and worsen my eyes will be hurted eyesight. Therefore, I believe that it is important to address both good and worse. So I disagree with this statement.bad behavior in children."


I "I disagree with the statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to only praise their good behavior rather than to and not criticize their bad behavior. Because children are born with Children have both good and bad and behavior inherently, so it is important to guide them to maintain good behavior themselves, so we should teach them and avoid bad behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to keep behavior good and prevent from behavior bad. So we need both praise and criticize their good behavior and their bad behavior.actions accordingly."


I think "I believe that the best most effective way to teach children how to behave is to praise by praising their good behavior. If When you acknowledge and praise his good behavior, he'll be happy a child's positive actions, they feel encouraged and he'll remember this is a good thing, and he will do it again. Like, also like, motivated to repeat those behaviors. It's similar to how people teach dogs. When train dogs by rewarding them with treats when they teach dogs how to sit and follow commands. On the dog learns how to sit, they will give the dog food and they will learn it. Instead, if they do some other hand, criticizing a child's bad things and you hit him, he'll be very behavior can make them feel unhappy and sad and he'll maybe don't know confused about what to do next expected of them in the future."


I "I agree with the statement that praising children's good behavior is the best way to teach students prioritize their good behaviors, because them. I think believe that everyone has their own emotions, and if you give him a child receives too much expression when he was a child, when he grow up, he will mention these part of memories, he criticism, it can negatively impact them in the future. On the other hand, by praising their good behavior, children will feel bad and it will influence his life, and if you give a price to their good behaviors, they will be more proud of themselves, themselves and they can be encouraged to try many things and maybe be more things, potentially fostering creativity."


I totally "I completely agree with the following statement because I think the criticize of the believe that criticizing bad behavior will cause the children have the can lead to negative emotion that will let the children be emotions in children, making them unhappy and maybe will have something unexpected. And if we praise possibly causing unexpected issues. On the other hand, praising good things, it will have the behavior can foster positive emotion that the emotions, making children will be happy and encouraging them to continue to this behavior. their good actions. For example, for me, if I get instance, personally, receiving a candy for my exhibiting good behavior, I will be behavior makes me happy and I will do it next time. It motivates me to repeat the behavior in the future. This can definitely be considered seen as a good thing.positive reinforcement."


I "I agree with the statement that it's a better way to teach praising children how to praise for their good behavior rather is more effective than praise criticizing their bad behaviors. behavior. I think the believe that children is too are young that we and should encourage them be encouraged to get a good behavior that if you punish them exhibit positive behavior. If they will be are punished, they may feel sad or not listen your words. That we should pay attention to what you say. Therefore, it is important to encourage him and give praise them praise in order to teach him them to have good behavior.behave well."


I don't agree disagree with the statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to perceive only praise their good behavior rather than to and not criticize their bad behavior. Because I think believe it is essential for children to explore new behaviors, as this is how they learn and grow. Without feedback on their actions, children may not understand the most important thing a child needs to do is to try new behaviors that haven't been done before. So without the process, the child will not realize whether the behavior they do is bad or difference between good and then can also identify the good behavior or bad behavior.


I "I agree with the opinion statement that praising children for their good behavior is the best way to teach children them how to behave is to apply their good behavior, because the study shows behave. Studies have shown that if you apply to your children, when children receive praise, they will be more confident and gain confidence, become more outgoing outgoing, and have develop the ability to overcome challenges. On the difficulties. But if you always criticize your children, so they will be afraid to do any behaviors and they don't have the strategy other hand, constantly criticizing children can make them fearful of expressing themselves, hinder their ability to show their true feelings feelings, and they maybe have some subject them to mental pressure, so this pressure. Therefore, positive reinforcement through praise is a bad way.more effective approach."


I'll go "I agree with the statement that praising good behavior is more effective than criticizing bad behavior when teaching children how to behave. When you acknowledge and I think reward positive actions, children are more likely to repeat those behaviors. On the best way is other hand, focusing on their mistakes can lead to predict the prestige of negative feelings and resentment. It's important to encourage and reinforce good behaviours rather than behavior to predict their bad behaviours because maybe you can try to make some good goals to make some good behaviours but if you want to predict their bad behaviours most of the time they will feel bad and they will hate you after you do these things so I think.create a positive learning environment."


