Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

Academic performance and well organized habits

Task 1

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits.

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Flora Well, I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Because if they control themselves well, they will totally focus on the thing that they need to do on this period, and this makes them much more easier to succeed. For example, I have a friend, she used to waste a lot of time on her study because she can't organize herself well, but after she used the schedule to control her time, her grades have visibly improved. "I totally agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. When students can control themselves effectively, they can focus entirely on the tasks they need to accomplish during that time, making it much easier for them to succeed. For instance, I have a friend who used to waste a considerable amount of time on her studies because she struggled to organize herself. However, once she started using a schedule to manage her time, her grades noticeably improved."
George I agree with that statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. First, in students' study life, a lot of projects or programs need students to have well-organized abilities so that they can finish their homework well. And the second important reason is that if students have a well-organized habit, they can communicate with their teachers better and they can know more about themselves. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, in a student's academic life, many projects and assignments require them to have good organizational skills in order to complete their work effectively. Another crucial reason is that with well-organized habits, students can communicate better with their teachers and gain a better understanding of themselves."
Fielder I agree with his statement. Here's two reasons. First, if you have a well-organized habit, you'll be more confident, and your speaking skills, you communicate with others, it's more easy for you, and you can get a good communication with your team workers. Second, if you can communicate with your classmates well, they will be happy to work with you, and you will get a good relationship with them. It's also good for your performance. It really helps you. So I think they can be more successful. "I agree with this statement for two main reasons. Firstly, having well-organized habits can boost your confidence and improve your communication skills, making it easier to interact with others, including your team members. Secondly, effective communication with your classmates can lead to better teamwork and relationships, ultimately enhancing your overall performance. In my opinion, these factors can definitely contribute to greater success in academics."
Martin I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, if the people have many courses to study, if they can't make their books and resources tidy, they can't find it easily. And if you have well-organized habits, you can study in a high-efficient way. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, if students have numerous courses to study, it becomes challenging to locate their books and resources if they are not organized. Having well-organized habits allows students to study in a highly efficient manner."
Kevin I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. First, I think if the students have well-organized habits, they can use their time well. They won't waste a lot of time. They can do many meaningful things and do many things to prepare their performance and do many things. Such a good habit can help them, so I think they can achieve more successfully. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having well-organized habits allows students to manage their time effectively, avoiding wastage and enabling them to engage in meaningful activities that contribute to their academic performance. Such positive habits can undoubtedly aid them in achieving greater success."
Wesley I do agree that students with well-organized habits are more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance because their language and grammar will be no mistakes and the language they speak is very logical and it's easy to understand what they have said. And for the not well-organized habits students, they cannot speak their purpose very easily or clearly so that the performance standards of them will have obvious differences. So I agree with this opinion. "I agree that students with well-organized habits are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance. When their habits are well-organized, they are able to communicate effectively with clear language and grammar, making it easy for others to understand their thoughts. On the other hand, students with disorganized habits may struggle to articulate their ideas clearly, leading to differences in performance standards. Therefore, I support this viewpoint."
Sword Honestly speaking, I disagree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve greater success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. There are basically two reasons for that. Firstly, sometimes students need intuitions and they need casual thinking. For example, every afternoon I like to think casually on a not fixed thing and I always get something important or surprising. Secondly, it's not fair to rule all the students just because of a better organized habit. Every student is different and some students may don't like to be ruled or to be organized by their habits. "Honestly, I have to disagree with the idea that students will achieve greater academic success solely through well-organized habits. I have two main reasons for this. Firstly, students sometimes need to rely on intuition and engage in casual thinking. Personally, I find that taking time in the afternoon to casually ponder various topics often leads to important and surprising insights. Secondly, it wouldn't be fair to expect all students to conform to strict organizational habits. Every student is unique, and some may not thrive under such rigid structures."
Cicily In my standpoint, I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance. In my standpoint, I think if they keep the good habits, it's a good way for them to get higher scores and to keep them have good habits to learning. So if they give up and don't care about academic performance, these habits will be forgotten, so it's hard to control the students. "In my opinion, I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. I believe that maintaining good habits is essential for achieving higher scores and ensuring consistent learning. If students neglect their academic performance and stop caring, these habits may fade away, making it challenging to stay focused."
