Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

Day6 ESL S/L -- Kylin

Homework feedback:

Steven9248: I believe it’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument.Today instrument. Today, you can listen to music in many place, places. In my opinion, the meaning of music education is teaching students how to play music and be positive in life, and it’s life. It’s important for students who live in a stressful life lives.

Isaiah342: I think the music education is important. After listening to and learning music it, music, you can appreciate its beauty. And I think learning music education can make I think music education can help you express youselves yourselves better because if you can sing in public, public, you will not be shy when you are talking. Of course course, it can also reduce your academic academic pressure. So l So, I believe it’s important.

Claire995: I agree with the music education is important. that music education is important. Nowadays, we have face a lot of stressors like performing poorly in exams, underperforming at work, and dealing with life’s challenges. These things can bring us down. But in my opinion, play playing music always can bring joy and relaxation to us, such as we can make making new friends. Also, I think music can help for with our exam. ¶ Leon117711: exams.

Leon117711: Leon

I agree with the first viewpoint. And l I think music education is important and necessary for us students. students. We need to develop in all aspects and can improve ourselves while accepting through them. And scientific Scientific research shows that music education can improve our learning efficency efficiency and promote intellecyual intellectual development. Also, learing learning a musical instrument can be seen as one of our strengths to earn more points in the future.

SelinaTSZ: I think music education is important. Because music Music can lead me from sad to happy. And I think music can make sadness to happiness. It can also help me relax. Besides, music education can let allows me learning the to learn about famous musician musicians and the background of music. That is That’s a kind of knowledge. I like music very much! Sometimes love music! Sometimes, I can’t leave be without it for one seconds. So a second. So, learning music education is helpful and meaningful for me. And I think if I have If I receive music education, maybe I will I’ll be more crazy passionate about music.

Wendyguoguo: Wendy

I believe music education is very important .Music an important. Music can help students relax and convey the beauty of life.In the end,playing music is great life. In the end, playing music is a wonderful experience the beauty of life.In the end ,playing music is wonderful and and it can make others like you more and maybe you can have more. Perhaps, you can even make new friends.

VickyZhang888: Vicky

I believe music education is important. Music education can play a decompression decompressive role in life, after life. After learning and actively practicing the piano, I always have a relaxed and pleasant feeling. Music education can also creative encourage our all-round development, it helps helping us to have develop critical thinking, thinking and emotional development. growth. Sukhomlinsky once said that music education is not to train musicians, but to train people first, first. I think music education cultivates us with higher moral character and higher sentiment. So, music education is very important.

Michael13408656133: Michael

I believe that music education is very important. Music education is an indispensable part of our life. In fact Music fact, music education is an important way to implement quality education, which is of great significance to the comprehensive and coordinated development of students students’ morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, beauty, and labor. It’s crucial for the improvement of the quality of the whole nation and the construction of socialist civilization. Also Also, I think learning music can make us physically and mentally happy.

Seanaaaaa: Seanna

I believe music education is extremely important. Music can aid children’s development development in multiple ways, making the classroom less boring and enabling them to gain to gain more knowledgeIt might also  knowledge. It might also be beneficial for future career  future career choices. Mastering an instrument is very important, as it may serve as a hobby or become a career in the future. So I think we should pay more attention to music education.

jason080915: Jason

I think we can not cannot ignore the education about musical instruments. we We all know that we should not only focus on grades but also learn from all experiences. When I was 4 years old, I starting started playing the piano, It is useful of course. And which has proven to be useful. I took part in a piano competition in middle school, I school and eventually won the first prize lastly. It is prize. This was a useful prize. achievement. Also, learning to play the piano can make us be quite, it quiet, which is good to for our phyical physical and mental health. If you play the piano, you can put down relieve pressure and feel much relax.more relaxed.


7th August Kylin
Agendas 课堂内容: 

# Listening practice 10

# Homework checking 20
## 题目的意思
## 语法
## 长度
## 结构
### 观点,理由。 观点 VS 事实
### 口语不是写作

# Theme 主题: 30
## Task1 到底考察考生什么能力?
### 理解题目
### 回答说需要的语法
### 流畅表达
### 词汇量
### 逻辑
继续改写 TPO12 Task1


1. 继续改写 TPO12 Task1, 尽量 8:30 PM 之前给我
2. 熟记 TPO56 Task2 听力生词,周三 quiz