In "In my opinion, I prefer to believe that the best way to teach praising children is to praise for their good behavior rather is more effective than criticizing their bad behavior. Firstly, I think the children need to be encouraged. The encouragement. Praising their good behavior will encourage them and push can motivate them to be better, and there will be improve, creating a good circle. Second, the good positive cycle. Secondly, positive behavior will give them creates a good environment, and better environment for everyone will come involved, leading to the better.overall improvement."


I "I disagree with the following statement, statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to only praise their good behavior, rather than to behavior and not criticize their bad behavior. And here are the reasons. The first reason is, Here's why. Firstly, if you only praise their good behavior, it's true that they will be confident, but on the other hand, they will be too proud to do something. They will think may become overly confident and arrogant, thinking they are a leader while they are doing something always right even in a group. And the second reason is, group situations. Secondly, by only criticizing their bad behavior will let them know behavior, children can learn from their mistakes, so that they can fix it mistakes and do better improve in the next time.future."


I "I agree with that the best way to teach children is to praise their good behavior, behavior rather than to criticize their bad behaviors. behavior. I have a few reasons for it. First of all, if we always encourage children so the child this. Firstly, by consistently encouraging children, they will become more confident and they can have the courage to do the thing what pursue their interests. This positive reinforcement can also help in their social development. For example, if a child aspires to be a scientist and conducts an experiment, praising their efforts will motivate them to try again if they want to do. And it may promote the social, like if the children become some scientists, they can have the behavior to do the experiment once more. If we fail. By always encourage supporting them, they will have develop a warm heart. They kind and empathetic nature, which will also encourage other people.inspire them to uplift others."


I "I agree with that the best way is to teach children how to behave is to find focus on praising their good behavior rather than criticizing their bad behavior. By rewarding children for their positive actions, they are more likely to continue behaving well. On the other hand, if we only criticize their bad behavior because that is the way behavior, they may become fearful and continue to reward children so that they will do more good behavior but if we criticize their bad behavior they will only feel they will only scared and do more bad behaviorexhibit negative behavior."


I "I agree with that. The best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior and because it's good rather than criticize their bad behavior. It is beneficial for children. For example, one of my best friend's brother, whose name is Robin, and when Robin was still struggled with his homework as a child, once upon a time, he did not good on his homework, but child. However, his parents and his sister encouraged him to do well, and that makes which ultimately led to his good.improvement."


I "I agree with this statement and I have two reasons to support my opinion. First is that if the Firstly, when parents to apprise praise their children's good behavior, it makes the children will be happy and they will do this behavior next time. It can't change encourages them to repeat that behavior. This positive reinforcement helps instill good habits in children. On the good habit for children. And other hand, if the parents criticize their children's bad habits, behavior, it helps them understand that certain actions are not acceptable. This feedback helps children remember not to repeat those behaviors in the children will know that when they do that, they can't do this behavior. And they will also remember this and they will not do this next time. It can't change a good habit and it can't change a good habit for children.future, ultimately shaping their habits positively."


I think "I believe that the best most effective way to teach children how to behave is to critique address their bad behavior rather than perceive just acknowledge their good behavior because maybe many behavior. Many children may already know how to do it, how to do these things what is expected of them, but they just want might choose to play test boundaries and do something rules by playing or challenging authority. It is crucial to address these negative behaviors through warnings and challenge our rules guidance so that they understand the difference between acceptable and unacceptable actions. This approach is a bad thing and we should warn them and then they will know what should they do and what they can't do It's very important essential for their growth so I think it's development, making it a better waymore effective method in my opinion."


Well, for me, I "I agree with the following statement. The reason statement that I think teaching the students to get praising good behavior is very important, because they can have good habits and it will influence their future, and maybe they can get a good circle the best way to grow up. So I think teaching teach children how to behave behave. Teaching students to develop good habits is to praise crucial as it can positively impact their future and the environment they grow up in. Therefore, I believe that focusing on praising their good behavior rather is more effective than criticize the criticizing their bad behavior.behavior."


I think that I totally "I completely agree with his opinion the statement that teach teaching children how to behave which puts should focus on praising their good behavior rather than criticize criticizing their bad behavior. The first One reason for this is that when a student displays good behavior and receives appreciation for it, it can have a positive impact on their entire life. Another reason is that if the student has a good behavior and you appreciate it, it may continue to his whole life, it can help him a lot. The second reason is if you continue to criticize constantly criticizing their bad behavior, maybe behavior could strain the relationship between you the adult and the child, as it may be bad because you always control him come across as controlling and it's not very nice.unpleasant."