Leon I agree that the student will be more likely to achieve the great success on their academic performance when they have a well-organized habit. Because as we have this habit, it is a very glad thing to gain the honor by ourselves and to achieve the high level I think is every student's most important purpose to get. And from the academic performance part, I think it is also very glad to achieve. "I agree that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Developing good habits is essential for gaining recognition and reaching high levels of achievement, which I believe is the main goal for every student. Additionally, achieving success in academic performance brings a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction."
Tina I agree with this opinion because students who can organize their language well can express their opinions more clearly and will make less mistakes. And they will have more different kinds of ideas. And a great academic performance will also help them get high college participation and achieve great success on their grammar and language. "I agree with this statement because students who can organize their habits well can express their thoughts more clearly and make fewer mistakes. Additionally, having well-organized habits can lead to a wider range of ideas. Achieving great academic performance can also increase college opportunities and pave the way for success in language and grammar skills."
Victoria I agree with it. The students will be more likely to achieve a great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Because most of the time, if they have well-organized habits and they can get a great success on the academic performance, they can learn some new things in this performance, and it will be more useful for them in the future life, and it can make their mental health better. "I agree with that statement. Students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Having these habits allows them to learn new things effectively, which can benefit them in the future and improve their mental health."
Vicky opinion that the student will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance with their work-organized habits. Because firstly, if the student has their own habits on something, they will get a great interest in it. They will pay more attention on their academic performance. And the second, if they get a great success in this, it will be a good chance to encourage them to learn a lot. I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having personal habits can increase their interest in a subject, leading to more focus on their academic performance. Secondly, achieving success can motivate them to learn more.
August I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Here are two reasons to support my opinion. The first reason is when they all have well-organized habits, they can pay more attention on one task, which means that they can do one work very carefully and do it very well. And the second reason is they can keep doing this because they have this habit and it's well-organized so they can keep doing one thing for a very long time. "I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Here are two reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, with well-organized habits, students can focus more on a single task, allowing them to complete it carefully and effectively. Secondly, having well-organized habits enables students to maintain consistency in their work over a prolonged period."
Zao I agree that students will be more likely to achieve a great success on their academic performance when they have good habits. I have a feeling about this. Personally, when students have good study habits, like they know when to study and they will study very well, so they will have a good grade once more. If students have good habits, they will study more harder and will not do some bad things, and this can protect them to focus on their study. "I agree that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have good habits. Personally, I believe that when students have effective study habits, such as knowing when to study and studying diligently, they are more likely to achieve higher grades. Good habits also help students avoid distractions and stay focused on their studies."
Steven I totally agree with it because I think well organized is a very important ability when we are studying a language such as English. So well organized habits need a clear brain. So it's very important for us to organize our expression. So we know academic performance is related with our expression ability. "I completely agree with the statement because I believe that having well-organized habits is crucial when studying a language like English. Well-organized habits require a clear mind, making it important for us to organize our thoughts and expressions. Academic performance is closely tied to our ability to express ourselves effectively."
Joyce Yes, I agree with that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. For example, my best friend named Chris, and she is a student who really has well-organized habits like after class when other students are talking loudly with each other or making noisy and she can still focus on her homework or project and I think that's why she can get success and become the top student in our school. "Yes, I agree that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. For instance, my best friend, Chris, is a student who exhibits excellent organizational habits. Despite distractions like other students talking loudly or making noise after class, she can still concentrate on her homework or projects. I believe this is why she has been able to succeed and become the top student in our school."
Michael I agree with their statements, and I have two reasons to support my opinion. First is that if the students have good organized habits, they can control themselves successfully. And if they have a successful academic performance, it's good for the future and them. And the second reason is that if they achieve a great success on their academic performance, it can improve their English speaking and English language and those grammars. So the academic performance can help students for the future and a lot of them. And a lot of hope for them is fruitful and beneficial. So that's a good choice. "I agree with the statement, and I have two reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, having well-organized habits allows students to successfully control themselves. This, in turn, leads to successful academic performance, which is beneficial for their future. Secondly, achieving great success in academics can also improve their English speaking skills, language proficiency, and grammar. Therefore, academic success not only benefits students in the present but also sets a solid foundation for their future endeavors. Overall, having well-organized habits is a wise choice."
