Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

Day5 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch

Homework feedback:

ZhangqiaoyiJoy: Joyce

修改后:I agree that music education is important. I think that learn learning to play musical instruments can not only enhance our personal abilities in our daily life, but also makes make our lives more diverse and colorful.

courir11: Meredith:

修改后:I agree with develop developing music instrument class classes in school.First,because school. First, because of the large number of studies, music can make students’ psychology relax. Also, it can help students to discover their interesting on interest in it.

sword008625: Sword:

2.I think it is essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. It can give us relief after a whole day’s work. leaning Learning to play a musical instrument is a kind form of education and it can improve our personal quality.

Tom-Liu-SuxydsCaptain: Tom :

修改后:Musical education can help reduce the pressure of life and add art to our lives. It allows us to relax and improve our comprehension of music. Additionally, it provides knowledge about the history of music music.

august0930: August

I agree with the view which does’ doesn’t believe music education is important. First, you should pay more attention to your grades, if you focus on musical instrument studying, studying musical instruments, you might couldn’t not get a satisfying grades. Second, if you choose not to learn to play a musical instrument, the time you spare can be used to do many other things like hanging out with friends. Lastly, don’t make yourself so that busy, relax relaxing is important. So So, I think there’s no need to learn to play a musical instrument.

jiangzihan0401: Jenny

In my opinion, learn learning to play a musical instrument well is an important thing. Because when I was young, I learned to play the piano and now I’m learning to play the recorder. I find that there are a lot of time times I need to use the instrument. Just like in my middle school sometimes there will have the Art Festival so I can join in the art festival and show my abilities. and I think it can increase my confidence.

eric2381: Eric

修改后: I think we need music education. We can learn the stories of musicians by taking music lessons.

And learn learning music can give us a nice experience, and I think learning an instrument can be a great hobby. Also Also, we can share our emotions with the instrument.

Zao6666: Zao

  1. I think it is necessary for schools to have musical instrument lessons, Because Instruments are not only interesting but also can release our pressure, and learning to play an instrument can inspire our creativity and express individuality individuality.

Andy330523: Andy

改:I agree that play playing a musical instrument is useful, because if a person can play a musical instrument, he or she can play it when meet nervous, playing feeling nervous. Playing a musical instrument can let make people be happy. Also, a musical instrument is a way to score extra points on exams.

wesley529: Wesley

修改版:I think that playing music is a good way to relax myself and also for others to enjoy it. So I very much like to listen to music. I think music education is important. It’s a very useful part of our daliy daily life. And I can say that listen to music listening to music is an activity. I am even trying to play the guitar now! It’s important, isn’t it?

Martin1111m: Martin:

2.修改后:We all know that music education is important. Music has a soul, and if we have some musical skills, we can get more attention.So attention. So it’s important.

coolMike666: Mike

改:I think music education is essential because it’s a good way to relax ourselves and release pressures. pressure. If there isn’t wasn’t any music in the world, our mind may be hurt by the big large amount of stress. Also, it can be a good hobby. If you love music, it’s a good dream for you to achieve it. It’s cool.

Podewei: Raymond:

Revision: I prefer to play music. Because I think learn learning to play music can improve yourself and can help you to strengthen your friendship. And it also can give us some good education. Everytimes I play music I will Every time I play music I feel really excited and gratifying. Also gratified. Also, this can makes make it easier for me to express myself at events,like events, like my friends’ birthday party.

LiiYanLyy: Luren

2.修改后:I don’t think it’s essential for people to learn it. Because music is not a basic ability for most of people. If someone like likes music, maybe music is important for him. However, not everybody like likes music, is their life meaningless? The answer is no, it’s it only depend depends on yourself. So I don’t think it is very important.

Richard6666666: Richard

后:I agree with the view that music education is important. Because listening to good music could improve our taste of the for beautiful things in life. And it also influence on influences our emotions. For example, when we are down then take down, listening to a sad song may make us feel better. So it obviously is a good way to deal with our different emotions. Besides, a classic music could tell the local story or even a country’s culture. So, we can know the world by learning from musics. music.

jinchengyou: Kevin

改:Different people have differet different ideas. But I prefer believe that music education is important.I important. I think it’s essential because it’s a good way to relax ourselves and release pressures. pressure. It can also influence our emotions. When you’re tired, stressed, nervous or down, a music can make you feel better. Music can also teach us many things. It’s really importent. important.

KarlChen013: Karl Chen

revisionary version:Music version: Music is a very important subject, it can be students’ a useful skill. skill for students. Some students can play the piano, some of them can play clarionet. the clarinet. It’s a useful way to relax and playing instruments is healthier than playing computer games.

Tina15756231491: Name:Tina

修改:I think learn learning to play a musical instrument is necessary. Because the music songs is very peaceful and it can help teach you how to plan time.It your time. It can also help relax yourself.Such as you relax. For example, with the piano, you need to plan your time well. You need to spend at least two hours a day to practice it. you well get improved You will improve with it!


4th August Rosefinch 
Agendas 课堂内容: 

# Homework checking 计划检查25
## 如何制定计划:
### 1 清晰,具体,执行时间,执行时间; 奖励;以终为始
### 2 doable,可行性
### 3 you are a person, 计划执行过程中出问题很正常,对自己宽容一些。 不要放弃。

# Theme 主题: 35
## methodology牛人方法论 
### Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition 斯蒂芬-克拉申谈语言习得
### 模式识别
#### 英国脱欧 Brexit
### 吴军谈英语学习
#### master 研究生
## 托福口语概况

### 考托福口语需要什么能力?

### Task1 
#### 不需要总结, 陈述你自己的观点

改写 入学测试Task1


TPO12 Task1

Some people believe it’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Others don’t believe music education is important. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
今晚 8:30PM 前完成,不能完成提前在留言区告诉我。