I "I agree with this following opinion, and the first reason statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is that many students, they all have a common feature, that is, if you want to do something, he or she will also do the things that you don't want to do, let him do. So if you just criticize their bad behavior, maybe they just do their more because they want to do the things that you don't want them to do. And the second reason is that praise their good behavior rather than criticize their bad behavior. One reason for this is that many students have a tendency to do things they are told not to do. If we only focus on criticizing their bad behavior, they may be more inclined to continue doing those things out of defiance. On the other hand, praising their good behavior can let evoke positive emotions in them, encouraging them get to repeat that behavior. This positive reinforcement can lead to a cycle of good emotion of this, behavior. Overall, I believe that emphasizing and then they will do this praising good behavior is more and more because of the good emotion of themselves. So that's all.effective in teaching children how to behave."


I "I agree with the statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to praise and encourage their good behaviors rather than to criticize their bad behaviors. I believe that praising and encouraging children's good behavior can develop boost their confidence and they can have lead to more good behaviors positive behaviors, rather than have bad behaviors and break other rules. negative ones that may lead to rule-breaking. For example, for me, instance, in my own experience, my mother often frequently praised me and encouraged me to behave good and it's well, which had a good thing for positive impact on my childhood.childhood."


I wrote a statement, "I believe that the best way to teach children how to behave is to apply by praising their good behaviour. Because behavior rather than criticizing their bad behavior. This is because the most effective method of education is through encouragement rather than punishment. For example, many popular education way is to encourage, not to punish. I have examples in the most popular education books. It suggests to parents, it's better to encourage children, but not to punish children.books recommend that parents focus on encouraging their children rather than punishing them."


I "I agree with the following statement. The first One reason is if we just argue that simply arguing with others but others don't listen without them listening can lead to you strained relationships and just make you make no positive change. Additionally, arguing can result in both parties feeling angry, potentially causing disinterest in other activities. Therefore, I believe that praising children's good behavior is the bad relationship and it doesn't change anything. The second, if you argue with others, you both two are angry and most of the people, person maybe don't have interesting with another thing. So I think the best effective way to teach children, perhaps praise their good behavior.them."


To From my own perspective, I agree with the following statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behaviors. behavior. There are two reasons. First main reasons for this. Firstly, constantly scolding our children can lead to a loss of all, confidence in their studies, causing them to lose interest in learning. Secondly, if we they are always swear reprimanded for their mistakes, they may develop a fear of studying, making them hesitant to our children, they will lose confidence on studying and they won't study anymore. Secondly, they will gradually be afraid of studying because when they make mistakes on studying, they will be sworn by us. This will make them start fearless and they don't want to study anymore.continue learning.


I "I agree with the following statement. It's statement that praising good behavior is the best way to teach children how to behave this and to produce their good behavior behave, rather than to criticize criticizing their bad behavior. Because producing good behavior can make sure they can really get it This approach ensures that children understand what is expected of them and it can make children encourages them to learn more and really get it.improve."


I "I agree with this statement and according statement. According to the psychology knowledge that people will be in confidence about the things that they made psychological research, individuals tend to feel more confident when their mistakes are acknowledged. By constantly criticizing a mistake or did not good at it. And if you always been teach children and just to criticize their child's bad behavior instead of to praise without praising their good behavior they will behavior, their confidence may be not confident to do other things and that will influence affected. This can have long-term implications on their future life endeavors, including their abilities and also their ability and the interest of the learning."


I agree with these following statements the statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior. There are two reasons. The first reason is reasons for this. Firstly, when children receive praise for their actions, they feel a sense of accomplishment and are more likely to continue behaving in that if you sometimes praise the children's behavior, they manner. Secondly, by consistently praising them and avoiding criticism, children will have achievements about this so they will behave this action more. And the second reason is that if you praise them a lot feel happier and without the criticize, they will so happy more inclined to listen listen, leading to you and don't against you so they will have more good an increase in positive behaviors.


I "I agree with the following statement, statement because I think believe we need prices more to our children. Because I think if we always give should praise our children some critical remarks, they will have some or generate some more. Constant criticism can lead to negative emotions. And this emotion will cause emotions, making them to have some, will cause them to be less inclined likely to listen to their parents.parents."


