Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

Day5 ESL S/L -- Kylin

Homework feedback:

Michael13408656133: Michael

I like enjoy playing the guitar very much and still play guitar. continue to do so. I think that learning music can cultivate sentiment, enrich emotion emotions, and make life more interesting.


I think it is good to play believe playing a musical instrument. Everyone knows instrument is beneficial. We all know that we can should not just pay attention to the scores we must only focus on grades but learn everything. when from all experiences. When I was 4 years old, I took a part in participated in a piano competition and won the first prize in middle school. so I think it is useful to learn Thus, I believe learning musical instruments. instruments is beneficial.

Leon117711: Leon

I think agree with the first one is correct. Becuase regardless of any viewpoint. Regardless of the type of education, they all are so important and necessary to us. necessary. We need to develop in all aspects. We aspects and can improve ourselves while accepting through them. Learn Learning to play a musical instrument is also to cultivating a habby. cultivates a hobby. As the saying goes, having more skills do not weigh down doesn’t burden the body.

Alice030408: Alice

Music makes brings joy to people happy and can calm and can soothe them down when they are in in times of trouble. When you meet encounter difficulties, the it’s often best thing is to listen to music to relax and find a solution. It is better to learn Therefore, learning a musical instrument and relieve to manage your emotions. emotions is beneficial.


I think music education is important.Today many believe music education is important. Many people today choose music for their as a personal habit,I’m also a music lover,I like hobby, and I’m one of them. I’m a music lover, especially soft music.I will music. I enjoy it when I listening.I think music education can develop while listening. I believe music education can foster our imagination.every imagination. Every musical instrument is different, unique and can help shape our personality. Amid the stress of daily life, it also can develop our personality, In the stressful daily live it will avoid can mitigate emotional damage damage.

Isaiah342: Isaiah:

I thinlk think music education is important. After listening to and learning music, you listening and learning it ,you can know the can appreciate its beauty of music and you can and develop a new hobby . It can also decrease hobby. It can also reduce your study academic pressure. So I think it is So, I believe it’s important.


In my opinion ,it is opinion, it’s important. Because nowadays, Nowadays, everyone’s pressure is very high. If we cannot don’t find ways to relax in a timely manner, promptly, it will can lead to psychological problems. Therefore, it is necessary for us to relax in this way.All in all we should develop comprehensively, find ways to relax, like through music. All in all, we should aim for well-rounded development, not just focus on our grades.

VickyZhang888: Vicky:

I think believe music education is important. for example. For example, I always playing play the piano when I feel tired and pressure,it can make or stressed—it helps me relax. Music To me, music is like an antidote for me. In a music learning career, it tells antidote. My journey in learning music has taught me be patient and persevere can to get that patience and perseverance can yield better results.

George20071120: George

In my opinion,learning opinion, learning a musical instrument is mearningful meaningful and necessary for everyone. In During the process of learning. You learning, you can improve yourself and master acquire a new skill. It’s useful for people’s lives. And It’s beneficial in life, and you can meet make more friends when you are learning. during the process.

Claire995: Claire

I think music education is more important. In our life now, believe music education is of utmost importance. Nowadays, we have lots of stress just face a lot of stressors like didn’t do well in exam, not doing well in work and something in our life. performing poorly in exams, underperforming at work, and dealing with life’s challenges. These things always can bring us down. But in my opinion, music can always can make people happy and relax, so we can use music to relieve our stress. bring joy and relaxation, making it a great stress-reliever.



In my opinion opinion, some people can through music learning to change use music learning to overcome their character shortcomings flaws, but learning music music learning isn’t for everyone. Some people don’t change improve by learning music; they do the opposite. Music learning is a good thing, but While music learning is beneficial, it must has to be suitable to better play its role. role effectively. That’s all I have to say. What do you think?

Regina0106: Regina

In my opinion ,Music education is most important .In opinion, music education is of utmost importance. In our school ,we will school, we have more numerous activities and we will join a music club .This show a music club, indicating the importance of music education .If we learn music ,you education. By learning music, you can make more friends .Music education not friends. Music education doesn’t only improve enhance our temperament ,but but also help us enter a opens new area .It’s avenues. That’s my opinion . view.

Seanaaaaa: seanna ¶ I think music education is very importan. Because music can help children develop Seanna

I believe music education is extremely important. Music can aid children’s development in multiple ways, making the classroom less boring and enabling them to learn gain more knowledge, it may knowledge. It might also be helpful in beneficial for future career choices in the future. choices.

Wendyguoguo: Wendy:

I think believe music education is very important .Music important. Music can help students relax and convey the beauty of life.In the end,piaying music is great experience the beauty of life. In the end, playing music is wonderful and can make other others like you more.

Lynne2008: Lynne

I think believe it’s essential for a person’s person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Because .On party, At parties, many people have a very good strong point. showcase their talents. I think music education is a plus for everyone party. SoI think everyone’s personality. So, I believe it’s essential for a person’s person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument.


4th August Kylin
Agendas 课堂内容: 

# Homework checking 计划检查25
## 做计划的时候最重要的事情?
### 具体,清晰; doable 可执行;
### 下一步是什么? 实施,计划内容太多,调整计划。

# Theme 主题: 35
## methodology牛人方法论 
### Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition 斯蒂芬-克拉申谈语言习得
#### sense?
### 吴军谈英语学习

## 托福口语概况
### Task1   需要总结信息吗?

改写 入学测试Task1


TPO12 Task1

Some people believe it’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Others don’t believe music education is important. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
今晚 8:30PM 前完成,不能完成提前在留言区告诉我。