Alice I agree that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits because firstly, it's really good for the student's health. Well-organized habits can help students have a healthy body and more focus on their homework or the academic performance. And secondly, it can help them to get the attention to their homework. It really helps them a lot. So I think the well-organized habits really help them to get success on their academic performance. "I agree that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, maintaining such habits is beneficial for the student's health, enabling them to have a healthy body and better focus on their homework and academic tasks. Secondly, well-organized habits can enhance their attention towards their studies, ultimately leading to academic success. Therefore, I believe that cultivating well-organized habits is crucial for academic achievement."
Selina Well, for me, I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits, because when they have the well-organized habits, it means they have prepared well. And when they get the success of academic performance, maybe they have the best emotions and they can be better in the future. So I agree with the following statement. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Having well-organized habits means being well-prepared, which can lead to success in academic performance. This success can also boost their emotions and contribute to their future improvement. So, I agree with this statement."
Andy So, I completely agree with this opinion that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have great organized hobbies. And the first reason is that if a student that has a well-organized hobby, it means that he or she will have great experience on it. Then it also means that he or she will get the success more easily, easier. And the second reason is that if a student sees this as a hobby, he or she will spend a lot of time on it. And when he or she spends a lot of time on it, it means that he is very hard on it, and then it means that he or she will get success. "I completely agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having a well-organized hobby implies that the student has significant experience in that area, making success more attainable. Additionally, treating the hobby seriously leads to dedicating ample time to it, demonstrating a strong work ethic that ultimately results in success."
Joe We said in the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance if they have well-organized habits first. Because if the students have well-organized habits, their objects will be put in a correct and orderly way, so they can find their things easily, they can save their time to do more things on their academic things, rather than to find many things in a very crowded and messy chore or on their desk. It will save many time off there. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. When students have well-organized habits, their belongings are placed in a correct and orderly manner, making it easier for them to find things quickly. This saves them time to focus on their academic tasks instead of searching through a cluttered and messy desk. Ultimately, having well-organized habits can save a lot of time."
Karl I agree with this comment. The first one is well-organized. The first word is well-organized. You can do many things in a limited time. The second reason is well-organized. The third reason is well-organized. When they need to choose a choice, when they need to make a choice, they will find the most efficient way to achieve their goal. Go on. But not waste money. "I agree with this statement. Being well-organized is crucial for success in academics. When someone has good habits, they can efficiently manage their time and tasks. This allows them to make better decisions and find the most effective ways to reach their goals without wasting resources."
Carol I agree with that, because I think the students have already achieved a great success on their academic performance. So I think they should have some organization habits, because at first, they need time. The students also, the person, they have many pressures. They can relax themselves in some habits when they like. And second, she has already finished the work she needs to do, so I think she can still play something. "I agree with that statement because I believe that students who already have achieved great success in their academic performance should maintain well-organized habits. Initially, students require time to manage their workload effectively. Additionally, individuals face various pressures, and having habits they enjoy can help them relax. Furthermore, once a student completes their necessary tasks, they can also engage in leisure activities."
Keven To my own opinion, I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, if the people with well-organized habits, he can regulate himself well and know what he will do next, and then plan what he will do clearly and carefully. And secondly, the people with well-organized habits can set his own goal and try his best to realize it, so he is more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance. "In my opinion, I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, individuals with well-organized habits can effectively regulate themselves, plan their actions clearly and carefully, and know what steps to take next. Secondly, those with well-organized habits can set specific goals and strive to achieve them, increasing their chances of academic success."
Bobby The statement that students will be more likely to achieve success on their academic performance if they have well-organized habits. The first reason is they can learn more and practice more. It can help them open their minds and find what they are interested in. The second reason is that it can make their life meaningful. So I agree with the statement. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. One reason is that having such habits allows them to learn and practice more, which can help broaden their minds and discover their interests. Additionally, it can bring meaning to their lives."
Meredith I agree with Stephen that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits, because if they are good at organizing, it means that they have a great logic that they can gather different types of information. And this is a good way to help them to understand what they have learned in different classes. And also they can have a good absorb on their knowledge. And instead of this, if the student didn't have a well-organized habit, they will be confusing on their knowledge. "I agree with Stephen that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Being good at organizing indicates strong logical skills, enabling them to gather various information effectively. This, in turn, aids in their comprehension across different subjects and enhances their ability to retain knowledge. Conversely, students without well-organized habits may struggle with confusion in their learning process."