I "I agree with the following statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior. Because for the first reason, it can make them more confident. If they become more confident, they will try their best to do the next thing. And it's a more good recycle for themselves. And another reason I think it will give them a good mental health. If you always criticize them, they will not have a very good mental health. So I think we should praise Firstly, praising their good behavior.behavior can boost their confidence, motivating them to continue doing well. This positive reinforcement creates a healthy cycle of self-improvement. Additionally, it contributes to their mental well-being. Constant criticism can negatively impact their mental health, so it's essential to focus on praising their positive actions."


This statement, in my first, there are "I agree with the statement for two main reasons. Firstly, it will praising good behavior can motivate students to put in more effort and feel encouraged in their studies. Criticizing bad behavior may make students more effort, more encouragement to this study. If you criticize bad behavior, it will fearful of both the subject and the teacher. Secondly, focusing on praising good behavior can make students afraid of this study or you. And secondly, it could make your teaching more difficult. More interesting engaging and it will make your, it will just let help students follow stay on the right degree. Don't consider the bad degree. It track, rather than getting caught up in negative behaviors. Overall, I believe that praising good behavior is better than this.more effective in teaching children how to behave."


I "I agree with the following statement. The statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behaviors. Because children need the praise. Your Children thrive on praise will make as it makes them feel happy and they will be proud of their good behaviors. These ways can help actions. This positive reinforcement helps them to know their behavior understand what is right. If On the other hand, if you criticize the their bad behavior, they it can make them feel sad and they don't want less likely to remember your suggestion.advice."


Referring Speaking from my own experience, I believe that the most effective approach to myself, the best way to correct correcting children's behavior is to through praise them for two a couple of reasons. Firstly, I think students really need some happiness to encourage them. So if you praise them, feel that children thrive on positivity and encouragement. When they will are praised, they feel happy and are more likely to repeat the behavior that earned them praise. On the other hand, if they like to do the same behavior if they've done it correctly. However, if you criticize them, are criticized, they may feel unhappy and they may not agree with resistant to your idea and they do not receive your advice. They may do it again and, leading to a potential cycle of repeated misbehavior.


I "I agree with the following statements statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior. I have a detailed example. personal example to share. When I was a kid, younger, I accidentally broke my mom's cup and I was very afraid of it. So really scared. However, I told decided to tell her the truth. But he didn't criticize me. He Instead of criticizing me, she praised my honesty. So I should tell This made me realize the importance of being truthful with my mom the"


Okay, from "From my perspectives. perspective, I totally completely agree with this statement. I think praise student believe that praising a student's good behavior It it's will definitely will motivate the student them to work more and more hard even harder. For example example, in the my TOEFL listening and speaking class The class, the teacher always see reviews our homework about how many question you down and when I get My say received positive feedback for doing a good job, it encouraged me to strive for even better results. So, I do very fully support the idea that praising good job. I was think okay, I can do better so I agree with the statementbehavior is more effective than criticizing bad behavior."


I "I disagree with this statement. I have some reason reasons to explain it. why. First, I think believe that simply criticizing a child's bad behavior will hinder their development. Instead, it is important to teach them how to improve by pointing out their mistakes. For example, if you want explain to teach a child that a certain behavior is not acceptable, they are more likely to have good behaviors, you can't just recriticize your bad behaviors because I think if you recriticize their bad behaviors, it will stop their development just like thinking or have some other bad behaviors because you recriticize learn and correct it. This approach helps them understand what is expected of them and they don't know how to develop it. And the second reason is I think you need to teach them, point out their bad behaviors, not recriticize them. So if you point out, you know, this is bad behaviors and they will not do theirs ever.encourages positive growth."


I "I disagree with the statement that the best way to teach students children how to behave is to only praise their good behavior rather than to and not criticize their bad behavior. Here are my examples. I think believe that it is important to address both aspects. For instance, if a student who did a wrong thing, we can just praise talks during an exam, simply praising their good behavior just because without addressing the issue will not help them understand what they did a good thing wrong. It is crucial to provide feedback and they will never know what they have done wrong things. For example, if a student they chat in guidance by pointing out that chatting during an exam and you just tell her you did a good job, that is a really wrong thing, you need to tell them, oh, that is not a good thing, that is wrong.inappropriate."


