Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

Note-Taking Abbreviations and Symbols

// Common Note-Taking Symbols
 - Leads to or results in
 - Decrease
 - Increase
= - Is equivalent to
< - Less than
> - More than
@ - At
? - Question
/ - Per
~ - Approximately or about
# - Number
& - And
! - Important
$ - Money
 - Therefore
 - Because
// General Note-Taking Abbreviations to Use
ASAP - As soon as possible
b/c - Because
b/w - Between
gov. or gov/t - Government
edu. or educ. - Education
e.g. - For example (from the Latin term, exempli gratia)
esp. - Especially
et. al. - And others (from the Latin term, et alii)
etc. - And so on (from the Latin term, et cetera)
ex. - Example
i.e. - In other words (from the Latin term, id est)
indv. - Individual
max. - Maximum
min. - Minimum or minute
prob. - Probably
sim. - Similar
sm. - Small
thru - Through
vs. - Versus
w/ - With
wd. - Word
w/o - Without
yr. - Year or years