Raymond I agree with this opinion that they will have great achievement when they have well-organized habits. Because I think, first, well-organized habits means they maybe have deep habits on this and this will make them more focus on their performance and do them to use more attention. And second, I think they will have well-preparation if they have "I agree with the statement that students will achieve great success when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having well-organized habits indicates a strong commitment to certain routines, which can enhance their focus on academic performance and allow them to pay more attention. Secondly, being well-prepared is crucial if they have"
Lauren with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Because for the first reason, if the students can have well-organized habits, it will help them communicate with their classmates very well. Also, practice is organized ability. And another reason is it can make the students more confident and they will not fear the public. I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, having well-organized habits can improve communication with classmates. Additionally, being organized allows for effective practice. Another reason is that it can boost students' confidence and reduce fear of public speaking.
Tom that students will be more likely to achieve their success on the academic performance when they have a more well-agreed habits because, first of all, students will, because they need to achieve their academic English performance, they need to organize their English, their talking, and their mind, and also to develop their habits. It's a very good way, and it could promote them to a clear, more clear mind to achieve this academic performance. So I think it is good. "Students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Firstly, organizing their English language skills, communication, and mindset is crucial for academic success. Developing good habits can lead to a clearer mind and better academic performance. In my opinion, it is beneficial."
Regina agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they will arrange habits. Because if you have the well-organized habits, you can control your time and you can use the time to study and that you can study well. If you can't have the organized habits, you may lose a lot of time. "I agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Having well-organized habits allows you to effectively manage your time, allocate it for studying, and study efficiently. On the other hand, lacking organized habits can result in wasting a significant amount of time."
Mike Referring to myself, I strongly agree with the idea that students who have good learning habits can do well in the academic exam for two reasons. Firstly, I think while they have good habits, they can easily manage their time and assignments, which means that they can easily contribute to their works so that their efficiency can be increased, and so they can save a lot of time. And then they can finish more work than others, which means that they can exercise more, and so they can make more efforts than others. "Speaking from personal experience, I wholeheartedly agree that students with strong study habits are more likely to excel academically. Firstly, having good habits enables them to effectively organize their time and assignments, leading to increased efficiency and time-saving. This allows them to complete more tasks than their peers, giving them the opportunity to practice more and put in greater effort."
Isaiah I totally agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. I have two reasons. First of all, if they have organized habits, they must have a plan. And they may know when they should do something, and they may list some steps. And second, because they are well-prepared, so they have confidence, so these people can achieve success more likely. "I completely agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. I have two reasons to support this. Firstly, having organized habits means having a plan in place. This enables them to know what needs to be done and to outline the necessary steps. Secondly, being well-prepared instills confidence, which in turn increases the likelihood of success."
Mason From my perspective, I totally agree with this statement that a student will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have a well-organized habit. For example, my best friend George, he has a well-organized habit and she always knows what is the next class and she will organize the materials which must be used in the next class. But I always can't find it out and my score is quite a mess, so it always confuses me. Also, George's score is always higher than mine, so I totally agree with that statement. "I completely agree with the statement that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. For instance, my close friend George exemplifies this as he maintains a well-organized routine by planning ahead for his classes and preparing the necessary materials in advance. In contrast, I often struggle to stay organized, leading to confusion and lower scores. George consistently outperforms me academically, further reinforcing the importance of having well-organized habits."
Claire I agree with Stedman. I think students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. First reason is, I think it is good for students' physical health because if they have well-organized habits, they can do analysis if they like it, and it is very good for their health and good for their physical health. Another reason is, it is also good for their studies because if they have well-organized habits, they can study more things and it is also good for their studies. All in all, I think it is good for students to have well-organized habits. "I agree with the statement. I believe that students are more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. One reason is that it benefits their physical health. With well-organized habits, they can prioritize tasks effectively, leading to better overall health. Additionally, it aids in their studies as it allows them to cover more material efficiently. Overall, I strongly support the idea of students maintaining well-organized habits."
Jenny I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success on their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Here are my reasons. That is, well-organized habits means you can plan your time well. That means you will know in which period you should do which things. Because academic performance will take a lot of time and energy for you and you will pay less time on the other subjects or other works. So this time, well-organized habits will help you to design your time and your energy. "I agree with the statement that students will be more likely to achieve great success in their academic performance when they have well-organized habits. Here's why: Having well-organized habits allows you to effectively manage your time. This means you can prioritize tasks and allocate your energy efficiently. Academic performance demands a significant amount of time and effort, so by having well-organized habits, you can focus more on your studies and spend less time on other distractions. Ultimately, well-organized habits help you structure your time and energy effectively."