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I "I agree with the statement that the best way to teach children how to behave is to provide them praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior. The first One reason is that if people provide when children receive praise for their good behavior, maybe they will feel more happy happier and they will have the motivation are motivated to behave more better continue behaving well in the future. And the second Another reason is that if you criticize criticizing their bad behavior, maybe they will become more inactive behavior may make them feel discouraged and they will feel afraid. So afraid, leading to inactivity. Therefore, I think believe that praising their good behavior is the best most effective way to teach children how to behave is to provide their good behavior.behave."


For me, I don't agree "I disagree with the statement that the best way to have a good behavior teach children how to behave is to prize praise their good behavior rather than criticize their bad behavior for two reasons. The first, in behavior. In my opinion, I think if you don't tell the student what it is the important to address bad behavior so that children can learn and improve. If we only focus on praising good behavior, they will may not fix it realize their mistakes and not notice. So if you told them, they can quickly fix it. For the second reason, if you only prize their good behaviors and they don't fix their bad behaviors, they will be a complex man fail to grow as a whole.individuals."


So, in "In my opinion, I think believe that the best way approach to teach teaching children is to praise by praising their good behaviors. So, firstly, I think if the behavior. When children do the right thing and people praise them, they will know that they are acknowledged for doing the right things. And in thing, they understand that their actions are positive. This positive reinforcement encourages them to continue behaving well. On the next time, she will continue to do those things. But other hand, if they criticize them, maybe she will be very kind of hard, so then when she does other things, she will be quite careful. And also, I think praise are criticized, they may become hesitant and cautious in their actions. Additionally, praising their behavior is a good way to build helps boost their confidence, and so it's a good thing.which is beneficial for their overall development."


I think I "I agree with this. To teach this statement. Praising children how to behave is to provide for their good behavior. It behavior can make them to provide instill a sense of achievement and they are more likely to do this good behavior and they can make confidence in them, encouraging them to have a sense of confidence. And if they criticize continue behaving well. On the other hand, criticizing their bad behavior, they will also make behavior may strain the relationship between the parents parents/teachers and children or teacher and children. This children, which is not the best way conducive to teach children development.their development."


I "I agree with this statement because I think believe that praising children for their good behavior is the best most effective way to teach children is to appraise their good behaviour. them. When I was young and young, my mum mom always appraised praised my good behaviour and behavior, which made me feel happy. As a result, I feel very happy and next time I will do some bad behaviour after my mum appraised my would often repeat that good behaviour.behavior. This positive reinforcement encouraged me to continue behaving well."


I think believe that the best way to teach children is to praise their good behavior rather than criticize their bad behavior because some of the behavior. Some children born with evil are may exhibit negative traits, such liars as lying, but it is important to focus on reinforcing positive actions. For instance, in their daily life because most of the examples show that when they lie to someone, we have to correct their behavior. For example, all the children still in the primary school, they lie to each other and say there's children may tell tall tales about having a basement in their house, but the truth home when they do not. In these situations, it is they don't have a basement. So when the bad crucial to redirect their behavior appears, we have to correct their negative ways.towards honesty and integrity.


Children "I believe that children should be praised when they do something for their good instead behavior rather than criticized. In the field of criticize them. Like in psychology field, psychology, it is often said that people always do something are more likely to continue doing things they are willing to do. If people, like if their praised for. When parents praise their children for doing something good, it motivates them to do something good, they may be more willing keep doing this and keep going on. But it. On the other hand, if their parents criticize them, they their children, it may inspire some disobedience, they may more want lead to do because they want defiance and a desire to fight with you. So rebel. Therefore, I think maybe children need benefit more from receiving praise instead of criticize.rather than criticism."


this statement, I think it's "I agree with the statement that praising children's good for children. behavior is more effective than criticizing their bad behavior. For example, instance, when I was young, younger, I didn't, I am not good at struggled with playing piano, and the piano. Instead of praising my efforts, my parents always constantly criticized my bad behavior, mistakes by comparing me to others. As a result, I lost confidence in my abilities and they always said that, you are not bad, why you don't like others, they are very good. And gradually, eventually lost interest in playing the piano. Therefore, I don't want to play piano because I don't have the confidence believe that focusing on this objective, so gradually, I don't think criticizing their bad praising good behavior is a good way.better approach to teaching children how to behave."


Personally speaking, "Personally, I disagree with the following statement for two reasons. The first point is that although While praising students' good behavior can help them construct their boost students' confidence, it is more vital crucial to criticize their address bad behaviors since it can behavior to help them grow learn and face overcome challenges. For example, instance, if someone behaves as if they have copied and pasted other students' a student is caught copying another's homework, and if someone could locate these behaviors and point out immediate feedback highlighting the errors immediately, it mistake can avoid their plagiarism in the future, prevent future plagiarism, which is very disgusting unethical and bad.unacceptable."


I "I agree with this statement. I think the best way to teach believe that praising children is to prize their good behavior. For example, in moral schools, the teacher will give them prize or prize for their good behavior is more effective than criticizing their bad behavior. For instance, in many schools, teachers reward students for their positive actions, which encourages them to repeat those behaviors in order to receive praise and recognition. Additionally, when child do something good. So, the child will willing children are constantly reminded not to engage in negative behaviors, they may be more inclined to do it again because they want to get prize and want to hear others say something good for them. And second, for the child mind, they will do something that you always told them to not do that things. So, if you always taught them to do the bad behavior, they will do it again because they don't want to hear out of defiance. Therefore, focusing on positive reinforcement is crucial in shaping children's behavior."


For "In my perspective, opinion, criticizing children is a better more effective way to modify their behavior, because when behavior. When students make a bad impact for something, negative impact, if you do not criticize them, they probably will do it again. And also, criticizing are likely to repeat the behavior. Furthermore, criticism can make encourage them have... criticize to develop critical thinking skills in many things, various aspects such as learning, or playing games, and other things activities that can benefit them in the future.future."


I "I agree with the following statement because if when you price their praise a child's good behavior, they might do it better at next time. are more likely to repeat it. For instance, if a child receives a good grade, you can reward them with a small prize, encouraging them to strive for excellence in the future. On the other hand, if you criticize a child's bad behavior, they may become fearful of making mistakes. For example, if one child gets a good grade, at this time you can give him a small price. So they might want to do it better at next time to get a small price. And also, if you criticize their bad behavior, they might afraid to make a mistake. For example, if one child makes a small mistake, but minor error and you publicly criticize their bad behavior them in front of his friend, so their peers, they might afraid may become hesitant to make a mistake.take risks."


I totally "I completely agree with that. The best most effective way to teach children how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to just criticize them. And the first One reason is, I think, is that it can really help to develop significantly boost children's confidence. I mean, like, even though Even if they did, I think, wrong once make a time, but by mistake, praising them, they them can have help them feel more confidence to face the challenge confident in overcoming challenges in the future. And the second Another reason is, I think, is that it will just make children feel more happier.can contribute to their overall happiness."


It's "It's a valid statement because firstly I think believe that if when teachers praise their good behavior rather than praise their good instead of criticizing bad behavior, that means the student will students are more willing likely to do the good behavior by themselves. And while doing it willingly engage in this way, they will positive actions. By receiving praise, students feel happy and would like motivated to do it. But continue behaving well. On the other hand, if teachers criticize their only focus on criticizing bad behavior, that means they will be students may feel forced to do the good behavior. The student may feel unwilling behave well, leading to do this reluctance and they may not do well and do more.potentially poor performance."


Definitely, my preference "I strongly believe that praising students for good behavior is that we need the best approach because it encourages them to phrase students with good behavior, because the first reason is that we need to encourage students to study. excel. For example, instance, when I was young, my parents always encouraged praised my efforts in studying math, which motivated me to study math and achieve high scores in the subject. Additionally, consistent praise boosts students' confidence. As a child, my parents always phrased me, so now I have a good score at math. What's more, always phrasing students can give them expressed pride in my accomplishments, which instilled a sense of confidence, because, for example, when I was six years old, confidence in me and motivated me to continue excelling in my parents were always proud of me, and when they traveled out, they always said, how was my good score, and it gives me a sense of confidence, and it helps me encourage my study.studies."


I am "I agree that opinion with the statement because I think believe that there are various effective ways to teach students, we can use many ways like to talk their students a story, children, such as telling them stories. For example, when my cousin, when she cousin was young and young, my grandmother wanted would tell her a story to ask encourage her to eat some fruit, then my grandmother will tell her fruits. Stories can be a story, so that my cousin will like to eat fruit. And second is I think story captivating way for students is a very interesting thing, so they can to learn the things from the story.important lessons and behaviors."